HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072575_Meeting Notes_199401064�no V2 75 GOLDEN POULTRY COMPANY, INC. V. NORTH CAROLINA DEHNR JANUARY 6, 1994 CONFERENCE Illustrative Documents 14 UPSTREAM DO (MGIL) AT SR 1400 a • w • 12-......_._......_._._......_._.._ ._.»_.».._.__......_._._.._.._._..."._........._� .._ ... ............. _ w."»._."..".._._._..._._........._._......_.__....o_....""._._......_._."..._._._......_._......_._._....._..._..._._-----._._._..._._._.». o ai __. �.._.._._._........._......_._.»........._......_._._... s w w a m w w =a war w e ,, w w • a w w w • 10 .............. ................. ...... »......... ».»................................................................. ............... _.................................. ............. .......... .."..'........ 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".._._......".-._..... _._....�_ ......._._......_._........_._......_._ ......._ 01m Ana w w waa w add . . s. �s� un wa w ......__."......_.»......_."."......_.»......._. . s w e 0. or o w s �! w w �!a � w ® w M Cam o s w � • o w a 2....... .................................................... ............................................................... .... _....._._......_._._......_._......_._.__......._........._._..__..._......_»._......_._......_._._.........»......».»._......_._......_._._......_._......_._._................._._._......_._.»..._.».»...................._...................._._.... 0 01-Jan-90 17-Aug-90 02-Apr-91 16-Nov-91 01-Jul-92 14-Feb-93 30-Sep-93 25-Apr•90 09-Dec-90 25-Jul-91 09-Mar•92 23-Oct-92 08-Jun-93 DATA 1990-93 w DO DATA (MGIL) GRAPH 20 UPSTREAM DATA, ULTIMATE BOO (SR1400) 100000 75000 50000 Q O 25000 O m 0 0 U na. -25000 Q U 0 O -50000 -75000 -100000 J GP DATA SUMMARY DATE YEARS, 90- 93 GRAPH 15 0 LOAD CAPACITY GP EFFLUENT (MGD) .2 n .o I LUUUU 100000 j 80000 Q 0 m J 60000 0 0 m 0 40000 Q 20000 oL U p 0 -20000 -40000 UPSTREAM DATA (SR 1400) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0&0 % 0 0 0 1000 GP DATA SUMMARY 2 YEARS, 90.93 GRAPH 10 qko 0 2000 3000 4000 5990 RIVER DISCHARGE (CFS) R=0.82slx•1 2.31 R=0.82 R2 = 0.67 N=42 0 r % CONTRIBUTION TO RIVER BOD BY GP AND WWTP �a vw 14 12_........._....._._......_..._...._..._._M.__......_._._......_._......_._......_......_._._.__...._.__._..__...._.._._.---------------- ................................... ...... _._......... _...... _.... _... ,..,10 _ ....._._...._____...._._....._._.__...._._......_._._......_._......_._._......_._ ....._._._......_._..._._._......_._......_._._......_._......_._._............. _......... _.__............_..._._._......... __......_._._......_._.._.._._._..._..... _......... ....__ _.__......._..._._._............ ....... ......... _. 0 v 0 8............................................................. .......... ............................................................... ...... ........ ... ............. ._.... .......... ............. ....... ._............ ......... ... ..................... _ ................................ ................................. ................ ........... ............... . ............................. m 6 J F; O H 4_........._......_._._....__.... _._........ .......................... _�...._._._......_ _ _._.___..M _ _..._ ._ _. _ _ _.__..._. __._......_._...... _._....__.__...._._ .._. _. _ 2 ._..._._. _ _ .._._._.._ ._._ _. _ _._._......