HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003417_FINAL HF_Lee_CAP 11-02-2015_20151103161P synTerra CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PART 1 Site Name and Location: H.F. Lee Energy Complex 1199 Black Jack Church Road Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530 Groundwater Incident No.: Not Assigned NPDES Permit No.: NC0003417 Date of Report: November 2, 2015 Permittee and Current Duke Energy Progress, LLC. Property Owner: 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27601 (704) 382-3853 Consultant Information: SynTerra 148 River Street Greenville, South Carolina (864) 421-9999 Latitude and Longitude of Facility: N 35.373212 / W-78.089031�,,w`���hl - love,, SE,q� 2026 s' Justin Mahan, NC PG 2026 Project Manager Webb N (418 of t Dicp4 y �' 7'28 w a k0� s,��, /V W Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX — CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PART 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY North Carolina General Assembly Session Law 2014-122, the Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) of 2014, requires the owner of a coal combustion residuals surface impoundment to submit a Groundwater Assessment Plan (GAP) to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ, formerly Department of Environment and Natural Resources) no later than December 31, 2014 and a Groundwater Assessment Report referred to as a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) no later than 180 days after approval of the GAP. A Groundwater Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is to be submitted no later than 90 days from submittal of the CSA, or a time frame otherwise approved by NCDEQ not to exceed 180 days from submittal of the CSA. The CAP shall include, at a minimum, all of the following: a. A description of all exceedances of the groundwater quality standards, including any exceedances that the owner asserts are the result of natural background conditions. b. A description of the methods for restoring groundwater in conformance with the requirements of Subchapter L of Chapter 2 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code and a detailed explanation of the reasons for selecting these methods. c. Specific plans, including engineering details, for restoring groundwater quality. d. A schedule for implementation of the CAP. e. A monitoring plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed corrective action and detecting movement of any contaminant plumes. Duke Energy requested a 90-day extension for submittal of the final Groundwater Corrective Action Plan. The request was based on discussions with NCDEQ that the CAP would be provided in two parts, with the first part submitted on the original due date and the second part submitted 90 days later. The CAP Part 1 reports (submitted 90 days after the CSA reports) are to include: 167 Background information, 41' A brief summary of the CSA findings, 0 A brief description of site geology and hydrogeology, '611 A summary of the previously completed receptor survey, Page ES-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 0 A description of 2L and 2B exceedances, 0l Proposed site -specific groundwater background concentrations, 0 A description of the site conceptual model (SCM), groundwater flow and transport model and geochemical model. Part 2 will include the remainder of the CAP requirements including: 101 Risk assessment, y Alternative methods for achieving restoration, 101 Conceptual plans for recommended corrective actions, 17 Implementation schedule, and '41, Plans for effectiveness monitoring and reporting. This CAP Part 1 has been prepared for the Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) H. F. Lee Energy Complex, and provides additional evaluation of the CSA data reported on August 5, 2015. Duke Energy has recommended that the ash basins be fully excavated with the material safely recycled or reused in a lined structural fill (https://www.duke-energy.com/pdfs/SafeBasinClosureUpdate_HFLee.pdf, accessed on July 29, 2015). The ash removal under the recommendation would be the primary source control measure. The results of modeling to evaluate the effects of the ash removal on groundwater are presented in Section 4 of this CAP Part 1. A description of exceedances of the groundwater quality values, including provisional background values are presented in Section 2. ES-1. Introduction Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy), owns and operates the H.F. Lee Energy Complex (Lee Plant), located near Goldsboro in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figure 1-1). Three coal-fired units were retired in September 2012, followed by four oil -fueled combustion turbine units in October 2012. In December 2012, the H.F. Lee Combined Cycle Plant fueled by natural gas was brought on-line. Coal ash has been managed in the Plant's on -site ash basins, which include three inactive ash basins located to the west of the plant operations area, an active ash basin and Lay of Land Area (LOLA) northeast of the operations area. The management areas contain approximately 5,970,000 tons of ash (https://www.duke-energy.com/pdfs/duke-energy-ash-metrics.pdf, accessed on July 17, 2015). The Lee Plant site exhibits typical Coastal Plain geology with layered soil deposits and shallow water table conditions. Boron exhibits the largest area of distribution in Page ES-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra shallow groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the ash basins. Arsenic is consistently present in samples from several monitoring wells within the boron plume. Shallow groundwater flows from uplands north and west of the ash management areas to the east, southeast, and south toward the Neuse River. There are no known users of shallow groundwater downgradient of the ash basin. Private water wells are located upgradient of the ash basins. One public water supply well that draws water from a deep aquifer is located approximately 2,000 feet north and upgradient from the inactive basins. The area surrounding the Lee Plant has access to public water supply. ES-2. Site Conceptual Model The CSA determined that leaching of CCR impounded within the ash basins impacts groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the ash basins as shown on Figures ES-1 and ES-2. Cross sections conceptually illustrating conditions at the site are provided as Figures ES-3 through ES-8. Based on the CSA and compliance monitoring results, groundwater flow is toward the Neuse River (south for the active basin, east to southeast for the inactive basins and north for the LOLA). Water within the active ash basin and inactive ash basin 1 is hydraulically higher (upgradient) than the surrounding land surface. Pore water drains through the underlying soil to the groundwater. Groundwater and seeps are the primary mechanisms for migration of ash -related constituents to the environment. Elimination of the hydraulic head within the ash basin, either by placing an impermeable cover on the ash or by removing the ash, would eliminate migration of ash pore water into the subsurface. Geochemical factors that affect groundwater quality in the surficial aquifer in the vicinity of the ash basins include variations in pH, redox potential (Eh), and dissolved oxygen (DO) that are attributed to mixing of groundwater from upland areas with ash pore waters and wetland conditions near groundwater monitoring wells. Cobalt, iron, vanadium and manganese are ubiquitous in groundwater samples from the site. Provisional site background concentrations for these constituents are provided herein to determine the extent of ash influence. Sorption tests on soils from the site indicate that iron and manganese leach from naturally occurring materials. While it is known that these metals leach from coal ash, occurrences in background areas limit their use as indicators of groundwater contamination. Geochemical modeling indicates that only a small fraction of the sorptive capacity of the soils at the site has been consumed. The ash basins, surficial deposits, the Black Creek and the Cape Fear deposits make up distinct hydrogeologic layers at the Lee site. Groundwater in the surficial deposits under the ash basins flows horizontally to the east and south and discharges into the Neuse River or Halfmile Branch. This flow direction is away from the nearest public Page ES-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra and private water wells. The surficial aquifer groundwater discharge to surface water provides a boundary for groundwater migration. The hydrogeologic and geochemical data are consistent with observed conditions that indicate migration of CCR constituents to, and potentially beyond, the compliance boundary is limited to boron and arsenic at the east side of the active basin. The horizontal migration of boron and arsenic in the surficial groundwater best represent the dominant flow and transport system. Downward vertical migration is restricted due to the clay and silt layers beneath the ash basins that act as confining layers over the deeper aquifers in the area. ES-3. Extent of 2L and 213 Exceedances Constituent concentrations in excess of 2L or IMAC detected in monitoring wells screened in the surficial aquifer include pH, antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, chromium, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, sulfate, thallium, total dissolved solids (TDS), and vanadium. Exceedances of antimony (IMAC), barium, chromium, sulfate and thallium (IMAC) are limited in extent. TDS exceedances are restricted to samples from monitoring wells screened beneath the ash basins. Iron and manganese exceedances of 2L have been detected in nearly all samples collected from surficial wells across the site since monitoring was first initiated in 2010. Vanadium was first sampled in groundwater as part of the CSA. Vanadium occurrences in excess of IMAC are scattered and include both upgradient and downgradient areas. Surface water samples from upland areas had pH values less than the 2B standard of 6.0. Aluminum was detected above 2B in surface water samples collected from upland (background) surface waters and the Neuse River. Boron, a coal ash indicator that does not have an associated 2B standard has been detected in surface waters and springs near the ash basins. ES-4. Receptor Survey Land use surrounding the Lee site includes commercial, rural residential, agricultural, and forest land. Beaverdam Creek, Halfmile Creek, and the Neuse River border the Lee Plant. Public water service in the area is provided by Fork Township Sanitary District. ES-4.1 Public Water Supply Wells Surveys of public and private water supply wells within a 1/2 mile radius of the ash basin compliance boundaries have been conducted. One Fork Township Sanitary District water supply well is located approximately 2,000 feet upgradient (north) of the inactive basins. The well was sampled at the direction of NCDEQ during 2015. The next two closest public water supply wells are Page ES-4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra located approximately 1 mile to the northeast and 1 mile south and across the Neuse River from the site. These wells reportedly produce water from the Upper Cape Fear Aquifer and bedrock. ES-4.2 Private Water Supply Wells Inventories of public and private water supply wells have been compiled. NCDEQ contacted nearby residents regarding private wells and managed the sampling of the wells in accordance with CAMA. Based on results of the water supply well sampling, NCDEQ recommended that nine of the residences use bottled water rather than well water. The recommendations were based on results for cobalt, chromium, manganese and vanadium which were above 2L or IMAC. Groundwater modeling results included with this CAP and data collected for the CSA will be used to further evaluate the probability that 2L exceedances for private water wells are associated with the presence of the ash basins. The updated survey indicates that approximately 97 private water supply wells may be located within or in close proximity to the 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. ES-4.3 Human and Ecological Receptors A screening level human health and ecological risk assessment was performed as a component of the CSA Report (SynTerra 2015). Preliminary human health and ecological conceptual exposure models were prepared as part of the screening level risk assessment. Each model identified the exposure media for human and ecological receptors. Human health exposure media includes potentially impacted groundwater, soil, surface water and sediments. The exposure routes associated with the potentially complete exposure pathways evaluated for the site include ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact of environmental media. Potential human receptors include residential, recreational users, and industrial workers. The potential exposure media for ecological receptors includes impacted soil, surface water and sediments. Direct contact with groundwater does not present a complete exposure pathway to ecological receptors. Exposure routes associated with potentially completed exposure pathways include incidental ingestion and ingestion of prey or plants. Potential ecological receptors include aquatic receptors (e.g., fish, benthic invertebrates), semi -aquatic receptors (e.g., piscivorous birds, piscivorous mammals), terrestrial receptors (e.g., terrestrial invertebrates, plants, small and large mammals, passerine birds, raptors). Page ES-5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Samples were collected and analyzed for the purposes of characterization and comparison to established water, soil, and sediment quality criteria as published by the US EPA and/or NCDEQ. Comparison of upgradient constituent concentrations to downgradient constituent concentrations aids in determination of areas of potential concern for human and ecological receptors. Results of the SLERA, analyzed in the context of background data, indicate that many constituents that exceed screening criteria occur at naturally elevated levels in the area. There are, however, some constituents in various media that are found at greater concentrations in source areas than in background or other receiving areas. These potential risks will be evaluated as part of the risk assessment in the CAP Part 2. ES-5. Geochemical Modeling Results Results of geochemical modeling yield the following observations: E1, Sorption modeling indicates that aquifer solids have sufficient sorption capacity for high concentrations of all constituents though the actual sorbed concentrations will vary based on the sorption affinity (i. e. distribution coefficient) of individual constituents. Available sorption sites were estimated based on extractible iron and aluminum concentrations. Retardation or sorption behavior of arsenic, selenium and vanadium is related to the oxidation state. '67 Sorption of arsenic increases upon oxidation of As(III) to As(V), the latter is the likely dominant state of arsenic at the Lee Plant as a result of prevalent lower pH values. This leads to a decrease in mobility of As. 161, Selenium oxidation from Se(IV) to Se(VI) occurs at higher pH values. Overall lower pH values and the lack of oxidizing conditions at higher pH locations at the Lee Plant, results in a lack of mobility of selenium. 01 Vanadium also has strong sorption at lower pH values and decreased mobility in these conditions. However, vanadium has multiple oxidation states in aqueous environments, which can lead to increased mobility of lower states if proper oxidation is not maintained. `0 Barium, zinc, cobalt and lead sorption is primarily influenced by pH. Sorption increases with increasing pH. Boron is relatively inert and exhibits little sorption affinity. This leads to it being highly mobile in groundwater. Page ES-6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Modeled distribution coefficients for boron are significantly lower than experimentally derived values. This indicates there is a mechanism limiting aqueous concentrations of boron which is accounted for in the sorption model. This may be related to substitution for silicon in micas or co -precipitation reactions with other mineral phases. ES-6. Groundwater Modeling Results Groundwater flow and constituent transport modeling was conducted to evaluate the results of different possible corrective actions at the site. The study consisted of three main activities: development of a calibrated steady-state flow model of current conditions, development of a historical transient model of constituent transport that is calibrated to current conditions, and predictive simulations of the different corrective action options. Fate and transport of arsenic, boron, iron and manganese were addressed in the model. Simulations included the following scenarios: (1) In this scenario the ash basins continue to be managed in their current condition and no ash is excavated. (2) Install low permeability surface covers for each ash basin (cap -in -place). (3) Full excavation of the ash basins and isolation of ash to an off -site lined structural fill or landfill. Key results from groundwater fate and transport modeling include the following items: Calibration to constituent concentrations observed in June 2015 resulted in iron and manganese impact that extends for short distances (several hundreds of feet) in all directions from the footprint of the ash basins. This might be expected as a result of historical sluicing of CCR to the basins. Predicted concentrations extended beyond the compliance boundaries on the east side of the active basin and on the south side of the inactive basins. These results lead to the recommendation for replacement of several background monitoring wells (BW-1, BGMW-09, BGMW-10, AMW-09BC and DMW-2) and the addition of monitoring wells on the south side of the inactive basins. `0 Based on review of the calibration results for iron and manganese there is potential for historical CCR constituent migration for short distances north of the inactive basins. Proper abandonment of water supply wells and access to public water pipelines should be evaluated for parcels between the inactive basins and Old Smithfield Road. Page ES-7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 41P Calibration to constituent concentrations observed in June 2015 resulted in arsenic and boron impact that extends beyond the compliance boundary east of the active basin. In the no ash removal simulation, CCR constituent impact gradually diminishes as recharge from upland areas dilutes groundwater and pushes constituents toward the Neuse River. The extent of arsenic and boron to the east of the active basin does not increase significantly. The farthest extent of the impact is controlled by the presence of the Neuse River. y Results of simulations for off -site removal to a lined structural fill or landfill indicate there is a quicker reduction in extent of groundwater quality impacts. However, the boron impact beyond the compliance boundary on the east side of the active basin does not diminish any more quickly. ES-7. Corrective Actions to be Evaluated Based on Provisional Background Concentrations Site -specific background concentrations for soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment were determined as part of the CAP Part 1. Background locations were selected for each media based on topographic maps, groundwater elevation maps, the SCM (discussed further in Section 3), and sample analytical results. Comparison to provisional background concentrations leads to determination of areas that will be included in the risk assessment and evaluated for corrective action if needed. Media will also continue to be monitored for refinement of background conditions. Observations from the provisional background comparisons are summarized below: 167 Exceedances of provisional background soil concentrations are limited to areas within the footprint of the ash basin or within the compliance boundaries. Groundwater exceedances of provisional background are limited to areas within the basins or compliance boundaries except for the east side of the active basin. Areas east of the active basin will be further evaluated for corrective action. 47 Surface water, springs or seeps with exceedances of provisional background concentrations are present adjacent to the inactive basins, the active basin and the LOLA. Source (ash) removal is expected to diminish both the volume of flow and the CCR constituent concentrations of these waters. The exceedances will be considered for corrective action. 41, Sediment exceedances of provisional background concentrations are limited in occurrence. Additional background concentration development is anticipated. Page ES-8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx cat I J-41 C774L m LEGEND T T' N c' c0 N 7 N N N N N N m i 0, 0 . "t 4 Ar N hil N 0 N N Ni N 4 Y.� 0. OL 7w lo 0 0 0 L 3 7�. W,w ON 0 j2--, . 0 0 N N rw N w A N N N N N o 0 S c N N N N N N 000 N N N" N N N 0 's 0. 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LEGEND METAMORPHIC BEDROCK!