No person may initiate any land-disturbing activity on one or more acres as covered by the Wake
WAKECounty Unified Development Ordinance before this form and an acceptable erosion and
COUNTY sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by Wake County Department of
NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Services, Water Quality Division. (Please type or print and, if the question is not
applicable, place N/A in the blank.)
Part A.
Wendell Falls Phase 10-Single Lot Erosion Control for Garman Homes- Lots 2246-2248,
1. Project Name 2258-2269, 2316-2325, 2350-2366, 2380-2400, 2406-2428, 2446-2451, and 2453
2. Location of land-disturbing activity: Jurisdiction Wendell, NC (Wake Co. or Municipality)
Multiple Addresses
Highway/Street See attached Latitude 35.7875 Longitude -78.4279
3. Approximate date land-disturbing activity will commence: Ongoing
4. Type of development(residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, etc.): Residential
5. Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off-site utilities and borrow/waste
areas): 9.58
6. Person to contact should erosion and sediment control issues arise during land-disturbing activity:
Name Lindsey Guess E-mail Address lindseyg@garmanhomes.com
Telephone 919-710-9191 Cell# Fax#
7. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners): tanya.matzen@
NASH Wendell Falls, LLC 919-951-0718 development.com
Name(s) Telephone Fax or E-mail address
4020 Westchase Blvd, Suite 150 Same as Mailing Address
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
Raleigh NC 27607 Same as Mailing Address
City State Zip City State Zip
Multiple Deeds Multiple Deeds
8. Deed Book No. See attached Page No. See attached Provide a copy of the most current deed.
Part B.
1. Person(s) or firm(s) who are financially responsible for the land-disturbing activity (Provide a
comprehensive list of all responsible parties on an attached sheet. Include requested information):
Garman Homes, LLC sbrown@garmanhomes.com
Name E-mail Address
4000 Paramount Parkway, Suite 250 Same as Mailing
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
Morrisville NC 27560 Same as Mailing
City State Zip City State Zip
Telephone 919-235-2073 Fax Number
2. (a) If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of Wake County, identify a designated agent in
Wake County to receive any notice, process, pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any
matter relating to the Wake County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and/or Land
Disturbance Permit:
Name E-mail Address
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
City State Zip City State Zip
Telephone Fax Number
(b) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an
assumed name, attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible
Party is a Corporation, give name and street address of the Registered Agent:
Stacy Brown sbrown@garmanhomes.com
Name of Registered Agent E-mail Address
4000 Paramount Parkway, Suite 250 Same as Mailing
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
Morrisville NC 27560 Same as Mailing
City State Zip City State Zip
Telephone 919-235-2073 Fax Number
The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided
by me under oath (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person if an individual
or his attorney-in-fact, or if not an individual, by an officer, director, partner, or registered agent with
the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person). I agree to provide
corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein.
Stacy Brown Division President
Type or int name Title or Authority
3/5/2-D 2-if
S . r Date
I, JP l tf/tK k4C4 1'( , a Notary Public of the County of I JQK-Q._
State of North Carolina, hereby certify that t �(,tC; ?(b AJV\ appeared
personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowl&iged that the above form was executed by him.
Witness my hand and notarial seal, this 54-1-\• day of (aYC , 20 '7,`t
'` HOC
��.' G % Jary/1)jk
> ' O Ry
Seal A y m My commission expires -7'23- G C)
$$$$ 111111111111�,
Additional Land Owner(s)of Record:
7. Landowner(s) of Record (attach accompanied page to list additional owners):
Garman Homes, LLC 919-235-2073 sbrown@garmanhomes.com
Name(s) Telephone Fax or E-mail address
4000 Paramount Parkway, Suite 250 Same as Mailing
Current Mailing Address Current Street Address
Morrisville NC 27560 Same as Mailing
City State Zip City State Zip
Garman Homes
Subdivision:Wendell Falls Phase 10
Sq. Lot
Lot# Street# Street Name City State Zip Phase PIN Ownership Footage Acreage Type BM PG MISA
2246 200 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774006999 NASH Wendell Falls 6,514 0.150 A 2022 2397 3200
2247 204 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774016094 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 A 2022 2397 3200
2248 208 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774016099 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 A 2022 2397 3200
2258 1201 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774008919 NASH Wendell Falls 6,514 0.150 B 2022 2397 3200
2259 1205 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018014 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2260 1209 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018019 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2261 1213 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018113 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2262 1217 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018118 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2263 1221 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018213 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2264 1225 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018217 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2265 1229 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018312 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2266 1237 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018306 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2267 1245 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018401 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2268 1249 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018406 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 B 2022 2397 3200
2269 1253 Porters Call Drive Wendell NC 27591 10B 1774018501 NASH Wendell Falls 6,814 0.156 B 2022 2397 3200
2316 2200 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764915691 NASH Wendell Falls 7,181 0.165 B 2023 1230 2400
2317 2204 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764916625 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2318 2208 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764916647 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2319 2212 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764916760 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2320 2216 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764916792 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2321 2220 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764917714 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2322 2224 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764917737 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2323 2228 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764917759 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2324 2232 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764917872 NASH Wendell Falls 3,840 0.088 B 2023 1230 2400
2325 2236 Dusk Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918805 NASH Wendell Falls 5,958 0.137 C 2023 1230 2400
2350 1200 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764908927 Garman Homes 7,018 0.161 A 2023 1229 2400
2351 1204 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918032 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2352 1208 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918045 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2353 1212 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918059 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2354 1216 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918162 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2355 1220 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918175 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2356 1224 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764918188 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2357 1228 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919202 Garman Homes 4,166 0.096 A 2023 1229 2400
2358 1232 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919225 Garman Homes 6,534 0.150 A 2023 1229 2400
2359 1240 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919373 NASH Wendell Falls 4,218 0.097 A 2023 1229 2200
2360 1242 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919396 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1229 2200
2361 1244 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010318 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1229 2200
2362 1246 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010420 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1229 2200
2363 1248 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010442 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1229 2200
2364 1250 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010464 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1229 2200
2365 1252 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010486 NASH Wendell Falls 3,793 0.087 A 2023 1229 2200
2366 1765 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774011505 NASH Wendell Falls 5,876 0.135 A 2023 1229 2200
2380 125 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010148 Garman Homes 5,547 0.127 B 2023 1229 2400
2381 121 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010125 Garman Homes 4,247 0.097 B 2023 1229 2400
2382 117 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774010111 Garman Homes 4,247 0.097 B 2023 1229 2400
2383 113 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919098 NASH Wendell Falls 4,247 0.097 B 2023 1229 2400
2384 109 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919085 NASH Wendell Falls 4,247 0.097 B 2023 1229 2400
2385 105 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764919071 NASH Wendell Falls 4,247 0.097 B 2023 1229 2400
2386 101 Starry Point Road Wendell NC 27591 10C 1764909967 Garman Homes 6,090 0.140 B 2023 1229 2400
2387 301 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015602 Garman Homes 4,474 0.103 B 2023 1230 2200
2388 305 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014695 Garman Homes 3,420 0.079 B 2023 1230 2200
2389 309 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014698 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2390 313 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015701 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2391 317 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015715 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2392 321 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015728 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2393 325 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015831 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2394 329 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015854 Garman Homes 3,945 0.091 B 2023 1230 2200
2395 333 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015876 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 B 2023 1230 2200
2396 337 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015898 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 B 2023 1230 2200
2397 341 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774016910 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 B 2023 1230 2200
2398 345 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774016922 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 B 2023 1230 2200
2399 349 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774016944 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 B 2023 1230 2200
2400 353 Wash Hollow Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774016967 NASH Wendell Falls 6,153 0.141 B 2023 1230 2200
2406 1376 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774025089 NASH Wendell Falls 5,088 0.117 A 2023 1230 2200
2407 1372 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774025066 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2408 1368 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774025044 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2409 1364 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774025032 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2410 1360 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774025010 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2411 1356 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774015908 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2412 1352 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014986 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2413 1348 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014964 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2414 1344 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014952 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2415 1340 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014930 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2416 1336 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014818 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2417 1332 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014806 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2418 1328 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013884 NASH Wendell Falls 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2419 1324 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013862 Garman Homes 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2420 1320 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013850 Garman Homes 3,120 0.072 A 2023 1230 2200
2421 1316 Barreto Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013728 Garman Homes 4,671 0.107 A 2023 1230 2200
2422 1732 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774014605 Garman Homes 4,342 0.100 B 2023 1230 2200
2423 1736 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013666 Garman Homes 3,454 0.079 B 2023 1230 2200
2424 1740 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013646 Garman Homes 3,478 0.080 B 2023 1230 2200
2425 1744 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774013617 Garman Homes 3,545 0.081 B 2023 1230 2200
2426 1748 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774012688 Garman Homes 3,654 0.084 B 2023 1230 2200
2427 1752 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774012659 Garman Homes 3,800 0.087 B 2023 1230 2200
2428 1756 Piney Falls Drive Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774012720 Garman Homes 5,731 0.132 B 2023 1230 2200
2446 2356 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774022461 Garman Homes 13,647 0.313 A 2023 1230 3200
2447 2352 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774022336 Garman Homes 5,520 0.127 A 2023 1230 3200
2448 2348 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774022322 Garman Homes 5,520 0.127 A 2023 1230 3200
2449 2340 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774022207 Garman Homes 5,520 0.127 A 2023 1230 3200
2450 2336 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774021283 Garman Homes 5,520 0.127 A 2023 1230 3200
2451 2332 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774021169 NASH Wendell Falls 5,520 0.127 A 2023 1230 3200
2453 2324 Whitewing Lane Wendell NC 27591 10C 1774021130 Garman Homes 6,425 0.147 A 2023 1230 3200
Total Disturbed Acreage: 9.58 Total Impervious SF: 231,800