HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024112_Pretreatment_Annual_Report_20240305City of Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Pretreatment Program March 5, 2024 Mr. Keyes McGee DWQ — Municipal Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: PAR 2023 WTI^nomasvitte 101i1 C A 1 0 L I I A PUBLIC UTILITIES Dear Mr. McGee: Please find enclosed the e-mailed copy of the City of Thomasville's PAR for 2023. The PA e-mail sets contain a copy of the cover letter, the PPS, SNCR form, the pretreatment narrative, IDSF forms for each industry with attached compliance judgment worksheets, a copy of our current Allocation Table as last submitted, and the Lexington Dispatch public notice which has been submitted to the Dispatch but I don't have a publication date yet. The Dispatch was not in our accounting systems so I'm having to get them added so we can pay them when e get the bill! I can send you a copy of the electronic submission for the ad if requested, and 111 send the certification of publication or a copy of the announcement printed in the Times as soon as it is available. The 2023 revised HWA has not yet been approved but I included the latest version I have with the proposed new industries included. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 475-4246 ext. 2. Sincerely, Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator PO Box 368 Phone: 336-475-4246 Thomasville, NC 27361 Fax: 336-476-0130 Chapter 9, PAR Guidance Pretreatment Performance Summary (PPS) I. Pretreatment Town Name: City of Thomasville 2. "Primary" NPDES Number NC00 24112 or Non -Discharge Permit # if applicable => 3. PAR Begin Date, please enter 01/01/yyyy 3. => l/1/2023 4. PAR End Date, please enter 12/31/yyyy 4. => 12/31/2023 5. Total number of SIUs, includes CIUs 5. _> 5 6. Number of CIUs 6. _> 5 7. Number of SIUs with no IUP, or with an expired IUP 7. _> 0 8. Number of SIUs not inspected by POTW 8. _> 0 9. Number of SIUs not sampled by POTW 9. => 1 lo. Number of SIUs in SNC due to IUP Limit violations 10. => I 11. Number of SIUs in SNC due to Reporting violations 11. => 1 12. Number of SIUs in SNC due to violation of a Compliance Schedule, CO, AO or similar 12. => 0 13. Number of C1Us in SNC 13. => 2 14. Number of SIUs included in Public Notice 14. => 2 15 Total number of SIUs on a compliance schedule, CO, AO or similar 15. => 0 16. Number of NOVs, NNCs or similar assesed to SIUs 16. => 20 17. Number of Civil Penalties assessed to SIUs 17. => 17 18. Number of Criminal Penalties assessed to SIUs 18. => 0 19. Total Amount of Civil Penalties Collected 19. _> $ 3100 20. Number of IUs from which penalties collected 20. => 4 VOteS: AO Administrative Order IUP Industrial User Pretreatment Permit POTW CIU Categorical Industrial User NNC Notice of Non -Compliance SIU Publicly Owned Treatment Works Significant Industrial User CO Consent Order NOV Notice of Violation SNC Significant Non -Compliance In Industrial User PAR Pretreatment Annual Report revised 1/2018: PAR PPS 20I8 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) W WTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant, use separate form for each W WTP. S1U = Significant Industrial User SNC = Significant Non -Compliance PAR covers this calendar year => Control Authority=Program=Town Name => W WTP Name => NPDES # _> A SNCR Form must be submitted with every PAR, please write "None " if you had No SIUs in SNC during calendar year [UP # Pipe # Industry Name Parameter or "Reporting" SNC? ( Yes / No ) for each 6-month period. Jan. - June July - Dec. 0028 001 Advanced Materials Coatings Limits - pH Yes Yes 0008 001 Brasscrafft Reporting - Missed Cyanide Yes No Attach a copy of the Division's "SIUs in SNC Historical Report" for your POTW's SIUs behind this page. Is the database correct ? Notify the Division of any errors ! Database indicates SNC history for previous years. EVERY SNC MUST be explained in the Narrative, How was, is, or will it be resolved? REPEAT SNCs are serious matters that MUST be explained in the Narrative. Forth name: PAR,SNCR,2001 Date Revised: 1/4/2001 2023 City of Thomasville Hamby Creek W WTP NCO024112 City of Thomasville Legal Notice The City of Thomasville in accordance with Federal and State Regulations is hereby giving public notice. Listed below are Significant Industrial Users that were in significant non- compliance (SNC) with national pretreatment regulations, 40 CFR Part 403, and State regulations, 15 NCAC 2H .0900 and local regulations during the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Advanced Material Coatings (AMC) was in SNC for numerous pH limit violations throughout the year. AMC has identified the cause of the repeated violations and is working in concert with the City to correct the problem and assure future compliance with their pH limits. Brasscraft— Thomasville was in SNC for missed Cyanide sampling in the first half of the year. Brasscraft has already made up the missed samples. A continuing effort is being made by all significant industrial users permitted by the City to achieve and maintain compliance. Notices of Violations were sent and industries fined for their non compliance. City of Thomasville Utilities Department Wastewater Section Misty Conder Laboratory Supervisor Pretreatment Coordinator City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2023 Pretreatment Narrative 1. General Information A. General Program Information The Allocation Table along with the HWA was updated in 2023 to update all industries for changes resulting from Thomasville's updated NPDES permit and at the request of NCDWR to address updates to our Headworks Analysis. All active permits are currently up to date. The updated 2023 HWA is still awaiting approval. In addition an update of the Allocation Table was submitted in 2024 to account for industries being added in 2024. No changes to the SUO have been done since it was updated and passed into law by the City Council on October 15, 2012 and approved by PERCS. Restaurant inspections occurred for 2023 especially those for adding new grease interceptors. The much delayed IWS was completed and submitted in 2023 due to issues with COVID. Approval of the IWS is still pending. The LTMP for the City of Thomasville was updated in 2022 but has not yet been approved by NC DWR. The City of Thomasville Hamby Creek W WTP received it's new permit in March 2022 which required additional changes to be made to the LTMP. Three industries were published in the local newspaper for SNC violations. Brasscraft was listed for failure to report due to a missed Nickel sample. Brasscraft has already made up the missed sampling and was in compliance. Finch Industries was listed for limits for a cadmium exceedance. Finch was not in SNC for cadmium in the previous 6 months. HERR was in SNC for exceeding zinc limits. HERR has been trying to make some process changes to address the issue but have been unable to resample because business has dropped. HERR was also in SNC for reporting for the first half of the year. This was HERR's first year of operation. Additional industries had various violations, but none reached SNC status. The advertisement is scheduled for publication during the week of third week of April and a copy of the publication certification will be sent when it is received. A copy of the text for the publication is included. B. General Permit Information No permits expired without renewal during 2023. All permits were updated to meet changes in the long term monitoring plan and to be in compliance with the updated NPDES permit NC0024112. Page 1 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2023 Pretreatment Narrative No new industries were added to the pretreatment program in 2023 although a draft permit was submitted for Clean Water Technologies (CWT) but they do not anticipate beginning operation until late spring or summer of 2024. In addition preliminary discussions have ensued with Nucor Steel — Lexington for installation of a rebar manufacturing plant in Lexington, NC that will discharge to Thomasville's sewer. An Authorization to Construct was issued early in 2024 and the plant expects to be online by summer 2024. A draft permit has been submitted to NCDENR. All industries were inspected for 2023. All sampling was done as required with the exception of sampling at HERR. HERR had no discharges at all for 2023 so no sampling was done there. There was some missed sampling at McIntyre as noted below, but it was City related rather than industry caused. 2. SIU Information AMC (Advance Materials Coatings) — IUP # 0028, Metal Plater A. AMC was in SNC for the 2023 PAR year for pH issues. AMC did receive NOV's for 5 pH (5 chronic, 4 TRC) violations in the first half and 1 Copper (1 chronic, 1 TRC) and 6 pH (6 chronic, 5 TRC) violations in the second half. It is noted that the normal compliance judgement forms do not account for pH violations that fall on the low end of the acceptance criteria, only for those that fall above limits. A TRC value for the low end of pH was determined by dividing by 1.2 instead of the normal multiplying by 1.2 procedure used to determine TRC violations. Thus AMC's permitted pH range of 5 — 10 was defined to have TRC violations at <4.2 and > 12. AMC was fined a total of $2300.00 for their pH and metals violations. The SNC was reported in the newspaper. B. AMC did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2023 but a Consent Order has been drafted for 2024 to deal with the pH violations that AMC continues to have. C. AMC did not receive any Authorization to Constructs during 2023. D. AMC did not have missing data for the 2023 PAR. Any blank parameters on the IDSF, are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Page 2 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2023 Pretreatment Narrative Brass Craft — Thomasville — IUP # 0008, Metal Plater A. Brass Craft was in SNC for reporting for the first half of 2023 due to missed Cyanide sampling. Brasscraft did receive an NOV for the missed Cyanide and for 2 pH violations in the first half. Brasscraft completed the missed Cyanide sampling in the second half by collecting samples at 4 different times on the same day. While this is not ideal, it is technically legal since Cyanide is a grab sample. The missed sampling and all sampling for the second half was in compliance permit limits. Brasscraft was fined $200.00 for the missed sampling. The SNC was reported in the newspaper. B. Brass Craft did not have any type of special orders or schedules in 2023. C. Brass Craft did receive a pretreatment AtoC for 2023. Brasscraft added a powder coating line and an annealing furnace, along with some tankage for non -contact cooling water to their production processes for 2023. These additions resulted in additional discharge lines being added to bring wastes into their pretreatment system. D. Brass Craft does has data missing for the 2023 PAR year, in the noted missed cyanide sampling in the first half. These were made up in the second half. Any blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Finch Industries, Inc. — IUP # 0018, Mirror Mfg, Metal Plater A. Finch Industries was not in SNC in 2023. Finch had one Copper violation (1 chronic, 0 TRC) in the first half. Finch also reported their flow meter failed in March and a repair was not completed until April so some flow data is missing. No NOV or NOC was given as the outage was promptly reported and repaired as soon as parts were available. Finch was in violation for pH (1 chronic, 0 TRC) in the second half but was not in SNC. Finch was given an NOV for the Copper violation and a NNC for the pH and fines totaling of $200. B. Finch Industries did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2023. C. Finch Industries did not receive a pretreatment AtoC or other construction orders during 2023. Page 3 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2023 Pretreatment Narrative D. Finch Industries does have missing data in 2023 as noted from the flow meter failure resulting in no flows reported for part of March and April. Any other blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. Hazmat Emereency Response and Remediation (HERR) — IUP 02, CWT A. HERR was not in SNC in 2023. HERR never restarted their system in 2023 and has had no discharge during the year. Therefore no sampling occurred during 2023. They stated that the market for that particular service had dropped off considerably. They are hoping to get the system operational again in 2024. B. HERR did not have any type of special orders or schedules for 2023. C. HERR did not have a pretreatment AtoC in 2023 PAR. D. HERR is missing data for 2023, as noted due to the fact that they had no discharges for the year. McIntyre Manufacturing Inc. — IUP # 0031, Metal Plater — Powder Coating A. McIntyre Manufacturing was not in SNC for 2023. McIntyre had one violation for Copper and one for Silver in the second half of 2023. Both were chronic and McIntyre had subsequent sampling that showed a return to compliance. McIntyre is missing data for BOD, TSS, Ammonia, Phosphorus, and pH for the second half of 2023 however. This is a result of City sampling and was not the fault of McIntyre. The City's influent sampler had to be replaced in the last quarter of the year and the City used the pretreatment portable sampler to collect WWTP sampling during that time period. Meritech, our contract lab was scheduled to do the sampling at McIntyre since I was unsure if I could get all industries sampled before the close of the year. They were sent an e-mail with a list of all sampling needed. They later requested a chain of custody to make sure they got the extra organics and low level mercury that I perform which McIntyre is not required to sample for. I sent my standard chain of custody which they normally get from me. It unfortunately didn't have on it the testing that we normally do in house. Therefore the BOD, TSS, Ammonia, Phosphorus and pH's were not collected. I didn't discover this until it was too late to collect the samples since the final report didn't come out until December 29. The Page 4 of 5 City of Thomasville — Hamby Creek WWTP PAR 2023 Pretreatment Narrative City will collect the missed samples during the first quarter of 2023. McIntyre was fined $200 each for the Copper and Silver violations. B. McIntyre Manufacturing did not have any type of special orders or schedules. C. McIntyre Manufacturing did not receive a pretreatment AtoC for the 2023 PAR year. D. McIntyre Metals is missing BOD, TSS, Ammonia, Phosphorus and pH data for 2023 as noted above. Any other blank parameters on the IDSF are either not required by the permit, or are only required to be monitored once a year. 3. Waste Reduction A. There have been no changes in the City of Thomasville's waste reduction activities since the 2023 PAR submission. B. Advanced Materials Coatings has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2023 PAR submission. C. Brass Craft — has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2023 PAR submission. D. Finch Industries has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2023 PAR submission. E. HERR has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2023 PAR submission. F. McIntyre Manufacturing has had no changes in waste reduction since the 2023 PAR submission. Page 5 of 5 laa.Ia NPDES ]UP Count 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name : Thomasville.24112 HWA-AT 2023 - industry additions, Worksheet Name: Intadr3/5/2024, 2:37 PM Page 1 of 4 Allocation Table HeadworkS last approved: 03/04/16 Allocation Table updated: 11/3/2023 Permits last modified: 11/3/2023 Hamby Creek WWTP NC0024112 Spreadsheet Instructions: t) Applicable Values should be entered in the Heavy Bordered cells. Rest of worksheet is protected, passvrord is 2),Formulas are discussed in the Comprehensive Guidance, Chapter 6, Section C. 3) HWA and AT worksheets in this workbook are linked. Pollutant Names, MAHLs, Basis, and Uncontrollable load in this AT worksheet are automafically entered from the HWA spreadsheet. This includes pollutant names in columns AT through BK. Note: Changh Type Renewal Modification Date Pipe of Effective Effective Permit number Industry Date Date Expires Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit rl— list alpluho'rch) number FLOW Permit Limits BOD Permit Limits TSS Permit Limits MGD al/day Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/day Cone. Load m I Ibs/day Advanced Materials Coatings 0028 001 Plating 3/31/2023 12/31/2027 0.0250 25,000 Brasseraft- Thomasville 0008 001 Platin 3/31/2023 12/31/2027 0.0300 30,000 Finch Industries 0018 001 Platin I1/3/2023 12/31/2027 0.0280 28,000 300.00 70.06 Mchttyre Manufacturing 0031 001 owder Co 7/1/2022 6/30/2027 0.0400 40,000 200.00 66.72 100.00 33.36 Hazmat Emergency Response 0032 001 CWT 3/31/2023 12/31/2027 0.0200 20,000 1000 166.80 500 83.40 Clean Water Technologies 0033 001 CWT O1/01/24 12/31/28 0.0765 76,500 900.00 574.21 500.00 319.01 Nucor Steel - Lexington 0034 001 Steel Mf- 0.1263 126,300 20.00 21.07 30.00 31.60 Column Totals=> 0.34581 345,8001 1 29 537 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) => NPDES Permitted Uncontrolled Loading (lbs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (lbs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) _> Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MAHL (Ihs/dav) => HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 NPDES NPDES aorw=: NPDFs : Hip Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name : Thomasville.24112 HWA-AT 2023 - industry additions, Worksheet Name: !nttAdi-31112024, 2:37 PM Page 2 of 4 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modifietl: 03/04/16 Pipe number g Finch permitted flow 11/312023 11/3/2023 Hamby Creek WWTP NCO024112 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit W. I mV.M, w number Ammonia Permit Limits Arsenic Permit Limits Cadmium Permit Limits Chromium Permit Limits Copper Permit Limits Cyanide Permit Limits Cone. Load m l lbs/da Cone. Load MP/1 Ibs/da • Cone. Load me l Ibs/day Cone. Load mg l lbs/da Cone. Load m I lbs/day Cone. Load mg/1 lbs/da Advanced Materials Coatings 0028 001 0.0020 0.0004 1.0000 0.2085 1.0000 0.2085 0.3500 0.0730 Brasscraft - Thomasville 0008 001 0.0600 0.0150 0.0020 0.0005 1.5000 0.3753 1.5000 0.3753 0.1000 0.0250 Finch Industries 0018 001 0.0020 0.0005 0.1500 0.0350 1.5000 0.3503 0.1000 0.0234 McIntyre Manufacturing0031 001 0.0050LO.I0269 0.2000 0.0667 02000 0.0667 0.0500 0.0167 Hazmat Emergency Response 0032 001 100 16.68 0.1620 0.0270 0.0100 0.7460 0.1244 0.0600 0.0100 0.0100 0.0017 Clean Water Technologies 0033 001 25.00 15.95 0.1620 0.1034 0.0100 0.3230 0.2061 0.0600 0.0383 0.0100 0.0064 Nucor Steel - Lexington 0034 001 0.0150 0.0400 0.0421 0.0600 0.0632 0.0300 0.0316 Column Totals => 33 0.1454 1.0582 1.1123 0.1777 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (Ibs/day)=> Uncontrolled Loading (Ibs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) _> Total Permitted to Industry (Ibs/day) => MAIL left (lbs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (°/u) => Percent MAHL still available (%) => 5 Percent MA14L (lbs/dav) => Design AS/Nit/rF inhibition Stream Std 1000.80 2.2860 0.075 560.36 0.0224 0.007 440.44 2.2636 0.07, 32.63 0.1454 0.02E 407.81 2.1182 0.05( 92.6 % 93.6 % 65.3' 40.7 % 92.7 % 63.5 50.04 0.1143 0.004 HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Stream Stream Std NPDES Std POTW= NPOEe ; ]UP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: Thomasville.24112 HWA-AT 2023 - industry additions, Worksheet Name: P1!nO3/5/2024, 2:37 PM Page 3 of 4 Allocation Tahle Headworks last approved: Allocation Table uptlated: Permits last modified: 03/04/16 Pipe number 11/3/2023 11/3/2023 Hamby Creek WWTP NC0024112 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit m]��h,1.11wbnlhl number Lead Permit Limits Mercury Permit Limits Nickel Permit Limits Selenium Permit Limits Silver Permit Limits Cone. Load m I Ibs/da Cone. Load m I Ibs/day Cone. Load m I Ibs/day Cone. Load m I lbs/day Cone. Load m I Ibs/da Advanced Materials Coatings 0028 001 0.4000 0.0934 0.9000 0.1877 1 0.0100 0.0021 Brasscraft - Thomasville 0008 001 0.4000 0.1001 0.9000 0.2252 0.20001 0.0500 0.0200 0.0050 Finch Industries 0018 001 0.2000 0.0467 0.2000 0.0467 1 0.2700 0.0631 MclntNrc Manufacturing 0031 1001 0.0500 0.0167 0.1000 0.0334 0.0200 0.0067 0.0100 0.0033 Hazmat Emergency Response 0032 001 0.0500 0.0083 0.00074 0.00012343 0.3090 0.0515 0.0351 0.00591 0.0300 0.0050 Clean Water Technologies 0033 001 0.0100 0.0064 0.00020 0.00013 0.3090 0.1971 0.0351 0.0224 0.0100 0.0064 Nucor Steel- Lexington 0034 001 0.1000 0.1053 0.00020 0.00021 0.1000 0.1053 0.0200 0.0211 0.0100 0.0105 Column Totals -> 0.3669 0.000462 0.8469 0.1060 0.0954 Basis=> MAHL from HWA (lbs/day) _> Uncontrolled Loading (Ibs/day) _> Total Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) => Total Permitted to Industry (lbs/day) _> MAIL left (Ibs/day) _> Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) -> Percent MARL still available (%) _> 5 Percent MARL (Ibs/dav) _> Stream Std Stream Std Stream Std Stream Std 2.1102 0.015493 3.0698 0251 0.0583 0.001793 0.1435 0.013 2.0519 0.013700 2.9263 0.238 0.3669 0.000462 0.8469 0.106 1.6850 0.013238 2.0794 0.132 82.1 % 96.6 % 71.1 % 55.5 79.9 % 85.4 % 67.7 % 52.5 0.1055 0.000775 0.1535 r 0.012 HWA.AT Revised:November 2005 0.1 PORN NPnEB 1UP Count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Workbook Name: Thomasville.24112 HWA-AT 2023 - industry additions, Worksheet Name: InttAdr3/5/2024, 2:37 PM Page 4 of 4 Allocation Table Headworks last approved: Allocation Table updated: Permits last modifed: 03104/16 Pipe number 11/3/2023 11/3/2023 Hamby Creek WWTP NCO024112 Industry INDUSTRY NAMES Permit m,I-ka number Zinc Permit Limits Total Nitrogen Permit Limits Total Phos. Permit Limits oil & Grease Permit Limits Cone. Load mg I Ibs/day Cone. Load mg/1 Ibs/day Cone. Load m I Ibs/day Cone. Load m 1 Ibs/dav Advanced Materials Coatings 0028 001 1.0000 0.2085 100.00 20.85 Brasscraft- Thomasville 0008 001 1.0000 0.2502 100.00 25.02 Finch Industries 0018 001 1.0000 0.2335 100.00 23.35 Mclnt re Manufactualn 0031 001 1.0000 0.3336 100.00 33.36 Hazmat Emergency Response 0032 001 2.8000 0.4670 100 16.6800 10 1.6&100.0063.80 Clean Water Technologies 0033 001 1.0000 0.6380 10.00 6.3Nucor Steel - Lexiu ton 0034 001 1.0000 1.0533Column Totals => 3.I842 16.(i800 8.0 AS/Nit/TF Basis=> inhibition Design Desigi MAHL from HWA(lbs/day)=> 22.8599 1000.9000 2001.6 Uncontrolled Loading- (Ibs/day) _> 2.9004 7527781 100.26 'Eclat Allowable for Industry (MAIL) (Ibs/day) _> 19.9595 248.0219 1901. Total Permitted to Industr} (Ibs/day) _> 3.1842 16.6800 8. MAIL left (Ibs/day) _> 16.7753 231.3419 1893. Percent Allow. Ind. (MAIL) still available (%) => 84.05 93.3 % 99.6 Percent MAHL still available (%) _> 73.4 % 23.1 % 94.6 SPereent MAHL lIhs/dnvl=> 1 14701 s0.0400 100. HWA.AT Revised: November 2005 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> City of Thomasville Name Adv. Materials Coatings Use separate forms for each industry/pipe W WTP Name => Hamby Creek W WTP IUP # 0028 Enter BDL values as < (value) NPDES # _> NC0024112 Pipe # 701 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan-23 to Jun-23 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-23 to Dec-23 Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1)=> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >— 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => x Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith P_ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is>= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >— 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> ith jn� 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >— 33 %) _> °w,1111ga "U" jAmmonia ist o months istomontris 12n(]Omontns lstOmonttis 12rucl6thonths istOmonths n mon s 95 82 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.015 0.011 5.17 <2.0 26.1 7.7 0.901 0.293 0.003 0.004 5.17 1 26.1 7.7 0.901 0.293 0 0 NA NAI A NA NA NA 0 0 NA NAI NAI NAI NA NA rseme a mmm 4 in opper SY molt S n months St moot is n months st Mont S n monT s st 6 months 12nd 6 month- 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 <0.002 0.021 <0.002 <0.002 0.061 0.168 0.987 1.9 0.001 0.021 0.0007 0.0004 0.0247 0.0423 0.402 0.5611 NA NAI 01 01 01 01 0 25 NAI NAI 01 01 01 01 01 16.7 yam a Leau ercury lNickel st 0 moots I st 6 moots n moots st moots n moots st moots n moot s 9 10 121 121 12 12 0.018 <0.01 0.00731 0.0152 0.00000788 0.00000781 0.215 0.413 0.0062 0.0048 0.0003 0.0037 0.00000788 0.00000781 0.1225 0.1907 0 1 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 01 0 0 0 NA NAI 01 0 but. _> below uerecuon Limit mg/l => milligrams per liter POTW must enter at least one of these IUP —> Industrial User permit Ib/d=> pounds per day four rows. Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mud => million gallons per day Avg period could be month. Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL I/213DL or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP > u astewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith A 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum => * or Minimum => * Ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * Alt @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Adv. Materials Coatings IUP # 0028 Pipe # 001 to t ver um s mon s n mon s st mon s n mon s s mon s n mon s s mon s n Mon s 4 4 12 12 12 12 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 <0.005 0.319 0.535 0.0005 0.0005 0.0018 0.001 0.1705 0.191 NAI NAI 01 01 0 0 NAI NAI 01 01 01 0 Antimony lin t anmm Vanadium st mont s n mon[ s st months n months st mont s 12no n months I st 6 months 12nd 6 months 1 I 1 1 I <0.0005 <0.0005 <0.025 0.016 <0.005 0.0003 0.0003 0.0125 0.016 0.0025 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA NAI NA 1-1011 & Grease osp orus o a ;st p st mont s n mon s st mont s n mont s months s n mon s Istomonths 12nd6months I 2 1 1 1 1 12 12 <5 <5.6 2.09 0.463 2.24 3.09 7.7 8.2 2.4 2 2.5 2.65 2.09 0.463 2.24 3.09 NA NA NA NAI NA1 NA NA NAI NA NA NA NA BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter ' POT W must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month &. if BDL , 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) => x or Minimum => or 6 month 2 1/21313L Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum => or Minimum => or 6 month (id 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/l) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> or 6 month.@ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Industry Name Adv. Materials Coatings IUP # 0028 Pipe # Industry Name: E002; IUP #/Pipe# Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Level (DL) entered X I/Z Detection Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Inswctions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate pmlection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Rea TRC 2/14/2023 Self 1 0.0033 2/15/2023 Self 1 11 0.0033 2/16/2023 Self 1 0.0036 2/17/20-2 Self 0.0037 5/9/2023 POTW 0.0026 5/10/2023 POTW 0.0037 5/11/2023I POTW 0.0038 5/12/2023 POTW 0.0038 5/31/2023 Self 0.0044 6/1/2023 Self1 0.0039 6/6/2023 Self 0.0042 6/7/2023 Self 0.0042 F— _0 �0 0 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023, 1 at half 314/2024, 8:45 AM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type MIME 1 0.00371 26.1 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: k00;; IUP #/Pipe Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 uetecnon iLevel (DL) entered X uetecnon Leon Level (DL) Sample Daie Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10l2023 POTW 5l11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5l31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 0� 00 00 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2023, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:45 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type OO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0.901� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO r r• 17a 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: an - Jun 2023 uetecnon Level (DL) entered y, 112 uetecnon Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6l2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self � I 00 E==== E=== Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/4/2024, 8:45 AM AMC Compliance Judgement < Concentration Violation __„ I Type % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Me Daily Violation < Concentration in /L Type �0 1.2 0.0437 0 0.0102 0.0413 0 0.00515 0 0.061 0.009 0 0.014 0 0.004 0.0447 0.044 0 0.00712 0 0.0128 00 �0 00 �0 �0 0.0247 u 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 1.2 o.... Tor 0.694 0 0.248 0 0.659 0.0259 0 0.753 0 0.164 0.129 0 0.025 Q 0.987 0.807 0 0.142 0.19 �0 �0 F-10 �0 00 0.4020 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC ]UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2023 Level (DL) entered )( 1/2 Detection Level(DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 00 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:45 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Violation A7on n Type 0 0.4 0.48 0 0.00531 0.005 F� 0.005 Fj 0.005 0.0073 Q 0.001 0 0.0017 ` 1 0.0005 0 0.005 0.00543 ` 1 0.005 0 0.005 0E== 0� 00 0� 00 0.0043 0 12 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: &0028;] UP #/Pipe Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 DetectionLevel entered VL DetectionLev Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/1512023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/g/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self �0 �0 �0 0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/412024, 8:45 AM AMC Compliance Judgement 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO � rr � rr 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 (DL) entered )( 112 Level (DL)ion Le Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6l2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 0� 0� Do �o Do Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:45 AM 0 0.005 0.005 0 0.005 0 0.005 0.0005 0 0.0005 0.0005 Q 0.0005 0 0.005 0.005 0.005 a 0.005 �0 a� o� 00 00 AMC Compliance Judgement ,loll 1111H 77Daily Violation Daily Violationn Ty < Concentration TYPe m /L 0 l 1.2 l=0 Dcn TDf P— TDr Q 0.278 0 0.114 0.319 0.0314 0 0.262 0 0.055 0.063 Q 0.014 0.289 0 0.29 0.129 0.201 0� 00 00 o� 00 0.0035 1 1 0.1705 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? I� Page 6 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X uetecnon Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 00 0� 0� 0� 0= Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/4/2024, 8:45 AM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC Compliance Judgement Violation tr Violation < Concentration TYPa I I 1 ,„„11 1 Type 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ,7 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Lietectlon Level (DL) entered Detection Level (DL) Le Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 F77Tf9RN Self 0.0043 7/19/2023 Self 0.0041 7/25/2023 Self 0.0040'. 7/26/2023 Self 0.0042' 8/7/2023 Self 0.0013 11/21/2023 Self I0.0055 11/22/2023 Self 0.0029 11/28/2023 Self 0.0024 11/29/2023 Self 0.0031 11/28/2023 POTW 0.0024 11/29/2023 POTW 0.0031 11/30/2023 POTW 0.0018 12/4/2023 POTW 0.0070 12/5/2023 POTW 0.0035 00 0 00 00 Average of Column 0.0035� Total Samples 14 AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7Concentration ily Violation Type /L 0- % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered112 Level(DL)lon Le Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25l2023 Self 7/26J2023 Self 8/?/2023 Self 11/21/2023F Self 11/22/2023 Self 11l28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW �0 00 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO • Dal < Concent anon Violation Datr Yolation < Concentration m /L TYPe m JL TYPO 00 �0 Rea TRC M �M� -. -', 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO -I 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C7 Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #0028 ! 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 112 Dee Level (DL) entered X Level(DL)lOn Le Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023F Self 8/7/2023F Self 11/21/2023F Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11l29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12l5/2023MEW 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/412024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.002 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Ire Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L EJ�T 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation Concent < ration nType m /L Q0 1.2 % Violations 25.0% %TRC Violations 16.7% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting r Period: JulJuI Dec 20232023 ueteaion Level (DI ) entered x on Le Level el (DL)(DL) E 1 Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023 Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW �0 0� Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration moll- Type 0.35 0.42 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% W04MANW Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L TYPe 0- % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Level (DL) entered X 1/L I/Z Dee el (DL)lon Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023F Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023F Self 7/26/2023F Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type = 0.9 1.08 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type F- u 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 on Level (DL) entered X 112 Ue Level(DL)lon Level (DL) Le Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023 Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21l2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11l29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW r 00 E===0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.03 0.036 _ % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO DI VRC Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 00 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? N Page 6 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 DetectionLevel (DL) entered1/2 X LevelDetection(DL) Level (DL) Le Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023F Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023 Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11l22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 0� 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:46 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type M0 % Violations ### %T %TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO % Violations ### %TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC? NO Page 7 Industry Name: MC ]UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Level (DL) entered X 1/2 Detection Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration < Concentration < Concentratio m /L Type mall- Type n Type 00 0� 10 —7 F F----12 Reg TRC 7/18/2023 Self E0 7/19/2023 Self QO 7/25/2023 Self 00 7/26/2023F Self �0 8/7l2023 Self 11/21/2023F Self �0 11/22/2023 Self �0 11/28/2023 Self 00 11/29/2023 Self 00 11/28/2023 POT- 0 0.0005 11/29/202370-r-WI =0 11/30/2023 POT- E0 12/4/2023 POTW �0 1Z5/2023 POT- QO �o ao Do a0 Do 00 Average of Column 0.0005 Total Samples 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC CJ 2023, 2nd half 314/2024, 8:46 AM L % Violations ### %TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Page 8 AMC Compliance Judgement Industry Name: MC ILIP #/Pipe # -0026 / 001 r<epomng Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Daily Flow Volation Daily Flow I Vitiation MGD Type MGD Tvve Permit Limit 0.025 Q 0.025 TRC Limit 0.030 0.030 Ron TPr AV Maa 03 � 0.0026 00 0.0046 0Q 0.0034 0Q 0.0059 10 Q I0.0033 it Q 0.0027 12 0.0026 13 � 0.0023 ,400 50 O 16� 0.0023 17 Q 0.0030 8 0 0.0031 9 Q 0.0 334 20 Q 0.0037 2100 22 Q 23 Q 0.0031 24 Q 0.0032 25 26 27 26 29 Q 0 30 Q 31 Q 0.0146 'rage of Column imum in Column 0.0000 0.0146 I otal samples 16 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC? AMC CJ 2023, Flows 2127/2024. 11:32 AM D 0 0.0% 0.0% NO % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Dairy Flaw Violaton MGD Type Q 0.025 0. 330 %Violalions 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD TVoe Q 0.025 0.030 Ron TR!` - 111�1 - 1 11 • _ - 111• __ u.uuau 0.0045 0 14 0 %Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 Page 1 Industry Name: MC ]UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 rceponing Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit AV Maximum in Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2023, Flows 2/27/2024, 11:32 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Average Flow 1st half 0.003 Total If Samples Max Flow 1 st half 0.015 95 i L I DaMGD I Vn Type 0.025 0.030 0 15 0 0 %Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD TV. Q 0.025 0.030 0 17 0 0 %Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO Daly Flow I Violation MGD Type 0 a.Dzs 0.030 %Violagons 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Oaiy Flaw Violation MGD T 0.025 0.030 %Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 2 Industry Name: IUP#/Pipe 0028/001 map Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit AV( Maximum in Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2023, Flows 2/2712024, 11:32 AM i I ° I DaMGD w l VTypeom 0.025 0.030 %Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Flow Violation MGD T e 0,025 0.030 Rea TRC OO � 0.003611 0 0.0041 Q 0.0030 Q 0.0033 �0 �0 �0 Q1 0.0031 Q 0.0025 0 0.0029 Q 0.0023 �0 00 Q 0.0020 Q 0.0022 Q 0.00171 0 0.0025- 00 o� Q 0.0020 0 0.0050i 0 0.0011 00 Q 0.00,1 Q 0.0030 0 0.0045 0.0025 0.0050 0 ,8 0 %Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 Average Flow 2nd half 0.004 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.011 82 Daily Flow Vrolatian Daily Flow Violation MGD T e MGD Type Q 0.025 O 0.025 0.030 0.030 0 14 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 11 0 0 %Violations 0.0% TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 3 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting C� Period: Jan -Jun 2023 112[eC tLevel (DL) enteredec 112 tion Level (DL) )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.025 0.030 Rea TRC 2/14/2023 Self 0.0033 2/15/2023 Self11 0.0033 2/16/2023 Self 0.003611 2/17/2023 Self 0.003711 5/9/2023 POTW 1 0.0026 5l10/2023 POTW1 0.0037 5l11/2023 POTW 1 0.0038 5/12/2023 POTW1 0.0038 5/31/2023 Self 0.0044 6/1/2023 Self 0.0039 6/6/2023 Self 0.0042 6/7/2023 Self 0.0042 �0 0 �0 0 �0 0 Average of Column 0.0037� Total Samples 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 31412024, 8:51 AM c•� Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q0 uti ml E - 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detecn Level (DL) entered red w2 Uetectlon Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6l2023 Self 6/712023 Self 00 0� 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/412024, 8:51 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < 1 Concentration 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Violatione I I I Mnt 11 I Violation T < Concentration Type 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detecn Levei (DL) entered red vz uetectnon Level(DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023F Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9l2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self �0 00 �0 LE=::=0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/4/2024, 8:51 AM < I Concentration `0 0.001 0.001 0.001 `0 0.001 `0 0.000075 `0 0.000075 Q 0.000075 ED 0.000075 ` I 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 Q 0.001 E0 =0 �0 00 0.0007 AMC Compliance Judgement Violation Type 0 0.0437 0 0.0102 0.0413 0.00515 0 0.061 0 0.009 0 0.014 0 0.004 EJ 0.0447 0 0.044 0 0.00712 EA 0.0128 00 00 100 �0 0.0247 S.. . Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L =- 1.2 0 0.694 0.248 0 0.659 0 0.0259 0 0.753 0.164 0 0.129 0 0.025 0 0.987 0.807 0 0.142 0 0.19 00 �0 00 00 0.4020 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO SNC? NO SNC? NO 0 Page 3 Industry Name: AMC ]UP #/Pipe 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan :Jun 2023 Level It2 Ueion ion (DL) entered Le el (DL)lon El Level (DL) Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023F Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2l17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023F Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 00 0� �0 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples %T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/4/2024, 8:51 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Rea TRC 9� __ __ i i l MM �� :__ ,. mm a- __ -__ -__ i l i __ mm MM -__ ( 0.00621 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration I Violation Type % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 7ma/L Violation < Conation Type 00 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe # 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 uetecnon Level (DL) entered 112 Level (DL)lon Level (DL) Le )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 0� 0� E==0 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:51 AM AMC Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0.9 1.08 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration ViolaType Violation m /L 0- I� - 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 0 4 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO iMU N Page 5 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe 4 0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2023 Jetection (DL) entered 1/2 Jetection Level (DL) )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023 Self 2/15/2023 Self 2/16/2023 Self 2/17/2023 Self 5/9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6f7/2023 Self 00 0� 0� 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:51 AM < I Concentration l 0.0025 El 0.0025 l 0.0025 0.0025 l 0.00025 l 0.00025 El 0.00025 l 0.00025 lEl 0.0025 El 0.0025 0.0025 0 0.0025 �0 �0 00 a0 0.0018 0 12 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? AMC Compliance Judgement Violation Type Daily Violation77ma/L Violation < Concentration ation m /L Type Type 00 �0 1.2 Rea TRC Rea TRC n__-__ 1 1 0.1705� 0 0 0 12 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC? NO 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 Page 6 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 Reporting Period: jJan - Jun 2023 uetecnon (DL) entered 112 uetecnon i Leon Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/14/2023F Self 2/15/2023F Self 2/16/2023F Self 2l17/2023 Self 5!9/2023 POTW 5/10/2023 POTW 5/11/2023 POTW 5/12/2023 POTW 5/31/2023 Self 6/1l2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 00 0� 00 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/4/2024, 8:51 AM 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO AMC Compliance Judgement 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL)lOn Le Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit AMC Compliance Judgement Instma ons - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells Protected. Passv,ord is 3. Strongly Recommend only unpmlect to make spec changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow Violation M GD Typee 0.025 0.030 Rea TRC 7118/2023 Self 0.0043 7/19/2023F Self 0.0041 7/25/2023 Self 0.0040 7/26/2023F Self O.D042 8/7/2023 Self 0.0013 11/21/2023F Self 0.0055 11/22/2023F Self 0.0029 11/28/2023 Self 0.0024 11/29/2023 Self 0.0031 11/28/2023 POTW 0.0024 11l29/2023 POTW 0.0031 11/30/2023 POTW 0.0018 12/4l2023 POTW 0.0070 12/5/2023 POTW 0.0035 00 0E- Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/412024, 8:50 AM 0.0035 14 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L M0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 7Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type M0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetecnonLevei (DL) entered 1/2 ion r� Level(DL) Level (DL) X FSample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023F Self 7/19/2023F Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023F Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023F Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW E===0 0= Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO • n tion Violation Type MENEM MENEM IN MENEM EMEN MENEM EMEN M�m MEMEN MENEM WEEME ME EMEW MIMME MEEME �MIMMM� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 11Z Ue ec Level (DL) entered Level(DL)lon Le Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7l19/2023F Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023 Self 8/7/2023F Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30l2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 0� 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement _T. Daily Violation < Concentration m /L I Type 0.002 0.0024 ` I 0.001 0 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 �0 0.00005 `0 0.00005 Q 0.0002 ` I 0.00005 ` I 0.000075 ` I 0.000075 ` I 0.000075 �0 El 0.000075 �0 00 �0 0.0004 :T. Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 1.2 Q 0.0113 Q 0.0406 0 0.0348 Q 0.0738 0� 0 0.013 0.081 0 0.014 Q 0.017 0.021 Q 0.017 Q 0.168 =E== Q 0.016 =E== FJ� 0.0423 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type F0 1.2 0.244 Q 0.564 Q 0.412 0 1.16 �0 0 0.204 0 1.9 0.0836 EJ 0.125 0 0.218 Q 0.145 0 1.6 00 0 0.078 00 00 =0 0.5611 0 12 3 2 % Violations 25.0% %TRC Violations 16.7% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: MC ILIP #/Pipe 40028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 C� uetecnon Level (DL) entered 112 Detection Level (DL) E= [Sa�IateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023F Self 8/7/2023F Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11Y28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement ■ Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.35 0.42 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.4 0.48 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 n------- % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: JulJuI Dec 20232023 Level (DL) entered 1/2 Detection Level (DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26l2023F Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11l30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement • Daily Violation < Concentration moll- Type 0.9 1.08 0.167 0.184 0.168 0.235 00 0.159 0 0.413 0 0.0933 0 0.0184 0 0.191 0 0.198 0.351 00 0 0.111 00 00 00 0.1907 12 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L 1 Type IE % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 5 Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Uetection Level (DL) (DL) entered vz uetection Level(DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7l19/2023 Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023 Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW �0 �0 00 Average of Column Total Samples AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement < I Concentration I Violation Type Rea TRC im IN of""M • r � • _ MEETII, __'i M err r __ -__ M r r•r __ -__ -__ -__ 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concenit ation7V,Toyl7a < Concentration TYPe m /L m /L 00 �0 1.2 Rea TRC Rea TRC 0 0.123 0.275 Q 0.161 0 0.535 00 0 a088 0 0.44 0 0.106 Q 0.069 Q 0.074 0 0.05 0 0.328 �0 0 0.043 �0 �0 �0 0.1910 0 0 12 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? Page 6 Industry Name: AMC UP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Uetection Level (DL) entered 1/L ion Level el (DL)(DL) X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 7/18/2023 Self 7/19/2023F Self 7/25/2023 Self 7/26/2023F Self 8/7/2023 Self 11/21/2023 Self 11/22/2023 Self 11/28/2023 Self 11/29/2023 Self 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 POTW 12/5/2023 POTW 00 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples % T AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 314/2024, 8:50 AM AMC Compliance Judgement 1 0 0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 0 1 0 0 %Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 00 r r� 0 1 0 0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO Page 7 AMC Compliance Judgement Industry Name: AMC IUP #/Pipe #0028 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Level c"onentered (DL) (DL) entered 1/2 Detection Level (DL) X • Daily Volation [jEEateSample < Concentration Type Type m /L Permit Limit �- TRC Limit Ron TRr < I Concentration I Violation Type WT.TiiTi < I Concentratio I Violation Type Rea TRC ��-®--®-- / 109TEM0011MIUROW ---- -------i Me ME Average of Column 1 0.0003 Total Samples 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO AMC CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/4/2024, 8:50 AM 1 3.09201 0 0 1 0 % Violations ### % TRC Violations ### SNC ? NO I I 4.90001 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations ### %TRC Violations ### SNC? NO Page 8 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit I Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance iudament not reauired for oH: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.0 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 1.2 mg/1 or lbs/day Column l: 1- Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in Ibs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/I Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation Self 7/18/2023 0.0043 0.244 1 0 0 Self 7/19/2023 0.0041 0.564 1 0 0 Self 7/25/2023 0.0040 0.412 1 0 0 Self 7/26/2023 0.0042 1.16 1 1 0 Self 11/21/2023 0.0055 0.204 1 0 0 Self 11/22/2023 0.0029 1.9 1 1 1 Self 11/28/2023 0.0024 0.0836 1 0 0 Self 11/29/2023 0.0031 0.125 1 0 0 POTW 11/28/2023 0.0024 0.218 1 0 0 POTW 11/29/2023 0.0031 0.145 1 0 0 POTW 11/30/2023 0.0018 1.6 1 1 1 POTW 12/5/2023 0.0035 0.078 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 I B = 3 I C= 2 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/O1 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for eaoh Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: 1 - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as 'E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Conc. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation 9 TRC Violation 9 List these Totals on next page => I D = J E = I F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings ]UP Number: 0028 Pipe Number.• 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period' 7/1/23-12/31/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 25 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 16.7 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to aM of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month Period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/23-6/30/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC com liance'ud ment not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: >/= and </=10 * L1.jor 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 4.2 and 12 mg/I or Ibs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in Ibs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "l" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "V if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. SU Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? Self 2/14/2023 0.0033 3.7 1 1 1 Self 2/15/2023 0.0033 6.8 1 0 0 Self 2/16/2023 0.0036 6.7 1 0 0 Self 2/17/2023 0.0037 6.2 1 0 0 POTW 5/9/2023 0.0026 2.4 1 1 1 POTW 5/10/2023 0.0037 7.5 1 0 0 POTW 5/11/2023 0.0038 7.7 1 0 0 POTW 5/12/2023 0.0038 7.3 1 0 0 Self 5/31/2023 0.0044 2.7 1 1 1 Self 6/1/2023 0.0039 2.6 1 1 1 Self 6/6/2023 0.0042 6.1 1 0 0 Self 6/7/2023 0.0042 4.6 1 1 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 12 B = 5 C= 4 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/O1 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/l/23-6/30/23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease•, Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as 'E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as "F." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/I Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => I D = I E = I F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH Six Month SNC Determination Period: 1/1/23-6/30/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.417 Daily Chronic violator? Yes FNo E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0.333 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through 77 or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes Fo 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes FNol 10) If the answer to any of these questions is ,yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: ES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance period? CIRCLE ONE: . YES If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-13 Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease: Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for DH: Daily Maximum Limit: >/= and </=10 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 4.2 and 12 mg/1 or lbs/day Column 1: 1- Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if lUP has daily limits in lbs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as 'B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. SU Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation 7 TRC Violation ? Self 7/18/2023 0.0043 2.4 1 1 1 Self 7/19/2023 0.0041 2.1 1 1 1 Self 7/25/2023 1 0.0040 3.4 1 1 1 Self 7/26/2023 0.0042 5.8 1 0 0 Self 11/21/2023 0.0055 2.4 1 1 1 Self 11/22/2023 0.0029 8.2 1 0 0 Self 11/28/2023 0.0024 7.5 1 0 0 Self 11/29/2023 0.0031 2 1 I 1 POTW 11/28/2023 0.0024 7.2 1 0 0 POTW 11/29/2023 0.0031 6.7 1 0 0 POTW 12/4/2023 0.0035 3 1 1 1 POTW 12/5/2023 0.0035 1 8.1 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 I B = 6 I C= 6 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit I Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for pH: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/l or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col6: Col l: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/I Avg. Load Ibs/day Count Regular Violation o TRC Violation � List these Totals on next page => I D = I E = I F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Tide: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Advanced Materials Coatings IUP Number: 0028 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: pH Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 °/u) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.5 Daily Chronic violator? E/D = Average Chronic violator? C/A = 0.5 Daily TRC Violator? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: F/D = 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? Average TRC Violator? 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No Yes / No Yes No Yes / No Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes FNoJ 10) If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: ES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Tine: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 uthor Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Name;ty, Town Name => City of Thomasville Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) WWTP Name=> Hamby Creek WWTP Use separate forms for each industry/pipe NPDES # _> NC0024112 Enter BDL values as < (value) 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan-23 to Jun-23 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-23 to Dec-23 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> tth @ 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * Its 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> x or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> * rt� 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Brass Craft - Thomasville lup # 0008 Pipe # 001 mg 133 tonla n mon sRNA n mon s s coon s n monMNA 96 1 1 1 0.016 40.0 16.4 26 MO.0 0.003 40.0 16.4 263 0 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA rsen►c a mmm romium opper st months n months st moots n mont s st moots n mont s st mont s n front s 2 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 <0.002 <0.002 <0.0001 <0.001 0.111 0.01 0.115 0.088 0.0008 0.0008 0.0001 0.0002 0.0462 0.0104 0.0843 0.0378 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yam a n moots Leadercury st months n months 1114ickel st months _n mont s st mont s n months 9 12 12 1 1 13 12 <0.008 0.0509 0.012 0.0000102 0.00000116 0.796 0.58 7-- 0.0038 0.035 0.0041 0.0000102 0.00000116 03665 0.4294 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NAI 01 0 BDI,=> Below uetecnon t,tmu x POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit lb/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could bemonth- Q[ or 6-month & if BDI 1/213DI or zero values used TRC —> Technical Review Criteria WWTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) —> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith R 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> x or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >— 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum => + or Minimum => ith @ 1/21313L Average (mg/1) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> x or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> x or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >— 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >— 33 %) _> Industry Name Brass Craft - Thomasville IUP # Pipe # Telenium 11ver m Antimony s mon s n mon s s mon s n mon s s mon s 2.ncI 0 months I s months 2no o months 6 6 12 12 12 12 1 1 0.003 0.003 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.037 0.036 0.0024 0.0038 0.0017 0.0018 0.0003 0.0003 0.0177 0.0146 0.0024 0.0038 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAI NA Uobalt I im I I ► amum72ndomonths ana mm st mont s n moats st months n months st mont s st mont s n mont s 1 0.043 0.062 3 <0.005 0.043 0.062 3 0.0025 NA NA NA NA NAA NANA NA NANANA NAA NA NA V11 & Urease osp orus o a p st mont s n mont s st mont s n mont s st mont s n mont s st mont s n mon[ s 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 <5.0 <5.0 0.109 0.29 4.99 4.75 10.3 9.2 2.5 2.5 0.109 0.28 4.99 4.75 0 0 NA NA NA NA 16.7 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 BDL —> Below uctecuon Limit ,,,�; —, „lliii'ta�—S Pam• * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows. Please indicate how averages e'ere calculated SNC => Si;nificant Non -Compliance mgd => million eallons per day Ave period could be month, Qtr. or 6-month & if BDL , 12BDL. or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastee ater treatment plant Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level al or below limit) Detection Level (DL) entered X Level �i entered ILJI • Sample Date Sample Daily Flow Violation Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 2/27/20231 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 3/2/2023 Self Self 3/7I2023 Self 3/13/2023 6/6/2023 Self Self 6/7/2023 Self 6182023JF Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW �o Ego Average of Column Total Samples % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 St half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Daily 1J°"y Violation Conce Violation < ntration < Concentration Type ---,� Type �.,,,n YP 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered =X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self iI 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3M/2023j Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/202311 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/202311 Self 6-112/202311 POTW 6113/2023I POTW 6/14/2023I POTW 6/1512023 POTW �0 OD Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement y Violation < Concentration Type Rea TRC 0 L u V % Violations 0.0% %T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 "�"y Violation < Concent1. ration Type % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC 0 z u u % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Letection Level (DL) entered X Level UL) Leven I-� entered II Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit /27/2023 Self/28/2023 Self3/1/2023Self r Self Self /13/2023 Self 6/6/2023 I Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 I POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/1512023 My �F �I� � r Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 St half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement < I Concentration 0.0001 `< 0.0001 `� 0.0001 Q 0.0001 0 `0 0.0001 Q 0.0001 `0 0.0001 IF -II 0.00015 Q 0.00015 1 0.00015 `0 0.00015if 0.0001 Violation Type 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO C Page 3 Violation < Concentration < Concentration Type I I I ,. 11 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0.106 0.0999 0.0826 0.0885 � 0 0.015 0.052 0 0.076 0 0.07 0.072 E 0.15 0.115 0.085 El 0.0843 Violation Type 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO A Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered EEI Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 317/202311 Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6r7/20231 Self 6/8/202311 Self 6/9/20231 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/20231 POTW 6/14/2023I POTW 6/15/2023 POTW �0 �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 4 ualiy Violation -o„' Violation < Concentration < Concentration Type Type mo/L YP % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Uetection Level (DL) entered X entered Sam�DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 312/202311 Self 317/20231 Self 3/13/2023I Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/ 120231 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/1512023 POTW 0� Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 < I Concentration Violation '.'. Y Violation Type < Concentration Type ma/L 0.2 0.24 e Trac Rea TRC 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO - E - 0.002 —__ 0 0 b u u % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name:ErasscraftIUP #/Pipe #ReportingPeriod:202J3 uetection Level (DL) entered =X Level = enteredd Samp�DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/20231 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023F Self F-6/6120231 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/202W POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW �o Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 st half 2128/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement < I Concentration 0 0.0005 0.0005 `0 0.0005 ���--0.0005 `0 0. Q 0.0005 Q 0.0005 0 0.0005 0 0.0005 0.0005 < 0.0005 F7 0.0005 o� 0.0005 Violation Type 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO M Page 6 0.0104 H 0.0104 0 0.0069 I 0.01 FJP 0.021 F7 0.023 0 0.021 Q 0.025 0 0.037 0.025 0 0.018 a� 0.0181 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ""'y Violation < Concentration Type 0 1 u u % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 4 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/2812023 Self 3/l/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023F Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023I POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/1512023 POTW 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:22 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement o Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L �-I u l % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 7 < I Concentration 9.2 9.3 9.2 9.4 0 9 9.2 9.2 10.3 9.6 10.1 9.2 00 o� 9.3917 Violation Type 0 12 2 % Violations 16.7% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered FET71 Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes. and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell 35. (Note use second option only when detection level at ar below limit) • Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0. 336 Rea TRC 9/12/2023 Self 0.0008 9/13/2023 Self 0.0022 9/14/2023 Self 0.0080 9/15/2023 Self 0.0008 11/14/2023 Self 0.0137 11/15/2023 Self 0.0121 11/16/2023 Self 0.0088 11/17/20 33 Self 0.0009 11/27/2023 Seff 0.0024 11/27/2023 Self 0.0024 11/27/2023 Self 0.0024 11/27/2023 Self 0.0024 12/11/2023 POTW 0.0004 12/12/2023 POTW 0.0051 12/13/2023 POTW 0.0013 12/14/2023 POTW 0.0002 00 0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:19 PM 0.0040� 16 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO c•• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 M. -_ -_ M� -_! 0 0 Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 00 Rea TRC 0 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 u u % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting C� Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/20231 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023F Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023I Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concen.„tration I Violation - Type Reg TRC -__ 0 1 u % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO PJ < I Concentration Violation Type 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Industry Name: tj IUP #/Pipe #ReportingPeriod: uetection Level (DL) entered X Level entered FSa7mple7Date] Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16l2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 0� Average of Column Total Samples %T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/2812024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Q 0.001 Q 0.001 `0 0.001 0 0.001 Q 0.0001 Q 0.0001 `0 0.0001 Q 0.0001 0� 0� `0 0.00015 0.00015 0 0.00015 `0 0.00015 0.0004 --"' Violation < Concentration Type - � rr• 71 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO t] I 1 0.0316 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/1412023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27l2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement � r r�• � � rr• r r�: 00081 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation 7 < Concentration Type mall. 0 0.4 0.48 Ren TRC 0.0052 Q 0.0045 Q 0.0034 0 0.0032 0 0.012 Q 0.0037' 0 0.0025 0 0.0022 E0 E::]0 E0 E0 Q 0.0032 0 0.003 Q 0.0039 0 0.0028 00 00 0.0041 0 12 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO =Violation 00 - —I 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 4 Industry Name: Brasscraft 71 UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetecnLevel (DL) entered red X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2D23 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW E:==== E===0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/2812024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 0 0.9 1.08 0 0.46 0.36 0 0.49 0.55' 0.27 0 0.37 0 0.58 00 00 0 0.432 0 0.419 Q D.389 0.363 0� 0.4294 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration -_ MM - ffl�� Violation Type 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO M �r r r� lot 0 0 6 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Uet (DL ec"onente Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023F Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2128/2024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 0 0.0005 0.0005 F-11 0.0005 Q 0.0005 Q 0.0005 0 0.0005 0 0.0005 Q 0.0005 DO =0 0� 00 `0 0.0005 Q 0.0005 F<-11 0.0005 Q 0.0005 DO 0� 0.0005 Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L �0 1.2 Im 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 17 Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft [UP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/20231 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW �0 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:19 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement •'c• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 1=� I� 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type �0 ��M �ffl� 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 7 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level enteredd Daily Violation7Daily Sample Date Sample < Concentration ntration Typem L Type /L Permit Limit Q— TRC Limit Reg TRC 9/12/2023F Self 00 9/13/2023 Self 00 9/14l2023 Self 00 9/15/2023 Self 00 11/14/2023 Self 00 11/15/2023 Self 00 11/16/2023 Self 00 11/17/2023 Self 00 11/27/2023 Self 00 11/27l2023 Self 00 11/27/2023I Self 00 11/27/2023 Self I00 12/11/2023 POTW 0 0.005 12/12/2023 POTW 00 12/13/2023 POTW �0 12/14/2023 POTW QO 0� 00 0� �0 Average of Column F-0.0050� Total Samples 0 1 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? Brasscraft CJ 2023, 2nd half 2128/2024, 2:19 PM Violation Type Rea TRC Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 10 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC? NO SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe 410008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Permit Limit 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 Rea TRC 10 11 12 130 20.0089 Q 0.0085 Q 0.0103 Q 0.094 0.0128 140 0 150 0 160 17 18 0.0105 Q 0.0042 Q 0.0013 190 0.0047 20 Q 0.0031 2,00 22 23 Q 0 Q 0 24 Q 0.0072 25 Q 0.0077 26 Q 0.0052 27 Q 0.0033 280 0 29 30 Q 0 Q 0.0086 31 Q 0.0022 Average of Column 0.0067 Maximum in Column 0.0128 Total Samples 20 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO Brass Craft Compliance Judgement C Daily Flow Volotion MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 %Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 %Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 %Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC'? NO Brasscraft CJ 2023, Flows 2/28/2024, 10:20 AM Page 1 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit AV, Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Average Flow 1 st half 0.005 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.013 100 i Daily Flow Violation Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 O.D30 0.036 0 19 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i DaMGFlow D I ViTYpo n Q 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Brasscraft CJ 2023, Flows 2/28/2024, 10:20 AM Page 2 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Dale Permit Limit TRC Limit AV, Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Average Flow 2nd half 0.003 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.016 96 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Brasscraft CJ 2023, Flows 212812024, 10:20 AM Page 3 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Brasscraft ILIP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make speck changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell 35. (Note use second option only when detection level al or below limit) Detection Level (DL) a (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X • c�■ Daily Daily Flow Violation Violation FSample Date Sample MGD Type ` Comm�t�ation Type 7 Permit Limit 0.030 0� TRC Limit 0.036 Reg TRC Reg TRC_ 2/27/2023 Self C 2/28/2023 F Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self C 3/7/2023 Self FQ 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self C 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self C 6/9/2023 Self C 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW C 6/15/2023 FffTWW 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:30 AM M.1 �I U.UU311 14 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO C Page 1 Industry Name: Brasscraft [UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 nLevel (DL)e (DL) entered red Level I� entered L X� Sampl7Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/1312023F Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 00 0E— Du 0[— Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement • Conce Dailyntration Violation < m /L Type 100 140 Rea TRC -__ -__ -__ —__ 0 —__ —__ u 2 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily Concentration Violation < ation m /L Type I� �I < I Concentration r r0 —I Violation Type 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) (DL) entered Level entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023F Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 0� 0� 0� �o Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation7<Concentration Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type m /L Type 0.21 — 1.5 0.24 1.8 F-1 0.00005 Q 0.00005 Q 0.00005 0 0.00005 00 00 F—I 0.00005 Q 0.00005 0 0.00005 Q 0.00005 El 0.000075 Q 0.000075 `7 0.000075 Q 0.000075 �0 00 �0 00 0.0001 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO < I Concentration 0.106 0.0999 0 0.0826 0.0885 0� 00 0.015 Q 0.052 0 0.078 0.07 0 0.072 0.15 0.115 Q 0.085 E] 00 0� �0 0,0843 Violation Type 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X Samp7DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/g/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 0� 00 Oo Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/2812024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Oil ■ Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.15 0.18 1 1 0.0025 Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.48 Rea TRC ED ■ r __ 0-0 '__ Rep TRC 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 eteLevel (DL) entered L evel (UL(UL) entered X Samp7DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023F Self 3/1/2023F Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023I Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023F Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023[POTW 6/14/2023I POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 0� 0� 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2128/2024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Req TRC 0 13 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO —I - r r 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.21! 