HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 12-2023_20240129Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* Name of Facility:* Month: * December WQ0019755 Oak Ridge Commons WWTP Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address: Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Scan0198.pdf 1.03MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith 40aYlflrtJ 65'�S Wz# Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 1 /29/2024 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Winston-Salem Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 2/27/2024 JPC Utilities, LLC a C. Bax 345 PtWe (336) 5 3-6C32 Oak ROae, NC 2 331J GO: (M) 27&T"9 E.mai afte" Ga g��C-'neinB3emcKit cam January 29. 2024 Information Processing Unit Non -Discharge Compliance Group 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Oak Ridge Commons Spray irrigation Wastewater System Oak Ridge, NC Guilford County Permit: WQ0019755 Dear Sir or Madam Attached are the Spray Irrigation Non -Discharge Reporting Forms for December 2023 Please call with any questions or comments. Best regards. px(0 ";�_ _?01 &le .4k z Douglas Smith JPC Utilities LLC (336)215-0949 doug@jpc-management com FORW NC&AR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMRI PA7.0 � „r Sampling Persorwis) Name- Bradley Flynt Name. Doug Smith Name: Stateswlle Analytical Name: Certified Laboratories Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? � canownt _ ti«,-corrpsart If the faarty is nors.cornpliant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the faddy teas not in compliance Provide in your evianatlon the daWs) of Vie non-compiarce and describe the corrective action(:) taken Attach addKanal sheets d necessary Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Bradley Flynt Certification NiO,: 27171 Grade: IV Phone Number: 036) 430-6262 Has the ORC changed since the pnmous NOMR? Y" :-] No 20"JIVPe I CW* Mel Oft rt"d er SoCion le NO WMVIcto fo rho test of nY Wwwkilpc Permlttee Certification PertnKtae: JPC Utilities, LLC Signktg Official: Doug Smith Signing Official's TWo: Back-up ORC Pt+one Number: (336) 21 SM49 Permit Expiration: Ml/2027 at A Signature Dept I 09fl1Y. under perefy of Iew_ that tar% decrmerrl and at =a& ffmM Here p wavd weer "di ect<m or supnrison to aocanwrca wM a sgaure dmgsad a awro Net as qwM«d pasorw* properfr gaa'aecl and vosituMed ifa Mormatson sdmvlbd eased on nv rrqury of ire psaon or persons wre rnanaao ze somm or than person dir" rasponsLW for 93IMer it dw Yrarma M the hlWnilkon susmtted 0,10 IM tmO d nrf trmAxor and bellef, true, acrarvte, and compfte 1 am w . « lhd Pere we siA*Xzrt perelks fw sr&mft►a false 1Monnaacn,-ncsdsq Via p wsgWy of Saes ow oWdsormarl hor bxr+" %*nLK*kna Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Ralelgh, North Carolina 27699.1617 FORM NDPAR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Z al Permit No.: W00019755 Facility Name: Oak Ridge Commons WWTP County: Guilford Month: December Yeer. 2023 PPI: CIO Flow Measuring Point: [I in&A F t3it�wt ❑ tVo na+9 Parameter Monitoring Point: tft%wt � mLe-t '-j Coww wAtat w.mrg n SoRam tAy:w Parameter Code -s 50060 00310 OWN 31616 00610 C E Q 00625 L 0 o Z ti 00620 D0600 00400 00665 W630 00076 O(1 V Z Z 'a t 0C 0 mg4 g C p=. 