HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072575_Wasteload Allocation_19880302PERMIT NO.: NCOO NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION -•--'-� 7c7.57c�i Modeler Date Rec. # FACILITY NAME: Cc ldj'" RO�`L� / Facility Status: EXffr G �FrXK)SED-) (circle one) Permit Status: RENEWAL MODIFICATION UNPERMrITE�NEWW (circls one) Major Wnor Pipe No: /-Z' Design .Capacity (MGD): Domestic (% of Flow): �O Industrial (% of Flow): L 95 =/a_ Comments: Cie'se o d 045% / mo A"k / rCnc�ercc� `� ' a.Fc < � c /i {ei•y a.-�/ crrf_ ry - O�%{ oneire.4o..r >n-.�,�r RECEIVING STREAM: /� rjgg Class: G Sub -Basin: 0 3 - 06 - / / Reference USGS Quad: Eaa uE (please attach) County: zec Regional Office: As Fa Me. (ji� Wa WI WS (circle one) Requested By: / am, J G�,,i Date: /01°20167 Prepared By: Date: Reviewed By: .- Date: 2 Z d o� teg Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): a� /L, 7Q10 (cfs) _L_Winter 7Q10 (cfs) `33 30Q2 (cfs) Toxicity Limits: IWC % (circle one) Acute C�hronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters BOOS- LQ�E?V�b decal Cob,4rm) nddc�Xi�y Upstream L Location �l�ofLo et ) e rt ce rvence B;9 B�pTaC�• Downstream Location�2)ht 1)5 11'$01 ­4reavency : uweaK f —AV Suntrn e` (,Vk - G r 6nml.q-�r wl/ 14e` (iflOV-/71ar Effluent Characteristics Ynrri r" oh 7e a ODa ( , �iA)�1) 535 80.a5 rD17 NH�ND.O. (mg/0TSS ;-9 ( )BPJ) qqb q92. 490waF. Col. (/100m1pH (SU) (W60 LP I DI eG��a 110 Salo i�o1 3020 Co r I ' _ FOR APPROPRIATE DISCHARGERS, LIST COMPLETE GUIDELINE LIMITATIONS BELOW Effluent Characteristics Monthly DailyAverage Maximum Comments o/J 3 C fr /b %3�. o t8leaf BPl i 5 `l96 z. o 14,11 OPr /60 ib DA"i 320.e 0(b t' air 6- Sty cJ Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference O/ /"c7 �✓Gcv.n on % [vC{7 Cbn _. - ��/%r e.. /�. f�«�c/S •e /in< v ..A vn ��e a.e `h/ /<�//ram " 5 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 28, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Trevor Clements, Supervisor Technical Support Unit SUBJECT: Golden Poultry WLA ut Ct NCO072575 The proposed Golden Poultry overland flow system will have an outfall in the Deep River approximately one mile upstream of the existing Sanford WWTP outfall. Recent intensive instream monitoring by Sanford has shown that dissolved oxygen concentrations upstream of their outfall fell below the State standard of 5.0 mg/1 for extended periods of time during last summer's drought period. Instream data collected at 5 downstream stations indicated that Sanford's discharge created an additional demand on oxygen ranging between 0.0 and 0.4 mg/l. Due to these conditions, the determination of Golden Poultry's WLA for oxygen -consuming waste pollutants was based upon not allowing the current DO sag to drop by more than 0.1 mg/l. Golden Poultry's WLA was developed using a modified Level-B model. Two of the Level-B model's parameters (reaeration and deoxygenation) were recalibrated using Sanford's water quality data, and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) was added to the model to account for low background DO. A verification run on a separate set of data indicated very good performance of the model. Since Golden Poultry will be taking their process water from the river, flow was not adjusted for effluent (i.e. no net gain due to effluent addition). Effluent limits were derived inputing mass directly into the river, rather than inputing the design wasteflow with a corresponding waste concentration. Because of this, and due to the stringent requirement of not allowing DO instream to decrease by more than 0.1 mg/l, I recommend giving the effluent limits in terms of mass only. Although Golden Poultry's WLA is water quality based, I do not recommend requiring compliance with a concentration based on the design flow of 1.0 MGD in addition to the mass limitations. During low flow periods, the facility is only expected to have between 0.0 and 0.2 MGD of discharge due to the land application method for treatment. Therefore, using 1.0 MGD to calculate a limit in terms of concentration would seem overly restrictive. Since flow was not an influence on the model output and given the stringent instream criteria, EPA and the State should provide an exception in this case. Request No ;42G1 Permit Number Facility Name Type of Waste Status Receiving Stream Stream Class Subbaszn County Regional Office Requestor Date of Request Quad WASTEL0AD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ---------- : NC0072575 : GOLDEN POULTRY : 1% DOMESTIC / 99% INDUSTRIAL : PROPOSED : DEEP RIVER :C : 03061i : LEE Drainage Area (sq mi) : 1127. : RRO Average Flow (cfs) : 1240 : TOM CHRIST Summer 7010 (cfs) : 17^ : 10/26/87 Winter 7010 (cfs) : 33. : E2P5E 3002 (cfs) : -~--^-'------~-^~`~`~'--` RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS ------------------------- : MON AVE DAL MAX MON AVE DAL MAX Wasteflow (mgd): 1.0 l. 1.0 1.0 5-Day DOD (#/d): 53"5 80.� �� �,~ 107 160.5 Ammonia Nitrogen (#/d); 1.27 1, 2.54 3.81 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1): 6.6 /U0(x) 6.6 T S S (#/d): 496 BTS 496 992 Gil & Grease (#/d): 16u 320 160 320 Fecal Col1form (/loOml): 1000 20 1000 2000 pH (SO): : 6-9 6 (U) 6-Q 6-9 ----^---------------------------- : MONITORING ---------------'---- Upstreaw (Y/N): Y Locations ABOVE DISCHARGE POINT Downstream (y/N)i Y Location: 1) BEFORE CONFLUENCE OF BIG BUFFALO CREEK f\ A 05 16110/ ---------------------------------- COMMENTS --------------------------------- INSTREAM MONITORING MONITORTMG REQUIRED FOR: RDn5, DO, TEMPERATURE. FECAL COLIFORM, AND CONDUCTIVITY FREQUENCY: WEEKLY FOR SUMMER (APR-OCT) AND MONTHLY FOR WINTER (NOV-MAR) SEE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENTS ATTACHED ------------------------------------------------- ------------� Recommended b,, it. IS Reviewed by: Tech. 3uppurt Supervisor _ Date Regional Supervisor � Date Permits & Engineering oate RETURN TO TECHNICAL 3ERVICES B. Facility Name (301 deii Poo i hj Permit # ZVC,06 7,R5 7,5 CHRONIC TOXICfI'Y MON17MRING REQUIREMENT (QRTRLY) The pemuttee shall conduct chronic toxicity tests using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodanhnii chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *February 1987) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document is Cj,.L%. The permit holder shall perform qua monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from issuance of this permit during the months of, —Jar,. Apt, .1 i2I nr:f . Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted final effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Technical Services Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measuremen performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits.. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum . control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event).. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute a failure of permit condition. 7Q10 1— cfs Pemvted Flow /. D MGD IWC% Basin & Sub -basin OF Receiving Stream Jeep Ti i ve✓ County Lee. Recommended by: **Chronic Toxiciry (Cerio) Monitoring at 9� —/%,A)r,Jdl OC See Part3 , Condition (7- . ' , ^ PRELIMINARY RESULTS WITH LIMITS TO PROTECT INSTREAM WATER QUALITY GOLDEN POULTRY WASTELOAD ALLOCATIONS WITH LOADS FOR NBOD AND CDOD NBOD CBOD (#/D) (#/D) 1.5 200 3.75 ISO 7,5 140 18.8 120 37,5 80 COMPLIANCE VALUES (SUMMER DISCHARGE) RDD5 G[]n5 IqM3—m NH3—N (#/D) (MG/L) (#/D) (MG/L) 67 40"2 0.33 0.2 60 36 O 83 " 0 . 5 0o�[~ \^*,. 47 28 2 ^ 1 ^ 40 24 4.2 2.5 27 16.2 8,3 5,0 TABLES SHOWING THE LEVEL B MODEL RESULTS 7010 = 17 CFS WASTEFLOW = 0.2 MGD (020% OF DESIGN) � . 1 a •-7Iry + v v na, wa�b 6QItot*3a rn� Al-Q- s�d� �5 a7 001 �0. a5 1,905 l55 %d) 4 (fi 992- �' mod) ja14 --- -- - - - - -- -- -! `� -- : c t- 4 Summary of Important Modeling Assumptions 'b ( Reaeration and Deoxygenation parameters and rW were calibrated as opposed to use of Level B emperical formulas. Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) was added to the model to account for high background BOD. Background dissolved oxygen (D.O.) was based on mean percent saturation observed during an instream survey performed by the City of Sanford between August and October, 1987. Stream flow estimates obtained from the United States Geological Survey: Drainage area = 1127 mi' Average flow = 1240 cfs 7 day 10 yr(s) = 17 cfs 7 day 10 yr (w) = 33 cfs Effluent flow input to summer model as 0.12 MGD. This reflects lower flow input expected during the summer while making it convenient for modeling, since CBOD and NBOD can be input in lbs/day rather than mg/l. 7 616 �O� ab Lk5 D• u p = lr1 o-(s . l,Ua5-u loac) Al loca+ oh s jz4o Ia0 _ 3j 0 36 Com p b ayt ce \/A/u e5 a� o�(J�Io_ 01611 to ` it u) y � a�, a �.7 � • 0 �13 �, 0 6@=aW �i. ),)OStj Mod 14110( c � g n-5 �75 �, �'oYnpGcavczF UCt �cc 20 @ L DOv /2p_@P" &A) 15uwal o&,I@ �fl3 03 , ' ` USING 28CFS 7Q10 WA8TELOAD ALLOCATIONS NBOD CBOD (#/D) (#/D) 7.5 958 18.8 940 37.5 909 COMPLIANCE VALUES @ 20% DESIGN FLOW .(SUMMER DISCHARGE) BOD5 BOD5 NH3-N (#/D) (M8/L> (#/D) NH3-N (MB/L) 319 191.2 1.7 1.0 318 187.6 4.2 2.5 303 181.65 8.3 5.0 DEEP AIYEA SCHEIIIATIC DA=12.8mi DEEP QA = 12.8 cfs RTVM � 7Q10=0.0cf GEORGES CREEK 5 1 DA = 1127 mi2 QA = 1240 cfs 7Q10 = 17 cfs GOLDEN POULTRY 1.0 MGD E BIG BUI.WALO CREEK 4 RM2.3 :f4 RM 1.5 SANFORD WWTP 5.0 MGD DA = 1148 mi2 QA = 1260cfs 7Q10 = 17.2 cfs RM 3.3 ROCKY RM 5.1 DA = 8.08 mi2 QA = 8.0 cfs 7Q10 = 0.0 cfs DA = 243.0 mi2 QA = 224.0 cfs 7Q 10 = 0.7 cfs RM 6. DA - 1180 mi2 QA = 1296 cfs 7010 = 17.7cfs LITTLE BUFFALO CREEK LEGEND O = SHNFORD INSTREHM MONITORING STHTION RM = RIUEH MILE SUMMER wm, = 2.5# moss a:r maM --— MODEL RESTS Discharge :mqq mom»« Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER --------------------------------------------- TheEnd mwis Gm q«, The End cm,ls 5.38 m«. The Ea nmo>a 0.33 mzc ----------------------------------------------- w; WLA WLA Dome mA qm m »#eow w,A, m R# m! Reach, weal, iqzo a,o, ;Ge ,_« ! 2.43 wao wm ! .`� 6«50 5,2 +ao 0. Reach a 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.0000) Reach s Dim\ Reach a 0.00 0.00 Di m memo, Reach s Dim Dim «m oxm« Reach : ±oo Gm Dim mmme \r � �1� » 61 uqD = 6=n-,,,L ! c)D = E5w + 3= Q0� SUMMER LIMITS = 53.5# BOD5 & 1.27# ^ NH3N � Seg # | Reach Seg Mi | D.O. | CBOD NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.54 8.72 1.05 17.19 1 1 0.10 5.44 3.67 1.02 17.19 1 1 0.20 5.34 8.62 0.99 17.19 1 1 0.30 5.26 3.57 0.96 17"19 1 1 0.40 5.17 3.52 0.94 17.19 1 1 0.50 5.09 3.47 0.91 17.19 1 1 0.60 5.02 3.43 0.88 17.19 1 1 0.70 4,95 3.38 0.86 17.19 1 1 0.80 4.88 3.34 0.83 17.19 1 1 0"90 4.82 3.29 O.81 17.19 1 1 1.00 4.76 3.25 0.79 17.19 1 1 1.10 4.71 3.20 0.76 17.19 1 � 1.10 4.80 12.1�., 1.92 24.94 1 2 1.20 4.62 12.00 1.87 24.94 . 1 2 1.30 4.45 11.84 1.82 24.94 1 2 1.40 4.29 11.69 1.77 24.94 1 2 1.50 4.14 11.53 1.72 24.94 1 2 1.60 4.00 11.38 1.67 24.94 1 2 1.70 3.87 11.23 1.62 24.94 1 2 1.80 8.75 11.09 1"58 24.94 1 2 1.90 8.63 10.94 1.53 24.94 1 2 2.00 3.53 10.80 1.49 24.94 1 2 2.10 3.43 10.66 1.45 24.94 l 2 2.20 3.33 10.52 1.41 24.94 1 2 2.30 3.25 10.39 1.37 24.94 1 2 2.40 3.17 10.25 1.33 24.94 1 2 2.50 3.09 10.12 1.29 24.94 1 2 2.60 3.02 9.98 1.26 24.94 1 2 2.70 2.96 9.85 1.22 24.94 1 2 2.80 2.90 9.73 1.19 24.94 1 3 2.80 2.90 9.73 1.19 24.94 1 3 2.84 2.88 9.68 1~18 24.94 1 3 2.88 2.86 9.64 1.17 24.94 1 3 2.92 2.84 9.60 1.15 24.94 1 3 2.96 2.82 9.55 1.14 24.94 1 3 3.00 2.80 9.51 1.13 24.94 1 3 3.04 2.78 9.47 1.12 24.94 1 3 3.08 2.76 9.42 1.11 24.94 1 3 3.12 2.75 9.38 1.10 24.94 1 3 3.16 2.73 9.34 1.09 24.94 1 3 3,20 2.71 9.30 1.08 24.94 1 4 3.20 2.71 9.30 1.08 24.94 1 4 8.30 2.67 9.19 1.05 24.94 1 4 3.40 2.64 9.09 1.08 24.94 1 4 3.50 2.61 8.98 1.00 24.94 1 4 3.60 2.58 8.88 0.98 24.94 1 4 3.70 2.55 8.78 0.95 24.94 1 4 3.80 2.52 8.68 0.93 24.94 1 4 3.90 2.50 8.59 0.91 24.94 1 4 4.00 2.48 8.49 0.88 24.94 1 4 4.10 2.47 8.39 0.86 24.94 1 4 4.20 2.45 8.30 0.84 24.94 1 4 4,30 2.44 8.20 0.82 24.94 1 4 4.40 2.43 8.11 0.80 24.94 1 5 4.40 2.43 8.11 0.80 24.94 1 5 4.70 2.50 7.84 0.74 24.94 1 5 5.00 2.58 7.58 0.69 24.94 1 5 5.30 2.66 7.32 0.64 24.94 1 5 5.60 2.74 - -7�08 0.60 24.94 1 5 5.90 2.82 6.84 0.55 24.94 1 5 6.20 E. 6.61 0.51 24.94 1 5 6.50 2.99 6.39 0.48 24.94 1 5 6.80 3.07 6.17 0.44 24.94 1 5 7.10 3.15 5.96 0.41 24.94 1 6 7.10 3.15 5.96 0.41 24.94 1 6 7.19 3.20 5.90 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.28 3.25 5.84 0.39 24"94 1 6 7.37 3.29 5.78 0.39 24.94 1 6 7.46 3.34 5.72 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.55 3.38 5"67 0.37 24.94 1 6 7.64 3.42 5.61 0.36 24.94 1 6 7.73 3.47 5.55 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.51 5.49 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.55 5.44 0.34 24.94 1 6 8.00 3.58 5.38 0.33 24.94 / Seg # 'I Reach # | Seg Mi | D.O. | CBOD � NBOD | Flow | WINTER LIMITS DOUBLED FOR WINTER ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY ^ Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 6.28 mg/l. The End CBOD is 10.18 mg/l. The End NBOD is 2.14 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO M1n CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flo� (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) <mg/l) (mg/l) (mgd) Gegment 1 5.89 4.40 4 Reach 1 321.00 11.48 54%.80 0.12000 Reach 2 58.00 13.