HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003468_DRSS CAP Part I_Appx B_Final_20151112This page intentionally left blank Background Monitoring Well Determinations DRSS is a former coal-fired electricity generating facility along the Dan River. The natural topography at the DRSS site generally slopes from the northwest to the southeast and ranges from approximately 606 feet above mean sea level (msl) near the northern property boundary to approximately 482 feet msl at the interface with the Dan River. In June and September 2015, groundwater elevations were collected from on -site NPDES compliance wells, voluntary wells, and newly installed CSA monitoring wells. Groundwater flow was measured into a shallow (S/D wells) flow layer and a fractured bedrock (13R wells) flow layer, and groundwater flow direction was estimated by contouring elevations in each flow layer. In general, groundwater within the shallow and the fractured bedrock flow layers flows from the northern extent of the DRSS property boundary south and southeast toward the Dan River. The CSA submitted to the NCDEQ in August 2015 identified the ash storage areas and the Primary and Secondary Cells of the ash basin system at the DRSS as potential source areas for groundwater contamination. The ground surface elevations of the Primary and Secondary Cells are approximately 540 feet and 530 feet msl, respectively. The ground surface elevations of Ash Storage Area 1 and 2 are approximately 648 and 580, respectively. Ash porewater elevations within the Primary and Secondary Cells were measured at approximately 520 feet msl in September 2015 and have ranged (2011 to 2015) from approximately 518 feet to 526 feet msl. Ash porewater elevations within Ash Storage Areas 1 and 2 were measured at approximately 544 feet msl and 549 feet msl, respectively. Wells were chosen to represent background groundwater quality based on their horizontal distance from the source area or waste boundary, the relative topographic and groundwater elevation difference compared to the nearest ash basin surface or porewater, and the determined groundwater flow direction. A summary table of information regarding the well and groundwater is provided below. Each well or well pair is then described in more detail. Table B-1. Background Monitoring Well Information Distance and Direction from Source Elevation Area Ground Elevation of Ash Groundwater Surface of Elevation of Adjacent Well ID Ash Basin Storage Flow Elevation Screened Groundwater Source (Primary/ Area Direction (ft msl) Interval (ft msl) Area Secondary (Ash (ft msl) (ft msl) Cell) Storage 1 &2 2,200 580 MW-23D 3,20I0 (feet feet SE 524 504-514 517 W Storage Area 2) 2,200 580 MW-23BR 3,200 feet feet SE 524 463-468 —527 (Ash NW W (artesian) Storage Area 580 GWA-9S 2,100 feet 375 feet SE 608 561-576 581.5 (Ash NW N Storage Area 580 GWA-9D 2,100 feet 375 feet S 608 536-541 580.37 (Ash NW N Storage Area 1,000 580 GWA-12S 2,3010 feet feet S 582 567-577 572.49 W Storage Area 1,000 580 GWA-12D 2,30I0 (feet feet S 582 550-555 564.31 W Storage Area 580 BG-5S 2,700 feet 2,200 SW 512 491-501 507.29 (Ash NW feet SW Storage Area 580 BG-5D 2,700 feet 2,200 SW 512 478-483 507.17 (Ash NW feet SW Storage Area BG-1 D 1,800 feet 3,200 S 513 499-504 500.38 540 (Primary SW feet SW Cell MW-23D and MW-23BR Monitoring well MW-23D was installed as a compliance background well for the NPDES groundwater monitoring program and is paired with deep well MW-23BR, installed as part of the CSA. • The ground surface elevation at the MW-23D and MW-23BR well pair is approximately 524 feet msl, which is approximately 56 feet lower than the ground surface elevation at Ash Storage Area 2. • The monitoring well pair is located approximately 2,200 feet northwest of Ash Storage Area 2 and is located approximately 200 feet from the unnamed stream on the western boundary of the site. • MW-23D is screened from approximately 10 to 20 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • MW-23D well screen interval elevation is approximately 504.47 to 514.47 feet msl with a mean water level elevation (2011 to 2015) of approximately 517 feet msl indicating that groundwater at this location is approximately 27 lower than the ash basin porewater elevation in Ash Storage Area 2. • MW-23BR is screened from approximately 56 feet to 61 feet below ground surface in the fractured bedrock flow layer. • MW-23BR well screen interval elevation is approximately 468.46 to 463.46 feet. During the CSA groundwater sampling event, MW-23BR was noted to be under artesian conditions suggesting a strong positive vertical hydraulic gradient. The groundwater elevation at MW-23BR was approximated above the top of casing elevation of 527.22 feet. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from on -site wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in wells MW-23D and MW-23BR originates from off -site properties north and northeast of the well pair. These properties are used for residential and recreational purposes and are not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. Though topographically and hydraulically lower than the source area, monitoring wells MW-23D and MW-23BR is considered to be representative of background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site based on the horizontal distance from the waste boundary to the monitoring well, the relative distance from the unnamed stream on the western boundary of the site (hydrogeologic discharge zone), and the determined groundwater flow direction. GWA-9S and GWA-9D Monitoring wells GWA-9S and GWA-91D were installed as a shallow and deep groundwater assessment well pair to characterize soil and groundwater outside the waste boundary of the ash basin and ash storage areas. • The ground surface elevation at this monitoring well pair is approximately 608 feet, which is approximately 64 feet higher than the ground surface elevation of Ash Storage Area 2. • The water elevation within Ash Storage Area 2 (measured in June 2015) was approximately 544 feet. • The monitoring well pair is located approximately 375 feet north of the northern end of Ash Storage Area 2. • GWA-9S is screened from approximately 32 feet to 47 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • GWA-9S well screen interval elevation is approximately 561.87 to 576.87 feet with a groundwater elevation of approximately 581.50 feet in June 2015 indicating that groundwater at this well is higher than the elevation of the nearest source area.. • GWA-91D is screened from approximately 67 to 72 feet below ground surface in the deep (transition zone) flow layer. • GWA-91D screen interval elevation is approximately 536.41 to 541.41 feet with a groundwater elevation of 580.37 feet in June 2015 indicating that groundwater at this well is higher than the elevation of the nearest source area. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from on -site wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater mounding is present in the shallow flow layer at well MW- 9D. Groundwater flow in the deep flow layer originates from off -site properties north of the well pair. These properties are used for residential purposes and are not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. The horizontal distance from the waste boundary to the monitoring wells, the relative topographic and groundwater elevations, measured elevation differences between the monitoring wells and the nearest ash basin porewater, determined groundwater flow direction, that GWA-9S and GWA-91D represent background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at DRSS. GWA-12S and GWA-12D Monitoring wells GWA-12S and GWA-12D were installed as a shallow and deep groundwater assessment well pair to characterize soil and groundwater outside the waste boundary of the ash basin and ash storage areas. • The ground surface elevation at the GWA-12 well pair is approximately 582 feet msl, which is approximately 42 feet higher than the ground surface elevation at Ash Storage Area 2. 4 • The monitoring well pair is located approximately 1,000 feet west of Ash Storage Area 2. • GWA-12S is screened from approximately 5.5 feet to 15.5 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • GWA-12S well screen interval elevation is approximately 567 to 577 feet with a water elevation measurement of 572.49 in June 2015 indicating that groundwater at this well location is at least 26 feet above the ash basin porewater elevation. • GWA-12D is screened from approximately 27 feet to 32 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • GWA-12D well screen interval elevation is approximately 550 to 555 feet with a water elevation measurement of 564.31 in June 2015 indicating that groundwater at this well location is at least 16 feet above the ash basin porewater elevation. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from on -site wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in wells MW-12S and MW-12D originates from off -site properties north of the well pair. These properties are used for residential purposes and are not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. Based on the horizontal distance from the waste boundary to the monitoring wells, the relative topographic and groundwater elevations measured elevation differences between the monitoring wells and the nearest ash basin surface water, and the determined groundwater flow direction, monitoring wells GWA-12S and GWA-12D represent background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site. BG-5S and BG-5D Monitoring wells BG-5S and BG-51D were installed a shallow and deep groundwater assessment well pair to characterize soil and groundwater in areas determined to be topographically cross - gradient of the DRSS ash basin and ash storage areas. • The ground surface elevation at this monitoring well pair is approximately 512 feet. The ground surface elevation at Ash Storage Area 2 is approximately 580 feet. • The monitoring well pair is located approximately 2,200 feet west of Ash Storage Area 2. • BG-5S is screened from approximately 10.5 feet to 20.5 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • BG-5S well screen interval elevation is approximately 491.76 to 501.76 feet with a groundwater elevation of approximately 507.29 feet in June 2015, indicating that groundwater at this location is 33 feet below ash basin porewater elevation. • BG-51D is screened from approximately 28 to 33 feet below ground surface in the deep (transition zone) flow layer. • BG-51D screen interval elevation is approximately 478.94 to 483.94 feet with a groundwater elevation of 507.17 feet in June 2015. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from on -site wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in wells BG-5S and BG-51D originates from portions of the DRSS site north and northeast of the well pair and upgradient of source areas. This portion of the DRSS site has not been impacted by historical ash handling and is not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. Though topographically lower than the source area, monitoring wells BG-5S and BG-5D are considered to be cross -gradient based on the direction of groundwater flow, the horizontal distance from the nearest source area, and the proximity to the nearest hydrogeologic discharge area (unnamed stream approximately 100 feet to the west). BG-1 D Monitoring well BG-1 D was installed in an area assumed to not be impacted by and topographically cross gradient of the DRSS ash basin and ash storage areas. • The ground surface elevation at BG-1 D is approximately 513 feet msl, which is approximately 27 feet lower than the ground surface elevation at the Primary Cell. • The monitoring well is located approximately 3,700 feet west and cross -gradient of the Primary Cell. • The well is also located approximately 120 feet from the Dan River to the south. • BG-1 D is screened from approximately 9 to 14 feet below ground surface in the shallow flow layer. • BG-1 D screen interval elevation is approximately 499.29 feet to 504.29 feet msl with a groundwater elevation of 500.38 feet msl in June 2015 indicating that groundwater at this location is approximately 20 feet lower that the ash basin porewater elevation. • Based on extrapolation of groundwater flow data from on -site wells and evaluation of topographic data, groundwater in well BG-1 D originates from portions of the DRSS site north and northeast of the well and upgradient of source areas. Further, this well is separated from upgradient portions of the DRSS site by the western tributary. This portion of the DRSS site has not been impacted by historical ash handling and is not expected to contribute site -specific COls to groundwater at this location. Though topographically and hydraulically lower than the source area, monitoring well BG-1 D is considered to be representative of background water quality relative to the ash disposal areas at the site based on the horizontal distance from the waste boundary to the monitoring well, the relative distance from the Dan River (hydrogeologic discharge zone), and the determined groundwater flow direction. Turbidity and pH measurements were used to determine the whether data could be used to develop proposed provisional background concentrations. Turbidity measurements greater than 10 NTUs and pH measurements greater than approximately 9 SUs were considered to be above acceptable limits for use in statistical analysis. Turbidity measurements in well MW-23D in May and September 2013 ranged from 8.21 to 9.41. All other sampling events for this well showed turbidities greater than 10.Turbidity measurements in MW-23BR were 0.22 NTUs during the June 2015 s sampling event. pH was measured in MW-23BR at 7.45 SUs in the June 2015 sampling event. pH measurements from MW-23D ranged (January 2011 to June 2014) from 5.76 to 6.90. • Turbidity measurements in GWA-9S and GWA-91D were higher than 10 NTU during the June 2015 sampling event. Turbidity values at GWA-9S and GWA-91D were 235.9 and 16.28 respectively in June 2015. These wells were re -developed and resampled in August 2015. Turbidities at that time were 7.2 and 0.9 NTUs respectively in the second sampling round. pH values at GWA-9S and GWA-91D were 5.55 and 6.4 SU respectively during the June sampling event. • Turbidity measurements in GWA-12S and GWA-12D were 2.38 and 8.35 NTUs, respectively during the June 2015 sampling event. pH measurements in GWA-12S and GWA-12D were measured at 5.45 and 7.47 SUs in the June 2015 sampling event. • Turbidity at BG-5S and BG-5Dwas lower than 10 NTU during the June 2015 sampling event. pH at BG-5S and BG-5D was measured at 6.14 and 7.06 SU in June 2015. • Turbidity measurements in BG-1 D were 0.22 NTUs during the June 2015 sampling event. pH measurements in BG-1 D was measured at 7.45 SUs in the June 2015 sampling event. In addition to looking at the pH and turbidity to assess the water quality, the data from the proposed background wells was compared to the regional background concentrations of constituents, where available, and the 2-10 Private Well data. These values are shown in Table 2-2 of the CAP Part I report. In general, the concentrations of COls in the background wells are within the range of both the regional background and the 2-10 data, with the following exceptions: • Cobalt concentrations match the regional background concentrations, but are slightly higher than the 2-10 data. • Iron concentrations match the wide range of the regional background concentrations but are somewhat higher than the 2-10 data. Iron concentrations generally vary with turbidity, and this could be the cause of this variation. • Manganese generally matches the regional background concentration range, and is higher than the 2-10 data. • Sulfate concentrations in on -site background wells are higher than that measured in the 2-10 data. Sulfate concentrations have the same average as the regional data. • Vanadium in site background wells is higher than the regional background concentrations, but much lower (2-3 orders of magnitude) than the 2-10 data. The water quality in the proposed background wells appears to be similar in many respects to the regional published background concentrations for many constituents. Additional data being collected in 2015 (for a total of four sampling rounds in 2015) will provide additional data for decision -making. Soil Background Statistics for Dan River Steps for determining background threshold values (BTV) for soils: Step 1: Collect an appropriate number of soil samples from the designated background or reference areas. Assume same population. Conduct data validation on analytical data to assess suitability of data for statistical analysis and decision making. Step 2: Determine the data distribution. Depending upon the data distribution, uses parametric or nonparametric methods to estimate BTVs. Step 3: Check for outliers in data set. Remove outliers if it can be justified. Step 4: Calculate BTVs • Upper percentiles • Upper prediction limits (UPLs) • Upper tolerance limits (UTLs) • Upper Simultaneous Limits (USLs) — New in ProUCL 5.0 Each BTV is described below (USEPA 2013): • Upper Percentile, x0.95: Based upon an established background data set, a 95th percentile represents that statistic such that 95% of the sampled data will be less than or equal to (<_) x0.95 . It is expected that an observation coming from the background population (or comparable to the background population) will be <_ x0.95 with probability 0.95. Upper Tolerance Limit (UTL): Based upon an established background data set, a UTL95-95 represents that statistic such that 95% observations (current and future) from the target population (background, comparable to background) will be less than or equal to the UTL95-95 with CC of 0.95. A UTL95-95 represents a 95% UCL of the 95th percentile of the data distribution (population). A UTL95-95 is designed to simultaneously provide coverage for 95% of all potential observations (current and future) from the background population (or comparable to background) with a CC of 0.95. A UTL95-95 can be used when many (unknown) current or future onsite observations need to be compared with a BTV. A parametric UTL95-95 takes the data variability into account. Upper Prediction Limit (UPL): Based upon an established background data set, a 95% UPL (UPL95) represents that statistic such that an independently collected new/future observation from the target population (e.g., background, comparable to background) will be less than or equal to the UPL95 with confidence coefficient (CC) of 0.95. We are 95% sure that a single future value from the background population will be less than the UPL95 with CC= 0.95. A parametric UPL takes data variability into account. • Upper Simultaneous Limit (USL): Based upon an established background data set free of outliers and representing a single statistical population, a USL95 represents that statistic such that all observations from the "established" background data set are less than or equal to the USL95 with a CC of 0.95. A parametric USL takes the data variability into account. It is expected that all current or future observations coming from the background population (comparable to background population, unimpacted site locations) will be less than or equal to the USL95 with CC, 0.95. The use of a USL as a BTV estimate is suggested by the USEPA when a large number of onsite observations (current or future) need to be compared with a BTV. Approach: • Attachment A presents the Dan River soil dataset. HDR completed a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) data validation assessment (presented in separate document) and has determined that the data meets project data quality objectives and is suitable for statistical analysis and for establishing BTVs. Table 1 list the constituents (23 samples and 30 constituents per sample) Next, HDR conducted Dixon's outlier test for each constituent using ProUCL Version 5.0 software (USEPA 2013). Statically significant outliers were identified for 9 out of 30 constituents at the 5% significant level. Outliers can inflate background concentration estimates (over estimate), where USEPA (2013) defines an outlier as Measurements (usually larger or smaller than the majority of the data values in a sample) that are not representative of the population from which they were drawn. The presence of outliers distorts most statistics if used in any calculations. However, an outlier should only be removed if there is justification for doing so (e.g., sample collected an area not representative of background conditions). Dan River samples represent subsurface soils collected from drilling operations. HDR has determined that samples meet data quality objectives. As stated by the USEPA (2013), since the treatment and handling of outliers is a controversial and subjective topic, it is suggested that the outliers be treated on a site -specific basis using all existing knowledge about the site; and regional and site - specific background areas. Because soil samples were collected at depths greater than 5 feet below ground surface, and there is no evidence of anthropogenic impacts at depths greater than 5 feet below ground surface, the entire dataset was utilized for establishing BTV (assumes no outliers). • HDR used ProUCL Version 5.0, to calculate summary statistics, goodness of fit (population distribution), and the BTV upper limits (UTL, UPL, and USL). Results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. The Kaplan Meier (KM) method was used for estimating statistics with censored data (data with non -detections). ProUCL printouts are presented in Appendix B. Table 1. Summary Statistics for Subsurface Soils Dan River Variable n' Detect Non- Detects(mg/Kg) KM Mean Detect Mean Detect Median KM J SD Detect SD Detect Min Detect Max Aluminum 23 23 0 21,380 21,380 19,800 8,149 8,149 7,360 38,900 Antimony 23 0 23 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Arsenic 23 12 11 7.91 11.1 8.90 6.47 7.97 3.10 30.6 Barium 23 1 23 0 96.1 96.1 73.8 58.2 58.2 1 34.2 242 Beryllium 23 23 0 1.58 1.58 1.50 0.75 0.75 0.59 3.90 Boron 23 5 18 22.4 55.0 60.1 17.8 11.3 35.9 63.1 Cadmium 23 1 22 0.44 0.44 0.44 0 NS 0.44 0.44 Calcium 23 20 3 5,470 6,280 2,930 8,910 9,540 77.4 39,100 Chloride 23 1 22 168 168 168 0 NS 168 168 Chromium 23 23 0 36.2 36.2 27.1 39.0 39.0 6.40 187 Cobalt 23 23 0 18.1 18.1 16.7 7.71 7.71 7.50 42.6 Copper 23 23 0 46.2 46.2 57.0 23.9 23.9 2.80 79.5 Iron 23 23 0 43,309 43,309 42,700 19,433 19,433 12,200 95,900 Lead 23 23 0 17.3 17.3 17.5 5.40 5.40 8.20 31.3 Magnesium 23 23 0 7,077 7,077 5,090 5,289 5,289 924.0 19,400 Manganese 23 23 0 789 789 395 1,120 1,120 82.7 5,170 Mercury 23 17 6 0.012 0.014 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.005 0.040 Molybdenum 23 9 14 3.36 5.72 3.20 4.37 6.66 1.60 22.6 Nickel 23 23 0 28.2 28.2 27.5 13.5 13.5 6.70 52.2 Nitrate 23 0 23 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS H field 23 23 0 6.34 6.34 6.00 1.29 1.29 4.50 8.60 Potassium 23 23 0 1,250 1,250 1,340 775 775 168 2,730 Selenium 23 2 21 4.07 5.85 5.85 0.80 2.76 3.90 7.80 Sodium 23 4 19 180 180 178 16.7 19.3 160 205 Strontium 23 23 0 46.0 46.0 21.8 58.6 58.6 1.90 257 Sulfate 23 3 20 189 189 179 40.63 49.76 145 243 Thallium 23 0 23 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS TOC 23 23 0 5,390 5,390 1,720 6,760 6,760 457 23,800 Vanadium 23 23 0 35.1 35.1 33.8 18.6 18.6 8.40 75.7 Zinc 23 23 0 99.3 99.3 91.4 50.4 50.4 23.5 203 n = number of samples, KM = Kaplan Meier method (addresses data with non -detections, see USEPA 2013); NS = No statistical analysis run due to too few detections; SD = standard deviation; TOC = total organic carbon Table 2. Subsurface Soil Background Concentration Estimates Dan River Constituent Distribution 95916 Percentile 95% UTL 95% UPL 95% USL (mg /K Aluminum Normal 33,200 40,400 35,700 42,800 Antimony NS' NS NS NS NS Arsenic Normal 19.5 23.0 19.3 24.9 Barium Log Normal 210 281 208 328 Beryllium Normal 2.65 3.33 2.89 3.55 Boron Normal 61.9 63.9 53.7 69.1 Cadmium NS NS NS NS NS Calcium Log Normal 22,530 118,100 39,950 206,600 Chloride NS NS NS NS NS Chromium Log Normal 105 144 95.0 178 Cobalt Normal 27.1 36.0 31.6 38.3 Copper Nonparametric 70.4 79.5 77.7 79.5 Iron Normal 63,220 88,550 77,400 94,300 Lead Normal 25.6 29.9 26.8 31.5 