HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151120 Ver 1_Application_20151028; �,,
�ctober 29, 2� D S
"�'raeey Wheeae�`
It��ulat�ary Fraject ]"�I�nager
US �ti rr�y �earps a�` �ngine�rs
24C97 V�Jest F`if�11 Str���
'�Vashi�gton, N� 2i889
l�!Irs. �l��eler,
r�[cr��+L�,s J. �'�t�ta��+�r�
�'l�e atta�la�;d Pre-Constructian 1'�ot���ati�an (P'C�) F"r�r�n is ta r�ques� a�*lati�nwide 35 Pe�'tnit to
clredge a partic�n ofitlre old I�Jar�h �a:raiixi� F'eny Divisioil "Short R�ute" cl��nnel that travels Frotn
�cs��cake �slanc.@ tc� i�at�eras Tsland. 'I'l�is area t�f'tlae state char�neT is o� il�e O�racc�ke side �fth�
�-�att�ras In��t. The ��CDC} 1 Ferry �dvis�crt� �s r�questin� autl��rtzatic+n tc� perfarin maintea�ance
dred�ing ta alla�v th� safe passage c��' p�tblic a�t� private fish.ing vessels as ii�ey travel thrcaugh the
H�atter�s Il�let. �ased upc,n recent surveys it is esiimated that appraxiinately 72,985 cuiaic yards of
�nat�er��l ��eeds t�r be r�mt�ved. �redgi�g �aperaticrns will l�e camplet�d br� the I�ICDOT Fe�
L)ovisic�n -[7a-edge ��rolina, t�ais is a pipelii�e �redge. I:�!redg�ng �n this sarr�� vicin�ty was ccao�ipleted
�r� 2�11 �.
+Jn Septemf�er l, 2Q��5 a�� �nd�widual Perm�t ([P) was submitt�d by the NCD�7T' Ferry Diwisic�n
��c��,uesting auth�+rizatian �o perfar� dr�dgin�; ac�iwities taear th� same �rea but vs�it� � side cast
dred�e utiliz�d by LJS Army Carp of Engineer�. At tl�is ti�e tih� �"erry Division wouid like tca repeal
�his I�" fi°tiln tl�� permit�in� process an�l m�ve farrr��rcl with t�btaining autlaorization for the
tiescrika�d we�r1� �z� t�;e PC'i�9.
S iizc�rel�+,
+Cather�ine Peel.e
����ranaa���.�ta8 Speci�list
�I�Iothi�g Cerrnpares�"-�._
State ofNorCi� iG'arolii�a � D�parfinent af1'rans�ortatioir I Perry Divisioc�
159 Lrlcind<t Lan�c I Aowvells I�aint, N�C 2?9G6
252-�41-2635 T
�y� war��,
o`' pG Offiee Use Only:
� � ? �, Gorps action ID no.
��� E� p Y DWQ project nv.
Form 11'ersion 1.0 November 2008
Pre-Construction Notification (pCN} Form
A. Applicani Information
'�. Process+ng
ia. Type(s) af approval saught from the
Carps: � 5ection 404 Permit � Section 10 Permit
1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 35 or General Permit (GP) number:
1 c. Has the NWp or GP number been verifiec! by #he Corps? � Yes
1 d. Type(s) of appro�a� sough# from the �DWQ (check all that apply);
� 401 Water Quality Cert�fica#ion — Reg�rlar 0 Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit
❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ,0 Riparian Buffer Aut�orizatiQn
1e. Is this notifica#ion solely for the record For th� record only for flWQ 40�
because writt�n ap�roval is not required� Certification:
� Yes � �o
1f. Rs payment inio a mitigatian bank or ir�-lieu fee program proposed far mitigation
af impacts? If sa, attach the acceptanc� letfer from mitiga#ion bank or in-lieu
fee pragram.
❑ iVU
For the record only for Corps Perm�t:.
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes
� g. Is the project loca#�d in any af !VC's twenty coastal eounties. If yes, answer 1 h � Yes
be I€�w.