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 WINTER LIMITS DOUBLED FOR WINTB� Sea # | Reach # | Geg M1 I D.O. | CBOD It NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 6.80 3.79 1.06 33.19 1 1 0.10 6.83 3.77 1.05 33.19 1 1 0.20 6.85 3.74 1.04 33.19 1 1 0.30 6.87 3.72 1.03 33.19 1 1 0.40 6.90 3.70 1.02 33.19 1 1 0.50 6.92 3.68 1.02 33.19 1 1 0.60 6.94 3.66 1"01 33.19 1 1 0.70 6.97 3.64 1.00 33.19 1 1 0.80 6.99 8.62 0.99 33.19 1 1 0.90 7.01 3.60 0.98 33.19 1 1 1.00 7.03 3.57 0.97 33.19 1 1 1.10 7.05 3.55 0.97 83.19 1 2 1.10 6.66 13.86 8.34 40.94 1 2 1.20 6.62 18.79 3.81 40.94 1 2 1.$0 6.58 13.72 3.29 40.94 1 2 1.40 6.55 13.66 3.27 40.94 1 2 1.50 6.51 13.59 3.24 40.94 1 2 1.60 6.47 13.52 3.22 40.94 1 2 1.70 6.44 13.45 3.20 40.94 1 2 1.80 6.41 13.39 3.17 40.94 1 2 1.90 6.37 18.32 3.15 40.94 1 2 2.00 6.34 13.25 3.13 40.94 1 2 2.10 6.31 13.19 8.11 40.94 1 2 2.20 6.29 13.12 3.08 40.94 1 2 2.30 6.26 13.06 3.06 40.94 1 2 2.40 6.23 12.99 3.04 40.94 1 2 2.50 6.21 12.93 3.02 40.94 1 2 2.60 6.18 12.87 3.00 40.94 1 2 2.70 6.16 12.80 2.98 40.94 1 2 2.80 6.14 12.74 2.95 40.94 1 8 2.80 6.14 12.74 2.95 40.94 1 3 2.84 6.13 12.72 2.95 40.94 1 3 2.88 6.12 12.69 2.94 40.94 1 3 2.92 6.11 12.67 2.98 40.94 1 3 2.96 6.11 12.65 2.93 40.94 1 8 8.00 6.10 12.63 2.92 40.94 1 3 3.04 6.09 12.61 2.91 40.94 1 3 3.08 6.08 12.59 2.90 40.94 1 3 3.12 6.08 12.56 2.90 40.94 1 8 8.16 6.07 12.54 2.89 40.94 1 3 3.20 6.O6 12.52 2.88 40.94 1 4 3.20 6.06 12.52 2.88 40.94 1 4 3.30 6.04 12.47 2.86 40.94 1 4 8.40 6.03 12.41 2.85 40.94 1 4 3.50 6.01 12.36 2.83 40.94 1 4 3.60 5.99 12.81 2.81 40.94 1 4 3.70 5.98 12.25 2.79 40.94 1 4 3.80 5.96 12.20 2.78 40.94 1 4 3.90 5.95 12.15 2.76 40.94 1 4 4.00 5.94 12.10 2.74 40.94 1 4 4.10 5.92 12.04 2.72 40.94 1 4 4.20 5.91 11.99 2.71 40.94 1 4 4.30 5.90 11.94 2.69 40.94 1 4 4.40 5.89 11.89 2.67 40.94 . 1 5 4.40 5.89 11.89 2.67 40.94 1 5 4.70 5.90 11.74 2.62 4O.94 1 5 5.00 5.91 11.59 2.58 40.94 1 5 5.30 5.93 11.44 2.53 40.94 1------ 5 5.6(} ��.'95---' 11,.{�7'- E��48--- 1 5 5.90 5.96 11.14 2.43 40.94 1 5 6.20 5.98 11.00 2.39 40.94 1 5 6.50 6.01 10.86 2.35 40.94 1 5 6.80 6.03 10.7B 2.30 40.94 1 5 7.10 6.05 10.58 2.26 40.94 1 6 7.10 6.05 10.58 2.26 40.94 1 6 7.19 6.07 10.54 2.25 40.94 1 6 7.28 6.09 10.50 2.23 40.94 1 6 7.37 6.11 10.46 2.22 40.94 1 6 7.46 6.13 10.42 2.21 40.94 1 6 7.55 6.14 J. 2.20 40.94 1 6 7.64 6.16 10.84 2.18 40.94 1 6 7.73 6.18 10.30 2.17 40.94 1 6 7.82 6.19 10.26 2.16 40.94 1 6 7.91 6.21 10.22 2.15 40.94 1 6 8.00 6.23 10.18 2.14 40.94 o.~ ++ ' o~.-1.1 ++ ' o.~ w4 1 TN n ' rvznn ' uonn ' c,~. ' ` ' v SUMMEA SANFOAD ONLY / . \J� ........ ............ .... .... .... ........ MODEL AESULTS .... .... .... ........ ........ ........ .... Dim chargep G,OLDEN POULTAY w �� ReceivinQ 5tream � DEEP A%VEA .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... �������������������������........ .... ................ .... ............ ........ .... ............_,.... .................................... ........................ .... The End D.O. im 3.75 mg/l. The C*nd CBOD is zl'92 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.82 mQ/l. ----------------------------------------~----------------------------- WLA WLA WLA DO Min Cl, BOD NB(]D DO Wamte Flow (III g/l) Milepoint Peach # (mQ/l> (mg/l> <mQ/1> (mgd) .... .... .... .... .... Segmmnt .... .... .... .... -~ ----~---~ ------- J. 2'61 4.40 4 .... .... .... .... ---- ~- .... -.... .... .... Aeach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 2 32.00 '1.50 11.5.00 5.00000 Aeach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Pleach ^1 0.00 0'00 0.00 0.00000 Aeaoh 5 0.00 0.0O 0.08 0.0000O Peach 6 0.00 0.O0 0.00 0.O0000 S U 11ME'. P, S(,-)NF,0PD ONLY 1-5 co g :11: 1, Pei. c:h :11: 13 Sf.--�u MJ. I D . C) . 11 1 N F.: C) D 1, F,]. c) w 3. :1. 0 . 00 "'..) . 00 0 :1.. 00 17. 00 1. J. 0. J. 0 .41. W5 1. 97 0.96 J. 7. 0 0 • :1. :1. 0 . Z-2 0 /1.90 :1.. 91.) 0 . 9.1a) 1­7. 0 0 1 1. 0 . ;!0 el. (36 1.90 0.189 17. 00 3. 3. 0.40 -el . B S 3.. 87 e- () . (: .3 %., 17. 00 3. :1. 0.50 -el. 79 J.. 8113 0 . 113 a :1.7. 00 :1. J. 0. 60 -11 *7 6 1.60 0.80 17. 00 :1. J. 0. *70 -el 7 Z.) :1. 77 0. *77 17. 0 0 :1. J. 0 . 8 0 -el .71 :1. *7 -el 0 . *7 -el 17. 00 J. 3. 0.90 -el - 69 :I.. 7:1. 0 . 7 J. 3. 7. 0 0 :1. :1. :1. 0 0 el . 67 1. 68 0.69 17. 00 3. :1. :L :1. 0 -1 . 6!5 .1.. 615 0.66 17. 0 0 3. 2 J. :1. 0 •el .,7 e) 11.15 1.86 If*-2-el .75 J. 14,2 1. 20 el. 60 11 . 03. 1A.-M. 24. "71,15 :1. 2 3.. 11,10 :1.0. 86 :1.. *76 124. .711.5 3. 2 1. /10 -el . -12 0 :1.0. 2J. . 7:1. 1* 2-el. *70 :1. 2 1. 50 /1.16 10. 15 0 :1.. 66 2-1. *71`5 3. 2 1. 60 lei . 0 13 .1. 0 . A /1 1. 62 2 -el 7 15 3. 2 :1.. *70 Z) . 13:1. J. 0 . ,:3 3. 1.11,57 2 4 7 1`5 :1. 2 :1.. S 0 3. SO J. 0 . 17 :1.. 1113 2-1.75 :1. 12 1. 90 1.3.70 :1.0. O-el :1.. cI S Z.!/I. *7,5 J. If.? 2.00 ':.3 . 6 0 9. 9:1. :1.. A XI J. 2 fIR 1. 0 9.78 :1. ..el() 3. 2 fk?. 2 0 '1.). Z12 9. 6 115 :1.. ;9 6 24.7Z) :1. 2 . Z.) 0 43 . Z),,5 1-2.52 :1.. 2 ZI . 7!*5 3. 2 2. lei o 'c) . 27 9. -el() 1. 29 2--el. '75 J. 2 2 . '50 �3. ;.*.":1. 9.28 1. 25 24. *71`5 :L 22 2.60 ,3 . :1. 115 9. 1.5 :1. 2,21 '2-el . 7!5 :1. 2*2 22 .7 () S. 09 12 . 0 :3 1. 3.8 24.75 J. 2 2. E30 11.3. O-el S. 92 1. :1. 15 2A. *75 J. 12 . E) 0 111) . 0 -el 8. 92 :1. . :1. 11.) 24 . 7 5 ZS f E:.3 el 0) . 0 2 S. 810 :1... 1. A 2/1 J. .31.1 0 () j:3. . . S J. . 12 2A. '75 J. 2.92 98 Cl . *7 9 J.. J. 1. 2-el. 75 3. 3 2.126 Z2. 9 6 8.711.5 J.. J. 0 2/1. *715 J. a 113 . 00 2 . 9 0.73. 1. 09 2/1. :1. ','1. 04 2. 9,3 (3. 68 :1. 00 alel. :L -1: -1 . 0 8 2. 91 8. 6A :1. 07 2XI - :1. 3. :1. 2 2.90 8.60 1. 06 2/1. I* J. %`3 . 20 (37 S. 5 3.. 0 2 _11.7 15 J. el a. f? 0 2.187 8.52 1. 0 2A.75 J. el @0 R - 2. C. @ .12 8. / :1. . 01 '22 A . 7' *5 11:1. AO 2. E) 0 C 3 . 11F 3 1".) 0.99 24.7!5 J. /1 11.). 50 '0.'! . 7 8 . 2%:*. 1 0.97 2-el. *75 J. 'ej 3.60 2. 8. :1. -el 0 . 9-el 2 41. *75 J. el 13 . *7 0 2*2 . 7 7.2 8. 05 0.92 2 ,'1 . 7!5 J. -el 3. SO 2.70 7. 915 0.90 24. *7!**) :1. 2" .cry C 3 7. E36 0. 8*7 22-41 . *7,v.-*) 3. -el . 00 2. 6 c') 7. 7*7 0.85 2 /1. 75 :1. A el :1. () 2*2 . 65 7. 69 0 . 81 1') '22 A . 7 5 :1. el A Zi 0 2. 6.':.) 7. 6 0 0.1%,33. 2-1.75 :1. (1 -1 %3 0 2.62 7. 5:1. 0. *79 2 /1 . *7%`5 3. el -el . -ef 0 Z, . 61 -7. 0 . 7*7 2-el. '75 J. /1. /10 '22 . 6 :1. 7. -ell) 0.77 12 -el . 7 115 :1. 2. 69- 7.18 0. '72 2/1. :1. 5 15. 00 12 .­117 6. 9S 0. 67 24.75 :L 11.5 i . .1; .10 2. 8,15 t') . 7 0 0.62 2/1.'75 :1. 15 %5 . 90 %3 . 0:1. 6. 26 0 . 5 2/1. *75 :1. 5 6.7-20 %13.09 6. 04 0 . lei 19 2-el. '75 J. Z) 50 5 . EM 0.46 Z_i-el :1. 5 6. 00 1.3 . 2 5 5. 6-41 0 . le1,13 azi .75 J. 11.5 7. :1. 0 1�3 5 . el 11.5 0. 40 2-el . 7%`.) :1. 6 .9 71 3 C 1 a. 11.-1110 51 0.39 713 P-111. '.) :1. 6 7 . el? @ 13 . -1(l2 1.� . ;,Ml (. E e .1. *7117'P :1. 6 *7 . .13 *7 ' S. A 7 11-5.29 o . ,=v am. 7%5 6 7. A 6 It3 . 115:1. 5 . a,,-.) 0 . 'S 6 Z! -el . 7%,5 6 !".115 ::3. 55 15. :1. 0 0 . 311.5 2-el . 7!5 :1. 6 7. 6-el 115 9 11.5 1. 11.) 35 RIZI. 1 6 7. T'D fa) . 6• S 5. 0*7 0 .,,:34 ♦2/1. 3. 6 7 . 8*4,2 67 5 . 0 4*2 () . :-. c 913 2 -el . 7%5 1 6 7. 91 `:3 . 73. xi. 9*7 0 . 1921`2 2.41. '75 :1. 6 S . 0 0 1 . 7!5 -el. 92 () . 'If.) 2-el. Seg MI. 3' E). C). 11 Nl::,(:)I.') I F*l o w 00 I 15 . () 0 1*2 . 00 :1. 0 17. 00 0-120 A. 90 1.93 1.) 9�. 17. 00 J. :1. 0 - -19 0 -el. f3ci 1.90 0. (9 17. 00 :1. J. 0. -el() 4.0*@ :1.. (:3*7 0. 86 17. 00 J. 1. 0 . !--) 0 lei. '79 :1.. 0 %�*-) () . f: 3 %t,. It 17. 0 0 :1. :1. 0.60 /1. *76 :1.. SO 0 . %1D 0 :1. 7. 00 :1. 1. 0.70 -el . T3 :1. *7 *7 0 . 77 17. 0 0 :1. :1. 0. GO 4.71. :1. '7'-el 0 . Tel :U7. 00 :1. 1. 0.90 -el. 69 :I.. "r 1. 0.71 :1. 7. 0 0 J. 1.00 /1. 6*7 1. 68 0.619 :U7. 00 :1. . :1. 0 -el . 65 :1. . 6 "-5 0.66 17. 00 Z-2 :1.. J. ei. *76 11.15 1.86 02 -el . '75 1. 2 :I.. 2W /1.60 1:1. . 0:1. 1.81. 2-el . 7!5 J. Z2 :1.. 80 :1. 0 . El 6 :1. 6 '24.7") -'7-- J. 2 1.50 el . :1. 6 10.58 1. 66 24. *75 :1. 2 1. 60 /1. () 1*3 J. 0 . /i -el 1. 62 2-el. '75 :1. 2 1.70 '13 . 9:1. I.O.M. 1. . 1157 '02-el. *75 1.) 3 10.17 :I.. 5,21 7-2 Al . '7,.) :1. 7.2 1.90 1.) . *7 0 :1. 0 . 0 lei J. Z18 7,5 :1. 2 2.00 F.). 60 9.9:1. J. lellel 2A.7!' J. E2 2.1 I: J. 50 "B. 9 - 7(:) J. -el 0 *2 ZI . 7 5 J. 2.'90 9-1 9. 5F-2 J. 11314*2 Z*1-111 '75 J. 12 2. Xl 0 19 . 2*7 9. 40 1. 9 2 -11 *7 1!.) :1. 12 E-2. 50 It') 11,21. 9 :1. 5 2 1. 2.60 1. 11 9 . 1. 115 :1. 12:1. 12 Xl . *7 %15 :1. 2. *70 IS . 09 9 . 0.2 3. :1.81 24 . '75 1. 2 2. 80 119 . () Al E). 92 1.15 7.24. -75 J. 3 2. 80 S. O-el 0.92 1.15 24.7'15 :1. 1.'3 7.2 .( A, 1 11) . ()'2 %1:3. (: 8 1. 1. A 2,el . 7 15 3. Z.) 2. E38 3.00 (:.3 . (3 t-, 13 1.12 24.75 :1. It*.) 2. 921 2. 90 0. 79 :1.. 1:1. ','.?,el. *75 J. 1*3 7-2.9chi 2.96 S. '75 J.. J. 0 24 . 7,`5 0 2.911.) (3.71. 1. 09 2-41.75 J. 11*3 0 -el 12-2 . 9 1") 0 . 6 1:11 1. 00 '2-el. *75 :1. -":3. 06 2. 9:1. 8. 6A 1. 07 2 -e I . 7 115 J. a .:I. 22 �2 . 9 0. 60 1. 06 2 4. . 7 5 13 . J. 6 B. 56 :I.. 0 11-5 ? 4 . 7 %5 J. 43 3. 20 a. 87 8.52 :1.. 0-el 2A. '75 :1. 'el ',.3 . 2 0 2. E37 a. 5a :1.. 0 -lei 24.75 J. el 113 0 2. (3,1'3 8.42 :1.. 0:1. aei. -7.1:) :1. •el AO 2. (30 S. 11,9-1;3 0.99 2 M. 7!*5 �dolol.� Patd , .1-i-c. aw= l.o 47LA � Scan. -Fore/ wcv7'A Caw= I• o mict ---- a.`9-1 PA = t I a1 (wia � AA=�ayoc-E5 7fos= ►`1 c� fi,eep I'ver Es+: CA= QA" is -% cfs Ll ,sawor� VJu7c �,a= tacoocrF� � n.o Yr�d .4 Yr�A a C,6 6. & C4� y -Da d,a = 1 a S o cfS `y,, = l 15 C-GS Wow = 33. C;(5 OVA 3S �(130Q 50 6,),� Z7 1 - VA U ERM-Southeast, Inc. It, Environmental Resources Management Suite 110.215 Centerview Drive - P.O. Box 881 • Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 $ (615) 373.3350 Suite 201 -2629 Sandy Plains Road - Marietta, Georgia 30066 $ (404) 971-4671 Suite 200.9101 Southern Pines Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina 28210 $ (704) 522.1409 January 6, 1988 Mr. J. Trevor Clements Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Trevor: The following is a summary of the performance of Campbell Soup Company's overland flow system in Chestertown, MD, which I transmitted to you by telephone on January 5, 1988. Raw After Final Constituent Wastewater DAF Effluent BOD5 972 655 13.7 - Oil ..&-grease 2,257 _ , 6.57 4.5 _.._ TSS 2,833 533 16.7 Ammonia 3.4 2.6 0.1 TKN 60.7 49.7 2.2 The above data were provided to us by Campbells. All values are in mg/L. The system in Chestertown treats poultry processing wastewater. The column entitled "Raw Wastewater" is the quality prior to treatment. The column entitled "After DAF" is the quality after treatment by dissolved' air ,.r flotation without chemicals. However, it is also the quality -- -Of the wastewater as it is appl 6d to "the overland flow system. The column entitled "Final Effluent" is the--quality- of the runoff. from .the overland flow system into the. - receiving stream.' The data represent the average of all data collected in 1987. The NPDES permit for that system only limits BOD, 0&G, and TSS. Since it does not have any ammonia or TKN limits, the number of analyses is much lower for those constituents. w An affiliate of the Environmental Resources Management Group with offices in Annapolis, MD - Bloomington, MN • Boston, MA - Brentwood. TN - Charleston, WV - Charlotte, NC - Columbus, OH - East Lansing, MI Englewood, Co - Houston, TX - Louisville, KY - Marietta, GA • McLean, VA - Metairie, LA - Miami, FL - Newport Beach, CA Palatine, IL - Plainview, NY • Rancho Cordova. CA - Redmond. WA • Tampa, FL • Walnut Creek, CA • West Chester, PA. - Vancouver; BC The ERM Group Mr. J. Trevor Clements January 6, 1988 page 2 Campbells did not have any data for this system on 5-day BOD versus ultimate BOD. However, in a telephone discussion with Dr. Osman Aly, the Manager of Campbell's Environmental Laboratory, Dr. Aly estimated that the ultimate BOD would only be about 1.5 times the 5-day BOD. I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, ERM-SOUTHEAST, INC. D. D. Deemer, P. E. DDD:ce cc: John Starkey Glenn Berry r :',- . . u"�o~~ � SUMMER 8ANFORD ALONE ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY, INC. Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER ______________________________________________________ The End D.O. is 1.24 The End CBOD is 3.91 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.82 mg/J.. WLA WLA WLA DO 1*11n CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) ------ ------'--- ------- ---- (mg/l) ---- (mg/l) -- (mgd) ---------- Segment 1 1.20 7.20 5 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 2 24.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 y ** 1 1(: 1)EL_ SL.J1,-1MA1:;:Y 1:?r1`1`A s Dischargera GOLDEN POUL`1•'FZY q INC.. �at. bbasin a 030611 Receivii_}g Stream a DEEP F IVEFR .:a'tr eafn C::f.as!F*-. C, SuiYtiner 7(,110 u 1. 7 p W i ri t er- 7010 a '133 „ 1LENGTlit SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! KO 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 1 mile 1 fb{Ai1 fps 1 ft Neaignl 204 1deeignl 7201 10eaignl 3201 Neeig„1 3200 1 Segment 1 1 1.101 0.701 0.100 1 3.37 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.10 1 0.0001 0.46 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reacts i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Segment 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.100 1 4.06 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.10 1 0.091 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 React, 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Segment 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.116 1 3.77 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.20 1 0.171 0.40 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 ReachReacts r} 1 F , , F 1 F , 1 1 1 1 1 3 i i i l i I i I 1 t 1 I 1 --------------------- --- -- -- ---- --- ----------------- ------------------ ---- ----- ---------- -- ---------- 1 Segment 1 1 1.201 1.161 0.115 1 3.78 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.20 1 0.171 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reacts 4 i i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Segment 1 1 3.601 1.161 0.115 1 3.78 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.20 1 0.171 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 C 1 1 1 1 I , 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 React) ,, 1 , 1 i 1 : 1 s 1 i 1 s 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 i= 1 cl IAI 1 i c 1• : i Sc:.:gfii i st 1 F<e»ach 1 Waste 1 (::) p#-) C) f :) 1 "1 e a (A W a t e r s i 1. 7 1. f»} #)(.) i TribU'1:ary 1 0„000 1 * Rl..t)"!off 1 1•_3 0(_)0 i w-lGgrne st 1 1-i��ac h 2 i`r a. t,t..t •t, ar y 1 0 n # 3#-)0 1 3egmerit I Reach 3 Waste i 10 n 0 () 0 1 CBOD 1 1\1B0D', 1 1). 0 n 1 !?; g i M g r 1 1 Mg/1 1 C) „ 4.) (..)0 1 0 n 0 5,. 700 1 1. n 130 0 1 0 t F, 300 c p (_)00 1 �„ 0#3;3 i 7 p %or} 2 n000 i .1. p000 1 7n300 r` 4 p 0 ti};_) 1 4„ 5 (`) 0 1 5 p 010 C) 2„ ()#: 0 1 1. „ 00 0 1 7p 300 ;.)C t.) 1 0„ 0f„3f L {{) 1 F»3 p )#-) #,) Waste 1 c) p c.) t )0 1 0 „ 0 t) #_) 1 0 „ # 3 ;;) 0, 1 0 „ 0 #-) C) Tr i tout ar y+ 1 0.000 1 2. 000 1 1. p C)00 1 17 n 300 ' Rt..t) io f f 1 0 u 0 t ;);�) i 1.. 0 C) 0 1 1 n 0 0 0 1: 7. 300 0 i Segroent I Reach 5 Runoff flow is in cfs/mile GUMMER GANFORD ALONE | Geg # | Reach # | Seg Mi i D.O. CBOD | NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 7.80 5.70 1.18 7.00 1 1 0.10 7.18 5.61 1.10 /17.00 1 1 0.20 7.06 5.52 1.07 17.00 ``17.00 1 1 0.30 6.95 5.43 1.04 1 1 0.40 6.84 5.34 1.01 17.00 1 1 0.50 6.73 5.25 0.98 17.00 1 1 0.60 6.63 5.17 0.95 17.00 1 1 0.70 6.53 5.08 0.92 17.00 1 1 0.80 6.43 5.00 0.90 17.00 1 1 0.90 6.34 4.92 0.87 17.00 1 1 1.00 6.24 4.84 0.84 17.00 1 1 1.10 6.15 4.76 0.82 17.00 1 2 1.10 5.79 10.79 1.97 24.75 1 2 1.20 5.58 10.61 1.92 24.75 1 2 1.30 5.37 10.44 1.86 24.75 1 2 1.40 5.16 10.27 1.81 24.75 1 2 1.50 4.96 10.11 1.76 24.75 1 2 1.60 4.77 9.94 1.71 24.75 1 2 1.70 4.58 9.78 1.66 24.75 1 2 1.80 4.40 9.62 1.61 24.75 1 2 1.90 4.22 9.47 1.56 24.75 1 2 2.00 4.05 9.32 1.52 24.75 1 2 2.10 3.88 9.17 1.48 24.75 1 2 2"20 3.72 9.02 1.43 24.75 1 2 2.30 3.56 8.87 1.39 24.75 1 2 2.40 8.41 8.73 1.35 24.75 1 2 2.50 3.26 8.59 1.31 24.75 1 2 2,80 3"11 8"45 1.28 24.75 1 2 2.70 2.97 8.31 1.24 24.75 1 2 2.80 2.83 8.18 1.20 24.75 1 8 2.80 2.83 8.18 1.20 24.75 1 3 2.84 2.80 8.13 1.19 24.75 1 3 2.88 2.76 8.09 1.18 24.75 1 3 2.92 2.73 8.04 1.17 24.75 1 3 2.96 2.69 8.00 1.16 24.75 1 3 8.00 2.66 7.95 1.14 24.75 1 8 3.04 2.63 7.91 1.13 24.75 1 3 3.08 2.60 7.86 1.12 24.75 1 3 8.12 2.56 7.82 1.1^ 24.75 1 3 3.16 2.53 7.77 1.10 24.75 1 8 3.20 2.50 7.73 1.09 24.75 A. 3.20 2.50 7.73 1.09 24.75 ,1 1 4 3.30 2.42 7.62 1.06 24.75 1 4 3.40 2.85 7.51 1.03 24.75 1 4 3.50 2.28 7.41 1.01 24.75 1 4 3.60 2.21 7.30 0.98 24.75 1 4 3.70 2.15 7.20 0.96 24.75 1 4 8.80 2.08 7.10 0.94 24.75 1 4 3.90 2.03 7.00 0.91 24.75 1 4 4.00 1.97 6.90 0.89 24.75 1 4 4.10 1.91 6.80 0.87 24.75 1 4 4.20 1.86 6.71 0.85 24.75 1 4 4.30 1.81 6.61 0.83 24.75 1 4 4.40 1.77 6.52 0.80 24.75 1 5 4.40 1.77 6.52 0.80 24.75 . 1 5 4.60 1.68 6.34 0.76 24.75 1 5 4.80 1.60 6.16 0.73 24.75 1 5 5.00 1.53 5.99 0.69 24.75 o.u� o.bb f= &+./o ` 5 5.40 1.41 5.66 0.62 24.75 5 5.60 1.36 5.50 0.59 24.75 1 5 5.80 1.32 5.35 0.56 24.75 1 5 6.00 1.29 5.20 0.54 24.75 1 5 6.20 1.26 5.05 0.51 24.75 1 5 6.40 1.24 4.91 0.49 24.75 1 5 6.60 1.22 4.77 0.46 24.75 1 5 6.80 1.21 4.64 0.44 24.75 1 5 7.00 1.20 4.51 0.42 24.75 1 5 7.20 1.20 4.38 0.40 24.75 1 5 7.40 1.20 4.26 0.38 24.75 1 5 7.60 1.21 4.14 0.36 24.75 1 5 7.80 1.22 4.03 0.34 24.75 1 5 8.00 .1.24 3.91 0.32 24.75 | 8eg # | Reach # | Seg Mi | D.O. | OBOD | NBOD | Flow | SUMMER GOLDEN POULTRY AT LIMITS OF 3M8/L BOD5 AND 1M8/L NH3N ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY, INC. Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 0.32 mg/l. The End CBOD is 4.02 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.36 mg/1— WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) ~------ M1lepoint Reach # --------- ------- <mg/1) ---- (mg/l) ---- (mg/l> -- (mgd) Segment 1 1 0.32 8.00 5 Reach 1 9.00 4.50 7.00 1.00000 Reach 2 24.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Discharger N t t 1. is E l�1 !� l 1"i 1... " 1��; `r` :1 INC.' H �_� L� L) a z a. �••� p 0 10 61 1 Receiving Stream a i:31wt»P fir7VEiR str c_arn C;:I.�ss. C, Surr1inei- 7tg10 a 17H Winter`�C.,11.0 a 33 Design Tem%eratUrer a 26. :LENGTH! SLOPE VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd ! Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KHR 1 KNR 1 1 mile 1 ft/mi: fps 1 ft !design! 3201 !design! KLO* Design! 380' !design! 8800 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F i 1 F 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 1.101 0.701 0.100 ! 3.58 1 0.27 1 0.10 1 0.10 1 0.07: 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 : 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 l 1 i 1 1 I i F I 1 i 1 ---------- --- - --- ---------------- ------------ ----------------- ------ --- ---- - -- ------------ ------ ----- ! ! 1 7 J 1 1 I I 1 F I 1 Segment 1 1.701 0.701 0.105 1 4.04 1 0.27 1 0.80 1 0.07 1 0.061 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach P 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 --------------------------..------------------------ ".------------------------------------------------- ! 1 ! ! 1 1 ! J , r 1 F i I F i 1 I , 1 1 1 i 1 i i Segment 1 : 0.40! 1.161 0.121 1 3.80 1 0.27 1 0.80 1 0.14 1 0.12: 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Segment 1 1 1.80! 1.161 0,121 1 3.81 1 0.87 1 0.20 1 0.14 ! 0.12! 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1 1 1 J I , 1 I ! 1 ! i i 1 1 i 11 I 1 1 1 , 11 Segment 1 1 3.601 1.16: 0.121 1 3.81 1 0.27 1 0.20 1 0.14 1 0.121 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 C F r F 1 1 , 1 1 ! , 1 I 1 Reach J ! i Y 1 I 1 ! 1 i 1 1 i 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i 1" i ! { "f' 1 tSe?grrse itr I lReac:1 i i rrsg i .I ! I13ig / :I ! Mg / T 1 jJ 12 1 7�.. 1 1 W aTy'•.r' •1.• 1 1 1 24.000 4 H 500 f 5„ {)�„) 1) to �/ ..1 1.., i butt a1- _]' (7.750 ( I 0 H 0i}•..) ( 1 2. 000 1 .f. H 0)w)fl") 1 7.30C) * RUM -If i ! 0 . 000 1 2. 00!,) 1 1. . C)C)0 ! 7 ., 3f-) Se�giT-ie t :I r 1'-t�':��.:c[c:11f .fit Waste as •t G� i t„) . S ) C) („) 1 L„) . 000 ! r �„) . `„! C) 5„) i r f 0 . �-..�)1 w.) i..) .[., Trj. b u lr a 1 y 1 . CC) ! 2. 000 1 . �..) 0 C) I r'I% H .�3 +..) y) F" U i...1(«I1".1. (t0 [t�,.)(�„ ! T�..) . 00 C) ! 2.4C)00 1 '.1L 1 . 0�.)0 1 J - 30C.) Segrneri t 1. Rreaa i 4 Waste ! 0„ 0 C) 0 1 C-) „ o o o ! c„) . c")!) w) ! C) „ 000 'Tributary ! 0.000 1 2.000 ! 1 H 000 ! '"I' H 2300 * Ru) icifY ! 0.0(--)o ! 2.0r")C) ! I . C)C)0 ! 7. 30, � ` Segment I Reach 5 Waste | 0.000 | 0^000 � 0.000 | 0.000 Tributary ( 0.000 | 2,000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mlloa SUMMER GOLDEN POULTRY 3MG/L BOD5 AND Geg # Reach # | Seg Mi | D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | F1ow | 1 1 0.00 7.27 5.98 1.41 18.55 1 1 0.10 7.14 5.88 1.37 18.55 1 1 0.20 7.02 5.78 1.33 18.55 1 1 0.30 6.89 5.69 1.29 18.55 1 1 0.40 6.77 5.60 1.26 18.55 1 1 0.50 6.65 5.51 1.22 18.55 1 1 0.60 6.54 5.42 1.19 18.55 1 1 0.70 6.43 5.38 1.15 18.55 1 1 0.80 6.32 5.24 1.12 18.55 1 1 0.90 6.21 5.16 1.09 18.55 1 1 1.00 6.11 5.08 1.06 18.55 1 1 1.10 6.01 4.99 1.03 18.55 1 2 1.10 5.71 10.59 2.05 26.30 1 2 1.20 5.50 10.43 1.99 26.30 1 2 1.30 5.30 10.27 1.94 26.30 1 2 1.40 5.10 10.11 1.89 26.30 1 2 1.50 4.91 9.95 1.83 26.30 1 2 1.60 4.72 9.80 1.78 26.30 1 2 1.70 4.53 9.65 1.73 26.30 1 2 1.80 4.35 9.50 1.69 26.80 1 2 1.90 4.17 9.35 1.64 26.30 J. 2 2.00 4.00 9.21 1.60 26.80 1 2 2.10 3.83 9.07 1.55 26.80 1 2 2.20 8.67 8.93 1.51 26.30 1 2 2.80 3.51 8.79 1.47 26.30 1 2 2.40 3.35 8.65 1.43 26.30 1 2 2.50 8.20 8.52 1.39 26.30 1 2 2.60 8.05 8.39 1.35 26.30 1 2 2.70 2.91 8.26 1.31 26.30 1 2 2.80 2.77 8.13 1.28 26.30 1 3 2.80 2.77 8.18 1.28 26.30 1 3 2.84 2.73 8.09 1.27 26.80 l 3 2.88 2.69 8.04 1.25 26.30 1 3 2.92 2.65 8.00 1.24' 26.30 1 8 2.96 2.61 7.96 1.23 26.30 1 3 3.00 2.57 7.91 1.22 26.30 1 3 3.04 2.53 7.87 1.21 26.30 1 8 3.08 2.49 7.83 1.19 26.30 1 3 3.12 2.45 7.79 1.18 26.30 1 3 8.16 2"42 7.75 1'.17 26.30 1 3 3.20 2.38 7.70 1.16 26.30 1 4 3.20 2.38 7.70 1.16 26.30 1 4 3.30 2.29 7.60 1.13 26.30 1 4 3.40 2.20 7.50 1.11 26.30 1 4 3.50 2.12 7.40 1.08 26.30 1 4 3.60 2.04 7.30 1.05 26.30 1 4 3.,_)1.96 7.20 1.03 26.30 1 4 3.80 1.88 7.10 1.00 26.30 1 4 3.90 1.80 7.01 0.98 26.30 1 4 4.00 1.73 6.91 0.96 26.30 1 4 4.10 1.66 6.82 0.93 26.30 1 4 4.20 1.59 6.73 0.91 26.30 1 4 4.30 1.53 6.64 0.89 26.30 1 4 4.40 1.47 6.55 0.87 26.30 1 5 4.40 1.47 6.55 0.87 26.30 1 5 4.60 1.34 6.87 0.88 26.30 ' 5 4.80 1.23 6.20 0.79 26.30 1 5 5.00 1.13 6.04 0.75 26.30 AT LIMITS OF l �� �� �o . z 0m . . � u� . n 7�� �u /�o . ~"1 5 [].40 0.94 5.72 0.68 26 . 30 ` ^ r � 5 5.60 0.86 5"57 0.65 28.80 1 5 5.80 0.78 5.42 0.62 26.30 1 5 6.00 0.71 5.27 0.59 26.30 1 5 6.20 0.65 5.13 0.56 26.30 1 5 6.40 0.59 4.99 0.54 26.80 1 5 6.60 0.54 4.86 0.51 26.30 1 5 6.80 0.49 4.73 0.49 26.30 1 5 7"00 0.45 4.60 0"46 26.80 1 5 7.20 0.42 4.48 0.44 26.30 1 5 7.40 0.39 4.36 0.42 26.30 1 5 7.60 0.36 4.24 0.40 26.30 1 5 7.80 0.34 4.13 0.38 26.30 1 5 8.00 0.32 4.02 0.36 26.30 | Seg # I Reach :It| Seg Ili| D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow ( SUMMER SANFORD AND C&H ONLY ----------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger GOLDEN POULTRY 9 INC. Receiving Stream 4 DEEP RIVER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The End D.O. is 1.17 mg/l „ The End CBOD is 3.93 mg / l „ The End NBOD is 0.37 mg / l „ WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1. 1.14 7.. ERO 5 Reach 1 0.00 0 d 00 0„00 0„ 00000 Reach 3 24„00 4„50 5„00 5=100000 Reach 3 0.00 C) „ 0Ci 0.00 0. 00000 Reach 4 0„00 (.)„C)o 0„00 0„00000 Reach 5 449.60 1573.70 0.00 0.00120 SUMMER SANFORD ONLY MODEL. REEUL-r a Discharger A GOLDEN POULTRYa INC. Receiving Stream N DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 1.24 mg/io The End CBOD is 3091 mg/1. The End NBOD is 0.32 mg/la ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ►ALA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg /1.) Milepoint reach # (mg/:l (mg/1) (mg/l.) (mgd) Segment 1 1.20 7.20 5 Reach 2 24.00 4. 50 5.00 0 5. 0€_)€_ 00 Reach €w�} p i�y5€.�t €t�t} b €/��t€�f` 0.00y €�y 00000y 1. Reach 11 { y 5 0. Reach 5 0. 00 0„ 0 0 0.00 0. 00000 SUMMER SANFORD AND GOLDEN POULTRY AT rif='Airwbs ---------- MODEL RESULTS Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY, INC. Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER --------------------------------------------- The End D.O. is 0.00 mg/l. The End CBOD is 4.68 mgll. The End NBOD is 0.33 mg/l. ------------------------------------------------- WLA WLA WLA DO Min CFOD NBOD DO Waste Flaw (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 0.00 5.20 5 Reach 1 44.12 0.00 0.o0 1.0i)000 Reach 2 24.00 4.50 5.00 5.0000o Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 SUMMER SANFORD AND GOLDEN POULTRY AT BPJ Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I 1 1 0.00 6.69 8.91 1.04 18.55 1 1 0.10 6.53 8.77 1.01 18.55 1 1 0.20 6.37 8.62 0.98 18.55 1 1 0.30 6.21 8.48 0.95 18.55 1 1 0.40 6.06 6.35 0.92 18.55 1 1 0.50 5.91 8.21 0.90 18.55 1 1 0.60 5.76 8.08 0.87 18.55 1 1 0.70 5.62 7.95 0.84 18.55 1 1 0.80 5.49 7.82 0.82 18.55 1 1 0.90 5.35 7.69 0.80 18.55 1 1 1.00 5.22 7.57 0.77 18.55 1 1 1.10 5.10 7.45 0.75 18.55 1 2 1.10 5.07 12.32 1.86 26.30 1 2 1.20 4.84 12.13 1.81 26.30 1 2 1.30 4.62 11.95 1.76 26.30 1 2 1.40 4.40 11.76 1.71 26.30 1 2 1.50 4.19 11.58 1.66 26.30 1 2 1.60 3.98 11.40 1.62 26.30 1 2 1.70 3.78 11.22 1.57 26.30 1 2 1.80 3.58 11.05 1.53 26.30 1 2 1.90 3.39 10.88 1.49 26.30 1 2 2.00 3.20 10.71 1.45 26.30 1 2 2.10 3.02 10.55 1.41 26.30 1 2 2.20 2.84 10.38 1.37 26.30 1 2 2.30 2.66 10.22 1.33 26.30 1 2 2.40 2.49 10.07 1.29 26.30 1 2 2.50 2.33 9.91 1.26 26.30 1 2 2.60 2.17 9.76 1.22 26.30 1 2 2.70 2.01 9.61 1.19 26.30 1 2 2.80 1.85 9.46 1.16 26.30 1 3 2.80 1.85 9.46 1.16 26.30 1 3 2.84 1.81 9.41 1.15 26.30 1 3 2.88 1.76 9.36 1.14 26.30 1 3 2.92 1.72 9.31 1.12 26.30 1 3 2.96 1.68 9.26 1.11 26.30 1 3 3.00 1.64 9.21 1.10 26.30 1 3 3.04 1.60 9.16 1.09 26.30 1 3 3.08 1.55 9.11 1.08 26.30 1 3 3.12 1.51 9.06 1.07 26.30 1 3 3.16 1.47 9.01 1.06 26.30 1 3 3.20 1.43 8.96 1.05 26.30 1 4 3.20 1.43 8.96 1.05 26.30 1 4 3.30 1.34 8.84 1.03 26.30 1 4 3.40 1.24 8.72 1.00 26.30 1 4 3.50 1.15 8.60 0.98 26.30 1 4 3.60 1.06 8.49 0.96 26.30 1 4 3.70 0.97 8.37 0.93 26.30 1 4 3.80 0.89 8.26 0.91 26.30 1 4 3.90 0.81 8.15 0.89 26.30 1 4 4.00 0.73 8.04 0.87 26.30 1 4 4.10 0.65 7.93 0.85 26.30 1 4 4.20 0.58 7.83 0.83 26.30 1 4 4.30 0.51 7.72 0.81 26.30 1 4 4.40 0.44 7.62 0.79 26.30 1 5 4.40 0.44 7.62 0.79 26.30 1 5 4.60 0.31 7.41 0.75 26.30 1 5 4.80 0.19 7.22 0.72 26.30 1 5 5.00 0.07 7.02 0.68 26.30 I J J■GV V■VV v.vJ V.U� L-v.vv I 5 5.40 0.00 6.65 0.62 26.30 • 1 r 5 5.60 0.00 6.47 0.59 26.30 1 5 5.80 0.00 6.30 0.56 26.30 1 5 6.00 0.00 6.13 0.54 26.30 1 5 6.20 0.00 5.97 0.51 26.30 1 5 6.40 0.00 5.81 0.49 26.30 1 5 6.60 0.00 5.65 0.46 26.30 1 5 6.80 0.00 5.50 0.44 26.30 1 5 7.00 0.00 5.35 0.42 26.30 1 5 7.20 0.00 5.21 0.40 26.30 1 5 7.40 0.00 5.07 0.38 26.30 1 5 7.60 0.00 4.94 0.36 26.30 1 5 7.80 0.00 4.80 0.35 26.30 1 5 8.00 0.00 4.68 0.33 26.30 1 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I SUMMER SANFORD ONLY I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I 1 1 0.00 7.30 5.70 1.13 17.00 1 1 0.10 7.18 5.61 1.10 17.00 1 1 0.20 7.06 5.52 1.07 17.00 1 1 0.30 6.95 5.43 1.04 17.00 1 1 0.40 6.84 5.34 1.01 17.00 1 1 0.50 6.73 5.25 0.98 17.00 1 1 0.60 6.63 5.17 0.95 17.00 1 1 0.70 6.53 5.08 0.92 17.00 1 1 0.80 6.43 5.00 0.90 17.00 1 1 0.90 6.34 4.92 0.87 17.00 1 1 1.00 6.24 4.84 0.84 17.00 1 1 1.10 6.15 4.76 0.82 17.00 1 2 1.10 5.79 10.79 1.97 24.75 1 2 1.20 5.58 10.61 1.92 24.75 1 2 1.30 5.37 10.44 1.86 24.75 1 2 1.40 5.16 10.27 1.81 24.75 1 2 1.50 4.96 10.11 1.76 24.75 1 2 1.60 4.77 9.94 1.71 24.75 1 2 1.70 4.58 9.78 1.66 24.75 1 2 1.80 4.40 9.62 1.61 24.75 1 2 1.90 4.22 9.47 1.56 24.75 1 2 2.00 4.05 9.32 1.52 24.75 1 2 2.10 3.88 9.17 1.48 24.75 1 2 2.20 3.72 9.02 1.43 24.75 1 2 2.30 3.56 8.87 1.39 24.75 1 2 2.40 3.41 8.73 1.35 24.75 1 2 2.50 3.26 8.59 1.31 24.75 1 2 2.60 3.11 8.45 1.29 24.75 1 2 2.70 2.97 8.31 1.24 24.75 1 2 2.80 2.83 8.18 1.20 24.75 1 3 2.80 2.83 8.18 1.20 24.75 1 3 2.84 2.80 8.13 1.19 24.75 1 3 2.88 2.76 6.09 1.18 24.75 1 3 2.92 2.73 8.04 1.17 24.75 1 3 2.96 2.69 8.00 1.16 24.75 1 3 3.00 2.66 7.95 1.14 24.75 1 3 3.04 2.63 7.91 1.13 24.75 1 3 3.08 2.60 7.86 1.12 24.75 1 3 3.12 2.56 7.82 1.11 24.75 1 3 3.16 2.53 7.77 1.10 24.75 1 3 3.20 2.50 7.73 1.09 24.75 1 4 3.20 2.50 7.73 1.09 24.75 1 4 3.30 2.42 7.62 1.06 24.75 1 4 3.40 2.35 7.51 1.03 24.75 1 4 3.50 2.28 7.41 1.01 24.75 1 4 3.60 2.21 7.30 0.98 24.75 1 4 3.70 2.15 7.20 0.96 24.75 1 4 3.80 2.08 7.10 0.94 24.75 1 4 3.90 2.03 7.00 0.91 24.75 1 4 4.00 1.97 6.90 0.89 24.75 1 4 4.10 1.91 6.80 0.87 24.75 1 4 4.20 1.86 6.71 0.85 24.75 1 4 4.30 1.81 6.61 0.83 24.75 1 4 4.40 1.77 6.52 0.80 24.75 1 5 4.40 1.77 6.52 0.80 24.75 1 5 4.60 1.68 6.34 0.76 24.75 1 S 4.80 1.60 6.16 0.73 24.75 1 5 5.00 1.53 5.99 0.69 24.75 j J 5 J•GV 5.40 1 ■T/ 1.41 .J■LJL- 5.66 v.vv 0.62 L- T• 1 v 24.75 - 1 ' 5 5.60 1.36 5.50 0.59 24.75 1 5 5.80 1.32 5.35 0.56 24.75 1 5 6.00 1.29 5.20 0.54 24.75 1 5 6.20 1.26 5.05 0.51 24.75 1 5 6.40 1.24 4.91 0.49 24.75 1 5 6.60 1.22 4.77 0.46 24.75 1 5 6.80 1.21 4.64 0.44 24.75 1 5 7.00 1.20 4.51 0.42 24.75 1 5 7.20 1.20 4.38 0.40 24.75 1 5 7.40 1.20 4.26 0.38 24.75 1 5 7.60 1.21 4.14 0.36 24.75 1 5 7.80 1.22 4.03 0.34 24.75 1 5 8.00 1.24 3.91 0.32 24.75 1 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I SLJlYl'MER A GOLDEN MODEL WITH SANF ORD ONLY VELOt ; I "l-Y SET AT 0. I OR H I BHE:.F MODEL RESUL-n.:3 Discharger a GOLDEN 1�'fli tL.'I TRY Receiving Stream g DEED' RIVER The Eti/r.54E {D.O. `�� n fO n -i s 3.9743 tt g : yl .r Th:e E'i"id CBOD i s w} n mg 1 l DO M i t OBOD !y#BOD DO WF-LE--i to (frig Milepoi ,t Reach # (frig /I irig:.7 (mg./I3 (rngd) Segment 11t .4 :23:5 4nf..t.0 4 Reach I 0 n 0-) 0 0 Reach C7 / 32.00 4.50 `i ., 0€�f 5. 00000 Reach r2 w� �, `7 0n 00 0. €„} €•.f i � n €.,� €-? C! n € ) f -1 I- - €„} Reach �� ,�, �i`-{, tJ" � k C? . 0 � � €_} n �. � 0 € ) n €11€»} {a p €„1€,.l 0 i .) ,) h Jn » ;1M �� 0n at 0 f0 0R 7 � }» 0. i ;__C) »n 00000Reac * w• ♦r E 1 u , 30D:Es_atrgmitC_..DE#',# #--'UL.i#_'TR,T St.tkibEt:i ii F\�"ei IrIg S'f ei,m DEEP ,'.AVE.1 CIEtE-IN:: tr:rrfer701C) 1; t C . ) �, 3":3 w. . n Design 'rernper-EttU-f-G!.-. SEEM LENGTH! SLOPE! 9ELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd ; Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KH 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 1 d rt i +1 1 I ! 300' :design! gn 1 tai0* i dean 1 @20' 1 f mile s! i t•/sfl111 i "�5 ! it 'design,' Jc0 1 elgnt 1i L --------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------------------------- I I J I 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I ! f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! f 3 1 Segment 1 1 1.101 0.1101 0.100 1 3.37 F 0.88 F 0.17 1 0.68 s 0.60: 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 F 0.00 1 1 i Reach 1 i 1 I } 1 I I I 1 1 J 1 I } Segment 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.108 4.02 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 ; 0.601 0.49 ; 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 8 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 F 1 I 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 r 1 1 1 i F i I i i 1 1 1 1 t Segment 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.118 i 3.74 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.60 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; ; 1 ---------------•---•----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Segment 1 1 1.801 1.161 0.118 1 3.74 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.69 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 4 1 1. ; 1 ; ; ; 1 ; It ; ; 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Segment 1 1 2.701 1.161 0.117 1 3.75 1 0.88 1 0.17 i 0.80 1 0.701 0.40 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach t1 1 },, C ! Segment., 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.117 1 3.7�1 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.791 0.40 1 0,30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 6 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 F :i_ o 1 1 C 's - ; Fie .-t d w fist it a r s 1 V7.000 „ir i b u t t Ek t-• y 00 It* FRt..tY"14•t'f-i n f.30C) ; S F_ g rr s e ,"1 t I #•~;inch--%; 2 C130D 1 1'4i:- 0D 1 D n 0 n 1 rr)g 17-Ig ,/ I 1 runt/ � C) tr t..) f„)'_) ; f..= it 0 #_); ) 1 1. I a („y 2 „ 1 1 11 001() 1 ,/ n Jt.I(.,) W ,Yt w t t «' ; /' a `% G.J {„' ; ;:S f,•..I a t_) 0 { � ; f; n 5 t _) t_) ; 5 :r t'.) C) 0 #.. i- 'i r3 i " �j/ 1 t.) n t.3 #�) 1 # n t.) (�) ; #. n i 3 #;;) i;;} ; `.� n :-::); 0 f..1) 11i=! )t..tt •Iy 1''s l..{ 7� 1•.1 !„ I • i fi.3 0 n 0 0 C. i L fi.3 w ''.31_y S_} 1 1 n i„}'e_� { ! 1 '� a y.:i r..} r../ t #+`,�as � i_} „ f„)0�„) ; t„) n 000 1 0 n #.. Qf») ; '-r 1 Y- i b t_t t R i- y 1 0n 000 ! 2 f( •yi. -) 1 I : };„) �) ! ' } ,� 1) r_ n Rt..ty foi' i~ ; 0 n t„)C)0 ; 2 n CI0f„) ; I. n {„)()o i 171.300 ,-:l1 E� el s t iw' ; i„y a S„I {_} �j 1 f �l n 00, 1 C) a Clio f�y 1 F Y o� ,3 �„ .. ,1.1:3 t_t ''ii ra r. y 1 t.:) a t„) C { :) 1 2 n (.:) t.} t .) ; :1. a i .) 0 C) FZ t„t 1-1 (»1.1- .1r 1 t. 3„ r.} C) t.) 2 n 0 r.} t:) 1 n i i shy ; .) 1 ,7 n 3(:)(.-) WclstE.., 1 C) n 0!„)0 {,) . t.)00 ; t.) 4 0C)i) 1 C) n 1. y- a. #�I t .t' c t- y 1 t=) n c )f:3 t.} ; r.: n )L.)) 1 1 n t�) t») ; a i a; 3 o o t #. t_t ! !1 1 1 ! �.) o f ):.) w) i o f») t) i_) i #. a �) �_) f _) F f n i y f„y Segtne'1 tt J. Re-! tc#'i tk t:) a C) Q,{;) 0 ►) ;:y ; r ) 0 C) I-)'„ .1. bt_tta)'•'y 1 !_) „ ! iC.}t„) ; 2 n i„}t„)t„) 1 1 n f„)00 1 / n .�; )1) 3 #=�; t..t 1 i i 1.1.. 1 t) n t .)'_)') ; t n !�) f,::) t�) 1 :#. n '. }'.) i) 1 `7 rr 3 C) s,.} R t t ; 1 t. } f � 1 4.1 w J. s .i. } i c � f-t : i { 1 j. �. ' ~''r | Geg # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l --1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � SUMMER GOLDEN MODEL WITH SANFORD ONLY VELOCITY SET AT 0.1 OR HIGHER Reach Seg Mi | D.O. | CBOD NBOD 1 Flow � 1 0.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 17.00 1 0.10 4.95 1.97 0.97 17.00 1 0.20 4.89 1.95 0.94 17.00 1 0.30 4.85 1.92 0.92 17.00 1 0.40 4.80 1.9D 0.89 17.00 1 0.50 4.76 1.87 0.86 17.00 1 0.60 4.72 8 1.5 0.84 17.00 1 0.70 4.68 1.82 0.82 17.00 1 0.80 4.65 1.80 0.79 17.00 1 0.90 4.62 1.77 0.77 17.00 1 1.00 4.59 1.75 0.75 17.00 1 1.10 4.56 1.73 0.73 17.00 2 1.10 4.70 11.21 1.91 24.75 2 1.20 4.58 11.06 1.85 24.75 2 1.30 4.38 10.91 1.80 24.75 2 1.40 4.23 10.77 1.75 24.75 2 1.50 4.10 10.63 1.70 24.75 2 1.60 3.97 10.49 1.65 24.75 2 1.70 8.85 10.35 1.61 24.75 2 1.80 3.74 10.22 1.56 24.75 2 1.90 3.64 10.08 1.52 24.75 2 2.00 3.54 9.95 1.48 24.75 2 2.10 3.45 9.82 1.43 24.75 2 2.20 8.37 9.69 1.39 24.75 2 2.30 3.29 9.57 1.35 24.75 ----2---- _2._22 24.75 2 2.50 3.15 9.32 1.28 24.75 2 2.60 3.09 9.19 1.24 24.75 � 2.70 3.04 9.07 1.21 24.75 2 2.80 2.99 8.96 1.17 24.75 3 2.80 2.99 8.96 1.17 24.75 3 2.84 2.97 8.91 1.16 24.75 3 2.88 2.95 8.87 1.15 24.75 3 2.92 2.93 8.83 1.14 24.75 3 2.96 2.91 8.79 1.13 24.75 3 8.00 2.90 8.75 1.12 24.75 3 3.04 2.88 8.71 1.11 24.75 3 3.08 2.86 8.67 1.10 24.75 3 3.12 2.85 8.64 1.09 24.75 3 3.16 2.83 8.60 1.08 24.75 In at 8.20 2.82 8.56 1.06 24.75 4 3.20 2.82 8.56 1.06 24.75 4 3.30 2.78 8.46 1.04 24.75 4 3.40 2.75 8.36 1.01 24.75 4 3.50 2.72 8.27 0.99 24.75 4 3.60 2.70 8.17 06.9 24.75 4. 3.70 2.67 8.08 0.94 24.75 4 3.80 2.65 7.99 0.92 24.75 4 3.90 . 2.63 7.90 0.90 24.75 4 4.00 2.62 7.81 0.87 24.75 4 4.10 2.60 7.72 0.85 24.75 4 4"20 2.59 7.63 0.83 24.75 4 4.30 2.58 7.55 0.81 24.75 4 4.40 2.57 7.46 0.79 24.75 5 4.40 2.57 7.46 0.79 24.75 5 4.70 2.65 7.21 0.73 24.75 5 5.00 2.73 6.97 0.68 24.75 5 5.30 2.81 6.73 0.63 24.75 5 0 P,89 5 5.90 2.98 6.28 0.55 24.75 5 6.20 8.06 6.07 0.51 24.75 5 6.50 3.14 5.87 0.47 24.75 5 6.80 3.23 5.67 0.44 24.75 5 7.10 3.31 5.48 0.41 24.75 6 7.10 8.31 5.48 0.41 24.75 6 7.19 8.36 5.42 0.40 24.75 6 7.28 3.40 5.36 0.39 24.75 6 7.37 3.45 5.31 0.38 24.75 6 7.46 3.49 5.26 0.37 24.75 6 7.55 3.53 5.20 0.36 24.75 6 7.64 3.57 5.15 0.35 24.75 6 7.73 3.61 5.10 0.85 24.75 6 7.82 3.65 5.04 0.34 24.75 6 7.91 3.69 4.99 O.83 24.75 4 Q'00 Q'73 4.94 0.32 24.75woo / Seg # ( Reach # i 8eg Mi � D.O. | CBOD � NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 17.00 1 1 0.10 4.95 1.97 0.97 17.00 1 1 0.20 4.89 1.95 0.94 17.00 1 1 0.30 4.85 1.92 0.92 17.00 1 1 0.40 4.80 1.90 0.89 17.00 1 1 0.50 4.76 1.87 0.86 17.00 1 1 0.60 4.72 1.85 0.84 17.00 1 1 0.70 4.68 1.82 0.82 17.00 1 1 0.80 4.65 1.80 0.79 17.00 1 1 01,90 4.62 1.77 0.77 17.00 1 1 1.00 4.59 1.75 0.75 17.00 1 1 1.10 4.56 1.73 0.73 17.00 1 2 1.10 4.7O 11.21 1.91 24.75 1 2 1.20 4.53 11.06 1.85 24.75 1 2 1.30 4.38 10.91 1.80 24.75 1 2 1.50 4.10 10.63 1.70 24.75 1 2 1.60 3.97 10.49 1.65 24.75 1 2 1.70 8.85 10.35 1.61 24.75 1 2 1.80 3.74 10.22 1.56 24.75 1 2 1.90 3.64 10.08 1.52 24.75 l 2 2.00 3.54 9.95 1.48 24.75 1 2 2.10 3.45 9.82 ' 1.43 24.75 1 2 2.20 8.37 9.69 1.39 2.75 4 1 2 2.30 3.29 9.57 1.35 24.75 1 2 2.40 3.22 9.44 1.32 24.75 1 2 2.50 3.15 9.32 1.28 24.75 1 2 2.60 3.09 9.19 1.24 24.75 1 2 2.70 3.04 9.07 1.21 24.75 1 2 2.80 2.99 8.96 1.17 24.75 1 3 2.80 2.99 8.96 1.17 24.75 1 3 2"84 2.97 8.91 1.16 24.75 ^ SUMMER MODEL RUN WITH 1.5# NBOD AND 200# CBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER ______________________________________________________________________ The End D.O. is 3.57 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.45 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.82 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l> (mgd) Segment 1 2.41 4.40 4 Reach 1 200.00 1.50 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5"00000 Reach 3 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *-** 1,10DEL" St."3M1"1ARY LAI"A n "FDischarger 4' L-biai03061 A. Des:-i i i Teinpe=rature; 26 n !LENGTH! SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KM 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 1 Mile 1 ft/mil sps 1 ft ldesip: @CO` :design! 