_ _ _. _._.._ _ _ _ _ ...._._......_.__.......... 0 Jan-90 Jul-90 Jan-91 Jul-91 Jan-92 Jul-92 Jan-93 Jul-93 Apr-90 Oct-90 Apr-91 Oct-91 Apr-92 Oct-92 Apr-93 GP SUMMARY DATA G1990-1993 GP EFFLUENT (% TOTAL IN RIVER) VWVTP BOD (% TOTAL IN RIVER) GRAPH :SUMMDAT J� 0 600 z w W U z Q z 400 w z w J U- (L W 0 J< GP DATA SUh vIARY YEARS, 90- 93 GRAPH 18 DATE 3 SUMMARY OF STORM WATER RUNOFF MONITORING DATA GOLDEN POULTRY COMPANY SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Sample Location 1 2 3 4 5 AVERAGE Effluent Sam le Date 11 /5/93 11 /5/93 9/6/93 12/6/93 11 /1 /93 9/6/93 11 /1 /93 11 /5/93 Parameter BO D m /I 4.81 4.7 12 8.8 i 11.2 ` 8.5 3.9 7.7 10.3 TOC m /I 17.4-1 14.2 4.22 - - 10.0 28.9 9.22 14.0 14.8 DO (mg/1) - - I- - - - _ - - 7.15 ! 7.3 7.37 7.3 - - it TKN(mg/1) 3.91 2.7 41.0 2.1 28.1 ; 8.3 7.6 13.4 3.8 NH -N(mg/1) 0.2 0.3 1:7 0.3 0.5 : 0.1 1.8 0.7 0.2 N O, - N m /L 0.11 0.3 0.008 0.005 0.3; 0.005 0.005 0.103 0.9 N O - N m /I 0.0051 0.005 0.1 0.2 2.1 ` 0.1 0.2 0.387 0.08 Sample Location Description: Location 1: Runoff sample collected from undeveloped grass and pine area below Lee County Water Plant. Location 2: Runoff sample collected from major drainage feature receiving drainage from wooded area to the north of spray fields. Location 3: Runoff sample collected from area drained through outfall 001 (near number 4 spray field). This area is not under irrigation. Location 4: Runoff sample collected from area drained through outfall 001 (near number 5 spray field). This area is also not under irrigation. Location 5: Runoff samples collected from bean field. SRW 12/29/93 h 221 T fJ = Table 150 CONCENTRATIONS OF RAINFALL RUNOFF FROM LAND F RECEIVING ANIMAL MANURE AND FROM PASTURE OR TN = tJVLt NO3 fJ CONTROL AREAS of Concentration of rainfall runoff liquid (mg/f) g/ Type TN BOD, o-PO.-P t-PO.-P Ca Ref. Heavily grazed pasture and rest- 4.5 14 7.1 — — 412 ing area — — f Heavily grazed pasture and rest- 5.1 17 1.2 412 ing area ^ Irrigated dairy manure (3900 kg 15-35 20-107 4-14 413 �1 lV/1J N/ha/year) �Y Tank spread dairy manure (1700 15-25 30-45 — 4-5 — 413 kg N/ha/year) No manure application 7-12 11-14 — 2-4 413 Swine lagoon effluent applica- tion 300kg/ha/year 2-20 — — 0.5-3.5 1-12 414 j 600 kg/ha/year 2-20 — — 0.5-3.5 \` 1 =20 414 1200 kg/ha/year 5-35 1-8 414 Control 1-1- _ — - 41 V_ Land receiving manure 1-12 0.3-4 415 Cropland 9-10 0.02-2 415 malized by the amount of runoff (a direct proportion to the amount of rainfall is assumed) to give the mass of a constituent per head per centimeter of runoff."' Using a maximum of 10% of defecated waste for feedlot rainfall transport and the raw waste amounts in Tables 137 to 145, an upper value for swine drylot was calculated (Table 149). These production unit waste loads are the input to subsequent pretreat- ment processes such as retention ponds or are the amounts of material available for direct land application. The amount of a given constituent per centimeter of runoff was calculated based On certain assumptions in a later section describing runoff reten- tion ponds. The lower limit of estimated swine drylot or pasture runoff is the transport found from areas receiving application of animal waste at recommended rates of 300 to 600 kg N/ha/year. Based on the raw waste defecated, these land application rates would be equivalent to 40 to 80 hogs per hectare. Such a stocking density is just on the border between a pasture situation and a drylot in terms of ability to support a vegetative cover?3o Therefore, results presented here for runoff transport from areas receiving recommended rates of animal waste will represent: (1) the approximate waste load kg from pasture production units averaging 40 to 80 hogs per hectare and (2) a lower estimate of runoff transport from swine drylots. Several data sources were found for runoff concentrations (Table 150). The concer.