0.24 E:]i 0.0011 =OREM[ �� 0 6 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 5 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Uetection Level (DL) enteDL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023 Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8l2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6/12/2023 POTW 6/13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/28/2024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Rep TRC 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 00 1.2 OF Q 0.0104'i 0.0104 0.0069 Q 0.005 �0 Q 0.0097 0.021 0 0.023 0.021 Q 0.025 0.037 0 0.025 Q 0.018 �0 �0 0.0177 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO """' Violation < Concent1. ration Type Reg TRC Its 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 l Level (DL) e (DL) entered red Level(UL) entered it [SaampleDatjeSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 3/7/2023F Self 3/13/2023 Self 6/6/2023I Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/9/2023 Self 6l12/2023I POTW 6l13/2023 POTW 6/14/2023 POTW 6/15/2023 POTW 0E- 0E-- 0E-- 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 1 st half 2/2812024, 10:30 AM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type F0 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO < I Concentration 0 9.2 9.3 9.2 Q 9.4 F-10 F0 00 00 0 92 Q 9.2 F ] 10.3 9.6 0.1 9.2 00 00 00 F0 9.3917 Violation Type 0 12 2 % Violations 16.7% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 7 Industry Name: Brasscraft ]UP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X • c•• 7DaMily Flow Violation Daily Violation Sample Date Sample GD Type ` ConcnntL lion Type Permit Limit 0.030 0E-77=1 TRC Limit 0.036 Rea TRC Rea TRC 9/12/2023 Self 0.0008 9/13/2023 Self 0.0022 9/14/2023 Self 0.0080 9/15/2023 Self 0.0008 11/14/2023 Self 0.0137 11/15/2023F Self 0.0121 11/16/2023 Self 0.0088 11/17/2023 Self 0.0009 11/27/2023 Self 0.0024 11/2712023 Self 0.0024 11/27/2023 Self 0.0024 11/27/2023 Self1 0.0024 12/11/2023 POTW 0.0004 12/12/2023 POTW 0.0051 12/13/2023 POTW 0.0013 12/14/2023 POTW 0.0002 00 0 00 0 Average of Column 0.0040� Total Samples 16 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM -__ M�__ -__ -_� 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC? NO SNC? NO Page 1 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered red Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self F7779/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023I POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 00 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 100 140 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type — o.os 0.072 Rea TRC U 2 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? u U 0.0% 0.0% NO Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 DetectionLevel (DL)e (DL) entered red Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 00 0E— Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement � II Daily Violation < Concentration nn /L Type Q 0.2 0.24 `0 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 Q 0.00005 0.00005 `0 0.00005 Q 0.00005 0� 0� 0� `0 0.000075 `0 0.000075 `0 0.000075 Q 0.000075 00 �0 0.0002 Me Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L Q 1.5 1.8 M1. - rt I� I� 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily 7Viola7tion<Concentrationm /L Q 1.5 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered El Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW E�== Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement 0E== 0E== 0� 0 0.004 0 0.004 `0 0.004 Q 0.004 `0 0.004 0.004 0.004 `0 0.004 Q 0.0025 00 DO 00 0038 0 9 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC - __ MM M_M_I 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rep TRC —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ M Iloilo —__ - 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe 40008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level I��I entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15l2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13l2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW 00 E:��0 Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L F 0.9 1.08 Ran TRr. 0.46 0 0.36 0.49 0.47 0 0.55 0 0.27 0 0.37 0.58 0� �0 0 0.432 0 0.419 0 0.389 Q 0.363 �0 0� 0.4294 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? • •• Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L F0 I� -I -I r rr oil �� -'' -' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: Brasscraft IUP #/Pipe #0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered L Level (UL) entered [_ X Fa-1Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11l15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self 11/17/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/144023 POTW 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type IC 0.03 0.036 Reg TRC t r•• __ U 12 u u % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily 7Tpteo, < Concentration m /L 0.012 0 0.01 0.011 Q 0.011 0.036 Q 0.017 0 0.014 0 0.011 00 00 00 �0 Q 0.014 0 0.014 0 0.013 0 0.012 00 00 0.0146 0 12 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 6 Industry Name: Brasscraft [UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 DetecnLevel (DL) entered red Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/12/2023 Self 9/13/2023 Self 9/14/2023 Self 9/15/2023 Self 11/14/2023 Self 11/15/2023 Self 11/16/2023 Self F771TF1 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 11/27/2023 Self 12/11/2023 POTW 12/12/2023 POTW 12/13/2023 POTW 12/14/2023 POTW �0 E=== Average of Column Total Samples % T Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2128/2024, 2:21 PM Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0� IN I IN MONOMER MMMIM r 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO `-'; Violation < C;oncentration Type -1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type mg�/L ML! I 1 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: Brasscraft UP #/Pipe # 0008 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 i Level (DL) e (DL) entered red Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Brass Craft Compliance Judgement Reg TRC 9/12/2023 Self 00 9/13l2023 Self 00 9/14/2023 Self 00 9/15/2023 Self �0 11/14/2023 Self 00 11/15/2023F7Self �0 11/16/2023F Self QO 11/17/2023 Self 00 11/27/2023 Self QO 11/27/2023 Self QO 11/27/2023 Self �0 11/27/2023 Self 00 12/11/2023 POTW 0 0.0025 12/12/2023 POTW 00 12/13/2023 POTW QO 12/14/2023 POTW QO 0� �0 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples Brasscraft CJ 2023 - half detect, 2nd half 2/28/2024, 2:21 PM 1 1 0.00251 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily , Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0E== I� -I 0 0 1 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO < I Concentration 0 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Violation Type 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 8 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> City of Thomasville Name Finch Industries Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek W WTP IUP # 0018 Enter a values a (value) NPDES # => NCO024112 Pipe # 001 1st 6 months, dates => Jan-23 to Jun-23 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-23 to Dec-23 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) => * Ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations,(chronic SNC is >— 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/I) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * Ith na 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => ni ist F montris 217:16montris IStOMOWBS 2ndOMOnUIS IStOrnontnS 2natimonths istOmonthsT7�� 127 157 1 1 5 5 1 0.043 0.168 3.84 3.3 92.3 282.00 4.62 0.008 0.015 3.84 3.3 28.7 71.00 4.62 0 0 NA NA 0 0 NA 0 0 NA NA 0 0 NA NA ,Arsenic Uaclullium Unromium Uopper st mont s 2nd6months 2nd 6 months st mont s n mon s I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 6 <0.002 <0.002 <0.00015 <0.002 0.002 <0.002 0.538 1.750 0.001 0.001 0.000075 0.0003 0.0012 0.001 0.3734 0.8530 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 20 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 Uyalrocle Leact Iviercury i I fmckel st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 Moms' Ist 0 months 2nd 6 months 3 3 5 5 1 1 5 5 0.015 0.054 0.0222 0.0149 0.0000121 <0.00000001 0.0032 0.0061 0.0075 0.0288 0.0113 0.0093 0.0000121 0.00000001 0.0022 0.003 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qn, or 6-month & if BDL 12BDL or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W W7P=> wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * Ith@ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum => * or Minimum => * ith g 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (Ib/d) _> * ith (g 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name Finch Industries IUP # 0018 Pipe # 001 > t ver n t ny s mon s n mont s s mon s n mon s Ist6monthS 2nCIOolonMS s mon s n mon s 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 <0.001 0.003 0.0793 0.39 0.046 0.034 <0.0005 <0.0005 0.0005 0.003 0.0608 0.2243 0.018 0.0214 0.00025 0.00025 NAI NA 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 01 01 NAI NA Uebalt tin I t anium V anaclium st mont s 12nd6months I st 6 months 2nd 6 moots I st 6-months 12nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 1 1 1 1 0.004 0.741 0.009 <.005 0.004 0.741 0.009 0.0025 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA NA rease osp orus I otal N Pit st mont s 2nd 6 months Ist6months 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 <5 <5 0.82 0.325 16.34 17.9 9.9 10.3 9 9 2.5 2.5 0.82 0.325 16.34 17.9 NAI NAI NA NAI NA NA NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month, Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL 12BDL or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> or Minimum => * or 6 month g 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum => a or Minimum => * or 6 month @ 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6 month g, 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) => % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Industry Name Finch Industries IUP # 0018 Pipe # 001 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 4 lool8 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 laa Level (DL) e (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprolect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at x below limit) • Daily Flow Violation Daily Violation Sample Date Sample < Concentration Type MGD Type m /L Type Permit Limit 0.036 00 TRC Limit 0.043 Rea TRC Rea TRC 2/22/2023 Self 0.0032 2/23/2023 Self 0.0116 6/7/2023 Self 0.0094 6/8/2023 Self 0.0114 00 0 �0 0 �0 0 �0 0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM 0.0099� 5 0.0432 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? LM 0 0 0 1 3.84 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? Rao TRC -�� -�� -�� -�_ -�� -�� 0 0 0 5 420 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations NO SNC ? 1 1' 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries ILIP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period:LletectJan -Jun 2023 i to Level (DL) e (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/20231 POTW 00 00 00 00 0� 0� 0� 00 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Daily Violation < Concentration ma/ L Type �0 Rea TRC -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 Rea TRC 21 - �4.62__ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 00 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 4.62 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Levu (DL) entered X Level(DL) entered E::::�::], Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023F Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023F Self 6/22/2023 POTW 00 00 C�0 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Q 0.00015 El 0.00015 El 0.00015 Q 0.00015 El 0.00015 00 E:10 0EJ L0 00 0.0002. 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC El __'. __' El -__ -__ ffl __ __ __ m --_f �l 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Req TRC 0 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 1001 Reporting Period:Uetection Jan -Jun 2023 to Level (DL) e (DL) entered X Level (DL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 F Self 6/22/2023 POTW 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column % T Finch CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.1 0.12 Rep TRC •�• MM • •� MM 0 3 0 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 5 0 0.24 Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 00 0� E0 El 0.0000121 0� �0 0� 0� 0� E] 0.00001 0 0 1 0 0 0.0000121 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023F Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTW 00 00 00 �0 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Reg TRC -,„ mm U 5 U 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I� 0 0 1 0 0 0.82 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Req TRC 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 0 0 1 0 0 0.82 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Req TRC 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries [UP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date7 Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTW 0� 0� 00 0� 00 0� 00 l0l�0 L�0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.43 0.516 Rea TRC 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% §IR�Ii==.li Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type M� 1.2 0 0 5 0 0 1.2 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 1 0.0005 % Violations % TRC Violations 0 0 0.0% 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 100181001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023F Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTW 0� 0� 0� 0FI 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:18 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type M0 Rea TRC -__ -__ Rao TRC 0 1 0 0 0 5 16.34 12 % Violations 0.0% % Violations % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • "! Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 8/29/2023 Self 0.0114 8/30/2023F Self 0.0100 12/7/2023 POTW 0.0 443 12/19/2023 11 F Self 0.0626 12I20/2023 SelfF 0.02 33 0� 0 00 0 C�0 0 00 0 Average of Column 0.0237� Total Samples 5 1 Maximum in Column 0.06262841 % Violations 20.0% %TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/112024, 3:19 PM Violation A!anen1,t1Lraflor' Type 0- Rea TRC -__ -__ 1 0 1 0 3.31 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO B) < I Concentration Violation Type 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 4 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) (DL) entered X Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19120" Self 12/20/2023 Self 0� 0� 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/1/2024. 3:19 PM < I Concentration I Violation Type Reg TRC -__ 0 9 u u 140 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 16.4 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration Violation Type 0 1 0 0.002 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO [i, Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DI-) entered X Level entered Permit Limit TRC Limit Sample Date Sample Type 8/29/2023F Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12119/202 Self 12/20120231 Self 0� �0 00 �0 C�0 0� C�0 �0 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:19 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type `0 0.002 0.0024 Rea TRC 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Me Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.15 0.18 0 5 0 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 1.5 1.8 0 5 1 1.8 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detecn Level (DL) entered red X Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 00 00 0� 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/112024, 3:19 PM < I Concentration Ll Violation Type 0 3 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration Violation Type 0 3 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration - 1 11i �� � � •. - r rr• Violation Type 0 0 5 0 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type I0��—� I� Rea TRC - r 0 0 1 0 0 0.000000001 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe #0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self �0 C�0 �0 �0 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 311/2024, 3:19 PM """' Violation < Concentration Type Reg TRC 0.0061 __ r r r __ 000'MM � __ � __ -__ r- 0 5 u u 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO - � r 0 1 0 0 0.325 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Req TRC —__ —__ 1 I Mmm -__ -__ 0 1 0 0 0.001 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level �I entered �JI Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 00 00 00 00 00 0� 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 311/2024, 3:19 PM < I Concentration 0 0.0601 0.0272 Q 0.286 0 0.358 0 0.39 E El E:1� 0� 0� 0� 00 0.2243 Violation Type 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0.026 DI 0.034 Ej 0.012 0 0.02 Q 0.0150.015 OLD �0. 