9 h. Is the praject located within a NC dCM Area of Environmental Concern {AEC)? � Yes
2. Pr�,ject Information
2a. IVame €�i project: Old NC Stata Ferry Channel - Maint�r�ance Dredging 2D15
2b. County: ryY�e
2c. Nearest municipality 1 tawn: Qcracok�
2d. Subdivisian name: ��q
2e. iVC'�30T or�fy, T.f.P. ar state
project no: 16.71 q44
3. Owner Information
3a. Name an Reeorded Deed: NCDOT Ferry Division
3b. �aed Book and Page No. I�lA
3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if
applicabde): Catherine Peele
3d. Street address: 159 Lucinda Lane
3e. City, s#ate, zip: Powells Point, NC 279fi6
3f. Telephon� no.: 252-305-7288
3g. Fax no.: 252-491-2782
3h. Email address: cdpeele@ncdok.gov
►1 .
(] No
Q No
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PCN Form — Version 1.0 Navember 20Q8 Version
S�c#ion A. Applicant �nformatiQn, continued
4. Applicant information (if dlfferent from owner]
4a. Applicant is: � Agent [] Oth�r, speeify:
4b. Name: Catherine Peele
4c. Business name
(6f applicable): NIA
4d. Streef address: � 59 Luc�nda Lane
4e. City, state, zip; Powells Point, �1C 27966
4f. Telephone nv.; 252-305-7288
4g. Fax na.: 252-491-2782
4h. Email address: cdpeele@nedot.go�
5. Ager�tlConsultant fnformation (if applicable)
5a. fVame: NIA
5b. Business narne
(if applicable):
5c. Streef address:
Sd. City, state, zip:
�e. Telephone no.:
5f. Fax no.:
5g. Email addrass:
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PCN Form — No�ember 2008 Version
B. Project information and Pr�or Proj�ct Hisiory
'�. Property Identificaiion
9a. Property icfentification na. (iax P1N ar parc�l ID}:
1 b. Site coordinates (�n decimal degrees):
1c. Praperty size:
2. Surtace Waters
2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to
proposed projec#:
2b. Water Quality Classif�ation of nearest receiving water:
2c. Riuer basin:
3. Profect description
352�0365943'N - 75.784Q$6777`W
25.0 acres
Pamlico 5ound
Pamlico Sour�d
3a. Describ� the exis#ing conditions on ihe si#e and the generad land use in the �icinity of fih� project at tF�e time of this
�`his portior� of fhe ofd NG Ferry Di�ision channel was previously maintained and used for the transfer of automobiles and
�assengers frorr� Hatteras ta Oeracpke lslar�d. This raut� was also used by public and pri�ate fishing uessels as their
access potnt thrpugh Hatteras Inlet.
3b. List t�re total estimated acreage of all existing wetfands on the property:
�.Q acres
3c. List tt�e tatal e5timated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent anci perennial) on the property:
�d. Ex,plain the purpose of the proposed project:
The purpose of this projeet is to dredge a por#ion of the old NC F�rry Division ef�annel to atMow the safe passage of pUblic
ac�d private fisfiing �essels through the Hatteras Inlet. Spoil will be pumped inta the appro��d spoil site as shown on
a�taehed cRrawmgs.
3e. bescribe the overal� project in detail, ir�cluding the type of equipment to be used:
The NC F�rry Division �redge Carolina will perForm maintenance dredging to allow the safe passage of pubdic and pri�a#e
fisk�ing vesse�s through the Hatteras inlet. Ther� is approximately 72,988,5 eubic yards to be rerr�oved. The spoil site on
Ocracoke Island will hofd ihis material. The NC Ferry bi�ision has a SUP with the National Park Service to utiGze this
spoil site. A dredge, excavator, barges, tug boat, baoster pump, pipeline and bulfdozer will be used for site preparati�n
and to perform ihe dr�dging acti�ities..
4. Jurisdictional peterminations
4a. Fla�e j�risdictional wetland ar stream determination� by the
Corps or State been reques#�d or ob#ained for thi� property 1
pro]eck (including all prior phases} in the past?
4Ea. If t�e Co�ps made the jurisdictional determir�ation, what type
of determinatian waS made?
❑ Yes � No ❑ EJnkr�own
❑ Preliminary ❑ �inai
4c. lf yes, who deli��ated the jurisdictional areas? AgencylConsultant Com an
p Y�
Name (if known): Other:
4d. If yes, list the dates af the Corps jurisdictior�al determinations or State determinations and attaeh documentation.
