HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail RE Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted - 184140Sanford, Joyce
From: lase rfiche.ncdenr.gov@mccicloud.io
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2024 3:57 PM
To: ronnie.sloan@theobh.com
Cc: Markle, Penny D; joseph.skinner@ecuhealth.org; csaunders@quible.com
Subject: [External] Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted
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This email is to notify you that your application for Manteo Clinic - 604 Amanda Street was not accepted for the
following reason:
• A7/A8. The provided coordinates do not match the location shown on the uploaded site map or the provided address.
• D2. Ensure the E&SC Plan Project Number/ID matches the project/permit number listed on your E&SC approval
Please submit a new NCI. To auto -populate the new NCI, select'Yes' for the first question & enter NOI number 184140.
Contact Penny Markle at penny.markle@deq.nc.gov with questions. Thank you.
For additional support, please visit our NPDES Stormwater Construction Program website at https://deq.nc.gov/NCG01.
The NOI application no. for this project is 184140.
ARPA grant funding indicated? No
ARPA Project No. entered (if applicable)?
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