244K hm GIRO m9/L m *100 mL mgIL I m /L m mcyL tiu mot. NTU 1 10:50 0.5 10,000 199 7.3 0." 0.44 2 10.000 3 1810 0.5 10,000 t9 4 06:55 0.5 9,000 069 7 7.2 19 S 15:30 0.5 10,000 0.84 2.3 6 06:20 0.5 1%000 091 73 1 19 7 08.DD 0.5 11,000 2.81 7.3 0-84 8 O&OD 05 13.000 1.99 1.1 0.76 9 7,000 0.76 10 7,000 4,16 11 17:2$ 0.5 7,000 0.59 7.3 4 16 12 18:20 0.5 16,000 1.09 7.2 z 18 13 18:10 0.5 15000 271 73 74 1.14 0.56 14 18:30 0.5 10,000 191 15 0630 0.5 18,000 1.06 73 0.54 18 16.000 1 0.54 17 16.000 065 16 05 50 05 16,000 0.89 7.4 065 19 18:40 05 14.000 8.71 7.4 059 20 16:50 0_5 1 1,000 <2 6.49 <1 < 1 12 14.3 15.42 7.5 0.75 <2.5 056 21 17:35 0.5 5,000 4,11 _ 7.4 0.56 22 06:45 0.5 12,000 3.63 7.5 0.51 23 H 10,000 .151 _ 24 25 10,000 0.51 9.000 _ 0.85 261 H 9.000 0.85 27 H 9.000 016 28 05-40 0.5 16,000 419 72 0155 29 06-30 0.5 12,000 361 72 065 30 9,000 0 65 31 9,000 0.65 A 10,939 0.00 260 100 TOD 0.10 1.12 14.30 1542 0.75 0.00 10REF! Dmi4y Maximum: 18,000 200 6.71 1.00 1.12 14 30 1542 7.50 0.75 2.50 NREF! Daily Mlnlmuin: 1,000 2.00 0.59 1.00 OTO-1 1 12 1430 15A2 LDD 0.75 2.50 NREF! Sampling Type. Reaordw Grob Gnzob Grab Grab Crab Grab G+eb Grob Grab Grab Reoader Monthly Avg. Limit: 30.000 10 14 4 5 Daily Limit: 15 25 6 Ilcrr.-ri 10 10 Sample Frequency: Cortinums I MmiNy 5xvveak rb-rthll MorA* 1,kv Monthly 5XWeek Mot"N I MoMlr Cnmlm..-j.m FORM NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page, 3 ,, 3 Permit No.: W00019755 Facility Name- Oak Ridge Commons WWTP County_ Guilford Month: December Year. 2023 PPL QQZ Flow Measuring Print: :rr'urnt C emutm NoftwgenerdWO Parameter Monctonng Point: 7rnn,v [ tmuerx _I rctnyvata LQnc rQ j : Sewe Herr Parameter Code b 50050 00310 50060 31616 S MO 00928 ON20 00600 00400 00665 OD530 _E G c O E O 0 a S c v_°' 4 2 o 2 =IL °' C L 7 L N 24-hr hrs GPD mg1L mWL *N00 wt mUL m 1L m 4. m IL su mglL mqL 1 0 5 4,600 2 3 4 600 4,600 4,600 4,700 1.2 704 — 4 6 14 30 6 4,70D 7 4 7W - - - 8 4,700 - 9 4, 700 10 4.700 - 11 4,700 12 1430 0.5 4,300 0.04 13 4.300 14 4.300 Is 4, 300 16 4,300 17 4,300 18 4,300 19 01 13 00 j 05 5,000 0.07 1,68 2 H 4.3 7.1 7 24 0.7 3 5,000 6.3 <1 21 5,000 22 5,000 23 5,000 24 5,0D0 25 5.000 26 1320 0.5 4.000 1.01 7.02 27 4,000 28 4,000 29 4,000 30 4,000 311 1 4,000 Avsngo: 4,529 630 0,58 1_00 1.68 280 4.30 7.10 070 3.00 Dairy Maximum: 5.000 6.30 1.20 1.00 1.68 2-80 4.30 7.10 1 24 0.70 3.00 Daily Minimum: 4,000 6,30 0.04 1.00 1_68 280 4.30 710 6 ,<8 010 3.00 Sampling Type: RacaKer Oran Grab Grab Grab Gras Grab Grab rr.4t: GreD Grob Monthly Avg. Limit: 6-000 Daily Limit: Wt- ,, Sample Frequeeay: conoluouej 4 X Yew YYbekry 4 X Yoa 4 X Year 4 X Yfizw 4 X boar 4 X Yew 4 X Yew 4X Yaar rar<M `LWR 1 to 1s NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page_Lof & Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? n comowl I ton