5. Project History
5a. Have permits or certifieatior�s been requested ar obtained for
this praject (including a!1 prior phases) in the past? � Yes 0 No ❑ llnknrwn
5b. If yes, explain in detaif accord+ng to "he�p file" instrucfians.
CAMA major permit 224-87 Expires 12-31-2016 CQE SAW-2Q14-OQ322 Expires Mareh 1$, 2017
PCN Form — Version 1.0 November 20�8 Version
B. Project (nforr�ation artd Prior Praject History
6, Future Project Plans
6a. Is this a phased project?
6b. ff yes, explain.
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❑ Yes � No
PCN Form — November 2008 Uer�ion
C. Proposed Impacts Inventory
1. impacts Summary
1a. Which sectiQns were compfeted below for your project (check ali that apply):
� Wetlands ❑ Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers
� Open Waters [] pond Construction
2. Wetfand Impacts
lf #here ar� wetland dmpacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each w�tland area impacted.
2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f.
Wetfand impact Type ofjurisdiction
number — Typ� af Type of wetland Farested (Corps - 404, � 0 Area o� impaCt (acres)
Permanent (P) or impact (if known) dWQ — non-404, other)
Tem ora T
W1 �] P❑ T Q Yes ❑ No Q Corps
�� � �' � � ❑ Yes [] No � Corps
W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No � Corps
1+'V4 � P � T � Yes ❑ No 0 Corps
W5 ❑ P 0 T ❑ Yes ❑ No � Corps
�� � P Q� [] Yes ❑ No � Corps
�] DWQ
2g. Total wetland impacts
2h. Comments:
3. Stream fmpacts
Ifi there are perennial or intermittent �fream impacts (incduding #emporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this
questian for all stream sites impacted.
3a. 3b. 3c. 3d- 3e. 3f.
5tream impac# Type of Stream name Perennial (PER} or Average stream width (feet) Impact
numb�r - impact intermittent (INT)? length
Permanent (P) or {linear feet)
iemporary (T)
51 [�P�T []PER ❑i�IT
S2 ❑p�T ❑PER ❑INT
S3 0 P 0 T [1 PER ❑ 1NT
54 �P❑T ❑PER ❑fNT
S5 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ �ER ❑ INT
5� �� 0� ❑ PER � INT
3g. Tota! stream and tributary irr�pacts
3h. Gomments:
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PCN Form — Version 1.� lVovember 2D08 Version
C. Proposed Impacts Inventory, cnntinued
4. Open Water Impacts
If there are proposecl impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sauncks, #he Atlanttc Qcean, ar any other open water of
#he U.S. then individuall list all a en water im acts below.
4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e.
Open wafer Name of
impact number waterbody Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres)
— Perrnanent (if
{P) or applicabl�)
Tem orar T
�1 � P,[] 7 Pamlico Soil Removal frpm dredging Saund 25
Sound _
02 ❑P�T
03 ❑P[�7
04 ❑PQT
4f. Total open water impacts 25.0
4g. Camments: This area wE[f be impacted fram dredging the Old NC State F�Ery Channel.
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PCN Form — Nowember 2�08 Versian
C. Propnsecf fmpacts Inventory, continued
5. I�ond or Lake Construction
If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the chart below.
5a. 5b. 5c.
Sd. 5e.
�ond I�D �letland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacfs (feet) U fand
Proposed use or p
nur��er purpase of pond (acres}
Floaded Filled Exca�ated Flaaded �illed ExcaWated Flaoded
5f. Total
�g. Cornrnents: '
5h. ls a dam high hazard permit requiresJ?
❑ Yes � No If yes, permit ID no:
5i. Expected pond surface area (acres):
Sj. Size ofi pond watershed (acres):
5k. Methoc! of construction:
6. Buffer Impacts [far DWQ)
If pro�ect will impact a pratected riparian bufifer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individual�y list ai� buffer impacts
be�ow. If an im aets re u�r� miti ation, #hen ou MUST fill aut Secfion D of this form.
� Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other.
Profect �s in whach protected basin? ❑ Catawba � Randleman
6b. fic. 6d- 6e. 6f.