- trations are 20- to 1000-fold lower than feedlot values indicating primarily the much lower amount of waste constituents per unit area. On a mass balance basis,"' the percent of applied swine lagoon effluent material which appeared in rainfall runoff from Coastal Plains -Bermuda grass plots was between 0.9 and 4.3% for TN, COD, and t-PO.-P. Thus, approximately 2.5% of the applied waste load was assumed to appear in runoff transport from plots receiving the equivalent of fertilizer recommen- dations and thus this value was used to determine the lower limit on drylot production unit waste load (Table 149). While it is anticipated that the percent of waste in animal runoff would also be directly proportional to annual rainfall or runoff volumes, no comparative data were found and so a single percent (2.50/o) was used. eft ' -a% CEEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT t OF THE DEEP RIVER 1983-1987 Z, ,,Stirute R' IVc: +]t1e.27E;�5-7912 NORTH CARC°ILINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONRAUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION This report has been approved for release R. Paul Wilms, Director .f 7e4-.j--,Date����' Table 10. Bioclassification of Deep River sites, 1983-1986.Underlining used to emphasize improvements in water quality. Year Discharger Station 1 Jamestown WWTP 1 2 ery Poor. Fair Good-PairGood-Fair High Point East fide VWVTP 3 Poor Poor? Poor Fri 4 Poor Poor Emir - air Randleman WWTP 5 ! Poor Poor E11:1 Fair Asheboro VVWTP 6 Poor _ 7 Fair Fair gomod-Fair Good Ramseur VViWVTP 8 Good -Fair Excellent Good . - 9 Excellent Excellent Excellent xcellent 10 - - - Excellent y- Sanford WWTP - Good 11 - - 1 Ceased discharge Oct.1984 specification and estimation. The recalibrated model assumes that there is some component (i.e. SOD) outside of the waste and background CBOD and NBOD. The recalibrated model run under former design allocations conditions (i.e.. 7Q10 = 17.2 cfs and QW = 5.0 MGD, existing BOD5, NH3N, and DO limits) predicted a DO minimum concentration of 1.3 mg/l (see figure 7). This value represents a decrease well below the allowable change of 10.percent below background, which would correspond to 4.0 mg/l. The model predicts that effluent limits would have to be approximately 1 mg/1 BOD5, 1 mg/1 NH3N, and 7 mg/1 DO in order to protect to this standard. If the model is judged reliable, then.the above analysis would indicate the need for a change in Sanford's final wasteload allocation, or even removal of the discharge since the necessary limits are probably not technologically achievable. However, it is recommended that,.several information gaps yet remaining be filled prior to any changes of this -magnitude. First of all, the USGS 7Q10 estimate of 17.2 cfs is in question. Review of flow monitoring data at the two nearest gages, upstream at Ramseur and downstream at Moncure, show the lowest seven consecutive day