3201 !design,' 32Oa 1desigt}1 201 1 , I i I I I I I , J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment i ; 1.101 0.701 0.078 1 3.83 : 0.22 1 0.17 i 0.68 1 0.60! 0.48 1 0.30 t 0.48 1 0.00 React} 1 1 1 1 1 1 Segment. 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.103 1 4.03 1 0.122 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.60! 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.40 1 0.00 1 RL I 1 1 ► I , , , I I I 1 J ea�I 11 C 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 I 1 r r 1 ! i r t 1 ► 1 1 1 1 ► ! 1 Segment 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.119 1 3.74 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 ReachReact} 3 , 1 I 1 , , , , 1 , , 1 1 1 s 1 I 1 i i i 1 7 t ! I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------- Segme€t 1 1 1.201 1.161 0.118 i 3.75 1 0.22 1 0.17 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 i 0.30 i 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 4 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 i 1 ► 1 : I 1 Segment 1 1 8.701 1.161 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.80 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 J C ! Reach 5 1 1 I 1 1 i : t 1 1 I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I , 1 , I I 1 1 ! F , 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 r 1 1 7 1 i 1 Segment 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.82 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.791 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 React} 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 cf S i nig/ 1. i W a s tt e 1 ;..% a .{. V 6 1 2 C) ti.} n C) w} t..} 1 Headteaat�e-rs� 1 1.`�n f"_}0() 1 2.000 1 Tributary 1 f} n 0 0 0 3 2. 0 {..} #..} i '}`" Runo'f s 11 0 n i='I0i,} i i:" .00t_3 1 Gei: ment i Reach 2 1qI_{0D 1 D n 0 n ! i3}g 1 i i il-Ig / i Waste 1 % . / 5f»} 1 2-32 . i_}f")f"} 1 ri . 50f_} 1 .T r i b u •tar v 1 0. C}f,}{; i 1 2.0 )0 1 :1. n 000 1 7. 30C) 2eg(ne it 1 1;eac h 3 W ci sy"s ' E x i f�) f=! } i"} 1 s } ,� f�} f.} 1 t�j f..% i_} %_} i ft_�3 a C) � 3 0 1"}' ibt..t t, ar,+ }+ 1 7;"}x=�"00 1 7:�.0'.f0 {t} 1 1. now}0 1 i n3f"}0 1"i l"t Y'7 i':! 1` s i { } ,. ()(_)f 3 1 „ i�} ;) f;;} i :1... �) f;.} f„} i -7 n 43 f;.} i :l Segment I Reach 4 Waste 0. 000 0 " 000 000 0.000 „1..Y„ibutary 0„{:aC)O F 2.000 1. 000 'r .300 WasteS g mei � t I Re acl � 5 r t { 0. Tributary ) 0 . 000 ; 2. 000 1 .1. . 000 1 it . 300 Segment 1 Reach 5 Waste It 0.000 4 C) . C)O .? i 0 . 000 i 0 " 000 Tr :i. but tt�-"y,� c�a c:►���t:� �} :3 } {f . f��t:�c,:? `I p ; ac�a * Ru-noff flow is in c•fs/mile ` SUMMER MODEL RUN WITH 1.5# 1,%IIB0D AND 200# CBOD | 8eg # | Reach Seg M1 D.O. | CBOD NBOD Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.54 4.14 1.01 17.19 1 1 0.10 5.43 4.07 0.97 17.19 1 1 0.20 5.32 4.00 0.93 17.19 1 1 0.30 5.22 3.93 0.90 17.19 1 1 0.40 5.13 3.87 0.87 17.19 1 1 0.50 5.05 3.80 0.88 17.19 1 1 0.60 4.97 3.74 0.80 ' 17.19 1 1 0.70 4.90 8.67 0.77 17.19 1 1 0.80 4.84 3.61 0.75 17.19 1 1 0.90 4.78 3.55 0.72 17.19 1 1 1.00 4.73 3.49 0.69 17.19 1 1 1.10 4.68 8.43 0.67 17.19 1 2 1.10 4.78 12.31 1.86 24.94 1 2 1.20 4.60 12.15 1.81 24.94 1 2 1.30 4.43 11.99 1.76 24.94 1 2 1.40 4.27 11.83 1.71 24.94 1 2 1.50 4.12 11.68 1.66 24.94 1 2 1.60 3.98 11.53 1.61 24.94 1 2 1.70 3.85 11.38 1.57 24.94 1 2 1.80 8.78 11.23 1.52 24.94 1 2 1.90 3.62 11.08 1.48 24.94 1 2 2.00 3.51 10.94 1.44 24.94 1 2 2.10 3.41 10.80 1.40 24.94 1 2 2.20 3.32 10.66 1.36 24.94 1 2 2.30 3.23 10.52 1.32 24.94 1 2 2.40 3.15 10.38 1.29 24.94 1 2 2.50 3.08 10.24 1.25 24.94 1 2 2.60 3.01 10.11 1.21 24.94 1 2 2.70 2.95 9.98 1.18 24.94 1 2 2.80 2.89 9.85 1.15 24.94 1 3 2.80 2.89 9.85 1.15 24.94 1 3 2.84 2.87 9.80 1.14 24.94 1 3 2.88 2.85 9.76 1.13 24.94 1 3 2.92 2.83 9.72 1.11 24.94 1 3 2.96 2.81 9.67 1.10 24.94 1 3 3.00 2.79 9.63 1.09 24.94 1 3 3.04 2.77 9.59 1.08 24.94 1 3 8.08 2.75 9.54 1.07 24.94 1 3 3.12 2.73 9.50 1.06 24.94 1 3 3.16 2.72 9.46 1.05 24.94 1 3 3.20 2.70 9.41 1.04 24.94 1 4 3.20 2.70 9.41 1.04 24.94 1 4 3.30 2.66 9.31 1.01 24.94 1 4 3.40 2.62 9.20 0.99 24.94 1 4 3.50 2.59 9.10 0.97 24.94 1 4 3.60 2.56 8.99 0.94 24.94 1 4 3.70 2.54 B.89 0.92 24.94 1 4 8.80 2.51 8.79 0.90 24.94 1 4 3.90 2.49 8.69 0.88 24.94 1 4 4.00 2.47 8.60 0.85 24.94 1 4 4.10 2.45 8.50 0.83 24.94 1 4 4.20 2.44 8.40 0.81 24.94 1 4 4.30 2.42 8.31 0.79 24.94 1 4 4.40 2.41 8.21 0.77 24.94 1 5 4.40 2.41 8.21 0.77 24.94 1 5 4.70 2.49 7.94 0.72 24.94 1 5 5.00 2.56 7.67 0.67 �4.94 ` ~ 1 5 5.30 2.64 7.41 0.62 24.94 1 5 5.60 2.72 7.16 0.58 24.94 1 5 5.90 2.81 6.92 0"54 24"94 1 5 6.20 2.89 6.69 0.50 24"94 1 5 6.50 2.97 6.47 0.46 24.94 1 5 6.80 3.06 6.25 0.48 24.94 1 5 7.10 3.14 6.04 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.10 3.14 6.04 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.19 3.19 5.98 0.39 24.94 1 6 7.28 8.24 5.92 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.37 3.28 5.86 0.87 24.94 1 6 7.46 8.33 5.80 0.36 24.94 1 6 7.55 3.37 5.74 0.36 24.94 1 6 7.64 3.41 5.68 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.78 3.45 5.62 0"34 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.49 5.56 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.53 5.51 0.33 24.94 1 6 8.00 3.57 5.45 0.32 24.94 | 8eg # | Reach # ( Seg Mi. | D.O. | CB[D | NBOD | F1ow / GUMMER MODEL RUN WITH 3.754t NBOD AND 180# CBOD �--------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Dischargs»r : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 3.59 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.40 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.32 mg/l. WLA WL-A WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow <mg/l> Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) Ong /I) (mg/1) (mgd> Segment 1 2.44 4.40 4 Reach 1 180.00 3.75 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.0O 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Dischargern GOL DI-','� F'OULT�RY pt Mt..tl.)basi i 030611 Rfw{weivirig Str•eiarig 3 DEEP RIV1:*F "E.t:i«.c::as-i C Desig'i i _Ferrtpe'1-ature~' a 2C") n 'LENGTH! SLOPE: VELOCITY 1 DEPTRI Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka I. Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 rile 1 ftfmil fps 1 'It ldesignl @200 !design! 3801 ldesignl a201 ldesignl Ml 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } Segment 11 1.101 0.701 0.078 1 3.83 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 1 i f 11 1 1 F 1 1 1 -------------_...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f f 1 1 I 1 1 f 1 ! } 1 I Segment, 11 1 1.70E 0.701 0.103 1 4.03 i 0.22 1 0.17 i 0.68 1 0.60; 0.48 i 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 Reath C 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 t F 1 1 1 ------------..--------........-----------------------_•-----------------«.---------•.---....----------..-------- 1 f ! 1 J 1 I 1 ! f F ! 1 Segment 1 s 0.401 1.161 0.119 t 3.74 1 0.82 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.60! 0.48 ; 0.30 ; 0.48 1 0.00 Reach 3 s F 1 f 1 I ! F 1 1 1 1 1 ------------------------- ---....--------------------------------------------------------- ----- I I I I I 1 1 J ! I 1 F I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 t Segment 1 1.201 1.161 0.119 1 3.75 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 {, / Reach `} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { 1 i i 1 f 1 i i I i 1 1 I Segment 1 1 2.701 1.161 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach1 5 C ! I F 1 1 I I } 1 I F I 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f 1 ► I I J 1 1 F ! J 1 1 Segment 1 1 0.701 1.16} 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.82 1 0.17 10.40 1 0.791 0.48 1 0.30 10.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1` 1 c+ �� 1 t COD 1 1 C I- s frig i 1 j1ae.:tcirti ri'i: 1. I�i'{�* :t{::!'t L1.. 180.000 aste r s« i h t«t t o r•• y 1 ;:i . 0 0 C) 1 2.00 f-� 1 i' t_i 1 iof i � n f�}f~f w i 2.. 000 1 I'4I~ O D 1 D n (D n 1 iTig / 1. 1 rrig f 1 1 3 a .f ,.S0 1 54i' n 1t{«yf) .{. n f')0{«i 1 5. 000 1 u 000 i 7. 300 t+liI< '�:L� i 7n��F..+( i 32u��C) i i 4«;»J C.) i 5n0C-);) i« T �- � t :j»� 1 « �� 1 � � u £•,� �„5� k_5y 1 2. 000 1 n 0 ) i 7.2100 yt..1t ��''i .5 I . t«t f« i l.., -f - 1 f «i n C) 0 .+ 1 2. C.) f,. 0 I .A. .1. n t�«y y..� �• ) C) 1 ) �/ at w �..} � J 0 ..af{ �.:1 g r�rt ri •t! 1. _ r••� •y, ea c«. I i jam' W a s c-.- ( (�.f ` 1 1{«1 r7 0 0 + 1 C y M C r 5«� 1 C) n r 5 ):«I r 1 �«� Ir f. j 0 �\«i. T:- i but: ci{ y k 0 n=«!#«)C i 2 n �.�00 i 1 u :.?F..�0 1 7. ��«1 �l�«} ;f Yam:u}iC:+' 1 {«i o f«iC){«i 1, e2 n 0f«i0 i 1 ., 000 1 7. 300 Segment 1 reach 4 Runoff 0 „ 0 CIO 2 a 00;.) l „ 000 i 7.300 Segment i Reach � 5 Waste i C). 00.0 f C) „ 000 i :.) „ 0 0 ;;) i C) „ t) (:) C) Segment 1 Reach b * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile � 8eg # | Reach # | Geg M. | D.O. | CBOD 1 1 0.00 5.54 8.93 1 1 0.10 5.43 3.86 1 1 0.20 5.33 3.79 1 1 0.30 5.23 8.73 1 1 0.40 5.14 8.66 1 1 0.50 5.06 8.60 1 1 0.60 4.99 3.54 1 J. 0.70 4.92 3.48 1 1 0.80 4.86 3.42 1 1 0.90 4.80 3.36 1 1 1.00 4.75 3.30 1 1 1.10 4.70 3.25 1 2 1.10 4.79 12.18 1 2 1.20 4.61 12.08 1 2 1.30 4.45 11.87 1 2 1.40 4.29 11.71 1 2 1.50 4.14 11.56 1 2 1.60 4.00 11.41 1 2 1.70 3.87 11.26 1 2 1.80 3.75 11.12 1 2 1.90 3.64 10.97 1 2 2.00 3.53 10.83 1 2 2.10 3.43 10.69 1 2 2.20 3.34 10.55 1 2 2.30 3.25 10.41 1 2 2.40 3.17 10.28 1 2 2.50 8.10 10.14 J. 2 2.60 3.03 10.01 1 2 2.70 2.97 9.88 1 2 2.80 2.91 9.75 1 3 2.80 2.91 9.75 1 3 2.84 2.89 i9.71 1 3 2.88 2.87 9.66 J. 3 2.92 2.85 9.62 1 3 2.96 2.83 9.58 1 3 3.00 2.81 9.53 1 3 3.04 2.79 9.49 1 3 3.08 2.77 9.45 1 3 3.12 2.76 9.40 1 3 3.16 2.74 9.36 1 3 3.20 2.72 9.32 1 4 3.20 2.72 9.32 1 4 3.30 2.68 9.21 1 4 3.40 2.65 9.11 1 4 3.50 2.62 9.01 1 4 3.60 2.59 8.90 1 4 8.70 2.56 8.80 1 4 3.80 2.53 8.70 1 4 3.90 2.51 8.61 1 4 4.00 2.49 8.51 1 4 4.10 2.48 8.41 1 4 4.20 2.46 8.32 1 4 4.30 2.45 8.22 1 4 4.40 2.44 8.13 1 5 4.40 2.44 8.13 1 5 4.70 2.51 7.86 SLU1MER MODEL RUN WITH 8.754t NBOD AND 180# CBOD | NBOD | Flow � 1.03 17.19 0.99 17.19 0.96 17.19 0.92 17.19 0.89 17.19 0.85 17.19 0.82 17.19 0.79 17.19 0.76 17.19 0.74 17.19 0.71 17.19 0.68 17.19 1.87 24.94 1.82 24.94 1.77 24.94 1.72 24.94 1.67 24.94 1.62 24.94 1.58 24.94 1.53 24.94 1.49 24.94 1.45 24.94 1.41 24.94 1.37 24.94 1.33 24.94 1.29 24.94 1.26 24.94 1.22 24.94 1.19 24.94 1.15 24.94 1.15 24.94 1.14 24.94 1.13 24.94 1.12 24.94 1.11 24.94 1.10 24.94 1.09 24.94 1.08 24.94 1.07 24.94 1.06 24.94 1.05 24.94 1.05 24.94 1.02 24.94 1.00 24.94 0.97 24.94 0.95 24.94 0.93 24.94 0.90 24.94 0.88 24.94 0.86 24.94 0.84 24.94 0.82 24.94 0.80 24.94 0.78 24.94 0.78 24.94 0.72 24.94 o o.Vo k-,.oW /.;:t V o.6/ �*.�� 1 5 5.80 2.66 7.84 0.62 24.94 1 5 5.60 2.75 7.09 0.58 24.94 1 5 5.90 2.83 6.85 0.54 24.94 1 5 6.20 2.91 6.62 0.50 24.94 1 5 6.50 3.00 6.40 0.46 24.94 1 5 6.80 3.08 6.19 0.43 24.94 1 5 7^10 3.16 5.98 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.10 3.16 5.98 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.19 3.21 5.92 0.39 24.94 1 6 7.28 3.25 5.86 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.37 3.30 5.80 0.87 24.94 1 6 7.46 3.34 5.74 0.37 24.94 1 6 7.55 3.39 5.68 0.36 24,94 1 6 7.64 3.48 5.62 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.73 8.47 5.57 0.34 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.51 5.51 0.84 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.55 5.45 0.33 24.94 1 6 8.00 3.59 5.40 0.32 24.94 < Geg Reach # Geg Mi ( D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow | " »/ klo - SUMMERgo GOLDEN WITH LOADS OF oj�y CBOD ' /" v ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 8.63 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.15 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.36 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min [IBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l> (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg(j) Segment 1 2.47 4.40 4 Reach 1 80.00 37.58 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0"00000 *»« M[}DEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : GOLDEN' Subbasin : 030611 Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER Strea� Class: C Summer 7Q1O : 17. Winter 7Q10 : 33. Design Temperature: 26. |L[06TH|SLUP[|VELOCITY 1DEPTH: Kd|Kd |Ko |Ka |KK|&N |KNR ; KHR | | mile |ft/mi| fps |ft |design|@20'|desigw|320^Nesion|U0+|dedgn|KV'| ---------'--------'-----------------------------------------------------------'-------'---- ( | | | | | | | | | | | | Segment 1 | 1J0|0.701 0.10013.3610.221 0.17|0.6810.6$10.48|0^3*1 0^08|0.04| Reach | | | | | | | | | | | | | --'--^~^^^'-----~-`------------^'^^'`---------------^--`---^^^`--^'---------------^^^^`^`------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | SeUmeot1 | 1^7010.70| 0.10314,0310.2210J710.68|0.60|0.4810.3*|0^4810.001 Reach | | | ^--^''-``---------------^^-`'``~~-----------------^'^~--------'------------^-^^`-'------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Segmpnti |0.40| L{& 0,119 |3^74|0.22|0.17|0.68|0^60|0.4810.3*10.48|0.80| Reach 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ``^-'`-------------`--`-----------------`-----`-``` --^--~`` Segmont1 | 1.201 Ll& 0,118 |3^75|0.2210.17|0.68}0.60f0.48|0~3*10,4810.0}| Reach 4| | | | | ( | | | | | ``-`-------^-^~~~^'^`'- `^---------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | Segwenti |2.70| 1J6; 0.118 |3.7510.22|0.1710,8*10.7010'48|0^3*10.48|0.001 Reach 5| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | } | | | | | | | | | Segment 1 0.90| Ll& 0J18 |3.7510,2210,1710.90|0.79|0.48|0,3*|0,48|0.0$1 Reach 6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Flaw | CBOD | NDOD | D.O. | � cfs | mg/l | Fri/l | mg/l | Segment 1 Reac� 1 Waste i 0.186 | 80.00O | 37.530 | 54^800 Headwaters17.000 | R,000 | 1"000 | 5"000 Tributary | 0.000 | Fl.