Buffer impact �9�
number— Reasan Buffer Zone 1 �mpact (square Zone 2 impact
Permanent (P) for impact Str�am name mitigation feet)
or 7emporary required? (square feei}
B1 ❑PI]T ❑Ye$ ❑No
B2 �]P[�T ❑Yes ❑No
B� []P❑T (]Yes ❑No
6h. Total buffer impae#s
6i. Comments:
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PCN Form — No�ember 2008 l/ersion
Q. Impact Justif�cation and Mitigation
1. Avoidance and Minimization
1 a. Specifieally describ� measures taken to a�oid or minimiza the proposed impacts in designing project.
16. 5pecificaify desc�ibe measures takera to a�oid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction tech�niques.
2. Comper�satory Mitigatrort for Impac#s to Waters of the U.S. or Wafers of the State
2a. �oes the pro�ect rec�uire Compensatory Mitiga#ion for
impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State?
�b. ff yes, mitigation is required by (cheek all that apply)
2c. ff yes, whicf� mitigation option will be used far this
3. �Comp�ete if Using a Mitigation Bank
3a. Name of Mi#ig�tion Bank: NIA
3b. Credits Purchas�d (at#ach receipt and letter}
3c. Comments:
❑ Yes � N o
❑ �'�Q ❑ Corps
❑ Mitigation faank
❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program
� Permittee Responsible Mitigation
4. Complete if 1111aking a Payment to in-lieu Fee Program
4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee pragram is attached.
4b. Stream mitigatian requested:
4c. lf using stream mitigati�an, stream t�mperature:
4d. Buffer mEtigation requested (QWQ only):
4e. Riparian wet�and mitigatior� requested:
�€f. Non-ri�arian wetland mitigatian requested:
4g. Caastal (tidad) wetlar�d mifigatipn requested:
4h.. Camments:
5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan
❑ Yes
linear feet
warm, caoC, cold
square faet
�a. !f using a permittee responsible rnitigation plan, prouide a description of #he proposed rnitigation plan.
Page 8 of `l2
PCN Form — Versian 1.� November 200$ Ver$ion
D. lmpact Justifieation and IUlitigation, continued
6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulat�d Riparian �uffer Rules) — required by DWQ
6a. Will the project rest�lt in art impact wi#hin a protected riparian bufFer tnat requires j❑ Yes ��o
buffer mitigation?
Gb. If yes, then identify the sq�uare feet of impact to each zone of the riparian bufFer that requires mitigat�on. Calcula#e the
amount of mitigation r�quired.
Zone Reasan for impact Total impact Multipfier Requireci mitiga#ion
(5quare feet) (squar� f2et}
Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba)
Zone 2 � �
Tatal buffer mitigatian required:
6c. If bufFer mitigation is requ'rred, discuss what type of mitigat�on is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank,
permifte� responsible riparian buffer restoration, paym�nt ir�to an approved �n-lieu fee fund).
6d. Gamments:
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PCN Form — November 2008 Versiaro
�. Stormwater Management artd biffuse Flow Plan (required by bWq)
1. Diffuse �low Plan
1 a. Does the praject include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers ident�fied
within one of td�e �fC Riparian Buffer Proiect+on Rules?
1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow pfan incfuded?
2. Determir�ation if the pro'ect Re u�res a Stormwater Mana ement plan
2a. Does #he prolect require a Non-4a4 Jurisdictionaf General Permit?
2b. ls the project subject to General Certifcation 3704 or 3705?
3. determination of Starmwater Review Jurisdiction
3a. Is this praject subject to any pf the foRowing state-implemented stormwater
manag�ment programs (check all #hat apply)?
ff so, attach one copy of the approvai letter fro� the DWQ and one copy of the
appraved stormwater managemen# pfan.
3b. In vwhich lacal go�ernment'� jurRSdict�on is fhis project?
� Yes [] No
❑ Yes ❑ No
[] Yes � No
❑ Yes ❑ �a
] Coastal counties
❑ 0 RVIJ
❑ Session Law 20�6-246
❑ OEher:
3c. �s this locaf governm�nt certified to implement a state stormwater program� ❑ Yes
If so, attach ane copy of the approval letfar frorn the Incal go+rernment and one copy
di the appro�ed stormwater managemerrt plan (or one copy of the appro�eci
5tarmwater management plan stamped as approved).