flows in the past ten years to be 16.3 cfs and 28.7 cfs, respec- tively. The Ramseur low flow occured in 1977. The watershed has experienced substantial growth, particularly in the Highpoint and Asheboro areas, since this time and the additional wastewater would be expected to augment flows during low flow periods. lkftb. lowest 7-day average flow observed in recent years at Rams 22.6 cfs, which occurred in July, 1986. Since the drai (DA) at Sanford is 770 square miles greater than (2.2x) am 10 to evaluate the available assimilative capacity upstream of San- ford for a proposed overland discharge of poultry process waste- water. In addition, an instream assessment was requested for a Special Consent Order for the City of Sanford due to non-" compliance with BODS and NH3-N NPDES effluent limitations. In each of these cases, a version of the calibrated model described in this document was used tck evaluate oxygen -consuming wastes. It is recommend that Technical Support continue this practice for those situations in which a management decision must be made prior to further intensive study of the river. However, given the strong influence of the USGS 7Q10 estimate of 17.2 cfs on model predictions, it is recommended that the calibration flow of 41: 7 cfs be used in its place. Since this latter flow figure represents one,of the lowest known periods of flow in recent his- ; tory, and because of the success demonstrated in its use (i.e. calibration & verification analyses), its application appears more sensible (see figure 8). 1 U rr Lt!,;+•- -11- 11 N FIGURE 8. PREDICTED D.O. BELOW SANFORD 6 5 3 O A 2 1 EXISTING LDMS CALIBRATED MODEL APPLIED AT 41.7 CFS DISTANCE (MILES) + 5BOD5/1NH3N STANDARD • w � c................ro f ' NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NCO024147 PE NAME: City of Sanford FACIL= NAME: Big Buffalo Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 6.8* MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): 24 % 76 % Comments: POTW * Please model (@ 5.0 & 6.8 as before STREAM INDEX: 17-(38.5) RECEIVING STREAM: the Deep River Class. C Sub -Basin: 03-06-11 Reference USGS Quad: E22SW, Colon (please attach) County: Lee Regional Office: Raleigh Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 1/31/93 Treatment Plant Class: IV Classification changes within three miles: ra 7r1 m; to WIZ-TTT (nl rnnfl»enrP of 1 1 .. r R1 nested by'' 9/15/92 Date: P:r�eparecl by: Date: Reviewed by: Date: _ ]q3_ Modeler Date Rec. # f}G q /S EL 7/a/ Drainage Area (mil) Avg. Streamflow (cfs): /240 7Q10 (cfs) Z Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 33• �0 30Q2 (cfs) 0 Toxicity Limits: IWC 3�„ %n ©b • v Acute Chronic 1nstream Monitoring: Parameters, , 1500 „T—Z,T—� Upstream •r/t' Location `Gi' S- o lkc% r°ai�Z` Downstream Location f �� �•� SDl Effluent _ - IE51 M,t,,Cy `' 0 Arr- M ,5t o Characteristics ;pia f BODS(m ) NH / Z 3-N :(mp)rl) D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg11) F. Col. (/100 ml) 200 :jp 20o ?,,,Z pH (SU) • `� — GT �-' �r Temperature (°C): monitor monitor monitor moniu)r TP (mg/1): monitor monitor monitor monitor TN (mgft monitor monitor. monitor monitor Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor monitor . monitor monitor Cadmium (µg/1): 6.4 6.4 5.3 5.3 Chromium (µg/1): 161 161 132 132 Copper (µgft monitor monitor monitor monitor Zinc (µg/l): monitor. monitor monitor monitor Cyanide (µg/l): 16 M 13 13 Total Nickel (µg/l): 283 283 232 232 Total Lead (µs/1): so 80 66 66 Mercury (µg ft 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 Silver (µ )• C�I.Ori �r''1�t.�'. monitor h»Ao'.•`.ror monitor '°r`:� monitor M'r' monitor J r.+..,rrfr Comments: fir' PA I t✓y ,qq.X ►,V u1M; c Page 4 of 19 Permit No. 14 TABLE 1 (DAILY MAXIMUM ALMQMLE BOD5 (LBS/DAY) DISCHARGE LIMITS) TEMPERATURE C 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 CFS 10 11 300 3300 3100 2900 2700 2500 2300 2100 2000 1800 1700 2300 1500 2000 1400 1900 1300 1700 400 4800 4500 4100 3750 3400 3200 2900 2700 3400 2500 3100 2800 2500 2300 2100 500 6200 5700 5200 4800 4400 4100 3700 4400 4100 3700 3400 3000 2800 2500 600 7500 7000 6400 5850 5300 4900 6600 5800 5300 4800 4300 3800 3500 3100 00 10700 9900 9000 8150 7300 8200 7100 6500 5800 5200 4500 9100 3700 800 14000 12800 11600 10400 9200 9700 8400 7800 7100 6300 5500 5000 4400 9 00 16500 15200 13800 12400 11000 13000 11700 10400 9500 8500 7500 6500 5900 5200 1900 100 15200 13800 14500 16600 14500 12400 11300 10100 9000 7800 00 1100 22600 20800 19200 17920 20200 11300 14400 13100 11700 10400 9100 82 00 7200 200 1200 23800 22400 21400 21330 22460 19600 16700 15100 13400 11900 10400 9400 8300 1300 26300 24700 23100 22800 23000 20600 18500 16800 15000 13400 11700 10500 9300 1900 28700 27000 25300 24022 25000 22700 20600 18600 16600 19800 13000 11700 10300 1500 31100 29300 27500 26132 26800 24600 22500 20500 18500 16400 14300 12900 11500 1600 33600 31600 29700 28242 25900 23000 21800 20600 18200 15700 14100 12500 1700 36000 34000 31900 30352 28800 27700 24600 23500 22500 20700 19000 16900 13800 1800 38500 36300 34100 32462 30800 26200 24300 22460 21700 21000 18200 15300 1900 40900 38600 36300 34572 32900 34900 29500 31400 21900 25800 23800 23100 22500 19200 2000 41980 40900 38500 36682 38900 35000 31100 28900 26600 24600 22500 20900 20900 19200 2200 • 41980 ' 41980 " 40902 41980 41000 38700 34400 31900 29400 27200 25000 23700 22460 22100 2200 ' * + • 91980 39500 37600 35000 32300 29900 27500 24600 27000 24100 2400 " " 41980 40900 38000 35100 32500 29900 2800 • ' • ` ` 41980 41000 37900 35100 32400 29200 26100 3000 ' • " • • • 41980 40700 37800 34800 31500 28100 3200 • • • , . + . • 41980 90900 37300 33700 30100 3600 + + ' , + . + * 41980 39800 35900 32100 3800 ' ' + , . + + + 41980 38100 34100 3800 ' ' ' • , + + + • 40400 36100 4000 ' + + + + + . • • • 41980 38000 , 4400 �• • " . • + • 41980 4600 " + , loading cannot exceed 22460 lbs/day and the maximum di loading for any one day cannot exceed the The indicated daily average value in the above table or 41980 lbs/day whichever is less. SUMMARY OF STORM WATER RUNOFF MONITORING DATA GOLDEN POULTRY COMPANY I SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA vim' S�^'���«'•� ro11/1T Sample Location __ 2 � 4 5 AVERAGE Effluent Sample Date 11/5/93 11/5/93 9/6/9 171%93 9/6/93 11/1/93 11/5/93 Parameter BOD -- - �_4.8 -1 4.7 12 11.2 8.5 3.9 7.5 10.31 TO 17.4 14.2 4.22 10.0 28.9 9.22 14.0 14.8 DO -- -- -- 7.15 7.3 7.37 -- -- TKN 3.9 2.7 41.0 28.11 8.3 7.6 15.3 3.8; NH -N 0.2 0.3 1.7 0.51 0.1 1.8 0.81 0.2 NO -N 0.1 0.3 0.008 _ 0.31 0.0051 0.005 0.120 0.9 NO -N 0.005 0.0051 0.1 2.11 0.1 0.2 0.4181 0.08 tr CACQs G.S amens Sample Location Description: Location 1: Runoff sample collected fro"veloped grass and pinl�ea below Lee County Water Plant. Location 2: Runoff sample collected from major drainage feature receiving drainage from wooded area to the north of spray fields. Location 3: Runoff sample collected from area drained through outfall 001 (near number 4 spray field). This area is not under irrigation. Location 4: Runoff sample collected from area drained through outfall 001 (near number 5 spray field). This area is also not under irrigation. Loaction 5: Runoff samples collected from bean field. SRW IV15/93 Summary of Treatment System Performance Gold Kist Inc. Poultry Processing Plant Sanford. North Carolina t Date Rein On De in. Rain Prev. Da in. Water Pumped MGD Water Discharge MGD BOD TSS TKN ORG Fecal Effluent #/100 m To Fields Ib/de Effluent Ib/de Removal Eff. %(lb/day) To Fields Effluent (lb/day) Removal Eff. %(lb/day) To Fields Effluent (lb/day) Removal Eff. % (0(lb/day) Effluent 10/7192 0 0.08 0.713 0.812 1902.85 16.93 99.11 713.57 20.32 97.15 311.59 10.84 96.52 23.03 2 10/14/92 0.822 22.62 54.84 19.88 29.48 2400 10/21/92 0 0 0.892 0.312 4166.00 13.53 99.68 3675.00 541.58 2 10/28/92 0.325 11/4/92 1.348 92.10 11/11/92 0 0 0.559 0.63 932.41 11.03 98.82 321.68 42.03 86.93 190.21 75.65 50.22 14.71 2 11/18/92 0.32 11/25/92 0.702 12/2/92 .03 1.205 0.724 2160.69 13.89 99.36 964.77 12.08 98.75 517.56 44.08 91.48 112.91 2 12/9/92 0.472 340.11 12/16/92 g*110'.36 0.36 12/23/92 0.604 0.972 1460.83 16.21 98.89 856.35 249.85 1/6193 .56 1.794 1.764 2393.91 33.84 98.59 897.72 14.71 98.36 676.28 129.46 80.86 73.56 1 1113/93 0.994 1.338 1401.00 35.71 97.45 223.83 11.18 95.01 382.27 120.52 86.73 130.56 2 1/20103 01 0 0.923 0.672 1847.48 19.06 98.97 1000.72 336.39 1/27/93 01 0 0.878 0.628 1288.76 19.38 98.50 505.25 298.76 213/93 01 0 0.712 0.284 1425.14 15.16 98.94 742.26 2.37 99.68 276.71 22.03 92.04 42.83 2 2/10/93 01 0.28 1.448 0.654 5072.05 12.55 99.75 3091.54 5.45 99.82 609.85 62.73 89.71 5.45 2 2117/93 0.581 0.1 0.692 2.424 2712.50 103.10 96.201 2002.631 345.12 2124/93 01 0 0.71 0.532 2723.84 15.09 99.45 1936.30 316.20 3/3/93 01 0 1.178 0.724 4028.05 32.61 99.19 3232.27 6.04 99.81 516.79 45.89 91.10 57.97 2 3/10/93 01 0 1.016 0.588 2626.77 33.85 98.71 1287.96 8.61 99.33 387.24 45.98 88.13 72.87 2 3117/93 0.21 0 1.181 1.16 2816.97 78.36 97.22 1181.94 488.54 3/24/93 1.351 0 0.497 3.29 2735.69 252.44 90.77 1347.12 235.43 4114/93 01 0 1.03 0.446 9105.61 23.81 99.74 0246.08 3.72 99.94 698.38 14.13 97.98 18.23 2 4121/93 01 0 1.021 0.254 3576.36 4.24 99.88 1703.03 2.12 99.88 419.80 8.26 98.03 15.891 2 4128193 0 0.07 0.918 0.206 3598.38 3.44 99.90 2564.80 477.74 5/5/93 0.92 0.02 0.848 1.326 1 458.29 79.6 5200 5112193 0 0 0.931 0.308 1708.20 51.37 96.99 644.46 14.64 97.731 405.31 12.84 456 5/19/93 0 0 0.957 0.392 1596.28 14.06 99.12 622.551 359.16 2 5/26/93 0.66 0 1.061 0.404 1858.24 21.56 98.84 318.55 384.92 1140 6/2193 0 0.78 0.951 0.412 2934.60 30.24 98.97 983.49 41.23 95.81 498.88 51.88 89.60 17.18 2900 619/93 0 0 1.862 0.364 5435.18 41.89 99.23 2018.78 18.21 99.10 841.68 49.18 94.16 15.18 2 6/16/93 0 0 0.892 0.282 2306.181 11.29 99.51 967.11 466.77 2 6/23/03 0 0.12 0.888 0.178 2295.84 10.09 90.56 962.77 405.10 30000 717/93 0 0 0.495 0.102 1.70 1.28 5.87 4.25 2 7114193 01 0.01 0.987 0.152 3539.58 14.58 99.59 1481.68 25.35 98.29 585.27 27.76 25200 7121/93 01 0.18 0.978 0.256 6.19 4 7128193 0 0 1.203 0.312 1705.81 10.41 99.39 601.98 494.63 22200 814/93 1.11 0 0.694 1.118 37.30 219.12 35.43 46.62 30000 8/11/93 0 1.5 0.974 0.324 