` Q ASHvvv�- Q ASH PORE WATER GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON GROUNDWATER BELOW NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE INFERRED OR MEASURED ♦ APPROXIMATE ASH PORE WATER TABLE LITHOLOGIC CONTACT 141, synTerra NOT TO SCALE 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com DRAWN BY: JOHN CHASTAIN DATE: 10/18/2015 PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN LAYOUT: ES-3 (CURRENT CONDITIONS) SURFICIAL AQUIFER FIGURE ES-3 CURRENT CONDITIONS CROSS-SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL INACTIVE ASH BASIN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA ASH BASIN (SOURCE) POWER LINE ASH PORE WATER WETLAND DRAINAGE DITCH RECHARGE ZONE ♦ ASH �- ♦ RIVER BANK LAY -OF -LAND -AREA _ _ -��_- - SURFICIAL AQUIFER (LOLA) — _—— — NEUSE RIVER ---_--- — —_��� —BLACK CREEK CONFINING LAYER=z — — — — ASH -44 BLACK CREEK AQUIFER CONFINING LAYER Jw-- — — — +——--�'r---a LEGEND Q ASH Q ASH PORE WATER GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON GROUNDWATER BELOW NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE ASH ♦ PORE WATER TABLE LITHOLOGIC CONTACT CAPE FEAR AQUIFER METAMORPHIC BEDROCK 1417 synTerra AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD NOT TO SCALE 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com DRAWN BY: JOHN CHASTAIN DATE: 10/19/2015 PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN LAYOUT: ES-4 (CURRENT CONDITIONS) ASH PORE WATER COOLING POND FIGURE ES-4 CURRENT CONDITIONS CROSS SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ACTIVE ASH BASIN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 0 Q & o INACTIVE ASH BASIN INACTIVE ASH BASIN Lu o Of o (SOURCE) o o (SOURCE) o c� a -a CULVERT U 0 0 Y w Y ASH PORE WATER Y o Q Y ASH PORE WATER s cr DO o / o Lu o w ASH , _ ASH , , m ACTIVE ASH BASIN (SOURCE) o Q ASH PORE WATER w Lu Y = o � o WETLAND w RECHARGE ASH z ZONE ■ SURFICIAL AQUIFER SURFICIAL AQUIFER ---��—�-----Z �---- _—_--, SURFICIAL AQUIFER --------------- - BLACK CREEK CONFINING LAYER ='_ AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN —i— —'�� — --- _-_ ----i GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD z BLACK CREEK AQUIFER — S — — — — -- /UVA� A�V'iA i�iAAiAA/VA//V Ai\//VAiAA'VA/\�GAA/�A\i\A\j AA'�, CAPE FEAR FORMATION METAMORPHIC BEDROCK LEGEND Q ASH Q ASH PORE WATER Q GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON Q GROUNDWATER BELOW NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE ASH PORE WATER TABLE LITHOLOGIC CONTACT AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD CAPE FEAR FORMATION lo,\\ \ � ii\\�i\�\ '\�\�i/i/\\i\\i\•. , , �i\i'\�\\i\\\'\\i�/i\/i\\i/\\��\\'i\\�i\�/\\i/\\j; \ — z�\\!\i\ �\\i\\i\\�\\''i\��\\i\\�\\�'�\\'�\''��\�\i\\i\\i''�\'/\��\\ -:.wAV�,�.�i.A�A� aV� vAivi G , ,. �!�\isA�V�.v/%/i�iA��AAwA<;v/�,ii�i:AAnAA��- <'.,/���A\.vAfv/%�✓vAyvAA/\��VA�A�wAiCvi�/�iiA�._; VA''iA�VAiiAA�AiAAA''VA/i�V�AAiVAi�\iAA�V'//AA�iAAiVAi�VA'/VAiV//i�AAAiAAiA,,' S��/\iViA�i��A�AAiAAVi�/iA\�AAiVAiAAA''VA''�AV/AA/iAAiAAi� //AAAAVA�iVAViiAiVAi/AAAAi'VA'/A\\�AAiAAiVAA �A�i��AAiAAiAAiAA/iV� v H I C BEDROCK AAiVAiAA�'VA�V'�AA'i\iAAVA�VA� V�AA//A�iAAA �A NOT TO SCALE 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 AROLINA 29601 >i\�\\�i\�/i\\ij�\�\\'/i�i\\i}i�i\\\''\\/\\'\\i\\i\\i\\\\\\\\i'\\i''\\\/\\ii\i\\i\\\\\i/\\/�\\�����\\/\\\i\\\/�\�\\��\ • PHONE 864 42� 9999UTH wwwsynterracorp.com ��r� DRAWN BY: NAG R JUD IN DATE: 10/15/2015 PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN /i\i\\�.\\�/\//\�/\�/\\�.\��/�\//\//\�/\\\ �\�\�/�//\\/\\J/\\ \\%� j�\j\\%�\\/�\\�\%j//�\jam\\�\\� \\�/\\�\//\\f\\\/\\ � /�\'/i\\%��% •. \/ " '/ �` \ / ' /'�• \ LAYOUT: ES-5 (PRE SITE CAR) RI 10/29/2015 253 PM P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee '\' ' FIGURE ES-5 CURRENT CONDITIONS CROSS-SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ACTIVE & INACTIVE ASH BASINS H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 0 K W C7 0 WETLAND > RECHARGE o ZONE w y SURFICIAL AQUIFER CAPE FEAR FORMATION LEGEND GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON GROUNDWATER BELOW INC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE — — LITHOLOGIC CONTACT FORMER INACTIVE ASH BASIN (SOURCE REMOVED) NEUSE RIVER ° — SURFICIAL AQUIFER AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD CAPE FEAR FORMATION METAMORPHIC BEDROCK 141, synTerra NOT TO SCALE 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com DRAWN BY: JOHN CHASTAIN DATE: 10/15/2015 PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN LAYOUT: ES-6 (SOURCE REMOVAL) FIGURE ES-6 SOURCE REMOVAL CROSS-SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL INACTIVE ASH BASIN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA POWER LINE WETLAND DRAINAGE DITCH RECHARGE ZONE FORMER ASH BASIN L ` RIVER BANK (LOLA) FORMER SURFICIAL AQUIFER LAY OF LAND AREA — _ _ —� _ — NEUSE RIVER —7—- Y[7 -!BLACK CREEK CONFININGZ - '- - - BLACK CREEK ACONFINING LAYER ��—�-- LEGEND GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD 0 FOR BORON GROUNDWATER BELOW NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE LITHOLOGIC CONTACT CAPE FEAR AQUIFER METAMORPHIC BEDROI L� synTerra AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD NOT TO SCALE 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com DRAWN BY: JOHN CHASTAIN DATE: 10/18/2015 PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN LAYOUT: ES-7 (SOURCE REMOVAL) COOLING POND FIGURE ES-7 SOURCE REMOVAL CROSS-SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ACTIVE ASH BASIN H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA = Y W Lu FORMER INACTIVE ASH BASIN Q FORMER INACTIVE ASH BASINCr Cr (SOURCE REMOVED) DO (SOURCE REMOVED) WOr o _ - - - Do J Q Do FORMER ACTIVE ASH BASIN (SOURCE REMOVED) \I I �l SURFICIAL AQUIFER SURFICIAL AQUIFER — — — — — SURFICIAL AQUIFER _ _ ————— _ _ BLACK CREEK CONFINING LAYERAREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD \ z BLACK CREEK AQUIFER AREA OF CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD CAPE FEAR FORMATION CAPE FEAR FORMATION \�\i\\i\\\'\v i\;, \ / .i \ .► i\\ \\''i i\\i\\i\\\'\ >\\i \i /\ \ ✓/\\ \ v ol / \,\ \ ///\ \ \i ✓Y\ //\ // /\ \ ///\ \ \ //\ \ \/\,\\ \ /r\ \ \ / /\ \ \i/ \,\\ \ ///\ \ //i\ \ \ir \,\\ \ / / i\ \ \i \ ,\,\\ \ //\/\ \ //\ \ \ //\\ /,/r\,\ \ //r\ \ \ii //\\ \ //�\,\ \ ///\ \ \i/ //\\ /// i\ \ /r/\ \ \/i ✓/ .METAM RPHI BEDR CK //\ r/ \ \ � ///\ \/ /\\ \ // \ \ `! ///\ \ \\'/ //\ \ / '\,\ \ r//\ \ \/ //\\ \ // \ \ \ r//\ \ \/ , METAM RPHIC BEDR K 0 C 0 \i„v\\ \\ \/// \ \ / /\ \ ///\\ \\ \/✓/\,\ \ ///\ \ \i /\i\\ \\ \i/ \,\ \ ///\ \ \ //\\ \\ \//,\,\ \ //r\ \, 0 OC o/ \r/ //\\ \\w \ \\�i\,\ FIGURE ES-8 NOT TO SCALE i \ \ , \ , _ w \, \, !•. it\\/i, ,\\\ \\/i\\ri\\i\\\\\\'/\i\\\�\i'\i'r\\'i\i\i\i\\i\\v /i\\/\\i/\\i\\i\\ i\'i\ /\\i\\i\\i \\'y\\i\\i \\\ \\ \''/\\'r\\i\: SOURCE REMOVAL LEGEND \\/\,\�'/\,\ 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 CROSS-SECTION SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ?i''\\''r\i\v\\ \\i\\ \\�\'/i\\\\ \\i i \'i\ \i\\j\\ \\\ \i \\ \� \'\\'i\\v\\\\ \� \\�i,\\\/\\ \\ /\\'i\\'i\ '.; GROUNDWATER ABOVE NC 2L STANDARD FOR BORON i\,\\i\\i\\\/\v\'i\i\,\ \\ \/iri\i \\\/vi/\r/\\i\\\ \\/\'ice/\\ \\ vir/\ \\ \// /\,\\ \v\r�r\ \ \/\ GREENV 61-421-9999 ROLINA29601 '\'����\� `\'\� \\'' \'<�'�\��\�w\\\%��'\\�\\ VIP PHONE ss4-421-9999 ACTIVE &INACTIVE ASH BASINS GROUNDWATER BELOW N C 2 L STANDARD D FOR BORON %\\iv\\ \\'/i\\i\\i\\\ \\'ri \i\ \\�ir\\i,�\� \ r\\� i\ \ \\ \\\\v\\\i\\ \\i \\ \\'ri\\i\\i\\i\\i \\'\\ \\i\i\\i\\�\ 4\i\ `- yn wwwsynterracorp.com 0 \w%\\ '\'\'\\'/\y `y`` \\> \v \ \\\'\ \\\J \ \\> H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX INFERRED OR MEASURED APPROXIMATE WATER TABLE !i\ri/\\ \\�\\r\\'i\/�\//\\i\\\r\\'i \/i\\i\\\ \\/ i\r\\ / /\ \` \/' \/\\ \\ \ / �/\ \\ \i' , DRAWN BY: JOHN cHAsrAIN DATE: 10/15/2015 /\ j\\ j\\j/\\/\\\%�\ '\\�\\'\%\\%\\'''\\%\v\\%\\'\\j'\\\'\\`\/\\%\\\'�\''\\%\\%\\\'\\'/'�\\�\\ T � r� PROJECT MANAGER: JUDD MAHAN G O L D S B O RO, NORTH CA RO L I N A LAYOUT: ES-8 (POST SITE CAR) L�THOLOG�CCONTACT \ \/" /' \ \ \' ` `\ ii" ' v /'i•' /� 10/29/2015 2:56 PM P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\104. Lee Ash Basin GWAssessment\16CorrectiveAction Plan\Figures\Active\DE LEE CAR INACTIVE & ACTIVE X-SECT.dwg Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE H.F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX — CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PART 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................ ES-1 ES-1. Introduction.......................................................................................................... ES-2 ES-2. Site Conceptual Model........................................................................................ ES-3 ES-3. Extent of 2L and 2B Exceedances....................................................................... ES-4 ES-4. Receptor Survey................................................................................................... ES-4 ES-4.1 Public Water Supply Wells....................................................................... ES-4 ES-4.2 Private Water Supply Wells...................................................................... ES-5 ES-4.3 Human and Ecological Receptors............................................................ ES-5 ES-5. Geochemical Modeling Results.......................................................................... ES-6 ES-6. Groundwater Modeling Results........................................................................ ES-7 ES-7. Corrective Actions to be Evaluated Based on Provisional Background Concentrations...................................................................................................... ES-8 1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Site History and Overview....................................................................................1-1 1.2 Purpose of Corrective Action Plan.......................................................................1-2 1.3 Regulatory Background.........................................................................................1-3 1.3.1 T15A NCAC 02L .0106 — Corrective Action Requirements .....................1-3 1.3.2 Coal Ash Management Act Requirements................................................1-4 1.3.3 Regulatory Standards for the Site Media...................................................1-6 1.3.4 NCDEQ Requirements.................................................................................1-6 1.3.5 NORR Requirements....................................................................................1-6 1.4 Summary of CSA Findings....................................................................................1-6 1.5 Site Description.......................................................................................................1-9 1.6 Site Geology and Hydrogeology..........................................................................1-9 1.7 Receptor Survey....................................................................................................1-10 1.7.1 Summary of Receptor Survey Activities..................................................1-11 1.7.2 Summary of Receptor Survey Findings...................................................1-11 1.7.3 Public Water Supply Wells........................................................................1-11 1.7.4 Private Water Supply Wells.......................................................................1-12 1.7.5 Potential Human Receptors.......................................................................1-12 1.7.6 Potential Ecological Receptors...................................................................1-13 Page i P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\16.Corrective Action Plan\CAP Report\ FINAL\ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 2.0 BACKGROUND CONCENTRATIONS AND EXTENT OF EXCEEDANCES 2-1 2.1 Background Concentration Determination.........................................................2-1 2.1.1 Provisional Background Soil Concentrations ............................................ 2-2 2.1.2 Provisional Background Groundwater Concentrations .......................... 2-3 Surficial Groundwater.......................................................................... 2-4 Cape Fear Groundwater....................................................................... 2-5 Black Creek Groundwater................................................................... 2-6 2.1.3 Provisional Background Surface Water Concentrations ......................... 2-6 2.1.4 Provisional Background Sediment Concentrations .................................. 2-7 2.2 Exceedances............................................................................................................. 2-8 2.2.1 Soil...................................................................................................................2-9 2.2.2 Groundwater................................................................................................2-10 2.2.3 Surface Water............................................................................................... 2-13 2.2.4 Sediment....................................................................................................... 2-16 2.3 Initial and Interim Response Actions.................................................................2-17 2.3.1 Source Control.............................................................................................2-17 2.3.2 Groundwater Response Actions............................................................... 2-17 3.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Site Geology............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Site Hydrogeology.................................................................................................. 3-3 3.3 Confining Layers.....................................................................................................3-5 3.4 Shelby Tube Analysis............................................................................................. 3-5 3.5 Site Hydrology........................................................................................................ 3-6 3.5.1 Hydraulic Conductivity............................................................................... 3-6 3.5.2 Hydraulic Gradients..................................................................................... 3-7 3.5.3 Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction................................................... 3-7 3.6 Site Geochemistry................................................................................................... 3-7 3.6.1 Source Characteristics................................................................................... 3-8 CCR Constituents in Ash Pore Water ................................................ 3-8 3.6.2 Groundwater..................................................................................................3-9 Redox Conditions.................................................................................. 3-9 Constituent Distribution in Groundwater ........................................ 3-9 Facilitated (Colloidal) Transport....................................................... 3-11 Page ii P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\16.Corrective Action Plan\CAP Report\ FINAL\ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Eh/pH/DO Diagrams.......................................................................... 3-11 Time Versus Boron Concentration Diagrams ................................. 3-12 3.7 Correlation of Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Conditions to Constituent Distribution............................................................................................................ 3-12 4.0 MODELING...................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 Determination of Distribution Coefficient.......................................................... 4-1 4.2 Geochemical Modeling.......................................................................................... 4-3 4.3 Numerical Fate and Transport Model.................................................................4-5 4.3.1 Flow and Transport Model..........................................................................4-6 Flow Model............................................................................................ 4-6 Transport Model.................................................................................... 4-7 4.3.2 Model Results................................................................................................. 4-8 4.4 Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions....................................................4-9 4.4.1 Flow Considerations..................................................................................... 4-9 4.4.2 Concentration of a Constituent................................................................. 4-11 4.4.3 Results........................................................................................................... 4-11 4.4.4 Sensitivity Analysis..................................................................................... 4-12 5.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PART 2..................................................................5-1 6.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................ 6-1 Page iii P:\Duke Energy Progress. 1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\16.Corrective Action Plan\CAP Report\ FINAL\ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex LIST OF FIGURES SynTerra Figure ES-1 Plan View Conceptual Site Model - Inactive Ash Basins Figure ES-2 Plan View Conceptual Site Model - Active Ash Basin Figure ES-3 Cross -Section View Conceptual Site Model - Inactive Ash Basins - Current Conditions Figure ES-4 Cross -Section View Conceptual Site Model - Active Ash Basin - Current Conditions Figure ES-5 Cross Section View - Inactive and Active Ash Basins- Current Conditions Figure ES-6 Cross Section View Post Excavation- Inactive Ash Basins- Source Removal Figure ES-7 Cross Section View Post Excavation- Active Ash Basins- Source Removal Figure ES-8 Cross Section View - Inactive and Active Ash Basins- Source Removal 1.0 Introduction Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 1-2a Site Layout Map - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 1-2b Site Layout Map - Active Ash Basin Figure 1-3 Geology Map Figure 1-4a Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 1-4b Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey - Active Ash Basin 2.0 Extent of 2L and 2B Exceedances Figure 2-1a Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 2-1b Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 2-2a Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Surface Water - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 2-2b Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Surface Water - Active Ash Basin Figure 2-3a Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Soils - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 2-3b Areas of Exceedances of Comparative Values in Soils - Active Ash Basin Page iv P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 3.0 Site Conceptual Model Figure 3-1a Surficial Water Level Map- Inactive Ash Basin Figure 3-1b Surficial Water Level Map- Active Ash Basin Figure 3-2a Deep Water Level Map- Inactive Ash Basin Figure 3-2b Deep Water Level Map- Active Ash Basin Figure 3-3 Potential Gradient Between Shallow and Deep Zones Figure 3-4 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Ash Pore Water - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-5 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Ash Pore Water - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-6 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Surficial Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-7 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Surficial Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-8 Isoconcentration Maps - DO In Surficial Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-9 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Surficial Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-10 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Surficial Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-11 Isoconcentration Maps - DO In Surficial Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-12 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Black Creek Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-13 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Black Creek Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-14 Isoconcentration Maps - DO In Black Creek Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-15 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Cape Fear Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-16 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Cape Fear Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-17 Isoconcentration Maps - DO In Cape Fear Groundwater - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-18 Isoconcentration Maps - Eh In Cape Fear Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-19 Isoconcentration Maps - pH In Cape Fear Groundwater - Active Ash Basin Figure 3-20 Isoconcentration Maps - DO In Cape Fear Groundwater - Active Ash Basins Page v P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Figure 3-21a Time vs Boron Concentration Graphs - Inactive Ash Basins Figure 3-21b Time vs Boron Concentration Graphs - Active Ash Basins 4.0 Modeling Figure 4-1 Computed vs Observed Values Figure 4-2 Conceptual Figure Illustrating Groundwater Discharge SynTerra Page vi P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex LIST OF TABLES 1.0 Introduction Table 1-1 Ash Pore Water Exceedances Table 1-2 Groundwater Analytical Results Table 1-3 Groundwater Exceedances 2.0 Extent of 21, and 2B Exceedances Table 2-1 Provisional Background Soil Concentrations Table 2-2a Provisional Background Surficial Groundwater Values Table 2-2b Provisional Background Cape Fear Groundwater Values Table 2-3 Provisional Background Surface Water Concentrations Table 2-4 Provisional Background Sediment Concentrations Table 2-5 Soil Exceedances Table 2-6 Black Creek Unit Groundwater Exceedances Table 2-7 Surficial Unit Groundwater Exceedances Table 2-8 Cape Fear Unit Groundwater Exceedances Table 2-9 Surface Water and Seep Exceedances Table 2-10 Sediment Exceedances 3.0 Site Conceptual Model Table 3-1 Vertical Hydraulic Conductivities of Undisturbed Soil Table 3-2 In -situ Hydraulic Conductivities Table 3-3 Horizontal Groundwater Gradients and Flow Velocities Table 3-4 Potential Gradients between Shallow and Deep Zones Table 3-5 0.10 Micron Sample Results 4.0 Modeling SynTerra Table 4-1 Summary of Distribution Coefficients Table 4-2 Water Supply Wells in Close Proximity to Inactive Ash Basins Table 4-3 Summary of the Neuse River Water Quality Upgradient and Downgradient of Ash Basins Page vii P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Duke Energy Background Private Well Sampling Appendix B Laboratory Results - 0.1 Micron Filtered Groundwater Appendix C Site Sorption Report Appendix D Geochemical Modeling Report Appendix E Groundwater Modeling Report SynTerra Page viii P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex 1.0 INTRODUCTION SynTerra Duke Energy Progress, LLC. (Duke Energy) owns and operates the H.F. Lee Energy Complex (Lee Plant) located at 1199 Black Jack Church Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina. The property encompasses approximately 2,100 acres, including the approximately 314-acre ash basins (171-acre inactive ash basins and 143-acre active ash basin). The management areas contain approximately 5,970,000 tons of ash (https://www.duke-energy.com/pdfs/duke-energy-ash-metrics.pdf, accessed on July 17, 2015). The property includes the cooling pond (Quaker Neck Lake), located to the east of the plant operations area. The Neuse River flows through the property as shown on Figure 1-1. The North Carolina Coal Ash Management Act ( NC CAMA) directs owners of coal combustion residuals (CCR) surface impoundments to conduct groundwater assessment, and remedial activities, if necessary. A Comprehensive Site Assessment Report (CSA) dated August 5, 2015, has been completed for the Site. The CSA was conducted to collect information necessary to understand potential impact associated with CCR management areas, the vertical and horizontal extent of potential impact, identify potential receptors and screen for potential risks to receptors. CAMA requires the preparation of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for each regulated facility within 270 days of approval of the assessment work plan (90 days within submittal of the CSA Report). Duke Energy and NCDEQ mutually agreed to a two part CAP submittal, with Part 1 being submitted within the original due date and Part 2 being submitted 90 days thereafter. Based on the findings of the CSA report and the requirements of CAMA, this CAP Part 1 presents a synopsis of the CSA and provides further understanding of groundwater exceedances identified. The CAP Part 1 also presents results of groundwater flow, groundwater -surface water interaction, and fate and transport modeling, which will support an evaluation of potential remedial alternatives and the recommended remedial approach to be provided in the CAP Part 2. 1.1 Site History and Overview The Lee Plant began operation in 1951. From 1967 through 1971 four oil -fueled combustion turbine units were added. In 2000 five simple -cycle duel fuel (oil and natural gas) units were built. Three coal-fired units were retired in September 2012, followed by the four oil -fueled combustion turbine units in October 2012. The new combined -cycle plant was brought on line in 2012. Coal ash has been managed in the Plant's on -site ash basins, which include three inactive ash basins located to the west of the plant operations area, an active ash basin Page 1-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra and a Lay of Land Area (LOLA) northeast of the operations area (Figures 1-2a and 1- 2b). The ash basins and the LOLA comprise the ash management areas. Discharges from the active ash basin are permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) formerly known as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Duke Energy has performed voluntary groundwater monitoring around the active ash basin from July 2007 until April 2010. The voluntary groundwater monitoring wells were sampled two times each year and the analytical results were submitted to NCDEQ. Groundwater monitoring as required by the NPDES permit began in October 2010 for the active basin and in October 2011 for the inactive basins. The system of compliance groundwater monitoring wells required for the NPDES permit is sampled three times a year and the analytical results are submitted to the NCDEQ. The compliance groundwater monitoring is performed in addition to the normal NPDES monitoring of the discharge flows. Concentrations of boron, iron, manganese and pH in excess of North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) Title 15A, Subchapter 02L.0202 groundwater quality standards (2L) or the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMAC) established by NCDEQ pursuant to 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c)1 have been measured in groundwater samples collected at the inactive basin compliance monitoring wells. Concentrations of arsenic, boron, iron, manganese and pH in excess of 2L are routinely detected in monitoring wells at the active basin. Duke Energy recommended in June 2015 that the basins be fully excavated with the material safely recycled into a lined structural fill (https://www.duke- energy.com/pdfs/SafeBasinClosureUpdate_HFLee.pdf), accessed on July 29, 2015). 1.2 Purpose of Corrective Action Plan The final CAP (Parts 1 and 2) are designed to describe means to restore groundwater quality to the level of the standards, or as closely thereto as is economically and technologically feasible in accordance with T15A NCAC 02L .0106. Exceedances of numerical values contained in Subchapter 2L and Appendix 1 Subchapter 02L (IMACs) at or beyond the compliance boundary will be the basis for corrective action with the exception of parameters for which naturally occurring background concentrations are 1 Appendix #1 Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations, lists IMACs. See http://portal.ncdenr. org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=2380a642-Of7e-42e2-8e59- 1c32087724af&groupld=38364 Page 1-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra greater than the standards. The purpose of the CAP Part 1 is to clarify what constituent concentrations the owner asserts are background at this time, herein referred to as provisional background. The CAP Part 1 also provides the modeling data to understand flow direction, simulations of the ash basin removal and effects on groundwater. This CAP contains a synopsis of the CSA report dated August 5, 2015, the results of predictive groundwater models, and an evaluation of potential corrective actions in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L Implementation Guidance dated December 6, 1995 for the constituents that exceed these standards. 1.3 Regulatory Background In a Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) letter dated August 13, 2014, NCDEQ requested that Duke Energy prepare a Proposed Groundwater Assessment Work Plan (GAP or Work Plan) to conduct a CSA in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0106(g) to address groundwater constituent concentrations detected above Title 15, Subchapter 2L Groundwater Classification and Standards (2L or 2L Standards) at the compliance boundary. 1.3.1 T15A NCAC 02L .0106 — Corrective Action Requirements Groundwater corrective action is addressed in T15A NCAC 02L.0106. "... where groundwater quality has been degraded, the goal of any required corrective action shall be restoration to the level of the standards, or as closely thereto as is economically and technologically feasible." The specific requirements are as follows: f. Corrective action required following discovery of the unauthorized release of a contaminant to the surface or subsurface of the land, and prior to or concurrent with the assessment required in Paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Rule, shall include, but is not limited to: (1) Prevention of fire, explosion or the spread of noxious fumes; (2) Abatement, containment or control of the migration of contaminants; (3) Removal, treatment or control of any primary pollution source such as buried waste, waste stockpiles or surficial accumulations of free products; (4) Removal, treatment or control of secondary pollution sources which would be potential continuing sources of pollutants to the groundwaters such as Page 1-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra contaminated soils and non -aqueous phase liquids. Contaminated soils which threaten the quality of groundwaters must be treated, contained or disposed of in accordance with applicable rules. The treatment or disposal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in a manner that will not result in a violation of standards or North Carolina Hazardous Waste Management rules. The rule additionally delineates the following requirements for CAPS: h. Corrective action plans for restoration of groundwater quality, submitted pursuant to Paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Rule shall include: (1) A description of the proposed corrective action and reasons for its selection. (2) Specific plans, including engineering details where applicable for restoring groundwater quality. (3) A schedule for the implementation and operation of the proposed plan. (4) A monitoring plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed corrective action and the movement of the contaminant plume. 1.3.2 Coal Ash Management Act Requirements The Coal Ash Management Act (CAMA) 2014 — General Assembly of North Carolina Senate Bill 729 Ratified Bill (Session 2013) (SB 729) revised North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.209 and imposed additional requirements regarding corrective action at the Site. In regards to this CAP, Section §130A-309.209 of the CAMA ruling specifies groundwater assessment and corrective actions, drinking water supply well surveys and provisions of alternate water supply, and reporting requirements as follows: b. Corrective Action for the Restoration of Groundwater Quality. - The owner of a coal combustion residuals surface impoundment shall implement corrective action for the restoration of groundwater quality as provided in this subsection. The requirements for corrective action for the restoration of groundwater quality set out in the subsection are in addition to any other corrective action for the restoration of groundwater quality requirements applicable to the owners of coal combustion residuals surface impoundments. Page 1-4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra (1) No later than 90 days from submission of the Groundwater Assessment Report required by subsection (a) of this section, or a time frame otherwise approved by the Department not to exceed 180 days from submission of the Groundwater Assessment Report, the owner of the coal combustion residuals surface impoundment shall submit a proposed Groundwater Corrective Action Plan to the Department for its review and approval. The Groundwater Corrective Action Plan shall provide restoration of groundwater in conformance with the requirements of Subchapter L of Chapter 2 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code. The Groundwater Corrective Action Plan shall include, at a minimum, all of the following: • A description of all exceedances of the groundwater quality standards, including any exceedances that the owner asserts are the result of natural background conditions. • A description of the methods for restoring groundwater in conformance with requirements of Subchapter L of Chapter 2 of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code and a detailed explanation of the reasons for selecting these methods. • Specific plans, including engineering details, for restoring groundwater quality. • A schedule for implementation of the Plan. • A monitoring plan for evaluating effectiveness of the proposed corrective action and detecting movement of any contaminant plumes. • Any other information related to groundwater assessment required by the Department. (2) The Department shall approve the Groundwater Corrective Action Plan if it determines that the Plan complies with the requirements of this subsection and will be sufficient to protect public health, safety, and welfare, the environment, and natural resources. (3) No later than 30 days from the approval of the Groundwater Corrective Action Plan, the owner shall begin implementation of the Plan in accordance with the Plan's schedule. Page 1-5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 1.3.3 Regulatory Standards for the Site Media Groundwater samples are compared to North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards found in the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02L.0202 (2L or 2L Standards) or the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMAC) established by NCDEQ pursuant to 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). The IMACs were issued in 2010, 2011, and 2012, however DEQ has not established a 2L for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs noted in this report are for reference only. Surface water sample analytical results are compared to the appropriate North Carolina Surface Water and Wetland Standards found in the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02B.0200 (2B or 2B standards) established by NCDEQ and USEPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. The Neuse River is classified as a surface water source for drinking water. Therefore the standards designated as 'water supply' were included for comparison. The most conservative of the two values (ecological and human health) was relied upon in the comparison tables included herein to focus evaluation of constituents in surface water for additional evaluation in the risk assessment and corrective action evaluation process. Compositional (total) soil sample analytical results were compared to NCDEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) 'new format' tables for industrial, residential and groundwater exposures (updated March 2015). Sediment sample analytical results were compared to USEPA Region 4 Ecological Screening Values (ESVs). 1.3.4 NCDEQ Requirements NCDEQ issued site specific requirements for the Site in letters dated November 4, 2014 and February 6, 2015. Specific NCDEQ requirements for the CSA and CAP attached to the February letter were modified after issuance of the letter and were finalized in June 2015. 1.3.5 NORR Requirements The NORR required Duke Energy to comply with 15A NCAC 02L .0106(g), DWR's Groundwater Modeling Policy, May 31, 2007, and various site specific requirements. 1.4 Summary of CSA Findings The CSA focused on evaluation of constituents associated with CCR, such as metals and other inorganics. NCDEQ prescribed the list of monitoring parameters to be measured Page 1-6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra at the Site. Following receipt of the data, parameters were evaluated to assess those most relevant for the Site. These parameters were determined by examining data from monitoring wells installed in ash and groundwater. When water is present below the ash surface and above the base of the basin, it is referred to as ash pore water. If a constituent concentration exceeded 2L or IMAC in ash pore water wells, it is considered a constituent that may leach from ash and migrate into the underlying soil and groundwater. Some constituents are also present in background monitoring wells and thus require careful examination to determine whether the presence and concentrations are natural (e.g., rock and soil) or the result of leaching from the ash basins, or a combination. A second potential mechanism for the presence of an ash basin to result in groundwater quality impact can be associated with the changes to natural substrate geochemistry solubilizing naturally occurring metals from soil to groundwater. This potential groundwater impact has been evaluated through geochemical analysis and modeling. The CSA determined that leaching of CCR impounded within the ash basins impacts groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the ash basins as shown on Figures ES-1 and ES-2. Constituents leached from ash into ash basin pore water at concentrations greater than 2L or IMAC include antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, thallium, TDS, and vanadium (Table 1-1). Based on the CSA and compliance monitoring results, groundwater flow is toward the Neuse River (south for the active basin, east to southeast for the inactive basins and north for the LOLA). Water within the active ash basin and inactive ash basin 1 is hydraulically higher (upgradient) than the surrounding land surface. Pore water drains through the underlying soil to the groundwater or from perimeter dams as seeps. Groundwater and seeps are the primary mechanisms for migration of ash -related constituents to the environment. Monitoring well sampling results from CSA activities are provided on Table 1-2 (CSA Groundwater Analytical Results) and Table 1-3 (Groundwater 2L Exceedances). The following conclusions are based on scientific evaluation of historical and CSA data: 01 No imminent hazard to human health has been identified as a result of constituent migration from the ash basins or LOLA. 1611 Recent groundwater assessment results are consistent with previous results from historical and routine compliance boundary monitoring well data. Page 1-7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 01 Upgradient, background monitoring wells contain naturally occurring metals at concentrations greater than 2L or IMAC. This information is used to evaluate whether concentrations in groundwater downgradient of the basins are also naturally occurring, or might be influenced by migration of constituents from the ash basins. Examples include iron, manganese and cobalt, all present in background groundwater samples at concentrations greater than 2L or IMAC. ,61P Groundwater in the surficial aquifer under the ash basins flows horizontally to the east and south and discharges into the Neuse River or Halfmile Branch. This flow direction is away from the nearest public and private water wells. The surficial aquifer groundwater discharge to surface water provides a boundary for migration. H There are no water supply wells located between the ash basins and the Neuse River. H Boron is the primary constituent in groundwater detected at concentrations greater than background concentrations and 2L. Boron is detected at concentrations greater than 2L within a three dimensional area beneath and downgradient of the ash basins in the surficial aquifer, primarily to the southeast of the active ash basin and beyond the property boundary. E10 Arsenic is also present in groundwater greater than 2L to the southeast of the active ash basin. E1P Rainwater infiltration and standing water in the active ash basin create mounding and radial flow in the immediate vicinity of the active ash basin. This would be anticipated to be the case previously, or to a lesser extent under current conditions, for the inactive ash basins. N The horizontal migration of boron and arsenic in surficial groundwater best represent the dominant flow and transport system. Downward vertical migration is restricted due to the clay and silt layers beneath the ash basins that act as confining layers over the deeper aquifers in the area. 41, Data indicate the water quality of the Neuse River has not been impacted. The results of the CSA serve to characterize the horizontal and vertical extent of ash basin constituent migration, and the groundwater gradients which facilitate development of the Site Conceptual Model (SCM) (i.e., the groundwater flow and contaminant migration model). Groundwater modeling included within this Part 1 CAP allows an evaluation of potential ash removal and other remedies in regard to restoration of groundwater quality. Page 1-8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 1.5 Site Description The Lee Plant is situated on an approximate 2,100-acre tract in a rural area west of Goldsboro, NC. The Neuse River flows through the property as shown on Figure 1-1. The river makes a large bend around the site but is generally flowing from northwest to southeast. The property includes the cooling pond (Quaker Neck Lake), located to the east of the plant operations area. The impoundment remains in service. Importantly, the Neuse River is a groundwater discharge area that effectively controls the potential impacts associated with the ash basins and the LOLA. Coal ash is no longer generated at the site. Coal ash has been managed in the Plant's on -site ash basins, which include three inactive ash basins located to the west of the plant operations area, an active ash basin and LOLA northeast of the operations area (Figures 1-2a and 1-2b). The ash basins and the LOLA comprise the ash management areas. Coal combustion residuals (CCR) produced from the combustion of coal were sluiced to the ash basins. The ash basins were developed near original ground surface with some excavation of soils. Collectively the ash basins encompass approximately 314 acres and contain approximately 5,970,000 tons of CCR (https://www.duke-energy.com/pdfs/duke- energy-ash-metrics.pdf, accessed on July 17, 2015). 