0�. �LJ 0E== OF 0 =1 011 0.0214 0 0 5 0 1.2 Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration r err -Emu= Violation Type 0 0 1 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO L Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 4 1()ol8 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 0� �0 �0 30 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:19 PM Rep TRC 77mq/ Violation Daily Violation ation < Concentration Type m /L Type 1I0�E::= 00 L�J Rea TRC -__ -__ -__ -__ ME 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 17.91 0.004 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries ILIP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit RPn TRC WHYA� rrr•__ -_FW- -__ Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023, 2nd half 3/112024, 3:19 PM 1 0.0090� 0 1 0.009 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? ■ < Daily Violation Daily Violation Concentration < Concentration m /L Type m /L Type 00 0 10 12 Reg TRC 0 0 0 1 0.005 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations NO SNC ? 0 0 0 5 1 12 0.0% % Violations 20.0% 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO W Page 8 Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 00,8 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Daily Flow Violation MGD Type Permit Limit 0.036 TRC Limit 0.043 Rea TRC AV Mar Doo �� 0.0066 ®0 0.0017 �0 0.0034 ©0 0.0094 �0 0.0009 UD 0.0142 ,OD 0.0130 11 0 0.0146 120 0.0123 130 0.0029 140 0.0010 150 0.0029 160 0.0040 170 0.0074 180 0.0056 190 20 0 0.0079 0.0043 210� 22 0 0.0165 23 0 0.0030 24 � 0.0125 250 0.0136 26 0 0.0060 27 0 0.0006 280 0.0010 29 0 0.0025 30 0 0.0020 31 0 0.0047 rage of Column imum in Column 0.0063 0.0165 Total Samples 28 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Finch CJ 2023, Flows 3/1/2024, 3:20 PM 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Finch Industries Compliance Judgement i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 % Violations 16.7% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit AV Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Finch CJ 2023, Flows 3/1/2024, 3:20 PM Average Flow 1st half 0.008 Total # Samples Max Flow 1st half 0.043 127 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type � o.o3s 0.043 % Violations 3.2% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type � o.o3s 0.043 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 o.o3s 0.043 Rea TRC 11 __ �� 00 0.018 0.1306 0 27 3 %Violations 11.1% %TRC Violations 11.1% SNC? NO 3 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.o3s 0.043 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 40018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Avi _ Maximum in Column Total Samples % T Finch CJ 2023, Flows 3/1/2024, 3:20 PM DaMG I w l Violation n Type 0 0.036 0.043 Rea TRC r ••. __ � r •rr __ ME -__ ME r rr• __ ME ME r rr• __ 0.1680 0 26 3 % Violations 11.5% %TRC Violations 11.5% SNC? NO 3 • •• Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Average Flow 2nd half 0.015 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.168 157 Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type 0.036 0.043 Rao TRC rt __ ME •• : __, r •rr __ rr __ ME t • • __ ME rr __ ME -__ ME • ••�• __ 01. -__ nig:41AND Daily Flow Violation MGD I Type 0.036 0.043 Rea TRC MMMENEM MMMM��_- r rr• __ W •r __ M H• __ WMMM�r W r• __ 0.01871 0.0626 0 25 0 0 0 26 2 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 7.7% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 7.7% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 4 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 lLevel (DL) e (DL) entered red Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Inslrudions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected Password is 3_ Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) • Daily Flow 7,olaonMGDi�ol 0.038 0.043 Req TRC Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:22 PM 0.0099 5 0 0.0432 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration mall- Type 3.84 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type moll- 0 300 420 420 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 4 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 l0n Level (DL) e (DL) entered Level entered x Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self -6/22/202311 POTW 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/112024, 3:22 PM Rep TRC - �_ M®___ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ __', 0 2 0 2.5 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Reg TRC 0 0 1 U 4.62 Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Rea TRC -__ U U 1 U U 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/202 POTW �0 00 �0 0� 0� �0 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 3:22 PM Reg TRC � r err 0 5 0.0024 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? L 4 0.0% 0.0% NO •• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L IType 0 0.15 0.18 0.18 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < I Concentration m /L Type 0 1.5 1.8 1 1 0.3734 0 5 0 0 1.8 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan - Jun 2023 DetectionLevei (DL) a (DL) entered red Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/202 Self 6/71202 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTW 00 �0 00 00 0� �0 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/112024, 3:22 PM 17, • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.1 0.12 Rea TRC 0 3 0 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Rea TRC - -__ �_ _- 0 0 5 0 0.24 °k Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO FE 0 0 1 0 0 0.0000121 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe #10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTtN �0 �0 00 �0 00 �0 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/1/2024, 3:22 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type Q 0.2 0.24 0 5 0.24 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 0.82 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC'? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 00 im�� 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 40018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/202 Self 2/23/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/22/2023 POTW 00 00 00 00 00 00 0� 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/112024, 3:22 PM < I Concentration Violation Type 0 5 0 0.516 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m tr Type 1.2 0.008 0 0 5 0 1.2 Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 O10 0 0 1 0 0.00025 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO n Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 0018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/22/2023 Self 2/23/202 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self -6/22/202311 POTW 00 00 00 0� 00 00 00 00 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 3:22 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0- 0 1 0 16.34 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 5 0 0 12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 10n Level (DL) e (DL) entered Level entered X Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprote it to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level at or below limit) WITIT Sample Date Sample Daily Flow Violation Type MGD Type Permit Limit 0.036 TRC Limit 0.043 Rea TRC 8/29/2023F Self 0.01 44 8/30/2023 F Self 0.0100 12/7/2023 POTw 0.0143 12/19/2023 Self 0.0626 1 1 12/20/2023 Self 0.0203 00 �_ 00 0 00 0 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:25 PM 0.0237� 5 1 0.06262841 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 20.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC 1 0 1 0 3.31 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Req TRC 0 0 5 0 0 420 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe 4 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POT` 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self r�0 DO 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:25 PM • . Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L � 100 140 Req TRC • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 "' Violation < Concentration Type Reg TRC -__ -__ • •�__ -__ -__ -__ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 140 16.4 0.001 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations % T % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? u u 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 2 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 0� 0� 0� 0� 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/112024, 3:25 PM 0 5 0 0 0.0024 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration Q 0.001 ` ] 0.001 El 0.001 Q 0.001 Q 0.0010.001 0E=== �0 0� OLD 0.0010' Violation Type 0 5 0 0.18 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration 0 1.75 1.2 0.462 0.323 0.53 0� 00 0� �0 0.8530 Violation Type 0 0 5 1 1.8 % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 3 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries IUP #/Pipe # 0018 / 001 —11 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 1217120231 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/202311 Self 00 00 00 00 00 00 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 311/2024, 3:25 PM Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 0 0.1 0.12 Rea TRC M r __ —__ —__ —__ M u 3 u 0.12 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC __ —__ —__ —__ J u 5 u 0.24 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type m I EJE--:::� 0 0 1 0 5E-10 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 Page 4 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe 4 10018 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 DetectionLevel Eil (DL) enteto redLevel enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 0� 00 �0 0 1 00 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 311/2024, 3:25 PM Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.2 ��. 0 5 0.24 % Violations % T % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Rep TRC 0 1 0 0.325 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type L� lm�� 0 0 1 0 0 0.0005 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries [UP #/Pipe 4 10D18 / 001 Reporting Period:UetectJul -Dec 2023 i to Level (DL) e (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 0� 00 00 00 0� 00 00 00 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:25 PM Reg TRC D 5 D D 0.516 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation Daily Violation < Con en ation Type < Con rr mntL tion Type �0 00 1.2 1.2 Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 1 0.00025 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0.0% 0.0% NO 4 Page 6 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries [UP #/Pipe # 10018 / 001 Reporting Period:Detection Jul -Dec 2023 to Level (DL) a (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 8/29/2023 Self 8/30/2023 Self 12/7/2023 POTW 12/19/2023 Self 12/20/2023 Self 00 C�0 �0 00 �0 Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/1/2024, 3:25 PM .. •e Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration < Concentration 7 m /L TYPE m /L TYPe 00 E0 Reg TRC - rr� U 1 U 17.91 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0.004 % Violations % TRC Violations AHOM 0 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO Page 7 Finch Industries Compliance Judgement Industry Name: Finch Industries UP #/Pipe # 100181001 Reporting Period:UetectJul -Dec 2023 l to Level (DL) e (DL) entered Level entered )( Daily Violation Sample Date Sample < Concentration Type m /L Type Permit Limit 00 TRC Limit Rea TRC INNERN;� r �r• __ EMEREDWIM - Average of Column Total Samples Maximum in Column Finch CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 3/112024, 3:25 PM � 0.0090� 0 1 0 0.009 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rep TRC Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 0 10 12 - rir 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 0.0025 12 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 20.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO SNC? NO A Page 8 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Co er Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle IA For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Daily Maximum Limit: 1.5 * 1.2 or A = TRC Daily Limit: 1.8 2 /1 or lbs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in Ibs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/t * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col6: Coll: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/I Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation ? Self 8/29/2023 0.0114 1.75 I 1 0 Self 8/30/2023 0.0100 1.2 1 0 0 POTW 12/7/2023 0.0143 0.462 1 0 0 Self 12/19/2023 0.0626 0.323 l 0 0 Self 12/20/2023 0.0203 0.53 l 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 5 B = 1 C= 0 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Workshect Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper. Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for H: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/I or lbs/day Column 1: 1 - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = lbs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as 'E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as'T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/1 Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation v TRC Violation � r List these 1 otals on next page => I = SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional, see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Finch Industries IUP Number: 0018 1 Pipe Number: 001 _��] Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 0.20 Daily Chronic violator? E/D = Average Chronic violator? C/A = 0.0 Daily TRC Violator? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: F/D = 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? Average TRC Violator? 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes El Yes / No Yes FNo Yes / No Yes Fo 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes No 10) If the answer to aM of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Enter BDL values as < (value) Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * Ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (ib/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (1b/d) _> * Ith 2 1/21313L Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Control Authority, Town Name => City of Thomasville W WTP Name => Hamby Creek W WTP NPDES # _> NCO024112 I st 6 months, dates => Jan-23 to Jun-23 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-23 to Dec-23 Industry Name HERR IUP # 0032 Pipe # 001 ■rn . nr111111111�10111 : r wtlrurrrn� UW tT'iriritiiL7 rA[,rrem[z Uwlirrt 9911�111 I1111W90lix11111rrrrrtrmlli Iciirarll[x�rrrc. rTiriTiS:i� -----=-- OQ 11 [r lmro - C[h 1 rTr3-iirlrl - r . .. . IR4[. r7ZTSiiT.•1• .. . �®IEiTRiPTiSifii[� i . . BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per ❑ter " POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month Qtr, or 6-month & if BDL I/2BDL or zero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) => lth @ 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >— 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum => or Maximum (lb/d) _> * mth (r 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) —> or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith n, 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name HERR IUP # 0032 Pipe # 001 MaximA I I 11. I •. • • . • • . kiTG I'TiT•TiSiiT.� • • • i ' • • • . lenrrssstasn� rmresl'aasnsx� BDL => Below Detection Limit mo => milligrams per lacr POTW must enter at least one of these IUP=> Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four roes, Please indicate hoe averages mvere calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month Qtr. or 6-month & if BDL 1/2BD1 or 7ero values used TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) => or 6 month @ I/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum => or Maximum (lb/d) _> or 6 month @ 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d)=> or 6 month @ I/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Minimum => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name HERR IUP # 0032 Pipe # 001 rsiza:tms:t�sra . Ion • : r�xtirna�r��s�nTrn� . rmrrsrrsa�a wars �min� .. Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Control Authority, Industry Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Town Name=> City of Thomasville Name McIntyre Manufacturing Use separate forms for each industry/pipe WWTP Name => Hamby Creek W WTP IUP # 0031 Enter a values a < (value) NPDES # _> NC0024112 Pipe # 001 1 st 6 months, dates => Jan-23 to Jun-23 2nd 6 months, dates => Jul-23 to Dec-23 Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations,(chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith (off 1 /2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith na 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> low, ingot DUO AmmoniaV St 6 Months 2ncl6montns IstOrnontfis 2nc[Omonttis Ist6montlis 12nc[Omonths s mon s n mon s 97 102 3 2 3 2 1 0 0.035 0.031 29.7 87.5 20.7 17 0.332 0.007 0.006 21.8 67.7 13.2 16.5 ..332 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA Arsenic a m►um rommm opper st 6 months 2nd 6 months 777 mont s 2nd 6 months i st Mont s n mont s I st 6 months 2Dd 6 months 1 1 12 12 12 12 12 12 <0.002 0.014 0.00152 0.0017 0.004 0.01 0.047 0.280 0.001 0.014 0.006 0.0021 0.0015 0.0021 0.0197 0.0652 NA NA 01 01 0 0 0 8.3 NAI NA 01 01 01 0 01 8.3 Cyanide Lead lViLercury INickel st mont s 2nd6months Istomontlis I 2ndmont s Ist6months 2nd6months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months 3 3 121 12 1 I 12 12 <0.005 0.007 <0.0005 0.0009 0.00000505 0.00000189 0.0233 0.0271 0.0025 0.0040 0.00025 0.0003 0.00000505 0.00000189 0.0153 0.017 0 0 0 0 NAI NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA 01 0 BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per day four rows, Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month. Qn, or 6-month & if BDL 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => Maximum (mg/1) _> * or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith (c. I/2BDL Average (mg/0 _> or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples => * Maximum => * or Minimum —> ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (1b/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66n/u) _> %TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Total # of samples —> Maximum (mg/1) _> or Maximum (lb/d) _> * ith @ 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) _> %violations, (chronic SNC is>=66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name McIntyre Manufacturing IUP # 0031 Pipe # 001 'Jelemum I Silver meAntimony s mon s n mont s s mon s n mon s s mon s 2nclOmon1ms IstOmonths 2nnOmolt s 10 4 12 12 12 12 1 1 <0.001 0.003 0.0096 0.023 0.145 0.233 <0.005 0.0085 0.0005 0.0011 0.004 0.0081 0.0493 0.0615 0.0025 0.0085 01 0 0 8.3 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0 0 NAI NA Uobalt I in I itanium Vanatlimm s[ mon[ s 2nd6months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months I st 6 months 2nd 6 months Ist6months 2nd6months 1 1 I 1 <0.002 <0.025 0.019 0.014 0.001 0.0125 0.0190 0.0140 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NAI NAi A NA Oil & Grease rnospnorus I otal IN Aluminum st mont s 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months Ist6months 2nd6months Ist6months 2nCl6months 3 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 5.8 7.2 1 6.71 13.56 0.028 0.058 3.6 4.85 1 6.71 13.56 0.0275 0.0303 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 0 NA NAI NAI NAI NAI NA BDL => Below Detection Limit mg/I => milligrams per liter * POTW must enter at least one of these IUP => Industrial User Permit Ib/d => pounds per da} four rows. Please indicate how averages were calculated SNC => Significant Non -Compliance mgd => million gallons per day Avg period could be month. Qtr. or 6-mouth & if BDL . 1/2BDL, or zero values used. TRC => Technical Review Criteria W WTP => wastewater treatment plant Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) Industrial Data Summary Form (IDSF) Use separate forms for each industry/pipe Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Minimum => or 6 month g 1/213DL Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => Maximum => " or Minimum => or 6 month. 1/2BDL Average (mg/1) => or Average Loading (lb/d) _> % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) => Total # of samples => * Maximum (mg/1) => * or Maximum (lb/d) => * or 6 month g, I/2131)L Average (mg/1) _> * or Average Loading (lb/d) => % violations, (chronic SNC is >= 66%) _> % TRC violations, (SNC is >= 33 %) _> Industry Name McIntyre Manufacturing IUP # 0031 Pipe # 001 I1•I b7 C7 i7i i[`7i17i'i� �� 111 111 ---- -- 11 1 11 ---- Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 DetectionLevel (DL) e (DL) entered red X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement nslructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make spec ;hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level al it below limit) Ran TRr. 2/27/2023 Self 0.0067 2/28/2023F Self 0.0146 3/1/2023F Self 0.0121 3/2/2023 Self 0.0098 5/16/2023 POTW 0.0108 5/17/2023 POTW 0.0056 5/18/2023 POTW 0.0093 5/19/2023 POTW 0.0156 6/5/2023 Self 0.0084 6/6/2023 Self 0.0091 6/7/2023 Self 0.0062 6/8/2023 Self 0.0075 00 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 1st half 3/1/2024, 12:56 PM 0.0096� 12 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO c�■ Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 7 Q 200 280.000 Rea TRC —__ —__ —__ Daily , Violation < Concentration m /L Type — 100 140 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC? NO Page 1 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 00311001 031/001 Reporting Period:UetJan -Jun 2023 (DL) entect,onred Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023j Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5l17/2023I POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023I Self 6/7/2023F Self 6/8/2023 Self DO 00 OD Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/112024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Req TRC ME I� 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration =m /L Type Rea TRC jM - __. -__, 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 lOn Level (DL) eX (DL) entered )( Level (UL) entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5l17l2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19l2023 POTW 6/5/2023F Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 0 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 1 at half 3/1/2024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement """' Violation < Concentration m,,,, 1 Type Rea TRC r rrr. MENCOMMM r rrr : Mimi r rrr mousy, rr: mimil rrr Mimi rrr Mimi r rrr Mimi � rrr Mimi � r rrr. Mimi � r rrr Mimi � r rrr: Mimi I� - Mimi ...Mimi 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < Daily Violation Daily Violation Concentration < Concentration m /L TYPe m /L Type n 0.2 1:10.2 0.24 0.24 Rea TRC � rrr Mimij � rrr mimii rrr Mimi rrr Mimi '� rrr Mimi '� rrr Mimi -Mimi 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing [UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 uetection i (DQe (DL) entered xred Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6!5/2023 Self 6!6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration Type m /L 0.05 0.06 Rea TRC __ mom MM MM MM -__ -__ __ -__ -__ -__ MM, 14 Daily < Concentration Violation Type m /L Q 0.05 0.06 Rea TRC Reg TRC 0 3 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 UetectionLevel (DI-) a (DI-) entered red X Level entered UL) E= entered Fam7pleDatejSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023F Self 3/1/2023 F Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 1st half 3/112024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement J11911wid4bg 7cma/L aily Violation < ntration Type �� % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% Rea TRC . r •I. WNEUM - • I • :: __ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ __ 1M- 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type 00 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 40031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 (DI ) entered Level L_ (DI entered X )( entered lul Sampl7Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1(2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16f2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/1g/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6f7/202311 Self 6/8/2023 Self Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 1st half 311/2024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement 7G;oncen1,t1Lratio Violation <n Type 0 0.02 0.024 Rea TRC -__ -__ MM EL-r r r __ I 1El r rr __ r r � __I 0 10 0 %Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC loll 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC M� rr __ M�__ it 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing ]UP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level � (DL) entered L X Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023F Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023F Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self �0 0� 00 �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 1st half 3/112024, 12:56 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration < Concentration m /L Type m /L Type �0 �0 Ran TRC: Rcn TQ(' I�- 0 1 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP 4/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered )( Level entered Daily , Violation Sample Date Sample < Concentration Type m /L Type Permit Limit 10, TRC Limit 12 Req TRC 2/27/2023 Self 2/28l2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6!5/2023I Self 6!6/2023I Self 6/7/2023I Self 6/8/2023 01-1 rSelf �F— 0E— DU Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 1st half 31112024, 12:56 PM �6__ ® MM MM M®mm ® MM —__ —__ —__ 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing ILIP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Instructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific changes, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 1/2 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level a or below limit) Detection edV21 (DL) entered X Level entered Daily Flow Violation Daily Violation Sample Date Sample MGD Type ` Con ma/L Concentration Type Permit Limit 0.040 0 200 TRC Limit 0.048 280.000 Reg TRC Reg TRC 9/25/2023 Self I F---o—o-1-391 9/26/2023 Self 0.0035 9/27/2023 Self 0.083 9/28/2023 Self 0.0052 11/27/2023 POTW 0. 1108 11/28/2023 POTW 0.0056 11/29/2023 POTW 0.0093 11/30/2023 POTW 0.0156 12/4/2023 Self 0.0084 12/5/2023 Self 0.0091 12/6/2023 Self 0.0062 12/7/2023I Self 0.0075 0E— 0 0� 0 0� 0 0E-- 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM l O.uudbl 12 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0.0% % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% NO SNC ? NO SNC ? NO 0 Page 1 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetecnte Level (DL) entered X Level L� entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023F Self 9l26/2023 Self 9/27/2023F Self 9/28/2023F Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12l7/2023 Self 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement 77 • y Violation ration L Type 1001 140 a 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 1 Kl. Ran TR(: 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type =0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered SampleDateample]S Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27l2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29l2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4l2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self �0 0� 00 C�0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type U� 0.005� 0.006 0.00086 0 0.00117 0 0.00067 0 0.00, 08 EZI 0.00064, Q 0.00064 0 0.0003 0 0.00051 0 0.00112 0 0.00081 Q 0.00095 0.00015 00 �0 DO OD 0.0007' Daily Violation < Concentration malt Type 0 0.2 0.002 0 0.002 El 0.0021 El 0.002 0 0.01 0 0.002 0 0.002 0 0.003 Q 0.003 Q 0.002 Q 0.002 0 0.002 �0 E:10 00 OD 0.0028 0 12 0 0 0 12 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.2 0.24 Rea TRC mm � m __ � __ ��__ % Violations 8.3% %TRC Violations 8.3% SNC? NO Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 10031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detect,Level (DL) entered red El Level enteredd Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26l2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW F77UT4/2023[Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 0� 00 �0 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2129/2024, 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement � rrr � rrr 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < I Concentration m /L Type 0 0.05' 0.06 Rea TRC Ii� r rrr• __ 0.00051,1MEl .... mm _. r rrr u 1'2 u % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO l9 -_ rrrrr -I � r rrrrr 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11130/2023 1 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 F Self 12/7/2023 Self �0 �0 00 �0 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ]LY6C Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L �0 Rea TRC r rr 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < Concentration Violation __„ Type Rea TRC 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO I� 0 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9l25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4I2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 7-7 �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m !L Type 0 0.02 0.024 Rea TRC rrr 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO < I Concentration I Violation Type % Violations 8.3% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Q 0.013 Q 0.013 0.023 0.013' 0.233 0 0.062 0 0.038 Q 0.084 0 0.1 0.061 0 0.077 0 0.021 �0 00 00 0.0615 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name, ,,McInty' re Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Samp7DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29l2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 0� 0� 0� 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024. 10:00 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Concentration Violation """' Violation < < Concentration „ Type Type 0 10 12 Rea TRC 9/25/2023 Self 00 9/26/2023 Self �0 9/27/2023 Self 00 9/28/2023 Self 00 11/27/2023 POTW Q 0.002 11/28/2023 POTW QO 11/29/2023 POTW QO 11/30/2023 POTW �0 12/4/2023 Self �0 12/5/2023 Self QO 12/8/2023 Self QO 12/7/2023 Self 00 0� 00 0� �0 DU �0 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM 1 0.0020� 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO �r -_ -_ 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO < Concentration Violation _-,, I Type Rep TRC MM -__ 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 —71 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DI entered X Level entered Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Req TRC Rea TRC 9/25/2023F Self 00 9/26/2023F Self 00 8.7 9/27/2023 Self 00 Q 8.9 9/28/2023F Self E] 0 8.1 11/27/2023 POTW 0 11/28/2023 POTW E:10 Q� 11/29/2023 POTW 00 00 11/30/2023 POTW E] 12/4/2023 Self 00 0 7.9 12/5/2023 Self QO 0 7.7 12/6/2023 Self QO �[91 12/7/20 Self �0 0 8.5 — 0 00 0� ID 0� ED �0 E0 0� 0� 00 0� Do 00 0� Average of Column 1 0.01401 1 8.2625� Total Samples 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %T%TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO McIntyre CJ 2023, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 10:00 AM Page 9 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing [UP #/pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Daily Flow I Violation MGD Type Permit Limit 0.030 TRC Limit 0.036 Rea TRC Av Mai 0� 0 0� 0 0� 0 ®� 0 ©oo 000 ®oo 0Q 10 Q 11 Q 2 Q 130 0.0352 0.0083 0.0096 0.0101 0 1 14� 15Q 0 160 17 Q 18 Q 0.0043 0.0070 0.0033 ,9Q zoo 220 0.0039 0 23 Q 0.0000 24 Q 0.0053 25 26 27 28 29 30 Q 0 Q 0 0 0 Q 0 Q 0 Q 0.0268 31 erage of Column imum in Column Q 0.O 0.0102 0.0352 Total Samples 12 1 0 % Violations 8.3% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Ll Daily Flow Volation MGD Type — 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO McIntyre CJ 2023, Flows 2/2912024, 9:49 AM Page 1 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufac IUP #/Pipe 40031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limes TRC Limit AV Maximum in Column Total Samples %T Average Flow 1 st half 0.007 Total # Samples Max Flow 1 st half 0.035 97 i Daily Flow Volafion MGD Type 0.030 0. 336 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 0 15 1 0 %Violations 6.7% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO i Daily Flow violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 0 17 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO McIntyre CJ 2023, Flows 2/29/2024, 9:49 AM Page 2 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufac IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Dec 2023 Sample Date Permit Limit TRC Limit Avf Maximum in Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023, Flows 2129/2024, 9:49 AM Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNG? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Average Flow 2nd half 0.006 Total # Samples Max Flow 2nd half 0.031 102 Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO Daily Flow Violation MGD Type 0 0.030 0.036 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 U t t nstructions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotecl to make specific :hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level a' �r below limit) eIon Level (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X • Sample Date Sample7a, Violation Type Type Permit Limit 0.040 TRC Limit 0.048 Rea TRC 2/27/2023 Self 0.00067111 2/28/2023 Self 0.0146 3/1/2023 IF 0.0121 3/2/2023F Self 0.0098 5/16/2023 POTW 0.0108 5/17/2023 POTW 0.0056 5/18/2023 POTW 0.093 F775-/T9/20231[POTW 0.0156 6/5/2023 Self 0.0084 6/6/2023 Self 0.0091 6/7/2023 Self 0.0062 6!8/2023 Self 0.0075 0� 0 �0 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/112024, 12:40 PM 0.0096� 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0°/o SNC ? NO Rea TRC -__ -__ 0 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m Type /L 0 100 140 I Rl. 0 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 —71 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 me Level (DQ (DL) entered Level (DL) entered EE Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19l2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration L Type m / � 100 140 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 % Violations 0.00/6 % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration Mind Type 0E--I Rea TRC -__ 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe 40031 / 001 Reporting Period: IJan - Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023F Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5I2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self 0E----] Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement <7Conration Violation Daily < Concentration Type m /L 0.005 0.006 0.24 Rea TRC MM __ MM 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Violation Type Raa TRC EjF----0-0-01jMM . ,. mm r __ MM MM -__ -__ -__ -__ im � 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rea TRC 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 10031 1001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 iLevel (DL)er'--� (DL) entered ILL�JI Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 S61f 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023 Self �0 �0 � LM�O Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 3/1/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.05 0.06 Rea TRC -__ < r __ 0 3 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing ]UP #/Pipe # 0031 ! 