HomeMy WebLinkAbout770006_Permit Renewal Application 2019_20190410State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Animal Waste Management Systems Request for Certification of Covemge Facility Currently covered by an Expiring Sate Non -Discharge General Permit On September 30, 2019, the North Carolina Slate Non -Discharge Gemml Permits for Animal Waste Management Systems will expire. As required by these permits, facilities that have been issued Certificates of Coverage to operate under these Some Non -Discharge General Permits must apply for renewal at least 180days prior to their expiration date. Therefore, all applications must k rusived by the Division of Water Resources by no later than April 3, 2019. Please do not Isave any ques0on unanswered. Please sur6 all Mformadon and make any smossamy corrections below. Application must be signed and dated by the PermiMez 1. From Number: 770006 2. Facility Name: Clear View Farm 3. Landowner's Name (sure as on the Wash Management Plan): 4. Landowners Mailing Address: 2504 Spies Rd City: Robbins state: Telephone Nambcr: 910-948-2297 Ext E-mail: 5. Facility's Physical Addrus: 301 Maryin McCaskill Rd City: Elhube Stet,: 6. County where Facility is located: Pjahmond Certificate Of Coverage Number. RIN U-1 North Moore Mmuccuu on:LLC 7, Farm Mmagees Name(ifdiHemntfmm Landowner): Action, Rev Moore B, Farm Mmageestelephonenumber(iocludesreacode): 910,948-2297 Ext, 9. Integrators Name(Ifthcre is notan Integrator, write "None"): N G Purvis Farms Inc 10, Operator Nano (OLC): Anthony A Moose Phone No.: 919-948-2297 11, Lessee's Neese (ifthere is not a Leases, write 'None-): 12. Indicate mimed operation type and number, Current Permit: Operation Type Allowable Count Swine -Feeder to Finish 3.123 Oornfia, Wcaa: a_^ae Ca {f Dry Paul" W. to Finhh Dairy Cad Non Laying Chicken Was, m Feeder Dairy Heifer Laying Chicken Farow to Finish Milk Cow Pullen Fader to Finish Dry Cow Turkrys F.I.W. BafStacker Calf Turkry Pullet Farrow, to Fades Beef Feeder BosdStw Beef1hoad Cow Wet P,,ltry Gila Other Non laying Nild Odor ]aye. Zip: 27325,7213 Zip: j63i.E OICh: 17MB Otbar7 Horse -Horse Houses -Olhu Shap - Slut, Shop - Other I attest that this application has ban reviewed by me and is economic and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if all required parts of this application me not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be remmed to me as incomplete. Not.: In ecro,d.. with NC General Saralee 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, say person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application may be subject to civii penalties up to $25,000 pa violation. (Is U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more 0 nt 510,000 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) Printed Name of Signing Official (landowner, or if multiple Landownen all landowner should sign. H Landowner is a corporation, signature should be by a principal executive officer ofthe corporation`): Name: � l✓O/'C� Title: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Title: Date: Title: Data: SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NCDEQ-DWR Animal Fading Openulons Program 1636 MaB Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number: (919) 707-9100 E-mat1: 2019P.rmftRenewal®nrdeor.guv FORM: RENEWAL -STATE GENERAL 0M019 13. Waste Treatmemand Smmgelagoons (Verify the following information is accurate and cumpkro. Make sllnecessmy ..do. and provide roissmg data) Structure Name Estimated Data Built Liter Type (Clay, Syndetic, Unknown) Capacity (Cubic Fact) Estimated Surface Ama (Square Feet) Omign Fr«hased 'Redline' (behes) I 1g.00 2 200 LAGOONI LAGMN 2 Mall one (1) ropy of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) with this completed and Aped application as rtqui.d by NC General Statutm 143-215.IOC(d) to Me add" below. The CAWMP must include the following components: Ilea most recent Waste Utilisation Plan (WUP), Aened be the ..at and a urtifed Whniml aneeialLA, t reaming: a The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g. irrigation, injemioq etc.) b. Amap ofevery field used for land application (for example: irrigation map) c. The soil series present on every land application field d. The crops grown on every land application field e. The Realistic Yield Pxpametion (RYE) for every sop shown in the WUP f. The maximum PAN as be applied to every land application field g. the wage application windows for every mop utilized in the WUP h. The required MRCS Standard specifications A site map/schematie Emergency Action Plan Insect Control Checklist with chosen beg management practises noted Odor Conduct Checklist with chased heal management practices acted Morality Control Checklist with selected method noted - Use the contacted updated Modality Control Checklist IsgoonMorage and capacity documentation, (design, calculations, etc.) Please be cam the above table is accurate and cumphoe. Also provide my Ate evalmtions, wetland determinations, or heated classifications that may be applicable te your fmility. Opemdoo and Maintenance Plan If you CAWMP includes any components not shown on this Est, pius, include the additional components with you submittal. (a.,. composting, digesters, wage transfers, stc) As a second option to mailing paper copies of the application package, you un scan and small one Aped copy of the application and oU the CAWMP Items above to: 2p19PermitReoewalQnedeorgov ROY COOPER nusmar MICHAELS. REGAN sarnary LINDA CULPEPPER blmlN February 27, 2019 North Moore Management L L C Clear View Farm 2504 SDim Rd Robbins, NC 27325-i213 Subject: Application for Renewal of Coverage for Expiring State General permit Dear Petmiltee: Your facility is currently approved for operation under me of the Animal Wask Operation State Nov-Disch rge Gamad Permits, which expire on September 30, 2019. Copies of the new animal waste operation State Non -Discharge General Pervtits are available at 11 .//de ov/a t/i's'.. d to ra'n a or by writing or calling: NCDEQDWR Animal Feeding Operations Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Telephone number. (919) 707-9100 continuedcoverme under the Stan, N - eP ou must u an k match m the' D' Enclosed will find st M f Candling.f Coverace Facifiry Correctly Covered by an k Non-Dischm e Gammi Pe f rut mug be completed. signed and returned by April 3, 2019. Please note that you must Include one Ill cone of the Cerdfied Animal Waste Manaeement rhm 1CAWMPI with the comnkted and aimed anolicationt form. A fist of items included in the _CAWf the renewal application fi Failure to request renewal of your coverage under a general permit within the time period specified may exult in a civil penalty. Operation of your facility without coverage under a valid general permit would oorutiMe a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assmnncnts of civil penai/iea ofup m $25,000 per day. If you have ssry, questions about the Stale Non -Discharge General Permits, the enclosed application, or any related matter pleam feel free to contact the Animal Fcedmg Opemtioos Branch smtf at 919-707-9100. Sincerely, .// �v Jon Risguard, Section Chief Amant Feeding Operations and Groundwater Section Enclosures cc (w/o enclosures): Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Blchmond County Soil and Water Comervation District APOG Sermon Central Files- AWS770006 N G Purvis Farms Inc 5=N. Mupaaaem.a,m aavtamoufganar elstmaoewnxmw.eaa 45— iw 813 N.9ebauH Ba >m6 Mv84vviu C®ur I RaY1�,NarN CUYnr 2TBBJ.1888 8]8.Yp19We Animal Waste Management Plan Certification (PI.... ,one nr nnnl all information that does not raoune a sienature) New or Expanded (please circle �atite of Farm: Clear view Farm Facility No: 77 -- 6 O1,t+'ner(s) Name: North Moore Management, LLC Phone No: (910) 948-2297 4lailing Address. 2504 Spies Road, Robbins, nC 27325-7213 Fatm Location: County Farm is located in: Richmond Latitude and Longitude: 35 04 40 / 79 47 35 Integrator: N.G. Purvis Farms, Inc. Alease attach a copy of a county road map with location identified and describe below (Be specific: road names, directions, milepost, etc.): Farm entrance is off SR# 1314 approximately 3,000 feet Korth of the intersection of SR# 1309 and SR# 1314. 1.3 miles west northwest of �Aer,tion Description: oyPe of Swine No. afAnimal, Type of Ponlrn• No. ofAnau.i, Type of Dairy No. of Animals Crean to Feeder ❑ Layer ❑ Milking C Poetics to Finish 3, 177 Cl Non -Layer O Dry Farrow to Wean Type of Beef No. of Animals ❑ Hcifcrs CFarrow to Feeder ❑ Brood ❑ Calves Farrow to Finish O Feeders Gilts ❑ stackers aoars O(licr TypcofLivcsrock: NumGcrofAninrals: �P"ding Operation Only Afe,.: ".....,.:.... nod,•,. Canacinc Total Design Canaciti, Aereage Available for Application: 32.87 Required Acreage: 24.21 �4Cla6er of Lagoons I Storage Ponds: 2 Total Capacity: 1, 428,650 Cubic Feet(ft3) (including freeboard) Are subsurface drains present on the farm: YES or (✓ (pleas. circle one) ]ES: arc subsurface drains present in the area of the LAGOON or SPRAY FIELD (please circle one) -*#{:***. X:#is**., x,.x}..* :.i: i::k i::F1MYM:l:d I..k :.1:i:v:M1:i: l:.N: 1: M: Y: N:Y**1:4:. 1:1: �1:A:i:.c#>... �wper / Manager Agreement ithoral e) verify that all the above information is correct and will be updated upon changing. I (we) understand the operation and 'laz ance procedures established in the approved animal waste manag.ment plan for the farm named above and will 131ementt these slorage (ij�w rn orconstruction orf new( l facilities now l illrequire aany tsion tltreatmente existing design capataity of in, waste l new certification Division to be submitted to the vsion of WaterQuality Sbur Q) before the neanimals are stacked. I (we) understand that there most be no discharge of animal waste from the tp aEe or application systcm to surface waters of the State rather already through a man-made conveyance or from a storm lthtlat less severe than the 25-year. 24-hour storm and there must not be run-off from the application of animal waste. I (we) c"' e`rsand that run-off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas must be minimized using technical standards [he 'eloped by the USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The approved plan will be filed at the (arm and at r CCU Ffice of the local Soil and Water Conscn•alien District. I (wu) know that any moaiGcatien must be approved by a esW meal specialist and submitted to the Soil and Water Conservation District prior m implementation. A chance in land tlq aotship requires written notification to DWQ or a new certification (i(the approved plan is changed) within 60 days of a e rr'ansfe, o 4XII of Land 9.wner: awe of Manager different from Q -- December S.2000 CUE ,, VIEW FARM CAW ,UVISION N..2 AUGUST 2002 CERTIFIED ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE CLEAR VIEW FARM REVISION No. 2 NOTES ABOUT THIS PROJECT: Important: This document (Revision No. 2) is a modification of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) developed and submitted for this farm by Environmental Engineering Services (EES) on May 30, 2002. Since the May 30, 2002 CAWMP submittal, the farm owners have decided to change the mix of animals to be housed at this farm. The current plans are to grow only finishing hogs or "top hogs" at this farm, leaving the nursery pigs off completely. The permitted Steady State Live Weight (SSLW) will not be increased by this change in animal mix, and will in fact be slightly decreased by this action. The infrastructure specified in the May 30, 2002 CAWMP will not be altered due to the animal mix change; including such items as the lagoons, proposed spray irrigation system design, cropping patterns, field sizes, etc. A few CAWMP details will need to be altered to reflect the new animal mix. The engineer and owners felt it best to reproduce the entire package so references to the animal waste management details would match the animal mix and be all inclusive within the same package. Most of the information in this package will be duplicated from the May 30, 2002 submittal. Only references to the new animal mix will be made below. The May 30, 2002 report is being completely replaced by this Revision No. 2 document. The Clear View Farm site is an existing swine operation. Within the last year all animals were removed from the farm before it was sold to North Moore Management, LLC. North Moore Management (NMM) wishes to continue the farming operation, keeping the same (or close to the same) permitted Steady State Live Weight (SSLW). NMM plans to change the mix of animals, clear some new spray fields that are closer to the farm, and install some new irrigation piping in order to modernize the waste management system. Since the SSLW is not increasing, NMM wishes to revise the existing Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) rather than apply for a new permit. For continuity, this revision will try to follow the old plan as much as possible, but many particulars will be reviewed and updated. Hopefully the plan revisions outlined below will guide the farmer (or the reader) to a more comprehensive understanding of everyday animal waste management and planning. The reader should note that the farmer has the ultimate authority to manage his or her waste to best suite his or her cropping patterns and weather conditions. This plan is only a guide, and should be modified (within reason) to fit those needs from year to year. Maximums and minimums being discussed should not be violated and precautions about off -site run-off of animal waste should be strictly observed. The development of a CAWMP is a dynamic process. This means that one design decision will affect the next decision, and that decision will affect the next, etc. Also, on -site situations will occasionally require plan alterations or at least make them differ from those parameters presented in the written document. Therefore, the reader should use this plan for guidance and for general standards more than CIE,: VIEWFARMCAV ,REVISIONNo.2 AUGUST 2002 for exact "to the inch" measurements. The farmer/manager however should not grossly exceed the minimurn or maximum recommendations so as not to violate the intent of the recommendations. The engineer has tried to weigh all factors in accordance with importance and include as much background as possible about decisions. For brevity, every decision will not be openly debated within this report. Eachintensive animal operation and facility operates differently and must be evaluated on its own merit and the owner/operator's willingness to maintain best management practices or BMA's. It will be completely up to the farmer and/or system(s) operator to operate the system in accordance with these plans, to protect the surface water and groundwater of the State of North Carolina, and to adhere to all rules and regulations related to animal waste utilization. All specifications within this document are acceptable for use to satisfy the animal waste management rules found in the publication titled NCDENR, Division of Environmental Water Quality, Title 15A:02H, Section .0200. The reader should refer to this State publication for regulatory details. The information contained in this document have been shown to be effective if performed in a responsible manner by knowledgeable persons. It is impossible however to predict all future operational, environmental, and bureaucratic situations which could cause these plans to need modification or be revised at a later date. When possible, this document follows the U.S. Natural Resources Conversation Service (MRCS) design criteria and is not meant to contradict standard NRCS guidelines or the design criteria of other organizations. Much of the information in this document (plus Exhibits) was obtained courtesy of the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service. CUEA VIEW FA CAWW, REVISION N,2 AUGUST 2002 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARAMETER VALUES OR DATA Farm Name and County Clear View Farm, Richmond County ormall known as the James E. Wall Farm) DW Faci I.D. Number AWS770006 Number Of Animals and Type For The Existing CAWMP 300 Sow Farrow -to -Finish Operation Stead State Live Wei t) 300 sows x 1,417 lbs./sow = 425,100 ounds Number Of Animals and Type For'Me Revised CAWMP 3, 123 Finish Hogs @ 135 tbs./hog plus (3, 123 hogs x 135 Ibs./hog = 421,605 pounds) (Steady State Live Weight) Existing Lagoon Storage Capacity Below The Mandatory Upper3,606,796 gallons Freeboard µeerlagcoLa on Pallons Volume Of Wastewater Produced By Animals And By n wally annually ,14 ,664allgalloris Rainfall Less Evaporation estimate on1 ) en . 428 25 Year - 24 Hour Storm Event For Desi 6.5 inches Maximum Estimated Available Months Of Storage In The Upper lagoon - 9 months +/- Lower la oon - 12 months +/- La oons Estimated (calculated) Total Yearly Volume Of Waste To 5,146,664 gallons (best estimate) LandA 1 Average Plant Available Nitrogen (P.A.N.) Value Based From irrigation liquid = 1.40 lbs./1,000 gallons +/- On Book Numbers And Water Availability (best estimate) PlantAvailable NiVogen (P.A.N.) Estimated For Land 7,183 pounds per year +/- (best estimate) lication Based On Book Values Calculated Sodium Absorption Ratio S.A.R. (irri ation water) = no data Field Identifications And Total Field Sizes Included In Field 1 = 1.92 acres This Revised Plan After Set -Backs Are Taken Out Field 2 = 11.00 acres (Not All These Acres Are Irrigated) Field 3 = 19.95 acres Total = 32.87 +/- Crops To Be Grown Bermudagrass overseeded with rye. - Fields F1 and F3: Bermudagrass = 3.84 tons/acre Realistic Yield Expectation (R.Y.E.) Ranges For Ailey Loamy Sand Soil Type Field F2: Bermudagrass = 3.76 tons/acre (all soils = Ailey Loamy Sand) Fields Fl, F2, and F3: Rye = 2.22 tons/acre (Rye to get 100 lbs. P.A.N. per ac per year -max.) Removal B Harvested Crop(s) 7,218 ounds esign Area Under Irrigation Field 1 = 0.61 acres Field 2 = 9.20 acres Field 3 = 15.71 acres PT.t,l;E!ffe;cttw Total = 24.72 acres s Not Under Irri anon 8.15 acres rigation Type Kifco/Ag-Rain 725A W/880' of 2.5 "diameter hose and a Nelson SRl00R w/0.77" ring nozzle. Nozzle Coverage After 90% Reduction In Manufacturer's 250 feet wetted diameter at 90 psi and 225 degree Published Data are,pattern Recommended Irrigation Rates and Volume Ranges Precipitation Rate = 0.30 to 0.50 in/hr Volume per event = 0.25 to 0.75 inches CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW MP, REVISION N.. 2 AUGUST 2002 existsjust down slope from the lower lagoon dike, but this area is not likely to significantly flood due to its elevation above nearby streams. Little Mountain Creek is a little over a mile away from the farm lagoons in a straight line. The down - slope hydraulic path from the farm to the creek is greater. No towns are know to get their water from Little Mountain Creek immediately down stream from the farm site. As mentioned earlier, there are several drainage-way/creek areas between proposed irrigation fields. One of these drainage-way/creeks does not appear on the USGS topo map and one appears as a solid blue line stream. Exhibits 2, 3, and 14 show these waterways. The discharge of animal waste to the surface waters of N.C. is prohibited. Therefore no effluent should be allowed to make its way into the nearby streams and rivers. While no animal farming operation is completely safe from wastewater spillage accidents, adhering to the safety guidelines within this document and careful management should greatly minimize any such accidents. A sudden dam breach causing a significant release of effluent is very unlikely. EES did not do a stability analysis on the earthen lagoon dikes and did not witness their construction. Therefore dike stability is not being certified by the engineer. Lagoon and earthen dike construction was reportedly supervised by the Richmond County NRCS. In the event of an effluent discharge, the effluent would be subject to dilution prior to it reaching any public water supply intake. While the effects of any such an occurrence is serious, the engineer believes any major threat to a drinking water supply is minimal and would not have dramatic and prolonged effects on the availability of the drinking water supply. Stream aquatic life would be in jeopardy associated with any sudden or prolonged release of animal waste. The extent of such an accident would depend on the quantity and quality of the effluent spilled. Animal Waste Related Set -Backs or Buffers There are numerous regulations related to set -backs and buffers from intensive livestock operations. Most of the more stringent set -backs relate to swine production and swine waste. Unfortunately set- back values are subject to rapid change due to legislation, making them hard to always follow. The engineer has made an attempt to list the appropriate set -backs below according to the .0200 regulations, General Statue 106 (Senate Bill 1080), Senate Bill 1217, House Bill 515, etc. as of this report date. Tables 1 and 2 show various buffers or set -backs that apply to swine and dairy operations. Table 1 shows set -backs from new or expanding facilities and Table 2 shows minimum distances from waste application areas. The reader should note that the set -backs shown are dependent on the time the farm was sited. Be it noted that the Clear View Farm is not a new farm, but some of the proposed sprayfields are new. Therefore the engineer is recommending the most recent set -backs shown in Table 2 be used for irrigation design. Wind conditions, neighbor activities, crop growth, temperatures, etc. may require that buffers be increased. The irrigation operator should be particularly careful to avoid spray drift if irrigating on windy days. Always protect surface waters near application sites, even if it means increasing set -back distances. TABLE 1 IS SHOWN ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 'I9FL'Ot.':Gi: .. _ I n IMW FARM CAWMF,REVISI0NN0.2 ;UST 2002 TABLEI .sidences farms sited atter to-1-7j church, hospitals, schools, picnic -' 300 feet 300 feet blic use area, :as, arks, etc. farms existin before 4-15-87 750 feet 750 feet Iblic use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic eas, arks, etc. farms sited before 10-1-95 2,500 feet 750 feet Iblic use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic eas, arks, etc. farms sited after 10-1-95 roperty lines 100 feet? 100 feet? Farms sited before 10-1-95 100 feet 100 feet? Farms sited between 10-1-95 & 10-1-96 500 feet 100 feet? Farms sited after 10-1-96 100 feet 100 feet Ilue in Streams SGS Quad. Ma s 100 feet 100 feet Haterwells s`ervin the farm property 500 feet 100 feet Dater wells not serving the farm pro ert Not Allowed Not Allow ,00 earflood P181D 1- This setback has not been confirmed, but it is considered a good recommendation. Facilities would include the confinement houses, feed bins, lagoon, lagoon dam, etc. Access roads, stormwater control devices (i.e. grass water ways), irrigation fields, piping, etc. are not part er the facilities under the above set -back limitations according to the engineer's understanding. However the grower should refer to legal counsel and/or regulatory agencies to confirm these opinions since there is much regulatory confusion about such matters. Clear View Farm is not new or expanding SSLW. The building renovations proposed will take place in the same building sites as the old confinement houses. Based on its age, not exceeding the same permitted SSLW, and from conversation with DWQ the engineer believes that Clear View Farm meets the facility set -backs mentioned in Table 1. TABLE 2 IS SHOWN ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 7 CIEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION Na. 2 AUGUST 7002 TABLE2 pnn AWTMAr nn2u AT1t1NS r NEW AND EXISTING) WASTE APPLICATION SET -BACKS FROM— Residences or occupied dwellings without variance emission. Public use area, church, hospitals, schools, picnic areas, arks, etc. Any property line not owned by the farm (except as shown below) SWINE 200 feet 200 feet No Specification (50 It. recommended, more is better COWS 200 feet 200 feet No Specification (25 ft. recommended, more is better) Any property line with an occupied dwelling on that adjacent property (unless given easement by owner). 0 feet (more is better) Specification • Farm sited before 10-1-95 ........................... 50 feet ore s recommended, more is re • Farm sited between 10-1-95 & 8-27-97........ better) • Farm sited or expanded after 8-27-97 .....__ 75 feet • Spray fields put in lace after 8-27-97 ......... 75 feet 25 feet recommended? 25 feet recommended? Public roads and ri t-of-ways + ++ 0 ft (use extreme caution) oft use extreme caution) Shallow drain e ditches or grass water ways full) 25 ft more is better) 25 ft more is better) irri ation ditches or canals (flowin or usuall Perennial Streams (i.e. Blue Line Streams from USGS Quad. Maps) other than an irrigation ditch or Canal 25 feet minimum ( ) 25 feet (minimum) • Farms sited before 10-1-95 ......................... • Farms; sited between 10-1-95 & 8-27-97....... 50 feet (minimum) • Farm sited or expanded after 8-27-97 ..... I... 75 feet (minimum) • S ra fields ut in lace after 8-27-97 .......... 75 feet (minimum) Water wells seDing the farm Pr22crtY 100 feet 100 feet too feet Water wells not servin the farm ro ett1 100 feet Allowed but use caution I Allowed but use caution 100 ear flood lain ? = This setback has not been conturneo, out a is consiucieu a gow .