HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--01253_Well Construction - GW1_20240229 A , r I WELL CONSTRUCF[ON RECORD FurtrlcrmltfscONCY: 'iLis farm can be oscd for single OF multiple hells'• 1.Well Contractor Information: :IS.WATER ZONES. Scott Hunt, Jr FROM. TO DESCRIPTION:. , iVc11CottitadorNattw- 17 ft.' 30 ft. sandy slit tan 4561-A. R. it I, . NC Well ContnclurCcdiftcaliooNurrttci ;IS.OUTER CASING(for mu(tt csscd'ncils}OR LINER(if ap tticaWe) FROM TO DIAMETER, .THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO rL (t.. JR. Company Name :IG.INNER'CASING OR TUBING(geolhcruiat efesed-lop). - FROM TO• DIAMETER. 'THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Wdt Construction I' ri it#: 50000316 0 'ft. 15 ft. 2 . 'ua SCH-40 PVC rut t aI(ap ilicade trehpermits(ix.County;,Stan;;Writ-Jere.Irryaticn err." R.. fl. im. 3.WeltDs.9(check welluce): I? SCRC.EN Water Supply Well: FROM To 'DIAMETER SLOTSI?E I THICKNESS. MATERIAL 0elgliculullal. l7MunicipahPublio 15 ft. 30 ft. 2 iti' :010 SCH-40 PVC CtGcothenual(Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) • fi. re• is 1 • ©hldusttial/Contnietr:ial ®Residential Water Supply(sbattd) .tq:GROUT FROM - . 70 • MATERIAL . EMPIACESIENT MHRIOD&AMOUNT ❑hiipation . . " 0 ft. 11 ft: Portland Tremie Nan-Water Supply Welk• . R. "_ft. ZMc nitoring. . DRecoyery Injection Welly ' ' ' rt. ft: . ' El AquiferRcchargc • ®GlouridivatcrRcnicdiation L9.SANUIGRAVELPACli(if apOh:sb ' . -FROM TO ' JIATERfL. EMPIAC.I:HF:VTMITHOD 13Ago}fcr.StoragcandRecovcty 17Salinityi]airicr 13 R;. 30 ft. Sand #2 UAgtiifciTcst C15tannitiatcr Dry rage . ft, ft.. IDEgrcritncn iTcclmotogy DSubsidcticc Control --- .. . 20;DR!LLINt LOG(attach additional sheets if occescan'I CGeolkeruial(Closed Loop) I7Ti cer . .FROM, to . ' DESCRIPTION Kobe:hard tied;lrnwreutane.rnsiar .dc.I E Geotheuual(Heoting(Caoliue Return) ClOther(plain under#21 Rethinks) 0 :rt. 1 ft. gravel ! • 1 •f. 15 fL red tacky clay 4.Date Welts)Conlplered: 1-11-24 :WeU iI) MW-7R 15 :ft.." 30 ft. tan silty/clay sand 5a.Well Location: 4t.. fL• Pet Dairy (t.. ft' l'� f Faciity,CicocrNamc Facility lD#(ifapplicable) ft. �-` .� EI •( G R.3300 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC, 28205 .ft.. ft. 1-EB 2 - 20Z4 Plgsical Address;City.and Zip- '2 L REMARKS Mecklenburg Bentonite seal from 11-13'I' )fltt)r4t E(1 rpr''iG*344,..j 113 County I!atcel Idcriliflcalior No,(PIN) I 11i�Yt3.' tX- • Mr:i itti(ude'anil Longitude in degreeclminutestsecnnds nr dcchual clerr vex 22.Certification: (ifrcitfield;ovc ollongiFsofficieid) • N �r /240elve-- 1/25/2024 • • . Sigrxfa Well Contractor .Date 6.Is join)the well(y): %IPcrmanent or t7Temporsn' By signing'his JFrna;1 lrerebp certify rhardie a•d 4i)war jysrne)cr»rrinared try an»nlmrer 'with IM NCAC 0ZC.pial or I SA NCAC-02C.172D(7 Will Construction Standards and Anti a 7.Is tits a repair to an basting'went DYC,. or "inNo •reyirofMic word has bien'prowided torly:urn!owner. If rjr(sly a repair;fill our knoirzt ouch coutrucrlan.brforrrrar(an and eaptaht the nature of dire repair under P21 rrmark+''intros or on the bark 5f dots fornc 23.Site diagram or.additia nal well details: You niny use the back of flits page to provide additional well site,details or tselt S.Numb-et-of wells canstlucted: 1 constmation details. You inay also attach:additional pages if Il.^cessary- For mulr(ple tr(lecilon.or not-'carer suppJ-.wells.ONLY ivith the same caaatrurriorr,yo i.cpn I . sukmit'one far'r. ' . $UBMITT%L INSTUCTIONS�. 9.Totat welt:depfh below land airfare: 30 (fr.) -21a. Fnr All Wells: •Submit this'fo i'u within 30 days of completion of well For nrnlriple'weilslist all depths(f((Wren;(ctarnplr-3=00a rut?c0 W00) Construction to the folloning: 10.Static water level below tap of casing: 17 .(.(.10( Division of Water Rc ourei ,Inforrnatign Processing Unit, If cola level Is above easing use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1G L7 11;Borehole diameter:8.25" (b,.) 2-lb.For Infection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the font to the address-in .24a above.also.subunit a copy of this fonm within 30 days_of completion of well 12.Well construction inethodt HSA conSlmction to the following: i (i.c.auger.rotary.'table,direct posh etc.) . 'Division of Water Resources,Utidergouud Injection Control Program; FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: .1636Mtil Service Centcr.;Raleigb,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gym) Method'of test: 21c.For-Water Supply tic Injection Welk: . Also subtiiit one copy of this faint'Within 30;days ofcotupletionof 13h.Disinfection bile: amount well construction to the county health department of the connty.w•hero constructed. Fa nu GW-t North Carolina U.-pmtmenf of EmUromo:m and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rc6ci.rcz Revised August NIB