crrplrt Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? DCotnlrlant C noft-Carper Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? L'amoont Lmwo"pury Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? CcnndMrlt Lwwc-n;)wr Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? lcwoaon 7NM cArnouir If the facility is noncomp4an,, please explan on the space oeiow the reasontsl the faaltty was not in oompliant e. Provide in your explanation the dates) of the non-compfance and drscribe the :ovect ve achon(s) taken Attach additional sheets if necessary Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification permittce Certification ORC: Bradley Flynt PertmUee: JPC Util;ibes, LLC Certification No.: 27171 Signing offlciw: Doug Smith Grade IV Phone Number: (336) 430-6262 SignmV officiars Title: Back-up ORC Has the ORC rltarMW since the previous NDAR-1? t•M No Phone Number: (336) 215-0949 Permit Exp_: 5131127 Signature Oft Signature Date 01 tha tutourc, I crtly that Ns moat Is accurrale and C'Xtpstlo to ro Dolt of my krowagto ► amjl r_ uwhr pKely of "0. Net His dot PM4 and al altarhmerta vtote p^eWW irdrr ry O"ck + a wpervnnn n acoordahoa WO a sysMm despted to assure that ad oidrdd ammo " p qm* oxhared and ewVa W tw wformawn MArtalad. Based on my kwj%ky d Ito pwaa+ v prraone wfw "tape Ne "Vem, or Ihme pwoom <*tcly mepo"ebb +ot gerwro Ne rrlcyatasion, Ilia Mo'statron uAw4asd is, to t a boat d try WwAftopo and beW, V w aectti ate, and wnrplaeo. I am a are than doro arc s6wV" R m oNw tot od"41Op take Vfonnattxr I■ou" the po tvW al Ir*s a-d �rmnwn•ert to, trrtwt+p vr3ahau Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mall Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM. NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page Z 01 G Prrmrt No' WQC019155 Facility Name: Oa•. R,dge Commons WWTP County. Guilford Moran: December Year: 2023 Did irrigation m Field Marne: RC-01 Field Marne: m R"2 Field Name: RC-03 Field Name. RC-04A occur at this fa C I I I ty ? r,- ry ; Area (acres): 2.11 Area (acres): Cwer crop: Hourly Rate (inr 2.11 Area (acres): 21 Area (acna)- 146 Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 0.3 Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Rate (In): 0.3 Annual Rate (in): 22-21 Annual Rate (in): 22,21 Annual Rate (m): 2221 Annual Rate (In): 2721 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? ` YES L7 W Field Irrigated? [' YFs L-,] No Field Irrigated? ❑ YES U ND Field Irrigated? 1] M Cj No ro o v v J 5 c °9 {4r ii G v �' �w 1`` �u N $ • v EE o 3— } v • E ~£ Z. �g9�ni O J E 3 �F �[ v _ 4 E� gal v •� E i- ggv O J E 3 g E _ _ in v E� m m =Q E Q i- L a� T c ��j O O ai 't E A a E 3a a= E• A a ei 16� O O EE of w 2 C °F in ft It gal min in In min in I min in in gal min in in 1 R 48 01 R 2 PC 45 R 3 PC 41 s B 4 PC 37 6 C 34 7.9 6.5 6 C 32 719 7 C 32 1 7.9 8 PC 41 7.9 9 PC 51 7.9 10 R 61 2.86 7.5 11 PC 34 7.5 12 C 24 74 6 13 C 33 74 14 C 28 7.4 15 C 29 74 16 C 35 7 5.8 17 R 45 1.85 7 18 C 45 7 19 C 28 7 20 C 25 7 21 PC 28 6.2 22 PC 38 6.9 — 23 PC 38 6.8 - _ 24 PC 38 6.7 25 PC 40 6.7 26 R 48 1.24 6.6 