�..••.•�••�•••-•••_-- += Typical right-of-ways; from secondary roads in NC is 30 feet from the center line of the road. This means to stay 25 feet away from the right of way or a total of 55 feet from the center line of the road. The engineer would suggest a buffer of at least 75 feet from public road right-of-ways if using big gun irrigation to avoid unpleasant accidents, especially in windy conditions. 50 feet from center line is recommended if using a "honey wagon" to broadcast near public road fight -of -ways. ++ = A light application of effluent over grass water ways to maintain a good grass cover is acceptable. This is different from deep groundwater lowering ditches or very steep water ways. Use good judgment and plan this type of activity away from rain events. Do not irrigate in wet lands. Do not heavily apply waste in valleys which are subject to high rainfall out off or in wet weather drainage ways. 100 feet buffers from perennial water (i.e. blue line streams) are recommended by the engineer for all fields that are steep or difficult. In the opinion of the engineer, the new spray fields proposed for Clear View Farm must and do meet the most recent buffer requirements stated in Table 2. As a word of caution, it is the owner's responsibility to verify any set -backs that are close or questionable and to make sure animal waste applications adhere to the required set -backs each time irrigation occurs. M SA VIEW FA MCAWMP,aGVISIONNo2 GUST 2002 iscellaneous Site Details ,ere are no dwellings, structures, roads, or bridges between any of the lagoons and the nearest creek branch. Little Mountain Creek crosses State Road # 1314 about 1.75 hydraulic miles down stream un the Clear View Farm but no evaluation of this road or its stream conveyance capacity was made tce sudden and complete dam breaches on lagoons are very rare. .evailing winds are typically from the southwest and blow toward the northeast. There are no high msity residential developments, hospitals, schools, or parks immediately northeast of the Clear View arm parcel but some individual dwellings do exist in the nearby community. The land application of aste should not be inhibited by these nearby dwellings as long as all precautions and safeguards are ,lowed. here is a small cemetery (3 to 5 graves) located east of the confinement houses within field F3. The emetery is old and overgrown with vines and brush. The cemetery appears abandoned and has had no bservable maintenance in many years. North Moore Management should be able to use the field round the cemetery without doing damage to the graves. )ther than the cemetery, the engineer did not observe any unusual natural or archeological features at he farm. No endangered or threatened wildlife species were noted. Much of the land proposed for Ipplication has been in agricultural production for many years. Other portions of the new sprayfield sites nave historically been woodland, until recently cut -over by the previous landowner. Recently cut -over and will need to be cleared of stumps and woody debris prior to planting crops. A few acres of aroposed sprayfields will need to be cleared of standing young pine trees. There are wetlands near the creeks between proposed spray irrigation areas. These wetlands are typically within 75 feet of the creek run, therefore the new sprayfields should not impact the wetlands. Animal Populations and Related Information Swine waste will be removed from the houses by water and either flushed or drained into the lagoon system. Clear View Farm will land apply a liquid swine effluent on a routine basis as a means of waste management. There will be sludge to land apply sometime in the future. Without a detailed sludge analysis, the engineer has chosen to wait and address sludge applications when the need arises. All swine waste will be irrigated onto growing crops as a means of utilization. NMM wishes to keep or slightly lower the Steady State Live Weight (SSLW) for Clear View Farm, but plans are to change the animal composition as mentioned earlier in this plan. At this time, predicted nitrogen availability, based on "book values", will be the limiting factor for animal numbers. This means in the first few years of operation, there may be less SSLW than the permit specifies. The reader will note that once the farm is up and running at full capacity, the lagoons have had time to stabilize, and a history of waste analyses is achieved, the farm "may" be able to increase the number of animals at the farm to closer match the currently permitted SSLW. This is an option the farm would like to keep open to them. However, since this a regulatory matter, EES will discuss the number of hogs allowed according to the nitrogen limits and discuss the SSLW at those values. More will be said about animal numbers later in this document. Table 3 shows a summary of the proposed animal populations at the Clear View Farm. CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWW, REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 3 CLEAR VIEW FARM LIVESTOCK SUMMARY 1. Type of operation for Clear View Farm Finishing bogs. 2. Statistics for the old farrow -to -finish operation 300 sows (1,417 pounds each) (425, 100 pounds) (aea. Der head weight) (Steady State Live Weight) T Number of finish hogs for the new operation (avg. 3,123 head (135 pounds each) (421,605 pounds)* per head weight) (Steady State Live Weight) * numbers are based on nitrogen estimates, not SSLW 4. Total permitted Animal Steady State Live Weight 421,605 pounds (farmer would like to maintain option for the new operation (SSLW) to go back to old permitted SSLW if nitrogen values can be ke t below book values) BRIEF REVIEW OF THE CLEAR VIEW FARM LAGOONS General The Clear View Farm site has been in operation for over 20 years. Clear View Farm has 2 single stage lagoons at the farm, an upper and a lower lagoon. Both lagoons are reported to have been designed by the NRCS, and they most likely witnessed lagoon construction. EES did not evaluate earthen dike construction, stability, or compaction. Both lagoons at Clear View Farm are single stage lagoons and do not share water sources. There is no cross -over pipes between the two lagoons. The lower lagoon is made so it its high water level is more or less at the outside toe of the upper lagoon dike. Lagoon Shape and Flows Both lagoons at this farm are somewhat rectangle in surface area and trapezoidal in cross section. The interiors of the lagoons are assumed to be lined with clay but liner materials could not be viewed because of existing effluent. Both lagoons have high water level markers installed, but these high water level markers were not checked by the engineer. There will be two finishing floors located just south of the upper lagoon. Waste from these upper buildings will flow into the upper lagoon only. Two additional finishing floors are located south-west of the lagoon area at a lower elevation than the previously mentioned housing. Wastewater from the lower houses will flow into the lower lagoon only. All waste will be drained into the respective lagoon by gravity. Both lagoons at this farm have some outside surface drainage that flows into them when it rains. Some of this drainage can not be altered. The engineer has assumed that Clear View Farm will perform some minor earth moving work to repair drainage ways and earthen diversions to minimize the influence of surface water drainage. Drainage areas will be shown in another section of this report. The inside slopes of the Clear View Farm upper lagoon are all assumed to be about 2.5:1. The inside slopes of the lower lagoon tend to vary. The dike of the lower lagoon is assumed to have an inside slope dike slope of about 2.5:1. The other inside side slopes are not as steep as the dike. Both lagoons are assumed to have relatively flat bottoms. The lower lagoon bottom has a gentle slope toward the north end of the lagoon. Exhibits 4 and 5 show graphs of the volume vs. depth of each lagoon. Detailed drawings of each lagoon are beyond the scope of this evaluation. 10 �LEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, RLVISION No 2 AUGUST 2002 Lagoon Capacity Evaluation and Review Methodology The main purpose of this lagoon evaluation is to make a reasonable estimate as to the total liquid holding capacity of each lagoon as compared to the standard design for a given number of animals. The engineer took a limited number of internal lagoon measurements and made reasonable assumptions on unseen parameters like interior floor shapes, sludge blanket thickness, etc. Based on the on -site measurements and assumptions, the engineer will develop volumetric estimates for each structure and compare these volumes to the standard design. Regardless of the adequacy of the volumes deterrmned, the engineer must assume the farmer will manage his water levels and sludge levels as regulations dictate. Exhibits 4 and 5 show graphs of the volume vs. depth of each lagoon. Detailed drawings of each lagoon are beyond the scope of this evaluation. Sludge Holding Capacity Unless raw manure solids screening is used at a hog farm, significant quantities of sludge can build up on the anaerobic lagoon floor. This sludge is typically removed either via an irrigation program or a pump and haul routine. Ether way it must be occasionally managed. Design protocol suggests removing anaerobic lagoon sludge at hog farms every 5 years. There is currently a small amount of sludge in the Clear View Farm lagoons left from the old farming operation. The engineer has estimated existing sludge volume in the Clear View Farm lagoons based on personal measurements and reasonable assumptions. He has also made the assumption that Clear View Farm will remove this existing sludge along with any new sludge in about 5 years. If not removed the sludge will eventually take up required liquid volume space. Table 4 shows the estimated existing sludge volume. The predicted 5 year sludge accumulation volume was derived from a formula developed at the NCSU Agricultural Engineering Department by L.M. Salley and agrees with NRCS design criteria. Removal of solids more often will reduce the necessary sludge storage volume, however NRCS standards now require a 5 year minimum for design. A typical value for sludge accumulation from a finishing operation is 0.25 cu. ft./lb. of animal weight. TABLE 4 ,.. n .rrwv RA RM T.e C.00NS (Estimated) SLUDGE S'1'UXAliL VUi.ulvkk,a rwn iraar-uu�..� •�-- Average -----'------ - Total Amount Estimated 5 Year Existing Number Of 5 Year Sludge Accumu. Weight Per Of Sludges Accumulation Sludge Volume Animals Factor Based Head Years From Thereafter Producing On Weight Now ;Lag� allons Waste cu.ftJlb. ounds gallons) (gallons) 255,000 1,623 0.25 135 664,726 409,726 1,445,00 11,500 0.25 135 1,823,675 378,675 11 N FARM CAWMP, aGVIStON No.2 ]02 of ater treatment Volume is the volume ato waste ,gn treatment vulture (sometimes called Minimum Design Volume) non ditis for bacterial growth in lagoons. It does not to maintain optimum coapply ponds. operation, the operator should always strive to maintain a liquid depth of b feet in ars°single 4. feet of water depth can be the minimum depth over sludge blankets (popinion (goons operation, control excess ratorivepodors. However, if there are deep areas and shallow areas within the. igoon, Cooperatve Extension Specialist). es of farms. The lagoon produce management makes more difference than size in minimizing g .,hers at NCSU have conducted field work on hundreds of lagoons on man grossly undersized. Even lagoons of very large size can d consensus is that lagoon provided that the lagoon is not gr Y anaerobic swine mai amounts of odor if improperly managed. The Natural Resources Conservation Service for designing engineer chose to use design guidelines commonly ;S) in North Carolina uses research data developed at NCS published :nt lagoons. Through out this document the of t Table 5 shows the fed in North Carolina by the specs Most of this design criteriatowas obtained front p es of researchers and extension specialists at North Carolina State University. ;u treatment volumes for both lagoons. TABLES ArOONS TItE ATMENT VOLUME Average Design tea Lagoon DESIGN Number Of Minimum Design Weight Per Volume Per goon Type Of Animals Volume Factor Head i.D. Animal Producing Based On Weight oonds allons Producing lcu.tt./16. 1 638,95 r Month Wastewater And Itainfall Storage to the produced by the hogs and due to rainfall amounts ulled off of the top of the lagoon and recycledtually be spray :cess water will accumulate in lagoons due to wa ter 'seeding evaporation. Wastewater will m p week. Likewise there will be ate every mfinement buildings for routine waste removal. Excess water accumulation will even rigated to crops. Naturally the farmer will not desire to irrigrequires ate irrigation Ktended time periods when the weather will not Pe faive rmer safety and flexibility in theherrig o e of the design can vary between three and six months, with six forage volume built into the lagoon system to g outine. The time period for this part nom being the most conservative value. town 9 a 10 Bach of the Clear View Farm lagoons will be evaluated based on a six month waste holding capacity. wishes to explain that in North Carolina there can be crotaking unnecessary risks. However the engineerfor less excess water storage without taking Clean - months out of the year, thus allowing stem. Special allowances need The six month storage volume includes wastes excreted by the animals, spillage or wasted wtry ater, divert as up water, and excess rainfall (less evaporation) directly into the lagoon sysh embankment', drainage to be much add if there er as possible away ditches,the lagoone areas Into the agoons system The farmer earthen embankm stor ditches, and grass waterways. 12 CLEAa VIEW FARM CAW W. REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 6 rrr,V`P o A MIZA 1.7. ACCUMULATIONS SIX MUN 1HAAEVv r,vrr+uru.+,... ,---.....----------- - Total Average g Lagoon Type Of Number 6 Month Excess Average I.D. Animal Of Wastewater Weight Wastewater Wastewater Producing Animals Accumulation Per Accumulation Accumulation Waste Producing Factor Based On Head Over 6 Months Over 1 Month Waste Wei ht cu.ft./lb. ounds allons allons Upper Finishing 1,623 05 135 819,453 136,576 La oon He s 0.5 135 757,350 126,225 Lower Finishing 1,500 Lagoon Hogs lotions at swine facilities. I[ includes * This table was generated using NCSU values for wastewater accurm excess animal related wastewater and rainfall (less evaporation) falling directly onto the lagoon surface. It does not include outside stonnwater drainage into the lagoon system. TABLET AN OVERALL SUMMARY OF LIQUID WASTE PRODUCED AT CLEAR VIEW FARM ncn r ♦nnnV - t R'!3 UI-NTSJTING HOGS" Average ur LG., Y-- v- Drainage Acres _-__--____ Excess Avg. Est'd Liquid - Total Volume Of Month Rainfall For Outside Of The Water Due Waste Produced By Liquid Waste To The Ellerbe Lagoon Surface+ To Rainfall Animals Each Month Be Generated From Table 6 Each Month N.C. Area # allons allons allons inches acres 0.26 30,076 136,576 166 652 Janus 4 P6 3.77 0.26 26,616 136 5' l63 192 Februar 4.32 0.26 30,499 136,576 167,075 March 3.19 0.26 22,522 13fi,576 159,098 A ril 3.57 0.26 25,204 136,5 76 161,780 Ma 4.28 0 2G 30,217 136,576 166,793 June 5.18 0.26 36,571 136,576 173,147 Jul 4.60 0.26 32,476 136,576 169.052 An sl 3.96 0.26 27,958 136,576 534 164,534 Se tember 0.26 25,275 136 576 161,851 October 3.58 0.26 21,957 136,576 159,533 November 3.11 0.26 22804 136576 159,380 December 3.23 47.05 ****•** 332,175 I,638,912 1,971,087 Total e r�,.�e�e .omnino station was Jackson # precipitation data taken from the Southeast Kegionu cumare r.c„•c, �-----• -- --- Springs, NC. Years from 1952 to 2000. + For simplicity the engineer assumed all rainfall mnoff (lowing into the lagoon from areas other than the lagoon surface is stored. Evaporation factors associated with the lagoon surface have already been accounted for in the average monthly animal waste estimates. This wlumn does not include the lagoon surface area. 13 CtE,, V@w PA11M CAWW, REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Table 7 continued -- Month Average Drainage Acres Excess Rainfall For Outside Of The Water Due The ;Ilerbe Lagoon Surface + To Rainfall N.C. Area 1f 3.77 3.57 Avg. Est'd Liquid Total Volume Of Waste Produced By Liquid Waste To Animals Each Month Be Generated From Table 6 Each Month Total 4/.UJ ... — — ....... # Precipitation data taken from the Southeast Regional Climate Center web site. Closest reporting station was Jackson Springs, NC. years from 1952 to 2000. + For simplicity the engineer assumed all rainfall rarely flowing into the lagoon from areas other than the lagoon surface is stored. Evaporation factors associated with the lagoon surface have already been accounted for in the average monthly animal waste estimates. This column does not include the lagoon surface area. Using the NCSU standard values for six month storage needs for a swine lagoon without exterior run-in does not allow the engineer to assess the true evaporation and rainfall accumulations on the pond surface during the various months of the year. Using the standard values for six month storage makes each month equal in terms of swine waste production and rainfall accumulation on the lagoon surface. Thus it is impossible to "accurately" predict a six month maximum six month storage period. However, from the values presented in Table 7, the engineer will select the maximum six month water storage needs and ignore the inaccuracy of the method. Those predicted maximum storage period from Table 7 is from May to October. Values appear in Table 8. Lagoon Number And Maximum Estimated Six Identification Type Of Animals Month Storage Needs Adding To (from Table 7) Waste allons Upper Lagoon 1,623 Finishing 997,157 Ho s Lower Lannon 1,500 Finishing 1,645,857 14 ,,rage One Month Storage Need During The Maximum Six Month Storage Period 193 CIEAR VIEW FARM CAW ,REVISION Na.2 AUGUST 2002 24 Year - 24 Hour Storm Storage At any time in North Carolina there can occur a severe rain producing storm which can deposit considerable amounts of water quickly. This fact should be considered when designing a lagoon system and allowances made to accommodate this extra water. The standard storm surge allowed in a lagoon system design (i.efor single or final stage lagoons, waste storage ponds, etc.) is the 25 year - 24 hour rainfall event. This storm event is historically different between the Mountains, Piedmont, and Coastal plain and can even vary between neighboring cities. Climatic data from the U.S. Weather Bureau was available to give the designer reasonably accurate information about such rainfall events. The 25 year - 24 hour storm for the Ellerbe area is around 6.5 inches. For this storm value, the design engineer is considering the rainfall falling within the interior of the lagoon and that entering into the lagoon due to stormwater run-off. Table 9 shows the anticipated storm values. TABLE 9 24 YEAR- 24 HOUR STORM SURGE AT CLEAR VIEW FARM 25 YEAR- 24 TOTAL ACRES VOLUME OF STORM SURGE VOLUME OF STORM SURGE HOUR STORM COLLECTING RAINFALL, EVENT INCLUDING THE (inches) # LAGOON SURFACE (acres) .. ,.... n....i Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical Paper No. 40 Normal Freeboard (Second Storm Allowance) The most recent design criteria established by the NRCS suggests that a second 25 year - 24 hour storm allowance be made inside the lagoon system before an overflow would occur. The reader should understand that this second storm allowance is a voluntary allowance for existing lagoons not being expanded or being modified. The second storm allowance acts as an additional safety net against effluent overflow in emergency situations or in extremely wet weather. While the engineer does not disagree with added safety, he also understands that when water levels are allowed to get within a foot or less of overflow there needs to be a close look at wastewater management rather than added lagoon volumes. The engineer is recommending Clear View Farm add the second 25 year - 24 hour storm allowance into their program for safety. Table 1 o shows the second storm allowance values. LAGOON I.D. 25 YEAR - 7A r v aew n�.+.,.., HOUR STORM COLLECTING RAINFALL, EVENT INCLUDINGTHE LAGOON SURFACE the Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the 15 VOLUME OF VOLUME OF STORM SURGE I STORM SURGE No. 40 LEA, VIEW FARM CAWM , REVISION NO.2 .UGUST 2002 ;mergency Freeboard :mergency freeboard is the extra depth added to a lagoon (or holding structure) for safety against a indoor embankment overflow or over -topping). This extra depth is a safety measure and prevents later from spilling over the dam, resulting in dam erosion and complete or partial failure. Emergency reeboard is measured 'From the design overflow to the top of the dam. This zone can not contain water ✓ithout an overflow. The as -built emergency overflows at this farm are as follows: Measured Emergency Freeboard For The Upper Lagoon : I foot or more (not uniform) Measured Emergency Freeboard For The Lower Lagoon : No emergency overflow installed ,mergency Spillway Or Overflows fhe discharge or overflow of swine effluent to the surface waters of N.C. is prohibited. in the engineer's opinion, if the water level inside a lagoon should exceed the maximum high water level it should have a predetermined path of overflow in order to safeguard the dam regardless of surface water nflow or the lack there -of This emergency spillway should be located on undisturbed, firm soil not rosily eroded or on a very solid surface like bedrock, away from the lagoon data if possible, or in a )osition where minimal dam height is found. Either overflow pipes or earthen overflows may be used, wt earthen structures are preferred. The amount of water to be safely passed by an emergency overflow will depend on several factors and the degree of safety the designer requires. The emergency spillway should pass the overflow water without over -topping the embankments or dam. The upper lagoon at Clear View Farm has an emergency overflow, but it is poorly constructed. The lower lagoon has no constructed overflow. Below the engineer will list the dimensions of a properly designed emergency overflow. The engineer recommends that an intense short duration storm is the appropriate approach to spillway design. Therefore the engineer decided to use a 100 year - 1 hour storm for emergency spillway design. Weather data for the Ellerbe NC area suggests rainfall during this storm event at 3.6 inches. Table 11 shows the emergency overflow design capacities, including a 50% storm flow increase for unusual situations. TABLE Il ,.. n\v rA UA f`rrV "FcrrlN AT CLEAR VIEW FARM GrYraavrl\a.a LAGOON 100 YEAR -1 vruau..v • ..r.. .���- TOTAL AREA — - FLOW DUE -- FLOW DUE TOTAL EST. I.D. HOUR COLLECTING TO STORM TO STORM FLOW AFTER STORM RAINFALL, SURGE * SURGE * ADDING 50F EVENT INCLUDING THE (inches) # LAGOON SURFACE+ SAFETY * acres allons/minute cu.ft/second cu.ft/second UPPER 3.6 1.50 2,444 5.45 8.18 LAGOON LOWER 3.6 3.80 6,191 13.81 2072. LAGOON # Taken from the Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States, Technical raper No. 40 • Assumes the entire flow is uniform over one hour. Emergency overflows shall be installed or be improved for both the upper and lower lagoons at this w cut into the rim of the lagoon to convey the overflow. farm, The contractor shall use a flat overflow g - i 16 li AR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION W 2 3UST 2002 rthen overflows shall have sufficient vegetation maintained to prevent scouring of the soil. Where then overflows are used the spillway shall have an outlet a minimum of 4 feet wide and level across width no matter how small the lagoon structure is designed. Normally a wider earthen overflow will required. the emergency overflow is earthen, a good grass cover shall be maintained along its length. The illway should be constructed so that any overflows would be conveyed well passed the lagoon nstruction area and toe of any embankments. A combination of grass, rock rip rap, etc. may be used r the control of erosion in the event of an emergency overflow for earthen overflows. KEEP IN IND, THE EMERGENCY OVERFLOW SHOULD NEVER BE USED IF IT CAN BE VOIDED. re emergency overflow dimensions shown in Table 12 have been sized based on information obtained the manual titled 'Erosion And Sediment Control Planning And Design Manual", published by the orth Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section. The nergency overflow entrance for the lagoon shall be at least 1 foot below the lowest point of any Irthen embankments around the lagoon perimeter. The emergency overflow elevations should be :rifled with a transit after construction. TABLE 12 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW DIMENSIONS FOR THE CLEAR VIEW FARM LAGOONS 4STE STORAGE I MHffKUM LENGTH OF LEVEL F SIDE SLOPES EITHER SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE FLOW- ZONE THAT IS PARALLEL I LEVEL FLOW ZONE 14 TABLE 13 IS SHOWN ON THE NEXT PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY 17 -w CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWW, UE SION No AUGUST 2002 TABLE 13 A SUMMARY OF CALCULATED LAGOON VOLUME AND DEPTH ESTIMATES nnn, , 11z rxnce» "u rrr n Added ♦,AvU V I, - Depth Added Volume By Cumulative Depth rom The This Component Volume ottom (f�)) (gallons) ( allons 5 Year Sludge Allowance 3.10 409,726 09,726 from Table 4) Design Treatment Volume 8 40 1,638,905 ,048,631 E from Table 5 Maximum Six Month Storage 3 70 3045788Including Surface Tn-flowfrom gqdDd Table 8 Extra Storage Zone++ 1.80 561,008 606,796 3.