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runof 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 2 Waste | 7.750 | 32.000 | 4"590 | 5.000 Tributary | 0.030 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | C.O00 2'000 | 1.000 | 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 3 Waste | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 Tributary 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 Tributary 1 i 2.000 3 1.000 1 .300 00 '',i * RU� 10 i i {00.000 R 000 i 2.000 1 1 n 000 rr�� } F v ti300 Segment i Reach 5 Tribu'ti4t y i 0. 000 11 Rt(�.}tt�..0 i R:1t}C) i 7.+;':'y�00 1 RU) 4.1f f 1 0. �)00 i 2. 000 (1 0001 1 R 00 i �� R Jr)C) Segment I Reach 6) Waste } 0 o �.. 0 C) s i 0 R {r»}f 0 0 i ti.) R �} ) 0 ` 0 i �'.'}j R 4.�}} Tributary i 0 R 0�}0 1 2. 000 1 1 a 000 tw) I i! R 300 * Ru,- o f f s C) R 0 0(.) ; 2. 000 'a I R 000 i 7.300 -* Runoff flow is in c f s/m i.1 e SUMMER GOLDEN WITH LOADS AND 37.53 NBOD Geg # | Reach # | Sel, g Mi | D.O. < CBOD | NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.54 2.84 1.40 17.19 1 1 0.10 5.44 2.81 1.36 17.19 1 1 0.20 5.35 2.77 1.32 17.19 1 1 0.80 5.26 2.73 1.28 17.19 1 1 0.40 5.18 2.70 1.24 17.19 1 1 0.50 5.10 2.66 1.21 17.19 1 1 0.60 5.03 2.62 1.17 17.19 1 1 0.70 4.96 2.59 1.14 17.19 1 1 0.80 4.90 2.55 1.11 17.19 1 1 0.90 4.84 2.52 1.07 17.19 1 1 1.00 4.78 2.49 1.04 17.19 1 1 1.10 4.73 2.45 1.01 17.19 1 2 1.10 4.81 11.64 2.10 24.94 1 2 1.20 4.63 11.48 2.04 24.94 1 2 1.30 4.47 11.34 1.98 24.94 1 2 1.40 4.31 11.19 1.93 24.94 1 2 1.50 4.16 11.04 1.87 24.94 1 2 1.60 4.02 10.90 1.82 24.94 1 2 1.70 3.89 10.76 1.77 24.94 1 2 1.80 3.77 10.62 1.72 24.94 1 2 1.90 3.66 10.48 1.67 24.94 1 2 2.00 3.55 10.34 1.62 24.94 1 2 2.10 3.45 10.21 1.58 24.94 1 2 2.20 3.36 10.07 1.53 24.94 1 2 2.80 3.28 9.94 1.49 24.94 1 2 2.40 8.20 9.81 1.45 24.94 1 2 2.5D 3.12 9.69 1.41 24.94 1 2 2.60 3.06 9.56 1.37 24.94 1 2 2.70 2.99 9.43 1.33 24.94 1 2 2.80 2.94 9.31 1.29 24.94 1 3 2.80 2.94 9.31 1.29 24.94 1 3 2.84 2.92 9.27 1.28 24.94 1 3 2.88 2.90 9.23 1.27 24.94 1 3 2.92 2.88 9.19 1.26 24.94 1 3 2.96 2.86 9.14 1.24 24.94 1 3 3.00 2.84 9.10 1.23 24.94 1 3 3.04 2.82 9.06 1.22 24.94 1 3 3.08 2.80 9.02 1.21 24.94 1 3 3.12 2.78 8.98 1.20 24.94 1 3 3.16 2.77 8.94 1.19 24.94 1 3 3.20 2.75 8.90 1.17 24.94 1 4 3.P-0 2.75 8.90 1"17 24.94 1 4 3.30 2.71 8.80 1.15 24.94 1 4 3.40 2.68 8.70 1.12 24,94 1 4 3.50 2.65 8.60 1.09 24.94 1 4 3.60 2.62 8.50 1.06 24.94 1 4 3.7O 2.59 8.41 1.04 24.94 1 4 3.80 2.57 8.31 1.01 24.94 1 4 3.90 2.55 8.22 0.99 24.94 1 4 4.00 2.53 8.13 0.96 24.94 1 4 4.10 2.51 8.03 0.94 24.94 1 4 4.20 2.50 7.94 0.92 24.94 1 4 4.30 2.48 7.85 0.90 24.94 1 4 4.40 2.47 7.77 0.87 24.94 1 5 4.40 2.47 7.77 0.87 24.94 1 5 4.70 2.55 7.50 0.81 24.94 1 5 5.00 2.62 7.25 0.75 24.94 1 5 5.30 2.70 7.01 0.70 24.94 94 ^ ^ 1 5 5.90 2.87 6.55 0.60 24.94 1 5 6.20 2.95 6.38 0.56 24.94 1 5 6.50 3.04 6.11 0.52 24.94 1 5 6.80 3.12 5.91 0.48 24.94 1 5 7.10 3.20 5.71 0.45 24.94 1 6 7.10 3.20 5.71 0.45 24.94 1 6 7.19 8.25 5.65 0.44 24.9� 1 6 7.28 3.30 5.59 0.43 24.94 1 6 7.37 8.34 5.54 0.42 24.94 1 6 7.46 3.39 5.48 0.41 24.94 1 6 7.55 3.43 5.42 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.64 3.47 5.37 0.39 24.94 1 6 7.73 3.51 5.31 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.55 5.26 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.59 5.21 0.37 24.94 1 6 8.00 3.63 5.15 0.86 24.94 | Geg # / Reach # | Seg Mi | D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow | SUMMER GOLDEN WITH LOADS OF 120 CBOD AND 18.77 NBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End End D.O. is 3.61 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.27 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.34 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Mi1epo1nt Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 2.46 4.4O 4 Reach 1 120.00 18.77 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0"00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 .+y<. -* * I •'I 0 t.a E-' I.." B) t J t,'I1v1 Ai' : 4' D � i '1" I•••1 iY yl •t i. s-: f i- ] E�� i- (if ] L« X) E I'•I i'w't.?U�«« "I r:'�' f3%i_t b i^� s { :1 'r t n f :}: 306 11 FZE-ceivirig 6ti-e.::clni ;; DEEF' FZI'JEF: St-4«easo Mass-, C Summer r?(n-1.r:) ;� I'?„ 'Winter 7Q1.(r) 33. UNGTH1 SLOPE! VELOCITY I OEPTHI Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka : Ka 1 KH s KN 1 KNR s KNR mile : ft/mil fps 1 ft idesigni @201 1designl &201 ;designs 3204 ldeeignF @201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 1 J ! I l I 1 1 t t 1 i 3 1 S i I i i I i i i Segment 1 1 1.101 0.701 0,100 1 3.38 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 I 0.601 0.418 0.30 0.48 1 0.00 Reach 1} 1 r ! 1 1 } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ! 1 J 1 J ! 1' I 1 I 1 t i I I i J 1 i , i i f 1 Segment 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.103 ; 4.03 ; 0.82 1 0.17 10.68 s 0.60! 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.40 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 i 1 11 11 J 1 ! 1 ,I , 1 1 F J1 , F I i I i 1 i ----------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------- 1 I 1 1 1 I i I 1 1 1 f i 1 , 1 1 , 1 I J 1 1 1 S 1 Segment 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.119 3.74 1 0.28 1 0.17 1 0.68 I 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 10.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! i i I 1 1 i 1 i 1 i i f 1 Seas:ent 1 1.50E 1.16: 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.22 1 0.17 3 0.68 i 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 : 0.40 1 0.00 s Reach 4 1 i i 11 i 11 11 i i I 11 I 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , i i +� �} F 1 r} (} 3 +] �Jq i (� e� I /� 1 [, ��}}tt1 F t( {� i Q 1 S 1 h p I } Segment 1 , 2.701 1.io1 0.118 13.75 1 0.RE 1 0.17 1 0.80 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.130 , 0.48 1 0.00 } C 1 11 1f I1 ,i 1I 11 11 I Ji ,i 1 1 I Reach J 1 } -------------------.«--------------."-------------------------------------------- -'------------------ I 1 } 1 I 1 1 F 1 i 1 I 1 1 Segment 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.118 13.75 1 0.EE ; 0.17 t 0.90 1 0.79: 0.48 ; 0.30 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 6 i It It i 1 11 11 i 11 i i 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- I I•- 1. cl tra I CBUD f i Cf's 11 mg31 e gmerit I ReaCi i I Him arlwate rs I 1'7.. 000 3 2„000 I * I•iu)iGff 11 0. 000 i 2. t )0C) i Si;g!'sief"it :I. 1=tt'rai�:«:.l"i 2 2 Waste 'T' )- i. b u t i- y f,) C) () I 2. wa;. 0 I r- segrile- it 1 F C "Leal-- f 3 I'+IBfit. 13 D ., 0. 1 mg/ 1 1 Isii}/ I s 18 7 I C) 1 51 a B f« 0 I= r-. r•. rn •.% ti-: + 1 1 ' 1•=. 1... 1": f t ' + s Ve YYSri) 1 {«} n 5..)Jw 3 0. C)OO 0. 000 j •..) q 000 Tri bUti:iry 1 0. 000 3 2. 000 1 n 000 1 7.300 * `"tunc1f f 1 0 a 0tom)4 } s 2. {»}O0 i �1 J. a f.)tom)tom} '1 7.300 Segment i Reach 5 Waste s 0. 000 f '} y (+�} „ I(;�} #_) t{�''} s 01,000 � �-) . 0 0 #..}1 1 a 1 2 a i.}(;�)t0 ; t'' 1 a i�}L)0 i � a �3�w 0 7.300 �Tributary� -y * ! �U i /o�f /�}00 (0 s 0 a Taw}0i�..) 1 2. �}05_) 1 1.000 1 7.300 ! a 300 Segment I React f 6 `` rr f * Ru} ion' f ::) a 000 2. 000 1 1 n 000 1 7.300 SUMMER GOLDEN WITH LOAD8 AND 18.77 NBOD Beg # | Reach # | Beg Ili. < D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.54 8.28 1.19 17.19 1 1 0.10 5.44 3.23 1.16 17.19 1 1 0.20 5.35 3.19 1.12 17.19 1 1 0.30 5.26 8.15 1.09 17.19 1 1 0.40 5.18 3.11 1.06 17.19 1 1 0.50 5.10 3.06 1.03 17.19 1 1 0.60 5.03 3.02 1.00 17.19 1 1 0.70 4.96 2.98 0.97 17.19 J. 1 0.80 4.90 2.94 0.94 17.19 1 1 0.90 4.84 2.90 0.92 17.19 1 1 1.00 4.78 2.86 0.89 17.19 l 1 1.10 4.73 2.83 0.87 17.19 1 2 1.10 4.81 11.89 2.00 24.94 1 2 1.20 4.63 11.74 1.94 24.94 1 2 1.30 4.46 11.59 1.89 24.94 1 2 1.40 4.31 11.43 1"83 24.94 1 2 1.50 4.16 11.29 1.78 24.94 1 2 1.60 4.02 11.14 1.73 24.94 1 2 1.70 8.89 10.99 1.68 24.94 1 2 1.80 3.77 10.85 1.64 24.94 1 2 1.90 3.65 10.71 1.59 24.94 1 2 2.00 3.55 10.57 1.55 24.94 1 2 2.10 3.45 10.43 1.50 24.94 1 2 2.20 8.35 10.30 1.46 24.94 1 2 2.3O 3.27 10.16 1.42 24.94 1 2 2.40 3.19 10.03 1.38 24.94 1 2 2.50 3.12 9.90 1.34 24.94 1 2 2.60 3.05 9.77 1.30 24.94 1 2 2.70 2.98 9.64 1.27 24.94 1 2 2.80 2.93 9.52 1.23 24.94 1 3 2.80 2.93 9.52 1.23 24.9l+ 1 3 2.84 2.91 9.47 1.22 24.94 1 3 2.88 2.89 9.43 1.21 24.94 1 3 2.92 2.86 9.39 1.20 24.94 1 3 2.96 2.85 9.35 1.18 24.94 1 3 3.00 2.83 9.30 1.17 24.94 1 3 3.04 2.81 9.26 1.16 24.94 1 3 3.08 2.79 9.22 1.15 24.94 1 3 3.12 2.77 9.18 1.14 24.94 1 3 3.16 2.76 9.14 1.18 24.94 1 3 3.20 2.74 9.10 1.12 24.94 1 4 3.20 2.74 9.10 1.12 24.94 1 4 3.30 2.70 8.99 1.09 24.94 1 4 3.40 2.67 8.89 1.06 24.94 1 4 3.50 2.63 8.79 1.04 24.94 1 4 3.60 2.60 8.69 1.01 24.94 1 4 3.70 2.58 8.59 0.99 24.94 1 4 3.80 2.55 8.50 0.96 24.94 1 4 3.90 2.53 8.40 0.94 24.94 1 4 4.00 2.51 8.31 0.92 24.94 1 4 4.10 2.49 8.21 0.90 24.94 1 4 4.20 2.48 8.12 0.87 24.94 1 4 4.30 2.47 8.03 0.85 24.94 1 4 4.40 2.46 7.94 0.83 24.94 1 5 4.40 2.46 7.94 0.83 24.94 1 5 4.70 2.53 7.67 0.77 24.94 1 5 5.00 2.61 7.41 0.72 24.94 1 5 5.30 2.69 7.16 0.67 24,94 ^ �-. �o p �� �, pp o Ap p%L p4 - ~ ^ 1 5 5"90 2. 85 8 .89 0. 57 2e.L . 94 1 5 6.20 2.93 6.47 0.58 24.94 1 5 6"50 3.02 6.25 0.50 24.94 1 5 6.80 3.10 6.04 0.46 24.94 1 5 7.10 3.18 5.84 0.43 24.94 1 6 7.10 3.18 5.84 0,43 24.94 1 6 7.19 8.23 5.78 0.42 24.94 1 6 7.28 3.28 5.72 0.41 24"94 1 6 7.37 3.32 5.66 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.46 3.37 5.60 0.39 24.94 1 6 7"55 3.41 5.54 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.64 3.45 5.49 0.37 24.94 J. 6 7.73 8.49 5.43 0.87 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.53 5.38 0.36 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.57 5.32 0.35 24.94 1 6 8.00 8.61 5.27 0.84 24.94 | Geg # | Reach # | 8eg Mi. 1 D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow � ` ^ az 8UMMER GOLDEN WITH LOADS OF 140 CBOD AND 7.51 NBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream ---------------------------------- : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 3.60 mg/l. The End CBOD is 5.32 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.33 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) ------ Milepoint Reach -----~--- ------- # (mg/1) (mg/1) ---- ---- (mg/1) -- (mgd) ---------- Segment 1 2.45 4.40 4 Reach 1 140.00 7.51 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00O00 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.000.00 0.00 0.00000 y�. •jr;• •;.�• 1"1 �..� �.� k:. L.. ;:� L.11`�l 1'� !„'f F"4 `s I3 i � "i„ � �i .i�.'�"�. Disc1ras-gc�i' a Gf:.31"..I)EN P0LJL.."1"i�i`�f ::3ut1: brt�.si.�s 0 30' 11 Rrzrc,eivi.s;--j catrearrs R DEiw:l~` RIVER E-3'E:x"'earrs L:1.assn C', SlArrirri�� s„ '701. # } p 1.7. the i. i i is y '7i:? 1. (;? . 13;� n D es w (; j? s F i' »-� i3'i ; 4 i"' a t I .l 1"' e a is". J n 1LENBTHI SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kri 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KH 1 KH 1 KHR 1 KNR 1 } mile 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft Nesignl 3201 Nesigril 3204 Wesignl 3200 Nesignl 3200 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 1 F I i I S i 1 F 1 i 7 Segment 1 1 1.101 0.701 0.100 1 3.30 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 , 1 t t 1 1 1 1 , F I 1 Benment i 1 1.701 0.701 0.103 1 4.03 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 J L 2 1 F 1 , ! , F F , 11 1 ! i R�aCsi G t I , 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 1 i ------------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , 1 3eument 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.119 1 3.74 1 0.22 1 0.1.7 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 , 1 1 1 , i , 1 Reath ., i 1 1 1 i I 1 1 i i , I , I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i Segment 1 i 1.201 1.161 0.118 1 3.75 1 0.2? 