1.6 Site Geology and Hydrogeology Field activities conducted as part of the CSA indicate that the lithology beneath the site generally consists of a layer of silty to clayey surficial deposits underlain by interbedded clay and sand of the Cape Fear and Black Creek Formations. The Cape Fear is present beneath surficial deposits at the inactive basins and in areas west of the active basin. The Black Creek Formation is present beneath the active basin and in areas to the east. A geologic map illustrating these relationships is included as Figure 1-3. On the west side of the site, groundwater flows to the east toward the Neuse River. Downstream from the inactive basins, the Neuse River turns from a northerly direction toward the east. Groundwater on the east side of the site flows north to south toward the river from the active ash basin area, and south to north toward the river from the LOLA. The water table occurs within a few feet of the surface to as much as 15 feet below ground surface in upland areas. Water within the active ash basin and inactive ash basin 1 is hydraulically higher (upgradient) than the surrounding land surface. This leads to groundwater flowing outward in a radial pattern from the zone of saturated ash for short distances (no more than several hundred feet) before returning to a natural flow pattern toward the Neuse Page 1-9 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra River. Groundwater and seeps are the primary mechanisms for migration of CCR constituents to the environment. Results from hydraulic gradient calculations using water levels collected from monitoring wells in June 2015 indicate that there is a potential for upward flow from deeper zones in areas along the Neuse River. Well pairs in upgradient areas tend to show a weak potential downward gradient. Field observations indicate that a confining layer at the top of the Black Creek Formation is present under the active basin and to the east. The surficial deposits and the Cape Fear Formation also mitigate vertical migration of CCR constituents. The surficial deposits include multiple clay beds that are laterally extensive in both the inactive basin and LOLA areas. The Cape Fear Formation deposits at the site consist of tightly packed silt which impedes groundwater flow. 1.7 Receptor Survey The Lee Plant lies in a rural area west of Goldsboro, NC. Properties located within a 0.5 mile radius of the Lee Plant compliance boundary are located in Wayne County, North Carolina. The surrounding property uses include residential, commercial, and agricultural. Potable water lines are present along all public roads within a 0.5 mile radius of the ash basin compliance boundaries. The surface topography slopes downward toward the Neuse River. Shallow groundwater moving beneath the ash basins discharges to the Neuse River. The Neuse River near the Site is not tidally influenced, but the river stage does respond to overland flow and groundwater flow to the river. Measurements taken at the nearby United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station 02089000 (Neuse River near Goldsboro, NC [USGS, 2013]) show that the Neuse River water level elevation has ranged between approximately 45 feet and 63 feet North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Perimeter ditches drain the toe of the dam on the north and east sides of the active ash basin. Locations of subsurface utilities in the plant area to 1,500 feet beyond the basin boundary are exhaustive and difficult to complete and map with certainty. Identification of piping near and around the ash basin was conducted by Stantec in 2014 and utilities around the Site property were also included on a 2014 topographic map by WSP. Due to the isolation of the ash basins from the plant area, subsurface utilities in the plant area are not expected to be major contaminant flow pathways. Page 1-10 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Shallow groundwater moving beneath the ash basins discharges to perimeter ditches, Halfmile Creek or the Neuse River. There are no water supply wells between the ash basins and surface water discharge features. 1.7.1 Summary of Receptor Survey Activities Surveys to identify potential receptors including public and private water supply wells (including irrigation wells and unused or abandoned wells) and surface water features within a 0.5 mile radius of the Lee Plant compliance boundary have been reported to NCDEQ (SynTerra, Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey, September 2014, and Supplement to Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey, November 2014). The first report included results of a review of publicly available data from NC Department of Environmental Health, NC OneMap GeoSpatial Portal, DWR Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) online database, county geographic information system, Environmental Data Resources, Inc. records review, the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), as well as a vehicular survey along public roads located within 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The second report included the results of water supply well survey questionnaires. 1.7.2 Summary of Receptor Survey Findings Public water lines serviced by the Fork Township Sanitary District are available to residences in the area of the site. However, private water wells are also present in the area. The water supply wells are located upgradient from the ash basins. 1.7.3 Public Water Supply Wells Public water systems in Wayne County extract groundwater from the Upper Cape Fear Aquifer according to the website at (http://www.waynewaterdistricts.com/documents/332/CCR-2014 EDITION.pdf, accessed on July 7, 2015). One public water supply well has been identified approximately 2,000 feet north (upgradient) of the inactive basins. Approximate distances for the public water wells measured from the compliance boundaries follow: *7 PWS ID 0496060, Well #not available: 2,000 feet north '410 PWS ID 0496060, Well #3: 0.9 miles south 0 PWS ID 0496060, Well #4:1.1 miles south Page 1-11 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra NCDEQ coordinated sampling of the public water supply well located 2,000 feet north of the site in May 2015 (results reported in the CSA). Results indicated that iron at 1,450 µg/L and manganese at 317 µg/L exceed the respective 2L of 300 µg/L and 50 µg/L. These concentrations are within the range observed at background monitoring wells as part of the 2015 groundwater assessment. For instance, the June 2015 sample from background monitoring well AMW-11BC contained iron at a concentration of 3,290 µg/L and manganese at a concentration of 983 µg/L. 1.7.4 Private Water Supply Wells The receptor survey indicated that no public or private drinking water wells or wellhead protection areas were located within the potential area of interest downgradient of the site. Approximately 98 wells (97 private residential wells and one public well) may be located within or in close proximity to the survey area. This includes reported wells, observed wells, and possible wells (Figures 1- 4a and 1-4b Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey). NCDEQ coordinated sampling of fourteen private water supply wells within 0.5 mile radius of the site (see CSA report for details). Based on results of the water supply well sampling, NCDEQ recommended that fourteen of the wells not be used as drinking water supplies. The recommendations were based on results for cobalt, iron, hexavalent chromium, manganese and vanadium which were above 2L. Detections of total chromium from monitoring wells in and around the ash basins have been limited. Because of the limited nature of the total chromium occurrences, hexavalent chromium analysis has not been conducted previously for site wells. It will be included in future monitoring in order to evaluate for this parameter. Groundwater modeling results included with this CAP and data collected for the CSA will be used to further evaluate whether the potential that 2L exceedances for private water wells are associated with the presence of the ash basins. 1.7.5 Potential Human Receptors An imminent hazard exists whenever it can be demonstrated that the uncontrolled release of coal ash constituents into the environment has caused serious harm to public health or the environment, or the threat of harm caused by an uncontrolled release of coal ash constituents into the environment will increase substantially before a remedial action plan can be developed. Emergency remedial measures are warranted when an imminent hazard exists. Environmental assessment and characterization of onsite environmental media Page 1-12 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra (groundwater, soil, seepage, surface water, and sediment) within and beyond the coal ash management compliance boundary (boundaries) to date has determined that potential risks to human health and the environment posed by constituents potentially attributable to historical and ongoing management of coal ash within the basin(s) do not constitute an imminent hazard. A screening level human health risk assessment was performed as a component of the CSA Report (SynTerra 2015). Preliminary human health conceptual exposure models were prepared as part of the screening level risk assessment. Each model identified the exposure media for human receptors. Human health exposure media includes potentially impacted groundwater, soil, surface water and sediments. The exposure routes associated with the potentially complete exposure pathways evaluated for the site include ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact of environmental media. Potential human receptors under the current use scenario include recreational users along with industrial workers. Potential human receptors under a hypothetical future use scenario include residents, recreational users and industrial workers. The conceptual exposure model will continue to be refined consistent with risk assessment protocol, in the Part 2 CAP. 1.7.6 Potential Ecological Receptors The Lee site is located in the Southeastern Plains ecoregion of North Carolina, further divided into the Rolling Coastal Plains ecoregion, with the Neuse River lying within the Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces ecoregion (Griffith, et al., 2002). Wetland delineation was conducted in 2015 by AMEC Foster Wheeler, which identified 15 wetland areas and two jurisdictional tributary segments based on current wetland and stream criteria established by the US Army Corps of Engineers and NC Division of Water Resources (DWR). A screening level ecological risk assessment (SLERA) was conducted, which involved investigation of areas on site with potential for exposure to ecological receptors (e.g., surface water, seeps, sediment, and soil). Samples were collected and analyzed for the purposes of characterization and comparison to established water, soil, and sediment quality criteria as published by the USEPA and/or NCDEQ. Comparison of upgradient constituent concentrations to downgradient constituent concentrations, aids in determination of areas of potential concern for ecological receptors, such as: aquatic receptors (e.g., fish, benthic invertebrates), semi -aquatic receptors (e.g., piscivorous birds, piscivorous mammals), terrestrial Page 1-13 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra receptors (e.g., terrestrial invertebrates, plants, small and large mammals, passerine birds, raptors). Results of the SLERA, analyzed in the CAP in the context of background data, indicate that many constituents that exceed screening criteria occur at naturally elevated levels in the area. There are, however, some constituents in various media that are found at greater concentrations in source areas than in background or other receiving areas, such as: arsenic, boron, manganese, and molybdenum. These constituents have the potential to pose risk to ecological receptors. These potential risks will be evaluated as part of the risk assessment in Part 2 of the CAP. Additional details regarding the screening -level risk assessment can be found in the H. F. Lee CSA report (SynTerra 2015). Page 1-14 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 2.0 BACKGROUND CONCENTRATIONS AND EXTENT OF EXCEEDANCES In accordance with CAMA, the CAP provides a description of all exceedances of groundwater quality standards, including any exceedances that Duke Energy asserts are the result of natural background concentrations. Background concentrations are considered provisional values and will be updated as more data becomes available with input from NCDEQ. This section establishes provisional background concentrations for the media of interest (soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment). Using provisional background data, the extent of potential ash basin influence can be better understood. Sample results are then compared to regulatory criteria and background concentrations in order to make risk assessment evaluations and ultimately determine areas and media where corrective action evaluation is appropriate. During the CSA, source areas were defined as the ash basins. Source characterization was conducted to identify physical and chemical properties of ash, ash basin pore water, and ash basin seeps. Analytical results for source characterization samples were compared to 2L or IMAC values, and other regulatory screening levels for the purpose of identifying constituents that may be associated with potential impacts to soil, groundwater, and surface water from the source areas. Numerous constituents are naturally occurring and present in background media and thus require examination to determine whether the concentrations downgradient of the source areas are naturally occurring or a result of influence from the source areas. 2.1 Background Concentration Determination Per 15A NCAC .0106(k), any person required to implement a CAP may propose alternate background concentrations based on site -specific conditions. Provisional background concentrations are initially used to identify areas of potential source area influence. This is intended to expand on the analysis provided in the CSA. Site -specific background locations were identified for each media (soil, sediment, surface water, and groundwater). Background locations were selected for each media based on topographic maps, groundwater elevation maps, the SCM (discussed further in Section 3), historical analytical results, results of the fate and transport model (discussed in Section 4) and input from NCDEQ. Provisional background concentrations have been developed for the parameters with reported values greater than a standard or criteria. In addition, background concentrations for constituents which provide an indication of ash basin influence but do Page 2-1 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra not have established criteria, such as strontium and specific conductance in groundwater, have also been evaluated as a basis for comparison to determine horizontal and vertical extent of migration. Monitoring wells BW-1, BGMW-09 and BGMW-10, which are screened within surficial deposits, have been used as the compliance monitoring network background locations. However, based on further evaluation including review of groundwater modeling, these locations may not represent background conditions. Similarly, monitoring wells AMW- 09BC (located near BGMW-09) and DMW-02 (located near BGMW-10), with well screens in the Cape Fear and Black Creek deposits, respectively, may not represent background conditions. Details of groundwater modeling are provided in Section 4. Therefore, provisional background concentrations are developed based upon analysis of the CSA data. Additional background data will also be developed and used for further evaluation in the CAP Part 2. Where limited background data is currently available, the highest observed background value for each parameter in each media will be considered the potential provisional background value unless the data appears to be an outlier or otherwise unrepresentative. The existing Lee database indicates that some parameters have background concentrations similar to or greater than measured values in areas potentially affected by the former ash basins. Where provisional background concentrations are greater than regulatory criteria such as 2L, 2B, or NCPSRG values, provisional background values will be the basis for establishing areas for risk assessment and corrective action evaluations. As part of the CAP Part 2, a risk assessment will be conducted to identify areas where correction action evaluations may be needed. This is done by identifying media locations affected by source areas having a concentration in excess of the appropriate standard or criteria, or the provisional background value, whichever is greater. 2.1.1 Provisional Background Soil Concentrations The soil background concentrations will primarily be used to determine if naturally occurring metals concentrations in soil may leach and lead to groundwater concentrations greater than 2L or IMAC. The data also provide an indication of whether naturally occurring soil concentrations are greater than risk - based human consumption concentrations. However, for the purpose of the groundwater corrective action plan, the soil to groundwater leaching concentration is of primary interest. Page 2-2 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Soil samples collected during installation of background monitoring wells were used to develop provisional soil background concentrations. These locations included the following: AMW-11, AMW-12, AMW-13, IMW-01, IMW-02, and IMW-03. Provisional background soil concentrations were determined as described above and summarized on Table 2-1. Provisional background soil concentrations for the parameters antimony, arsenic, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, thallium, and vanadium are greater than applicable PSRGs. Table 2-1 Provisional Background Soil Concentrations Analytical Parameter North Carolina Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals Range of Observed Concentrations Provisional Background Concentration Industrial Health Residential Health Protection of Groundwater Aluminum 100,000 15,000 NE 542 - 9 510 9,510 Antimony 94 6.2 0.9 ND > DL ND > DL Arsenic 3 0.68 5.8 1.1 - 8.5 8.5 Cobalt 70 4.6 0.9 1.4 - 47.9 47.9 Iron 100,000 11,000 150 829 - 30 600 30,600 Manganese 5,200 360 65 2.7 - 377 377 Selenium 1,200 78 2.1 0.89 - 1.4 1.4 Thallium 2.4 0.16 0.28 0.62 - 0.84' 0.84' Vanadium 1,160 78 6 3.1 - 94.8 94.8 Prepared by: CIS Notes: Checked by: DMY/EMB Highlighted values indicate the value selected for comparison All concentrations reported in milligrams per kilogram NE - Not established ND > DL = No data above detection limit BOLDED values exceed a Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal 2.1.2 Provisional Background Groundwater Concentrations Monitoring wells considered in developing the provisional background concentrations include existing NPDES compliance boundary wells, wells installed during previous groundwater investigations, and wells recently installed as part of the CSA. Page 2-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Discussion of monitoring well locations and rationale for inclusion in the background data set is included in the CSA (August, 2015). As noted in Section 2.1, several compliance well locations (BW-1, BGMW-09 and BGMW-10) have not been used to develop provisional background concentrations. In general, background locations are in upgradient areas away from the ash management areas. The historical data set was evaluated to exclude sample events associated with levels of turbidity greater than 10 NTUs. Regional Background Many of the constituents that occur in association with CCR management areas also occur naturally at elevated concentrations. A 2010 state-wide sampling study for private water supply wells conducted by DEQ (formerly DENR) indicated that arsenic, chromium, iron and manganese were detected above 21, in significant numbers of private water supply wells (North Carolina State of the Environment Report 2011, accessed on 10/30/201 at http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=3b6484c4-35dd-4139- b769-a3dc878fce59&groupld=14). Duke Energy conducted sampling of private water supply wells located between two and ten miles from the Lee Plant in 2015. The goal of this sampling was to provide a locally relevant data set beyond potential influence of the ash basins in order to determine levels of constituents observed naturally near the site. Ranges of observed concentrations from this study are generally consistent with the provisional background concentrations provided in this CAP Part 1. Detailed information as to well construction details and depths were not available. The private water supply well sampling results serve as a basis for comparison rather than a tool for background concentration development. The results are summarized in table format in Appendix A. Surficial Groundwater Selected background wells for the surficial hydrostratigraphic zone include AMW-11S, AMW-12S, AMW-13S, IMW-01S, IMW-03S and SMW-02. Provisional background surficial groundwater concentrations were determined as described above and summarized on Table 2-2a. Provisional background surficial groundwater concentrations for the parameters pH, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium are greater than the 2L or IMAC (Table 2-2a). Page 2-4 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Table 2-2a Provisional Background Surficial Groundwater Values Analytical Parameter NCAC 2L Standard or IMAC Range of Observed Concentrations Provisional Background Concentration pH 6.5-8.5 4.4 - 5.8 4.4 - 5.8 Antimony 1 ND (<1) <1 Arsenic 10 ND (<1) <1 Barium 700 16 - 338 338 Beryllium 4 ND (<1) <1 Boron 700 ND (<50) <50 Chromium 10 ND (<1) - 3.78 3.78 Cobalt 1* ND (<1) - 35.7 35.7 Iron 300 57 - 6,320 6,320 Lead 15 ND (<1) <1 Manganese 50 20 - 727 727 Selenium 20 ND (<1) - 1.14 1.14 Strontium NE 26 - 123 123 Sulfate 250,000 11400 - 25,000 25,000 Thallium 0.2* ND (<0.2) <0.2 TDS 500,000 47,000 - 210,000 210,000 Vanadium 0.3* ND (<0.3) - 6.71 6.71 SynTerra Notes: Created by: TDP Checked by: TCP Values reported in micrograms per liter for each constituent except pH, which is reported in Standard Units * Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) of the 15A NCACO2L Standard, Appendix 1, April 2013 Highlighted values indicate the value selected for comparison BOLDED values exceed 2L or IMAC NE - Not established ND - Not detected above laboratory reporting limit Cape Fear Groundwater Selected background wells for the Cape Fear hydrostratigraphic zone include AMW-11BC, AMW-12BC, AMW-13BC, IMW-01BC, IMW-02BC and IMW-03BC. Provisional background Cape Fear groundwater concentrations were determined as described above and summarized on Table 2-2b. Provisional background Cape Fear concentrations for pH, cobalt, iron, manganese and vanadium are greater than (or outside the pH range for) 2L or IMAC. Page 2-5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Table 2-2b Provisional Background Cape Fear Groundwater Values Analytical Parameter NCAC 2L Standard or IMAC Range of Observed Concentrations Provisional Background Concentration pH 6.5-8.5 6.2-8.9 6.2-8.9 Cobalt 1* ND (<1) - 2.75 2.75 Iron 300 98 - 12,600 12,600 Manganese 50 38 - 1,220 1,220 Strontium NE 29 - 151 151 TDS 500,000 86,000 - 350,000 350,000 Vanadium 0.3* ND (<0.3) - 0.962 0.962 SynTerra Notes: Created by: TDP Checked By: TCP Values reported in micrograms per liter for each constituent except pH, which is reported in Standard Units * Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) of the 15A NCACO2L Standard, Appendix 1, April 2013 Highlighted values indicate the value selected for comparison BOLDED values exceed 2L or IMAC ND - Not detected above laboratory reporting limit Black Creek Groundwater A background monitoring well screened in the Black Creek hydrostratigraphic zone has not been established. Voluntary monitoring well DMW-2 was proposed in the CSA (August 2015) as background location in the Black Creek zone. However, further evaluation and results of groundwater modeling suggest it may not be background. A location to the north of the DMW-2 location will be evaluated for installation of a replacement background well. 2.1.3 Provisional Background Surface Water Concentrations Background surface water samples were collected upstream from the inactive basins along the Neuse River, upstream from the active basin (S-10) and along two upper branches of Halfmile Creek. The upstream samples from the east (S- 14) and west fork (ISW-HMBREF) of Halfmile Creek were collected in May 2015 adjacent to the bridges on Ferry Bridge Road. Sample ASW-BG serves as a background location for the active basin and is located on a small stream that flows from an upland area into the perimeter ditch on the north side of the basin. It should be noted that NPDES outfalls upgradient in the watershed may create anthropogenic background influence. Page 2-6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Provisional background surface water concentrations were determined as described above and summarized on Table 2-3. Provisional background surface water concentrations for the parameters pH, aluminum, cobalt, iron, manganese, mercury, and vanadium are greater than applicable regulatory criteria. Additional sample events will be used to further define surface water background concentrations for the CAP Part 2. Table 2-3 Provisional Background Surface Water Concentrations Analytical Parameter Surface Water Criteria NCAC 2B / EPA NRW C Groundwater Criteria Range of Observed Concentrations Provisional Background Concentration Water Supply Human Health Ecological NCAC 2L or IMAC pH NE 5-9 6.5-9 6.5-8.5 5.7-7.3 5.7-7.3 Aluminum 6,500 8,000 87 NE 319 - 791 1,910 Antimony 5.6 640 NE 1* ND (<1) <1 Arsenic NE NE 150 NE ND (<1) <1 Arsenic (TOT) 10 10 NE 10 ND (<1) <1 Barium 1,000 200,000 NE 700 31 - 102 102 Boron NE NE NE 700 ND (<50) <50 Chromium NE NE 11** 10 ND (<1) - 1.23 1.23 Cobalt 3 4 NE 1* ND (<1) - 1.54 1.54 Iron NE NE NE 300 897 - 2,900 2,900 Lead NE NE NE 15 ND (<1) - 1.16 2.45 Manganese 50 100 NE 50 30 - 197 197 Mercury NE NE 0.012 1 1.4 - 2.24 0.00224 Molybdenum 160 2,000 NE NE ND (<1) <1 Selenium 170 4,200 5 20 ND (<1) <1 Strontium 14,000 40,000 NE NE 29 - 63 63 Sulfate 250,000 NE NE 250,000 2,400 - 15,000 15,000 Thallium 0.24 0.47 NE 0.2* ND (<0.2) <0.2 Total Dissolved Solids 500,000 NE NE 500,000 67,000 - 110,000 110,000 Vanadium NE NE NE 0.3* 0.644 - 2.02 2.02 Zinc I NE NE 36 NE ND (<5) - 17 17 Notes: Created by: TDP Checked By: TCP Values reported in micrograms per liter for each constituent except pH, which is reported in Standard Units * Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) of the 15A NCACO2L Standard, Appendix 1, April 2013 Highlighted values indicate the value selected for comparison BOLDED values exceed applicable regulatory values ND - Not detected above laboratory reporting limit NE - Not established 2.1.4 Provisional Background Sediment Concentrations Background sediment samples were collected upstream from the inactive and active basins along the Neuse River (S-10 and S-16), along two upper branches of Page 2-7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment \ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Halfmile Creek (ISW-HMBREF and S-14) and along a small stream that flows from an upland area into the perimeter ditch on the north side of the active basin (ASW-BG). Provisional sediment background concentrations were determined as described above and summarized on Table 2-5. Provisional background sediment concentrations for barium and manganese were greater than EPA Region 4 Freshwater Sediment Ecological Freshwater Screening Values. Table 2-4 Provisional Background Sediment Concentrations EPA Region 4 Provisional Analytical Ecological Range of Observed Background Parameter Screening Concentrations Concentration Values Arsenic 9.8 ND (1.5) - ND (8.2) <8.2 Barium 20 2.8 - 75.6 75.6 Cobalt 50 ND (6.1) - ND (8.2) <8.2 Iron 20,000 855 - 12,000 12,000 Manganese 460 5.2 - 575 575 Notes: Prepared by: CJS Checked By: DMY Values reported in milligrams per kilogram for each constituent Highlighted values indicate the value selected for comparison BOLDED values exceed applicable regulatory values ND - Not detected above laboratory reporting limit 2.2 Exceedances Soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater results from samples collected downgradient of the ash basins as part of the CSA and a previous investigation conducted by Geosyntec Consultants were used to evaluate the distribution of constituents and assess the areas of potential influence. A risk assessment conducted as part of the CAP Part 2 will be used to further assess potential corrective action evaluation. Of the constituents that exceed an applicable regulatory value or provisional background concentration, boron, pH, sulfate, and TDS are detection monitoring constituents listed in 40 CFR 257 Appendix III of the USEPA's Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities (CCR Rule). The USEPA considers these constituents to be indicators of groundwater contamination from CCR as they move rapidly through the surface layer, relative to other constituents, and thus provide an early detection of whether Page 2-8 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra contaminants are migrating from the CCR unit. Additional details regarding the CCR Rule and applicable constituents can be found in the CSA report (SynTerra 2015). Tables 2-5 through 2-10 compare sample analytical results to regulatory criteria and background values. Sample locations are shown on Figures 1-2a and 1-2b. 2.2.1 Soil The following describes the observed exceedances in downgradient area soils compared to the greater of regulatory screening levels or provisional background concentration. Inactive Basins The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated sampling locations at the inactive basins above the greater of either the PSRG for the protection of groundwater or the provisional background concentration. 47 Aluminum - IABMW-1, IABMW-2 and IABMW-3 E1 Arsenic - PZ-04 and PZ-07 10 Manganese - DMW-3 161 Selenium - PZ-04 and PZ-07 ,61 Thallium - PZ-04 and PZ-07 The locations are shown on Figure 2-3a. Active Basins The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated sampling locations at the active basin above the greater of either the PSRG for the protection of groundwater or the provisional background concentration. ,01 Antimony - PZ-02 ,61 Arsenic - ABMW-01 and PZ-02 101 Manganese - AMW-04 and PW-01 161 Selenium - ABMW-01, AMW-06R and PZ-02 161 Thallium - PZ-02 The locations are shown on Figure 2-3b. Page 2-9 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra LOLA The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated sampling locations at the LOLA above the greater of either the PSRG for the protection of groundwater or the provisional background concentration. y Aluminum - LLMW-01 and LLMW-02 1611 Manganese - LLMW-02 The locations are shown on Figure 2-3b Constituent concentrations of soils beneath the ash basins tend to be higher for aluminum, arsenic and selenium compared to background soil concentrations. Two out of four soil borings with exceedances of provisional background for manganese (AMW-04 and DMW-03) are located between the ash basins and the Neuse river bank. Both locations are within the compliance boundaries and therefore are not identified as background locations. However, the relatively high manganese concentrations in soil (even when compared to most soil samples from beneath the basins), may be a result of conditions associated with proximity to the river rather than proximity to the ash basins. 2.2.2 Groundwater Where groundwater data indicate that a constituent exceeds the greater of an applicable regulatory value or the provisional background concentration, the area is interpreted to be influenced by the presence of the source areas. Inactive Basins - Surficial Areas where current or historical data suggest influence for surficial zone groundwater in the vicinity of the inactive basins are illustrated on Figure 2-1a. The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated monitoring well screened within surficial deposits at the inactive basins above 2L and the provisional background concentration (Table 2-7). 01 Antimony - PZ-05 and PZ-08 01 Arsenic - PZ-05, PZ-06, PZ-07 and PZ-08 10 Boron - BW-01, CW-03, IABMW-02S, PZ-04, PZ-05 and PZ-08 01 Chromium - CW-01 41, Cobalt - IABMW-02S and SMW-03 Page 2-10 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 47 Iron - BW-01, CW-01, CW-02, CW-03, CW-04, IABMW-01S, IABMW-02S, IABMW-03S, PZ-04, PZ-05, PZ-06, PZ-07, SMW-03, SMW-04, and SMW-05 0 Lead - CW-01 ,67 Manganese - BW-01, CW-03, CW-04, IABMW-01S, IABMW-02S, IABMW-03S, PZ-05, SMW-03 and SMW-05 `7 Selenium - BW-01 ,67 Sulfate - PZ-05 and PZ-08 0 Thallium - PZ-04, PZ-05 and PZ-06 t7 TDS - CW-01, IABMW-02S, PZ-04, PZ-05 and PZ-08 All monitoring well locations listed above are either in the footprint of the inactive basins or within the compliance boundary. Inactive Basins - Cape Fear Only one downgradient monitoring well, DMW-03, is screened within Cape Fear deposits. Groundwater samples from DMW-03 historically exceed 2L and provisional background concentrations for cobalt, iron and manganese (Table 2- 8). Monitoring well DMW-03 is located within the compliance boundary between the inactive basins and the Neuse River. Active Basins - Surficial Areas where current or historical data indicate influence for surficial zone groundwater in the vicinity of the active basins are illustrated conceptually on Figure 2-1b. The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated monitoring wells which are screened within surficial deposits at the active basin above 2L and/or the provisional background concentration. y Arsenic - ABMW-01S, CMW-06, CMW-06R, CMW-10 (one sample from December 2010), MW-01 and MW-03 y Boron - ABMW-01S, CMW-05, CMW-06, CMW-06R, CMW-08, MW-01, MW- 02 and MW-03 y Chromium - CMW-10, MW-01, and MW-04 Page 2-11 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 41, Iron - ABMW-01S, AMW-14S, BGMW-10, CMW-06, CMW-06R, CMW-07, CMW-10, MW-01, MW-02, MW-03 and MW-04 y Lead - MW-01, MW-03 and MW-04 01 Manganese - ABMW-01S, CMW-06, CMW-08, CMW-10, MW-02, MW-03, and MW-04 ,67 Thallium - MW-01 and MW-04 ,67 TDS - ABMW-015, MW-01 and MW-03 Monitoring well BGMW-10 is included for exceedances of the iron provisional background, however iron concentrations at those levels have not been observed in this well since October 2013. All other monitoring well locations listed above are either in the footprint of the active basin or within the compliance boundary. Active Basin - Cape Fear Monitoring well AMW-09BC is screened within Cape Fear deposits. It was installed as part of CSA activities in 2015 and was proposed as a background location. However, it has since been removed from the background list due to results of groundwater modeling reported in Section 4 suggest it may not reflect background conditions. It was sampled in March and June 2015. The March 2015 sample exceeded 2L for TDS. The June 2015 TDS concentration was below 2L. Active Basins - Black Creek Areas where current or historical data indicate influence for groundwater occurring in the Black Creek deposits in the vicinity of the active basins are illustrated conceptually on Figure 2-1b. One well, DMW-02, was considered as a background well for Black Creek deposits. However, groundwater modeling results reported in Section 4 indicate that the DMW-02 location may be influenced by CCR constituents from the active basin. Therefore, provisional background concentrations have not been determined for Black Creek data. Until a background well is established, 2L will continue to be used for comparison purposes (Table 2-6). The following CCR constituents were present above 2L at the indicated monitoring wells which are screened within the Black Creek deposits. 10 Cobalt - CTMW-01 Page 2-12 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra E1, Iron - AMW-06RBC, AMW-14BC, AMW-15BC, CTMW-01, DMW-01 and DMW-02 Manganese - AMW-06RBC, AMW-1413C, AMW-1513C, CTMW-01, DMW-01 and DMW-02 Thallium - AMW-14BC Vanadium - AMW-06RBC, AMW-15BC and DMW-02 All monitoring wells listed above are located in areas east of the active basin. A background well for the Black Creek Formation will be installed northeast of DMW-02 outside of the area identified by groundwater modeling as potentially influenced by the presence of the active basin. LOLA - Surficial Areas where current or historical data indicate influence for surficial zone groundwater in the vicinity of the LOLA are illustrated conceptually on Figure 2- 1b. The following CCR constituents were present at the indicated monitoring wells which are screened within surficial deposits at the LOLA above 2L and/or the provisional background concentration (Table 2-7). ,61, Arsenic - LLMW-02S y Barium - LLMW-02S % Iron - LLMW-02S `1, Manganese - LLMW-01S and LLMW-02S 01 Thallium - LLMW-01S Monitoring wells LLMW-01S and LLMW-02 are within the footprint of the LOLA. 2.2.3 Surface Water Where surface water or spring data indicate that a constituent exceeds the greater of an applicable regulatory value or provisional background concentration, the risk assessment will be used to further evaluate the area. These areas are discussed below. Inactive Basins Two branches (west and east) of Halfmile Creek join just north of the inactive basins. Halfmile Creek bisects the inactive basin area and then flows into the Page 2-13 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Neuse River. One sample location downstream of the basins and upstream of the Neuse (S-15) was sampled in August 2014 and May 2015. A low-lying area (S-18) near the Neuse River is present at the inactive basins. Samples from these surface water features have been compared to 2B and provisional background concentrations (Table 2-9). The following CCR constituents were present in surface water or spring samples above 2B and the provisional background concentration as shown on Figure 2-2a. [0 Aluminum - S-17 and S-18 ,67 Arsenic - S-18 10 Boron - S-18 161P Chromium - S-18 47 Cobalt - S-15 161P Iron - S-15, S-17, and S-18 ,61P Lead - 5-18 47 Manganese - S-17 and S-18 y Mercury - S-18 The S-18 sample location is in a low-lying, swampy area between inactive basin 2 and the Neuse River. Based on review of historical topographic maps, this area was likely part of the Halfmile Creek drainage before it was re-routed as part of construction of the inactive basins. Depending upon the season and recent precipitation, the feature may consist of a small area of standing water or may provide limited flow into the Neuse River. Page 2-14 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Active Basins A small stream flows from an upland area north of the active basin and joins a system of perimeter ditches that ring the basin. The ditches discharge to the Neuse River at a location west of the basin and at a location east of the basin. Seasonally, water flows from swampy areas northeast of the basin and joins the ditch system on the east. Additionally, a number of springs are located in the area between the south side of the basin and the Neuse River. The springs flow for a short distance, normally less than 100 feet, into the Neuse River. Samples from these surface water features have been compared to 2B and provisional background concentrations (Table 2-9). The following CCR constituents were present in surface water or spring samples above 2B and the provisional background concentration as shown on Figure 2-2b. Aluminum - S-22, S-24A and S-26 �? Arsenic - S-22, S-23, S-24, S-24A, S-25, S-26, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-07 and S-09 167 Barium - S-22 and S-24A `7 Boron - S-22, S-23, S-24, S-24A, S-25, S-26, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-07 and S-09 E7 Chromium - S-22 167 Cobalt - S-24 167 Iron - S-20, S-21, S-22, S-23, S-24, S-24A, S-25, S-26, S-01, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-06, S-07 and S-09 E7 Lead - S-22 E7 Manganese - S-20, S-22, S-23, S-24, S-24A, S-25, S-26, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-07, S- 09 and S-21 01 Mercury - S-23 01 Molybdenum - S-07 17 Sulfate - S-22 17 Thallium - S-04 and S-09 167 TDS - S-22, S-26, S-02 and S-03 ,61 Vanadium - ASW-NR01, S-03A, and S-06 161 Zinc - S-01 Page 2-15 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra The surface water and spring sample locations listed above are located within the compliance boundary of the active basin. A number of samples are from different locations along the same water feature. For example, S-02, S-03 and S-03A are samples at different locations along one perimeter ditch. Based on groundwater modeling results, upon removal of the ash within the basin and re -grading of the basin to drain, both volume of flow and CCR constituent impact to these waters is expected to diminish. LOLA Ponded water collects in the east side of the LOLA. This surface water was sampled in March and August 2015. A limited number of springs are also present between the LOLA and the Neuse River (Table 2-9). The following CCR constituents were present in surface water or spring samples above 2B and the provisional background concentration (Figure 2-2b). 101 Aluminum - LOLAS -01A and LOLAS-01B y Arsenic - LOLAS-01A and LOLAS-01B �� Chromium - LOLAS-SW-01 y Iron - LOLAS-01A and LOLAS-01B 47 Manganese - LOLAS -01, LOLAS-01A, LOLAS-01B and LOLAS-SW-01 ,61P Mercury - LOLAS-01B 01 Vanadium - LOLAS-01 The ponded water inside the LOLA area is not expected to remain after ash removal. With removal of the ash from the area, both volume of flow and CCR constituent impact to the springs is expected to diminish. 2.2.4 Sediment Where sediment data indicate that a constituent exceeds an applicable regulatory value or a site -specific background maximum concentration, then risk assessment and corrective action evaluation will be considered in the CAP Part 2. These areas are indicated below. Inactive Basins Sediment was collected from the Halfmile Creek streambed at the S-15 sample location. No exceedances of EPA RSLs were observed. Active Basins Page 2-16 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Stream sediment was collected at selected representative locations at surface water features around the active basin. Exceedances of screening and background values are summarized in Table 2-10. Regulatory exceedances are summarized below. ,61P Arsenic - S-03A, S-04, and S-24 10 Barium - S-24 0 Cobalt - S-04 ,61P Iron - S-24 0 Manganese - S-03A Sediment exceedances associated with the active basin will be evaluated as part of the risk assessment to be provided in the CAP Part 2. LOLA Due to the lack of streams, no sediment samples have been collected from the LOLA. 2.3 Initial and Interim Response Actions 2.3.1 Source Control Duke Energy recommended in June 2015 that the basins be fully excavated with the material safely recycled into a lined structural fill. Coal ash from the Lee plant under that recommendation would be beneficially reused as structural fill material at the former Colon clay mine in Lee County, NC. 2.3.2 Groundwater Response Actions Based on the CSA results and analysis of provisional background concentrations, CCR constituent impact is present beyond the compliance boundary at the east side of the active basin. There are no water supply wells in the area between the east side of the active basin and the Neuse River. The area is heavily forested, low-lying and is mapped as wetlands. CCR constituent impact will be evaluated as part of the risk assessment. Strategies such as groundwater extraction wells or installation of an interceptor trench are anticipated to be evaluated with the CAP Part 2. Page 2-17 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex 3.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL SynTerra The site conceptual model (SCM) is an interpretation of processes and characteristics associated with hydrogeologic conditions and constituent interactions at the Lee Plant site. The purpose of this SCM is to evaluate areal distribution of constituents with regard to site -specific geological/ hydrogeological and geochemical properties at the Lee site. The SCM was developed using data and analysis from the CSA and fate and transport modeling, and based on discussions between Duke Energy and NCDEQ. Additional discussion of the models is provided later in this report following a discussion of modeling results. 3.1 Site Geology Figures ES-3 through ES-8 show conceptual cross sections through the active and inactive basins at current conditions and after site closure. The sections show the key hydrostratigraphic units, direction of groundwater flow, and area of groundwater exceedances for boron. Clay and/or silt beds are present at multiple levels beneath the site. Portions of the surficial aquifer, especially on the west side of the site, include plastic clay beds that vary in thickness from one to approximately 9 feet thick. The Black Creek Formation is present on the east side (active basin area) of the site. The uppermost part of the Black Creek Formation is a thick (approximately 25 feet) clay unit that serves as the Black Creek confining unit. The Cape Fear Formation is the deepest unconsolidated geologic unit in the area. It is present immediately beneath surficial deposits on the west side of the site (inactive basins), and is inferred to be present beneath the Black Creek Formation to the east (active basin). Observations from multiple soil borings at the site indicate that the Cape Fear sediments are clay and silt -rich. Generally, where sands or gravels are present in the Cape Fear, they occur in a fine-grained matrix which effectively lowers the hydraulic conductivity. The geology of each basin area is summarized below. Inactive Basins In the inactive basin area, surficial deposits are generally underlain by the Cape Fear formation which consists of red to white to yellow silts and clays. Often the Cape Fear sediment may appear only slightly damp to nearly dry in core samples below the groundwater table. Cape Fear sediment fabrics are variable. They range from massive, with little to no apparent layering, to finely laminated at a millimeter or centimeter scale. They may also occur with laminations oriented at irregular angles and/or as apparently nodular or concentric. Page 3-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Moderately indurated claystone clasts that range in size from 1 to 3 centimeters are commonly disseminated throughout the Cape Fear sediments and may occur as distinct layers usually in clay. Surficial deposits contain more clay at shallow depths in the inactive basin area than to the east on the active basin side of the site. For instance, surficial deposit clays ranging from 5 to 8 feet thick are present immediately beneath ash in the inactive basins (IABMW-1, IABMW-2 and IABMW-3). Due to the shallow occurrence of metamorphic rock as evidenced by outcrops of slate on the inactive side of the site, surficial deposits may directly overlie metamorphic rock in some areas. Active Basin Surficial deposits also overlie the Cape Fear Formation to the west of the active basin (AMW-04BC, AMW-913C, AMW-1113C, AMW-12BC, and AMW-13BC). The transition normally includes a change in sedimentary fabric. The surficial deposits are more often massively bedded, whereas Cape Fear sediments commonly exhibit irregular laminated bedding often incorporating claystone clasts. Similar to the inactive ash basin area, Cape Fear sediments generally occur as clays and silts or as sands in a clayey to silty matrix. They are often moderately consolidated; though do not appear to be cemented. Fresh core samples may appear only slightly damp to nearly dry upon inspection. Coarser material is present at times, but is usually encased in a matrix of clay and silt that might lower the effective hydraulic conductivity. Minor lenses of sand occur at various levels, especially towards the base of the formation as noted in boring logs for AMW-11 and AMW-9. Winner and Coble (1996) noted that sands of the Cape Fear Formation are poorly sorted and possess a clay matrix in most areas of the Inner Coastal Plain. From the active basin toward the east, the Black Creek Formation, underlies the surficial deposits. The formation exhibits a distinct clay layer at the top that grades with depth to a succession of clayey to silty sands interbedded with clays. The distinct clay layer at the top of the Black Creek ranges from 15 to 25 feet. It is a generally plastic, gray to dark gray to black, clay that contains varying amounts of sand and silt. This clay bed is interpreted as the Black Creek confining unit. The middle to lower portions of the clay are colored dark with carbonaceous organic matter and lignitic wood. According to Lautier (2001) clay beds in the lower part of the Yorktown Formation of Miocene age may be incorporated into Page 3-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra the Black Creek confining unit in northern Wayne County. However, due to the absence of shell material, which is prevalent in the Yorktown, and the presence of features common to the Black Creek Formation the clay unit is considered part of the Black Creek Formation. In borings on the east side of the active ash basin (AMW-6RBC, AMW-14BC, AMW-15BC), the distinctive clay unit is underlain by interbedded, carbonaceous clays and sands identified as Black Creek Formation. The contact between the Black Creek Formation and underlying Cape Fear Formation was not observed in borings at the active basin. LOLA Three borings were conducted in ash (LLMW-1, LLMW-2 and LLMW-3 and two borings (LLMW-1S and LLMW-2S) were conducted to a shallow level (-25 feet) beneath ash at the LOLA. Observations from these borings indicate that the ash is underlain by a clay layer with sandy interbeds that ranges from 8 to 9 feet thick. It is interpreted as alluvium and part of the site -wide surficial deposits. A Shelby Tube sample was collected from this portion of the surficial deposit at the LLMW-1 location from 10 to 12 feet below ground surface (bgs). Physical analysis indicated the sample consisted of 74.8 percent sand. However, the vertical hydraulic conductivity result, 9.5 x 10-8 cm/sec, indicates that the fine grained clay fraction is controlling the hydraulic conductivity. As observed in the boring for LLMW-1S, the clay bed appears to be part of a repeating alluvial sequence that consist of cobbles and gravel at the base, fining upward to sands and then clay. 3.2 Site Hydrogeology The ash basins, surficial deposits, the Black Creek and the Cape Fear deposits make up distinct hydrogeologic layers at the Lee site. The initial zone of saturation beyond the limits of the ash basins occurs in surficial alluvial sediments. Groundwater level maps for surficial and deep zones at the inactive and active basins are provided as Figures 3- 1a through 3-2b. The saturated portion of the ash basins is superimposed on this unit. Observations from the CSA indicate a distinct confining layer up to 25 feet thick, attributed to the Black Creek Formation, beneath the active ash basin. However, our interpretation is that this confining layer merges to the west with confining zones in the upper portion of the Cape Fear Formation. The surficial deposits also include clay beds up to 6 feet thick that likely act to impede vertical migration of constituents associated with the ash basins. Page 3-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Inactive Basins SynTerra The Neuse River bounds the inactive basins on the east. Halfmile Branch bisects the inactive basins and is likely to receive shallow groundwater from the areas of the inactive basins along its channel. In the area of the inactive basins, the upper portion of the surficial aquifer usually consists of 4 to 8 feet of light gray to tan clay often with yellow to orange mottling. These clays may often be sandy or contain gravel. They are interpreted as alluvial deposits and often overlie layers of fine to medium to coarse sands which may contain coarse, angular to subrounded quartz gravel. The ratio of clay beds versus sandy to gravelly beds varies, but the overall thickness of the surficial deposits is generally 10 to 18 feet. The boundary between the surficial aquifer and Cape Fear Formation sediments is sharp at times (IABMW-03S) and characterized by a transition from saturated sands to tightly packed silts that may appear only damp to nearly dry in core samples. Cape Fear material is generally compact and appears to impede groundwater flow. A Shelby Tube collected at 20 to 22.5 feet in the boring for IMW-01 BC yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity result of 2.1 x 10-7 cm/sec. Active Basin Surficial deposits overlie Cape Fear sediments to the west of the active basin and Black Creek sediments underneath the active basin and to the east (Geologic Map, Figure 1-3). From the active basin toward the east, the Black Creek Formation underlies the surficial deposits. The distinct clay layer at the top of the Black Creek ranges from 15 to 25 feet. It is a generally plastic, gray to dark gray to black, clay that contains varying amounts of sand and silt. A Shelby Tube collected at 20 to 22.5 feet in the boring for AMW-06RBC yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity result of 4.2 x 10-8. In borings on the east side of the active ash basin (AMW- 6RBC, AMW-14BC, AMW-15BC), the distinctive clay unit is underlain by interbedded, carbonaceous clays and sands of the Black Creek Formation. Discontinuous bedrock outcrops are located in the vicinity of the site along Beaverdam Creek and along the Neuse River between the inactive and active ash basin areas. Observations to date indicate that surficial deposits and the underlying Cretaceous sediments are the predominant hydrogeologic units at the Page 3-4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra site. Bedrock is not expected to play a significant role in the SCM or groundwater modeling for the site. 3.3 Confining Layers The surficial, the Black Creek and the Cape Fear aquifers as observed during soil boring activities for the groundwater assessment all include layers that impede the vertical migration of contaminants. Surficial deposits underlying the Lee Plant consist of discontinuous layers of clay, clayey sand and sands. The clay layers are laterally extensive at times especially in the area of the inactive basins and the LOLA. They were often observed to be between 4 to 8 feet thick. A sample analyzed from surficial deposit clay underlying the LOLA at LLMW-1S yielded a hydraulic conductivity of 9.5 x 10-8 cm/sec. A regionally extensive confining unit, the Black Creek confining unit, was identified underlying the active basin and areas to the east. As measured from soil borings, the Black Creek confining layer ranges from 15 to 25 feet thick at the site. Cardinell and Howe (1997) indicate the Black Creek confining unit averages 16 feet in thickness across Wayne County. Analysis of a Shelby Tube sample collected from the Black Creek (AMW-06RBC) at 20 to 22.5 feet bgs yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity of 4.2 x 10-8 cm/sec. Cape Fear sediments generally occur as clays and silts, or as sands in a clayey to silty matrix. Other than a thin zone (< 10 feet) of sand just above the contact with bedrock, tightly packed silts are the dominant lithology observed in Cape Fear sediments. A Shelby Tube collected in Cape Fear sediment at 20 to 22.5 feet in the boring for IMW-01 BC yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity of 2.1 x 10-7 cm/sec. The Cape Fear Formation as observed at the site ranged from approximately 33 feet thick (AMW-11BC) to greater than 82 feet (IMW-02BC). 3.4 Shelby Tube Analysis As part of the 2015 CSA, Shelby Tube samples were collected at three locations in clayey intervals in order to confirm confining characteristics of hydrogeologic units at the site. A Shelby Tube collected at 20 to 22.5 feet in the boring for IMW-01 BC (Cape Fear) yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity result of 2.1 x 10-7 cm/sec (Table 3-1). A Shelby Tube collected at 20 to 22.5 feet in the boring for AMW-06RBC (Black Creek) yielded a vertical hydraulic conductivity result of 4.2 x 10-8 cm/sec. A sample analyzed from surficial deposit clay underlying the LOLA an LLMW-1S yielded a hydraulic conductivity of 9.5 x 10-8 cm/sec (Table 3-1). Page 3-5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra These data indicate that horizontal groundwater flow will predominate over downward vertical flow at the site. Accordingly, lateral migration of dissolved CCR constituents would be expected relative to vertical migration. 3.5 Site Hydrology Groundwater at Lee is typically encountered at depths of 1 to 10 feet below ground surface, depending on precipitation and topography. The surficial unconfined aquifer is the first major hydrostratigraphic unit in all areas of the Lee site. ,61P Water levels were measured in selected wells, including historical and new assessment wells, at the active and inactive basin areas over a 24-hour period in June 2015. General observations from review of the groundwater elevation data is summarized below. 101 As recognized in previous investigations and through compliance monitoring activities, groundwater flow is toward the Neuse River (south for the active basin, and east to southeast for the inactive basins and north for the LOLA). 47 Due to dike construction, grading and accumulation of ash to an elevation above the surrounding land surface, a mound in the water table has developed under the active ash basin. As a result of this mound, shallow groundwater flow is radial away from the basin. However, groundwater gradients are north to south within close proximity to the edge of the basin (no more than several hundred feet). 01 Although the water table is mounded in the active basin, the resulting radial flow from the basin returns to a natural north -south orientation with discharge to the Neuse River. 47 Evidence of mounding of groundwater is only apparent in the northwest corner of inactive basin 1. The gradient between IABMW-01S and BW-1 indicates groundwater flow from southeast to northwest. However, this gradient is expected to revert to the natural flow pattern toward the Neuse River within a short distance (no more than several hundred feet). 3.5.1 Hydraulic Conductivity In situ hydraulic conductivities for monitoring wells at the site were determined by slug test method. Surficial deposits at the site consist of a range of material from clays to coarse sands. The hydraulic conductivity for shallow wells screened in sandy material range from 2.5 x 10-2 to 4.3 x 10-5 cm/sec. Wells screened in the Black Creek Formation yielded slug test hydraulic conductivities from 4.5 x 10-3 to 9.9 x 10-4cm/sec. Hydraulic conductivities in upper to middle Page 3-6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra intervals of the Cape Fear Formation wells ranged from 4.1 x 10-6 to 1.6 x 10-6 cm/sec (Table 3-2). 3.5.2 Hydraulic Gradients Horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients were calculated for the CSA based on June 2015 groundwater levels. At the active basin horizontal hydraulic gradients range from 0.001 to 0.021 ft per ft. At the inactive basins, horizontal hydraulic gradients range from 0.005 to 0.013 ft per ft (Table 3-3). Groundwater velocities for the active basin range from 3.1 to 277-feet per year. For the inactive basins the range was from 0.4 to 158-feet per year. Potential gradients were calculated for well pairs with appropriate screened intervals in shallow and deep zones. Results indicate that there is generally upward flow from deeper zones in areas along the Neuse River. This indicates that groundwater is discharged to the river. Conversely, well pairs in upgradient areas tend to show a weak downward gradient which indicates that these are recharge zones (Table 3-4). Figure 3-3 shows a plan view of wells pairs where gradients between shallow and deep zones were calculated. The figure is color coded to indicate areas of recharge and discharge and intermediate areas. 3.5.3 Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction The Neuse River and smaller surface water bodies are present near and at the perimeters of the inactive and active basins (Figures 2-1a and 2-1b). Halfmile Creek flows from northwest to southeast to join the Neuse River on the downgradient (east) side of the inactive basins. It bisects the inactive basin area and separates inactive basins 1 and 2 from inactive basin 3. Groundwater discharges to Halfmile Creek and flows into the Neuse River. Perimeter ditches have been installed at the toe of the basin dikes along the east and north sides of the active basin. The ditches convey seepage from the bottom of the dikes, as well as surface water from areas north of the basin, to discharge points on the Neuse River west and east of the basin. Flow rates and gradients for surface water were determined as part of the CSA and used in groundwater modeling. Springs along the Neuse River south of the active basin also discharge groundwater to the river (see Figures 2-1a and 2-1b for seep locations). 3.6 Site Geochemistry This section contains geochemical information on the CCR constituents for the Lee groundwater assessment. This information provides context for the data collected to characterize the ash basin source areas and potential receptors. Page 3-7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 3.6.1 Source Characteristics The three inactive ash basins, the active ash basin and the LOLA have historically been used to manage CCR at the site. Despite one basin being referred to as the active basin, none of the areas currently receive OCRs. The three inactive basins have been inactive for several decades. Within a basin, water collects as either free liquid above the ash or below the ash surface. When present below the ash surface, it is referred to as ash pore water. Pore water drains through the underlying soil to the groundwater or from perimeter dams as seeps. Groundwater and seeps are the primary mechanisms for migration of CCR constituents to the environment. Ash pore water wells were installed in the inactive basins, the active basin and the LOLA as part of CSA activities. Review of sampling results from ash pore water wells lead to the following observations: `7 Arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium and vanadium are ubiquitous in ash pore water, though not all occurrences are above the 2L or IMAC. Provisional background concentrations greater than 2L have been determined for cobalt, iron, manganese and vanadium. 161 Sulfate is the dominant sulfur species in pore water (sulfide was less than detection levels that ranged from 0.1 µg/L to 10 µg/L). Sulfate is the predominant anion in one ash pore water sample (PZ-3). Bicarbonate is the dominant carbon species in pore water (carbonate was less than 10 µg/L in all samples) and is the predominant anion in all but one ash pore water sample. 161, Nickel was detected above the detection limit of 1 µg/L in 7 of 11 samples but none of those exceeded the 2L of 100 µg/L. 01 Chromium was detected above the detection limit of 1 µg/L but below the 2L of 10 µg/L in 1 of 11 samples. 01 Cobalt was detected above the detection limit of 1 µg/L in 7 of 11 samples, all of which exceeded the IMAC of 1 µg/L. CCR Constituents in Ash Pore Water CCR constituents identified in conjunction with the Lee ash basins include antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, thallium, TDS, and vanadium. The majority of the ash pore water samples (11 samples at 8 locations) collected from the pore water wells and piezometers exceed the Page 3-8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 2L or IMAC for arsenic, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium. Eight of the 11 samples fall within the pH 2L standard range of 6.5 to 8.5, while three samples exhibited pH from 6.0 to 6.3. Additional exceedances of a 21, or IMAC include antimony (three samples), selenium (one sample), thallium (five samples), and TDS (five samples). 