Magnesium Log Normal 17,500 38,120 23,360 49,070 Manganese Log Normal 2,670 4,150 2,440 5,460 Mercury Log Normal 0.037 0.041 0.029 0.049 Molybdenum Normal 7.22 13.5 8.96 13.5 Nickel Normal 47.8 59.7 51.9 63.7 Nitrate NS NS NS NS NS pH (field) NS NS NS NS NS Potassium Normal 2,190 3,060 2,610 3,290 Selenium NS 7.56 NS NS NS Sodium Normal 355 2190 210 224 Strontium Log Normal 137 569 251 866 Sulfate NS NS NS NS NS Thallium NS NS NS NS NS TOC Log Normal 19,540 50,150 24,010 73,310 Vanadium Normal 67.0 78.3 67.6 83.7 Zinc Normal 188 217 188 232 'NS = No statistical analysis run due to too few detections; UTL = upper tolerance limit; UPL = upper tolerance limit; USL = upper simultaneous limit References U.S. EPA. ProUCL Version 5.0.00 Technical Guide, EPA/600/R-07/041 Attachment A Dan River Dataset Location ID Sample ID GWA-9D GWA-9D(20-21.5) GWA-9D GWA-9D(30-31.5) GWA-9D GWA-9D(40-41.5) GWA-9D GWA-9D(55-56.5) GWA-12D GWA-12D(10-11.5) GWA-12D GWA-12D(15-15.2) GWA-12D GWA-12D(20-21) GWA-12S GWA-12S(13-15) SB-1 SB-1(10-11.5) SB-1 SB-1(15-16.5) SB-1 SB-1(20-21.5) SB-1 SB-1(25-26.5) SB-1 SB-1(35-35.5) SB-2 SB-2(10-11.5) SB-2 SB-2(20-21.5) SB-2 SB-2(30-31.25) SB-2 SB-2(35-36) SB-2 SB-2(65-65.3) SB-3 SB-3 (10-11) SB-3 SB-3(20-21.5) SB-3 SB-3(35-36.5) SB-3 SB-3(40-40.3) SB-3 SB-3(45-45.2) Sample Depth Aluminum D_Aluminum Antimony D_Antimony Arsenic D_Arsenic Barium D Barium Beryllium D_Beryllium Boron D_Boron Cadmium D_Cadmium Calcium D_Calcium 20-21.5 9620 1 5.4 0 5.4 0 34.2 1 0.64 1 13.4 0 0.64 0 77.4 1 30-31.5 11700 1 6.0 0 6.0 0 58.7 1 1.70 1 14.9 0 0.71 0 109.0 1 40-41.5 7360 1 5.8 0 5.8 0 40.5 1 0.93 1 14.6 0 0.70 0 289.0 1 55-56.5 23900 1 6.3 0 4.6 1 101.0 1 2.00 1 15.8 0 0.76 0 39100.0 1 10-11.5 38900 1 6.0 0 14.8 1 242.0 1 1.80 1 62.1 1 0.72 0 4810.0 1 15-15.2 30500 1 5.7 0 15.0 1 193.0 1 1.70 1 53.8 1 0.68 0 5660.0 1 20-21 25900 1 5.1 0 6.9 1 109.0 1 1.10 1 63.1 1 0.62 0 23900.0 1 13-15 32900 1 7.6 0 30.6 1 200.0 1 2.00 1 60.1 1 0.91 0 4990.0 1 10-11.5 33200 1 5.6 0 4.6 1 59.6 1 3.90 1 14.0 0 0.67 0 140.0 0 15-16.5 23600 1 6.0 0 3.1 1 51.6 1 2.70 1 15.1 0 0.72 0 151.0 0 20-21.5 27600 1 5.9 0 5.3 1 74.8 1 2.20 1 14.8 0 0.71 0 269.0 1 25-26.5 18700 1 5.6 0 20.0 1 73.8 1 1.70 1 14.1 0 0.44 1 9480.0 1 35-35.5 16600 1 5.5 0 5.5 0 67.4 1 1.50 1 13.8 0 0.66 0 1020.0 1 10-11.5 27700 1 5.8 0 5.8 0 110.0 1 2.10 1 14.5 0 0.69 0 145.0 0 20-21.5 24300 1 5.9 0 10.6 1 211.0 1 1.90 1 14.8 0 0.71 0 1930.0 1 30-31.25 17400 1 5.9 0 9.2 1 71.3 1 1.00 1 14.7 0 0.71 0 4160.0 1 35-36 19800 1 5.4 0 5.4 0 61.9 1 0.59 1 13.5 0 0.65 0 9850.0 1 65-65.3 24600 1 6.1 0 8.6 1 74.4 1 0.86 1 15.2 0 0.73 0 10200.0 1 10-11 15000 1 6.4 0 6.4 0 104.0 1 1.20 1 16.0 0 0.77 0 1480.0 1 20-21.5 17700 1 5.8 0 5.8 0 63.0 1 1.50 1 14.5 0 0.70 0 433.0 1 35-36.5 12100 1 6.5 0 6.5 0 89.7 1 0.75 1 35.9 1 0.79 0 2010.0 1 40-40.3 15600 1 7.2 0 7.2 0 63.1 1 1.50 1 17.9 0 0.86 0 3110.0 1 45-45.2 17100 1 5.5 0 5.5 0 56.7 1 1.00 1 13.8 0 0.66 0 2740.0 1 Location ID Chloride D_Chloride Chromium D_Chromium Cobalt D_Cobalt Copper D_Copper Iron D_Iron GWA-9D 276 0 18.8 1 10.5 1 6.4 1 16500 GWA-9D 300 0 10.6 1 16.8 1 16.8 1 16900 GWA-9D 294 0 6.4 1 9.3 1 2.8 1 12200 GWA-9D 323 0 28.1 1 16.7 1 70.3 1 55900 GWA-12D 303 0 46.2 1 27.2 1 70.4 1 63300 GWA-12D 290 0 42.9 1 22.5 1 58.9 1 52200 GWA-12D 258 0 187.0 1 21.5 1 69.6 1 62500 GWA-12S 372 0 48.7 1 23.9 1 67.5 1 58700 SB-1 267 0 32.7 1 18.9 1 44.6 1 95900 SB-1 287 0 19.9 1 16.2 1 25.1 1 54700 SB-1 285 0 28.5 1 14.6 1 47.9 1 54800 SB-1 293 0 17.0 1 26.2 1 79.5 1 39300 SB-1 168 1 15.4 1 12.5 1 65.4 1 28500 SB-2 284 0 30.9 1 12.0 1 57.0 1 49100 SB-2 289 0 111.0 1 42.6 1 66.1 1 60300 SB-2 285 0 34.7 1 20.1 1 68.4 1 42700 SB-2 279 0 27.1 1 12.0 1 30.2 1 37100 SB-2 291 0 36.1 1 21.8 1 57.8 1 49200 SB-3 322 0 19.3 1 16.1 1 23.3 1 27700 SB-3 280 0 17.7 1 7.5 1 23.4 1 28800 SB-3 339 0 12.8 1 22.6 1 15.6 1 34400 SB-3 345 0 19.1 1 12.8 1 64.3 1 26700 SB-3 279 0 21.1 1 10.9 1 31.0 1 28700 Lead D_Lead Magnesium D_Magnesium Manganese D_Manganese 1 11.6 1 930 1 267.0 1 14.0 1 1700 1 275.0 1 18.2 1 924 1 328.0 1 8.2 1 10700 1 5170.0 1 17.5 1 17900 1 916.0 1 16.1 1 12600 1 823.0 1 13.0 1 19400 1 1120.0 1 21.5 1 13900 1 698.0 1 25.9 1 6110 1 418.0 1 18.4 1 4050 1 202.0 1 14.9 1 4050 1 145.0 1 31.3 1 4690 1 328.0 1 13.8 1 5790 1 304.0 1 21.5 1 4490 1 256.0 1 18.9 1 4790 1 1150.0 1 18.2 1 8470 1 395.0 1 11.4 1 10800 1 837.0 1 16.5 1 12700 1 433.0 1 23.0 1 3060 1 601.0 1 17.8 1 2330 1 82.7 1 22.9 1 2430 1 2840.0 1 13.0 1 5090 1 289.0 1 10.3 1 5860 1 274.0 Mercury D_Mercury Molybdenum 1 0.0094 1 1.6 1 0.0068 1 3.0 1 0.0091 0 2.9 1 0.0110 1 3.2 1 0.0092 0 3.0 1 0.0092 0 2.2 1 0.0088 0 22.6 1 0.0090 1 5.6 1 0.0069 1 2.8 1 0.0052 1 3.0 1 0.0400 1 3.0 1 0.0380 1 7.4 1 0.0047 1 2.8 1 0.0120 1 2.9 1 0.0240 1 5.4 1 0.0086 1 3.2 1 0.0073 1 1.9 1 0.0110 1 1.6 1 0.0300 1 3.2 1 0.0052 1 2.9 1 0.0110 0 3.3 1 0.0077 1 3.6 1 0.0093 0 2.8 Percent D_Percent Location ID D_Molybdenum Nickel D_Nickel Nitrate D_Nitrate Moisture Moisture GWA-9D 1 6.7 1 27.6 0 11.3 GWA-9D 0 12.5 1 30.0 0 15.8 GWA-9D 0 7.0 1 29.4 0 14.8 GWA-9D 0 45.8 1 32.3 0 22.8 GWA-12D 0 48.0 1 30.3 0 17.2 GWA-12D 1 39.7 1 29.0 0 13.9 GWA-12D 1 45.3 1 25.8 0 5.7 GWA-12S 1 41.9 1 37.2 0 34.9 SB-1 0 52.2 1 26.7 0 6.5 SB-1 0 27.5 1 28.7 0 14.4 SB-1 0 17.1 1 28.5 0 12.5 SB-1 1 38.9 1 29.3 0 14.8 SB-1 0 28.8 1 26.8 0 6.9 SB-2 0 19.1 1 28.4 0 12.3 SB-2 1 36.3 1 28.9 0 13.7 SB-2 1 32.4 1 28.5 0 SB-2 1 19.4 1 27.9 0 11.5 SB-2 1 31.9 1 29.1 0 14.8 SB-3 0 12.0 1 32.2 0 22.2 SB-3 0 16.9 1 28.0 0 11.5 SB-3 0 21.9 1 33.9 0 27.0 SB-3 0 24.4 1 34.5 0 27.5 SB-3 0 23.4 1 27.9 0 12.8 pH (field) D_pH (field) Potassium D_Potassium 1 5.2 1 579 1 5.6 1 329 1 6.0 1 214 1 7.4 1 1700 1 5.6 1 1920 1 7.9 1 1740 1 7.7 1 1810 1 6.3 1 1800 1 4.9 1 168 1 5.3 1 247 1 5.4 1 605 1 4.5 1 1340 1 5.5 1 1190 1 5.5 1 2730 1 5.3 1 2100 6.5 1 2200 1 8.6 1 1800 1 8.6 1 1970 1 5.0 1 1700 1 6.0 1 308 1 7.1 1 313 1 7.6 1 1080 1 8.4 1 958 Selenium D_Selenium Sodium D_Sodium Strontium D_Strontium Sulfate D_Sulfate 1 4.0 0 269 0 2.3 1 276 1 4.5 0 298 0 5.6 1 300 1 4.4 0 292 0 9.0 1 294 1 7.8 1 315 0 144.0 1 323 1 3.9 1 185 1 75.3 1 303 1 5.7 0 172 1 70.5 1 290 1 5.1 0 205 1 257.0 1 258 1 7.6 0 378 0 72.5 1 372 1 5.6 0 280 0 1.9 1 267 1 6.0 0 301 0 3.2 1 287 1 5.9 0 297 0 21.8 1 285 1 5.6 0 282 0 78.0 1 243 1 5.5 0 275 0 12.1 1 268 1 5.8 0 289 0 4.4 1 284 1 5.9 0 297 0 73.9 1 289 1 5.9 0 295 0 36.4 1 145 1 5.4 0 269 0 52.8 1 279 1 6.1 0 160 1 60.7 1 291 1 6.4 0 320 0 13.0 1 322 1 5.8 0 290 0 2.5 1 280 1 6.5 0 327 0 24.2 1 339 1 7.2 0 358 0 19.3 1 345 1 5.5 0 275 0 17.1 1 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total D_Total Location ID Thallium D_Thallium Organic Organic Carbon Vanadium D_Vanadium Zinc D_Zinc GWA-9D 5.4 0 490 1 15.5 1 23.5 GWA-9D 6.0 0 570 1 14.9 1 57.0 GWA-9D 5.8 0 457 1 8.4 1 26.0 GWA-9D 6.3 0 23800 1 18.7 1 203.0 GWA-12D 6.0 0 746 1 75.7 1 136.0 GWA-12D 5.7 0 1650 1 65.1 1 106.0 GWA-12D 5.1 0 3650 1 56.9 1 112.0 GWA-12S 7.6 0 1530 1 67.2 1 119.0 SB-1 5.6 0 1080 1 49.5 1 178.0 SB-1 6.0 0 1280 1 38.7 1 107.0 SB-1 5.9 0 12300 1 54.4 1 70.5 SB-1 5.6 0 13500 1 19.1 1 178.0 SB-1 5.5 0 4420 1 16.0 1 72.6 SB-2 5.8 0 718 1 41.4 1 83.5 SB-2 5.9 0 7430 1 33.8 1 104.0 SB-2 5.9 0 14500 1 24.2 1 113.0 SB-2 5.4 0 3680 1 26.2 1 74.1 SB-2 6.1 0 20100 1 34.1 1 91.4 SB-3 6.4 0 6120 1 35.0 1 46.5 SB-3 5.8 0 583 1 34.3 1 61.1 SB-3 6.5 0 862 1 21.5 1 47.8 SB-3 7.2 0 2880 1 27.0 1 189.0 SB-3 5.5 0 1720 I 28.6 1 83.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Attachment 6 ProUCL 5.0.00 Printout User Selected Options Date/Time of Computation From File Full Precision Confidence Coefficient Coverage Different or Future K Observation Number of Bootstrap Operations Background Statistics for Data Sets with Non -Detects 10/27/2015 8:50 REV01 ProUCL data Dan River - REVISED 20151026100912.xis OFF 95% 95% 2000 Aluminum General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 Minimum 7360 First Quartile 16100 Second Largest 33200 Median 19800 Maximum 38900 Third Quartile 26750 Mean 21382 SD 8149 Coefficient of Variation 0.381 Skewness 0.287 Mean of logged Data 9.893 SD of logged Data 0.419 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.979 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.109 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 40352 90% Percentile (z) 31825 95% UPL (t) 35675 95% Percentile (z) 34785 95% USL 42763 99% Percentile (z) 40338 Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 0.209 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.746 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.129 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) 6.619 k star (bias corrected MLE) 5.785 Theta hat (MLE) 3230 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 3696 nu hat (MILE) 304.5 nu star (bias corrected) 266.1 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 21382 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 8890 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 38423 90% Percentile 33270 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 38993 95% Percentile 37787 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 46092 99% Percentile 47270 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 47326 95% WH USL 50416 95% HW USL 52110 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.966 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.141 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 52449 90% Percentile (z) 33842 95% UPL (t) 41245 95% Percentile (z) 39402 95% USL 59367 99% Percentile (z) 52413 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 38900 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 38900 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 38900 95% UPL 37760 90% Percentile 32420 90% Chebyshev UPL 46353 95% Percentile 33170 95% Chebyshev UPL 57665 99% Percentile 37646 95% USL 38900 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Antimony General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 14 0 Number of Non -Detects 23 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 14 N/A Minimum Non -Detect 5.1 N/A Maximum Non -Detect 7.6 N/A Percent Non -Detects 100% N/A SD Detected N/A N/A SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Antimony was not processed! Arsenic General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 18 Number of Detects 12 Number of Non -Detects 11 Number of Distinct Detects 11 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 7 Minimum Detect 3.1 Minimum Non -Detect 5.4 Maximum Detect 30.6 Maximum Non -Detect 7.2 Variance Detected 63.48 Percent Non -Detects 47.83% Mean Detected 11.11 SD Detected 7.967 Mean of Detected Logged Data 2.194 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.678 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.859 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.859 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.192 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.256 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 7.907 SD 6.47 95% UTL95% Coverage 22.97 95% KM UPL (t) 19.26 90% KM Percentile (z) 16.2 95% KM Percentile (z) 18.55 99% KM Percentile (z) 22.96 95% KM USL 24.88 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 7.215 SD 7.004 95% UTL95% Coverage 23.52 95% UPL (t) 19.5 90% Percentile (z) 16.19 95% Percentile (z) 18.74 99% Percentile (z) 23.51 95% USL 25.59 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.254 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.74 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.127 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.248 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 2.499 k star (bias corrected MLE) 1.93 Theta hat (MLE) 4.445 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 5.756 nu hat (MLE) 59.98 nu star (bias corrected) 46.32 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 11.11 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 7.996 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 9.26 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.155 Mean 7.171 Maximum 30.6 Median 4.614 SD 7.118 CV 0.993 k hat (MLE) 1.226 k star (bias corrected MLE) 1.095 Theta hat (MLE) 5.85 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 