(from Exhibit 4)25 0.890264,752 3,871,548 Year - 24 Hour Stem from Table 9Normal Freeboard (Heavy 0.750 264,752 4,136,300 Rainfall Factor)from Table 10Emer enc Freeboard+++ > 1 N/A N/A rnn vnrQ1, Added Depth (feet) Total Liquid Depth Measured From The Lagoon Bottom feet -�— Added Volume By This Component (gallons) Cumulative Volume (gallons) 5 Year Sludge Allowance + 3.2 3.20 378,675 378,675 from Table 4) Design Treatment Volume 4.2 7.40 1,514,700 1,993,375 from Table 5 Maximum Six Month Storage 10.20 1,645,857 3,539,232 Including Surface In -flow from Table 8 Extra Storage Zone +t 12.80 0 3,539,232 from Exhibit 4)25 Year - 24 Hour Storm d�..b 13.70 670,704 4,209,936 from Table 9Normal Freeboard (Heavy 14.50 670,7044,880,640 Rainfall Factor) from Table 10) Eme enc Freeboard+++ N/A N/A N/A + The existing sludge blanket is being ignored for tors tame. + The typical design value for excess waste storage is 6 months. But due to the as -built construction, both lagoons are estimated to hold more than 6 months of excess wastewater production. See Table 8 for monthly waste production values and Exhibits 4 and 5 for graphs of volumes vs. depths. * Heavy Storm Allowance (second storm) is not required for lagoons of existing farms that are not expanding or adding on SSLW. The second storm allowance is voluntary for these lagoons. +++ This value was measured to be greater than 1 foot. 18 CLEAR VEEW FARM CA W W, REVISION No, 2 AUGUST 2002 Lagoon Water Level Markers A permanent type water level marker shall be installed inside each lagoon or waste storage pond to mark important liquid levels. The farmer may use some type of pole inside each lagoon so the operator can tell at a glance the current water level. This measuring device should be well marked and be of a design which best serves the operator's purpose. An example would be a 2 or 3 inch white PVC pipe with tees positioned at important water levels. As an alternative the farmer may set a pressure treated post in the lagoon and install wooden or galvanized markers at important lagoon levels. Each important marker point should be distinct to easily identify the various levels. If possible the upper end of the pole should be marked in 6 inch increments. The top of the pole should be level with the top or invert of the emergency overflow. It should also clearly show the pump -on level and the pump -off level as a minimum. The pole shall be anchored in a fixed position and not vary with water level. Exhibits 4 and 5 show graphs of the lagoon water levels and depths along with important water levels. TABLE 14 IMPORTANT WATER LEVELS INSIDE THE CLEAR VIEW FARM LAGOONS START PUMPING BEFORE HERE STOP PUMPING AT LEAST BY HERE POND ID (FEET BELOW OVERFLOW) (FEET BELOW OVERFLOW) Upper Lagoon 1.5 + 7.0 Lower La Soon * 1.7 + 7.1 + = Storage for two 25 Year - 24 Hour Storms (6.5 inches each) available between here and overflow. The engineer recommends never letting the water level inside a containment structure get closer than 1 foot from overflow even if there need be only one 25 year - 24 hour stone storage required for this lagoon. Please remember, the emergency overflow is NOT the top of the data. • There is not a constructed emergency overflow on the lower lagoon. This value is measured from the emergency overflow as it will most likely be installed. See Exhibit 5 for a graph. Effluent Storage Capacity Conclusions The following conclusions can be made about the existing lagoons: A. Upper Lagoon — • The total volume in the upper lagoon is adequate for more than 1,623 finishing hogs. Theoretical values suggest a little over 9 months of storage should be available on average for excess wastewater accumulation. All storage estimates are based on the lagoon water being at minimal levels when the storage period begins. • The upper lagoon has some sludge content now. The existing sludge blanket and the accumulating sludge should not inhibit the use of this lagoon for the next 5 years, but it should be addressed at or before that time. • Volumetrically speaking, the upper lagoon at Clear View Farm meets or exceeds the NRCS design standards for when it was built. The farmer must begin pumping effluent before it gets higher than 18 inches below the emergency overflow. This leaves room for two 25 year - 24 hour storms. The lagoon water level can not be lowered more than 7.0 feet below the overflow level. 19 Aa V CW FAIW CAV", ivaVIS10N N..2 JUST 2002 Lower Lagoon — The total volume in the lower lagoon is adequate for available finishing hogs. Theoretical vanes suggestaccumulation bout 12- months of storage All storage estimates are sh dlonthe lagoon) water being at minimal levels whenthe storage period begins. The lower lagoon has some sludge content now. The existing sludge blanket and the accumulating sludge should not inhibit the use of this lagoon for the next 5 years, but it should be addressed at or before that time. Volumetrically speaking, the lower lagoon at Clear View Fmpmarm effluent beforeets or t the higher ethan standards for when it was built. The farmer must begin pump g24 s leaves room for two 25 year - twate level can f be lowered more lagoonbelow the ernergency overflow- othan 7.1 feet below he overflow leveLour storms. The NUTRIENT PRODUCTION FROM ANIMAL MANURE AND ITS USE ON CROPS Annual Excess Wastewater Production be assume at zero shall be ininimized and Fresh water for estimating annual wastewater lagoon production.atClear Aiio alp 971,087 gallons of efflluenit is predicted to be generated annually by the finishing hogs in the upper lagoon (See Table' A total of on (See T gallons er lagoon (See T of effluent is predicted to be generated annually by the finishing hogs in the low able 7). Annual Slurry (or Sludge) Waste Production as Accumulated slurry (or sludge) will be removed from the lagoonstt Cse composirioar View nmwill need to most likely on a 5 or 6 year rotation. The amount of slurry reductions, etc. will all estimated and addressed at that ti and application, analyses vol me which a e fiaetormates s that can not be accurately play a factor in the slurry determined at this time. Therefore the engineer is omitting sludge removal and application discussions from the remainder of this report. Nutrient Discussions a lagoon it starts going through chemical and biological Once animal waste is collected and stored in changes. Temporary waste storage ponds may also offer some nutrient breakdown but not to the extent etc. all contribute to nutrient reductions in the raw manure* partially digested animal of lagoons since waste storage ponds are not specifically designed for treatment. Microbial digestion, volatilization, as manure contains In addiCon the animal wasteogen as wellconta contains m cronutrients such asicopperum,ozine, ion, potassium, etc. Currently only nitrogen a considered as the limiting nutrient factor for the land application o nne the may bee( erformwaste, annual soil test forcopperand zre other nnctsBelow the reader willtfind vaing iriious nutrients discponents. The ussed. must 20 11 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWSIP, REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 Nitrogen Nitrogen is a fundamental part of all life on earth. It is used in relatively large amounts by most living things. Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the atmosphere (in a gas form) but is relatively rare in rocks, minerals, and soils. Atmospheric nitrogen is very stable and not readily plant available. Organisms tend to use up nitrogen quickly in a natural setting, thus making it relatively scarce. Under natural conditions nitrogen is often the limiting factor in plant production. Most plants respond more to nitrogen applications than to other types of nutrients. Plants must have nitrogen in the inorganic form (i.e. nitrate and ammonia ions) for assimilation. However we often find nitrogen in a gas form (i.e. atmospheric N) or in organic form (i.e. like in animal waste), neither form being readily available to plants. Organic nitrogen found in animal waste must first be converted to an inorganic form. Organic nitrogen is most often converted to inorganic forms by microbial action. Nitrogen that is available in a form plants can use is called Plant Available Nitrogen or P.A.N. Nitrogen is essential in chlorophyll production and in the formation of amino acids and proteins. For crop production, nitrogen can come from commercial fertilizer, nitrogen fixing bacteria (legumes), or from organic matter like animal waste. Plant Available Nitrogen or P.A.N. in animal waste is usually estimated by an equation. Many laboratories like NCDA provide P.A.N. estimations for the client when they perform a waste analysis. P.A.N. can vary from waste sample to waste sample and is thus most reliably estimated by using an average of actual test results. When using actual test data the engineer uses the averaging procedure described in the NC Cooperative Extension Publication AG-439-42. When actual test data is not available, the designer can use standard design numbers (i.e. book values) such as those issued by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service, NRCS publications, etc. Book values are often used if there are not at least 3 consecutive years of NCDA waste analyses to average. As a word of caution, NCDA waste testing is only as reliable as the care with which the sample is retrieved. Therefore the farmer should take extreme care to collect representative waste samples. The same would be true for soil sampling. The reader can see Exhibit 9 for waste sampling instructions and Exhibit 8 for soil sampling instructions. The old wastewater test data for Clear View Farm would be that collected when James Wall owned the operation. This data would not be reliable or representative of the new operation so the engineer will ignore any old test data. There are two ways of estimating P.A.N. for farms without existing data. One is based on average nitrogen production per head and the other is estimating average nitrogen production per 1,000 gallons of waste. Since both the upper and lower lagoons at Clear View Farm have some outside stormwater run-in which could dilute the stored wastewater, the engineer thinks it is best to estimate nitrogen production on a per head basis. Table 15 shows estimates of future P.A.N. production using book values. TABLE 15 mcn p A N unnnrrr ON my PI RAR VIEW FARM - ANNUAL TOTALS WASTE NUMBER P.A.N. PER UNIT TOTALP.AN. ESTIMATED ESTIMATED PAN. SOURCE OF FOR TIES TYPE PRODUCTION ANNUAL LIQUID CONTENT OF ANIMALS WASTE ANNUALLY WASTE FOR LAGOON WATER FOR USING MRCS (best estimate) IRRIGATION IRRIGATION BOOK VALUES (Itom Table 7) (calculated value) (tounds/headlyear) (pounds/year allons/ r ( unds/1,000 gall Finishing 1,623 2.3 3,733 1,971,087 1.89 Finishing 1,500 2.3 3,450 3,175,577 1.09 Totals N/A N/A 7,183 5,146,664 140(avera e)+/- 21 CLEAR WFARM CAW ,REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Copper And Zinc Copper and zinc are trace metals (heavy metals) often found in animal type waste in small amounts. Plants must have a limited amount of these metals in order to thrive. Copper is involved in plant enzyme systems,*protein synthesis, seed formation, chlorophyll production, etc. Zinc is involved in starch formation, protein synthesis, root development, etc. If applied to soil in high quantities year after year, copper and zinc can accumulate and may eventually reach high enough levels to become toxic to plants (phytotoxic). Different plants have different tolerances for these metals. Harmful metal accumulation levels will also depend on the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil. Tables 16 and 17 show these two metals and relative harmful levels. The land owner or operator should always try to keep the heavy metal levels as low as possible. NRCS, DWQ, etc. recommends that no more than 1/20 of the lifetime metals allowance be applied in any one year, especially if the application is an on -going event. Soil test data will show existing metal levels and the CEC of the soil. Soil tests for copper and zinc must be taken at least annually. See Exhibits 10 and 11 for more details about copper and zinc. TABLE 16 RECOMMENDED CUMULATIVE LIMTrS FOR METALS OF MAJOR CONCERN APPLIED TO AGRICULTURAL CROP LAND Soil Cation Exchange Capacity, meq / 100 gm+ <5 5to 15 >15 Metal kg1ha Ib./ac kg/ha Ib./ac kWba Ib./ac Lead (Pb) 560 500 1,120 1,000 2,240 2,000 Zinc(Zn) 280 250 560 500 1,120 1,000 Copper (Cu) 140 125 280 250 560 500 Nickel (Ni) 140 125 280 250 560 500 Cadmium (Cd) 5 4.4 10 9 20 17.8 + Ref: USDA and EPA adopted guidelines, 1977. Soil should be maintained at a pH of about 6 for most crop types. TABLE 17 NCDA SOIL INDEX NUMBERS FOR COPPER AND ZINC # METAL NCDA SOIL TEST INDEX RECOMMENDED ACTION Copper 300 Limit application on peanuts. Maintain soil 111 > 6.0 500 Cease application on peanut land. Maintain soil pH > 6.0 2000 Caution: Seek alternative site all crops). Maintain soil pH > 6.0 3000 Cease application all crops). Maintain soil pH > 6.0 Zinc 2000 Caution: Seek alternative site all crops). Maintain soil pH > 6.0 3000 Cease application (all crops). Maintain soil pH > 6.0 # This table was taken from the Seventh Guidance Memo from the 1217 Interagency Group dated 1-9-01. 22 CiEAFt VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Phosphorus and Potassium Phosphorus is found in various concentrations in all types of animal waste. Phosphorous is a key element to ensure good crop health. Its effect on crop growth is not as dramatic as nitrogen or potassium, but the lack of it can cause plant stunting, poor seed formation, and reduced crop yields. Phosphorous levels in animal type waste will vary depending on many factors so testing will always be required. Often the operator will land apply phosphorus in amounts beyond what can be taken up by plants. High phosphorus levels are (typically) more of a problem for surface transport to streams than it is a problem for plants. This is because the phosphorous strongly attaches itself to soil particles. Therefore the operator must be very cautious about surface run-off and soil erosion from fields into streams or creeks. Good buffer strips and erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams. The reader should also note that recent studies have shown that phosphorous can be forced into the groundwater (or washed to surface waters) if it is repeatedly applied to phosphorous saturated land. In the near future the MRCS, DWQ and others will likely adopt more strict guidelines on phosphorous loading. For now it is best to try and manage phosphorous loadings and minimize its off -site transport. See Exhibits 10 and I for more details about phosphorus. Potassium is also found in animal manure and is a very important element for plant growth. Plants use potassium in quantities similar to their use of nitrogen. The lack of potassium can cause plant stress, defoliation, or death. Potassium is less mobile in soil than nitrogen but more mobile than potassium. Sandy soils tend to loose potassium more readily than clay soils. Maintaining good soil pH and organic matter will help keep potassium from moving below the plant root zone. Potassium is not thought to be as environmentally damaging as phosphorous. Good buffer strips and erosion controls will help keep phosphorus from getting into streams from run-off. See Exhibits 10 and 11 for more details about potassium. Sodium Sodium is a naturally occurring element in many soils. Adding sodium to soils through wastewater can also cause excessive sodium buildups over time. High sodium additions to clay soils tend to disperse the clay particles which in turn fill the soil voids. Clay particle dispersion will cause the soil surface to become hard and will severely restrict air and water infiltration, not to mention the stress (or death) it affords plant life. Adding high amounts of sodium can be done safely if it is balanced with calcium or magnesium or potassium. Such additions tend to keep the soil pores open and allows water and air movement. Sodium can cause problems with foliage bum, but this is more of a temporary problem unless the plants are completely killed. Foliage damage can be minimized by applying high sodium water early or late in the day, or when temperatures are below 80 degrees F, or on cool cloudy days. Also, fresh water irrigation soon after sodium wastewater applications can assist with foliage protection. Clay dispersion problems in sod are the more long term problem. High sodium content wastes, if regularly land applied, can cause sodium to accumulate in the soil profile and cause the problems mentioned above. Drought stress on plants is also a concern in addition to the permeability problem. Fresh water due to rain or irrigation tends to wash the sodium (and chlorides) out of the root zone and thus relieve any adverse effects over time. However, if balanced with lime or gypsum, sodium problems due to particle dispersion can be avoided. 23 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW ,REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Scientists use several equations to evaluate the potential effect of sodium on a soil. One of these tools is called the Sodium Adsorption Ratio or S.A.R. This ratio looks at a balance between sodium, calcium and magnesium to see if the ratios are out of balance. The higher the S.A.R. the more out -of - balance the ratio of sodium is to the calcium and magnesium. Calcium and magnesium tend to negate the effects of sodium on clay particle dispersion. A wastewater or residual with a S.A.R. of 10 or less is usually safe to apply on clay soils. S.A.R.'s of between 10 and 15 may cause problems. S.A.R.'s over 15 offer significant risk to clay soils. Sandy soils do not have as much of a problem with clay dispersion as do clay type soils thus high S.A.R. values are not as critical. However, sodium can cause drought conditions for plants growing in sandy soils regardless of clay dispersion. The equation for S.A.R. is: 0.5 S.A.R = (Na milli -equivalent) / [(0.5 x (Ca milli -equivalent + Mg milli -equivalent)] There is no reliable sodium test data for the Clear View Farm thus it is impossible to predict sodium levels or derive an S.A.R. However, most types of animal waste from confined livestock operations do not have high S.A.R. values. Other Elements In The Waste Without analytical test data it is impossible to know at what levels other nutrients will occur in the Clear View Farm waste. However, the engineer believes the effluent should be more or less typical swine effluent. Exhibit 11 contains the typical nutrients found in swine effluent. Future test results should always be viewed for elevations in heavy metals, sodium, etc. SOE S AND NUTRIENT Estimating Nutrient Application Rates There is no more important task in the utilization of animal waste than to properly apply it on a '! particular crop at rates which the plants can utilize. Over application can cause nutrients to be washed off to surface water or leached into ground water, and under application can result in a poor crop growth. Proper application amounts are known as "agronomic rates". The proper agronomic rates can vary from season to season, by crop types, by soil types, by topography, by short term weather'I conditions, by crop combinations, etc. These values are not to be confused with potential hydraulic loadings. Hydraulic loadings will be discussed in another section. The key factor to remember is to not apply nutrients to crops in excess of their ability to utilize these nutrients or in excess of the soil's water (hydraulic) acceptance rates. A soil survey map is attached as Exhibit 6, showing the outline of Clear View Farm. This map shows 9 soil types found around the proposed land application fields. Different soil types will have different i crop yields and different water acceptance rates as already discussed above. �f The proper application of animal manure onto crops must be a well thought out and planned event. Planning for the waste application must be done in advance of the need for the nutrients. In order to do the job right the farmer must collect waste samples for analysis and soil samples for analysis in advance'pl,'' of irrigation and/or broadcasting. If sludge or slurry is scheduled for removal it too should be sampled and its nutrient values factored into the land application program. See Exhibits 8 and 9 for soil and 24 CIE VFW FARM CAWW, REVISION Na.2 AUGUST 2002 waste sampling instructions. Make sure you collect representative samples. If you are going to apply slurry, make sure your sample is taken as a slurry. If long term waste analyses are available the farmer should take 3 to 5 years of data and use these numbers for averaging P.A.N. See the NC Cooperative Extension Service Publication titled "Use of On -Farm Records'for Modifying a Certified Animal Waste Management Plan", pub. # AG-439-42 for additional instructions for this averaging. Also, if farm water use records are available, these should likewise be averaged. Since test data was not available for Clear View Farm, the engineer used book values to estimate P.A.N., water volumes, etc. Soil Testing Considerations The proposed land application sites at Clear View Farm are new. Until now they have been used for a mix of crop production, for growing plantation pines, and for natural forests. When all clearing of these fields is complete, it will be important to collect representative soil samples from these fields. At this time there is no soils data from which to draw conclusions. In the future the farmer should keep all records according to the field numbers within this document. It is a wise idea to separate soil samples by field number when possible, especially if the soils are different or you grow different crops between fields. Below are some comments on NCDA soil analyses in general. l . As a reminder, any NCDA soil report is only one "snap -shot' of the soil conditions. Remember to collect soil samples annually. 2. Many times soil tests show that soils need lime due to low soil pH. For most crops the soil pH should be kept around 6 for mineral soils, around 5.5 for mineral -organic soils, and around 5.0 for organic soils. Lime quantities are shown on each report segregated by soil test. The soil type(s) at Clear View Farm are most likely mineral type soils and will need some lime. 3. Land applied nutrients from animal waste are not 100 percent available to a crop in the first year. Some of the nutrients applied this year will become available next year for next years crops. Detailed discussions about nutrient mineralization and residuals are beyond the scope of this report. Collect soil samples early enough to study the results before planting crops. 4. The nitrogen requirements shown on these reports are based on agronomic book values and are not true test results. This means the farmer must go back to nitrogen records to look at possible nitrogen applications for the upcoming growing season and compare the records to the recommendations within the latest CAWMP. 5. The phosphorous index (P-I) and the potassium index (K-1) are measurements of the amount of these minerals in the soil as compared to what plants typically need. In other words, the crops would not respond with increase health, yield, or growth by adding more of these elements. All farm soils should be guarded from erosion to prevent surface water impacts, especially if they have high phosphorous or potassium indexes. When the P-I or K-1 indexes greatly exceed 100 it is a good idea to minimize phosphorous and potassium in these fields when possible. If P-I values in a particular field continue to be greater than 300, this field and its waste application practices should be evaluated by a crop or soil specialist. 6. The copper index (Cu-I) and the zinc index (Zn-I) are measurements of the amount of these metals in the soil as compared to what plants typically need. Copper and zinc indexes are discussed above. While some crops are more sensitive to metals than are others, the farmer should try to keep the 25 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWMP, REVISION N., 2 AUGUST 2W2 zinc and copper (Zn-I, and Cu-I) indexes below 700 (rule of thumb). See Table 17 for a listing of soil index precautions related to copper and zinc. 7. Past soil test results should be kept by the operator and compared to new test results. Look for trends or increasing levels of metals. When collecting soil samples, closely follow the soil sample instructions found in Exhibit 8. Never use galvanized or metal buckets or galvanized tools when collecting soil samples since these can cause the zinc levels to show artificially high. Soils To Receive Waste The soils information presented within this document was obtained from soil survey maps. Exhibits 6 and 7 show USDA/NRCS soils information for Clear View Farm (Richmond County). The soil survey map shows a single predominate soil type within the new spray fields. According to these sources the predominate soil series to be placed under irrigation is: 1. AcB - Ailey Loamy Sand, 0 to 8 % slopes and AcC - Ailey Loamy Sand, 8 to 15 % slopes Soil Index Number ...................................................... 7 (similar) Soil Management Group (SMG)................................. 27 Most Restrictive Permeability Zone In Top 24 Inches.. 6.0 in/hr. (approx.) Most Restrictive Permeability Zone Below 24 Inches... 0.06 Whr. (approx.) Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................. Bare Soil = 0.4 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Long Duration Application Rate ................. On Crop = 0.5 In./Hr. (Avg.) Maximum Short Duration Application Rate ................. On Crop = 0.60 Inches/Hour "Design" Moisture Use Rate (Maximum -Hay) ............ 0.24 Inches/Day Max. Fresh Water Irrigation During Peak ET -Hay ....... Every 4 to 5 Days Application Amount Range For Animal Waste ............. 0.25 to 0.75 inches+ Nitrogen Leaching Potential ........................................ Moderate To High + Approximate maximum irrigation in one cycle in Piedmont using animal waste- (Hay crop). Usually irrigation application amounts will be 0.5 inches or less. Highest value assumes a 75% irrigation efficiency and would only be possible in hot and dry weather conditions on slopes less than 8 %. Steeper slopes or cool weather applications will require less intensive irrigation. CROP PLANTING AND AGRONOMIC PLANS General Cropping Descriptions Discussions between Clear View Farm management and the engineer were held to determine the farmer's desire for future crop selection. In general Clear View Farm will be growing bermudagrass in the warm seasons of the year and small grain in the cool seasons of the year. The reader should understand that the exact mixture of crops to be grown on any field will depend on the farmer's opinion. In other words, the farmer may decide to plant one or two fields in small grain in the winter without planting every field. The engineer will not attempt to give all possible combinations of crop patterns but will discuss the most likely combinations. A discussion on the cropping patterns will appear below The majority of the liquid animal waste will be surface applied via a spray irrigation system. The farmer may eventually use a broadcast wagon to fertilize field fringes, but he prefers to avoid this added expense unless it becomes necessary. See Exhibit 3 for aerial photograph of the farm prior to 26 Cr AR VIEW FARM CAW ,REVISION N,2 AUGUST 2002 improvements and Exhibit 14 for proposed irrigation field identifications. Crops must be planted within 30 days or be actively growing (i.e. greening) within 30 days of a waste application event. Table 18 summarizes the various fields to receive animal waste as part of the Clear View Farm CAWMP. These are new fields that will need to undergo clearing and shaping before crops can be planted. This melons the field sizes shown in Table 18 are the best estimate the engineer can give until the final clearing is complete. The field sizes shown were estimated from aerial photographs and from on -site measurements. Slight changes to field borders should not significantly change effective design acres. The crops shown in Table 18 are proposed. The farmer has flexibility in changing the crop combinations if needed, but records must be kept to show what was grown on each field, how much yield was obtained, and how much waste applied. Changing a crop combination does not mean changing crop types beyond those listed in Table 18. A revision to this CAWMP will be needed if the crop types are altered. Hybrid Coastal Bermudagrass will be grown in warm weather on every field. Small grain, like rye or winter wheat, will be planted over the bermudagrass as a cool season crop. Clear View Farm can only take P.A.N. removal credits for crops harvested and removed from the fields. Burring hay bales or other crops is not allowed. TABLE IS DATA FOR THE IRRIGATED FIELDS AT CLEAR VIEW FARM Field Field Areas Predominate Soil Crop Type To Be Grown Slopes Of Fields Number Aker Buffers Type (Predominate acres + Average Slope) Fl 1.92 Ailey loamy Sand Bermudagrass Overseeded With 5 to 8 % Small Grain 6 %) F2 11.00 Ailey Loamy Sand Bermudagrass Overseeded With 6 to 9 % Small Grain 8 %) F3 19.95 Ailey Loamy Sand Bermudagrass Overseeded With 5 to 8 % Small Grain (6 °/a ***** 32.87 i ***** + Field acres were obtained from aerial photographs and on -site measurements. Field shapes were approximated and thus these acres are also approximated. Not all of these acres are under irrigation. Hybrid Coastal Bermudagrass (for hay) Coastal bermudagrass will be the primary nitrogen removal crop at Clear View Farm. Typically, hybrid coastal bermudagrass will yield more tonnage than common bermudagrass. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass produces no seeds but spreads by rhizomes and stolons. Bermudagrass is a warm season crop and its nutrient uptake is typically greatest in the months from May to August, however it may actively grow from April to October, depending on temperatures. Climatic and nutrient conditions will alter growth rates for bermudagrass. About 3 cuttings per year can be expected on most bermudagrass fields. Rainfall and fresh water irrigation will also play an important role in bermudagrass yield and the required cuttings. Hybrid coastal bermudagrass tolerates acid soils reasonably well (pH 5 to 5.5). However it does respond to liming. A soil pH of 6.0 or higher is recommended for improved growing conditions. Commercial fertilizer should be applied in split applications, i.e. not all at one time. When using animal 27 CLE µ ,,W rAaWi CAWW, a6 SIONNo. 2. AUGUST 2002 type waste as a fertilizer source applications will occur regularly over the growing season. Nitrogen uptake predictions will be discussed below. When establishing, sprig hybrid coastal bermudagrass at 5 to 15 bushels per acre in rows about 3 to 4 feet apart with sprigs-2 to 3 feet apart within the row. If sprigs are plentiful, the farmer can establish by broadcasting 70 to 100 bushels per acre in late winter and disking in. One bushel will contain about 1,200 sprigs. Best planting dates in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain are between March 1 and March 31. Planting may also be possible between February 15 to May I if weather conditions are favorable. If irrigated, some planting may spill over into July but this is not highly recommended. Sprig mortality is lessened when ample soil moisture is present. The typical yield for non -irrigated hybrid bermudagrass (as a sole crop) is from 3 to 6 tons per acre, again depending on many factors, not the least of which is soil type and slope. For an Ailey loamy ,and soil, with slopes between 0 to 8 percent, non -eroding, the R.Y.E. for non -irrigated coastal bermuda hay as the only crop is between 4.7 and 5 tons per acre. When overseeding, reduce . values were obtained from the NCSU document called "Realistic these values by 20%. These R.Y.E Yield Expectations for Soils of North Carolina". If bermudagrass is irrigated with fresh water its yield can be higher. If the coastal bermudagrass at this farm will be grazed by cattle, its RY.E. must be reduced by 75% (per NRCS guidelines). The normal nitrogen uptake for hybrid coastal bermudagrass is between 40 and 50 pounds of N per dry ton of dry hay. If nitrogen is readily available (as it is with most animal waste application sites) the nitrogen uptake will be closer to 50 pounds of N per ton of dry hay. If bermudagrass is overseeded with a cool season crop and the overseeded crop is not cut properly in the spring, it can shade the greening bermudagrass and reduce the subsequent yields. Therefore s it is important to harvest the overseeded crop in time to encourage bermudagrass greening. between April 7 and April 30 in most North Carolina coastal and piedmont counties. Harvesting dates will depend on the type of overseeded crop being grown. Bermudagrass as a single crop will yield more tonnage than if it is overseeded with a winter cover crop. However, the total yearly tonnage from the two crops is usually greater than the bermudagrass by itself (see Table 20). If the bermudagrass is not being grazed, cut regularly and harvest the residual hay. This is important when calculating crop nitrogen removal capabilities. Bermudagrass should be cut when it is 12 to 15 inches tall. Regular cutting every four to six weeks during the growing season can be expected provided growing conditions are suitable. More or less frequent cutting may be necessary. If the operator is not overseeding, bermudagrass should go into the winter season with 3 to 4 inches of ass back to 3 s before planting the winter crop. not t cut bermudagrass closer than 2 inchesfrom the ground since eDo this can damage the root system. Cereal Rye, Annual Rye Grass, or Similar Small Grains Planting a rye crop (or any small grain) over bermudagrass affords extra flexibility to a waste management program in terms of spray irrigation opportunities. This endeavor will also enhance nitrogen uptake on an annual basis, provided the crop is harvested. Planting a crop like rye on top of bermudagrass is called "overseeding". It is important to remember that overseeded crops must be managed correctly or they can have a negative impact on a warm season hay crop like bermudagrass and be counter -productive to the grower. Cereal rye is a winter annual small grain that looks similar to wheat, barley, and oats. Annual rye grass is an annual grass that looks much like tall fescue. These two M CI VrEW FARM CAWMP, VEMSION W2 AUGUST 2002 crops are similar in their nutrient uptakes but require a little different management when overseeded onto bermudagrass. Both cereal rye and annual rye grass should be planted between August 20 and October 31 in the Piedmont and betweep September 1 and November 15 in the coastal plain region. Planting by October 15 is recommended to provide the best opportunity to get winter growth. These crops have their most vigorous growth in the spring, and moderate growth in the fall. If winter conditions are not too severe, some plant growth will likewise occur during December and January. Nitrogen uptake is greatest in the spring. The fall nitrogen uptake for cereal rye is a little greater than annual rye grass. Be careful not to plant rye too early in the season if planting over bermudagrass since the bermudagrass may tend to keep growing and shade the emerging rye. The most consistent rye stands are obtained from drilling seed into the soil. If overseeding into bermudagrass sod, make the bermudagrass short (less than 3 inches tall) prior to planting. If drilling is not possible, the seeds may be broadcast on short bermuda sod followed by a light cultivation with a disc or tillage implement. The seeding rate for broadcast planting should be 1.5 times the rate for drilled seeds. Typical planting of rye is 100 pounds of seed per acre if drilling and 130 to 150 pounds per acre if broadcasting. If an overseeding onto bermudagrass will take place, the last application of animal type waste should be applied to the bermudagrass prior to August 31. In general terms, when the small grain (overseeded on bermuda) is to be harvested, an application of 50 lbs./acre of Plant Available Nitrogen (P.A.N.) may be applied between September 15 and November 30, not to exceed 30 pounds in November. An additional 50 lbs./acre of P.A.N. may be applied from February to March, but do not exceed 25 pounds in early February. If necessary a small amount of nitrogen (10 to 15 lbs./acre/month) can be applied in December and January if called for in the agronomic portion of the waste utilization plan, however it is best to avoid winter applications unless the winter weather is mild. Do not exceed the 50 poundslacre of P.A.N. for the fall applications, even if you apply some of this P.A.N. in December and January. Winter applied nitrogen must be subtracted from fall and spring application totals to avoid the over application of nitrogen. Total P.A.N. applications onto an overseeded rye crop should be limited to no more than 100 pounds per growing season. If rye is overseeded on bermudagrass and will be grazed by cattle, the P.A.N. applications must be reduced by 25 %, or a maximum application of 75 pounds P.A.N. per year. Cereal rye and annual rye grass harvests are required prior to heading or April 7, which ever comes first. Harvesting annual rye grass too late in the Spring can shade out bermudagrass, thus reducing the yield and nitrogen uptake of the bermudagrass. However, in some Piedmont locations overseeded rye can usually be harvested by April 15 without damage to bermudagrass. If grazing, allow cattle access to the rye before bermudagrass emerges. If rye growth is harvested on time it should not significantly shade the bermuda and reduce bermudagrass yields. If the bermuda is not overseeded it will continue to grow until cool weather. Usually bermudagrass growth will slow and stop around the end of September. If the rye will be planted on cultivated soil (i.e. not overseeded on bermudagrass), and will be grazed, and the stubble reincorporated into the soil before planting of row crops, the total P.A.N. is recommended not to exceed 60 pounds per year, but this will depend on the frequency of grazing. If the rye is serving as a cover crop only, not to be harvested, the farmer can land apply waste on the crop but no nitrogen removal credits can be taken. Without harvesting the farmer must only take credits for the primary crop, not the rye crop. CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 If rye is not grazed, cut rye as needed and remove from the site. Usually this will only occur one time for cereal rye but can occur multiple times for annual rye grass. Do not cut the rye closer than about 3 or 4 inches from the ground in order to not damage the emerging bermudagrass shoots or root system. Short rye stubble should be left standing after cutting. TABLE 19 Tvoical Nitrogen Ilntake Mnnrhs for Vur ,� tom..,..* nr,,..,.. T. n:od...,.... m CROP Jan Peb Mar Aril May June JulyAugSeat Oct Nov Dcc Sweet Coin (grain)' N N N-L M-H H H-N M-N N N N N N Field Com (grain) N N M M L-H M-H H-N M-N N N N N N Com (silage) N N N-L L-H M-H H-N M-N N N N N N Sorghum (grain) N N N N-L M-H H H M N N N N So um (hay) N N N N-L M-H H H M N N N N Winter Wheat L-N M- H H H M-N N N N N-L L L-N L-N Rye (cereal or grass) L-N L-H H H-M M-N N N N L-M L-M L-N L-N Prairiegrass (Matua) - pure stand L-N L-H H H-M M-N N N N L-M L-M L-N L-N Soybeans N N N N N L-M M-H H-M L N N N Tall Fescue L-N M- H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N Orchard grass L-N M- H H H M L L M-N M M-L L-N L-N H b. Bermuda N N N N-L L-M H H M L-N N N N Tobacco* N N H M-H H H M-N N N N N N Sweet potatoes * N N N N N-L M-H H H-M M-N N N N Watermelons * N N N N-L L-M H H M-L N N N N Cantalou es * N N N N-L L-M H H-M M-N N N N N Pearl Millet N N .. — No rm¢ogea appncauon recommeadea under normal growing conditions. L = Apply nitrogen in Low amounts for normal growing conditions. Low amounts are < 15 lbs./acre. M = Apply nitrogen in Medium amounts for normal growing conditions. Medium amounts are < 25 lbs./acre. H = Apply nitrogen in High amounts for normal growing conditions. High amounts are > 50 lbs./acre. * = These crops are grown for human consumption. Do not apply animal waste to these crops except at pre - plant. NOTE: Table 19 is a somewhat general chart and does not account for every situation. When the chart says L-N for a month, it may be better to use None unless weather and crop growth permits. The nitrogen application on crops will depend on the planting schedule and the harvest date of previous crops. Animal waste can not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or from crop emergence (i.e. greening). This table was taken from data developed by NCSU, NRCS, and the NC Cooperative Extension Service and tempered with the engineer's experience. Waste with high organic content may require fertilization in advance of Table 19 dates. Likewise when, applying animal waste as preplant fertilizer it may be necessary to apply a High dose since it can not be applied after crop emergence. See written explanations about each crop and the associated animal waste recommendations. IN C - VIEWFAWCAW ,MVISIONNo.2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 20 SUMMARIZED R.Y.E. FOR THE CROPS TO BE GROWN AT CLEAR VIEW FARM BASED ON ALL SOILS BEING AILEY LOAMY SAND FIELD CROP TO BE R.Y.E. FOR BERMUDA SUGGESTED AVERAGE NUMBER GROWN GRASS ONLY -(Book R.Y.E. FOR CROP Values) + COMBINATIONS++ Field 1- All Bermudagrass Bermudagrass Hay = 4.8 tons/ac Bermudagrass Hay = 3.84 tons/ac Pulls ' Overseeded With Cereal Rye Hay = 100 lbs. P.A.N./ac Re Field 2 - All Bermudagrass Bermudagrass Hay = 4.7 tons/ac Bermudagrass Hay = 3.76 tons/ac Pulls Overseeded With Cereal Rye Hay = 100 lbs. P.A.N./ac Re Field 3 - All Bermudagrass Bermudagrass Hay = 4.8 tons/ac Bermudagrass Hay = 3.84 tons/ac Pulls Overseeded With Cereal Rye Hay = 100 lbs. P.A.N./ac Re + These values have been adjusted for field slope and erosion class. Yields could be more or less than those given here. These values have been chosen based on crop type, nitrogen availability, average field slopes, etc. These are book values and not actual historical yields. ++ Bermudagrass yields have been reduced by about 20% due to the overseeding with rye. N applications on rye grass.is not based on yield. 100 pounds of P.A.N. per acre on rye is considered a maximum. These are only estimates. General Crop Management Reminders In order to maximize yield and provide high quality crops, soil samples and waste samples shall be collected and the analysis incorporated into the desired nutrient application plan. Soil samples shall be collected no less than one time per year. Waste samples should be collected at least every other month if the farmer plans to land apply waste through out the year. Lime according to the NCDA soil reports. Annually the farmer shall compare crop removal rates with nutrient application rates and adjust nutrient applications accordingly. Do not over -apply nutrients to crops since that can result in crop damage, environmental problems, and animal health problems when the crop is consumed. Consult seed companies for exact planting and harvesting suggestions or your local Cooperative Extension Service. Exhibit 8 includes some information about plant tissue sampling. The farmer is encouraged to collect plant tissue samples in advance of the need to fertilize and have them tested for nutrients. This is especially useful if you think you have not applied enough nitrogen to a crop and it looks yellow or stunted. Plant tissue sampling will help you better tune your waste application for the most productive crop without over -applying nitrogen. Contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for more details about plant tissue sampling. It is suggested that the farm minimize the cutting of grasses and/or other crops in the buffer areas and field borders. Taller grass allows for better sediment control and animal habitat in the borders surrounding the fields This is especially important in or near drainage ways or ditches and in areas where two hillsides converge. The farmer may elect to plant some other type of vegetation in this area which requires minimal maintenance. Cut buffer zones as needed and minimize the use of commercial fertilizers in these areas. See earlier comments about riparian buffers next to perennial streams. 31 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWM , REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Sometimes weeds will try to take over a field of grasses, especially if the grasses have been weakened by drought or disease. Always control weed growth and strive for a mono -culture crop for a particular growing season. NUTRIENT.IND ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATIONS Waste Application Scheduling Understanding the more technical points of irrigating or broadcasting animal waste is very important to its proper utilization. Knowing soil/water relationships and plant/water relationships helps the farmer decide when irrigation or broadcasting is appropriate. However, it would be much beyond the scope of this waste utilization plan to dwell on highly technical aspects of land application. The key point to remember is that the soil must accept and plants must be able to utilize the applied water/waste in order to avoid surface run-off or gravity drainage. Full plant utilization of the water held within the root zone is needed to avoid draining nutrients below the root zone. Careful observations of soil/plant and climatic relationships will help assure a successful irrigation program. To learn more about irrigation scheduling the reader can obtain a copy of the NC Cooperative Extension Publication Number AG-607, "Irrigation Scheduling To Achieve Proper Applications Of Wastewater" from their local Cooperative Extension office. Exhibit 16 shows several irrigation examples that will help explain the general decision making process. TABLE 21 Dry Days Needed Between Heavy Irrigation Events (Typical for fresh water irrigation on medium body soils) Month Hay Crops Vegetables January 20 23 February 15 I8 March 10 13 April 8 11 May 6 8 June 5 7 July 5 7 August 6 8 September 8 10 October 10 13 November 15 18 December 20 23 Table 21 is a very general guide for fresh water irrigation, but may be helpful for wastewater irrigation as well. On -site measurements and experience must be used to accurately schedule irrigation events. Sandy soils may require less dry days between irrigation events. Small amounts of irrigation may be possible without waiting for all the dry days shown. Plant available moisture and other soil/water relationships will dictate actual times between irrigation events. If crops are not actively growing it is better not to irrigate. The operator must use good judgment when applying waste onto crops, His or her judgment, tempered with crop growth, crop health, rainfall, and other factors will be needed to make a workable application 32 CLEAR VMWF sM CAWW, Ro, ISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 schedule. The farmer must also adhere to lagoon and storage pond designs and suggested maximum and minimum volumes. Always know your lagoon or pond level and available storage volume. Due to the concerns over possible groundwater contamination occurrences, the owner is encouraged to dings in one place at one time "spread out' the waste application volumes so as to not concentrate loadings Heavy effluent loadings can cause nitrogen to quickly leach below the plant root zone.- Several light applications per month is often better than one heavy application. Monitor soil moisture so that gravity drainage below the plant root zone is more or less zero. IRRIGATION AT CLEAR VIEW FARM Equipment Descriptions Table 22 summarizes the basic irrigation data as proposed for Clear View Farm. 275 feet @ 90 psi (275 feet. x 0.9 = 250 feet, to 90% 117 m 90 psi, (per Nelson guu, mfg. Expected flaw and pressure with selected gp C° nozzle (farmer tries to keep nozzle pressure 200 or equal. One valve at others or from ramufacturer's Effective Design Area Determination Exhibit 14 shows this general irrigation setup with the dotted lines showing the approximate center of it 14 show manufacturer's published wetted dnormal iameters redo ed by 90 percent. on lanes, The semi -circles Threader will notethatmost of the drawn sempoll are ma overlap in coverage. This is done so that the fields get adequate coverage when several pull are made in the same field. Tout the irrigation pulls at Clear View Farm. Table 23 shows some general information ab TABLE 23 APPEARS ON THE NEXT PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY 33 CIE" VIEW FARM CAWMP, R-VISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 23 ❑2RIGATION DATA FOR CLEAR VIEW FARM Field & Irrigation Gun Nozzle Operating Suggested Suggested Pull Pull Type and Size + Pressure And Precipitation Application Depth Number Designation Delivery Rate Range in/hr * Range inches ++ Fl-Pl Single Nelson SR100R, 90 psi - 117 gpm 0,30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 0.77" ring F2 - Pl' External / Same Same 0.30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 Multiple F2-P2 External / Same Same 0,30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0,75 Multiple F3-P1 External / Same Same 0,30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 Multiple F3-P2 Internal / Same Same 0.30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 Multi le F3-P3 Internal / Same Same 0.30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 Multi le F3-P4 External / Same Same 0,30 to 0.50 0.25 to 0.75 Multi le + Data provided by previous wettable acre determination documentation. ++ Depth of application will depend on existing soil moisture, plant growth, E.T., etc. * Precipitation rates of less than 0.50 inches per hour are best if there is any tendency for effluent runoff or if slopes are steep. To facilitate record keeping it is best to keep irrigation records by pull lanes within any given field. Grassy areas outside of the wetted zones can also be used for waste provided they do not infringe on set -backs and are listed in the farmer's Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP). If any crop land receives waste via broadcast, it must be recorded and documented. The details within this CAWMP revision only deal with irrigated areas. Table 24 shows the total estimated CAWMP Effective Design Acres for each field by pull lane. This table is a summary of the effective design acre determination calculations showing each portion of the calculation process. This table was developed using a specific set of pressure and pumping criteria. If such settings were changed the actual effective design acres will also change. The effective design acre determination was performed using the procedures outlined in the publication titled "Irrigated Acreage Determination Procedures for Wastewater Application Equipment, Hard Hose Traveler Irrigation System", published by the NC Cooperative Extension Service, NC State University, publication number AG-553-7. The reader should note that the engineer took 90 percent of the manufacturer's published wetted diameter as the actual wetted diameter and used about 70 percent of the adjusted wetted diameter for deciding on pull lane spacings. TABLE 24 IS SHOWN ON THE NEXT PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY 34 TABLE 24 CLEAR EFFECTIVE DESIGN AREA CALCULATIONS FOR VIEW FARM - THIS IS CLASSIFIED AS A NEW OR EXPANDED SYSTEM - INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT AUTO AUTO AUTO INPUT INPUT FIELD INTERIOR GUN GUN LANE ADJUSTED MIDDLE MIDDLE MIDDLE START STOP NUMBER OR CART NOZZLE SPACING. OR AREA AREA AREA END END AND EXTERIOR PULL ROTATION APP. FOR MEASURED FOR FOR FOR AREA AREA PULL LENGTH ANGLE MULTI. WETTED EXTERIOR INTERIOR SINGLE NUMBER SINGLE LATERALS DIAMETER LANES LANES LANES (TAKEN FROM (TAKEN FROM OR ONLY TABLES TABLES MULTIPLE ..«««.« FEET DEGREES .....«.... »«....�..« FEET «..�...... FEET ACRES ........«., ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES FIELD 1 PULL1 SINGLE+ 85 225 N/A 250 0.38 0.34 0.090 TOTAL FIELD 2 PULL 1 EXT/MULP # 838 225 175 250 4.09 0.34 0.080 PULL 2 EXT/MULP # 670 225 175 250 3.27 0.34 0.080 TOTAL FIELD 3 PULL1 EXT/MULP# 822 225 175 250 4.01 0.34 0.080 PULL2 INT/MULP@ 880 225 175 250 3.54 0.33 0.070 PULL INT/MULP@ 820 225 175 250 3.29 0.33 0.070 PULL4 EXT/MULP# 663 225 175 250 3.23 0.34 0.080 TOTAL TOTAL OF ALL EFFECTIVE DESIGN AREAS= 24.72 ACRES + TABLE N75+ WAS USED HERE TO DETERMINE START AND END AREAS. ` # TABLE NE70 WAS USED HERE TO DETERMINE START AND END AREAS. @ TABLE N170 WAS USED HERE TO DETERMINE START AND END AREAS. NOTE: MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED WETTED DIAMETERS WERE REDUCED BY 90% BEFORE BEING LISTED IN THIS TABLE. LANE SPACINGS WERE CHOSEN TO BE APPROXIMATELY 70% OF THE REDUCED WETTED DIAMETERS. PAGE 35 AUTO TOTAL EFFECTIVE DESIGN AREA FOR IRR. ACRES 0.811 0.811 4.508 3.688 8.197 4.430 3.935 3.694 3.654 15.714 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Animal waste can only be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre per year. The Clear View Farm land should qualify given the proper crop covers are established and maintained. Erosion could easily become a problem at this farm in the irrigated fields if crop covers are not maintained. It is vitally important that the farmer pay close attention to irrigation schedules at this farm. Strong slopes will encourage surface run off to occur, especially during rainfall events. Creeks immediately down -slope from the irrigated fields could be impacted by the over application of effluent'or by a sudden rain storm shortly after irrigation. Field by Field Land Application Details Below the reader will see Tables 25 through 28. Each table represents a different set of predicted values related to animal waste application at Clear View Farm. These tables are of particular importance since they give approximated waste application values specific to this farm. This animal waste utilization plan has been revised to show reasonable waste application methodology and nitrogen management, but it should be clearly understood that it is made to be changed as crop data and waste test results change. This does not allow the farmer to change crop types beyond those shown in this plan, but it does allow for the mixing of the listed crops. The farmer should use this plan as a guideline for animal waste management and not get hung -up on the exact values presented below. Changes in crop. varieties beyond what is shown in this plan will require a revision to this plan prior to planting. Tables 25 through 28 were developed with the following assumptions: I. The farmer will accurately record crop type, waste application amount and type, waste test data, and crop yield for each field receiving animal waste. Animal waste applications will be adjusted according to crops being grown, types of waste applied, recent crop yields, and recent waste test results. 2. The farmer will be able to take the actual crop yields by field number, the quantity of waste applied, and use the P.A.N. uptake values given in this plan to calculate an annual P.A.N. removal for a given field. This will be especially important since the waste analysis for a given waste type can change from season to season. 3. The farmer will be allowed to decide where to apply all animal waste sources. A combination of animal waste sources (e.g. liquid and slurry) may be used on any field as long as nutrients are not applied greater than agronomic rates. The farmer can not double count waste applications to any field even if using different waste sources, (i.e. part dry waste and part liquid waste). Nitrogen applications are cumulative. Only harvested crops are counted towards P.A.N. removal. Records for the application of commercial fertilizer on waste receiving fields should be kept. 4. The annual P.A.N. available at this farm has been estimated in Table 15. Future NCDA test results will cause these values to change. The farmer shall adjust P.A.N. applications according to the latest NCDA test results. Table 15 values are only useful for developing a new CAWNT. Explanation of Waste Application Tables -- TABLE 25 - Crop Yields and Nitrogen Uptake Table 25 shows expected crop yields and their related nitrogen uptake specifically for Clear View Farm. Option 1 considers bermudagrass as the only crop being grown in all fields. Option 2 considers bermudagrass as the primary warm season crop and rye as the overseeded cool season crop. This 36 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 particular option assumes this bermudagrass/rye combination is grown in all fields under irrigation. The reader will remember that the farmer may alter the acres of crops being grown. For example, the farmer may grow a bermudagrass/rye combination in Fields 1 and 2 and bermudagrass only in Field 3. Or the farmer may grow bermudagrass only in Field 1 and plant rye in one or more of the other fields. Or the farmer may use any other combination of listed crops provided the intent of the nutrient utilization plan is met and the nitrogen -to -harvested crop balance is maintained. Such diversity is allowed but will require some increased record keeping and on -farm management. The engineer would recommend keeping'the actual crop scheme as simple as possible to facilitate record keeping and estimating P.A.N. removal. At least keep the same crop combination over an entire field to help simplify record keeping. If some fields use Option I and some use Option 2, the farmer must adjust R.Y.E. for the bermudagrass since its expected yield is different if there is no overseeded crop planted. The reader will note that the Realistic Yield Expectations or R.Y.E. for the bermudagrass was taken from the NCSU document called "Realistic Yield Expectations for Soils of North Carolina" and adjusted for field slope and erosion. The R.Y.E. for the rye was taken from conversations with NCSU Crop Science Cooperative Extension personnel and from recent published articles about this issue. The RY.E. for bermudagrass in Option 2 is 20 percent lower than Option 1. This is because the engineer expects a bermudagrass yield reduction in any field that is overseeded with a rye crop. The reader will remember that the rye crop may have up to 100 pounds per acre of P.A.N. applied per growing season. All of the crops are being grown on Ailey soils. The amount of nitrogen uptake for bermudagrass estimated in Table 25 (i.e. 50 pounds of P.A.N. per ton of harvested hay) is within the published range for this type of hay crop. The reader will note that nitrogen uptake is often greater if a crop has an abundant amount of this element present in the soil. This is called luxury uptake. Using 50 pounds of P.A.N. uptake per ton is a judgment call by the engineer based on conversations with Crop Science Cooperative Extension personnel. In practice, if crop yields are reduced, either due to a lack of nitrogen or crop failure, this should be recorded and the plan adjusted accordingly. If crop yields are increased, the farmer should not apply more P.A.N. per acre than that shown in Table 26. However, be careful not to apply too much P.A.N. since drought or disease could come late in the growing season and reduce crop yield considerably. The values presented in Table 25 are suitable to use until 3 or more years of crop and waste data are gathered and can be reliably averaged. The engineer does not suggest applying supplemental fertilizer to the crops unless this is a significant income maker for the farm or if the crops are performing poorly from the lack of nutrients. All of these crops are to be removed as hay. Table 25 shows each field and pull lane. This should help the farmer with record keeping and corresponds to the irrigation layout on Exhibit 14. Keep records for each pull lane on separate data sheets. TABLE 25 APPEARS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY 37 FARM NAME: CLEAR VIEW FARM FARM OWNER(S): NORTH MOORE MANAGEMENT, LLC FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, NO, TABLE 25 CROP TYPES AND REALISTIC YIELD EXPECTATIONS FOR IRRIGATED FIELDS REALISTIC NITROGEN OPTION#, SOIL CROP YIELD UPTAKE HARVEST FIELD#, TYPES YIELD EXPECTED (ESTMJ CROPPING PULL# CROP (MAJOR) UNITS (R.Y.E.) a (LBN/YR) PLANS ........ ........... ........... ........... ........... ... I ... .... ........... OPTION 1 = BERMUDAGRASS ONLY (HARVESTED FOR HAY). 1-F7-P1 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/AC/YR 4.8 5D CUT &REMOVE 1-F2-Pl BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/AC/YR 4.7 50 CUT&REMOVE i-F2-P2 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 4.7 50 CUT&REMOVE 1-F3-P1 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/AC/YR 4.8 W CUT &REMOVE 1-F3-P2 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/AC/YR 4.8 SD CUT&REMOVE 1 -F3. P3 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/AC/YR 4.8 W CUT & REMOVE 1-F3.P4 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR A8 W CUT&REMOVE — OPTION 2= BERMUDAGRASS OVERSEEDED WITH RYE (HARVESTED FOR HAY). 2-F1-PI BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.84 60 CUT&REMOVE 2-F7-P1 RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 45 CUT&REMOVE 2. F2. P1 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.76 SO CUT & REMOVE 2-F2-P1 RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 45 CUT &REMOVE 2-F2-P2 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.76 ED CUT&REMOVE 2-F2-P2 RYE(OVER8EEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.112 45 CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-PI BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.84 ED CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-Pl RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 46 CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P2 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.84 W CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P2 RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 45 CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P3 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.84 W CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P3 RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 45 CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P4 BERMUDAGRASS AILEY T/ACNR 3.84 ED CUT &REMOVE 2-F3-P4 RYE(OVERSEEDED) AILEY T/ACNR 2.22 45 CUT &REMOVE *THESE R.Y.E. VALUES ARE BASED ON NCSU BOOK VALUES FOR THE SOIL TYPE INDICATED AND ADJUSTED FOR SLOPE AND EROSION. IN THE REAL WORLD, R.Y.E. WILL CHANGE FROM YEAR TO YEAR DEPENDING ON THE WEATHER, NITROGEN APPLICATIONS, FARMING SKILL, CROP DISEASE, ETC. WHEN AVAILABLE, THE FARMER SHOULD USE ACTUAL YEARLY YIELD TO CALCULATE P.A.N. REMOVAL FROM ALL FIELDS. VALUES FOR THE RYE OVERSEED ARE GIVEN TO ACCOUNT FOR ABOUT 1DO POUNDS OF P.A.N. PER YEAR. THE RYE CROP SHOULD NOT OVER 100 POUNDS OF P.A.N. DURING ITS GROWING SEASON. T/ACNR= TONS PER ACRE PER YEAR AILEY =AILEY LOAMY SAND BU/ACNR= BUSHELS PER ACRE PER YEAR U=UNIT PAGE 38 NEAR V W FARM CAW W, REVISION No, 2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 26 - Overseeding And Not Overseeding, Two Options Table 26 shows the effective design acres in each pull lane in each field. This table also summarizes potential nitrogen removal by crop (and option). At the bottom of Table 26 is a summary of the total estimated P. A,N. removal potential for all effective design acres is shown assuming the farmer plants all of these acres in either Option I or Option 2. A summary of the calculated P.A.N. production at Clear View Farm (in the liquid lagoon waste) is also given at the end of this table so a comparison can be made. "Ehe reader should note that there are 2 lagoons at this farm and the P.A.N. values for the effluent will likely be different between them. The engineer has used an average value for P.AN, based on reported book values. First considering Option 1; please note that given all of the assumptions for R.Y.E., waste analyses averages, wastewater generation, etc. the effective design acres under irrigation in this option (24.72 acres) are sufficient to utilize only about 82% of the P.A.N. generated. At the R.Y.F. assumptions made, growing bermudagrass only on these fields will not supply the nitrogen removal needed based on the estimates made. If effluent P.A.N. values are lower than that assumed, growing bermudagrass only might be sufficient. Applying animal waste outside of the irrigated zones is an option to the farmer if this does not become too time consuming and expensive. Secondly considering Option 2, please note that given all of the assumptions for R.Y.E., waste analyses averages, wastewater generation, etc. the effective design acres under irrigation in this option (24.72 acres) are more or less adequate to utilize the estimated P.A.N. production. This option uses 100% of the P.A.N. estimated to be produced. Option 2 will require more management than Option 1 and will be slightly more expensive to maintain (i.e. higher seeding and maintenance costs). The farmer may wish to consider a crop like rescue grass instead of rye if he ever needs to remove more crop tonnage to counter P.A.N. applications. This waste utilization document does not specifically address nitrogen application on germinating or very young crops. Thus the farmer must use good judgment when planting and applying waste to young crops. Young crops can not remove large quantities of nitrogen thus possibly requiring split applications. Remember, do not apply animal waste directly to crops scheduled for human consumption. Some residual nitrogen carry-over from the organic fraction in animal waste and crop residue will be left on the irrigated land from year to year. This is called mineralization. This carry-over of nitrogen may or may not need to be considered as the years progress. Estimating carry-over nitrogen or mineralization rates is typically not done for animal waste plans. In sandy soils, nitrogen carry-over this tends to be less of a factor. Be aware of this aspect and do not over apply nitrogen. As one final point about Table 26, if Option 2 were used in every field and the P.A.N. amounts in the animal waste were to be lower than estimated, there may be a slight nitrogen shortage that would decrease yields. While most farmers do not worry about a lack of nitrogen in animal waste, it could reduce the R-Y.E. shown in this plan. Should nitrogen analyses of the wastewater be consistently less than book values, the Farmer might increase the number of animals while keeping the total SSLW within the permitted values. This is why it is prudent to maintain the current SSLW ceiling even if the farmer typically operates below this ceiling by virtue of animal numbers. Good record keeping of crop yields, waste analysis, and irrigation volume tracking will be the only way to accurately examine year to year balances. 9M FARM NAME-. CLEAR VIEW FARM FARM OWNER(S): NORTH MOORE MANAGEMENT, LLC FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNT, NC. TOTAL IRRIGATED ACRES IN THESE FIELDS = ACRES (EFFECTIVE DESIGN ACRES) �p24.72 TABLE a NITROGEN REMOVAL ESTIMATES BASED ON CROP TYPE IRRIGATED ACRES OR EFFECTIVE DESIGN ACRES MAXIMUM EST. ESTIMATED ESTIMATED OPTION#, TOTAL PA N. REMOVAL PAK P.A.N. REMOVAUFIELO REMOVAUACF FIELD#, IRRIGATED POTENTIAL (.BSIFNR) (LBS/AC(YR) PULL# CROP ACRES + (LBS7YR) ................ ..... I..... ................. ........... ........... ........... OPTION 1 = BERMUDAGRASS ONLY (HARVESTED FOR HAY).-- i -Fi - PI BERMUDAGRASS 0.81 IN Ft -B.G. 194 ........ 240 235 1-F2-P1 BERMUDAGRASS 4.51 1,9E0 F2-B.G. 7,927 235 i-F2-P2 BERMUDAGRASS 3.69 867 •••••••• 240 1,0S3 1-F3-PT BERMUDAGRASS 4.-F3-P2 240 BERMUDAGRASS 3.94 •••••••• 240240 886 -F3-P3 BERMUDAGRASS 3.6969 886 1 F3-B.G. 3,T10 1-F3-P4 BERMUDAGRASS 3.65 876 OPTION 2 = BERMUDAGRASS OVERSEEDED WITH RYE (HARVESTED FOR HAY). 2-Fi-P1 BERMUDAGRASS 0.81 156 F7-B.G. ISE 192 iW 2-F1-P1 RYE(OVERSEEDED) 0.81 81 F1-RYE 81 ..... 188 2-F2-P1 BERMUDAGRASS 4.51 848 iW 2-F2-P1 RYE(OVERSEEDED) '4.51 451 1.542 183.69100 2-F2-P2 BERMUDAGRASS 3.694 F2. B.G. 2-F2-P2 RYE(OVERSEEDED) 3.69 369 F2-RYE 819 192 2-F3-Pt BERMUDAGRASS 4.43551 iW 2-F3-PI RYE(OVERSEEDED) 4.43 443 ,,,,, 92 2-F3-P2 BERMUDAGRASS 3.94 ]`� 1W 2-F3-P2 RYE(OVERSEEDED) 3.94 394 ..... 192 2-F3-P3 BERMUDAGRASS 3.69 706 iW 2.F3-P3 RYE(OVERSEEDED) 3.69 369 F3-B.G. 3.016 192 2-F3-P4 BERMUDAGRASS 3.85 701 365 F3-RYE 1,569 100 2-F3-P4 RYE(OVERSEEDED) 3.65 TOTAL ESTIMATED RAN. PRODUCTION FROM ANIMAL WASTE= 7,183 POUNDS PER YEAR TOTAL EFFECTIVE DESIGN ACRES AT THIS FARM (IRRIGATED)= 24.72 ACRES OPTION 1 = BERMUDAGRASS ONLY (HARVESTED FOR HAY). • AVG. PA.N. REMOVAL PER IRRIGATED ACRE FROM OPTION 1 = 233 239 POUNDS/ACIYR • MAX P.AN. REMOVAL FROM OPTION 1 (=nde) = 5,POUNDS PER YEAR ' MIN. ACRES NEEDED FOR OPTION 1 P.A.N. REMOVAL = 3044 ACRES++ OVERSEEDED WITH RYE GRASS (HARVESTED FOR HAY). OPTION 2= BERMUDAGRASS 'AVG.P.A.N. REMOVAL PER IRRIGATED ACRE FROM OPTION 2= ACfYR ]2911 POUNDSPERYEAR MAXIMUM PA.N. REMOVAL FROM OPTION 2 (mantled) _ ' MINIMUM ACRES NEEDED FOR OPTION 2 P.A.N. REMOVAL = 24.72 ACRES+++ FRINGE AREAS IF NEEDED TO UTILIZE ADDITIONAL NITROGEN += ADDITIONAL ACRES EXIST IN IRRIGATION ACRES ARE NEEDED TO REMOVE SWINE GENERATED P.A.N. ++OPTION 1 SHOWS THAT AN ADDITIONAL 5,42 IRRIGATED +++OPTION 2 SHOWS THAT ENOUGH ACRES ARE UNDER IRRIGATION TO REMOVE SWINE GENERATED PA.N. THIS TABLE IS ONLY AN APPROXIMATIONII PAGE 413 CIEAR VIEW FARMCAWIAP, REVISIONN1.2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 27 -- Option I Irrigation Windows Table 27 shows possible irrigation windows for Fields I through 3 under Option 1 only. Because there is only bermudagrass planted, irrigation must take place only in the warm months of the year. Since Option I does not meet the proiected needs for PAN removal, the engineer will not discuss the details of this table. TABLE 27 APPEARS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE IN ITS ENTIRETY 41 FARM NAME: CLEAR VIEW FARM FARM OWNER(S)'. NORTH MOORE MANAGEMENT, LLC FARM LOCATION: RICHMOND COUNTY, NC. TABLE 27 LONG TERM LIQUID EFFLUENT APPLICATION GUIDELINES ONCE CROPS ARE ESTABLIS IRRIGATED ACRES OR EFFECTIVE DESIGN ACRES OPTION 1 = BERMUDAGRASS ONLY (HARVESTED FOR HAY). MONTH OF APPLICATION JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL(LATE)+++ MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT. (EARLY) +++ OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER FIELD ID NUMBERS ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ACTIVELY TOTAL GROWING WETTED CROPS ACRES NONE 24.72 NONE 24.72 NONE 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 BERMUDA 24.72 NONE 2432 NONE 24.72 NONE 24.72 SUGGESTED RATE OF N APPLIC. (LBS/AC)++ 0 0 0 20 W BE 55 34 15 0 0 0 TOTAL 239 ESTIMATED TOTAL P.A.N. PRODUCTION AT THIS FARM (LBS.) = EXCESS (DEFICIT) P.A.N. CROPS CAN REMOVE (IRRIGATION ONLY) _ ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL EFFLUENT PRODUCED (GALLONS) = EXCESS (DEFICIT) GALLONS OF IRRIGATION WATER AVAILABLE _ TOTAL TOT. AVG. TOTAL TOTALN GALLONS GALLONS MONTHLY TOAPPLY OF EFF. PERACRE INCHES (LBS)+ (GALS.) (GAUAC) (IN/AC) 0 0 0 CO0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 494 354.255 14,331 0.63 1236 B85,641 35,827 1.32 ifiW 1.151.333 45,575 1.71 1360 974,205 39.410 1.45 84a 602,236 24,362 DEC 371 265,692 10,748 0.40 a 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 a ........... 0 ........... D ........... 0.00 5,903 4,233,362 171.253 7,163 POUNDS (1,275) POUNDS 5,145,664 GALLONS 913,302 GALLONS SYMBOLS: B.G.= BERMUDA GRASS, C = CORN, PM = PEARL MILLET,FG=FESCUE GRASS, WW=WINTER WHEAT RYE= CEREAL RYE OR RYE GRASS, MATUA = PRAIRIEGRASS. NOTES: += FARMER MUST ONLY APPLY EFFLUENT DURING CROP GROWING MONTHS. HOWEVER, NITROGEN MAY BE APPLIED IN ALTERNATING MONTHS INSTEAD OF EVERY MONTH IF NECESSARYAS LONG AS NITROGEN APPLICATIONS DO NOT EXCEED PROPER AGRONOMIC RATES. IF THE MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE EXCEEDS AVAILABLE NITROGEN, COMMERCIAL NITROGEN MAY BE NEEDED OR USE EFFLUENT FROM ANOTHER FARM OR WASTE SYSTEM. APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FARM TO FARM AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDEII ++=THE TOTAL P.A.N. CAN NOT EXCEED THOSE VALUES IN TABLE 26 UNLESS THE FARMER CAN DEMONSTRATE THAT CROP YIELDS MATCH PAN. UPTAKE. +++=APPLICATIONS OF NITROGEN LATE IN APRIL AND EARLY IN SEPTEMBER ARE ACCEPTABLE IF WEATHER CONDITIONS AND CROP GROWTH ARE GOOD. P.A.N. APPLICATIONS IN THESE MONTHS SHOULD BE LESS THAN THOSE MONTHS IN WHICH BERMUDAGRASS GROWS VIGOROUSLY. APPLICATIONS OF P.A.N. ON YOUNG OR EMERGING CROPS SHOULD BE DONE WITH CAUTION. SPLIT NITROGEN APPLICATIONS WHEN POSSIBLE. PAGE 42 CIEA VIEW FA M CAWM. MVIsION No.2 AUGUST 2002 TABLE 28 -- Option 2Irrigation Windows Table 28 shows possible irrigation windows for Fields I through 3 under Option 2 only. It shows some irrigation every month is possible if crop and weather conditions are favorable (see foot notes at the end of this table). Irrigating every month of the year would depend on the many factors already mentioned in this document. There must be a planted and/or growing cool and warm season crop in order to irrigate in every month of the year. December and January irrigation is discouraged unless Fall applications of nitrogen have been small. The reader should carefully read all the precautions about year round nitrogen applications. The monthly nitrogen applications shown in Table 28 are presented to demonstrate the nitrogen removal potential of the growing crop. This table also shows expected liquid amounts to land apply in a gallons -per -acre column and in an inches -per -acre column. The reader will note that the largest one month application of water for Option 2 is 1.58 inches (an estimated value only). This largest irrigation month is shown to occur in June. 1.58 inches of water would need to be land applied in split applications over the month of June. Table 28 suggests Option 2 would result in a nitrogen balance - more or less. This means the crops are predicted to remove about the same amount of nitrogen that is applied via irrigation. The reader should disregard very small imbalances in this table since everything here is based on estimates. The reader must realize that monthly application rates will vary according to many factors. Also, the engineer has assumed that liquid effluent will be available to deliver these nitrogen quantities. If the animal waste effluent is greatly lacking the needed nutrients, or lacking sufficient liquid quantities the operator "could" occasionally need to supplement nutrients. However, use caution when applying commercial fertilizers. Consider using slurry or lagoon sludge instead of commercial fertilizer as it becomes available. Also remember that a few more animals can be housed to add more nitrogen to the system. The permitted SSLW can not be exceeded. Option 2 predicts yields of the warm season and cool season crops. These are only predictions and could easily vary from year to year. The fanner should not apply too much nitrogen early in the development of a crop just in case the crop fails and yields do not match nitrogen applications. Because the ultimate outcome of a given crop year is interrelated to the specific activities of that year, it is extremely important that the farmer closely observe his/her farming details and input values. Good records are extremely important and a good farmer will make adjustments as needed. Annually look at nutrients like phosphorous and metals to make sure you are not over applying this or other nutrients. Crop yields must be figured back into the nitrogen removal equation. Always record fields removed from all acreage. Also record fresh water irrigation events and the addition of commercial fertilizer. The reader should be less concerned about "theoretical values" and more concerned with keeping good records to see what is actually happening at their farm. The reader will find examples later in this report that help explain the use of the farmer's recorded data. 43 FARM NAME: CLEAR VIEW FARM FARMOWNER(S): NORTH MOORE MANAGEMENT, LLC FARM LOCATION'. RICHMOND COUNTY, NC. TABLE 28 LONG TERM LIQUID EFFLUENTIRRIGATED PAC ES OR EFIFDECTIIES ONCE CROPS RE ESTABLISH( VE DESIGN ACRES OPTION 2=,BERMUDAGRASS OVERSEEDED WITH RYE (HARVESTED FOR HAY). MONTH OF APPLICATION .................. JANUARY +++ FEBRUARY Q MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER(EARLY) OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER+++ SUGGESTED ACTIVELY TOTAL RATE OF FIELD ID GROWING WETTED NAPPUC. NUMBERS CROPS ACRES (LBSIAC)++ ............ ............ 21 25 25 45 W 50 30 21 15 0 292 TOTAL ESTIMATED TOTAL P.A.N. PRODUCTION AT THIS FARM (LBS.) EXCESS (DEFICIT) P.A.N. CROPS CAN REMOVE (IRRIGATION ONLY) ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL EFFLUENT PRODUCED (GALLONS) = EXCESS (DEFICIT) GALLONS OF IRRIGATION WATER AVAILABLE ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL RYE RYE RYE RYE RYE / B.G.' BERMUDA BERMUDA BERMUDA BERMUDA RYE RYE RYE 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 TOTAL TOT. AVG, TOTAL TOTAL GALLONS GALLONS MONTHLY TO APPLY OF EFF. PER ACRE INCHES (LBS)+ (GALS.) (GAUAC) (INIAC) ............ .1.......... - ..... ..... ............ 519 618 616 1112 1483 1236 742 0 519 371 0 0 371.969 442,820 442,820 797,07 1,062,769 885,641 531,384 0 371,969 265,692 O 0 15,047 17,913 17.913 32,244 42,992 35,827 21,496 0 15.047 10,748 0 7.216 5,172.141 209,229 7,183 POUNDS S6 POUNDS 5.146,664 GALLONS (25,4T7)GALLONS SYMBOLS: B.G.= BERMUDA GRASS, C= CORN, PM= PEARL MILLET. FG=FESCUE GRASS, WW=WINTER WHEAT RYE= CEREAL RYE OR RYE GRASS, MATUA= PRAIRIEGRASS. += FARMER MUST ONLY APPLY EFFLUENT DURING CROP GROWING MONTHS, HOWEVER. NITROGEN MAY BE APPLIED IN ALTERNATING MONTHS INSTEAD OF EVERY MONTH IF NECESSARY AS LONG AS NITROGEN APPLICATIONS DO NOT EXCEED PROPER AGRONOMIC RATES. IF THE MAXIMUM NITROGEN UPTAKE EXCEEDS AVAILABLE NITROGEN, COMMERCIAL NITROGEN MAY BE NEEDED OR USE EFFLUENT FROM ANOTHER FARM OR WASTE SYSTEM. APPLICATION AMOUNTS WILL VARY FROM FARM TO FARM AND FROM SEASON TO SEASON. THIS TABLE IS ONLY A GUIDEII ++=THE TOTAL PA.N. CAN NOT EXCEED THOSE VALUES IN TABLE 26 UNLESS THE FARMER CAN DEMONSTRATE THAT CROP YIELDS MATCH P.A.N. UPTAKE. ++APPLICATIONS OF NITROGEN UP TO 15 LBS. P.A.N./ACREIMONTH ARE ACCEPTABLE IN DECEMBER AND + JANUARY IF FALL APPLICATIONS OF P.A.N. WERE LIGHT AND WINTER W FATHER CONDITIONS AND CROP GROWTH ARE GOOD. IN GENERAL, IT IS BEST NOT TO IRRIGATE IN THESE MONTHS. ANIMAL WASTE APPLICATIONS IN ON YOUNG OR EMERGING CROPS SHOULD BE DONE WITH CAUTION. SPLIT NITROGEN APPLICATIONS WHEN POSSIBLE. = NOT MORE THAN 30 LBS. PAN/AC SHOULD BE APPLIED AT THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY IF THERE IS A GROWING CROP. 0.00 0.55 0.66 0.66 1.19 1.56 1.32 0.79 OA0 0.65 0.40 0.00 PAGE 44 CLF.ga VIEW FARM CAW MP. REVISION N., 2 AUGUST 2002 Belmv the reader will find some examples using tables 25 through 28. These are examples only but should help illustrate the usefulness of these tables. EXAMPLE 1 The farmer wants to land apply animal waste to all 3 fields from February to May and needs to know how much waste to apply each month. He is growing Option 2, or bermudagrass overseeded with rye. Assume the stands are well established. The upper lagoon is the most full and he plans to irrigate out of it during this time. The following is a "process" the farmer would use to estimate the amount of P.A.N. to land apply. The numbers are for illustration only. 1. From Table 28 (i. e. Option 2) he sees the amounts of P.A.N. recommended for February, March, April, and May and agrees these nitrogen application rates are reasonable for planning (i.e. 21 pounds of P.A.N. in February, 25 pounds of P.A.N. in March, 25 pounds of P.A.N. in April, and 45 pounds of P.A.N. in May, for a total of 116 pounds in these 4 months). These values can be changed if the farmer thinks it best for his or her situation. oon comes 2 h Assume P A.N. iste January a 1.22 pounds peril 000 gallons.. How does he figuA waste analysis of the upper re the amounttof water tbackplywing 3. For February he needs to apply about 21 pounds of P.A.N. per acre, just as the fall planted rye is starting its spring growth. (21 pounds/acre) / (1.22 pounds N / 1,000 gallons) = 17,213 gallons per acre or 17,213 gallonstacre / 27,154 gallons/ac-in = 0.63 inches Note: This amount of liquid may need to be put out in split applications. The amount of liquid to irrigate will depend on weather conditions as well as other judgment factors. The farmer might split the application to 0.30 inches in early February and 0.33 inches in late February. This becomes his/her best judgment, but remember that February is not usually warm and dry. A new waste sample shall be collected within 60 days of an irrigation event. Therefore he/she collects another sample of the upper lagoon in late March. The result of this sample is 1.32 pounds P.A.N. per 1,000 gallons of effluent. Below are the calculations showing each month after February. March: (25 pounds/acre) / (1.22 pounds / 1,000 gallons) = 20,492 gallons per acre or 20,492 gallons / 27,154 gallons per acre -inch = 0.75 inches per acre. Apply waste in split applications. Apt: (25 pounds/acre) / (1.32 pounds / 1,000 gallons) = 18,939 gallons per acre or 18,939 gallons / 27,154 gallons per acre -inch= 0.70 inches per acre. Apply waste in one or two applications. May: (45 pounds/acre) / (1.32 pounds / 1,000 gallons) = 34,091 gallons per acre or 34,091 gallons / 27,154 gallons per acre -inch = 1.26 inches per acre. Apply waste in at least 2 different applications. AE CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWAIP. REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 The reader will note that May could be a transition month between the cool season crop and the warm season crop. This needs to be taken into consideration when applying waste. Some or all of May's waste application may need to be split between April and June. The farmer will be the judge of what is prudent and appropriate. EXAMPLE 2: It is very important that the farmer keep track of total nitrogen applied verses the amount of nitrogen removed. Here is an example of how this might work. Assume the farmer is totaling up the amount of P.A.N. applied last year and comparing this to the tons of crops harvested. Table 29 shows an example of how things might look. These numbers are for illustration only. TABLE 29 EXAMPLE - CROP AND NITROGEN BALANCES (example numbers only) Field Total Total Rye Total Total P.A.N. P.A.N. Total - RAN, - Number Bermuda Yield For P.A.N. P.A.N. Uptake Uptake Calcu ated Over Yield For Last Year Applied Applied Per Ton Per Ton P.A.N. Application Last Year (from To To Rye Of Of Rye Uptake OR (from records) Bermuda (from Bermuda (from From Yields (Under records) (from records) (see plan CAWNP) (A•E)+(B-F) Application) records) details) (C+D)-G A B C D E F G H Field t 2.9 tons 1.8 tons 151 lbs. 80 lbs. 50 45 226 lbs. 5 lbs. lbs./ton lbs./ton Field 2 31.2 tons 17.5 tons 1,505 tbs. 797 tbs, 50 45 2,348 lbs. - 46 lbs. lbs./ton lbs./ton Field 3 56.5 tons 35.1 tons 2,899 tbs, 1,700 lbs. 50 45 4,405 lbs. 194 lbs. lbs./ton lbs./ton Totals 90.6 tons 54.4 tons 4,555 tbs. 1 2,577 tbs. ****** ****** 6,979 lbs. 153 tbs. Table 29 (example) shows that Field 1 had a very close balance of P.A.N. for the crop yields. Less nitrogen was applied to Field 2 than was taken off by the crops, but a 46 pound deficit is close enough on this 8.2 acre parcel. Field 3 showed a little too much nitrogen was applied for the total crop yield. The irrigation operator should cut back on the P.A.N. application on the rye crop in Field 3 to no more than 100 pounds per acre per year next year. Table 29 demonstrates a reasonably good overall balance with all fields counted. Seldom will a field remove the exact pounds of P.A.N. applied, but from a regulatory standpoint and environmental standpoint, it is best to apply too little nitrogen than too much. Gun Cart Pressure Estimates For Irrigation The pressure at the nozzle of an irrigation gun can vary somewhat as the cart is moved up and down hills. The operator can change operating pressures at the nozzle by changing the rpm of the PTO drive or by several other means. However it is important to look at the maximum pressure requirements to make sure the nozzle can be operated at the pressures specified. If the nozzle will operate at the correct design pressure at the maximum total dynamic head, then it can be operated at this pressure along pulls that require less head. The engineer will list the pump capabilities at the maximum pressure heads as estimated for the Clear View Farm irrigation system in Table 30. m CIEAR VIEW FARM CAWW, REVIS ION No, 2 AUGUST2002 TABLE 30 MAXIMUM TOTAL FfVAD F.STTMATION AT 117 GPM Field Nozzle Suction Friction Loss In Fricliou Loss Elevatom Misc. Estimated Total Number Pressure Head 2,265 Ft. Of 4 In 880 Feet Head Losses Dynamic Head And Pull At 90 psi Inch PVC Pipe Of 2.5 In. PE Estimated Number Hose At 8 17 - P4 207.9 fl. 10 fl. 15.7 feet 87.8 ft. 10 ft. 2651 ft. 357.91 ft. From Table 30 the highest estimated total dynamic head is about 348 feet or 155 psi. At this pressure the Kifco-Caprari PTO driven pump Model D3/65 will deliver a maximum of about 275 gpm; which is more than enough to supply the 117 gpm demand. Kifco pump curves and traveler information can be obtained from www.kifco.com. Water Balances The engineer likes to develop a water balance with the irrigation options to show that there is sufficient volume within the lagoon to store excess waste between irrigation events. However at Clear View Farm there are two different lagoons, and the farmer can irrigate out of either one at any given time. There could be many possible irrigation schedules used to manage lagoon wastewater, so the engineer is not presenting any graphs or tables showing water balances. The farmer must adhere to lagoon designs as well as maximum and minimum storage volumes to keep the water from exceeding high water levels. Always know your storage pond liquid level and available storage volume (remember we do get hurricanes in NC). Lower water levels in storage systems before the on -set of long wet seasons. A key item to remember is to keep water levels inside the pond low enough to store at least two 25 year 24 hour storm before overflow. There are always monthly variations in excess wastewater accumulation (due to rainfall, ET, and animal waste) so lagoon water levels will rise and fall monthly with irrigation cycles. The farmer is required to read the high water levels in each lagoon weekly and record these variations. Earlier tables in this report assumed a equal monthly excess wastewater accumulation based on the SSLW being produced, but this is not highly accurate. However, from irrigation estimates using Option 2 (Table 28) the engineer believes all lagoon water levels can be safely managed. OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT PLAN General The right animal waste application equipment is extremely important in terms of the farmer's ability to accurately measure and control the application of animal waste. However, when it comes to properly operating irrigation equipment (or broadcast equipment) the farmer must be familiar with his/her equipment and have a good understanding of pump curves, pumping rates, basic math, and possess the willingness to keep good records. This revised agronomic plan is not intended to be a comprehensive irrigation teaching manual. The engineer must assume the farmer can take the presented information and apply it to his or her farm. 47 CtrA VIEW FARM CAWW, REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 Equipment Operation Each time the traveling gun is set up it will need to be adjusted according to the desired delivery. It is beyond the scope and purpose of this revision to the Clear View Farm CAWMP to predict all pumping rates and traveler retrieval rate combinations to achieve the desired application but Exhibits 15 and 16 go into some detail about such matters. The engineer must however rely on the farmer's record keeping ability to accurately track gallons pumped and nutrient amounts delivered. Adjustments can also be made in engine speeds (i.e. rpms) to increase or lower irrigation rates but use caution since this will also change application coverage. The farmer will find it most convenient to adjust gun cart retrieval speed when changing application volumes. Cart speed will not change the effective coverage or nozzle gpm. Please note that more water will be applied at the bottom of hills than at the tops. This will be mainly due to the higher nozzle pressures at lower elevations. The .0200 rates say that the waste can not be over -applied and there can not be run-off. Therefore the farmer may find it more convenient to set applications to be correct at low points and thereby apply less on hill tops as the cart is being retrieved. Otherwise he will need to adjust the delivery rate throughout the pull on hills. Averages can also be used if over applications do not occur in low areas. Critical elements of the irrigation process are listed on an example record keeping form attached as Exhibit 13. The operator shall keep records on equipment repairs, maintenance, and irrigation calibrations. Irrigation calibration shall be done at least twice per year but monthly calibration would be better. Information on irrigation calibration can be seen as Exhibit 15. The farmer should consult with his or her irrigation dealer to obtain more information on calibration or contact the engineer for some on -site help. For smooth irrigation, the operator will need to predetermined gun cart paths and travel lanes, especially in recently cleared or uneven fields. This will be most important between hills and where hills would tilt the gun cart to the side. A tilted gun cart is more easily turned over and will also alter the effective coverage of the spray. If needed to smooth out cart paths, remove all stumps and large rocks, and place soil in gullies and valleys. Wastewater shall not be allowed to run off any field at any time. Application rates should be as low as needed to avoid surface nm-off or water ponding. When using traveling guns the instantaneous application rate is often above continuous application rates, however the duration is minimal so run-off should not occur. Most soils at this site could accept a loading rate of about 0.40 in/hr or less. Always use extreme caution if irrigating soon after rain events or in cool weather. Application volumes of 0.75 inches or less per irrigation event are recommended by the engineer. Strong slopes will cause irrigation volumes to be less or require pull rates to be fast. If irrigation selections are causing run-off, the operator should change nozzles, increase travel speed, reduce application or pump rates, etc. Changing gun cart speed is probably the easiest adjustment, but it will not change the application rate. The farmer should avoid irrigating low areas in the fields or spots which tend to stay wet. Keep good vegetative buffers between irrigated fields and the creek. The engineer would recommend very limited irrigation or no irrigation in grass water ways, stormwater channels, and near down -slope grass buffers. The operator of an agricultural irrigation system for wastewater must be certified. Certification details are not discussed within this document but more information on the irrigation operators certification program can be obtained by calling the N.C. Division of Soil and Water Conservation at (919) 733- 2302. CLEAR VIEW FARM CAWNW, REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 The fanner shall be allowed to use a broadcasting wagon to fill in the field comers and fringes if needed. Clear View Farm is allowed to use all of the crop acres for animal waste application if needed. CONTROL PROGRAMS FOR CLEAR VIEW FARM Odor Control And Liquid Waste Management (apply as needed) Note: Much of this document's text and exhibits are directly or indirectly related to odor control. Likewise, bommon sense plays a very important part of any odor control program. The below list of items is not intended to be all inclusive. Please remember that there already exists an odor control checklist and an insect control checklist for this farm under the existing permit. These checklists are shown as Exhibits 17 and 18. The reader should refer to all information related to this farm, including suggestions made in the attached exhibits. 1. Use common sense and constant observations to prevent pond upsets or overflows. 2. All waste types shall be tested to determine their nutrient content prior to land applications. This shall be done within 60 days of the start of a waste application event, such as the start of spring irrigation. Send effluent and sludge samples to the N. C. Department of Agriculture, Plant, Waste, and Tissue Lab, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27607, phone (919) 733-2655. Plant or crop tissue samples can also be sent for regular analysis. Contact the local Cooperative Extension Service for additional details and phone numbers. Keep in mind that slurry or solids applications may alter routine liquid application rates so do not confuse solids and slurry applications with liquid effluent. 3. Keep grasses and vegetation out of the waste storage ponds and lagoons.. Animal health consumables, rubber gloves, plastic bags, and trash tend to accumulate in lagoons and ponds and should be cleaned out regularly. Keep it neat! 4. Stored water levels should be lowered before the on -set of wet weather seasons and in accordance with on -Farm crop needs. Leave plenty of room for heavy rainfalls or long wet seasons. Review freeboard requirements and keep enough freeboard for the appropriate storm surges. 5. Regularly inspect all earthen dams and embankments for settling or bulges, side slope stability, rodent damage, jug holes or pock marks, erosion scars, wave action damage, weeping, etc. Weeds should be mown at least one time per year and two times per year in heavy growth years so the operator can see problems before they get serious. Do not allow bush or woody vegetation to grow on earthen dikes. 6. Do not drive vehicles across emergency spillways. Keep the spillway clear of limbs, tall plant growth, logs, floating debris, sedimentation, etc. Watch for erosion and settling. 7. Animal grazing on dams and embankments can cause problems and is not allowed. 8. Inspect all dams, earthen embankments, and emergency spillways at least two times per year or after every significant storm event. The owner/operator shall keep a written record on all inspections, maintenance and repairs done on the lagoon and or dam. 9. Always maintain freeboards in ponds and lagoons. Allow more freeboard if irrigation pumps are not readily available for this pond. 10. Try to avoid large rapid liquid level reductions inside the pond. Always observe the inside dam sides for possible liner sloughing during rapid liquid draw -downs. Repair damaged lagoon liners immediately. Try to keep draw down no more than 12 inches in 24 hours. 11. Emergency spillways should be kept clear of trash and debris. A good grass cover should be maintained at and down slope of emergency spillways. 49 Cl5AR VIEW FN CAwirB, RE•viSION Na 2 AUGUST 2002 12. Avoid unnecessary agitation of the pond when not irrigating. This will help control odors. Take measures to allow water to flow into the pond in a gentle fashion instead of splashing or cascading. Wet piping should be placed below water surface as long as the water inside the houses will drain out fully. Extreme care should be used when filling the lagoon so as to avoid eroding a scar into the side of the lago6n and exposing undesirable soils. Use temporary flexible drainage pipe if necessary to transfer waste to the liquid surface. Flexible pipe can be left in lagoon. 13, The termidal end of inlet piping should extend just under the water surface. However, if manure is scraped or is thick, the inflow pipe may be mounted above the water level. If the pipe outlets are under water and the pipes are air tight the pipes should be equipped with vapor traps and vents to prevent gasses from moving back toward the confinement houses. Clean out ports should also be provided for each set of pipes. USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN INSTALLING PIPES ACROSS FILL MATERIAL SUCH AS A DAM. CONSULT THE ENGINEER OR NRCS BEFORE DIGGING. 14. Irrigation pump intakes should be no more than 18 inches below the liquid surfaces of lagoons or ponds. 15. Take extreme care to select optimum conditions for spray irrigation of wastewater and sludge removal events. Careful planing will help minimize odors. Irrigate wastewater in dry warm weather if possible, preferably before 12 noon. Avoid weekend and holiday irrigation unless absolutely necessary. Try to irrigate when wind is not blowing toward neighbors. 16. New products are being developed to help minimize odors from animal operations. The ownerfoperator may utilize such products but these should only be done according to manufacture's recommendations and with caution. Many of these products do not reduce odors and are a waste of money. Rapid additions of enzymes or chemicals could cause microbial upsets. 17. Keep trash, dead animals, and spilled feed cleaned up and properly disposed. Regularly haul off dead animal carcasses or seek other accepted carcass disposal methods. 18. In North Carolina prevailing winds blow from the southwest toward the northeast, however they can blow from any direction at any time (see Table 31). Plant or maintain trees on the west and southwest side of the farm to act as a wind break. Plant trees between irrigation fields and neighbors or public highways. Avoid spraying on windy days or when the wind is blowing toward nearby neighbors. 19. Keep at least 12 inches of air space between the bottom of concrete slats and under floor waste accumulations. TABLE 31 to the the east Y Average for Year south-west blowing to the north-east * Source of this table is Chmatography of the Umted States Senes 82, Decennial Census of the States Climate, — Summary of Hourly Observations, 1951-60 (Table B). 50 CHAR vi;W FARM CAWW, Il VIS1o"N 2 AUGUST 2002 Odor Control And Air Quality Regulations The NC Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has rules for odor control at animal operations. These rules are f odors. under the Air Quality onRules but ars are mentioned Ue being listed Ohereintforrol Oe phasis. MASfew t of t of ethe lemore important considerations associated with air quality rules are listed below for the farmer's information. be Properly tore at ail times and ed of within 24 ours • oThe carcasses off discovery- Disposal ocessesllshall complyswiththe State Veteri ariansguidelines underhG.S. 106-403, of wastewater can not be allowed to drift beyond the farm boundary Spray irrigation activities WQ) and the Division of Air oon freeboard. This would be an emergency except for the purposes of maintaining a safe lag situation. Farmers must contact the Division of Water Quality uent as a result of weather Quality (DAQ) in emergency situations and before irrigating effl extremes. Lem intakes shall be located near the liquid surface oft e Animal wastewater application spray sys ano more than 18 inches below the surface. animal wastewater lagoon. Locate intakes Ventilation fans shall be maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. iment shall be covered Animal feed storage containers removeocated add outside of animal contw his does not apply to the storage sof silage or hay or except when necessary to to commodity boxes with roofs. a device • prevent astewateverflow oto fl shall have shall b installed a covered fill p pwith e that emends below t is sthheeesurface offor ythectank's wastewater. This is a recommendation by the engineer and not a DAQ rule. The discharge point of the flush water discharge pipe shall extend to a point at or below the rule surface of the animal wastewater lagoon. This is a recommendation by the engineer and not a DAQ Insect Control And Mortality Management iof a livestock facility and assists the Insect control is important aspect of the day to day operation ect control program. Also refer farmer in being a "good neighbor". Below is a list to consider in an ins an to the existing insect control check list attached as Exhibit 18. growinguncontrolled around 1. The farmer shall at all times strive to keep weeds anlegrass roblemsfrom the waste pond. Good weed control will help minimize insP 2. Dispose of all organic materials and trash in placed in carcassazd sposal conners or tainers, and hauled off -site. In warm 3. Keep dead animals picked up, months have the dead animals removed from the farm every day. d houses and lagoons. 4, Keep all grass mown, especially aroun 5. Keep all spilled feed and piles of grain. cleaned up. 6. Follow crop stalk and root destruction programs where applicable. Follow all BMA's for crop production. 51 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW ,REVISION No.2 AUGUST 2002 7. Small pools of water can develop around a farm due to equipment traffic, etc. Keep these depressions filled so water does not stand for long periods. A "dry" and manicured farm discourages insect breeding. 8. The farmer should consult with the local Cooperative Extension Service to discuss an integrated pest management program. Incorporate the use of pesticides and herbicides as needed for insect control. 9. Employ good housekeeping! 10. insects• Regularly inspect Pits, sumpeareas,ppit walits llls, etc for caked channels and manure, n cause excessive Useat odors high pressure hose to wash out caked manure areas. 11. Remove crusted solids from lagoons, pits, and channels (as is practical). 12. Fly traps which lure flies to them with an attractant will help reduce fly populations if enough of them are used around a farm, especially if the animal waste is not allowed to sit undisturbed in corners of pits or in hard to reach places. Hang such traps where they will not be damaged by the animals or by machinery and where they can be maintained. Make sure all manure buildup is disturbed every 7 days to break the fly breeding cycle. For dairies, check with health inspectors about fly traps. 13. Clear View Farm will use a rendering company to pick up dead animals once they begin operation. The company to be used is not known at this time. Dead animal storage will be in bins with lids, stored away from neighbors, wells, and the highway. This will be their method of mortality management. The farmer shall make sure all dead animals removed from the farm within 24 hours of discovery. PERSONAL SAFETY Animal Waste Application Safety A high/low pressure cut-off switch shall be installed and working on all irrigation power units at Clear View Farm. Should a pipe break or a pipe blockage occur the power unit (and irrigation) will automatically shut down. Pressure relief valves are low cost safety devices that are recommended on every system. Most brands for said purpose would be acceptable. DO NOT LEAVE Il2RIGATION SYSTEM OPERATING UNATTENDED. Valves to control flow should be of a size and type that is consistent with the volume and material type being pumped. Animal waste tends to be corrosive. Ball and butterfly type valves tend to be more durable than gate valves but either is acceptable. Never shut off valves quickly or open them quickly under full flow conditions. Always fill irrigation piping slowly until the fill with water. Irrigation system drain ports are to be used to winterize the system and may drain out hundreds of gallons of effluent if opened. Due to environmental concerns the farmer is required to contain this effluent by either land application or putting it back into the liquid waste storage system. Effluent from pipes can not be emptied onto the soil and allowed to drain off -site. Pipes can be purged with clean water at the end of an irrigation cycle and then drained. When in operation, an irrigation system is under high pressure and can be dangerous. A sudden release of pressure in the face can easily blind or even kill an operator. Also if elbows, tees, valves, or other parts suddenly break off, they will be projected through the air at high velocity. This can be a deadly missile for the operator. Always use caution around irrigation systems, PTO shafts, tractors and power 52 C,,AR VMW FARM CAWW, a -SJON No.1 AUGUST 2002 units. Be sure to follow the equipment manufactures recommendations for operation and safety and never disconnect safety devices. Think before you avtl When broadcasting liquid waste be careful not to drive into ditches or over stumps. Do not sit in one place and discharge effluent since this can pond and run off site. Do not let children ride tractors when operating farm equipment. Manure spreaders have rotating chains and gears. Loose clothing can easily become entangled in these moving parts. Also sharp metal edges of the spreader will likely be covered with animal manure and can cause infection if a cut occurs. Beware of PTO shafts which run broadcast equipment or manure spreaders. Always observe sanitary principals around animal waste. Keep your dirty hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes when working with manure. Safety Around Lagoons And Waste Storage Ponds ondS is an 1 If the Fencing around o nd animal will manure storagehave P the lagoon o�pondn to tareahe farmer itl sra good den tohavea s a stock tight fence installed around the lagoon perimeter. Clear warning signs should be installed around sides of a waste containment structure. Unauthorized ponds and lagoons and be visible from all eatment and storage areas. Make sure all signs persons should be kept away from waste tr read in both English and Spanish. I The owners should install throw type safety devices within easy access from at least 2 places around nearby. At a pond or lagoon in the event of a drowning accident. Safety ropes shoperson usinguld also be akeptboat on the least one person at the farm should have water rescue training. Any lagoon must wear a fife preserver and have a helper standing on shore in case of an emergency. All farm personnel should have first aid and safety training. support the weight of an adult. 3. Never walk on crusted lagoons or ponds. Even thick crusts cannot rgo tation of goon lids or of 4 under slat liqu dsproduce can cau enlarge amounts osses as they f gasseseto beorelease qurickly. The owners should be ause less n c saware evere eath under that c'ucum tances (usually in confined spacesasses are colorless and tand of asnlikely around asphyxiation agoon). dltis doubtful vc ut the pgas concenrations would ossibilitiestin confined spaceware of such s, Employeesxjosach etshould lbebwarned aboutrsuchodlangersd be nand trained in dealing with such matters. The primary types of gases produced by animal manure are listed below: H dro en cially during manure a ration. Thus gas is corrosive to . The most dangerous of gases produced, espe Heavier ilran air accumulates near we nwi. Recommended maxmrum safe gas concentrations for an g hour en osure to humans' 10 pans per rm on A,i rE vennlat on I 1VOL1G6ULL 53 .BAR NEW FARM CAWNIF. REVISION No.2 UOUST 2002 ban Diouidede- CO2 Not particularly toxic in normal concentrations. Large quantities can be released during manure Heavier th ates near the fler oor. Recommended maxunum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans. 5,0 pa P Methane- CH4 : g ure agitation Not extremely toxic at low The most explosive of gases produced, especially during man g levels. Colorless and odorless. 000 arts per Li ter than air, awumulates near the ceilin . Recommended maximum safe gas concentrations for an 8 hour exposure to humans: 1, P Ammonia- H4 : to the eyes and respiratory system. Can be released nn„re aeitation. Can be wuOsive toe osed metal arts. Not extremely toxic is lower concentrations. Irrimtmg Not reacu ex ,��•.- adequate 4. Workers should never go under floor slats unrs prior to e less accompanied by a helper and only if ddi hou dtto for in ventilation is in place ventilation. and Workers enteringderslat Pits at least 8 should follow guideline gui lnes to providing g such activities. may wish to purchase a portable hand held gas meter for questi 5. The owner/Operatoronab e environmental situations. 6. Beware of spiders and snakes around livestock facilities. 7. Workers should attend to cuts and wounds immediately with the proper first aid. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FOR CLEAR VIEW FARM for NOTE: EXHIB IT I shows a list of emergency phone numbers and emergency actions his exhibit posting. Exhibit 19 can be modified to meet the specific needs of Clear View Farm. P as needed. 54 CI£AR VEW FARM CAW W, REVISION N. 2 AUGUST 2002 Animal wastes can not impact the surface waters of North Carolina. Therefore the engineer wishes to emphasize the importance of emergency action should there be a spill or similar discharge emergency. In the event of an emergency or accidental discharge, Clear View Farm management or the irrigation operator shall take the necessary measures to eliminate or at least minimize the impact of the discharge and if possible keep it out of nearby creeks. An emergency may be effluent overflow from the farm lagoons, a dam failure, severe run-off of soil and nutrients due to a storm, a broken effluent pipe, etc. Clear View Farm management should review Exhibit 19 and other emergency action plans and develop their own detailed Emergency Response Plan if this plan does not meet their needs. All emergency action plans should be reviewed with all appropriate persons and employees. Emergency contacts and phone numbers should be posted in visible locations, like inside the managers shack or office and near every telephone, The irrigation operator should have a copy. This Emergency Response Plan should have considerable well thought out detail on what to do in each type emergency. The plan should address environmental, medical, fire, and storm related emergencies. Update this plan annually and have regular employee refresher training sessions on emergency preparedness. Discharge emergencies can happen very quickly and every minute counts. Discharges will probably flow off -site rapidly giving the farm manager only a short time to react. Therefore making plans in advance is a good investment and is much less expensive than lawyers or fines. The farmer should take some time to walk around the site with farm employees and think about possible discharge emergencies. Ask yourself. which way would a discharge flow?, is there a creek nearby?, is there a natural diversion that could be diked to stop the flow?, is there any emergency spill containment equipment on site?, can you drive to the nearby creek to stop a flow before it gets away?, what equipment would you use to stop a small or large discharge? Go over these things in your mind and with farm managers and plan out your actions. Perhaps have a few emergency drills to see how well your people are prepared. Do not neglect this plan. It could save you a great deal of money and trouble in the future, Discharges to nearby creeks are serious and could cause you to loose your operating permit and/or your business. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NOTICES The farm operator may wish to contact the following people and/or agencies for detailed assistance with crop selections, irrigation, soil analyses, etc. • Moore County NRCS office • Moore County Cooperative Extension Service • N.C. Irrigation Society • NCDA Exhibit 20lists 23 items that each CAA'MP should address. Also the reader should thoroughly review all the attached exhibits for helpful information and precautions. Any person or company owning or controlling the property upon which an animal waste disposal system is in operation shall be responsible for all aspects of the disposal system. The system must be maintained at all times to prevent direct seepage and/or discharge of effluent to the surface of ponds, rivers, streams, or to any type of surface or ground waters. 55 CLEAR VIEW FARM CAW W, REVISION No. 2 AUGUST 2002 Clear View Farm is hereby notified that he/she/they must operate this system in accordance with state and local laws and regulations. Problems should be reported to the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) ASAP. DWQ phone numbers are listed under the emergency action plan section of this report. Changes in animal steady state live weight, operations, ownership, and/or waste management must first be discussed with DWQ before proceeding. This is not an option for the farmer but a requirement. Significant changes in operations, or problems should be duly noted and documented by the farmer. The project engineer can not take responsibility for the accuracy of all information or conclusions made by others and referenced herein. Much of the information presented above is based on estimated conditions, estimated operational capabilities, etc, that are subject to change. When dealing with so many variables and natural elements it is impossible to predict in advance all operational conditions, however the concepts and methodology presented above are reliable. The information above is presented in a detailed fashion so that system operators can recalculate and adjust certain parameters during the on -going project. All vegetation receiving animal waste shall be kept in peak condition at all times. This means the proper fertilization, mowing, cutting, and liming. Overly wet or overly dry conditions can cause vegetative stress or death, therefore the operator shall be careful to monitor vegetative performance. Baled hay can not be burned or left to rot next to spray fields. All harvested crops must be removed from the site. The..engineer takes no responsibility for changes made to the above plan before, during, or after construction without his knowledge. Nor does the engineer take any responsibility for human losses or property damages which should occur due to poor workmanship, improper use of machinery, unknown conditions above or below ground level, legal problems with boundary fines or easements, acts of nature, "short-cuts" the owner may take in system construction, legislative rule changes during or after plan development, or improper system operation. Information given to the engineer by the owner or others and used in these specifications shall be taken as truth if it can not be verified otherwise. DWQ officials and local health officials are authorized to inspect the system at any time. It is of the utmost importance that all activities with regards to waste utilization and irrigation be recorded and kept in a safe place on the farm. Exhibit 13 forms may be altered to include more data if needed. Good records are essential to good waste utilization practices. Clear View Farm must obtain and maintain crop yield records, weigh tickets, etc. to verify annual crop production. The farm owner must keep a copy of this certified report on the farm at all times. He or she must adhere to these plans as much as is possible. Alterations in waste management practices shall at no time violate the intent of this plan. This document does not contain all specifications, rules, and laws associated with the land application and management of animal waste. Copies of such guidelines and documentation can be obtained at the local NRCS office, the regional office of DWQ, or from the Cooperative Extension Service. **** END OFAN77vIAL WASTE U77LI7A7YONPLANPEVISIONS * * * * 56 Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map For Clear View Farm 0 N Y C I N C 1 BUWE FAL4 i LAME ­ I A N 0 H I l/l G A. EEI lAN0 1 �\ r r 1. 'Fi]. >_� i \ - f•JC\. X. Exhibit 4 CLEAR VIEW FARM - UPPER LAGOON VOLUME vs DEPTH (1,623 Finishing Hogs) 4,200,000 —Eaiergei Overflow Iu iert Full To overflow Here. 4,100,000 _! (4,136,300 gal.) 4,000,000 __.. _.. ., 3,900,000 Second 25'Year' 24 Hour Stoim Storage Bens Here 3,800,000 _._ ;, _.. .. _. (3, 8717548 gal.) ,...... . 3,600,000 -..4—First 25- Year...-...24...Hoiu.°.StO m Begins. Here i-...... , 3,500,000 .... (3606,74) (FimV)3efore This bevel) ... 3,400,000 -- (gallons) I# 3,300,000 3,200,000 -3 ths Of Extra storage .. 3J00,000 .. _.. _. ... S7{.S3x.,.Month ``'`forage @ere (3,.945,788)..... 3,000,000 2,900,000 i._.... : ....:....... 2,800,000 ...... 2,700,000 2,600,000 _ z 2,500,000 z,400:ooa LL 2,300,000 ....... ;...._ - _..._.. ;........... w 2,200,000 ....... ........ ...... ...... a O 2,100,000 ..... :...... .. Of Min „�,m Design Volume....... W 2,000,000 ......TbP '-- Do Not Pmp Below 71u.s Level p 1,900,000 _ (2, 048, 631 T 1,800,000 _ ; 1,700,000 1,600,000 _ s._.. 1,500,000 1,400,000 __. ... .....,. .{....._ ........ ......... ......._ 1,300,000 _._. ._.._. .... ._ ..... ....:_.. ....._ 1,200,000 oo,000 1,000,000 ;.._.. 900,000 ..................... ........... ... ;...._ . .__. ..._. . .... 800,000 700,000 ;...... 600,000 ....... ::..... .._._. ... ....._.... 500,000 400,000 :.... 5 Yam -Sludge .:...... .... 300,000 tion 10,1110 100,000i ... _i...... ...... ....... t_... __. .... ........ 0 4- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FEET?BELOW OVERFLOW LEVEL * Existing Sludge Blankets start Pimping Byr` StoP4»4 HY ThisAre Not Shown On This Exhibit 5 7,000,000. 6,800,000. -- - 6,600,000 6,400,000 -- 6,200,000----` 6,000,000 ----- 5,800,000---- 5.600,000 ------ 5,200,000----- 5,000,000---'- 4,800,000 ........._. 4,600,000 ...-....... 4,400,000 ----- z 4,200,000 ----'- j 4,000,000 ..._._... J �- 3800000 ... w w 3,600,000 ............. O 0 3,400,000 ...__.. .. O Z O 3,200,000 ---- 3,000,000 1- .......... (0 2,800,000 .........-L. 2,600,000 -----F 2.400,000 ---- 2,200,000 ----�' 2,000,000 ---- 1,800,000 ---- 1,600,000 ...---�` 1,400.000 ----- 1,200.000 ......... . 1,000,000 ----' 800,000 ........-.. 600,000 ._..._ 400.000 ---- 200,000 0 6R1 3 4 5 6 7 r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 FEET BELOW OVERFLOW LEVEL gal.) Volume Level 675) 1J� 7 ft� 5.4 ft. * Existing Sludge Blanket Is Not This Clear View Farm, Richmond County Facility I.D. Number 77-6 Technical Specialist Certification LAs a technical specialist designated by the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 6F .0005, I certify that the animal waste management system for the farm named above has an animal waste a management plan that mee¢ a exceeds al v"ds and specificauons of the Division of Water Quality as specified in 15A NCAC 2RO217 and the USDA-Nmuml Resources Conservation Service uncle,the North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H.0217 and 15A NCAC 6F .ODOI-.0005. The following elements are gory designates a technical specialist who may sign eafch cenication (SD. included in din plan as applicable. While each cate SL WUP, RC, 1), the technical specialist should only certify pans for which they arc technically competent. IL Certification of Design A) Collection Storage Treatment Svstem sa runrn, Cheek the appropriate box CARL ,,� O . •ECSSTL' XM Existing facility without retrofit tt (SD or WUP) , n o q Storage volume is adequate for operation capacity; storage capability consistent with Haste plti)2as E AL O New expanded or retrofitted facility (SD) = 11602 Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited to collectionx�yritQps, lagoons have been designed to meet or exceed the minimum standards and specifications. '��j` FNGI NcS �•,, FRA NCIS Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Far F- Graham P.S. ----- ca,,,; r,PG _Date Work Completed: August 1, 2002 Address $) Land A Ire t Wle l yr u fy adequate amount of land for wore The plan pr ides for minimu separations (buffcrs); q suitable for waste management; hydraulic and nutrient loading rates. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Larry F Graham P-E. F ,,inaarina Services Date Work Complei Address C) Runof - Con "I'll s t Check, the appro 'arca' h ❑ Facility without exterior lots (SD or WUP or RC) This facility does not contain any exterior lots. SEAL G Facility with exterior lots (RC) Methods to minimize the run off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use areas have been designed in accordance with technical standards developed by MRCS. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Address Work Completed: AWC -- December 5,2000 Clear View Farm, Richmond County D). Application and Handling Equipment Facility I.D. Number 77-6 Check the appropriate box E) Exit o or xn di , facility with ex'si nn waste application coubment (W UP or 1) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been either field calibrated or evaluated in accordance with existing design charts and tables and is able to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan: (existing application equipment can cover the area requircd by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates, a schedule for liming of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained and calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as part of the plan). ❑ New, expanded or existing facility without existing waste application cauipment far spray irrigation. (I) Animal waste application equipment specified in the plan has been designed to apply waste as necessary to accommodate the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan at rates not to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications has been established; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as pan of the plan). waste application equipment specified in the plan has been selected to apply waste as necessary to plot. the waste management plan; (proposed application equipment can cover the area required by the plan iO4 to exceed either the specified hydraulic or nutrient loading rates; a schedule for timing of applications c'yablished; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and adjustment guidance are contained as pan Specialist (Please Print): tarry F. Graham, P.E. Work Completed: Anrn,tr 1, 2002 :nt plan for this facility includes a Waste Management Odor Control Checklist, an Insect Control r Management Checklist and an Emergency Action Plan. Sources of both odors and insects have respect to this site and Best Management Practices to Minimive Odors and Best Management lnseets have been selected and included in the waste management plan. Both the Mortality d the Emergency Action Plan are complete and can be implemented by this facility. cialist (Please Print): Larry F. Graham, P.E. Work Completed: August 1. 2002 F) Written Notice ofl�ew ct Exoora�idine Swine M�arm The following signature block is only to be used for new or expanding swine farms that begin construction after June 21, 1990. If the facility was built before June 21, 1996, when was it constructed or last expanded I (we) certify that I (we) have attempted to contact by certified mail all adjoining property owners and all property owners who own property located across a public road, street, or highway from this new or expanding swine farm. The notice was in compliance with the requirements of NCGS 106-805. A copy of the notice and a list of the property owners notified is attached. Name of Land Owner: Name of Manager (if different from owner): AWC -- December 5, 2000 �—i lity I.D. No. 77-6 III. Certification of Installation Clear el D. NumRichber mond County ClearFacility A) Collection. Stora e. Treatment Installation 6 New, exoanded or retrofitted facility (SI) Animal waste storage and treatment structures, such as but not limited een installed in accordance with the approved plan to meet or exceed the minimum to lagoons and ponds, have b standards and specifications. For existing facilities without retrofits, rio certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (please Address B) Land Application (Wpp) Not Applicable Work Completed: The cropping system is in place on all land as specified in the animal waste management plan. ``sgUJlloilrq,♦ 1� �"�Nt j♦4jI Specialist (Please Print): Larry F. Graham, p,E Af�it9adon E 'i `mental En gg _ ir3 erin service ate Work Completed: 1 /16_ /` 0—_ PiddresS IQLnck�: /IB x Ab deen NC 28315 r l Phone o.:910- gnat e: 2�/252 �/•1'1... tXls�•�PDate: ti CY> �'t� Bilb'Bl�ft•`olsfr_ °o (RC) rrrP'a'clItvwith—or lots Not Applicable Methods to minimize the run Off off of pollutants from lounging and heavy use arcaS have been installed as specified in the plan. For facilities without exterior lots, no certification is necessary. Name of Technical Specialist (Please Print): Affiliation Address (Agency): Date Work Completed: �— D) ADnlication and Aandlino —� Eouiument Installation (WUP or l) 1 Animal waste application and handling equipment specified in the plan is on site and ready for use; calibration and adjustment materials have been provided to the owners and are contained as pan Of he an aste Animal leas application and handling equipment specified in the plan has not been installedbutthe owner has ,ipuu ugrr, proposed leasing or third pany application and has provided a signed contract' e bjN• .... Z/♦♦♦ contract agrees with the requirements of the plan; required buffers can be maintained; calibration and ........ tSQ �i,p 1, adjustment guidance have been provided Io the w 9mpment specified in the o Hers and are contained as pan of the plan. S]' Ae oliTeAmical Specialist (please Print): Larry F. Graham, p, E l %i1Tt�iatid Environmental En F in erinq ServicedJate Work Completed- c c t 6 Aberdeen, 1 /16/�0g Clear View Farm, xichmonu ',junty Facility I.D. No. 77_6 rethp E d4 dbrhrol`pdors and insects as specified in the Plan have been installed and are operational. The Inorta Iity60�manaem ¢eat system as specified in the Plan has also been installed and is operational. Fame o�� ech#ric2kT Specialist (Please Print): Larry F. Graham, P.E. ices Date Work Completed: 1 /16/04 N-C. 28315 Phone Nd910-295-3252 Please retun6"the com efed form to the Division of Water r� Quality at the following address: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Compliance & Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Please also remember to submit a copy of this form along with the complete Animal Waste Management Plan to the local Soil and Water Conservation District Office and to keep a copy in your files with your Animal Waste Management Plan. AWC -- Dacember5, 2Otln 5 Veeslan—November 26, 303E Mortality Management Methods Indicate which methodfs) will be implemented. When selecting multiple methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Veterinarian. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality r U Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.SA 06-403). The bottom of the burial pit should be at least one foot above the seasonal high water table. Attach burial location map and plan. Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-166.7. Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 52C .0102. a A composting system approved and permitted liythe NC Department of Agriculture & Con- Services sumer Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). If compost is distributed off -farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. El ❑ In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (G.S, 106-549.70). ElAny method which, in the professional opinionrof the State Veterinarian, would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the stale Veterinarian must be attached). ❑ Mass Mortality Plan Mass mortality plans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm -specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass modality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facility's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be -done in accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass bural sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. Date if Date Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Site Specific Practices Feed storage Accumulations of feed Reduce moisture accumulation within and around residues immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by ensuring drainage is away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products) 2-Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated s lids in filter strips around feed storage as needed Animal holding areas Accumulations of animal Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences wastes and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and sturbance by animals is minimal IT Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed) Dry manure handling • Accumulations of animal O Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., systems wastes 7- to 10-day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal O Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles O Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handline areas as needed For more information contact: Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Box 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613 AMIC - November 11, 1996, page 2 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Settling basin surface • Partial microbial ❑ Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid level decomposition ❑ Remove settled solids regularly • Mixing while filling • Agitation when emptying Manure, slurry, or • Agitation when spreading ❑ Soil injection of slurry/sludges sludge spreader . Volatile gas emissions ❑ Wash residual manure from spreader after use outlets ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants Uncovered manure, • Volatile gas emissions while ❑ Soil injection of slurry/sludges slurry, or sludge on drying ❑ Soil incorporation within 48 hours field surfaces ❑ Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying ❑ Proven biological additives or oxidants Dead animals • Carcass decomposition IT Proper disposition of carcasses Dead animal disposal • Carcass decomposition O Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits pits Cl Proper location/construction of disposal pits Incinerators • Incomplete combustion ❑ Secondary stack burners Standing water • Improper drainage W Grade and landscape such that water drains away around facilities . Microbial decomposition of from facilities oreanic matter - Manure tracked onto • Poorly maintained access 15 Farm access road maintenance public roads from roads farm access AMOC - November 11, 1996, page 3 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Pit recharge points • Agitation of recycled lagoon O Extend recharge lines to near bottom of pits with liquid while pits are filling anti -siphon vents Lift stations • Agitation during sump tank O Sump tank covers filline and drawdown Outside drain • Agitation during wastewater O Box covers collection orjunction conveyance boxes End of drainpipes • Agitation during wastewater O Extend discharge point of pipes underneath at lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces • Volatile gas emissions Gr Proper lagoon liquid capacity • Biological mixing 9� rrect lagoon startup procedures • Agitation Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio 03�Minimum agitation when pumping O Mechanical aeration O Proven biological additives Irrigation sprinkler • High pressure agitation Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind nozzles • Wind drift Minimum recommended operating pressure ff-pump intake near lagoon liquid surface 0�Pump from second -stage lagoon Storage tank or • Partial microbial O Bottom or midlevel loading basin surface decomposition 0 Tank covers • Mixing while filling O Basin surface mats of solids • Agitation when emptying Cl Proven biological additives or oxidants AMOC - November I I , 1996, page 2 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Farmstead • Swine production ler Vegetative or wooded buffers 71iRecommended best management practices E5Good judgment and common sense Animal body • Dirty manure -covered Dry floors surfaces animals Floor surfaces • Wet manure -covered floors 21 Slotted floors (Waterers located over slotted floors O Feeders at high end of solid floors � crape manure buildup from floors t nderfloor ventilation for drying Manure collection • Urine Frequent manure removal by flush, pit recharge, pits • Partial microbial or scrape decomposition C9,"Underfloor ventilation Ventilation exhaust • Volatile gases rW Fan maintenance fans • Dust OO iEfficient air movement Indoor surfaces • Dust Washdown between groups of animals Feed additives O Feeder covers O Feed delivery downspout extenders to feeder covers Flush tanks • Agitation of recycled lagoon O Flush tank covers liquid while tanks are filling O Extend fill lines to near bottom of tanks with ti-si hon vents Flush alleys • Agitation during wastewater Underfloor flush with underfloor ventilation conveyance AMOC - November 11, 1996, page I EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PHONE NUMBERS Division of Water Resources (DWR) -/ flV- �t912 Emergency Management System (EMS) / Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) /C7 _:F1 .i27-0 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 49 a - This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. a. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: 1) Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. 2) Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. 3) Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. 4) Call a pumping contractor. 5) Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. b. Runoff from waste application field -actions include: 1) Immediately stop waste application. 2) Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. 3) Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. 4) Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. 5) Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. c. Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers -action include: 1) Stop recycle pump. 2) Stop irrigation pump. 3) Close valves to eliminate further discharge. 4) Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. November 23, 2016 d. Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: 1) Stop recycle pump. 2) Stop irrigation pump. 3) Make sure no siphon occurs. 4) Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. 5) Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. e. Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowing leaks- possible action: 1) Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to lagoon. 2) If holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. 3) Have a professional evaluate the condition of the side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3. Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWR regional office, phone number: ' /]After hours, emergency number: 1-800-858-0368. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spill, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS, phone number: 91l . Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. c. Contact the following for advice/technical assistance: 1) Cooperative Extension, phone number: 9i0 ��7 r�� November 23, 2016 2) local SWCD office, phone number: 3) local NRCS office, phone number: -O 4. If none of the above works call 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5. Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name:O nlh b. Contractors Address:� c. Contractors Phone: %/e�� 6. Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon (NRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc.) a. Name: b. Phone: 7. Implement procedures as advised by DWR and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. November 23, 2016 ocF-IA HAnt RcLb Z F t AA±IMAI— WATTa rnAn)AGrl&z,Fr I -ACT SRFi F_T kn,r_•. 4-z7--79 LItAIoy: C)� S.R. 1314 , �/4 ,.,,jA Al 01� �.txs,.��„ i,;,J� S.R. 1315. AArA 4 csn.POri4-no�Js : Y Also S.. /,to - pr_an,Aac,Y Sroanc� - 9 l,;? IsA.. X 'go Q4a/� � x 496 se.— Vk. X em r. = 51,840� — 506 Se (,ewe % 400 jfL /ae .j X 1 143 /-U, 2,00 000 4 v 1 a s k ..>..,� „ 251184c) -Tr_n,Poaaav C1aaAes; 251,840 ,Qin X 1.356E3�looa .Q%/cQaq = zsl. 84 x 1.35 a = 339.98 a-, 340 6f-vj� 34o df3/d0 X 3GS a is - pEam rpJ p. S- QA&P : a 2.51) 24o k-3 (Pr-RM.) 1 z411o0 +' (-rn,P.) 375 veu .= 38L,275 6{3 S�a1�: I"= 106, Lower Lfz cra-y-�, .ANL,AtAL A5`E�oUf:1�6�(/4/k -jz. o. NArvur; tZ�ct�w,z4 t.J. 13:��.1Err Akre_ 5-7-81 LQcAr[OA7: aK S, R. 131�� Ilk eW:-G M I u-ta.�S. w,`i� $.R. 1315 hr5'" tWTA ftewp pjykP L*n.TONS : l x ff �t3� —Y-.wweAav c�roarrs C4insl� 6�.xnran.�, OOD jiro sc�.c.e 1.35 3 ,c0� I44O tao waQ. I x �35ISe. aN waQ = 19 { 4Cb QBo, lq4-, Noo ..Q"/loco 114. it x I.35 �t 3 �� x I to �S / cQn = 3 i ,'i9 2 . R 31,492. ii t3 >< 3 c.1" /U,• = 4'f 41- 4- Ien P cSW2AGc y A - 6'3 , 2C0 3 + 94 µ7 is G77,G7q f3 Vo--F- : 745, 134 It" Lxk DA OWG NOT To SCft ^y I :.l � i F i; Cti 1 �trt I A�JIMAI y,/ALZ CN�1 y�gq,V RfuE�An �, r3eaaett RSeRrnwt4 CooN:^! , ri. C. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICL RDTT.(: MR.RVATnV QVR17TM -Nc R�MHo�a Coyurt p�. SeiYCTR 5-�5--79 AN�N%I wnSCE Mnua�M� PcA� i G0�1'C'6�SCS IFACC S�EEC SO1LS (SCS- ENG- S38) 9H�•1�1ECCj RICHAR q-3o-79 2 sFkm 5 4-z7-79 2 stle-Ets 4-30-�9 . OQS16NVoC,•CST CNc-EUG-S) 4-Z�-79 tatcc• No\-• eq. CNc-E�16 5) W Rsct i�SPoSgI PORN --`C`D'1CSTR�.�ERMVot\• CNc-A60.ac�-�) '(' _.FoR�-Pv�utS QY,-A6QoN-31 p�iiN (SCS-ENG-3�SAi �Toao• CScS-ENG-3�SAl ,...r-�S SECRo� CSCS-E1�-3�SA� 4-7.7-79 SNfET % b"e--T 1 SNE�-'1 1 SHft-'C 1 SNE�t 1 SHt�`t 1 SNE c� 1 SNEET 4 isKwS bE516l.1 ApoRo�Ea: CIIL�,,Ac.�l a•,d,n�pc�4ti, CE s-IS-�9 — --NC F.I. No.100 -- _ U S. OeOer[ " Y-26 60 Soil Cove va4m Serum Request for Engineering Assistance JOB NA?g KIGHA.lyA BFlJOETT tb� (v1Gcc`1J _ I I,IORK UNIT Rico+ ,OA Co0'f - I'� KLX-wl &AAA ;�.0, _ TYPE OF JOB Drainage: 0. D. Tile Pump Tide Gates Group F P-� Stock Water Irrigation 'Fishing & Recreation Impounded L-' Excavated ✓" Irrigation Terracing Striperonping Grassed Waterways 'Crain ng Other rIOG I._AC>00,3 %'ORK TO BE CHARGED TO CO-1 ACT ✓ Cons. Res. Watershed: VIP-2-2 or CO-1 T M TYPE OF ASSISTANCE REI�JESTED 'feeds and feasibility 5. Layout Assistance Survey Assistance 6. Constr. Supervision Design 7. Final Check i. Lesi gn Approval V _ 8. Other Estimated job class: I iI CILT-„2V V VT Date IAP0.'L .3C DATE .ASSIST.ANCE R;UB°T`r Firs - Second Choice I! ` Third Choice A%AY REMARKS <r_E F%-i'A(14q G6 AAnim Al OATnE S4r-Er, (Work Unit Co ervationist) ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN Richard Bennett Richmond -County INTRODUCTION Mr. Bennett has requested assistance in the design and construction of an animal waste treatment system. He is to begin with a 240 sow feeder pig operation by June and plans to expand to a 480 sow operation in three years. The farm is located approximately one mile west of the Ellerbe city limites on SR 1314, NE of its intersection with SR 1315. SITE CONDITIONS The topography is quite sloping. The houses will be on the top of a hill and should be naturally well ventelated. The soils on the site are predominately a sandy clay. The nearest occupied dwelling is approximately 700 feet to the S/SW. PROPOSED PLAN The system will consist of one large lagoon into which effluent and solid waste from the hog houses will be flushed. The lagoon is designed to handle the full-scale operation planned. Anaerobic activity will take place in the lagoon which is designed for one full year's storage. Water will be pumped out of the lagoon from a 12" pipe which will extend into the lagoon vertically. A design of the pipe is shown below. A well will be drilled in the pad area to serve as an immediate and emergency water source. It is hoped that some rainwater can be collected in the lagoon to help "prime" the system. The landowner is responsible for obeying all local, state, and national laws and securing necessary permits. All disturbed areas are to be stabilized with permanent vegetation eitherfescue and common or coastal bermudagrass. Lovegrass might be seeded to provide immediate hot weather cover. The Rockingham field office will provide recommendations on specific seeding rates and seeded preparation and fertilization. Mulching will be part of the recommended treatment. The lagoon is designed for a year's storage, but a local truck farmer,. Hill Carter, will use the effluent on his land when necessary and at least once a year. No problem is forseen in finding suitable-sitesfor spreading effluent.. The dike on the E, N, and W sides will be cored the width of a bulldozer blade to help prevent seepage until the pond can naturally seal itself. A suitable sandy clay material does exists on the site, but there is some quest ion _as_to where the large quantity of needed fill -dirt will come from. Some fill is expected to be found in the construction of both the emergency spillway and the diversion of the NW side of the lagoon. MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. Keep vegetation on embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed. 2. Repair eroded areas and vegetate. 3. Apply lime and fertilizer annually or as needed. Walter B. High �U District Conservationist ROGKw(,kAn FIGLp �FFICF a, ArwAA4- WAM MAn1AOGAkF-A'5F FACT SHf F--T - LOCA-MO()A,, S.R. 1314 , 1/4 131S. AF_S(Gw) 4ATA 4 COMPUn4- WS: Y - Rf 80 So. /20 " �zo du PGR(kA,JE&�-, �D0.AG6 ; - 4 1 /sa x 30 -U°/P'S � F80 s< o x I p3h&. x D.� �n. = 51,s4( - 500 Sown Ln x 4o6 ,U. /,.j X I df3 jf,=-2UO," 251(8�K - .-(Gn�PoRFLR4,jS'taRhGE: 251,&4o ,QLa % 1.35 60/1000 RSI. ?4 X 1.35 Q = 339.48 340 — I add. -J4 . .: 34o df 3/da1 X 3G5 A.1c rpa P. S- RAGE: - 2.51, 94o 6fs (Pr-RM.) 11'F, IOO Ufa (Ir_AkP) 375 9 +' TbTAL -LAc OA )SIMEJSiO.uS AT hrsic;,3 l)ATr,R L@UFL Al'k, JO 1MF vows_ 38G,275 bo S�af�: I"= loo, FAt_r '^^N6ET (C"4'd - HRFA GCWSE� '(D QgrwlFfLL(, 11CGU RULgT�O.J: I.,." = 51 , SOO fir°' of d:k I-, _.__ - F_KCESS YGRIaFAL�; ll� v/a 5" x SI , Soo /fl = z1 250 f3 2 2 S - Y2. STORM; 13 od • �4jl 24-mow. p.Lk�.J = (D.S (.,So X J)'500 2" v TOTAL. VOL-oAkE P.J.(POI PA IA) L AcG -,) «{3i PFWK '&T QAGa 2511.R•(O 'FRP STORAGE. J 24, 1 CO E: PSS PA03FALL 21 1 LSO 25-Y2 Sao i 2-1 84(e TO T A I•�. Y z.5 ©8 �- - QIKE L�E.s iGa)� N I.H-' F2F-E 0ot1R0 N 1. I � E —u,' 0•L' 25-42. S�4m !� p.5� E'cf�55 4a�.JFA4 SCS-kNG-530 Rev. STI SOIL INVESTIGATION TO DET FARMER'S AME • DISTRICT, DATE Iq COUNTY— PHOTO SHEET NO. WORK UNIT Ko�WIQ *0� S.0 WATERSHED AREA MEASME ENIS ) CROPLAND—ACRESA _ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i■i■iiii■■■iiiii■iiii■ ■ii ■■n ■■■■■■OE■■■■n d■■■■ ■■n■■■=H■■i■■■■■■wi■■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■■■■ ■■■�I■■■■■■■■■■w■■■■■!!■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■: ■■ ■■M■■■■■■■■■■■IY■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■N■ BORING:. PROFILE DI I©I[!I©I�IDIo�lmimi©I®imi®Imlmlmlml�imlml© l.�1C�1_;�I■I■I■I■I■I■■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■ �L�I•I■I■I I■I■I ■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■ �C�I®I■I■�I■I■ICI■I■i■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■■■I■ ��'13J1■■■■■■■'■■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■l■I■I■I■ I�G�IhLI■I■I■I■I■I■,■I■I■I�I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■ !�©IDI■I■I■I■I■I■.■I■I■I I■I■I■I■I■I■■I■I■I■I■ /1Dk7■i©I■■I■ I■I■i■■I■I■I■I■I■■I■I■■I■I■I■I■ ml■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■■I■I■I■I■I■i■I■I■I■I■I■I■' ■I■I■I■I■I■I■■ICI■I■I■I■■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■ �. I■I■I■I■LLI I■I■I■I■i,■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■I■ �■I ■I■I■I■I■I■■i■�■�■I■■I■I■�■�■I■I■I■I■I YY TYPES OF MATERIAL ENCOUNTERED -- '(Use one ,of'sy"stems'below)'' IN 95ENGS- - UNIFIED CLASSIFICATION USDA CLASSIFICATION GW-Well graded gravels; gravel, sand mix GP --Poorly graded gravels g-gravel S-sand- _ GM -Silty gravels; gravel -sand -silt mix vfs-very fine sand GC -Clayey gravels; gravel -sand -clay mix sl- sandy loam SW -Well graded sands; sand -gravel mix fsl- fine sandy loam SP-Poorly graded sands 1-loam SM-Silty sand gl-gravelly loam SC -Clayey sands; sand -clay mixtures si-silt - ML- Silts;silty, v. fine sands; sandy or clayey silt sil-silt loam CL- Clays of low to medium plasticity cl- clay loam CH -Inorganic clays of high plasticity sicl- silty clay loam MH-Elastic silts scl-sandy clay loam OL-Organic silts and silty clays, low plasticity sic -silty clay OH - Organic clays, medium to high plasticity c-clay 1. Suitable material for embnnl®ant is available ZjYee Q No R�atmrc wne.. Iwurm o� m. sxeren .a ,o.n. W.) REMARKS: a,A (.Wa io.Q N � — � "p"-Lt'F iG-cci.o�A— ..so+( SIoc 6N Colt l Ira. HTit �o.u: I 2. Explain harmde requiring special attention in deaign �bk- GENERAL REMARKS: 24 125112611271128129 301131 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48. 49 50 51 NC+ENG-5 8-72 (formerly NC+81) U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation -Service:.:. VOLUME ESTIMATE 2ON @FQI iiID0iiiS Name R(CPACRt1 �. �3 c,J.JEr l �6.5(6.0 VU1.,U ME. FGSrtrtWtES) Plan No. REAP No. Book and Page No. Bottom Width Side Slopes .2.15 :I Contractor Payment Estimate No. for STATION DEPTH (Feet) END AREA (Sq. Ft.) SUM OF END AREAS (Sq. Ft.) DISTANCE (Feet) DOUBLE VOLUME (Cu. Ft.) EXCAVATION (Cu. Yds.) o d 8 t.5 I L.5 5 ISO59-1 96 oLL 2197 so 109390 iop I I L S 2 o Su o00 so If7S 20 3 0 2�/G. S g 3 4. 6 1755 � 7 3 Do 350 350 2 1SU LS 5 PF8 2 5 0 Computed by d Date,�,42(w9 Checked by Date M NC+EOG_-5 U S-._Department of Agriculture t-72 - - - Soil -conservation Service (formerly NC-81) VOLUME ESTIMATE PGY..G➢iii.Di�PBRLS ,. Name R ( EkiCAOA'710. ) VO W.IME �S-r64Nd%cFS � Plan No. REAP No. Book and Page No. Bottom Width Side Slopes Contractor Payment Estimate No. for STATION DEPTH (Feet) END AREA (sq. Ft.) SUM OF END AREAS ISq. Ft.) DISTANCE (Feet) DOUBLE VOLUME (Cu. Ft.) EXCAVATION ICU. Yds.) 0 p 53.$ 75 27 5 3L 7.5 zoo ! 2-15/,0 s I Id 400 L $ So 3d250 161 5 S So IzSs s� 6'G 700 - 5 lSyO yG.S 435 29. 55 14�75 9G z z.s z8o P65 /S.S 134a 5 S 1 3 3 O 2 S S2 Computed by WAGir_R 9' d(GA Date 27 7 Checked by Date ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN CONTENTS NC -Form No. 100 - Request for Engineering Assistance Narrative (2 sheets) Fact Sheets (2 sheets) Topo Survey - SCS-ENG-315A Lagoon located on Topo - SCS-ENG-315A Lagoon Transect Sheet Lagoon/transect Profile - SCS-ENG-315A Dike NC-ENG-12 - Volume Estimate for "Lagoon" NC-ENG-12 - Volume Estimate for ('"'Dike" SCS-rky,-53$' Sol, INuSS:. 1kvWy- May 4,-1981 - ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN (HOGS) Richard Bennett Richmond County _. INTRODUCTION Mr. Bennett has requested assistance in the design and construction of an animal waste treatment system. He is expanding his existing system, a feeder pig operation, to include a topping operation as well, His present setup is a 120 sow feeder pig operation. The addition planned will accommodate 1440 top hogs with 3 full cycles per year. The lagoon for this new system is planned for construction this summer below the existing lagoon. Mr. Bennett has applied for FHA financing for this expansion. The farm is located approximately one mile west of Ellerbe on SR 1314, NE of its intersection with SR 1315. SITE CONDITIONS The topography is fairly steep and strongly sloping. The topping operation will be located almost due south of the lagoon, on top of a ridge and should be well ventelated. The soils on the site are predominately loamy sands with sandy clay subsoil. The nearest occupied dwelling is approximately 1000 feet to the southwest. PROPOSED PLAN The system will consist of one large lagoon into which effluent and solid waste from the hog houses will be flushed through a gravity -flow arrangement. The lagoon, designed for a year's storage, has a volume capacity 10 percent greater than the minimum required which should aid in the anaerobic activity. Water to prime the lagoon will be supplied by the existing lagoon. Flush water will be pumped from the lagoon through a 12" pipe which will extend vertically into the lagoon. The landowner is responsible for obeying all local, state, and national laws and securing necessary permits. All disturbed areas, including the dike and dam, will be seeded to common bermuda possibly in conjunction with a annual nurse crop. The Rockingham field office will provide recommendations on specific seeding rates and seeded preparation and fertilization. Mulching will be part of the recommended treatment, It is anticipated that a local truck farmer will use the effluent on hisadjoining land when necessary and at least once a year. MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. Keep vegetation on embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed. 2. Repair eroded areas and vegetate. 3. Apply lime and fertilizer annually or as needed. Walter B. High District Conservationist N�� Zcttwan L3. i3aa",P-r- - .�bG- LAC�Z I,ocA'reo.U: Ox S.R. Ar-_s+cN IWTA ,44a amPvrnToNs -7z� ���, 9 a w Qd f x. 4=3 G +3/ =I583 zeo --r&%QAav (Q5ps•F . I'- 4o cw.:a.a9.0 �j Ig41 400.E/lobo Q(b = rT ,4- 194.�[ x 1.3.s x I)z dy 49z.fr�{a 31 I492-, 9 �3 x 3 01" /T, _ Q•( 479 +a '�Rm. + iEnna. �f2AGa' SE -F- Q4 4-7{ 3 -1✓7r+Ct•u` L�Iw'�-JS OJS CG Y- 1 l]hM�� kF 30 ' w ti v M Vo",n;L : 745,(34 „f ; V ati �,.'k baa w(' '3,-, -,, Scar= — IY3Fh Ex Po5E11 TD �Ir p1YL!_ i�T{,l1MUL4T(Jf.� — 330� K 315� = 1U3,g5o tr'" — Jto-yv_�� .1:a.ea .ku,_�o.<.�•e�, = 5 "�y,�. •- s" x_ Io3,950 aEi = _43 3i'1y s h" �SL,3ti7 3 —. ioTaL. I.JaC>.niJ VUI.U'n% C2�4Uia�d{jai e -RM. ....... 533 i zoo TGA,P. S- RAGE_ ....... 94, Wi ci ExtSs l 'eZ�1lNF,g1.!_ 43 , 313 —HIKE La-,16A3' C-1 25-vR. SToaM Exc.ESS RnWpRLL ..r LACCN T.la4a..efo - < i 1. e�m .4F .r-1 T- 47, 1 L I y-Y ', i e T 1 YyYYYY 'hY i'i t 1 -70 F•J 1 r _ i _ A- i L . —J• Y t i y�} ti.0 itT_. NC-ENG-12 g (fo (formerly NC-71) Name Address Embankment: oil Department of Agriculture $oil ���/♦��/�W.� SConservation Service VOLUME ESTIMATE FOR n+nT�• �w� AT Top Width Side Slopes STATION FILL HEIGHT (Feet) - END AREA (Sq.Ft.) SNM OFMDISTANCE END AREAS (Sq.Ft.) 2.4 S55 (e� 1103 13o S IbLq dFc oIb 23 2l, So Lao '�66 310� 5-- 2S'U � op 2F 9S Sgl 3 1. Double ,lure of Fill - Cu. Ft. Ve lnm- of enbankment fill (11, 1 1 29)= Cu. Yds. 3. A11o.ance for se t tl�mznt (5 or 10�0 f llne 2: - Cu. Yds. a- 70"1 cubic yards (11ne 2 « lin- 3)- 'dam Cu. Yds. Computed 1, 034 Date �(_ rw- 31.X 55. 5S.55. 49. x 50. 0-' — 5U, 50. 5u. E, I Oct '553CIO 1j, t.i 54 ,. -ENC-5 U.S. Department of Agriculture 8-72 ons t o Service or (formerly NC-81) �I R i VOLUME ESTIMATE FOR (iP�ir,➢i�9iiES Name Plan No. REAP No. Book and Page No. Bottom Width - Side Slopes Contractor Payment Estimate No. for STATION DEPTH (Feet) END AREA (Sq. Ft.) SUM OF END AREAS (Sq. Ft.) DISTANCE (Feet) DOUBLE VOLUME (Cu. Ft. l EXCAVATION (Cu. Yds.) 0 15 2 I� S I � IP S.o z 3v 70 5 20 8110 r G IS to r3,0 S 7_ 140& 4 0 8q 3 1935 3 2L 10 i- 1535 Z 3 0 3 t S,G 1.5 30 o), /310 55-4 qjt 3 S S z 39� to 355 O 15 0 2.3Jtl Computed by_. I—O� �- Date o Checked by Oat= 1265. x 18, = 22770. T 1606. 67. 107602. T 1935x M= 63855. T 1935. x 17. = 32895. T i 606. x 34. = 54604. T 1265. x 37950. T 964.,. 38. = 36632. T 700. x 5. = 3500. T 397. X 10. = 45. x 15. = 2175. T jpE 411739.T 411739.+ 54. 6296 0730 -�29?x Is 166 4.FAR __ NC=ENG-5 U.S. Department of Agriculture 8-72 - n Soil Coaservati`n'_Sery (fotmerly NC-81) V �'. {a 4C VOLUME ESTIMATE FOR OBlai HOMES Name Plan No. REAP No. Book and Page No. Bottom Width Side Slopes Contractor Payment Estimate No. for STATION DEPTH (Feet) END AREA (Sq. Ft.) SUN OF END AREAS (Sq. Ft.) DISTANCE (Feet) DOUBLE VOLUME (Cu. Ft.) EXCAVATION (Cu. Yds.) O i'$ 2 IS 5 3(9 5. z $ 3z 70 5 Z0 riX 0 IL b 5 to 13,0 I Kll 14 06 L 199 0 893 1935 3 2L to +- 1535 7 b 0 3 S7 1 o /&0 55z 39 e 0 b 5 5 4 Z 397 ID 3SS 101 145 S 0 2.g Computed by 1 Date 0 Checked by Date __.