❑ No
4. Informa#ion Re uired for DWQ 401 Unit 5tormwa�er Review.
4a. What is tf�e averapl ercent im erviousn�ss accordin to tf�e most current site lan? NIA
4b. Does this pro�eet eontain any areas that meet the criteria for "high density" per
General Gertif'rcations 3704 and 37fl5? ❑ Y@s � Nfl
4e. ff the si#e is aver 24% impervious and/or contains h�gh densify areas, fhen proUide a brief narrati�e descriptian of the
sforrnwater management plan.
4d. Fias a campleted BMP Supplement Form with all required items been submitted
for each stormwa#er BMP? ❑ Yes � Np
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PCN Form — Version 1.4 November 2008 Versian
�. Supplem�ntary Information
'I. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement)
1 a. Does the project involve an expendiiure of public (federallstate/�acal) funds or the
use of public (federal/stat�) larad? � Yes 0�o
1 b, If you answer�d "yes" to the abo�e, does th� project require preparation of an
e�uironmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or 5tafe � Yes
(Narth Caralina} Environmental Palicy Act {NEPA/SEPA)? � �D
1c. !f you answered "yes" to the above, has tl�� doeument review been finalized by the
State Ciearing House? {If so, attach a copy of #h� NEPA or SEPA final approval
letier.} ❑ Yes � [�Q
2. Violations (DWQ Requirement)
2a. �s the site in �iolation of C3WQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .D50Q}, Iso�ated
Wetlancf Rules ('! 5A NCAC 2H .13pQ), DWQ SurFace Water or Wetland 5tandards, ❑ Yes � No
or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAG 2B .02Q4)?
2b. fs this an after-the-fact permit application? � YeS � N�
2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both af the above quest�ons, pro�ide an explanation of the �iofation(sj: NIA
3. Cumulaiive Impac#s (DWQ Requirementj
3a, Will #his project (based on past and reasonably antpcipated future impacts) result in
additional develflprnent, which could impact nearby dawns#re�am water quality? � Y�S � No
3b. If you answered "yes° to the above, submit a c�ualitative or quantitative cumula#ive impact analysis in acc�rdance with #he
most recent DWQ policy. If yau answered "no," provide a short narrative description.
4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement]
4a. Clearly detail the ultimate #reatmer�t methods and dispasition (non-discharge or discharge) af wasiewater generated from
ti�e proposed prc�ject, or available capacity of the subject facility.
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PC�! Form — Version 1.Q iVouember 2Q08 Version
F. Supp�ementary Information, continued
5. Endangered Species and Designatec� Critical Habitat (Corps Requirert�ent}
5a. Will th�s projec# occur in or near an area with federaffy protect�d species or
5b. �lave yau cheeked with the USFWS concerning �ndangered Species Ac#
5e. If yes, intficate the USFUVS Field Office you ha�e contacted.
� Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes � IVo
❑ RalePgh
� Ashev�fle
5d. What data sources did yau use to deter�ine whether your site wauld impact Endangered Species or DeSignated Critica!
As the past CpE perrr�it, and the current CAMA permit, #h� spoil site is monitored by th� NPS for Endangered shore
birds. Also, there are Sea turtles present in the area from tirr�e to titne.
6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement)
Fa. W�ff this praject occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes
6b. Vllhat daEa sources did you use ta determine whether your site would impact EsSential Ffsh Habitat?
7. Historic or Prehistoric Cul#uraf Resources (Corps Requirement)
7a. Will thi$ project occur in or near an area tha# #he s#a#e, federal ar triba!
governments have designated as ha�ing nis#oric or cultural preservation
stat�s (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in
North Carolir�a history and archaeology}?
❑ Yes
/1 .
lf .
7b. What data sources di� you use to determine whether your site would impact hisioric or arch�plogical resaurces?
8. Flood Zone Qesignation (Corps Requirement)
8a. 1NiIV fhis project occur in a FEMA-designatecf 100-year floodpiain?
Sb. lf y�s, expfain how project meets FEMA requirements:
8c. What saurce(s) did you use to make fhe floodplain determina#ion?
Catherine Peele
Applican�lAg�nt's Printed Name
� Yes
ApplicantlAgent's Si�nature
(AgenYs signature is valid only if an authorization letter frpm the applrcant
is pravided 1
❑ I�o
F'age 12 of 12
PCN Form — No�ember 2008 Versipn