5.40 10.81 41.34 2 8118/93 0 0 1.02 0.15 4.63 2 8/25/93 0 0 1.014 0.08 2621.6 1.5 99.94 1378.5 499 918/93 0 0 0.986 0.502 1691.9 24.7 98.54 638.5 10.5 98.35 403.8 25.1 93.78 73.7 44 9115/93 0.3 0 0.973 0.452 2109.9 49.01 97.68 941.3 64.08 93.19 435.8 24.5 94.38 18.85 2 9/22/93 0 0.22 0.617 0.214 4.82 9129193 0 0 0.900 0.274 2493.5 13.48 99.46 831.2 460.2 Averse 0.95 0.65 2735.61 28.28 98.66 1420.69 28.03 97.48 439.53 62.06 88.32 40.72 MM Summary of Mornoring Data Gold Kmt Inc. Poultry Processing Plant Sanford. North Carolina SYSTEM INFLUENT MONITORING DATA RAIN DATA SYSTEM EFFLUENT MONITORING DATA Date Water Pumped MGD BOD TSS N -N TKN Rain On De in. Rain Prev. Da in. Water Dischargec MGD BOD TSS NH -N Total N O 8 G Fecal Cal4orm PPM PPM (lb/day)PPM (lb/day)PPM Ib/da PPM b/de PPM (lb/day)PPM (Ito/day) PPM Ib/� PPM (lb/day) M/I00m1 1017192 0.713 320 120 713.57 9.7 57.68 52.4 311.59 0 0.08 0.812 2.5 16.93 3 20.32 0.3 2.03 1.6 10.64 3.4 23.03 2 10/4/92 0.822 3.3 22.62 8 54.84 0.6 4.11 2A 1988. 4.3 29.48 2400 70/27 /92 0.892 560 494 3875.00 9.7 72.1E 72.8 541.58 0 0 0.312 5.2 73.53 2 10/28/92 0.325 3.8 10.30 2 1114192 P2160.69 1.348 2.7 30 2.7 30.4 0.5 5.6 8.2 92.19 5 56.2 300 11/11 92 0.559 200 69 321.68 8.7 40.56 40.8 190.21 0 0 0.63 2A 11.03 8 42.03 0.5 2.63 14.4 75.66 2A 14.71 2 11/18/92 0.32 2.2 5.9 17200 11125192 0.702 2 11.7 2 2 1.205 215 96 964.77 10.9 109.54 51.5 517.56 0 0.03 0.724 2.3 13.89 2 12.08 1.1 6.64 7.3 44.08 10.7 112.91 2 2 0.472 2.5 9.89 1 3.9 2.31 9.1 86.4 340.11 15.4 60.8 1290 92 0.36 4.2 12.E 2 92 0.604 290 1460.83 170 856.35 10.9 54.91 49.6 249.85 0.972 2 16.21 8 1.794 160 2393.91 60 897.72 10.2 152.61 45.2 576.28 0 0.56 1.764 2.3 33.54 1 14.71 0.7 10.30 8.8 129.46 5 73.58 1 3 V33 0.994 169 1401.00 27 223.83 11.7 96.99 43.7 362.27 0.42 0.36 1.338 3.2 35.71 1 11.1E 0.3 3.35 10.8 120.52 11.7 130.5E 2 3 0.923 240 1847.48 130 1000.72 10.7 82.37 43.7 336.39 0 0 0.672 3.4 19.06 3 0.878 176 1288.76 69 505.25 9.5 69.56 40.8 298.76 0 0 0.628 3.7 19.38 0.712 240 1425.14 125 742.26 8 47.50 46.6 275.71 0 0 0.284 6.4 15.16 1 2.37 0.8 1.89 9.3 22.03 18 42.63 2 3 1A48 420 5072.05 256 3091.54 10 12076 50.5 609.85 0 0.28 0.654 2.3 12.55 1 5.45 1.8 9.82 11.5 52.73 1 5.46 2 3 0.692 470 2712450 347 2002,63 9.8 56.58 59.8 345.12 0.58 0.1 2.424 5.1 103.10 2124/93 0.71 460 2723.84 327 1936.30 107 63.36 53.4 318/20 0 0 0.532 3.4 15.09 313193 1 A 78 410 4028.05 329 3232.27 10.2 100.21 52.5 515.79 0 0 0.724 5.4 32.61 1 6.04 0.1 0.60 7.6 45.89 9.6 57.97 2 3/10/93 1.016 310 2628.77 152 1287,96 10.2 86.43 45.7 387.24 0 0 0.688 5.9 33.85 1.5 8.61 0.3 1.72 8 45.96 12.7 72.87 2 3/17/93 1.1811 286 2816.97 120 1181.94 10.9 107.3E 49.6 488.54 0.2 0 1.16 8.1 781E 3/24/93 0.4971 660 2735.69 325 1347.12 12 49.74 55.8 235.43 1.35 0 3.29 9.2 252.44 4/14/93 1.031 1060 9105.61 727 6245.08 14.5 124.56 81.3 698.38 0 0 0.446 6.4 23.81 1 3.72 0.9 3.35 _ 3.8 14.13 4.9 18.23 2 4 21/93 L021 1 420 3570.30 200 1703.03 11 93.67 49.3 419.80 0 0 0.254 2 4.24 1 2.12 0.2 0.42 3.9 8.26 7.5 15.89 2 4/28193 04gisl 470 3598.38 335 2564.80 7.3 55.89 62.4 477.74 0 0.07 0.206 2 3.44 5/5193 0.8481 13.1 92.65 64.8 458.29 0.92 0.02 1.326 11 121.7 11.5 127.2 0.8 6.6 7.2 79.6 10.4 115 0 5/12193 0.9311 220 1708.20 83 644.4E 14.9 115.69 52.2 405.31 0 0 0.308 20 51.37 5.7 14.64 5.8 14.90 5 12.84 456 5/19/93 0,9571 200 1596.28 78 622.55 12.3 98.17 45 359.16 0 0 0.392 4.3 14.06 2 5/26/93 1,061 210 