5-8 27 R 48 0.051 6.5 28 PC 50 1 66 29 PC 42 6.5 30 PC 4', 65 31 Monthly loading: 12 Month Floating total (In) 0 000 1161 0 0.00 1245 0 OOU C 0.00 FORM- NQAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page - .! of 6 Permit No.: W00019755 Facilllty Name: Oak Ridge Commons WWTP County: i UiIfO'd Month: December Year: 2023 Did irrigation occur at this facility? Field Name: RC-04B Field Naas RC-06A Field Name: RC-058 Field Name: -- -- Area )acres): Cover Crop: RC•06A re Aa (acres): 0.95 Area (acres): 0'59 Area (acres): 1 57 0.99 Cover Crop: Cover Crop- Cover Crop: Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Rate (in)- 0.3 Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Annual Rate (in): 36,84 Annual Rate (In); 22.21 Annual Rafe (in): 36.84 Annual Rafe (In): 2221 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? `►FS _]NO Field Irrigated?, Nn : �I No Field Irrigated? f] YFs [I w Field Irrigated? ❑ As El No �. � %oo "F c a�+ n y o�°e �_ vs o > e°! 2•— in E �CE K E a m E w a E a s E E1$ _ .Y E < oo coc3 €�E c _ in ft ft gal min in gal min in in gal own in In gal inin in in 1 S 4 S 6 - 7 8 10 � 1) 12 13 14 15 1• 1T 1a 19 20 21 22 23 24 - - - 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 McuYtiily Loading tiny„ 0 0.00 1187 1.9G 13 37 1275 12 Month Floating Tntal FORM: NOAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Pagc--�( Of 6 Facility Name: Oak Ridge Commons VVWTP County: Guilford Did irrigation occur at this facility? Ai o om m �mm FORM NEIAR I 1G is NON -DISCHARGE APPUCATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page_'5_' —ol _�t PermItNo.: W00019755 Fabitty Narn a: Oak Ridge Commons WWTP County: Guilford MonW Dooember Did irrigation occur this facility? Field Name! i UP-C2 0-76 at Annual Rate (in): 41 0000 .: �0 m mfr��mm �00 ISM ME MENIMMEMM MIM MWIMMEME=MM ME MMIMMMM Elm Ulm 13MISM in 111=111MINME=0 MMMMI 0 Ism ISM Mm mm M=11M MMIMMOMMISM MM IMMOMM 01MIMM== EIMM MMIMMIMM pommy �aeaing: 17 V. I U ::U 0 O.QO 0 0 00 1Y Month Flaetino Told (ink t0.41 i ch 8.77 1226 FORM NDAR-1 10.13 NON -DISCHARGE APPUCATION REPORT (NDAR-1) 1190e 0 2, 6 Permit No W00019755 Facility Name: Oak R dge Comrr)ens bVWTP County: Guilford Month: December Year- 2023 Did irrigation occur at this facility? Field Name: UP-05 Field Name: UP-06 Field Flame: UP-07 Field Name: Area (acres): Area (acres): 113 Area (acres); 1.0r Am(aereak 1.06 cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Hourly Rita (in), 0.25 Hourly Rate tin): D 25 Hourly Rafe (In): 0.25 Hourly Rate (m): Annual Rafe (in): 22.21 Annual Rate (ink 22.2' } Annual Rate (in)_ Field Irrigated? � — 22.21 _' vK ' W E wOu c ��E > Annual Rate (MI: Field Irrigated? y $ L YtS ❑ w. m Em �a 2iOa- J Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? ] YES :. No Field "gated? :_j •rts- w-i I a c n 2 a a �B C� " 3F in R ft gal min in in gal min in in gat min in in sl min in in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 - 28 Tim: 29 I 30 31 ;10.74 Monthly Loading: 0 0 00 0 0.00 '? 15 ^ , u i - • a 0 0.00 12 Month FloatingTotal lull: