HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT_MCDC_Timber Bridges FY24_ 02-13-24NCDOT MINIMUM CRITERIA DETERMINATION CHECKLIST The following questions provide direction in determining when the Department is required to prepare SEPA environmental documents for state -funded construction and maintenance activities. Answer questions for Parts A through C by checking either "Yes" or "No". Complete Part D of the checklist when NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rule categories 98, 12(i) or 915 are used. TIP Project No.: N/A State Project No.: BR-0250, BR-0251, BR-0252 Project Location: Bridge No. Latitude, Longitude Location BR-0250 050149 36.1043,-81.9931 Replace Bridge No. 050149 over Horse Creek on SR 1186 (Herman Buchanan Road), Avery County. 130252 35.9475,-81.4862 Replace Bridge No. 130252 over UT to Zacks Fork Creek on SR 1549 (Spring Meadow Road), Caldwell County. 940231 36.2790,-81.6755 �replace Bridge No. 940231 over Norris Fork Creek on 337 (Ball Branch Road), Watauga Co. BR-0251 560072 35.9243,-82.6103 Replace Bridge No. 560072 over Little Foster Creek on SR 1341 (Foster Creek Road), Madison County. 560074 35.9381,-82.5999 Replace Bridge No. 560074 over Foster Creek on SR 1341 (Foster Creek Road), Madison County. 560381 35.9080,-82.6408 Replace Bridge No. 560381 over Big Laurel Creek on SR 1339 (Jarrett Cove Road), Madison County. 560500 35.9117,-82.6573 Replace Bridge No. 560500 over Big Laurel Creek on SR 1336 Buckner Branch Road), Madison County. 560515 35.9111,-82.6573 Replace Bridge No. 560515 over Buckner Branch on SR 1336 Buckner Branch Road), Madison County. BR-0252 870133 35.1432,-82.6404 Replace Bridge No. 870133 over Walker Creek on SR 1557 (Haskell Jones Road), Transylvania County. 870160 35.1698,-82.8934 Replace Bridge No. 870160 over Richland Creek on SR 1312 (Richland Creek Road), Transylvania County. 870161 35.1412,-82.8820 Replace Bridge No. 870161 over North Fork Flat Creek on SR 1319 (Homer McCall Road), Transylvania County. 870189 35.1035,-82.8212 Replace Bridge No. 870189 over Shoal Creek on SR 1141 (Babb Road), Transylvania County. Project Description: NCDOT will replace twelve small timber bridges on existing alignment. Project BR-0250 includes three small timber bridges in Division 11, BR-0251 includes five small timber bridges in Division 13, and BR-0252 includes four small timber bridge replacements in 14. The existing bridge abutments will be replaced with concrete end bents, except Madison Bridge 560500 (BR-0251) where existing concrete abutments currently exist. A new timber deck will be placed on new rolled beams for each bridge. An asphalt overlay will finish the driving surface. The bridge deck rails will be replaced in -kind with timber bridge deck rails. Minimal roadway approach work/improvements are anticipated though some temporary roadway improvements may be required to maintain traffic during construction of the bridges. Minimal right-of-way and/or easements may be required. Each bridge replacement is detailed below: Bridge No. Existing Structure Description Proposed Structure Description BR-0250 Constructed 1968; 26.0'x20.3' Single span timber deck bridge 050149 single span timber deck bridge; 31.75'x26.0' with concrete cap micro -piles AADT (2016) 310 vpd end bents, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1956; 19.0'xl8.3' 25.00'x20.0' with concrete abutment on 130252 single span timber deck bridge; spread footing for one end bent, concrete AADT (2016) 380 vpd cap micro -piles on other end bent, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Constructed 1966; 41.0'x20.0' Single span timber deck bridge single span timber deck bridge; 47.33'x25.0' with concrete cap steel H- 940231 AADT (2016) 290 vpd piles end bents, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. BR-0251 Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1971; 19.0'x25.3' 32.17'x26.0' with concrete cap steel H- 560072 single span timber deck bridge; piles end bents, steel beam stringers, and AADT (2019) 200 vpd timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1971; 27.0'x25.4' 34.83'x26.0' with concrete abutment on 560074 single span timber deck bridge; spread footing end bents, steel beam AADT (2019) 200 vpd stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1956; 41.0'xl9.0' 46.67'x19.0' with concrete abutment on 560381 single span timber deck bridge; spread footing end bents, steel beam AADT (2000) 40 vpd stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. 02/26/24 2 of 13 Bridge No. Existing Structure Description Proposed Structure Description Constructed 1957; 46.0'x12.1' Single span timber deck bridge 560500 single span timber deck bridge; 56.5'x12.25' with concrete cap micro -piles AADT (1995) 20 vpd end bents, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Constructed 1970; 16.7'xl2.1' Single span timber deck bridge 23.0'x12.5' 560515 single span timber deck bridge; with concrete abutment on spread footing AADT (1995) 20 vpd end bents, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. BR-0252 Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1973; 19.0'x20.1' 25.25'x20.00' with concrete cap micro- 870133 single span timber deck bridge; piles end bents, steel beam stringers, and AADT (1996) 100 vpd timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1962; 21.0'xl7.8' 26.17'x18.00' with concrete cap micro- 870160 single span timber deck bridge; piles end bents, steel beam stringers, and AADT (2000) 40 vpd timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Constructed 1962; 26.0'xl8.2' Single span timber deck bridge 870161 single span timber deck bridge; 31.25'x18.00' with concrete cap steel H-piles AADT (1995) 30 vpd end bents, steel beam stringers, and timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Single span timber deck bridge Constructed 1963; 23.0'xl8.1' 29.41'xl8.00' with concrete cap steel H- 870189 single span timber deck bridge; piles end bents, steel beam stringers, and AADT (1995) 250 vpd timber deck rails within the existing alignment. Notes: AADT (annual average daily traffic) values were sourced from the most recent reoccurring 24- month Routine Structure Safety Re orts or each bridge; vpdvehicles per day. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: As parts of these projects may impact jurisdictional resources, a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit will likely be required. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize these project constructions. A Water Quality Certification from the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) will also be required for each of these bridge replacement projects. The following table identifies the applicability of the USACE Trout Watershed Map and Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) classification for each bridge replacement site: Bridge No. Creek Name USACE's Trout Outstanding Resource Watershed Map Waters BR-0250 050149 Horse Creek Yes No 02/26/24 3 of 13 130252 UT Zack's Fork Creek No No 940231 Norris Branch Yes Yes BR-0251 560072 Little Foster Creek Yes Yes 560074 Foster Creek Yes Yes 560381 Big Laurel Creek Yes* Yes 560500 Big Laurel Creek Yes* Yes 560515 Buckner Branch Yes* Yes BR-0252 870133 Walker Creek Yes No 870160 Richland Creek Yes No 870161 North Fork Flat Creek Yes No 870189 Shoal Creek Yes No *Trout moratorium waived per NCWRC letter dated October 6, 2023 ORW classifications are subject to a special management strategy specified in 15A NCAC 2B .0225, i.e., Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) rule. Special Project Information: Purpose and Need: The purpose and need of the projects are to maintain public road transportation and EMS access to private properties currently being serviced by the existing timber bridges. Threatened and Endangeredpecies: The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lists the following federally protected species within the project study areas under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For each species, a discussion of the presence or absence of habitat is included in the projects Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR)'. Since the NRTR's were completed, aquatic surveys for the protected mussel species and bat surveys for the protected bat species have been completed. The table below reflects the updated Biological Conclusions: Bridge No. Protected Species --Biological Conclusion BR-0250 050149 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Virginia Big -eared bat Bog turtle No effect Appalachian Elktoe ' BR-0250 NRTRs: https://connect.ncdot.gov/site/Preconstruction/division/div11BR- 0250/ATLAS%20Deliverables/BR-0250 NRTRAddendum.pdf (note that Wilkes County Bridge 960423 was surveyed for this project but is not being advanced and is, therefore, not included in this MCDC.); BR-0251 NRTRs: hLtps:Hcomect.ncdot. ovg /site/preconstruction/division/divl3BR- 0251/ATLAS%20Deliverables/BR-0251 NRTR.pdf; BR-0252 NRTRs: httns://comect.ncdot. iaov/site/Preconsti uction/division/div l4/BR-0252/ATLAS%20Deliverables/BR- 0252 NRTR.pdf 02/26/24 4 of 13 Bridge No. Protected Species Biological Conclusion Virginia S iraea Rock Gnome Lichen 130252 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Virginia Big -eared bat Bog turtle No effect Dwarf -flowered Heartleaf 940231 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Virginia Big -eared bat Bog turtle No effect Green Floater Virginia Spiraea BR-0251 560072 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat 560074 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat 560381 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat 560500 Graybat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat 560515 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat BR-0252 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Bog turtle No effect 870133 Appalachian Elktoe MANLAA Longsolid Tennessee Clubshell Mountain Sweet Pitcher plant No effect Small Whorled Po onia Swamp Pink Virginia Spiraea 02/26/24 5 of 13 Bridge No. Protected Species Biological Conclusion Rock Gnome Lichen 870160 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Bog turtle No effect Appalachian Elktoe MANLAA Mountain Sweet Pitcher plant No effect Small Whorled Po onia Swamp Pink Virginia Spiraea Rock Gnome Lichen 870161 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Bog turtle No effect Appalachian Elktoe MANLAA Mountain Sweet Pitcher plant No effect Small Whorled Po onia Swamp Pink Virginia Spiraea Rock Gnome Lichen 870189 Gray bat MANLAA Northern long-eared bat Tricolored bat Bog turtle No effect Appalachian Elktoe MANLAA Mountain Sweet Pitcher plant No effect Small Whorled Po onia Swamp Pink Virginia Spiraea Rock Gnome Lichen The NCDOT Biological Surveys Group (BSG) surveyed the sites for bats during the summer of 2023 and prepared Bat Memos with survey results. The BSG followed up the Bat Memos with a Biological Conclusion of May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect (MANLAA) for each of the above endangered bat species based on the presence of suitable foraging and commuting habitat. No evidence of federally listed bats was found on any of the structures; no caves or mines are in the vicinity of the bridge replacements; and a large area of alternative available suitable habitat exists in the vicinities of all eleven bridge replacements. Tree clearing in the project footprint will be conducted during the winter months (i.e., October 15 to April 1) for all bridges. Nightwork is not anticipated for any of the bridges. No blasting is needed for any of these bridge projects. Permanent lighting does not exist at any of the bridges and no new lighting is planned to be included with the bridge replacements. Since the above avoidance and minimization measures, such as prohibiting tree 02/26/24 6 of 13 clearing during the active season can be implemented, the Biological Conclusion for federally listed bats are MANLAA. Copies of the referenced Biological Conclusions memo are available on the Connect NCDOT website.2 Aquatic surveys (i.e., mussels surveys) were conducted in the summer of 2023 for each bridge replacement with federally protected mussel species within their identified project study areas. Based on the lack bivalve mollusk evidence and stream characteristics observed at the time of the assessment, including small waterway size, high gradient, and substrate composed primarily larger substrate sizes (i.e., highly limited interstitial space), Horse Creek (Avery County Bridge 050149 [BR-0250]) does not provide suitable habitat for Appalachian Elktoe.3 Similarly, the lack bivalve mollusk evidence and stream characteristics observed at the time of the assessment, including small waterway size, high gradient, and substrate composed primarily larger substrate sizes (i.e., highly limited interstitial space), Norris Fork (Watauga County Bridge 940231 [BR-0250]) does not provide suitable habitat for Green Floater.4 All BR-0252 bridge replacements have federally protected mussel species associated with the project study areas. The BSG provided a Biological Conclusion of "May Affect Not Likely to Adversely Affect" for the Appalachian elktoe, Longsolid, and Tennessee clubshell. These survey reports will be available on the project Connect once complete. Cultural Resources: NCDOT architectural historians and archaeologists reviewed each bridge replacement. The following table summarizes the cultural resources reviews: Bridge No. Historic Architecture Conclusion Archaeology Conclusion BR-0250 050149 No historic properties affected No archaeological survey required 130252 No survey required No archaeological survey required 2 BR-0250 BC Memo: https:Hconnect.ncdot.gov/site/Preconstruction/division/div11BR- 0250/Natural%20Environment/BR-0250%20Updated%20bat%20memo.pdf; BR-0251 BC Memo: hitps://comect.ncdot. ovg /site/preconstruction/division/divl3BR-0251/Natural%20EnvironmentBR- 0251%20Updated%20Bat%20memo.pdf; BR-0252 BC Memo: hitps://connect.ncdot.gov/site/Preconsti uction/division/div l4/BR-0252/Natural%2OEnvironmentBR- 0252%20Updated%20bat%20memo%20Transylvania.pdf 3 Avery County Bridge 050149 (BR-0250) Aquatic Species Memo: hLtps://comect.ncdot.gov/site/Preconstiuction/division/divl I/BR- 0250/Project%20Development%20CollaborationBR- 0250%20Aquatic%20Species%20Survey%20Report.pdf#search=docid%3APZ WRFRC26R2C%2D 192758 1161 %2D 19%200R%20dlcdocid%3APZWRFRC26R2C%2D 1927581161 %2D 19 4 Watauga County Bridge 940231 (BR-0250) Aquatic Species Memo: hitps://connect.ncdot.gov/site/Preconsti uction/division/div 11/BR-0250/Natural%20Environment/BR- 0250%20Aquatic%20Species%20Survey%20Report%20Bridge%20231.pdf#search=docid%3APZ WRFRC 26R2C%2D 1927581161 %2D20%200R%20dlcdocid%3APZ WRFRC26R2C%2D 1927581161 %2D20 02/26/24 7 of 13 Bridge No. Historic Architecture Conclusion chaeology Conclusion 940231 No survey required eligible or listed archaeological LN s present BR-0251 560072 No survey required No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 560074 No survey required No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 560381 No historic properties affected No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 560500 No historic properties affected No archaeological survey required 560515 No survey required No archaeological survey required BR-0252 870133 No historic properties affected No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 870160 No survey required No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 870161 No survey required No eligible or listed archaeological sites present 870189 No survey required No eligible or listed archaeological sites present NCDOT sent coordination letters to the following Native Tribes on December 13, 2023: • Catawba Indian Nation* • Cherokee Nation • Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians • Muscogee (Creek) Nation* • Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma • United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians *A response was received from these Native Tribes. NCDOT "No Eligible or Listed Archaeological Sites Present Forms" were forwarded to Native Tribes with an interest in the area January 16, 2024 and February XX, 2024. Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations: These bridge replacements were coordinated with NCDOT-IMD. Because the NCDOT-IMD Estimation Map indicates that the project study areas fall within low demand areas; because they fall outside municipal boundaries; and because the scope of the projects are limited to structure replacement (does not include roadway improvements), no bicycle or pedestrian accommodations are included in this project. Construction Techniques: Bridge replacements will be stage constructed or provide a temporary on -site detour because these structures provide the only access route to residents and local EMS operations. In general, few residents will be inconvenienced by 02/26/24 8 of 13 each bridge replacement. NCDOT will coordinate with local EMS prior to construction. Bridge replacement construction operations are expected to last approximately 120 days. NCDOT will construct a temporary detour structure upstream of the existing structure with temporary pavement for all bridges except Bridge No. 0500149 which will be stage constructed. Temporary structures will be constructed with a load rating equal to the current posting. The existing structures will be removed and reconstructed. Traffic will be shifted to the new structure and the temporary detour structure and temporary pavement removed, regraded, and planted. The following table summarizes the current posting and clear roadway width available for each on -site detour: State Project No. Bridge Current Posting On -site Detour ear Clear Roadway y Width Coun Ty Bridge No. SV (ton) TTST (ton) BR-0250 Avery 050149 11 15 10'-0" Caldwell 130252 10 17 12'-0" Watauga 940231 13 17 12'-0" BR-0251 Madison 560072 15 22 12'-0" 560074 12 18 12'-0" 560381 24 30 10'-0" 560500 15 20 10'-0" 560515 19 28 10'-0" BR-0252 Transylvania 870133 19 27 10'-0" 870160 Not Posted 10'-0" 870161 19 27 10'-0" 870189 1 15 21 j 10'-0" Notes: SVSingle Vehicle (dump truck, school bus, etc); TTST=Truck Tractor; Semi - Trailer (logging truck, 18-wheelers, etc.) Public Involvement: NCDOT mailed postcard notifications to property owners that would be impacted by construction of the bridge replacements on December 6, 2023. The postcards included information about the proposed replacement bridge as well as anticipated right of way and construction schedules. Two telephone voicemail comments were received in response to the postcards. The project team returned these calls December 12, 2023, and left voicemails with commenters that further explained the project. No return calls have been received and it is assumed property owner concerns were addressed. 02/26/24 9 of 13 PART A: MINIMUM CRITERIA Item I to be completed by the Project Manager. YES NO 1. Is the proposed project listed as a type and class of activity allowed ® ❑ under the Minimum Criteria Rule in which environmental documentation is not required? If the answer to number 1 is "no", then the project does not qualify as a minimum criteria project. A state Environmental Assessment is required. If yes, under which category? 9. Reconstruction of existing crossroad or railroad separations and existing stream crossings, including, but not limited to, pipes, culverts, and bridges. If either category #8, #12(i) or #15 is used complete Part D of this checklist. PART B: MINIMUM CRITERIA EXCEPTIONS Items 2 — 4 to be completed by the Project Manager. YES NO -A 2_ Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse air quality impacts? 3. Will the proposed activity have secondary impacts or cumulative ❑ ❑ impacts that may result in a significant adverse impact to human health or the environment? 4. Is the proposed activity of such an unusual nature or does the proposed ❑ ❑ activity have such widespread implications, that an uncommon concern for its environmental effects has been expressed to the Department? Item 5-8 to be completed by Division Environmental Offi= 5. Does the proposed activity have a significant adverse effect on ❑ ❑ wetlands; surface waters such as rivers, streams, and estuaries; parklands; prime or unique agricultural lands; or areas of recognized scenic, recreational, archaeological, or historical value? 6. Will the proposed activity endanger the existence of a species on the ❑ ❑ Department of Interior's threatened and endangered species list? 7. Could the proposed activity cause significant changes in land use ❑ ❑ concentrations that would be expected to create adverse water quality or ground water impacts? 8. Is the proposed activity expected to have a significant adverse effect on ❑ ❑ long-term recreational benefits or shellfish, finfish, wildlife, or their natural habitats? 02/26/24 10 of 13 If any questions 2 through 8 are answered "yes ", the proposed project may not qualify as a Minimum Criteria project. A state Environmental Assessment (EA) may be required. For assistance, contact the Environmental Policy Unit at (919) 7076253 or EPU@ncdot.gov. PART C: COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS Items 9-12 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer YES NO 9. Is a federally protected threatened or endangered species, or its ❑ habitat, likely to be impacted by the proposed action? 10. Does the action require the placement of temporary or permanent ® ❑ fill in waters of the United States? 11. Does the project require the placement of a significant amount of ❑ fill in high quality or relatively rare wetland ecosystems, such as mountain bogs or pine savannahs? 12. Is the proposed action located in an Area of Environmental ❑ Concern, as defined in the coastal Area Management Act? FI—tems 13 —15 to be completed by the Project Manager. 13. Does the project require stream relocation or channel changes? ❑ Cultural Resources 14. Will the project have an "effect" on a property or site listed on the ❑ National Register of Historic Places? 15. Will the proposed action require acquisition of additional right of ❑ way from publicly owned parkland or recreational areas? Questions in Part " C" are designed to assist the Project Manager and the Division Environmental Officer in determining whether a permit or consultation with a state or federal resource agency may be required. If any questions in Part "C" are answered 11 yes ", follow the appropriate permitting procedures prior to beginning project construction. 02/26/24 11 of 13 PART D:( To be completed when either category #8, 120) or #15 of the rules are used. Items 16- 22 to be completed by Division Environmental Officer. 16. Project length: 17. Right of Way width: 18. Project completion date: 19. Total acres of newly disturbed ground surface: 20. Total acres of wetland impacts: 21. Total linear feet of stream impacts: 22. Project purpose: Reviewed by: Nick Pierce, PE Structures Management Unit, Project Manager John Jamison Environmental Policy Unit Date: Date: 02/26/24 12 of 13 NCDOT PROJECT COMMITMENTS Bridge Program No. BR-0250 Replace three Timber Bridges (050149, 130252, 940231) on Existing Alignment Avery, Caldwell, and Watauga Counties Federal Aid Project No. N/A WBS Element: 50843.1.1 COMMITMENTS FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) Commitments: • With reference to the Section 7 determinations associated with endangered bat species the NCDOT-Division 11 Bridge Program Manager will implement a tree clearing moratorium between April 1 and October 15. NCWRC Trout and High Quality Waters • Horse Creek (Bridge 050149) and Norris Fork (Bridge 940231) are designated by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as Trout Waters. As a result, in -water work and land disturbance within the 25-foot trout buffer is prohibited from October 15 to April 15 to avoid impacts to trout reproduction. In addition, Norris