1858.24 36 316.551 12 106.18 43.5 384.92 0.661 0 0.404 16.32 55.00 1140 6/2193 0.9511 370 2934.60 124 983.49 16.7 132.45 62.9 498.88 0 0.78 0.412 8.8 30.241 12 41.23 1.1 3.78 15.1 51.88 5 17.18 2900 6/9/93 1.8621 350 5435.181 130 2018.78 13.1 203.43 54.21 841.68 0 0 0.364 13.8 41,89 6 18.21 0.7 2.13 16.2 49.18 5 16.18 2 816/93 0,8921 310 2306.18 130 967.11 14.9 110.85 61.4 456.77 0 0 0.282 4.8 11.29 2 6123193 0.8881 310 2295.84 130 962.77 16.7 123.66 54.7 405.10 0 0.12 0.178 6.8 10.09 30000 7/7/93 0.4951 0 0 0.102 2 1.70 1.5 1.28 0.3 0,261 6.9 5.87 5 4.25 2 7/14/93 0.9871 430 3539.58 180 1481468 27.9 229.66 71.1 585.27 0 0.01 0.152 114 14.58 20 25.35 8.8 11.16 21.9 27.76 25200 7/21193 0.9781 0 0AB 0.256 2.9 6.19 4 7 28193 1.2031 170 1705.61 60 501.98 12.3 123.41 49.3 494.63 0 0 0.312 4 10.41 22200' 8/4/93 0.6941 1.1 0 1_118 4 37.30 23.5 219.12 0.3 2.80 3.8 35.43 5 46.62 30000 B 11/93 0,9741 0 1.5 0.324 2 5.40 4 10181 0.5 1.35 15.3 41.34 2 8118/93 1.02 250 2126.7 129 1097.4 13.8 117.4 52.7 448.3 0 0 0.15 3.7 4.63 2 e/25/93 1.014 310 2621.E 163 1378.5 13.8 116.7 59 499 0 0 0.08 2.2 1.5 918193 0.966 210 1691.9 79 636.5 12.3 99.1 50.1 403.6 0 0 0.502 5.9 24.7 2.5 10.5 0.8 3.3 6 25.1 17.6 73.7 44 9/15193 0.973 260 2109.9 116 941.3 11.E 94.1 53.7 435.8 0.3 0 0.452 13 49.01 17 .64.08 0.3 1.13 5.5 24.5 5 18.85 2 9/22/93 0.817 0 0.22 0.214 2.7 4.82 9129 93 0.908 330 2493.5 110 831.2 14.5 109.6 60.9 460.2 0 0 0.274 5.9 13.48 Averse 337.24 2717.61 177.24 1411.18 12.19 100.44 53.83 439.78 5.30 29.08 5.70 31.2E 1.231 4.54 11.72 62.0E &97 45.28 - mrm BOD Cone. (mg/1) BOD Cone. us. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 11 BOD Cone. vs. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina Simple fit BOD Cone. us. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina r2 - 0.00039 Effluent Flow (MGD) Monitoring Data For 9/92 - 9/93 11/4/93 NH3-N Conc. (my/1) NH3-N Conc, us. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 NH3-N Conc. us. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina — Simple fit NH3- N Conc. us. Effluent Flow Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina r- = 0.116 Effluent Flow (MGD) Monitoring Data For 9/92 - 9/93 11/4/93 100 95 90 85 80 0 E 75 0 0 m 70 65 60 55 50 BOD Removal Efficiency Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 ■— BOD Removal Efficiency N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M OJ M M M M M 0 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ti M O N It et M N M 0 N M w M It M In CO M M N N N M M M V It V M M lO M O N N M M M 10/26/93 100 95 90 85 80 0 E m � 75 70 65 60 55 50 N M n O TSS Removal Efficiency Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 —'— TSS Removal Efficiency N N m m N M m (D M rn M M m (") M rn O M m M M m O M M V M m M M N M M m m N 0) CO N I (p co CI) LO fN M M M m m m V 00 LO T n W 10/26/93 100 90 80 70 a� 0 60 E d o: 50 0i 0 z 40 a 30 20 10 0 Nitrogen Removal Efficiency Golden Poultry Company Sanford, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NCO072575 —•— Nitrogen Removal Efficiency (1) N N N m m m Cl) Cl) m Cn co m M M M M M M a) 0) CM m M m M M a) m O N .- .- N M N CO N CO M (1) Nitrogen removal efficiency is determined by TKN delivered to the system and the Total Nitrogen from the system effluent (i.e., (TKN - Total N) / TKN ' 100 ) Influent to the fields assumes no N021NO3 concentration. 10/26/93 Cl) CA LO a) J \ \ c,2