3.6.2 Groundwater Groundwater sampling results evaluated in the CSA included historical and recent compliance monitoring results, two rounds of sampling from 30 new monitoring wells and a round of samples from 24 existing (non-compliance) monitoring wells and piezometers (Table 1-2). Fourteen constituents were detected in groundwater samples above a 2L or IMAC. Of the 14, cobalt, boron (1 sample, BW-1), iron, manganese, vanadium were detected in background wells. Provisional background concentrations are determined as part of the CAP Part 1 for constituents that exceed 2L. Results are discussed in Section 2.0. In addition, pH was observed outside of the 2L range of 6.5 to 8.5 in multiple background wells. Most of these wells are located on the south side of the ash basin and thus have elevated concentrations of CCR constituents as a result of groundwater moving from the active basin toward the river. Redox Conditions For the most part, shallow monitoring well screens were set in soils that exhibit oxidizing conditions such as reddish color. One well installed near a wetland area (LLMW-2) was saturated to within a few feet of the surface resulting in relatively reducing conditions. The lower Black Creek Formation and Cape Fear Formation exhibited evidence of reducing conditions that include gray color and strongly negative ORP readings in groundwater. Most wells installed in the surficial aquifer exhibited characteristics of an oxidized environment; however, a few of the surficial wells did appear to exhibit reducing conditions. Strongly reducing conditions were indicated in ABMW-01S by a negative ORP, methanogenesis, and relatively high concentrations of reduced arsenic, iron, and manganese present in speciation samples. Constituent Distribution in Groundwater Cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium were detected in monitoring wells across the site (Table 1-2). Boron, the most mobile of the CCR constituents, Page 3-9 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra is detected above 2L in wells screened below ash at the inactive and active basins, and in a limited number of wells in downgradient of the basins. Inactive Basins Exceedances of pH, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, TDS and vanadium occurred in various locations around the inactive basins. The largest number of 2L or IMAC exceedances occurred in samples from monitoring well locations CW-01, BW-01 and SMW-3. Monitoring well CW-01 is downgradient from inactive basin 3. Samples from CW-1 contained chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese and TDS at levels above 2L or IMAC. Monitoring well SMW-3 is located just north of inactive basin 2. Samples from well SMW-3 contained pH, cobalt, iron, manganese and vanadium in excess of the 2L or IMAC. Monitoring well BW-01 has historically been considered a background well. However, based on the presence of boron and the relative concentrations of iron and manganese BW-01 may be impacted by localized radial flow from the inactive ash basins. Active Basin Exceedances of 2L or IMAC for pH, arsenic, cobalt, iron, manganese and vanadium occurred in various locations around the inactive basins. Arsenic appears to have migrated limited distances horizontally to the east from the active ash basin. It has historically been detected in well CMW-6R which is screened in surficial deposits. It has not been detected in well AMW-06RBC which is located in the same area but is screened beneath the confining layer in the Black Creek deposits. Iron is detected at elevated concentrations to the west (CMW-7), south (CMW-10) and east of the active basin (AMW- 14S). LOLA For the two wells (LLMW-01S and LLMW-02S) installed in the surficial aquifer in the LOLA area, constituent concentrations tended to be higher in LLMW-02S than LLMW-01S. Exceedances of cobalt, iron, manganese, and thallium were detected in LLMW-01S and exceedances of arsenic, barium, cobalt, iron, manganese, and vanadium were reported in LLMW-02S. The detection of thallium in LLMW-01S was only slightly above the method detection limit which is equal to the 2L and was only detected in one of the two sampling events for that well. The detection of vanadium above the IMAC in LLMW-02S was only detected in one of the two sampling events. Page 3-10 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra LLMW-02S was installed to the east of LLMW-01S, which is also the direction of increasing wetness at the surface of the LOLA. Facilitated (Colloidal) Transport Facilitated transport is a phenomenon whereby a constituent may be transported in groundwater more rapidly than expected based on idealized Darcian flow and equilibrium sorptive interactions. One example of facilitated transport is constituent sorption to colloids, small solid phase particles or macromolecules (diameters less than 10 microns), and resulting transport in the aqueous phase (Huling, 1989). CSA and associated groundwater sampling activities to date have included sampling and analysis for total and dissolved metals. The dissolved fraction was determined by analysis of a sample volume passed through a filter with 0.45 micron pore size. In order to determine whether colloidal transport may be a significant factor in constituent migration, additional groundwater samples were collected from representative monitoring wells in September 2015 and passed through both a 0.45 micron filter and a 0.10 micron filter. Analytical results for this event are summarized on Table 3-5. Laboratory analytical data is provided in Appendix B. Review of the results indicates that arsenic, barium, boron, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel and strontium occur as soluble ions as evidenced by a near 100% pass through the 0.1 micron filter. Aluminum, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum and zinc showed some removal by filtration. Based on results of the 0.45 micron and the 0.10 micron filtrates and consideration of CCR constituents which exceed 2L at the site, colloidal transport does not appear to be a significant factor in constituent migration. Eh/pH/DO Diagrams As part of groundwater monitoring activities, pH, oxidation/reduction potential (redox or ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) were measured for each monitoring well location. A system's ability to donate or receive hydrogen ions is measured as pH. Redox is a measure of a system's ability to donate or receive electrons. The standard by which redox is measured is a hydrogen electrode. However, hydrogen gas is often not practical for use in the field and other electrodes with a known potential compared to hydrogen are used. Field measurements for redox are then converted to the equivalent relative to the hydrogen electrode. The resulting term is (Eh). Figures 3-4 through 3-20 illustrate Eh, pH and DO measurements at the site. Page 3-11 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Ash pore water values for Eh at the active basin range from 65 millivolts (mV) to 429.3 mV. Ash pore water values for Eh at the LOLA range from 86.7 mV to 428 mV. Concentrations of CCR constituents in ash pore water, particularly iron and manganese, appear to decrease with increasing Eh. Measurements of pH in ash pore water do not vary significantly. DO values for ash pore water are all less than 1.0 milligram per liter (mg/L). Surficial groundwater values for Eh at the inactive basins range from 99 mV to 410 mV and at the active basins from 50.1 mV to 498.1 mV. As with pore water, higher constituent concentrations appear to correspond to lower Eh values, however the trend is not as apparent for the inactive basins. DO values for groundwater are generally low (<1.0 mg/L) for wells screened beneath the basins, in deeper hydrostratigraphic units and in downgradient areas. Well screened in shallow zones in upgradient areas tend to yield DO values greater than 1.0 mg/L. Time Versus Boron Concentration Diagrams Compliance groundwater monitoring has been performed at Lee since 2010. Time versus concentration diagrams for boron were reviewed for compliance wells for both the active basin and inactive basins (Figures 3- 21a and 3-21b). A general seasonality of boron concentration is seen in many of the wells on site. The diagrams for samples collected from wells CMW-5, CMW-6R, and CMW-8 indicate pronounced seasonality. CMW-6R is located downgradient of the ash basin on the east and CMW-5 and CMW- 8 are located between the ash basin and the Neuse River. All three wells are located in low lying wet areas, indicating that a mechanism related to the shallow water table is involved. 3.7 Correlation of Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Conditions to Constituent Distribution Based on results from the CSA and determination of provisional background concentrations, the following groundwater constituents appear to be associated with the presence of the ash management areas: arsenic, boron, cobalt, iron, lead, manganese, sulfate, thallium and TDS. Impact from these constituents is focused on areas of groundwater beneath the ash basins and in nearby downgradient areas. Migration of CCR constituents in groundwater is inhibited by geochemical mechanisms such as sorption to aquifer solids and precipitation in mineral phases. The degree of sorption is measured by the distribution coefficient (Kd). Boron is relatively mobile in groundwater and associated with low distribution coefficients. This is because boron is essentially Page 3-12 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra inert, has limited potential for sorption and lacks an affinity to form complexes with other ions. Geochemical mechanisms controlling the migration of CCR constituents are discussed further in Section 4.0. Due to the layout of the site with respect to the Neuse River, downgradient surface area is limited in extent. Groundwater is expected to flow for short distances and discharge to the Neuse River. Groundwater likely travels the greatest distance prior to discharge to the Neuse River in downgradient to crossgradient areas east of the active basin. Page 3-13 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex 4.0 MODELING SynTerra A modeling program was conducted to evaluate the impact of various potential closure options on groundwater and surface water quality. Modeling components included groundwater fate and transport, geochemistry and supporting studies. SynTerra partnered with specialists at Clemson University (Clemson) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) for this aspect of the CAP. Stand-alone reports from each principal or organization are included in appendices and are summarized in this section. The modeling work, and associated analysis, included the following: (1) Determination of the ability of on -site soil to sorb dissolved constituents derived by the leaching of ash. The degree of sorption is measured by the distribution coefficient, and was determined by conducting batch and column studies on numerous soil samples collected in key hydrostratigraphic units. The distribution coefficient is a key factor in the numerical flow and transport model. (2) Assessment of various retardation processes (processes that lessen the dissolved concentration and reduce the velocity of constituent movement) to determine which are most likely occurring and the likelihood that the process will continue after site closure. (3) Development of numeric fate and transport model to predict the configuration of groundwater flow once a closure plan has been implemented. After the flow model was calibrated, a groundwater quality model was developed to predict groundwater quality conditions once closure is implemented. (4) Development of a model to predict constituent concentrations in major receiving surface water bodies in the area of the site. 4.1 Determination of Distribution Coefficient An important aspect of determining the movement of metals in groundwater is information about the ability of the soil to retain a portion of the dissolved constituent on the soils surface. Generally, the retention is either through sorption or precipitation. Sorption occurs when the dissolved constituent comes in contact with a soil particle and is retained by the particle until it is released and adheres to the adjacent particle. In order to quantify this variable the amount of a constituent dissolved in water and the amount of a constituent adhering to soil must be known. These measurements are often made in a laboratory setting. These studies result in the calculation of the distribution Page 4-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra coefficient - Kd. SynTerra retained UNCC to determine site specific distribution coefficients (Kd) for the primary hydrostratigraphic units. The UNCC final report is included as Appendix C. Six soil samples were collected for testing. One portion of a sample was placed in large mouth bottles for batch analysis, and a second portion of the sample was packed into columns for testing. A solution of groundwater was prepared for the batch and column procedures. Test procedures followed USEPA protocol where applicable. Results from the studies are presented on Table 4-1. Page 4-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Table 4-1 Summary of Distribution Coefficients SynTerra Lee Batch Results Sample Location/Parameter Arsenic Boron Barium Cobalt Antimon Selenium Thallium Vanadium ABMW - 15B (36 - 40 ft.) Trial 1 40.5 21.7 32.3 18.1 59.2 Trial 38.6 - 20.1 35.3 - ABMW - 15B (46-47.5ft.) Trial 1 294.0 171.8 177.4 135.6 177.6 Trial 306.0 158.9 176.7 136.3 223.2 AMW - 09 (16 - 18 ft.) Trial 1 891.4 1418.2 101.0 275.4 209.4 801.5 Trial 695.1 1 1032.6 94.8 198.3 188.0 295.6 AMW - 14 (20.5 - 22.5 ft.) Trial 1 14.8 9.6 20.7 35.7 Trial 14.0 8.5 20.1 30.3 AMW - 15 (17 - 19 ft.) Trial 1 599.8 3.8 689.6 301.7 163.9 644.1 109.8 Trial 597.3 3.5 535.8 289.9 1 159.2 625.6 118.3 IABMW - 3 (20 - 23 ft.) Trial 1 322.2 83.8 76.4 716.1 175.3 Trial 382.8 64.0 67.8 971.3 254.9 Geometric Mean 175 4 22 858 Al Off 69 139 138 Median 314 4 22 861 130 118 162 175 Lower Quartile Exclusive 39 5741 87 23 24 59 Column Results ABMW - 15B (36 - 40 ft.) 275 450 575 775 175 225 600 ABMW - 15B (46 - 47.5 ft.) 200 850 700 650 400 750 700 AMW - 09 (16 - 18 ft.) 300 225 425 1100 200 100 750 AMW - 14 (20.5 - 22.5 ft.) Trial A 80 25 150 120 40 40 125 125 Trial B 75 175 150 40 40 175 150 Trial C 70 30 150 125 30 40 120 125 AMW - 15 (17 - 19 ft.) 150 100 600 725 225 525 350 IABMW - 3 (20 - 23 ft.) 950 925 1050 1150 950 525 -- Geometric Mean 178 42 316 353 262 145 243 307 Median 175 30 225 500 688 188 200 350 Lower Quartile Exclusive 76 25 150 1 131 1 40 1 40 121 125 The samples from ABMW -15B are logged as SP (sand) [surficial unit], whereas the other samples are logged as SP, SM and ML (silty sand to silt) [Black Creek or the confining unit]. Except for AWM -14, the finer grained soils have greater values of Kd. The sample from AWM -14 is in a transition zone between sand and silt. 4.2 Geochemical Modeling A geochemical model was developed by Dr. Brian Powell as part of the CAP to characterize the current geochemical conditions in and around the Lee ash basins (Appendix D). The geochemical model was used to provide an analysis of corrective action alternatives, including Tiers II and III of the MNA analysis to be provided in the CAP Part 2. The model simulates chemical reactions between the groundwater, CCR, and other porous media (i.e., constructed and natural subsurface). Page 4-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra The key conclusions of the geochemical model are: '67 Modeled Kd values generally align with those determined experimentally by Langley et al. (2015) and those used in the fate and transport model, '67 There is a low probability of the aquifers to reach their capacity to sorb (attenuate) the constituents of interest, 167 pH and oxidation/reduction potential (Eh) have a fundamental influence on the extent of partitioning in pore water at HF Lee Energy Complex. The conclusions were determined through the development of this model in four steps that together depict potential mechanisms and geochemical processes at work: Ej Eh -pH diagrams showing potential stable chemical phases of the aqueous electrochemical system, calibrated to encompass conditions at the site. Ej Correlation analysis where observations from groundwater measurements are plotted and interpreted, to identify important features of the geochemical system. 167 Sorption model where the aqueous speciation and surface complexations are modeled using the USGS geochemical modeling program PHREEQC. 47 Attenuation calculations where the potential capacity of aquifer solids to sequester constituents of interest were estimated. The Eh -pH diagrams and correlation analysis of field data indicated important details about the potential mobility of constituents at the site including the following: l� Dissolved oxygen appears to be the dominant redox buffer below pH 6. j� Arsenic, selenium, and vanadium exhibit widely varying sorption behavior primarily related to the change in their sorption affinity at each oxidation state. j� Ba, Zn, Co, and Pb are present predominately as divalent cations whose sorption increases with increasing pH. �1 Borate ions are essentially inert, exhibiting minimal sorption affinity and are therefore relatively mobile and soluble. The sorption model was designed to evaluate ion sorption to HFO using a diffuse double layer model developed by Dzomback and Morel, 1990. Sorption model simulations include site specific Eh and pH values and assumptions made in the Langley et al. (2015) site report. Modeled Kd values calculated from the minimum and Page 4-4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra maximum pH and/or EH values, as well as, the averaged Kd values from Langley et al. (2015) are presented in Appendix D (Powell, 2015). Except for barium and borate, experimental data are generally captured by the minimum and maximum model predicted Kd values. It is important to note that there are many factors that play a role in the sorption/desorption of constituents with porous media that were not directly addressed in this model. Incorporating additional functions into a geochemical model does not necessarily translate to an increased confidence in the results. Both mineralogy and organic carbon are known to affect Kd values in a variety of ways, but were not directly addressed in this model. Organic carbon influence on sorption is highly variable, and given the heterogeneity at the site, incorporating organic carbon into the model would not add meaningful confidence to the predictive results. The mineralogical data at the site indicated minute quantities of transition metal minerals that would influence the Kd values, and was addressed in this model by using Eh as a proxy for reducing conditions to account for the potential for reduced forms of minerals with influence, such as sulfides. The attenuation capacity was calculated to determine the affinity of the aquifer materials to retain constituents in the solid phase. Calculations were performed using site specific data derived from the fate and transport model, the Langley et al. (2015) report, and the NC21, groundwater standard concentrations. Results indicated that HFO sorption sites could sorb all available constituents of interest and would not reach capacity until approximately 400 times the NC2L standards. It is important to note that the calculation assumes 100% sorption, which will not be the case for all constituents, and that while the data reveals it is unlikely that the capacity of the aquifer solids would be exceeded, the results can vary based on the Kd for each constituent and specific geochemical conditions. 4.3 Numerical Fate and Transport Model The purpose of this study is to predict the groundwater flow and constituent transport that will occur as a result of different possible corrective actions at the site. The study consisted of three activities: 01 Development of a calibrated steady-state flow model of current conditions, Development of a historical transient model of constituent transport that is calibrated to current conditions, and 47 Predictive simulations of the different corrective action options. Three major elements for the development of the groundwater flow and transport model are summarized below: Page 4-5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra The site conceptual model for the groundwater model was based on the model presented in the CSA. No significant changes had to be made in the SCM in order to calibrate the flow and transport model. The numerical flow model was developed using MODFLOW and the transport model was developed using MT3DMS. MODFLOW is based on Darcy's law and MT3DMS uses the groundwater flow field from MODFLOW to simulate 3D advection and dispersion of the dissolved constituents including the effects of retardation due to constituent adsorption to the soil matrix. 