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GW1--01444_Well Construction - GW1_20240301
1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For[Mental Usc ONLY: This form can be used for single ar(multiple wells I.Well Contractor Information: 14.,WATLRZONES . t .'. . . . . Rich Lemire . FROM '10 • lESCRIPIION. Well CpeaiaOor Name ft, ft., I j .fr. iL I I ' 2593A NC Well CanlracldrCcniftcaionNwttrcr a5.'O(ITER CASING-an reinhknsiiI"isdis)'ORLINER(11att ticobk): ' • FnoNr m mAdrr.Tt R T1ucKNrss NtATtsnrAt. SAEDACCO IL. rt. la Campion-Name 16.1NNERCASING OR TUBING(.,thermal etasedaoop.•.". _ FROM TO ' DIAMETER TiICKNESS NIAT'ERIAL 1 2.Well Constiuctinn Permit it: 0 ft, 14 . it: 2 ''I L SCH-40 PVC 11u all alp lIertbfc rcril penults(Lr.County.Ave,.t'ariarsr.Ilectiat rir..) ft. . A, !la. 3.Welt Use(cheek well use): • ` t9 5CN1 EN .,WaterSupph'Went Fn0NW" . TO .Dt.METER SLOT SPX TIIICKNISS i NIATP.NtaL ❑Agricultural ❑MutucipatiPttbiuc 14 ft. 34 ft, 2 •in 010 SCH-90 9 PVC ❑Deothe utat(HcatingiCooling Supply) ❑Resideutial Water Supply(single) f6 fL rn. .. I DtndusiriallConn iercial ©Residential Water Supply(sliced) -no`ROtFf To .. MATERIAL • EMPLICE,NIENT METHOD&AMOUNT ❑irrigation . 0 it. 10 ft. PORTLAND POURED Non Water Supply Well:. R. fa °Monitoring • . O �'RCetnr . - ' Inject Ion'Welt: n'' ft.• °Aquifer Recharge ElOtoundwatcrRcnicdiation t9 SANDIGRAVELBACK(lfappliubte) ..:. _ 'FROM TO • NA•tRRttI, ' t?NlP1.ACEMENTmrstiOn °Agn(fcr.Storage and Rccovcty °Salinity Barrier 12 R. 34 It. SAND #2 °AgliiferTcst °SiommtstcrDrtinage ft. fe . ElEipctimcnial Technology ❑Sltbsidence Coltptol •10:DRiLLIA'G'LOGfntlach nddltionidsticels irltccessar,•t ' . ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tlacer, Rost-• TO DI;SCItIPilON holm,.minium.,n n'rocktrtra t rsin ritc.rita ❑Geotketinal(Heatiug'Coollmg Return) -•❑Other(esploit under 1121 Reuiaiksl 0 iL 25 rt. BACK FILL 25 ft. 34 ft. PWR i, 4.Date Well(s)Completed; 1-18-2024 well IDli8z-4W . . iG ,_._C,,,,, + ,M' 5a,Will Location: '``e" € V 1 iL i4 Toyota rt. ft, , MAR 0 1 2024 Facilit)•,tDisocr:Niutte .Facility►Dk(itapplkablc) R. fl. I ' 5938. Julian Airport Rd., Liberty, NC, 27298 ft. iI, _ �fQlBOG Plu slat Address.City.and Zip :.21:REMARKS , Randolph BENTONITE FROM 10' TO 121'., Ccuwty. Parcel kloilifrcalian No,(PIN) Sh.l ttftirde acid Longitude in degrceslminutcs,'Neconds or decimal degrees: 22.CcitifeaNnn: ((fools tick!,one lat./long is suflieteid) • N W 'Y �' t/1', �rvAt%..i. _ ' 1/20/2024 • Sioaitureofb. Well eentractar Pale 6.Is(are)the well(s):.SlPerinauent .Or DTcmporaty !lF signingltrir form,I herebyrerrel.'duo rlie ue1lfs)was ft,rrrl cvn_rrructer!!n acrotrhmcx• frith lM NOW 02C,0107 or 15A NC4C102C,0200 WW1 Constrnrrtar Standards and rhos a 7.Ls this a repairto an existing well: ' i7Yes or Elio eo•iyofrhlr record has bt ro pror•;rhd tit r well owner. if th(sis a repair,felt art/(emit well coaatualon luforrrurrion and explain the tytrare of the repair under d21 FcaarfaSe time or on the hart of(fir form. • 23.Site dhigram or additional well'details: You-may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt 8.Number of wells constricted: 1 cousftuctiou details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For tituitiple iueerhnn or ntta-water supply reeds ONLY with the strata cmrstrurflou,you eelo ' .sahmir'encIona. - SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS I' 9.Total well depth below Laud surface: 34 (ft,) 24a..For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple Ives list di depths ifdifferent(crmnpte-30200'atul 2@ I00') Constnrction to the following; 10.Static water level below tap of casing: 25 -(ft.) Dh i ien of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if wilier level is above cnsUtx:sue.'•+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1G17 11,Burchote diameter:8.25" (in.) 24b.For Infection Weila ONLY: In addition to sending the four to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:NSA eelISImctfon to the following: I, (i.c.auger.rotary,table.(Erect risk etc.) I Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection-Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 ALAI Service Cc(ntcr.Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 131 Yield(gttnt) _ Method of test: 24e. er-Water Snpuilv&Ini ction:Wett_s: Also submit one copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: ' Amount: west construction to the county Health department of the coutrtv.where constructed. • ' Fano OW-1 North Carolina 0.parinteio of Endroruikm awl Natural Resources-Division of Water Reso.rtm Revised Atigtait'to 13