6.55 nu hat (MLE) 56.38 nu star (bias corrected) 50.36 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 7.171 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 6.853 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 6.354 90% Percentile 16.15 95% Percentile 20.81 99% Percentile 31.56 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 30.02 32.98 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 21.35 22.49 95% Gamma USL 35.28 39.64 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 1.494 nu hat (KM) 68.71 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 24 24.38 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 18.4 18.37 95% Gamma USL 27.3 28.01 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.977 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.859 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.115 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.256 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 7.884 Mean in Log Scale 1.84 SD in Original Scale 6.633 SD in Log Scale 0.629 95% UTL95% Coverage 27.22 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 30.6 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 30.6 95% UPL (t) 18.97 90% Percentile (z) 14.09 95% Percentile (z) 17.71 99% Percentile (z) 27.2 95% USL 32.79 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 1.846 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 26.21 KM SD of Logged Data 0.61 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 18.47 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 17.28 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 31.4 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 7.215 Mean in Log Scale 1.663 SD in Original Scale 7.004 SD in Log Scale 0.745 95% UTL95% Coverage 29.92 95% UPL (t) 19.51 90% Percentile (z) 13.72 95% Percentile (z) 17.98 99% Percentile (z) 29.88 95% USL 37.3 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 30.6 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 28.48 95% USL 30.6 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 36.72 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Barium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 34.2 First Quartile 60.75 211 Median 73.8 242 Third Quartile 106.5 96.12 SD 58.22 0.606 Skewness 1.467 4.424 SD of logged Data 0.522 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.787 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.252 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 231.6 90% Percentile (z) 170.7 198.2 95% Percentile (z) 191.9 248.9 99% Percentile (z) 231.5 1.171 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.749 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.22 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 3.678 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.228 26.13 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 29.78 169.2 nu star (bias corrected) 148.5 96.12 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 53.5 201.5 90% Percentile 167.9 202.7 95% Percentile 197.6 253.6 99% Percentile 261.7 258.8 283.7 95% HW USL 291.9 0.924 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.191 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 281 90% Percentile (z) 162.8 208.3 95% Percentile (z) 196.7 328 99% Percentile (z) 280.8 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 242 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 242 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 238.9 235.8 90% Percentile 198.6 274.5 95% Percentile 209.9 355.3 99% Percentile 235.2 242 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Beryllium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 17 0.59 First Quartile 1 2.7 Median 1.5 3.9 Third Quartile 1.95 1.577 SD 0.751 0.476 Skewness 1.295 0.352 SD of logged Data 0.469 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.903 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.116 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 3.325 90% Percentile (z) 2.539 2.894 95% Percentile (z) 2.812 3.547 99% Percentile (z) 3.323 0.293 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.747 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.124 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 5.003 k star (bias corrected MLE) 4.379 0.315 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 0.36 230.1 nu star (bias corrected) 201.4 1.577 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.754 3.041 90% Percentile 2.587 3.079 95% Percentile 2.985 3.728 99% Percentile 3.833 3.824 4.119 95% HW USL 4.258 0.972 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.154 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 4.24 90% Percentile (z) 2.595 3.239 95% Percentile (z) 3.077 4.872 99% Percentile (z) 4.237 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 3.9 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 3.9 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 3.9 3.66 90% Percentile 2.18 3.878 95% Percentile 2.65 4.92 99% Percentile 3.636 3.9 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Boron General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 20 Number of Detects 5 Number of Non -Detects 18 Number of Distinct Detects 5 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 15 Minimum Detect 35.9 Minimum Non -Detect 13.4 Maximum Detect 63.1 Maximum Non -Detect 17.9 Variance Detected 127.1 Percent Non -Detects 78.26% Mean Detected 55 SD Detected 11.27 Mean of Detected Logged Data 3.987 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.236 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.793 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.762 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.275 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.396 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 22.44 SD 17.79 95% UTL95% Coverage 63.86 95% KM UPL (t) 53.65 90% KM Percentile (z) 45.24 95% KM Percentile (z) 51.71 99% KM Percentile (z) 63.83 95% KM USL 69.13 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 17.73 SD 20.66 95% UTL95% Coverage 65.82 95% UPL (t) 53.96 90% Percentile (z) 44.2 95% Percentile (z) 51.71 99% Percentile (z) 65.79 95% USL 71.93 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.672 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.679 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.297 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.357 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 24.87 k star (bias corrected MLE) 10.08 Theta hat (MLE) 2.211 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 5.455 nu hat (MLE) 248.7 nu star (bias corrected) 100.8 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 55 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 17.32 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 31.62 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 11.48 Mean 26.65 Maximum 63.1 Median 18.84 SD 16.45 CV 0.617 k hat (MLE) 3.682 k star (bias corrected MLE) 3.23 Theta hat (MLE) 7.238 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 8.249 nu hat (MLE) 169.4 nu star (bias corrected) 148.6 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 26.65 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 14.83 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 13.28 90% Percentile 46.53 95% Percentile 54.76 99% Percentile 72.53 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 70.25 71.45 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 55.82 56.01 95% Gamma USL 78.58 80.56 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 1.591 nu hat (KM) 73.2 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 67.17 67.83 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 51.64 51.34 95% Gamma USL 76.26 77.73 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.755 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.762 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.297 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.396 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 30.69 Mean in Log Scale 3.348 SD in Original Scale 14.13 SD in Log Scale 0.371 95% UTL95% Coverage 67.47 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 63.1 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 63.1 95% UPL (t) 54.52 90% Percentile (z) 45.75 95% Percentile (z) 52.36 99% Percentile (z) 67.43 95% USL 75.3 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 2.898 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 70.37 KM SD of Logged Data 0.582 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 50.37 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 47.27 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 83.6 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 17.73 Mean in Log Scale 2.428 SD in Original Scale 20.66 SD in Log Scale 0.848 95% UTL95% Coverage 81.69 95% UPL (t) 50.2 90% Percentile (z) 33.63 95% Percentile (z) 45.76 99% Percentile (z) 81.57 95% USL 105 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 63.1 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 62.9 95% USL 63.1 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 101.7 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Cadmium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 17 1 Number of Non -Detects 22 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 16 0.44 Minimum Non -Detect 0.62 0.44 Maximum Non -Detect 0.91 N/A Percent Non -Detects 95.65% 0.44 SD Detected N/A -0.821 SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected! ProUCL (or any other software) should not be used on such a data set! It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Cadmium was not processed! Calcium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 23 Number of Detects 20 Number of Non -Detects 3 Number of Distinct Detects 20 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 3 Minimum Detect 77.4 Minimum Non -Detect 140 Maximum Detect 39100 Maximum Non -Detect 151 Variance Detected 90941078 Percent Non -Detects 13.04% Mean Detected 6281 SD Detected 9536 Mean of Detected Logged Data 7.697 SD of Detected Logged Data 1.711 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.648 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.905 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.276 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.198 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5474 SD 8914 95% UTL95% Coverage 26227 95% KM UPL (t) 21110 90% KM Percentile (z) 16898 95% KM Percentile (z) 20137 99% KM Percentile (z) 26212 95% KM USL 28865 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 5471 SD 9116 95% UTL95% Coverage 26694 95% UPL (t) 21462 90% Percentile (z) 17154 95% Percentile (z) 20466 99% Percentile (z) 26679 95% USL 29392 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.267 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.794 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.109 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.204 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 0.591 k star (bias corrected MLE) 0.535 Theta hat (MLE) 10634 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 11731 nu hat (MLE) 23.63 nu star (bias corrected) 21.42 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 6281 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 8584 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 4.014 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean 5462 Maximum 39100 Median 2010 SD 9122 CV 1.67 k hat (MLE) 0.278 k star (bias corrected MLE) 0.271 Theta hat (MLE) 19659 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 20186 nu hat (MLE) 12.78 nu star (bias corrected) 12.45 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 5462 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 10500 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 2.557 90% Percentile 16287 95% Percentile 25810 99% Percentile 50890 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 38255 51592 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 23412 28201 95% Gamma USL 47903 68201 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.377 nu hat (KM) 17.34 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 