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NCS000235_DMR_20220119 (2)
N C Depai tment of Environmental Quality STORM WATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL(SDO) Received MONITORING REPORT JAN 1 9 2G22 Permit Number NCS: 000235 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YE r , (This monitoring report shall be received by the Divisi no lat �L n 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from�h S�ttS ..je FACILITY NAME: Southern Resin,Inc. COUNTY : Davidson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S)_Brandon Conrad PHONE NO.(336)475-1348 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Pace Analytical Lab#_704-977-0981_ CERTIFIED LABORATORY _Analytical Environmental Services_Lab#_800-972-4889_ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE REQUIRED ON PAGE 2. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall Date 50050 No. Sample Total Total Formaldehyde COD NH3-N NO2+NO3 TKN Zinc pH Collected Flow(if app.) Rainfall mo/dd/yr MG inches Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/I Mg/1 Std units Bench Mark .49 120 7.2 .68 20 .126 6-9 SW01 12/13/2021 0.5 .06 49.9 2.0 BRL 2.0 BRL 7.6 Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? yes _ X no (if yes,complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall Date 50050 00556 00530 00400 No. Sample Total Flow Total Oil&Grease Non-polar Total pH New Motor Collected (if applicable) Rainfall (if appl.) O&G/TPH Suspended Oil Usage (Method 1664 Solids SGT-HEM),if appl. mo/dd/yr MG inches mg/I mg/I unit gal/mo Form SWU-247,last revised 2/2/2012 Page 1 of 2 STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original copy to: Land Quality Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office Date 12-13-2021 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Total Event Precipitation (inches): 0_5 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Event Duration(hours): (only if applicable—see permit.) 450 West Hanes Mill Road,Suite 300 Winston-Salem,NC 27105-7407 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date Total Event Precipitation(inches): Event Duration(hours): (only if applicable—see permit.) "1 certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Rased on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fi• 4 nd imprisonment for knowing violations." 1/i7/ZZ ( ature of Permittee) (Date) Form S W U-247,Iasi revised 2/2/2012 Page 2 of 2 Pace Analytical Services,LLC n 1377 South Park Drive aceAnalytical Kemersville,NC 27284 www.pacelebs.com (704)977-0981 Page 1 of 1 Laboratory Report Brandon Conrad Report Date: 01/04/2022 Southern Resin Date Received: 12/13/2021 3440 Denton Road Thomasville, NC 27360 Project: Southern Resin SW01 Pace Project No.:92577449 Sample: SW01 Outfall Lab ID: 92577449001 Collected: 12/13/21 10:30 Matrix: Water Method Parameters Results Units Report Limit Analyzed Qualifiers EPA 350.1 Rev 2.0 1993 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 12/23/21 22:20 SM 4500-H+B-2011 pH at 25 Degrees C 7.6 Std.Units 0.10 12/15/21 14:58 H3 EPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 1994 Zinc ND ug/L 10.0 01/04/22 12:56 BC TKN+NO3+NO2 Total Nitrogen 2.0 mg/L 0.52 01/03/22 16:13 Calculation EPA 351.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 2.0 mg/L 0.50 12/31/21 04:40 M1 EPA 353.2 Rev 2.0 1993 Nitrogen,NO2 plus NO3 ND mg/L 0.040 12/22/21 11:35 SM 5220D-2011 Chemical Oxygen Demand 49.9 mg/L 25.0 12/22/21 06:07 ANALYTE QUALIFIERS BC The same analyte was detected in an associated blank at a concentration above 1/2 the reporting limit but below the laboratory reporting limit. H3 Sample was received or analysis requested beyond the recognized method holding time. M1 Matrix spike recoveryexceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. Reviewed by: CDC teem" e..' Stephanie Knott 704-977-0981 stephanie.knott@pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services Asheville 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville,NC 28804 South Carolina Laboratory ID:99030 Florida/NELAP Certification#:E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37712 