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 4 1 Reath P ii 7 11 Segment 1 1 2.701 1.161 0.110 1 3.75 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.80 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.4B 1 0.00 1 } C Reach 5 1 --------------------------------•----------•------------------------------ •-----------------•------------ Segment 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.11B 1 3.75 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.791 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 h 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 E': 0D 1 1 cfs 1 i3tg! 1 1 Seginent 1 Reach 1 Waste to 1 0 n J. Mir i 1.'40 . 0; 0 1 #ie idvjate1-s1 1.7a000 i 2.000 1 1 VBQD 1 D.O. i rrsg 71 1 s71g % 1 1 7 a 5 1{"? 3 5 4 a 8 C) t..? 1. f .? n(00 1 5. 00ti.} 1 n� 1 w? ;.? i 7 n 3 f ) 0 J. a t.? C? f-} 1 7. 300 Ssgirnerit 1 F:e;'[ch Wastes 1 '7 a 75 ) 1 :�;=��'} n ►•�?(�ft? 1 . ;• n'.:300 15 . c:?)ti?0 y 'Ts- i bU 4-{a� (- y 1 0 1 2 n i n �j?(C) 1 / . 3(..)0 .- 7 "aun{..I 7 •i-- (�..+�•n ♦f..�tS.. 1 0 n 000 f��'...?(0 i 2. 5„?(..)\.? 1 t(f) '1 .1. n 00 C? 1 7.300 Segment I Reach 3 R u so f s 1 C) 2 a 0 )1„ 1 .1. n;"? f„)1•..? i 7.300 Y'+ .- .- .....- .- .t_ •1 r-.; ..... -_ ,-• 1- /. Waste } 0 a 0f.?C) S 0.000 i %j M 000 7 0.. 000 r i btU t a r y „ 000 f F 2. f�`�00 E 1 „ �: � # '7) „ yT R LA rt::`} rt:: }t?r0 +:^�y3�:?0 r Segment I Reach 5 Segment 1 Reath Waste i t64{ 'r4.! „ OC)5.,�t } r{ j{{ `,.t „ } j r w� 0.000 0 . 1 r 0. 0 �+ Iwrib5u Va�wy Tributary { 0a0L1yS0 i {000 2., ►.r0 1 {00 1.000 i {00 „300 (0 tt..?{�.t? �//y SUMMER GOLDEN WITH LOADS AND 7.51 NBOD 8eg # | Reach # | Geg Mi | D.O. | CBOD | NBOD | Flow � 1 1 0.00 5.54 3.49 1.07 17.19 1 1 0.10 5.44 3.45 1.04 17.19 1 1 0.20 5.35 8.40 1.0l 17.19 1 1 0.30 5.26 3.36 0.98 17.19 1 1 0.40 5.18 3.31 0.95 17.19 1 1 0.50 5.10 3.27 0.93 17.19 1 1 0.60 5.03 3.22 0.90 17.19 1 1 0.70 4.96 3.18 0.87 17.19 1 1 0.80 4.90 3.14 0.85 17.19 1 1 0.90 4.84 3.10 0.82 17.19 1 1 1.00 4.78 3.05 0.80 17.19 1 1 1.10 4.73 3.01 0.78 17.19 1 2 1.10 4.81 12.02 1.93 24.94 1 2 1.20 4.63 11.87 1.88 24.94 1 2 1.30 4.47 11.71 1.83 24.94 1 2 1.40 4.31 11.56 1.78 24.94 1 2 1.50 4.16 11.41 1.73 24.94 1 2 1.60 4.02 11.26 1.68 24.94 1 2 1.70 3.89 11.11 1.63 24.94 1 2 1.80 3.77 10.97 1.59 24.94 1 2 1.90 3.65 10.83 1.54 24.94 1 2 2.00 3.55 10.68 1.50 24.94 1 2 2.10 3.45 10.55 1.46 24.94 1 2 2.20 3.35 10.41 1.42 24.94 J. 2 2.30 3.27 10.27 1.38 24.94 1 2 2.40 3.19 10.14 1.34 24.94 1 2 2.50 3.11 10.01 1.30 24.94 1 2 2.60 3.05 9.88 1.26 24.94 1 2 2.70 2.98 9.75 1.23 24.94 1 2 2.80 2.93 9.62 1.19 24.94 1 3 2.80 2.93 9.62 1.19 24.94 1 3 2.84 2.90 9.58 1.18 24.94 1 3 2.88 2.88 9.53 1.17 24.94 1 3 2.92 2.86 9.49 1.16 24.94 1 3 2.96 2.84 9.45 1.15 24.94 1 3 3.00 2.82 9.41 1.14 24.94 1 3 3.04 2.81 9.36 1.13 24.94 1 3 3.08 2.79 9.32 1.12 24.94 1 3 3.12 2.77 9.28 1.10 24.94 1 3 3.16 2.75 9.24 1.09 24.94 1 3 3.20 2.74 9.19 1.08 24.94 1 4 3.20 2.74 9.19 1.08 24.94 1 4 3.30 2.70 9.09 1.06 24.94 1 4 3.40 2.66 8.99 1.03 24.94 1 4 3.50 2.63 8.89 1.01 24.94 1 4 3.60 2.60 8.79 0.98 24.94 1 4 3.70 2.57 8.69 0.96 24.94 1 4 3.80 2.55 8.59 0.93 24.94 1 4 3.90 2.53 8.49 0.91 24.94 1 4 4.00 2.51 8.40 0.89 24.94 1 4 4.10 2.49 8.30 0.87 24.94 1 4 4.20 2.48 8.21 0.85 24.94 1 4 4.80 2.46 8.11 0.83 24.94 1 4 4.40 2.45 8.02 0.81 24.94 1 5 4.40 2.45 8.02 0.81 24.94 1 5 4.70 2.52 7.75 0.75 24.94 1 5 5.00 2.60 7.49 0.70 24.94 1 5 5.30 2.68 7.24 0.65 24.94 . = = ^" o �� � oo o �.o pLL pa OF 140 CBOD 1 5 5.90 2.- 6.76 ` 0.56 24.94 1 5 6.20 2.93 6.54 0.52 24.94 1 5 6.50 3.01 6.32 0.48 24.94 1 5 6.80 8.09 6.10 0.45 24.94 1 5 7.10 3.18 5.90 0.41 24.94 1 8 7.10 8.18 5.90 0.41 24.94 1 6 7.19 8.22 5.84 0.41 24.94 1 6 7.28 3.27 5.78 0.40 24.94 1 6 7.37 3.31 5.72 0.39 24.94 1 6 7.46 3.36 5.66 0.38 24.94 1 6 7.55 3.40 5.60 0.37 24.94 1 6 7.64 3.44 5"55 0.36 24.94 1 6 7.73 3.48 5.49 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.82 3.53 5.44 0.35 24.94 1 6 7.91 3.56 5.38 0.34 24.94 1 6 8.00 8.60 5.32 0.83 24.94 SUMMER 7010=28 MODEL WITH 7.51 NBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 3.25 mg/l. The End CBOD is 6.79 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.42 mg/l. ` WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg /l) (mg/l) (mgd) Segment 1 2.55 4.40 4 Reach 1 958.00 7.51 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0"00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 6 0.00 0100 0.00 0.00000 **.;i. r``1i M--L- SUMMs"fFW DATA I:)iSc_Fizai-ger n GaL»DEI'�l f 0(-;1»...;-,r-` ubbasi.ii n 0'3061. 1. Ret-teaivirir~I 5tr'ciFain DEEIµ' R.1.)ER S•t;i-e,=.i:ss C1.:--tsE.: C: ; �„t rsisri:: r i:11. �? R 2?'r3 „ :r. r i i r 7 C :1. {:? n � 3 ;:3 1. 1 L NGTH 1 SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd i Ka 1 Ka 1 KN i KN 1 KKR 1 KNR i 1 Mlle i tt;'ml1 fps i i !design! 3L00 Wesign! @201 !Design.' 3201 Wealgn! 220* 1 ------------------------------------------_--------------------------------------------------- 1 1 i F i i 3 I i I 1 f i i Segment i 1 1.101 0.701 0.113 1 4.00 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 I 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 I I t I 1 S I I I 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 F i Segment 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.135 1 4.21 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 ; 0.40 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i . f F Segment 1 1 0.401, 1.1101 0.156 Reach ------------------------------------ 3 1 1 1 Segment 1 1 1.201 1.161 0.156 Reach ------------------------------------ 4 i F } I 1 i Segment 1 F F i 1 1 2.701 S 1 1.161 0.155 Reach ------------------------------------ 5 1 1 1 Segment 1 i 0.903 1 l 1.161 0.155 Reach ------------------.--.---------------- 6 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 S 1 S i 1 I i 1 1 1 i 1 3.92 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 1 F 1 F 1 i 1 1 I i 1 I 1 J i 1 1 1 F 1 1 I i 1 1 1 i 1 i t 3.92 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 1 1 if 1 i 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 F l 1 1 3.93 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.00 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 1 i 1 i 1 I F i 1 3.93 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.791 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 I i f 1 1 J i F I 1 i f 3 I 1 f i 1 --------------------------------'------------------- ------ 1 (::f S 1 srs 1 '1 Sc-gsise ii t 1. FRri &iC1 i 1 ^�yj WCt-- bf- 1 0 a 1 ci6 1 ('ri58 w 4?£miljai 1 H 9i-::1d wzi•ti I-i-sr It 23 .. w?£„}£„? 1 - w 0C)0 1 R uri of f 0 ,. ��?C?0 1 2 4£ ?O£.? 1 Se£::{nrsc-ri•t. 1 2 f1-1g ;" :1 i sii g 1. 1 I a £-? 0 £-? i 7.300 ry 1. a £-?00 1 7.300 tr'i�'I' cA '„. t; r::3 1 F n art �.1 t-! 1 ���.)>�) a 0£„} 0 1 4n 500 .i 5 n O£ 10 „{ i- j. 1..i i..i -Li:; i- y I ( 00 F 2 n C.)�„� £„� 1 .i. it 0 0� .f i 'r� u 1300 ' I": LA r •i 0 f -i' i 0 n 0 0 () i 2 O £.? £..? 1 1. . 000 0 £ i Segmerit: :I Reac:i-i 3 t�+t(�' a wf 4 �tr S �„? w C? 3„i �..? F 0 n 0 C) £„? i £-� n £-? 0 i 1 �� n £-? £„? £ „� ,�„ I �- .L Lr. 4 i �••• L t �+ i i -y w i") 0 £..? S 2 w 0 � �f� i 1. c000 i u �„t? f „? R u i-i o, r r 1 £�? w £_? CJ O f�� 1 2� w (-J O £„? 1 J. n ? �.? £ ? 1 ��fr� +.�3 ♦ .r 30 0 ^ ^ Segment 1 Reaoh 4 Waste | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 Tributary | 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 | 2.000 1.000 | 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 5 Waste | 0.000 It 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 Tributary | 0.000 .| 2.000 � 1.000 | 7.800 * Runoff | 0.000 | 2.000 It 1.000 | 7.800 Segment 1 Reach 6 Waste | 0.000 | 0.000.000 Tributary | 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 < 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER 7Q10=28 MODEL WITH 7.51 AND 958 CBOD | Geg # / Reach # | Seg Ili | D.O. 1 CBOD | NBOD | Flow i 1 1 0.00 5.33 8.31 1.04 28.19 1 1 0.10 5.21 8.21 1.02 28.19 1 1 0.20 5.10 8.11 0.99 28.19 1 1 0.30 5.00 8.02 0.97 28.19 1 1 0.40 4.90 7.92 0.94 28.19 1 1 0.50 4.81 7.83 0.92 28.19 l 1 0.60 4.72 7.74 0.89 28.19 1 1 0.70 4.64 7.65 0.87 28.19 1 1 0.80 4.56 7.55 0.85 28.19 1 1 0.90 4.49 7.47 0.83 28.19 1 1 1.00 4.42 7.38 0.81 28.19 1 1 1.10 4.35 7.29 0.79 28.19 1 2 1.10 4.49 12.62 1.59 35.94 1 2 1.20 4.37 12.49 1.55 85.94 1 2 1.30 4.25 12.37 1.52 35.94 1 2 1.40 4.14 12.25 1.49 85.94 1 2 1.50 4.04 12.13 1.46 35.94 1 2 1.60 3.94 12.01 1.42 85.94 1 2 1.70 3.84 11.89 1.39 35.94 1 2 1.80 3.75 11 35.94 1 2 1.90 3.66 11.65 1.84 35.94 1 2 2.00 8.58 11.54 1.31 35.94 1 2 2.10 3.50 11.42 1.28 35.94 1 2 2.2O 3.43 11.31 1.25 35.94 1 2 2.30 3.36 11.20 1.23 35.94 1 2 2.40 3.29 11.09 1.20 35.94 1 2 2.50 3.23 10.98 1.17 35.94 1 2 2.60 3.17 10.87 1.15 35.94 1 2 2.70 3.12 10.76 1.12 35.94 1 2 2.80 3.06 10.65 1.10 35.94 1 3 2.80 3.06 10.65 1.10 85.94 1 3 2.84 3.04 10.62 1.09 35.94 1 3 2.88 3.03 10.58 1.08 85.94 1 8 2.92 3.01 10.54 1.08 35.94 1 3 2.96 2.99 10.51 1.07 35.94 1 3 3.00 2.97 10.47 1.06 35.94 J. 8 3.04 2.95 10.43 1.05 35.94 1 3 3.08 2.94 10.40 1.04 35.94 1 3 3.12 2.92 10.36 1.04 35.94 1 8 3.16 2.90 10.38 1.08 35.94 1 8 3.20 2.89 10.29 1.02 35.94 1 4 3.20 2.89 10.29 1.02 35.94 1 4 8.30 2.85 10.20 1.00 35.94 1 4 3.40 2.81 10.12 0.98 35.94 1 4 3.50 2.78 10.03 0.97 35.94 1 4 3.60 2.75 9.94 0.95 35.94 1 4 3.70 2.71 9.86 0.93 35.94 1 4 3.80 2.69 9.77 0.91 85.94 1 4 3.90 2.66 9.69 0.90 35.94 1 4 4.00 2.63 9.60 0.88 35.94 1 4 4.10 2.61 9.52 0.86 35.94 1 4 4.20 2.59 9.44 0.85 85.94 1 4 4.30 2.57 9.36 0.83 35.94 1 4 4.40 2.55 9.28 0.82 35.94 1 5 4.40 2.55 9.28 0.82 35.94 1 5 4.70 2.57 9.04 0.77 35.94 1 5 5.00 2.60 8.81 O.73 35.94 n ��n Cl A9 np=,'94 ` ^ 1 5 5.60 2.68 8.36 0.65 35.94 1 5 5.90 2.72 8.15 0.62 85.94 1 5 6.20 2.77 7.94 0.58 35.94 1 �5 6.50 2.82 7.74 0.55 35.94 1 5 6.80 2.87 7.54 0.52 35.94 1 5 7.10 2.92 7.34 0.49 85.94 1 6 7.10 2.92 7.84 0.49 35.94 1 6 7.19 2.96 7.29 0.48 35.94 1 6 7.28 2.99 7.23 0.48 35.94 1 6 7.87 3.03 7.17 0.47 35.94 1 6 7.46 3.06 7.12 0.46 35.94 1 6 7.55 3.09 7.06 0.45 85.94 1 6 7.64 3.13 7.01 0.44 85.94 1 6 7.73 8.16 6.95 0.44 35.94 1 6 7.82 3.19 6.90 0.43 35.94 1 6 7.91 3.22 6.85 0.42 35.94 1 6 6.00 3.25 6.79 0.42 35.94 | Seg # | Reach # | Geg Mi D.O. ( CBOD NBOD ( Flow | SUMMER 7Q10=28 MODEL WITH 18.77 NBOD AND 940 CBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS --~------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream : DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 3.25 mg/l. The End CBOD is 6.75 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.43 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Mln CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg /l) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l> (mg/l) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 2.55 4.40 4 Reach 1 940.00 18.77 54.80 0.12000 Reach 2 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 Reach 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 Reach 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0O000 Reach 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 x 1`ICDDEL_ SUMMARY DATA I 1 �w•1-tt: �-gr-_rt- �: E 11_»IJ1��1�.1 1~�1�f..11_»'1"1y;'r` 9u1--,1_)asj. -1-•) R 030611 Receiving Stream 3 DEEP RIVER Stream Class,, C .t i... t.. t._ t. Uinmer 11 8. Design Temperature-. 26. 1 LENGTH! SLOPE! VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd 1 Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 Kt1 1 KNR 1 K1d11 1 -mile 1 ftliiiil fps 1 ft 1designl 3200 ldeisignl 320' 1de ignl 320' 1designl 3201 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t t 1 t t 1 s 1 t t 1 t 1 Segment 1 1 1.101 0.701 0.113 1 4.08 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 i i 1 I Segment 1 1 1.701 0.701 0.125 1 4.21 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 2 1 t 1 1 t i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1 ) ) I J 1 i F i 1 i Segment,, 1 1 0.401 1.161 0.156 13.92 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0,601 0.48 3 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 React{ 3 Segment 1 1 1.201 1.161 0.156 1 3.92 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 4 !� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t Segment 1 1 2.701 1.161 0.155 1 3.93 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.80 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 C 1 1 t t F 1 ) ! t ! 