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Samp7DateSample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/2812023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3!2/2023F Self 5/16l2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 6/8/2023F Self 00 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Daily Violation < Concentration Type MOM 0 0.1 0.12 Rea TRC MEMMIM ENEWITO ENUMM__', r r __I MONOMMM WEEKZM__ F m -__ • • Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 00 Rea TRC -__ -__ 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection eLevel (DL) entered red Level entered L X Fa7mpleate Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/2023 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/112024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Rea TRC < u 1u 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC? NO < I Concentration I Violation Type 0.0241 Rea TRC El M IF ImE-__ 1 I1l1 0 0 12 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily < Concentration Violation m /L Type E� 1.2 Rea TRC __ M rr __ 11 -__ a 0 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Fa7rnpleDate Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 2/27/2023 Self 2/28/2023 Self 3/1/2023 Self 3/2/2023 Self 5/16/2023 POTW 5/17/2023 POTW 5/18/2023 POTW 5/19/2023 POTW 6/5/202311 Self 6/6/2023 Self 6/7/2023 Self Self I6/6/2023 �o Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1st half 311/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Ran TRr -__ -__ 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO 115*71 Daily Violation < Concentration m/L Type Rea TRC -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ -__ 0 0 1 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jan -Jun 202�3 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered X Permit Limit TRC Limit Avt Eamp7leDate]Sample Type Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 1 st half 3/1/2024, 12:40 PM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Rea TRC D 7 MM MM ®mm ®__ ®mm ®MM -__ MM -__ -__ 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level entered )( Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement nslruclions - 1) Data entry in blue bordered cells only. All other cells protected. Password is 3. Strongly Recommend only unprotect to make specific :hanges, and the reinstate protection again. 2) Choose either to enter detection level or 112 detection level and mark choice in cell B5. (Note use second option only when detection level al " below limit) 9/25/2023 Self 0.01391 9/26/2023 Self I0.0035 9/27/2023 Self 0.0083 9/28/2023 Self 0.0052 11/27/2023 POTW 0.0037 11/28/2023 POTW F 0.0031 11/29/2023 POTW 0.0048 11/30/2023 POTW 0.0070 12/4/2 223 Self 0.0044 12/5/2023 Self 0.0018 12/6/2023 Self 0.0049 12/7/2023 Self 0.0038 a 0o 0o a 0o a Do 0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM D.ao541 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO =Concentrationn 0 200 280.000 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC? NO 0 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 1 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level(UL) entered Ex Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self �0 00 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement < I Concentration 1 -_ -_ -_ Violation Type 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • Violation 77mg/L tion Type M0 Rea TRC 0 0 0 0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Rea TRC 0 0 l u u % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 2 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing I U P #/Pipe # FO031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Detection Level (DL) entered Level (DL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/2512023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 00 �0 �0 I0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement .T• Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type C 0.005 0.006 Rea TRC • err. __ U 1L U U % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 3 Daily Violation < Concentration �m /L Type LJ 0.21 024 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO • - - Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0.2 0.24 0.034 0.0291 0 0.025 Q 0.022 0.28 0 0.03 Q 0.021 Q 0.123 0 0.081 0 0.047 0.054 0 0.036 E0 �0 �0 0� 00 0.0652 0 12 1 % Violations 8.3% %TRC Violations 8.3% SNC ? NO Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing [UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Level (DL) entered (DL) entered Level entered E Ex Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023I Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023F Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 00 00 E===0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Reg TRC r W� 0 3 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m 1L Type 0.05 0.06 0.00025 0.00025 0 0.0009 `0 0.00025 El 0.00025 F-1 0.00025 0 0.00025 El 0.00025 El 0.00025 0 0.00025 F-1 0.00025 `0 0.00025 00 00 00 �0 00 00 0.0003 Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type L�J 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0 0.0% 0.0% NO Page 4 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing ]UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 DetectionLevel (DL) e (DL) entered red Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11l29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 00 00 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2129/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement I� 0 2 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? 0 0.0% 0.0% NO n Violation ationType E=0 % Violations % TRC Violations SNC ? Page 5 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetecn Level (DL) entered red Level) entered El Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self 0� 0� 0� 00 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples % T McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement ConcentDailyration Violation < m /L Type J 0.02 0.024 0 4 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Daily Violation < Concentration m /L Type 0 0.02 0.024 _ 0.0188 0.0152 0 0.0144 0 0.023 0.0031 0.0031 0.0017 0.0028 0.0053 0 0.0045 0 0.0053 `0 0.00025 �0 00 00 00 �0 00 0.0081 0 12 % Violations %TRC Violations SNC ? 1 0 8.3% 0.0% NO Daily Violation < Concentration Moll Type =��I 1.2 0.013 0 0.013 0 0.023 Q 0.013 0.233 0.062 0.038 0 0.084 0.1 0 0.061 0.077 0.021 �0 �0 00 �0 �0 �0 0.0615 0 12 0 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 6 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing IUP #/Pipe #0031 / 001 Reporting Period:Uetec"on Jul -Dec 2023 to Levu (DL) a (DL) entered Level (UL) entered X [SamEDate Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self 9/27/2023 Self 9/28l2023 Self 11127/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/30/2023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/2023 Self 12/6/2023F Self 12/7/2023F Self 00 00 0� 00 0� 0� Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement • Daily Violation < Concentration Type mall- 0� 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% %T %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO 0 0 1 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO A 0 2 0 % Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 7 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe # 0031 ! 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 uetenLevel (DI-)e ) entered Level entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement """ Y Violation < Concentration mo/L Type 0 10 12 Rea TRC 9/25/2023 Self E:10 9/26/2023 Self QO 9/27/2023 Self 00 9/28/2023 Self 00 11l27/2023 POTW Q 0.001 11/28/2023 POTW �0 11/29/2023 POTW �0 11/30/2023 POTW 00 12/4/2023 Self 00 12/5/2023 Self 00 12/8/2023 Self 00 12/7/2023 Self 00 0� 00 00 �0 0� �0 Average of Column Total Samples McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM 1 0.00101 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %T%TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO ..'.y Violation ""'' Violation < Concentration < Concentration ,„-/I Type —. / Type % Violations 0.0% %TRCViolations 0.0% SNC ? NO Rep TRC —__ —__ —__ —__ r � __ —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ —__ r r E� 0 1 0 0 % Violations 0.0% %TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO Page 8 Industry Name: McIntyre Manufacturing UP #/Pipe 4 0031 / 001 Reporting Period: Jul -Dec 2023 Level (DL) a L-J (DL) entered red Level (UL) entered X Sample Date Sample Type Permit Limit TRC Limit Av McIntyre Metals Compliance Judgement Daily Violation Daily Violation < Concentration TYPe < Concentration TYPe m !L m /L 12 Reg TRC 9/25/2023 Self 9/26/2023 Self MI 9/27/2023 Self 9/28/2023 Self 11/27/2023 POTW 11/28/2023 POTW 11/29/2023 POTW 11/301023 POTW 12/4/2023 Self 12/5/20231 Self 12/6l2023 Self 12/7/2023 Self �0 0_0 erage of Column Total Samples 0 1 0 0 McIntyre CJ 2023 half detect, 2nd half 2/29/2024, 9:58 AM Violations 0.0% % T % TRC Violations 0.0% Violations 0.0% % TRC Violations 0.0% SNC ? NO SNC ? NO Page 9 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-G Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: McIntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit I Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants I to Limits Daily Maximum Limit: 0.02 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.024 mg/I or Ibs/day Column l: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if 1UP has daily limits in Ibs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as 1113.11 Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,puf "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/I Daily Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation p Self 9/25/2023 0.0139 0.0188 1 0 0 Self 9/26/2023 0.0035 0.0152 1 0 0 Self 1 9/27/2023 0.0083 0.0144 1 0 0 Self 9/28/2023 0.0052 0.023 1 1 POTW 11/27/2023 0.0108 0.0031 1 0 POTW 11/28/2023 0.0056 0.0031 1 0 FO POTW 11/29/2023 0.0093 0.0017 1 0 POTW 11/30/2023 0.0156 0.0028 1 0 Self 12/4/2023 0.0084 0.0053 1 0 0 Self 12/5/2023 0.0091 0.0045 1 0 0 Self 12/6/2023 0.0062 0.0053 1 0 0 Self 12/7/2023 0.0075 0.0005 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => A = 12 B =1 C= 0 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Mclntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 Pipe Number 001 Parameter: Silver Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31 /23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit I Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC com liance jud ment not required for H• Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/I or lbs/day Column l: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average" period (tor example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in lbs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "I" if at or above, tally at bottom as "P." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/I Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation TRC Violation List these Totals on next page => I D = E = 1= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Mclntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Silver I Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 8.3 Daily Chronic violator? Yes No E/D = Average Chronic violator? Yes / No C/A = 0 Daily TRC Violator? Yes No F/D = Average TRC Violator? Yes / No 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes FN0J 10) If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the SIU is in Signfrcant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance ep riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual IUP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: McIntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 1 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/1/23-12/31/23 Daily Limit Compliance Daily Max Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limns TRC compliance inclement not required for n1-I: Daily Maximum Limit: 0.2 * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Daily Limit: 0.24 f mg/1 or Ibs/day Column 1: 1- Industry self P-POTW Column 6: Use only if IUP has daily limits in Ibs/day. Formula to use is ( mgd * mg/l * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "1" for each daily maximum value, tally up at bottom as "A." Column 9: Compare daily values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "I" if above, tally at bottom as "B." Column 10: Compare daily values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as "C." Cal. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Daily Flow, mgd Daily Cone. mg/l Daily Load Ibs/day Count Regular Violation ? TRC Violation 7 Self 9/25/2023 0.0139 0.034 1 0 0 Self 9/26/2023 0.0035 0.029 1 0 0 Self 9/27/2023 0.0083 0.025 1 0 0 Self 9/28/2023 0.0052 0.022 1 0 0 POTW 11/27/2023 0.0108 0.28 1 1 1 POTW 11/28/2023 0.0056 0.03 1 0 0 POTW 11/29/2023 0.0093 0.021 1 0 0 POTW 11/30/2023 1 0.0156 0.123 1 0 0 Self 12/4/2023 0.0084 0.081 1 0 0 Self 12/5/2023 0.0091 0.047 1 0 0 Self 12/6/2023 0.0062 0.054 1 0 0 Self 12/7/2023 0.0075 0.036 1 0 0 List these Totals on next page => I A = 12 I B = 1 I C= 1 Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: McIntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 Average Limit Compliance Avg. Limits IUP Limit * TRC criteria = TRC Limit I Circle which units apply from IUP Circle 1.4 For TRC for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease; Circle 1.2 for all other pollutants to Limits TRC compliance judgment not required for Fl: Avg. Limit: * 1.2 or 1.4 = TRC Avg. Limit: mg/I or Ibs/day Column 1: I - Industry self P-POTW Column 5: Use only if IUP has (monthly, or other) average limit. Average values of all sampling events collected wtihin the "average' period (for example, for a monthly average limit, use all values collected within a calendar month) and enter this average in column 5. Treat this average as a count. Compare this average to the appropriate average IUP limit or TRC limit. Column 7: Use only if IUP has average limits in Ibs/day. Use ( mgd * mg/I * 8.34 = Ibs/day ). Column 8: Put "I" for each average value, tally up at bottom as "D." Column 9: Compare average values to IUP limits above,put "0" if at or below limit, "1" if above, tally at bottom as "E." Column 10: Compare average values to TRC limits above,put "0" if below limit, "1" if at or above, tally at bottom as'T." Col. 1: From IDMRs From IDMRs From IDMRs Col. 5: Col 6: Col 7: Col 8: Col 9: Col 10: Sample Type Sample Date Avg Cone. mg/I Avg. Load lbs/day Count Regular Violation o TRC Violation � List these Totals on next page => I D = I E = I F= SIGNIFICANT NON-COMPLIANCE (SNC) LIMITS DETERMINATION Calculate % and Circle Answers Title: SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01 Compliance Judgment Worksheet For SNC With Limits Use separate sheets for each Industry SNC determination for Flow optional see Section 7-E Use separate sheets for each Pollutant SIU Name: Mclntrye Manufacturing IUP Number: 0031 Pipe Number: 001 Parameter: Copper Six Month SNC Determination Period: 7/l/23-12/31/23 1) Daily: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 2) Is B/A greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 3) Average: Calculate the % of Regular violations: 4) Is E/D greater than or equal to 0.66 (or 66 %) ? 5) Daily: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: 6) Is C/A greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? B/A = 8.3 Daily Chronic violator? E/D = Average Chronic violator? C/A = 8.3 Daily TRC Violator? 6) Average: Calculate the % of TRC Violations: F/D = 7) Is F/D greater than or equal to 0.33 (or 33 %) ? Average TRC Violator? 8) Did any violation, alone or in combination with other discharges, cause pass -through or interference at the POTW, or endanger the health of POTW workers or the public? Yes FNol Yes / No Yes No Yes / No Yes No 9) Did any violation cause imminent endangerment to human health / welfare or to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority to halt or prevent such discharge? Yes FNO 10) If the answer to any of these questions is }_es, the SIU is in Signficant Non -Compliance (SNC) for this parameter. They must be listed on the Significant Non -Compliance Report (SNCR) form in the Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR), described in the PAR narrative (including parameter, period, and POTW actions), and the POTW must take adequate enforcement as outlined in its Enforcement Responce Plan (ERP). Is the SIU in SNC for this six month period? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO Was the SIU in SNC for THE SAME PARAMETER in the previous six month compliance en riod? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO If YES to EITHER question, DESCRIBE IN NARRATIVE. Please note if SIU was in SNC for the previous six month compliance period and is also in SNC for this six month compliance period, escalated enforcement actions must be taken as soon as possible, preferably before the end of the second consecutive period. Failure to take the action within 2 months after the end of the second consecutive period will subject the POTW to enforcement by the Division. The options are: Consent Order with Enforceable schedule; Administrative Order with Enforceable schedule; Formal notice to comply issued, or Permit modification. See Chapter 9 - Pretreatment Annual Reports, Chapter 8 - Enforcement, and the POTW's Enforcement Response Plan (ERP). Definitions: Count The number of daily sample data values or the number of average sampling events used for checking compliance with average limits. TRC Technical Review Criteria, Multiply the actual ]UP limits by the proper TRC Criteria value to get a TRC Limit: TRC Criteria = 1.4 for BOD, TSS, oil, fat, grease TRC Criteria = 1.2 for all other pollutants Not required to perform TRC compliance judgment for pH. SNCR Significant Non -Compliance Report SNC Significant Non -Compliance Title SNC With Limits Compliance Judgment Worksheet Revision date: 1/5/01