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GW1--01289_Well Construction - GW1_20240229
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far itrscnti1UscONLV: This form can bc used for singleor tnaltipk cells 01) . 1.Well Contractor Ittformation: �� °ta;%t.TitRZONES . Rich Lemire - FROM TO .-DFSCRIPTIDS" Well Cutaraaot Name R> rt. 2593A- • rt.. rt. I, • ' NCWcllCositracadrCcaiIicalieANruibct is.OUTER CASING(foretutltcu'stl cfls)°R MERidni flratik}: FROM III DW3IETEn. THICKNESS MATERIAL SI EDACCo ft. . ft.- I ilL - Contp,ur}•Nam • 't6:INNER-CASING OR-TUBINGG igsnkermal crowd-loop)i ' FROM TO DLA.M1IeTHR. T(1(CKNP.SS MATERIAL 2.Welt Construction Penult#: 0 'ft. 47.5 ft. '2" in SCH-40 - 'PVC us:all applicable rrvllpe)mih(Le.County.Stare,-arariaue.tryatC4telrj •rt rt. - ' In. 3.Welt Use(check:well use): t7 SCRi:EN • - 'Wutersuppay Well. FROM.- . TO •DtAMP.T1;R s Lot sPFL TIIICKN MS mammal. Cltlguieultutal . CDMunicipalt'Pttbl,c 47.SR. 52.5 R. 2" in• .010 SCH-40 PVC ®Geothermal(Heating,'Cootitlg Supply) IDResidential Water Supply(single) it. R. tn. • I7lttdusiria11Contntercial • . ©Residential Water Supply(sh at d) .t:a:GROUT - - • - FROM Ttl MATERIAL - HMPLACL'MMT METHOD&AMOUNT Ohtigotion - . . , 0 ft.. 43 ft. PORTLAND 'TREMMIE Min-Water Suppls.Weli: - • R. R. ' In Monitoring pRccmely . . . , . Injection Well: - R.- ft. . ®Aquifer Recharge DGioundtsritcr Renicdiation °t9:SAND/GRAVEL•PACK IN tyipncabte)• - - 'F1tOM ' To - MATERWt. : E11Pt,A(:}:M1IEVTMcsnio t DAgniferStoragc and Recovcty (]Salinity Barrier 45 ft. 52.5 ft. SAND #2 . IJAgtiifcr Test- ❑Stormwatcr 1?rainage• • R. ft. Dl:V.rintcNal Tccitnglggy ❑SitbSidesaCC Control :2n.DRILIANG LOG(attach nddttiotial'streeta if itccessan-1 OGeotheimat(ClosedLoop) Cancer. F11oM 10 • • DESCRIPTION finbnbnnlnc_1+.wR'meklhit.tratnwack.} tJGeolheimal(Heating/Cooling Return) ®Other(espiniitmnier it Retuaths) 0 ft. 35 ft . REDSILTY SAND . ' 35 •ft. 50 ft.; SAPERLITE ' 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 2-8-2024 wen W#A -2. 50 tMe it. 52.5 ft PWR . 1. 'r`, . Sa.Well attoo: 52.5 ft.- it.,- ROCK . I 1 C(.0 V h:. tf 6 VE L. FacilityA7noerNanM Facility 1Dk.(iiupplicabic) R FC�. ft. 4 1T [/fz4 U 850 N. Liberty St., WINSTON-SALEM, NC, 27101 ri. . fL.. ill'fOr n en 7r,„,,� p t PI1-sieal Addiess.City.and Zip• a21.REMARKS - t7*C a 1J FORSYTH BENTONITE FROM 43' TO 45'. • County Patic11denlifteilionNu.(PIN) - ' Sb.Latilildc slid Longitude in dcgnces&minutcslsecdnds or decimal degrees: 22 CcrtllicaHona - . or well field,oak Inttlong Is sufficient) • 11 - W ~° f d.+�G. 2,11,2.24 . Sigtrnureaftcitif ..,,,,,,„,, ,,-.0,-,.,- Dale - 6.Is.(are)We tt'CII(s): SJPtniialll'LLI .01 nTemporaty 'try slgnmb thir funrr.'I&erebi•certify rhru the,Pellfsl rsw:fNrta)cYnrtrucrerl lrr ai rordirkm With 1551 NCAC OW MOO or.1 Srt NCIIC 02C.020011 Well Construe"ri'ou Stdiulards and rl s:a 7.Is this-a repair to an existing well; €1Yes or 'fig No •C.,(iy'ofWI record hasiirtnpmvirled ratha well owner ifthls'ds n n•Nair;fill out krivim well colutnrc1Moahrforooriott and riplahr rlie aware of rho rrpa ct:o derd21 iedurrkr-rcririu gran the beck ofthik form 23.Site diagram or additional well derails: You-May use the back of this page to.prov'iide additional well site details or well • 8.Number of•wells constructed: 1 - - . coustmctiandetails. You may also at act:additional pag s if necessary. . Form:11 pk(*etlonorriot-pvtrer_supply'_sellsONLYreinrhostttritCarrslemiliorr,youo n j submit-ono form. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total welldepth below-land surface: 52.5 • . ((p,) 24a.For All Wells; Submit this-fano within 30 days of completion of well • Foe mol7r&wells list alldepths If&Area;(example-3E100'dad 2@MO) Construction to the following; . ' 1(I.Static water hn'el below top of casing: 37 - - {(}t,) • - Division of Water Resources,Information Processing-Unit, if luturrkrel Lc above easlax rue"+" - 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-IG 17_ . 11.Illarcho1e diameter:8.25" ,(In.) 24h.Car Gelocdott Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the foml to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this Ann within 30 days of.completion of well 12.Well coustn(ction method:AUGER - cotlslmetton to the follodring: 1 (Lc.auger.rotary,baby(tisect NAM.) i ' - Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Loll Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699.1636 f3a.Yield(gpm) • Method of test: 21a-For WaterSupdtly&Injection Wells: Also submit One copy of this fonn,''within 30.daysofcoutpletionof 131t.Disinfection type: • •- Amount: . . . well cot:stoiction to the county health department of the county.where constricted. Faun Mit-t Nardi Catalina Dspartntetu of Enuiraruuuit and Natural Resources=Division of WaierRecatrte; Rci-ised August201'3 1 •