33002 38231 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 20856 22361 95% Gamma USL 40786 49126 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.962 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.905 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.119 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.198 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 5477 Mean in Log Scale 7.314 SD in Original Scale 9113 SD in Log Scale 1.884 95% UTL95% Coverage 120576 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 39100 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 39100 95% UPL (t) 40895 90% Percentile (z) 16790 95% Percentile (z) 33289 99% Percentile (z) 120201 95% USL 210562 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 7.282 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 118117 KM SD of Logged Data 1.889 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 39952 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 32505 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 206560 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 5471 Mean in Log Scale 7.252 SD in Original Scale 9116 SD in Log Scale 1.977 95% UTL95% Coverage 140726 95% UPL (t) 45245 90% Percentile (z) 17776 95% Percentile (z) 36457 99% Percentile (z) 140267 95% USL 252618 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 39100 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 36060 95% USL 39100 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 45167 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Chloride General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects Minimum Detect Maximum Detect Variance Detected Mean Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 21 1 Number of Non -Detects 22 1 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 20 168 Minimum Non -Detect 258 168 Maximum Non -Detect 372 N/A Percent Non -Detects 95.65% 168 SD Detected N/A 5.124 SD of Detected Logged Data N/A Warning: Only one distinct data value was detected! ProUCL (or any other software) should not be used on such a data set! It is suggested to use alternative site specific values determined by the Project Team to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Chloride was not processed! Chromium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 Minimum 6.4 First Quartile 18.25 Second Largest 111 Median 27.1 Maximum 187 Third Quartile 35.4 Mean 36.17 SD 39.02 Coefficient of Variation 1.079 Skewness 3.143 Mean of logged Data 3.285 SD of logged Data 0.724 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.594 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.287 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 127 90% Percentile (z) 86.18 95% UPL (t) 104.6 95% Percentile (z) 100.4 95% USL 138.6 99% Percentile (z) 126.9 Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 1.213 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.757 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.184 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.184 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) 1.795 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.59 Theta hat (MILE) 20.15 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 22.75 nu hat (MILE) 82.56 nu star (bias corrected) 73.13 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 36.17 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 28.69 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 93.4 90% Percentile 74.32 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 93.05 95% Percentile 92.43 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 126.1 99% Percentile 133.2 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 128.4 95% WH USL 145.6 95% HW USL 150.1 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.942 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.121 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 144 90% Percentile (z) 67.51 95% UPL (t) 95.04 95% Percentile (z) 87.81 95% USL 178.4 99% Percentile (z) 143.8 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 187 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 187 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 187 95% UPL 171.8 90% Percentile 48.2 90% Chebyshev UPL 155.8 95% Percentile 104.8 95% Chebyshev UPL 209.9 99% Percentile 170.3 95% USL 187 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Cobalt General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 22 7.5 First Quartile 12.25 27.2 Median 16.7 42.6 Third Quartile 22.15 18.05 SD 7.712 0.427 Skewness 1.424 2.814 SD of logged Data 0.404 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.897 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.13 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 36.01 90% Percentile (z) 27.94 31.58 95% Percentile (z) 30.74 38.29 99% Percentile (z) 35.99 0.236 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.746 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.104 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 6.49 k star (bias corrected MILE) 5.672 2.782 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 3.183 298.5 nu star (bias corrected) 260.9 18.05 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 7.58 32.55 90% Percentile 28.19 32.81 95% Percentile 32.05 39.1 99% Percentile 40.17 39.81 42.8 95% HW USL 43.83 0.985 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.0919 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 42.69 90% Percentile (z) 27.98 33.86 95% Percentile (z) 32.4 48.11 99% Percentile (z) 42.67 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 42.6 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 42.6 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 42.6 39.52 90% Percentile 25.74 41.69 95% Percentile 27.1 52.39 99% Percentile 39.21 42.6 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Copper General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 Minimum 2.8 First Quartile 24.25 Second Largest 70.4 Median 57 Maximum 79.5 Third Quartile 66.8 Mean 46.19 SD 23.86 Coefficient of Variation 0.517 Skewness -0.421 Mean of logged Data 3.598 SD of logged Data 0.852 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.9 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.197 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 101.7 90% Percentile (z) 76.76 95% UPL (t) 88.04 95% Percentile (z) 85.43 95% USL 108.8 99% Percentile (z) 101.7 Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 1.287 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.753 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.23 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 5% K-S Critical Value 0.184 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) 2.286 k star (bias corrected MILE) 2.017 Theta hat (MILE) 20.2 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 22.9 nu hat (MILE) 105.2 nu star (bias corrected) 92.78 MILE Mean (bias corrected) 46.19 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 32.52 Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 112.8 90% Percentile 89.65 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 120.1 95% Percentile 109.3 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 148 99% Percentile 152.7 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 163.1 95% WH USL 168.7 95% HW USL 189.3 Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.796 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.914 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.221 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.185 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 265.6 90% Percentile (z) 108.9 95% UPL (t) 162.9 95% Percentile (z) 148.4 95% USL 341.8 99% Percentile (z) 265.2 Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data do not follow a Discernible Distribution (0.05) Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 79.5 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 79.5 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 79.5 95% UPL 77.68 90% Percentile 70.16 90% Chebyshev UPL 119.3 95% Percentile 70.39 95% Chebyshev UPL 152.4 99% Percentile 77.5 95% USL 79.5 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Iron General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 12200 First Quartile 28600 63300 Median 42700 95900 Third Quartile 55350 43309 SD 19433 0.449 Skewness 0.601 10.57 SD of logged Data 0.502 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.947 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.12 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 88548 90% Percentile (z) 68213 77395 95% Percentile (z) 75273 94299 99% Percentile (z) 88516 0.432 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.747 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.145 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 4.765 k star (bias corrected MLE) 4.172 9089 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 10380 219.2 nu star (bias corrected) 191.9 43309 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 21202 84729 90% Percentile 71723 86440 95% Percentile 83023 104263 99% Percentile 107108 108028 115414 95% HW USL 120622 0.943 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.158 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 124910 90% Percentile (z) 73895 93662 95% Percentile (z) 88668 144900 99% Percentile (z) 124807 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95900 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95900 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95900 89380 90% Percentile 62060 102861 95% Percentile 63220 129836 99% Percentile 88728 95900 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Lead General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 20 8.2 First Quartile 13.4 25.9 Median 17.5 31.3 Third Quartile 20.2 17.3 SD 5.401 0.312 Skewness 0.681 2.804 SD of logged Data 0.315 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.967 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.123 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 29.87 90% Percentile (z) 24.22 26.77 95% Percentile (z) 26.18 31.47 99% Percentile (z) 29.87 0.146 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.744 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.0849 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 10.89 k star (bias corrected MILE) 9.501 1.588 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 1.821 501.1 nu star (bias corrected) 437.1 17.3 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 5.612 27.77 90% Percentile 24.77 27.97 95% Percentile 27.45 32.21 99% Percentile 32.95 32.66 34.67 95% HW USL 35.3 0.99 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.0949 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 34.39 90% Percentile (z) 24.73 28.7 95% Percentile (z) 27.73 37.75 99% Percentile (z) 34.37 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 31.3 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 31.3 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 31.3 30.22 90% Percentile 22.98 33.85 95% Percentile 25.61 41.35 99% Percentile 30.11 31.3 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Magnesium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 22 924 First Quartile 3555 17900 Median 5090 19400 Third Quartile 10750 7077 SD 5289 0.747 Skewness 0.976 8.562 SD of logged Data 0.853 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.89 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.225 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 19389 90% Percentile (z) 13855 16354 95% Percentile (z) 15776 20954 99% Percentile (z) 19380 0.285 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.757 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.128 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.184 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 1.801 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.595 3929 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 4436 82.86 nu star (bias corrected) 73.38 7077 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 5603 18685 90% Percentile 14527 19419 95% Percentile 18060 25217 99% Percentile 