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460222 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Pace Analytical Services Eden 205 East Meadow Road Suite A,Eden,NC 27288 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:633 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37738 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460025 Page 1 of 10 ,1,,,�,r„,, CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY/Analytical Request lac:, WO# : 9257. nqr rwr'��rrae/ The Chain-of-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT All relevant fields must V 44 9 Submitting a sample via this chain of custody constitutes acknowledgment end acceptance of the Pace Terms and Conditions found al hltps:/Cnfo pacr.:- Section A Section 0 Section C 1111 III I I III li I I I III Required Client Information: Required Project Information: Invoice Information: Company Southern Resin Report To: Brandon Corr ad Attention: ----- Address 3440 Denton Road CopyTo, - ----- - - --- 9Zg77449 Company Name: Thomasville.NC 27360 Address Email conradQ±soutlorrreamcom 0—Purchase Order --- - - rcogwurur y J.,,,•._, Peso Quote: Phone_ NONE --_ IFax Pra ec Warne Slomnvaler Kit --- Pace Prci Stephanie eci Manager. knoll -- State/Location Requested Due Dale. -- �pacelabs.cam, — Prgect N. Paw Profile*. 14225 - -- NC .-.. Requested Analysts Filtered(YIN) F s a 2 ugmns «ce : V _ COLLECTED z Preservatives Wee WT S V Wash-1.Why WW Y g W ivoauo P Q 0 Yg Z SAMPLE ID Sg°` ° SI g 3 START LND One Character per box. Wipe WP W U1 a y W m 8 . o (A-Z,0.8/.•) Pr Sli g 2 a ra -. fi z -io r Sample Ids must be unique Other L °F x W w rzo 0M o i. L O R H ~ d a. U rn O O _ Q € Z r- o _. _ _ _ tO DATE TIME DATE TIME a « = Y S I z z m b eo• .O F N aAf izlt3 i ..- tz is o,p .r .. -- 3 10 11 12 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS-• REUNOUISHED BY/AFFILIATION DATE TIME ACCEPTED SY - IATION DATE TIME , SAMPLE CONDITIONS T - - - :,.(1 1r, CO 1 t-2-If3_- ir03 ' !1(c 5 Ii:33 -D SAMPLER NAME AND SIGNATURE —" N c co PRINT Name of SAMPLER: o InN p SIGNATURE of SAMPLER: j\ DATE Signed: 7 I z o g z E g% • Ol bo e6ed Document Name: Document Revised:Navem.ber 15,2C21 Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Raze 2 of 2 _/ ace Analytical Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.OS I Deco Carolinas Quality O'flc *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is Project„ verified and within the acceptance range for preservation l samples. , Exceptions:VOA,Cclifarm,IOC,Oil and Grease,DR0/3015(water)COC,.LH; **Bottom half of box is to list number of bottles ()A ��1 n u z lJ O a ` Z Z r 6 n M V V ..1 ti 7 7 U ry i! ,_, I I ' a a c _ T y '2ry Z v - _ ` a Y < < v Z c ¢Zi G G av E. r ` v " .-C.. v Z Z ` Y R Z Z Q G ,n c a E, R 2 ,, O 1: c c t ON E .. O a v 2 c .„ III `u sz c- a C �= c_ C E C E I E E < E < C C g O C G N to L < .� E J J J C J J J J < G J � > > � > N J h G J J J E E E G E E E E E . `a• `a E `m E m E E E O E E E E „ o a :+ c Ll " 2 r4 3 .I a a o C Q S V, n N L,IN c 0 0 a 7 > 7 v, Z e� c i,7. th - th a, vi < - r- 7 a w z F Q 7 D i E v m N ,, v m v v ti en m m ci a+ CI Cr, m a o. a e. a a a a t7 l7 V t9 t7 ( t7 l7 l7 t7 O 3- a C a (0 v�i l(7 a o m c © m m m 3 a a a < a a o > > a > > �„ �, o Q > n 1 \ \\\\ \ N\\ I I 2 \ \ 1\ 3 \ \ \\I \ N \\ S \_ \\ N N\N , \\ 6 N \ N \ \\N I \\,, \ \\\! Ni , \\ 8 \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\ 1 9 \ \\ \. \ N\\ \\ 10 \ \\ \, \ \\\ I \\ 11 \ \ \-\ \ \\\ \\ 12 \ I \ \ \-__ \\\ I , \\ l pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples I Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Date preservation adjusted Time preservation Amount of Preservative Lot ft adjusted added Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples,a copy of this form will be sent to the North Carolina DEHfIR Certification office(i.e. Out of hold,incorrect preservative,out of ternp,incorrect containers. i :;, `:. ANALYTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. PM; AES December 22,2021 Stephanie Knott Pace Analytical 1377 South Park Dr Kemsville NC 27284 RE: 92577449 Dear Stephanie Knott: Order No: 2112H 11 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc.received 1 samples on 12/14/2021 10:09:00 AM for the analyses presented in following report. "No problems were encountered during the analyses except as noted in the Case Narrative or by qualifiers in the report or QC Summary.Additionally,all results for the associated Quality Control samples were within EPA and/or AES established limits. AES's accreditations are as follows: -NELAP/State of Florida Laboratory ID E87582 for analysis of Non-Potable Water,Solid&Chemical Materials,Air&Emissions Volatile Organics,and Drinking Water Microbiology&Metals,effective 07/01/21-06/30/22. State of Georgia,Department of Natural Resources ID#800 for analysis of Drinking Water Metals,effective through 06/30/22 and Total Coliforms/E.coli,effective 04/20/20-04/24/23. -AIHA-LAP,LLC Laboratory ID: 100671 for Industrial Hygiene samples(Metals and PCM Asbestos), Environmental Lead(Paint,Soil,Dust Wipes,Air),and Environmental Microbiology(Fungal)Direct Examination,effective until 11/01/23. These results relate only to the items tested as received. This report may only be reproduced in full. If you have any questions regarding these test results,please feel free to call. Sincerely, Pcvz- 110,002, ott, Paris Masoudi Project Manager 3080 Pre,:nlential Drive • Atlanta,Georgia 30340 • Tel:770.457.8177 - Fax: 770.457.8188 • Toll Free:800.972.4889 ww7v.aeaatlanta.enm Page 4 of 10 Page 1 of 7 Chain of Custody -- __ — //2N%/ PASI Charlotte Laboratory aceAnalytical IIIII IIIII I III I II IIIII IIIII IIIII III I IIIIIIII www.pacelabs.com Workorder: 92577449 Workorder Name: Southern Resin SW01 Results Requested By: 12/28/2021 Roport/Invoice To J Subcontract To Requested Analysis • Stephanie Knott Pace Analytical Kerersville ABS Atlanta P.O. SJK121321 1377 South Park Drive Kemersville,NC 27284 3080 Presidential Dr. Phone 704-977-0981 Atlanta,GA 30340 Email:stephanie.knott@pacelabs corn p E State of Sample Origin: NC Preserved Containers € 0 y LL L Collect F. Item Sample ID Datelllmo Lab ID Matrix g LAB USE ONLY 1 Swot Outfall 12/13/2021 10:30 92577449001 Water 3 X 2 3 4 _ . 5 �n Comments Transfers 'ei ed By {Date/Time { y j, eceived By Date/Time 1 — /,U (,7QQX , I,-`,7)/e I/ 1` (. ) ii 2 c -. /2'l'/•2) Zo7 3 Cooler Temperature on Receipt °C I Custody Seal Y or N I Received on Ice Y or N I Samples Intact Y or N Monday,December 13,2021 2:03:36 PM FMT-ALL-C-002rev.00 24March2009 Page 1 of 1 Page 5 of 10 Page 2 of 7 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 22-Dec-21 Client: Pace Analytical Client Sample ID: SW01 OUTFALL Project Name: 92577449 Collection Date: 12/13/2021 10:30:00 AM Lab ID: 2112H11-001 Matrix: Aqueous Reporting Dilution Analyses Result Qual Units BatchID Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Factor Formaldehyde by SW8315A Formaldehyde 59 50 ug/L 327305 1 12/15/2021 17:46 DS Qualifiers: • Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated(value above quantitation range) BRL Below reporting limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded Narr See case narrative N Analyte not NELAC certified F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation front the method B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 6 of 10 Page 3 of 7 Clear Save as ,.• ALLYTICAi. • -"" I L'NVIRONME.NTAL AES SERVICES,INC. SAMPLE/COOLER RECEIPT CHECKLIST 1. Client Name: PACE ANALYTICAL AES Work Order Number: 2112H11 2. Carrier: FedEx ❑° UPS❑ USPS❑ Client[1] Courier[ l Othei Yes No N/A Details Comments 3. Shipping container/cooler received in good condition? i� damaged ❑ leaking ❑ other❑ 4. Custody seals present on shipping container? 5. Custody seals intact on shipping container? ,• • 6. Temperature blanks present? lip o Cooler temperature(s)within limits of 0-6°C?[See item 13 and 14(or 0 0 1 ® Cooling initiated for recently collected samples/ice 7. temperature recordings.] present❑ 8. Chain of Custody(COC)present? 0i` ill 9.Chain of Custody signed,dated,and timed when relinquished and received? 0 . . 10. Sampler name and/or signature on COC? • 'o 11. Were all samples received within holding time? 10 I. fp 12. TAT marked on the COC? (.7:). i* i. If no TAT indicated,proceeded with standard TAT per Terms&Conditions. LI 13. Cooler 1 Temperature 1.8 °C Cooler 2 Temperature °C Cooler 3 Temperature °C Cooler 4 Temperature °C 14. Cooler 5 Temperature °C Cooler 6 Temperature °C Cooler 7 Temperature °C Cooler 8 Temperature °C 15. Comments: I certify that I have completed sections 1-15(dated initials). CW 12/14/21 Yes No N/A Details Comments 16. Were sample containers intact upon receipt? g 17. Custody seals present on sample containers? § 18. Custody seals intact on sample containers? § ®° ® 0 incomplete info [ 1 illegible Ft 19. Do sample container labels match the COC7 no label ❑ other [_ 20. Are analyses requested indicated on the COC? 0 0 0 21. Were all of the samples listed on the COC received? 0 0 0 samples received but not listed on COC [ [ samples listed on COC not received ❑ 22. Was the sample collection date/time noted? 0 23. Did we receive sufficient sample volume for indicated analyses? ( 24. Were samples received in appropriate containers? to 25. Were VOA samples received without headspace(<1/4"bubble)? 11111 i m 26. Were trip blanks submitted? {. listed on COC ❑ not listed on COC ❑ 27. Comments: I certify that I have completed sections 16-27(dated initials). CW 12/14/21 This section only applies to samples where pH can be checked at Sample Receipt. Yes No N/A Details Comments 28. Have containers needing chemical preservation been checked?' 29. Containers meet preservation guidelines? § § ig 33/. Was pH adjusted at Sample Receipt? 0 co 'Note:Certain analyses require chemical preservation but must be checked in the laboratory and not upon Sample Receipt such as Colitorms,VOCs and Oil&GreaselTPH. o I certify that I have completed sections 28-30(dated initials). CW 12/14/21 This also excludes metals by EPA 200.7,200.8 and 245.1 which will be verified between 16 and 24 hours after preservation. 0 Checklist 7.9.20 Rev 3 Locked Page 4 of 7 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 22-Dec-21 Client: Pace Analytical Project Name: 92577449 Lab Order: 2112H11 Dates Report Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 2112H11-001A SW01 OUTFALL 12/13/2021 10:30:00AM Aqueous Formaldehyde by SW8315A 12/14/2021 2:13:55 PM 12/15/2021 Page 8 of 10 Page 5 of 7 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 22-Dec-21 Client: Pace Analytical ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name: 92577449 Workorder: 2112H11 BatchlD• 327305 Sample ID: MB-327305 Client ID: Units: ug/L Prep Date: 12/14/2021 Run No: 472789 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Formaldehyde by SW8315A BatchiD: 327305 Analysis Date: 12/15/2021 Seq No: 10890788 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Fonnaldehyde BRL 50 Sample ID: LCS-327305 Client 1D: Units: ug/1. Prep Date: 12/14/2021 Run No: 472789 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Formaldehyde by SW8315A BatchiD: 327305 Analysis Date: 12/15/2021 Seq No: 10890789 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Formaldehyde 882.4 50 1000 88.2 70 130 Sample ID: 2112H26-001AMS Client ID: Units: ug/L Prep Date: 12/14/2021 Run No: 472789 SampleType: MS TestCode: Formaldehyde by SW8315A Batch1D: 327305 Analysis Date: 12/15/2021 Seq No: 10890792 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC I.ow Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Formaldehyde 5960 250 5000 936.4 100 49.4 135 Sample ID: 2112H26-001AMSD Client ID: Units: ug/L Prep Date: 12/14/2021 Run No: 472789 SampleType: MSD TestCode: Formaldehyde by SW8315A 13atchlD: 327305 Analysis Date: 12/15/2021 Seq No: 10890794 Analyte Result RPT Limit Sl'K value SI'K Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Formaldehyde 6085 250 5000 936.4 I03 49.4 135 5960 2.07 26.4 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value 13 Analyze detected in the associated method blank RRL Below reposing limit E Estimated(value above quantization range) 11 Holding times fur preparation or analysis exceeded 1 Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyze not N1iLAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 9 of 10 Page 6 of 7