101 Key transport model parameters are the constituent source concentration in the ash basin and the distribution coefficients (Kd) calculated by Langley et al. (2015). Source concentrations were taken from ash pore water concentrations obtained from the field and were applied throughout the ash basin as specific concentrations. It was also decided to take the conservative approach and to initially use a low Kd value for each constituent in the model, even though the observed Kd values are highly variable throughout the site. The initial value used in calibration was the minimum measured value from Langley et al. (2015). Once calibrated, a uniform Kd value is used throughout the model for each modelled constituent. Excerpts from the Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling Report for H.F. Lee Energy Complex (Brame, et. al., 2015) are italicized below. Figure and table references are retained from the original document and included in Appendix E. 4.3.1 Flow and Transport Model The flow and transport model for this site was built through a series of steps. The first step was to build a 3D model of the site hydrostratigraphy based on field data. The next step was determination of the model domain and construction of the numerical grid. The numerical grid was then populated with flow parameters which were adjusted during the steady-state flow model calibration process. Once the flow model was calibrated, the flow parameters were used to develop a transient model of the historical flow patterns at the site. The historical flow model was then used to provide the time -dependent flow field for the constituent transport simulations. Flow Model The steady state flow model calibration targets used 40 water level measurements made in observations wells in June, 2015. The correlation between observed and calculated head measurements for current conditions is shown in Figure 4-1. Page 4-6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex 5 E U 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 62 60 Computed vs. Observed Values Head 60 65 70 75 80 Observed SynTerra Figure 4-1 Comparison of observed and computed heads from the calibrated steady state flow model. Transport Model The transient flow model uses a simplified approximation of this complex history that simulates the basin as having a constant footprint over time, equal to its shape since 1952. The basin infiltration rate during sluicing is not known, but it was estimated by taking the results of the calibrated steady state flow model and adjusting the infiltration rate until parts of the basin are flooded. This resulted in an estimate of the infiltration rate during sluicing ranged from 11.8 to 49.9 in/yr. The transient flow field was modeled as four successive steady state flow fields; one corresponding to the high infiltration rate during ash sluicing from 1952 to 1968 in the north in -active ash basin; one corresponding to the high infiltration rate during ash sluicing from 1995 to 1978 in the in -active ash basin; one corresponding to the high infiltration rate during ash sluicing from 1978 to 2012 in the active ash basin; and one corresponding to the current basin infiltration rate from 2011 to 2015. The transport model calibration targets are constituent concentrations measured in 44 monitoring wells in June, 2015 (SynTerra, 2015). The Page 4-7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra constituents modeled were selected based on significant concentrations in ash pore water greater than likely background levels and whether there was a discernible plume of the constituent extending downgradient from the ash basin. The major focus of the concentration matching effort was devoted to arsenic, boron, iron, and manganese in and around the ash basin. Boron was chosen as the main tracer for the ash basin for three main reasons: 1) boron is always present in coal ash 2) there is typically a low background of boron concentrations 3) boron is the most mobile constituent. The correlation between observed and calculated boron concentration measurements for current conditions are shown in Appendix E. Based on review of the calibration results for iron and manganese there is potential for historical CCR constituent migration for short distances north of the inactive basins. Proper abandonment of water supply wells and access to public water pipelines will be evaluated for parcels between the inactive basins and Old Smithfield Road. The associated parcel IDs are provided in Table 4-2. 4.3.2 Model Results Once the flow model was calibrated with regard to water levels, and the simulated arsenic and boron concentrations in wells around the active basin closely matched observed concentrations that exceeded the 2L standards, the model was used to predict contaminant distributions for the next 5, 15, and 30 years. The dates for those simulations are referred to in the model report as 2020, 2030, and 2045 respectively. With regard to the corrective actions modeled, it was assumed that they had been completed by July 2015. The following typical closure scenarios were modeled to illustrate the model's functional capability: 1. Existing conditions for the ash basins. 2. Cap the ash basins with a low permeability cover. 3. Ash removal and transport to off -site lined structural fill. In the existing conditions simulation, CCR constituent impact gradually diminishes as recharge from upland areas dilutes groundwater and pushes constituents toward the Neuse River. The extent of arsenic and boron to the east of the active basin does not increase significantly. The farthest extent of the Page 4-8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra impact is controlled by the presence of the Neuse River. Figures 18 through 30 in Appendix E display the results of the existing conditions scenario for the years 2020, 2030, and 2045. The low permeability cap scenario involves placing a cap or cover over the ash basin to contain the ash and to prevent rainwater infiltration. This scenario assumes that there is no recharge within the ash basin and but maintains constituent concentration levels. The extent of the boron plume reduces over time since because recharge to the basins has been removed. Figures 101 to 112 in Appendix E display the results of this scenario for the years 2020, 2030, and 2045. The ash removal scenario includes full excavation of the ash basins and subsequent re -grading to match surrounding areas. This scenario assumes that there is no longer a constant source of contaminants. This simulation shows a reduction of boron in the upper surficial zone. Figures 43 through 54 in Appendix E display the results of the ash basin excavation scenario for the years 2020, 2030, and 2045. Future fate and transport modeling results will be considered in the corrective action evaluation and recommendation process detailed in the CAP Part 2. 4.4 Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions 4.4.1 Flow Considerations Determining the impact as groundwater discharges into a surface water body is predicated on knowing low flow values for the surface water body and the amount of groundwater discharging into the surface water body. Based on these data and using a mass balance equation, concentrations of analytes can be calculated for a location downgradient of the discharge area. A conceptual model illustrating groundwater discharge to a surface water body is provided as Figure 4-2. Low flow measurements exist for major river systems. For example, the United States Geological Survey has established long term flow monitoring stations on major rivers and streams in North Carolina. Typically these stations have several flow statistics representing various conditions, which are available on the web. Also, USGS has published numerous reports summarizing low flow statistics. NCDEQ has a website which posts the 7Q10 values (a common low flow measurement) for any facility having a NPDES permit. All of these sources were examined as part of this analysis. The 7Q10 for the Lee facility is 263 cubic feet per second (cfs). Page 4-9 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Once these factors are known (or estimated) then it is possible to calculate concentrations of constituents in the surface water body, and then to compare these estimates to measured values. The basic equation for calculating a dilution factor, Df, resulting from a point discharge (pipe) or a non -point discharge, like groundwater flow, is 1. Df = (Flow in River + Flow in groundwater)/Flow in groundwater When calculating dilution a low flow value is preferred, in most cases the 7Q10 if available, and if not a similar statistic. In some cases this flow may be multiplied by a factor of safety so that the discharge does not use all the assimilative capacity in that stretch of the river. A typical factor of safety is 0.8 to 0.9. Using a low flow value and a safety factor results in a conservative estimate of flow in the Neuse River. By using a conservative estimate of flow, the calculated concentration of a constituent is also conservative. Groundwater flow is calculated by using variations of Darcy's Law. Freeze and Witherspoon (1967) describe the likely groundwater flow patterns from highlands to a major discharge area. Based on the geologic characterization conducted in the CSA, Darcy's Law applies to the Site. The formula for calculating the volume of flow discharging to the river is 1. Qgw = KiA Where: Qg,N = Quantity of groundwater flow K= horizontal hydraulic conductivity (1/t) i = hydraulic gradient (1/1) A = Cross sectional area) The dilution factor is: 1. Df = (QLFV X 0.9)/Qgw where: QLFV = Low Flow Value (3/t) 0.9 = Safety Factor (unit less) Page 4-10 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra This formula assumes instantaneous mixing with flow in the entire river. While this may not be entirely valid for a point discharge it is more valid for groundwater discharge because the discharge occurs over a large area. This broad area assures a more uniform and faster mixing of the waters when compared to a point discharge. 4.4.2 Concentration of a Constituent Once the dilution factor has been calculated then it can be applied to the concentrations in the Neuse River. The flux of a constituent passing through a plane of the river (perpendicular to the flow direction) at a point upgradient of the groundwater plume is: 1. Fluxup = QLFV x c where: Fluxup = flux of a constituent at the upgradient side of the groundwater plume (m/t) c = concentration of the constituent (mass/L3) The flux of a constituent in groundwater discharging into the surface water body is: 1. Fluxc = Qgw x c In order to calculate the concentration of a constituent at a point in the surface water body beyond the end of the groundwater plume the following mass balance formula is used. 1. Cdown = (Cup X QLFV + Cgw X Qgw)/(QLFV + Qgw) 4.4.3 Results The Lee Plant maintains a NPDES permit for three discharge locations along the Neuse River. The NPDES permit is based on a 7Q10 low flow value for the Neuse River of 273 cfs (DEQ NPDES spread sheet available at http://Vortal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/swp/12s/npdes/calc/ol2tionl The dominant groundwater flow regime at Lee is through coastal plain sedimentary deposits. This environment is appropriate for application of Darcy's Law. Therefore, it can be assumed that all groundwater flow (Qgw) in the sedimentary deposits discharges to the river. At the active basin the width of affected groundwater between the Site and the Neuse River is approximately Page 4-11 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 5000 feet with an average thickness of 35 feet. The horizontal gradient at this point is 0.011 and the geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivity is 4.9 feet per day. Thus, there is approximately 9400 cubic feet per day or 0.11 cubic feet per second. Thus the dilution factor, based on flow, is approximately 2,150 times (this includes a factor of safety of 10 percent). A limited amount of water quality data is available from the Neuse River. The upstream sample location is S-16, which has been sampled on two occasions in 2014 and 2015; S-10 is located between the inactive and active basins and has been sampled three times in 2014 and 2015; S-11 and ASW-NR1 are downstream samples and each has been sampled one time in 2014 (S-11) and 2015 (ASW- NR1). Table 4-2 shows the water quality data of these stations. There is insufficient data to make statistical comparisons between the stations. Inspection of the results indicates no observable differences between the stations. This finding is in keeping with the dilution calculation. 4.4.4 Sensitivity Analysis The flow of the Neuse River has the greatest impact on the concentration of a constituent. This is because the flow in the river is much greater than the discharge of groundwater (by a factor of 2,150 times under low flow conditions. As a 7Q10 flow seldom occurs, the actual dilution factor is larger than that calculated and often significantly greater. Two other factors are the ratio of the concentration in groundwater to that in surface water, since the concentration in groundwater is apt to be larger than surface water, and the volume of groundwater discharging to the river. The other factors described above have a minor impact on the final result. The following calculations show the effect of varying select factors. If the flow in the river is assumed to be at the 1st quartile, instead of the 7Q10, the flow rate increases to 733 cfs (so the dilution factor rises by 2.5 times); if the median value is used (1020 cfs) then the dilution factor is increased by 3.7 times. Water quality results from compliance wells between the active basin and the river (e.g., CMW-5, CMW-8, and CMW-10) don't reveal a trend over the period of record (2010 — 2015). Thus, the mass of the constituent loading to the Neuse has not significantly changed over the past five years. The last significant factor is the volume of groundwater discharging into the Neuse River. Hydraulic conductivity has the greatest variation of the factors involved in the calculation. Hydraulic conductivity is apt to vary by 5 to 10 times over an area the size of the Page 4-12 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Lee Plant and within the units discharging to the river, which can have a large impact on the flux of groundwater but a small impact on dilution. Page 4-13 P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 5.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PART 2 A risk assessment, evaluation of potential remedial alternatives and the recommended remedial approach will be provided in the CAP Part 2. Information presented in this CAP Part 1 document that is relevant to the Part 2 report is summarized in the following paragraphs. The Lee CSA combined with groundwater fate and transport modeling and geochemical modeling shows that boron is the key constituent for determining influence on groundwater quality. Migration of boron in groundwater east of the active basin will be evaluated for corrective action based on results of the risk assessment. Groundwater modeling indicates that boron, as well as arsenic, impact to groundwater may extend beyond the compliance boundary on the east side of the active basin. Groundwater modeling also indicates that iron and manganese impact may extend beyond the compliance boundary to the south of the inactive basins. Additional monitoring well locations are being evaluated to assess these areas, as well as to bolster the existing network of background monitoring wells. Provisional background values have been established for key parameters. Constituents in groundwater whose background concentrations exceed 2L or IMAC include antimony, arsenic, boron, cobalt, iron, manganese, sulfate, thallium, TDS and vanadium. A tentative plan for addressing groundwater exceedances has been developed. The plan includes the following elements. 1) Duke Energy has recommended the removal of ash from the plant site with placement in the former Colon clay mine. 2) Monitored natural attenuation MNA will be fully evaluated as a potential groundwater remedy for areas of the site. A groundwater and surface water quality sampling plan will be developed to track the concentration of key constituents against projections in the fate and transport model and in the geochemical model. 3) Other closure options which may be considered include phytoremediation, a collection trench and groundwater extraction. Enhanced phytoremediation involves the uptake of contaminants by plants. Simply stated, return of boron released to groundwater by the combustion of fossil biomass (coal) to biomass at the surface of the earth would restore the cycle of boron as a micronutrient. Page 5-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra Groundwater restoration by installation of a collection trench or extraction may also be evaluated with groundwater modeling in the CAP Part 2. Analytical data summarized in this CAP Part 1 make it clear that the chemistry of groundwater, surface water, and soil varies with the localized environment from which the sample was collected. A geochemical model has been developed to help interpret the chemistry of the surficial soil environment. The model identifies the likely attenuation reactions occurring in the subsurface environment and calculations based on the model indicate that the reservoir of attenuation potential remains extensive. These findings support the plan described above. Note that Duke Energy's recommendation to excavate is still subject to the outcome of the NC CAMA risk ranking process where NCDEQ will recommend a risk ranking for each ash basin by late 2015, and then the Coal Ash Management Commission will follow with a final decision. Sites with high or intermediate risk rankings will require excavation under NC CAMA. In addition, Closure Plans for each ash basin are now under development by Duke Energy as required by both the EPA CCR Rule and NC CAMA. These Closure Plans are expected to refer to the associated CAP Part 2 conclusions and proposed corrective actions in support of the recommended closure approach. Page 5-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra 6.0 REFERENCES ASTM D6312-98: Standard Guide for Developing Appropriate Statistical Approaches for Groundwater Detection Monitoring Programs. 2012. David A. Dzombak, Francois M.M. Morel, Surface Complexation Modeling, Hydrous Ferric Oxide, 1990 Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), Monitored Natural Attenuation for Inorganic Constituents in Coal Combustion Residuals. August 2015 Griffith, G.E., Omernik, J.M., Comstock, J.A., Schafale, M.P., McNab, W.H., Lenat, D.R., MacPherson, T.F., Glover, J.B., and Shelburne, V.B. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina and South Carolina, (color poster with map, descriptive text, summary tables, and photographs): Reston, Virginia, U.S. Geological Survey (map scale 1:1,500,000). Brame, S. E., Graziano, R., Falta, R. W., Murdoch, L.C. Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling Report for H.F. Lee Energy Complex. 2015. Geosyntec Consultants. Preliminary Site Investigation Data Report, Conceptual Closure Plan, H.F. Lee Plant. November 2013a. Geosyntec Consultants. Data Interpretation and Analysis Report — Conceptual Closure Plan — H.F. Lee Plant. December 2013b. Geosyntec Consultants. Letter Report — Stage I Work — Response to Third Party Recommendations for Ash Pond Dikes. August 26, 2014. Langley, W.G., Oza, S., Soil Sorption Evaluation H.F. Lee Steam Station. UNC Charlotte, NC. 2015. NCDENR. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina. North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02L. 2013. NCDENR. North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02B. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Surface Waters of North Carolina. 2013. Page 6-1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra NCDENR. North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02L. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina. 2013. NCDENR. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Surface Waters of North Carolina (Pending EPA Approval of 2007-2014 Triennial Review). North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 02B. 2015. Niswonger, R.G.,S. Panday, and I. Motomu, 2011, MODFLOW-NWT, A Newton formulation for MODFLOW-2005, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A37, 44-. North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development. Geologic Map of North Carolina. 1985. Powell, B., Analysis of Geochemical Phenomena Controlling Mobility of Ions from Coal Ash Basins at the Duke Energy H.F. Lee Energy Complex. Pendleton, SC. 2015. SynTerra. Comprehensive Site Assessment Report. August 5, 2015 USEPA. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume 1, Human Health Evaluation Manual, (Part A). EPA / 540 / 1-89/002;1989. USEPA. Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment. 1998. USEPA. Study of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Electric Utility Steam Generating Units - Final Report to Congress, v. 1. Office of Air Quality, Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, EPA-453/R-98-004a;1998. USEPA. Report to Congress Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels, Methods, Findings, and Recommendations, v. 2. 1998. USEPA. Region 4 Ecological Risk Assessment Bulletins —Supplement to RAGS. 2001 USEPA. Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water — Volume 1, Technical Basis for Assessment, EPA/600/R-07/139. October 2007. USEPA. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. 2009. USEPA. Ecological Soil Screening Levels; 2015. USEPA. Region 4 Recommended Ecological Screening Values — Soil. Page 6-2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex SynTerra http://www.epa. gov/region4/superfund/images/allprogrammedia/pdfs/tsstableso ilvalues.pdf.2015 USEPA, Scott G. Huling, Superfund Ground Water Issue, Facilitated Transport, EPA / 540 / 4-89/003;1989. Zheng, C. and P.P. Wang, 1999, MT3DMS: A Modular Three -Dimensional Multi - Species Model for Simulation of Advection, Dispersion and Chemical Reactions of Contaminants in Groundwater Systems: Documentation and User's Guide, SERDP-99-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS. Page 6-3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Figures SynTerra P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL\ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex Tables SynTerra P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan\ CAP Report\ FINAL\ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex APPENDIX A SynTerra DUKE ENERGY BACKGROUND PRIVATE WELL SAMPLING P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex APPENDIX B SynTerra LABORATORY RESULTS - 0.1 MICRON FILTERED GROUNDWATER P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex APPENDIX C SOIL SORPTION EVALUATION H. F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX SynTerra P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex APPENDIX D SynTerra ANALYSIS OF GEOCHEMICAL PHENOMENA CONTROLLING MOBILITY OF IONS FROM COAL ASH BASINS AT THE DUKE ENERGY H. F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx Corrective Action Plan Part 1 November 2015 H.F. Lee Energy Complex APPENDIX E GROUNDWATER FLOW AND TRANSPORT MODELING REPORT FOR H. F. LEE ENERGY COMPLEX SynTerra P: \ Duke Energy Progress.1026 \ 104. Lee Ash Basin GW Assessment\ 16.Corrective Action Plan \ CAP Report \ FINAL \ FINAL HF Lee CAP 11-02-2015.docx