Fork is designated as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW). NCDOT will implement Design Standards in Sensitive Waters for these bridges. Construction in FEMA Floodplain This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall: (1) construct all vertical and horizontal elements within the floodplain as designed; and (2) consult with the Hydraulics Unit of any planned deviation of these elements within the floodplain prior to commencing any such changes; and (3) submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction. The Hydraulics Unit will then verify either: (1) the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically; or (2) any changes made to the plans were reviewed and approved to meet FEMA SFHA compliance; or (3) appropriate mitigation measures will be achieved prior to project close-out. *NOTE: The commitment will be added to the Project Commitments Dashboard on Connect upon the review and approval of the draft Green Sheet. NCDOT PROJECT COMMITMENTS Bridge Program No. BR-0251 Replace five Timber Bridges (560072, 560074, 560381, 560500, 560515) on Existing Alignment Madison County Federal Aid Project No. N/A WBS Element: 50844.1.1 COMMITMENTS FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) Commitments • With reference to the Section 7 determinations associated with endangered bat species identified in the November 17, 2023, NCDOT Biological Surveys Group, NCDOT-Division 13 will commit to implement a tree clearing moratorium between April 1 and October 15. NCWRC Trout and High Quality Waters • Foster Creek and Big Laurel Creek are designated by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as Trout Waters. As a result, in -water work and land disturbance within the 25-foot trout buffer is prohibited from October 15 to April 15 to avoid impacts to trout reproduction for Foster Creek. The moratorium is waived for Big Laurel Creek. However, Foster Creek, Little Foster Creek, and Big Laurel Creek are designated as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW). NCDOT will implement Design Standards in Sensitive Watershed for Madison County Bridges 560072, 560074, 560381, 560500, and 560515. Construction in FEMA Floodplain • This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall: (1) construct all vertical and horizontal elements within the floodplain as designed; and (2) consult with the Hydraulics Unit of any planned deviation of these elements within the floodplain prior to commencing any such changes; and (3) submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction. The Hydraulics Unit will then verify either: (1) the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically; or (2) any changes made to the plans were reviewed and approved to meet FEMA SFHA compliance; or (3) appropriate mitigation measures will be achieved prior to project close-out. *NOTE: The commitment will be added to the Project Commitments Dashboard on Connect upon the review and approval of the draft Green Sheet. NCDOT PROJECT COMMITMENTS Bridge Program No. BR-0252 Replace four Timber Bridges (870133, 870160, 870161, 870189) on Existing Alignment Transylvania County Federal Aid Project No. N/A WBS Element: 508445.1.1 COMMITMENTS FROM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) Commitments With reference to the Section 7 determinations associated with endangered bat species, NCDOT-Division 14 will commit to implement a tree clearing moratorium between April 1 and October 15. NCWRC Trout and High Quality Waters • Walker Creek (Bridge 870133), Richland Creek (Bridge 870160), Flat Creek (Bridge 870161), and Shoal Creek (Bridge 870189) are designated by the NC Wildlife Resources Commission as Trout Waters. As a result, in -water work and land disturbance within the 25-foot trout buffer is prohibited from October 15 to April 15 to avoid impacts to trout reproduction. In addition, NCDOT will implement Design Standards in Sensitive Watershed for these bridges. Construction in FEMA Floodplain • This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall: (1) construct all vertical and horizontal elements within the floodplain as designed; and (2) consult with the Hydraulics Unit of any planned deviation of these elements within the floodplain prior to commencing any such changes; and (3) submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction. The Hydraulics Unit will then verify either: (1) the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically; or (2) any changes made to the plans were reviewed and approved to meet FEMA SFHA compliance; or (3) appropriate mitigation measures will be achieved prior to project close-out. *NOTE: The commitment will be added to the Project Commitments Dashboard on Connect upon the review and approval of the draft Green Sheet.