26007 27059 29111 95% HW USL 31781 0.955 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.121 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 38121 90% Percentile (z) 15608 23360 95% Percentile (z) 21281 49071 99% Percentile (z) 38067 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 19400 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 19400 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 19400 19100 90% Percentile 13660 23285 95% Percentile 17500 30626 99% Percentile 19070 19400 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Manganese General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 22 82.7 First Quartile 274.5 2840 Median 395 5170 Third Quartile 830 789.2 SD 1116 1.413 Skewness 3.256 6.169 SD of logged Data 0.928 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.559 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.286 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 3386 90% Percentile (z) 2219 2746 95% Percentile (z) 2624 3716 99% Percentile (z) 3384 1.336 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.767 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.209 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.186 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 1.135 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.016 695.6 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 777.1 52.19 nu star (bias corrected) 46.71 789.2 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 783.1 2351 90% Percentile 1810 2340 95% Percentile 2351 3348 99% Percentile 3606 3440 3958 95% HW USL 4140 0.946 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.151 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 4149 90% Percentile (z) 1571 2435 95% Percentile (z) 2201 5461 99% Percentile (z) 4143 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 5170 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 5170 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 5170 4704 90% Percentile 1144 4208 95% Percentile 2671 5756 99% Percentile 4657 5170 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Mercury General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 19 Number of Detects 17 Number of Non -Detects 6 Number of Distinct Detects 15 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 5 Minimum Detect 0.0047 Minimum Non -Detect 0.0088 Maximum Detect 0.04 Maximum Non -Detect 0.011 Variance Detected 1.33E-04 Percent Non -Detects 26.09% Mean Detected 0.0139 SD Detected 0.0115 Mean of Detected Logged Data -4.525 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.686 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.729 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.892 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.331 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.215 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.0121 SD 0.0102 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0357 95% KM UPL (t) 0.0299 90% KM Percentile (z) 0.0251 95% KM Percentile (z) 0.0288 99% KM Percentile (z) 0.0357 95% KM USL 0.0387 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 0.0115 SD 0.0107 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0364 95% UPL (t) 0.0303 90% Percentile (z) 0.0252 95% Percentile (z) 0.0291 99% Percentile (z) 0.0364 95% USL 0.0396 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 1.273 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.749 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.257 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.212 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 2.138 k star (bias corrected MLE) 1.8 Theta hat (MLE) 0.00652 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 0.00774 nu hat (MLE) 72.69 nu star (bias corrected) 61.2 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 0.0139 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 0.0104 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 8.831 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.0047 Mean 0.0129 Maximum 0.04 Median 0.01 SD 0.01 CV 0.775 k hat (MLE) 2.705 k star (bias corrected MLE) 2.381 Theta hat (MILE) 0.00477 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 0.00542 nu hat (MLE) 124.4 nu star (bias corrected) 109.5 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 0.0129 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 0.00836 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 10.7 90% Percentile 0.0241 95% Percentile 0.029 99% Percentile 0.0397 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 0.0382 0.0388 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 0.0295 0.0295 95% Gamma USL 0.0433 0.0444 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 1.411 nu hat (KM) 64.92 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 0.0375 0.038 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 0.0286 0.0285 95% Gamma USL 0.0428 0.0438 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.876 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.892 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.205 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.215 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 0.0121 Mean in Log Scale -4.644 SD in Original Scale 0.0103 SD in Log Scale 0.624 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.0411 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 0.04 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 0.04 95% UPL (t) 0.0287 90% Percentile (z) 0.0214 95% Percentile (z) 0.0268 99% Percentile (z) 0.041 95% USL 0.0494 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data -4.654 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 0.0405 KM SD of Logged Data 0.622 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 0.0284 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 0.0265 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 0.0487 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 0.0115 Mean in Log Scale -4.743 SD in Original Scale 0.0107 SD in Log Scale 0.696 95% UTL95% Coverage 0.044 95% UPL (t) 0.0295 90% Percentile (z) 0.0213 95% Percentile (z) 0.0274 99% Percentile (z) 0.044 95% USL 0.0541 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 0.04 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 0.0396 95% USL 0.04 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 0.0573 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Molybdenum General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 13 Number of Detects 9 Number of Non -Detects 14 Number of Distinct Detects 8 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 6 Minimum Detect 1.6 Minimum Non -Detect 2.8 Maximum Detect 22.6 Maximum Non -Detect 3.6 Variance Detected 44.39 Percent Non -Detects 60.87% Mean Detected 5.722 SD Detected 6.663 Mean of Detected Logged Data 1.34 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.88 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.657 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.829 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.289 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.295 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 3.357 SD 4.369 95% UTL95% Coverage 13.53 95% KM UPL (t) 11.02 90% KM Percentile (z) 8.956 95% KM Percentile (z) 10.54 99% KM Percentile (z) 13.52 95% KM USL 14.82 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 3.161 SD 4.534 95% UTL95% Coverage 13.72 95% UPL (t) 11.11 90% Percentile (z) 8.972 95% Percentile (z) 10.62 99% Percentile (z) 13.71 95% USL 15.06 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.626 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.737 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.192 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.285 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 1.38 k star (bias corrected MLE) 0.994 Theta hat (MLE) 4.146 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 5.756 nu hat (MLE) 24.84 nu star (bias corrected) 17.9 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 5.722 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 5.739 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 5.969 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 0.01 Mean 2.845 Maximum 22.6 Median 1.6 SD 4.733 CV 1.664 k hat (MLE) 0.451 k star (bias corrected MLE) 0.421 Theta hat (MLE) 6.31 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 6.757 nu hat (MLE) 20.74 nu star (bias corrected) 19.36 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 2.845 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 4.384 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 3.437 90% Percentile 7.961 95% Percentile 11.61 99% Percentile 20.74 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 18.06 22.63 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 11.42 13.08 95% Gamma USL 22.31 29.23 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 0.591 nu hat (KM) 27.16 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 11.46 11.27 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 8.479 8.211 95% Gamma USL 13.24 13.14 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.894 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.829 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.179 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.295 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 3.423 Mean in Log Scale 0.895 SD in Original Scale 4.467 SD in Log Scale 0.7 95% UTL95% Coverage 12.49 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 21.08 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 22.6 95% UPL (t) 8.355 90% Percentile (z) 6.002 95% Percentile (z) 7.74 99% Percentile (z) 12.47 95% USL 15.36 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 0.888 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 10.86 KM SD of Logged Data 0.643 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 7.507 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 6.998 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 13.13 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 3.161 Mean in Log Scale 0.776 SD in Original Scale 4.534 SD in Log Scale 0.707 95% UTL95% Coverage 11.25 95% UPL (t) 7.501 90% Percentile (z) 5.371 95% Percentile (z) 6.943 99% Percentile (z) 11.24 95% USL 13.87 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 22.6 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 19.56 95% USL 22.6 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 22.81 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Nickel General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 6.7 First Quartile 18.1 48 Median 27.5 52.2 Third Quartile 39.3 28.22 SD 13.5 0.478 Skewness 0.111 3.201 SD of logged Data 0.583 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.963 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.091 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 59.66 90% Percentile (z) 45.53 51.91 95% Percentile (z) 50.43 63.65 99% Percentile (z) 59.63 0.322 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.749 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.0997 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 3.753 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.292 7.52 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 8.572 172.6 nu star (bias corrected) 151.4 28.22 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 15.55 59.12 90% Percentile 49.08 60.82 95% Percentile 57.69 74.23 99% Percentile 76.25 77.89 82.95 95% HW USL 87.98 0.924 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.108 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 95.44 90% Percentile (z) 51.85 68.3 95% Percentile (z) 64.08 113.4 99% Percentile (z) 95.35 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 52.2 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 52.2 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 52.2 51.36 90% Percentile 45.7 69.6 95% Percentile 47.78 88.35 99% Percentile 51.28 52.2 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Nitrate General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects 23 Number of Missing Observations 21 0 Number of Non -Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects Minimum Detect N/A Minimum Non -Detect Maximum Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects Mean Detected N/A SD Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data N/A SD of Detected Logged Data Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Nitrate was not processed! pH (field) General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 4.5 First Quartile 8.6 Median 8.6 Third Quartile 6.343 SD 0.203 Skewness 1.828 SD of logged Data 2.328 d2max (for USL) 0.905 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.197 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 9.338 90% Percentile (z) 8.6 95% Percentile (z) 9.718 99% Percentile (z) 0.778 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.742 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.191 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.181 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 26.47 k star (bias corrected MLE) 0.24 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 1218 nu star (bias corrected) 6.343 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 8.723 90% Percentile 8.742 95% Percentile 9.649 99% Percentile 9.698 10.15 95% HW USL 0.927 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.182 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 9.863 90% Percentile (z) 8.805 95% Percentile (z) 10.46 99% Percentile (z) 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 8.6 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 8.6 90% Percentile 10.29 95% Percentile 12.07 99% Percentile 8.6 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. N/A N/A 0 23 21 25.8 37.2 100% 18 5.35 6 7.5 1.286 0.541 0.198 2.624 7.992 8.459 9.336 23.05 0.275 1060 1.321 8.085 8.662 9.815 10.22 8.019 8.617 9.86 8.6 0.693 8.6 8.3 8.58 8.6 Potassium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Approximate Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 21 168 First Quartile 454 2200 Median 1340 2730 Third Quartile 1805 1252 SD 774.7 0.619 Skewness -0.0342 6.844 SD of logged Data 0.88 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.915 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.197 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 3056 90% Percentile (z) 2245 2611 95% Percentile (z) 2526 3285 99% Percentile (z) 3054 1.186 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.756 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.23 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.184 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 1.88 k star (bias corrected MILE) 1.663 666.2 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 752.8 86.46 nu star (bias corrected) 76.52 1252 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 970.9 3282 90% Percentile 2545 3464 95% Percentile 3152 4408 99% Percentile 4514 4817 5077 95% HW USL 5652 0.859 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.229 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 7280 90% Percentile (z) 2898 4393 95% Percentile (z) 3990 9446 99% Percentile (z) 7269 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 2730 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 2730 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 2730 2624 90% Percentile 2074 3626 95% Percentile 2190 4701 99% Percentile 2613 2730 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Selenium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 18 Number of Detects 2 Number of Non -Detects 21 Number of Distinct Detects 2 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 16 Minimum Detect 3.9 Minimum Non -Detect 4 Maximum Detect 7.8 Maximum Non -Detect 7.6 Variance Detected 7.605 Percent Non -Detects 91.30% Mean Detected 5.85 SD Detected 2.758 Mean of Detected Logged Data 1.708 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.49 Warning: Data set has only 2 Detected Values. This is not enough to compute meaningful or reliable statistics and estimates. Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Not Enough Data to Perform GOF Test Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 4.07 SD 0.795 95% UTL95% Coverage 5.921 95% KM UPL (t) 5.465 90% KM Percentile (z) 5.089 95% KM Percentile (z) 5.378 99% KM Percentile (z) 5.92 95% KM USL 6.156 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 3.126 SD 1.115 95% UTL95% Coverage 5.721 95% UPL (t) 5.081 90% Percentile (z) 4.555 95% Percentile (z) 4.96 99% Percentile (z) 5.719 95% USL 6.051 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only Not Enough Data to Perform GOF Test Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 8.653 k star (bias corrected MLE) N/A Theta hat (MLE) 0.676 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) N/A nu hat (MLE) 34.61 nu star (bias corrected) N/A MLE Mean (bias corrected) N/A MLE Sd (bias corrected) N/A 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) N/A The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 26.18 nu hat (KM) 1204 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 5.698 5.67 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 5.252 5.226 95% Gamma USL 5.937 5.909 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Not Enough Data to Perform GOF Test Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 4.084 Mean in Log Scale 1.39 SD in Original Scale 0.894 SD in Log Scale 0.174 95% UTL95% Coverage 6.023 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 7.501 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 7.8 95% UPL (t) 5.45 90% Percentile (z) 5.02 95% Percentile (z) 5.347 99% Percentile (z) 6.021 95% USL 6.341 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 3.126 Mean in Log Scale 1.101 SD in Original Scale 1.115 SD in Log Scale 0.261 95% UTL95% Coverage 5.513 95% UPL (t) 4.747 90% Percentile (z) 4.197 95% Percentile (z) 4.614 99% Percentile (z) 5.51 95% USL 5.954 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data do not follow a Discernible Distribution (0.05) Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 7.8 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 7.76 95% USL 7.8 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 7.611 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Sodium General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 20 Number of Detects 4 Number of Non -Detects 19 Number of Distinct Detects 4 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 16 Minimum Detect 160 Minimum Non -Detect 269 Maximum Detect 205 Maximum Non -Detect 378 Variance Detected 371 Percent Non -Detects 82.61% Mean Detected 180.5 SD Detected 19.26 Mean of Detected Logged Data 5.192 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.106 Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.985 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.748 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.171 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.443 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 180.5 SD 16.68 95% UTL95% Coverage 219.3 95% KM UPL (t) 209.8 90% KM Percentile (z) 201.9 95% KM Percentile (z) 207.9 99% KM Percentile (z) 219.3 95% KM USL 224.3 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 155.5 SD 18.96 95% UTL95% Coverage 199.6 95% UPL (t) 188.7 90% Percentile (z) 179.8 95% Percentile (z) 186.6 99% Percentile (z) 199.6 95% USL 205.2 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only A-D Test Statistic 0.208 Anderson -Darling GOF Test 5% A-D Critical Value 0.657 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level K-S Test Statistic 0.188 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff GOF 5% K-S Critical Value 0.394 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 118.6 k star (bias corrected MLE) 29.81 Theta hat (MLE) 1.522 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 6.054 nu hat (MLE) 948.7 nu star (bias corrected) 238.5 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 180.5 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 33.06 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 78.65 Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 160 Mean 180.3 Maximum 205 Median 180.2 SD 9.308 CV 0.0516 k hat (MLE) 395.3 k star (bias corrected MLE) 343.7 Theta hat (MLE) 0.456 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 0.524 nu hat (MLE) 18182 nu star (bias corrected) 15812 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 180.3 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 9.724 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 749.6 90% Percentile 192.8 95% Percentile 196.6 99% Percentile 203.7 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 202.6 202.7 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 196.9 196.9 95% Gamma USL 205.6 205.7 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 117.1 nu hat (KM) 5386 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 221.3 221.6 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 210.6 210.7 95% Gamma USL 227 227.4 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.992 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.748 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.161 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.443 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 180 Mean in Log Scale 5.192 SD in Original Scale 9.275 SD in Log Scale 0.0512 95% UTL95% Coverage 202.5 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 191.5 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 205 95% UPL (t) 196.6 90% Percentile (z) 191.9 95% Percentile (z) 195.5 99% Percentile (z) 202.5 95% USL 205.6 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 5.192 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 222.5 KM SD of Logged Data 0.0916 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 211.1 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 209 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 228.6 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 155.5 Mean in Log Scale 5.04 SD in Original Scale 18.96 SD in Log Scale 0.116 95% UTL95% Coverage 202.2 95% UPL (t) 189.2 90% Percentile (z) 179.1 95% Percentile (z) 186.8 99% Percentile (z) 202.2 95% USL 209.3 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 378 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 374 95% USL 378 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 254.8 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Strontium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 1.9 First Quartile 7.3 144 Median 21.8 257 Third Quartile 71.5 45.98 SD 58.62 1.275 Skewness 2.421 3.034 SD of logged Data 1.421 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.718 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.226 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 182.4 90% Percentile (z) 121.1 148.8 95% Percentile (z) 142.4 199.8 99% Percentile (z) 182.4 0.414 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.782 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.105 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.189 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.754 k star (bias corrected MILE) 0.684 61.02 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 67.2 34.66 nu star (bias corrected) 31.47 45.98 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 55.58 162 90% Percentile 116 172.2 95% Percentile 157.8 242.8 99% Percentile 257.7 273.6 293.4 95% HW USL 340.6 0.95 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.135 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 568.5 90% Percentile (z) 128.5 251.4 95% Percentile (z) 215.3 865.7 99% Percentile (z) 567.1 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 257 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 257 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 245.7 234.4 90% Percentile 77.46 225.6 95% Percentile 137.4 307 99% Percentile 232.1 257 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Sulfate General Statistics Total Number of Observations 23 Number of Missing Observations 0 Number of Distinct Observations 23 Number of Detects 3 Number of Non -Detects 20 Number of Distinct Detects 3 Number of Distinct Non -Detects 20 Minimum Detect 145 Minimum Non -Detect 258 Maximum Detect 243 Maximum Non -Detect 372 Variance Detected 2476 Percent Non -Detects 86.96% Mean Detected 189 SD Detected 49.76 Mean of Detected Logged Data 5.219 SD of Detected Logged Data 0.26 Warning: Data set has only 3 Detected Values. This is not enough to compute meaningful or reliable statistics and estimates. Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 Normal GOF Test on Detects Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.97 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.767 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.246 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.512 Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Kaplan Meier (KM) Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 189 SD 40.63 95% UTL95% Coverage 283.6 95% KM UPL (t) 260.3 90% KM Percentile (z) 241.1 95% KM Percentile (z) 255.8 99% KM Percentile (z) 283.5 95% KM USL 295.6 DL/2 Substitution Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution Mean 154 SD 24.45 95% UTL95% Coverage 211 95% UPL (t) 196.9 90% Percentile (z) 185.4 95% Percentile (z) 194.3 99% Percentile (z) 210.9 95% USL 218.2 DL/2 is not a recommended method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons Gamma GOF Tests on Detected Observations Only Not Enough Data to Perform GOF Test Gamma Statistics on Detected Data Only k hat (MLE) 22.2 k star (bias corrected MLE) N/A Theta hat (MLE) 8.512 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) N/A nu hat (MLE) 133.2 nu star (bias corrected) N/A MLE Mean (bias corrected) N/A MLE Sd (bias corrected) N/A 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) N/A Gamma ROS Statistics using Imputed Non -Detects GROS may not be used when data set has > 50% NDs with many tied observations at multiple DLs GROS may not be used when kstar of detected data is small such as < 0.1 For such situations, GROS method tends to yield inflated values of UCLs and BTVs For gamma distributed detected data, BTVs and UCLs may be computed using gamma distribution on KM estimates Minimum 145 Mean 187.6 Maximum 243 Median 187.4 SD 15.01 CV 0.08 k hat (MLE) 168.9 k star (bias corrected MLE) 146.9 Theta hat (MLE) 1.111 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 1.277 nu hat (MLE) 7770 nu star (bias corrected) 6758 MLE Mean (bias corrected) 187.6 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 15.48 95% Percentile of Chisquare (2k) 334.8 90% Percentile 207.7 95% Percentile 213.8 99% Percentile 225.5 The following statistics are computed using Gamma ROS Statistics on Imputed Data Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 223.7 223.9 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 214.3 214.4 95% Gamma USL 228.6 228.9 The following statistics are computed using gamma distribution and KM estimates Upper Limits using Wilson Hilferty (WH) and Hawkins Wixley (HW) Methods k hat (KM) 21.64 nu hat (KM) 995.5 WH HW WH HW 95% Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 294.8 296.6 95% Approx. Gamma UPL 264.9 265.6 95% Gamma USL 311.1 313.6 Lognormal GOF Test on Detected Observations Only Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 0.989 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value 0.767 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Lilliefors Test Statistic 0.215 Lilliefors GOF Test 5% Lilliefors Critical Value 0.512 Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Detected Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Lognormal ROS Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Using Imputed Non -Detects Mean in Original Scale 185.3 Mean in Log Scale 5.219 SD in Original Scale 15.07 SD in Log Scale 0.0783 95% UTL95% Coverage 221.7 95% BCA UTL95% Coverage 184.8 95% Bootstrap (%) UTL95% Coverage 243 95% UPL (t) 212 90% Percentile (z) 204.3 95% Percentile (z) 210.1 99% Percentile (z) 221.7 95% USL 226.9 Statistics using KM estimates on Logged Data and Assuming Lognormal Distribution KM Mean of Logged Data 5.219 95% KM UTL (Lognormal)95% Coverage 302.6 KM SD of Logged Data 0.212 95% KM UPL (Lognormal) 268 95% KM Percentile Lognormal (z) 261.8 95% KM USL (Lognormal) 322.2 Background DL/2 Statistics Assuming Lognormal Distribution Mean in Original Scale 154 Mean in Log Scale 5.027 SD in Original Scale 24.45 SD in Log Scale 0.139 95% UTL95% Coverage 211 95% UPL (t) 194.7 90% Percentile (z) 182.3 95% Percentile (z) 191.8 99% Percentile (z) 210.9 95% USL 219.9 DL/2 is not a Recommended Method. DL/2 provided for comparisons and historical reasons. Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear to follow a Discernible Distribution at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for BTVs(no distinction made between detects and nondetects) Order of Statistic, r 23 95% UTL with95% Coverage 372 Approximate f 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 95% UPL 366.6 95% USL 372 95% KM Chebyshev UPL 369.9 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Thallium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Number of Distinct Observations Number of Detects Number of Distinct Detects 23 Number of Missing Observations 14 0 Number of Non -Detects 0 Number of Distinct Non -Detects Minimum Detect N/A Minimum Non -Detect Maximum Detect N/A Maximum Non -Detect Variance Detected N/A Percent Non -Detects Mean Detected N/A SD Detected Mean of Detected Logged Data N/A SD of Detected Logged Data Warning: All observations are Non -Detects (NDs), therefore all statistics and estimates should also be NDs! Specifically, sample mean, UCLs, UPLs, and other statistics are also NDs lying below the largest detection limit! The Project Team may decide to use alternative site specific values to estimate environmental parameters (e.g., EPC, BTV). The data set for variable Thallium was not processed! Total Organic Carbon General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MLE) Theta hat (MLE) nu hat (MLE) MLE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 457 First Quartile 20100 Median 23800 Third Quartile 5394 SD 1.254 Skewness 7.835 SD of logged Data 2.328 d2max (for USL) 0.744 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.253 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data Not Normal at 5% Significance Level 21137 90% Percentile (z) 17256 95% Percentile (z) 23139 99% Percentile (z) 0.912 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.78 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.195 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.188 Data Not Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.785 k star (bias corrected MLE) 6869 Theta star (bias corrected MLE) 36.12 nu star (bias corrected) 5394 MLE Sd (bias corrected) 18697 90% Percentile 19411 95% Percentile 27956 99% Percentile 30597 33741 95% HW USL 0.929 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.14 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 50148 90% Percentile (z) 24011 95% Percentile (z) 73310 99% Percentile (z) 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 23800 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 23060 90% Percentile 26118 95% Percentile 35506 99% Percentile 23800 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. N/A N/A 0 23 14 5.1 7.6 100% 23 804 1720 6775 6763 1.601 1.283 2.624 14061 16518 21126 0.712 7578 32.74 6393 13487 18250 29603 37968 13094 20871 50042 23800 0.693 23800 14300 19540 22986 Vanadium General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 23 8.4 First Quartile 20.3 67.2 Median 33.8 75.7 Third Quartile 45.45 35.05 SD 18.56 0.529 Skewness 0.727 3.416 SD of logged Data 0.561 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.933 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.153 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 78.25 90% Percentile (z) 58.83 67.6 95% Percentile (z) 65.57 83.74 99% Percentile (z) 78.22 0.209 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.749 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.0841 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 3.7 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.246 9.474 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 10.8 170.2 nu star (bias corrected) 149.3 35.05 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 19.45 73.62 90% Percentile 61.14 75.07 95% Percentile 71.93 92.59 99% Percentile 95.22 96.1 103.5 95% HW USL 108.5 0.976 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.0959 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 112.3 90% Percentile (z) 62.44 81.38 95% Percentile (z) 76.54 132.5 99% Percentile (z) 112.2 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 75.7 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 75.7 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 75.7 74 90% Percentile 63.46 91.92 95% Percentile 66.99 117.7 99% Percentile 73.83 75.7 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV. Zinc General Statistics Total Number of Observations Minimum Second Largest Maximum Mean Coefficient of Variation Mean of logged Data Critical Values for Background Threshold Values (BTVs) Tolerance Factor K (For UTL) Normal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics Assuming Normal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Gamma GOF Test A-D Test Statistic 5% A-D Critical Value K-S Test Statistic 5% K-S Critical Value Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level Gamma Statistics k hat (MILE) Theta hat (MILE) nu hat (MILE) MILE Mean (bias corrected) Background Statistics Assuming Gamma Distribution 95% Wilson Hilferty (WH) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% Hawkins Wixley (HW) Approx. Gamma UPL 95% WH Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% HW Approx. Gamma UTL with 95% Coverage 95% WH USL Lognormal GOF Test Shapiro Wilk Test Statistic 5% Shapiro Wilk Critical Value Lilliefors Test Statistic 5% Lilliefors Critical Value Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level Background Statistics assuming Lognormal Distribution 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL (t) 95% USL Nonparametric Distribution Free Background Statistics Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level Nonparametric Upper Limits for Background Threshold Values Order of Statistic, r Approximate f 95% Percentile Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 95% UPL 90% Chebyshev UPL 95% Chebyshev UPL 95% USL 23 Number of Distinct Observations 22 23.5 First Quartile 65.8 189 Median 91.4 203 Third Quartile 116 99.25 SD 50.42 0.508 Skewness 0.61 4.458 SD of logged Data 0.573 2.328 d2max (for USL) 2.624 0.94 Shapiro Wilk GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 0.132 Lilliefors GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level 216.6 90% Percentile (z) 163.9 187.7 95% Percentile (z) 182.2 231.6 99% Percentile (z) 216.6 0.238 Anderson -Darling Gamma GOF Test 0.749 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 0.0953 Kolmogrov-Smirnoff Gamma GOF Test 0.182 Detected data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level 3.732 k star (bias corrected MILE) 3.275 26.59 Theta star (bias corrected MILE) 30.31 171.7 nu star (bias corrected) 150.6 99.25 MILE Sd (bias corrected) 54.85 208 90% Percentile 172.8 213.1 95% Percentile 203.2 261.3 99% Percentile 268.7 272.7 292 95% HW USL 308 0.949 Shapiro Wilk Lognormal GOF Test 0.914 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 0.106 Lilliefors Lognormal GOF Test 0.185 Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level 327.5 90% Percentile (z) 179.8 235.7 95% Percentile (z) 221.4 388 99% Percentile (z) 327.2 23 95% UTL with 95% Coverage 203 1.211 Confidence Coefficient (CC) achieved by UTL 0.693 203 95% BCA Bootstrap UTL with 95% Coverage 201.6 200.2 90% Percentile 178 253.8 95% Percentile 187.9 323.8 99% Percentile 199.9 203 Note: The use of USL to estimate a BTV is recommended only when the data set represents a background data set free of outliers and consists of observations collected from clean unimpacted locations. The use of USL tends to provide a balance between false positives and false negatives provided the data represents a background data set and when many onsite observations need to be compared with the BTV.