1 1 ) Reach Segment 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.155 1 3.93 1 0.22 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.791 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 6 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 I ------- - -- -- --- -------------------------- --- - -- -- - - --- --- --- - --- -- ----------- -_•--- - --- --- ------ - --- -- 1 :1 C.w 1 i:;BOD 1 %fisOD 1 D. 0 1 1 C-'I--s 1 mg / T i frig F•1 e et (J v) a •t: e k... s 1 2 E {: a ,:) 1 2 .. '. w) 0 5 . (::) C) 0 »}1!» r :i ! "s u -iits�. a r :x 1 0 n �_) �) C) i -2 R 0 {_) fr..1 i 1) ., Ir } ft,.# �_) i 7 a 3 C C) : Rt.t { 10 f'•f I �.� :e 0 ti.?C"I 3 !•� n 00t»� i 1. n % i5..=� � 1 rf rr � 7t !0 W C:.'(s•lt trr S f .750 1 000 y 4 a 500 i 5 o 0f..i 0 Tr i L:)t..ttr'l't" y i 0 ,. 000 i R ,. r.)t )0 1 1 . 000 i t a 3Z.?t�1 l V 1G• i• syyi t er' ( 1 0 n ?C) 0�} 3 1 _) n (.)00 {{•�)t..i}� TI i biu•itC:tf'• y f C) n 0�•)1_) I 2. (:)C)(-.) 1 1 et t»)�»)0 1 ti n .»�00 R t_t i_= •t" f 1 C) R =-) �) ... 1 2? . 4_) w) C) 1 I , C) ') 0 1 .. S C 0 Segment i Read i A- Wa'tc to i () . 00{) i 0. 000 i 0 . 0;.)£} i ) . 000 Tributary 0.000 2 . t:)� �c�) i � 0 0 0 7.300 Segme) tt I Reach -x- r+ UI lCiff s 0 . ;:)00 11 2. 000 1, 1 . 000 31 7.300 Segment �t i Reach 6 Was-I.-.e i 0 . CI0 i 0. 000 1 4_) . 000 i 0 . 000 Tributary 1 0.000 ; 2.000 1.000 ; 7.300 * Runoff f It 0 . 00C) i 2 .. 000 i 1 .. 000 i 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile � Seg # | Reach # I. Geg Mi ( D.O. | CBOD 1 1 0.00 5.33 8.19 1 1 0.10 5.21 (3.09 1 1 0.20 5.10 8.0() 1 1 0"30 5.00 7.90 1 1 0.40 4.90 7.81 1 1 0.50 4.81 7.72 1 1 0.60 4.72 7.63 1 1 0.70 4.64 7.54 1 1 0.80 4.56 7.45 1 1 0.90 4.49 7.36 1 1 1.00 4.42 7.27 1 J. 1.10 4.35 7.19 1 2 1.10 4.49 12.54 1 2 1.20 4.37 12.41 1 2 1.30 4.25 12.29 1 2 1.40 4.14 12.17 1 2 1.50 4.04 12.05 1 2 1.60 3.93 11.93 1 B 1"70 3.84 11.81 1 2 1.80 3.75 11.69 1 2 1.90 3.66 11.58 1 2 2.00 3.58 11.46 1 2 2.10 3.50 11.35 1 2 2.20 3.43 11.24 1 2 2.80 8.36 11.12 1 2 2.40 3.29 11.01 1 2 2.50 3.23 10.90 1 2 2.60 3.17 10.80 1 2 2.70 3.11 10.69 1 2 2.80 3.06 10.58 1 3 2.80 3.06 10.58 1 3 2.84 3.04 10.55 1 3 2.88 3.02 10.51 1 3 2.92 3.00 10.47 1 3 2.96 2.99 10.44 1 3 8.00 2.97 10.40 1 3 3.04 2.95 10.37 1 3 3.08 2.93 10.83 1 3 3.12 2.92 10.30 1 3 3.16 2.90 10.26 1 8 8.20 2.89 10.28 1 4 8.20 2.89 10.23 1 4 3.30 2.85 10.14 1 4 3.40 2.81 10.05 1 4 3.50 2.78 9.96 1 4 8.60 2.74 9.88 1 4 3.70 2.71 9.79 1 4 3.80 2.68 9.71 1 4 3.90 2.66 9.63 1 4 4.00 2.63 9.54 1 4 4.10 2.61 9.46 1 4 4.20 2.59 9.38 1 4 4.30 2.57 9.30 1 4 4.40 2.55 9.22 1 5 4.40 2.55 9.22 1 5 4.70 2.57 8.98 1 5 5.00 2.60 8.75 P'A4 9.53 4:141rdIRM 7Q10=28 MODEL WITH 18.77 NBOD AND 940 CBOD | NBOD ( Flow | 1.12 28.19 1.09 28.19 1.06 28.19 1.03 28.19 1.01 28.19 0.98 28.19 0.96 28.19 0.93 28.19 0.91 28.19 0.89 28.19 0.86 28.19 0.84 28.19 1.63 35.94 1.60 35.94 1.56 35.94 1.53 35.94 1.50 35.94 1.46 35.94 1.43 35.94 1.40 35.94 1.37 35.94 1.34 35.94 1.31 35.94 1.29 35.94 1.26 35.94 1.23 35.94 1.21 35.94 1 8 1. 35.94 1.15 35.94 1.13 35.94 1.13 35.94 1.12 35.94 1.11 35.94 1.11 35.94 1.10 35.94 1.09 35.94 1.08 35.94 1.07 35.94 1.06 35.94 1.06 35.94 1.05 35.94 1.05 35.94 1.03 35.94 1.01 35.94 0.99 35.94 0.97 85.94 0.96 35.94 0.94 35.94 0.92 35.94 0.90 35.94 0.89 35.94 0.87 85.94 0.85 35.94 0.84 35.94 0.84 35.94 0.79 35.94 0.75 35.94 0.71 35.94 b.6U 2 . 6 8 8.31 0.67 35.94 1 5 5.90 2.72 8.10 0.63 35.94 1 5 6.20 2.77 7.89 0.60 35.94 1 5 6.50 2.82 7.69 0.57 35.94 1 5 6.80 2.87 7.49 0.58 35.94 1 5 7.10 2.93 7.30 0.51 35.94 1 6 7.10 2.93 7.30 0.51 35.94 1 6 7.19 2.96 7.24 0.50 35.94 1 6 7.28 3.00 7.18 0.49 85.94 1 6 7.87 3.03 7.13 0.48 35,94 1 6 7.46 3.06 7.07 0.47 35.94 1 6 7.55 3.10 7.02 0.46 85.94 1 6 7.64 3.13 6.96 0.46 35.94 1 6 7.73 3.16 6.91 0.45 35.94 1 6 7.82 8.19 6.86 0.44 35.94 1 6 7.91 3.22 6.80 0.43 35.94 1 6 8.00 3.25 6.75 0.43 35.94 | Seg # 1 Reach # | Seg M1 | D.O. ( CBOD < NBOD | Flow | SUMMER 7Q10=28 MODEL WITH 37.58 NBOD AND 909 CBOD ---------- MODEL RESULTS ---------- Discharger : GOLDEN POULTRY Receiving Stream o DEEP RIVER The End D.O. is 8.26 mg/l. The End CBOD is 6.67 mg/l. The End NBOD is 0.45 mg/l. Segment I 1 Reach 1 Reach 2 Reach 3 Reach 4 Reach 5 Reach 6 WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flow (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mgd) 2.55 4.40 4 909.00 87.53 54.80 0.12000 32.00 4.50 5.00 5.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 .. 1'110 D E k_. 9 t_! M'1 f `; F M T.M „I- A 34..Mr..;;. Da.sc:hatr-gt::=}- Un r:3t=a1... �i::1~�t i='til.11... "fI T u b b a!i5 :i.t„1 030611 S ) r / e 7C.110 ,: r t 3 l•LI i. i`} '�: t~� i` 7010 x 33. ILENBTHI SLOPE: VELOCITY 1 DEPTH! Kd 1 Kd I Ka 1 Ka 1 KN 1 KN 1 KNR 1 KNR 1 1 mile 1 st/mi 1 sps 1 Tt Wesign! 1201 !design! @20° Nesigf}1 W01 1desigr,1 @200 1 Segment i ': 1.101 0.701 0.113 1 4.08 11 0.88 1 0.11 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.4$ 1 0.00 1 Reach 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 i 1 ----..-------..-----------------..------------------------------------------------------------------„.--- I r 1 Segment 1 1 1.701 0.70: 0.13.E r 4.31 1 0.22 1 0.17 J 0.68 1 0.601 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 8 1 Reach �1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Segment 1 1 0.40; 1.161 0.156 1 3.98 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.601 0.49 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 1 Reach 3 i Il 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 t 1 ! r 1 1 1 1 t 1 Segmt:nt 1 1 1.801 1.161, 0.156 1 3.98 1 0.8E 1 0.17 1 0.68 1 0.60; 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 Reach 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t Segment 1 1 8.701 1.16: 0.155 1 3.93 1 0.8E 1 0.17 1 0.80 1 0.701 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 , Reach '1 1 11 oegment 1 1 0.901 1.161 0.155 1 3.73 1 0.88 1 0.17 1 0.90 1 0.7931 0.48 1 0.30 1 0.48 1 0.00 1 I, i 1} ,1 ,, 1 ,1 ,t J1 1} !1 , I 11 I Reach 6 1 i I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I= 3 c1 �a 1 , CBUD i NB(»1D { D x 0x 1 C." ' �' r• i fn g i I i Il's g 1 1 rn g i S e g ftn C I 1 t I ri~ R e it C». I S was.! �.""'' waste 1 .1 (�.1. 0 a 1 Bcs i `;�_}9 x 0�_}t_} 1 ����}} 7 �} 3 f n 53�_} 1 ['� .1»„�j14 r BOO Headt%da t a}-s 1 2B „ i;}C t) 1 2 x 000 i 1 x 0C)i;,} 1 5. 000 Tr i butai-y 1 f„} n 000 1 L2j x 000 1 ! . oC) ) 1 34=10 RU _ Of 1 C) x 0{-} 0 1 2 x 00 {::} 1 1 r. C) t}� a 1 7 x 3-C) 0 Waste i x ! . � ti }yy 1 � 2 n t_} „} 0 i L.S' „ 500 1 5 a 0 () /„} r{ty j yy 'T i i b U �l1 a:[ Lj{ i {l 0 n ;_} 0 f") 1 2.000 Of,") („) 1 7. 300 •y I�i t..l }"t CI "1 i („} x 0i } 0 1 � x 0 0 � .} i I..r r .} f } iM} 1 i` x ,r"„y'•„} 3 } s�.'f.J1S1e�I„ft 1. r» FRc-?:�r:I i .: . '1r i (:} x i„} f=? s:} 1 0. x (-If 0 1 {�} x y) 0 4_} i 4} x 000 .I.. }- i b u t a r y 1 0 a ��} 0 0 1 2. 000 1 .1 a*„} �} i�} 1 ` x ;�� ��} r�} ' F: u n l :1 . f -F 1 �„) x 0 i„} C) 1 2 x t»} S»} �„} 1 .I. a f..} t .} =»} 1 )? '-J a .:) :.} �„} 300 Z�egmen-i; z Neacn � Waste | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 } 0.000 Tributary | 0.000 | 2.000 ( 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 1 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 Segment l Reach 5 Waste | 0.000 | O.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 Tributary | 0.000 ( 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.800 * Runoff | 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 7.300 Segment 1 Reach 6 Waste | 0.000 0.000 | 0.000 0.000 Tr1butar y | 0.000 ! 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff | 0.000 | 2.000 | 1.000 | 7.300 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile ' SUMMER 7Q10=28 MODEL WITH 37.53 NBOD AND 909 CBOD � Seg # � Reach # | 8eg Ili | D.O. | CBOD ( NBOD | Flow | 1 1 0.00 5.33 7.99 1.24 28.19 1 1 0.10 5.21 7.89 1.21 28.19 1 1 0.20 5.10 7.80 1.18 28.19 1 1 0.30 5.00 7.71 1.15 28.19 1 1 0.40 4.90 7.61 1.12 28.19 1 1 0.50 4.81 7.52 1.09 28.19 1 1 0.60 4.72 7.44 1.06 28.19 1 J. 0.70 4.63 7.35 1.04 28.19 1 1 0.80 4.56 7.26 1.01 28.19 1 1 0.90 4.48 7.17 0.98 28.19 1 1 1.00 4.41 7.09 0.96 28.19 1 1 1.10 ^ 4 35 7 01 ^ ^ 0 94 28 19 ^ 1 2 1.10 4.49 12.40 1.70 35.94 1 2 1.20 4.37 12.27 1.67 35.94 1 2 1.30 4.25 12.15 1.63 35.94 1 2 1.40 4.14 12.03 1.60 35.94 1 2 l.50 4.03 11.91 1.56 35.94 1 2 1.60 3.93 11.79 1.53 35.94 1 2 1.7O 3.84 11.68 1.50 35.94 1 2 1.80 3.74 11.56 1.47 35.94 1 2 1.90 3.66 11.45 1.43 35.94 1 2 2.00 3.58 11.33 1.40 85.94 1 2 2.10 3.50 11.22 1.37 35.94 1 2 2.20 8.42 11.11 1.34 35.94 1 2 2.30 3.35 11.00 1.32 35.94 1 2 2.40 3.29 10.89 1.29 35.94 1 2 2.50 3.23 10.78 1.26 35.94 1 2 2.60 3.17 10.68 1.23 35.94 1 2 2.70 3.11 10.57 1.21 35.94 1 2 2.80 3.06 10.46 1.18 35.94 1 3 2.80 3.06 10.46 1.18 35.94 1 3 2.84 3.04 10.43 1.17 35.94 1 3 2.88 3.02 10.39 1.16 35.94 1 3 2.92 3.00 10.36 1.15 35.94 1 3 2.96 2.98 10.32 1.15 35.94 1 3 3.00 2.97 10.29 1.14 35.94 1 3 3.04 2.95 10.25 1.13 35.94 1 3 3.08 2.93 10.22 1.12 35.94 1 3 3.12 2.92 10.18 1.11 35.94 1 3 3.16 2.90 10.15 1.10 35.94 1 8 3.20 2.88 10.11 1.10 35.94 1 A. 3.20 2.88 10.11 1.10 35.94 1 4 3.30 2.85 10.02 1.08 35.94 1 4 3.40 2.81 9.94 1.06 35.94 1 4 3.50 2.78 9.85 1.04 35.94 1 4 8.60 2.74 9.77 1.02 35.94 1 4 3.70 2.71 9.68 1.00 35.94 1 4 3.80 2.68 9.60 0.98 35.94 1 4 3.90 2.66 9.52 0.96 35.94 1 4 4.00 2.63 9.44 0.94 35.94 1 4 4.10 2.61 9.35 0.98 35.94 1 4 4.20 2.59 9.27 0.91 35.94 1 4 4.30 2.57 9.19 0.89 35.94 1 4 4.40 2.55 9.11 0.88 35.94 1 5 4.40 2.55 9.11 0.88 35.94 1 5 4.70 2.57 8.88 0.83 35.94 1 5 5.00 2.61 8.65 0.78 35.94 � p� 5.30 2.64 8.43 0.74 35.94 o.bo d.b u u.vu an.�� 1 5 5.90 2.73 8.00 � �0,66 35.94 1 5 6.20 2.77 7.80 ^ 0.63 35.94 1 5 6.50 2.82 7.60 0.59 85.94 1 5 6.80 2.88 7.40 0.56 35.94 1 5 7.10 2.93 7.22 0.53 35.94 1 6 7.10 2.93 7.22 0.53 35.94 1 6 7.19 2.97 7.16 0.52 35.94 1 6 7.28 3.00 7.10 0.51 35.94 1 6 7.37 8.03 7.05 0.50 35.94 1 6 7.46 3.07 6.99 0.49 35.94 1 6 7.55 3.10 6.94 0.49 35.94 1 6 7.64 3.13 6.89 0.48 35.94 1 6 7.73 8.17 6.83 0.47 35.94 1 6 7.82 3.20 6.78 0.46 35.94 1 6 7.91 3.23 6.73 0.45 35.94 1 6 8.00 3.26 6.67 0.45 85.94 oz,c n(Ja* = 0.12 -to uVti�Vut%iZe rL,Mpkc o+t— wa6f4fow OVA 3� CtAJ �C cTC, J+t NFL C as too s 4 r- =tJ N ► - E- 4 a(40S Ow x I -a IkwD A I Cb So ou;, h� '�o <�vLreaic lot' ozL) bcs. 040 -t6M CiA- �3o?� UU ' (" pjj J Y Note: Several facilities obtain their make-up water from the river and, therefore, it is assumed that no significant flow is added to the river from the discharge. In order to minimize their impact on flow, waste parameters can be input as lbs/day rather than concentration and the flow can be reduced to 0.12 MGD. This flow can used since the model converts normal concentration inputs to mass loads (lbs/day) by multiplying concentration by flow by 8.34 (conversion factor). Since 0.12 * 8.34 = 1.0, the waste input remains in lbs/day (i.e. 1.0 lbs/day = lbs/day). 4fv> rl?71 - sl�o„19 W�te'{' or_ 2XC2e.0' Se coves-�_ _l�`5 kAt c � kwow� 40 gold rtm[IRC. 244 Perimeter Center Parkway, N.E./P.O. Box 2210 Atlanta, Ga. 30301 Mr. Steve Tetter Director, Water Quality North Carolina Department Resources and Community P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tetter: December 10, 1987 of Natural Development 27611 Re: Golden Poultry Sanford, NC C 3 4 1987 As you may be aware, Golden Poultry Company is preparing to con- struct a chicken processing plant in Lee County, approximately eight miles north of Sanford. This facility, slated for start-up in fall 1988, will provide employment for 325 people. Obviously, an important part of that facility will be the wastewater treatment plant. Indeed, we have already conducted a comprehensive site suitability study for waste treatment along with a preliminary engineering design. These items were submitted to NRCD as part of an NPDES permit application package October 13, 1987. In order to keep the plant start-up on schedule, we need to begin detailed engineering design on the waste treatment facility. However, prior to doing so we need to know what our proposed effluent limitations will be. In speaking with Mr. Dale Overcash, development of the limitations has been delayed by USGS. Apparently, they are revising their model used to develop flow data for the Deep River. We would request that if there are any actions you can take to expedite development of effluent limitations to please proceed. Alternately, if we should contact USGS directly to express our timetable concerns, please advise and we will do so. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to a long, positive working relationship with NRCD. Sincerely, 'Q John E. Starkey, Manager Environmental Engineering (404)393-5203 JES:er cc: Mr. Glenn Berry File 4001aWQ Ms. Carolyn McCaskill File 938