HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003034_Permit Application_19950803DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GROUNDWATE.lR 'SECTION 3) 1 q96 MEMORANDUM TO: J i l A lez c 7 n�e cw{le Regional Office AW 7 1995 FROM: c' e� o f f3-/eS C'V' MANAGEMENT � PAVE ' SUBJECT: Application for Permit Renewal V RED. CFFICE, N w (� �P�%in�t-�Amen.m"enter y- New Permit Facility Name: )occa.-/eVS County: i�c•SeSc v Type of Project: 14 APPLICABLE PERMIT NO.s: UIC W0- 000 303 4 DEH EPA k9 MGY gs!-7s A to C CUA c rn oC'' C crn �c mT M C, The Groundwater Section has received a copy of the referenced permit application, a copy of which should have been sent to your Regional Water Quality Supervisor - IF A COPY HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED IN THE REGIONAL OFFICE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. _Z__�The Groundwater Section has received copy the referenced permit application. A'*co . A of�the p� plSeat'-�on'-d"ocumen�8�we receive3--is �tta�ed. The Groundwater Section has received a subsurface disposal project from the Div. Env. Health's On -Site Wastewater Section. A copy of the application has been forwarded to DEH's Regional Soil Specialist, Please coordinate your review with that Soil Specialist. �PZea _e�view the application materials for completeness. If you feel additional information is necessary, please let me know no later than 41 5yst i s� A755 �}' A copy of any formal request for additional information *aid;--e_.forwardedjto, you. If you do not need any addition -Info t on toacomplete your review, please provide your final comments liy " u.sf Z'f /9f5 . If) }you request and/or receive additional information, your^ -fins comment`akd due no later than 14 days after you receive the additional information. \TRANS.SHL i r Division of Environmental Management $ - 3-`15 Date MEMORANDUM To: Bob Cheek, Supervisor Permits & Compliance Unit c n Groundwater Section a C= r From: I�IIcNAEI ALLEry Project Engineer m as Permits & Engineering Unit Water Quality Section N �� ' CO m c: .i Subject: Groundwater Review Non -Discharge Application No. Facility Name: Rc,ccc ru�_icE�rs ,qwe iow. County: 'r_ 'n 'SON ' (GW # 95I75 ) Attached you will find plans, specifications, and supporting information for the above project Please let me know whether you will or will not be conducting an extensive review of the subject project by If I can provide additional information, please contact me at ext S 4 y n :will (: -0 The Groundwater Section E]will not* conduct an extensive `� ✓ _ review of the subject. Groundwater Section will not review application for the reason listed below: e� (2) A request for additional information will be forwarded to you by the IV - reviewer listed below. GW Reviewer: C, O)/ V/1 s Date: 14L-51& s � '?/ /s I 9/6/90 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT AMENDMENT LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS ROCCO TURKEYS, INC. ST. PAULS, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Rocco Turkeys, Inc. Post Office Box 9 Highway 20 East St. Pauls, North Carolina 28384 Prepared By: SWE, Inc. 3718 Old Battleground Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27410 July 1995 July 30, 1995 N.C. Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Permits and Engineering Unit Post Office Box 29535 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Allen REFERENCE: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO. W00003034 Rocco Turkeys, Inc. S&ME Project No. 1588-95-041 Dear Mr. Allen: S&ME, Inc. is under contract with Rocco Turkeys, Inc. (Rocco) for the management of their land application of residual solids program. S&ME wishes to modify the current Rocco Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0003034 by adding an additional source, the effluent lagoon residual solids. Operating procedures will involve the land application of the effluent lagoon residual solids onto the currently permitted acreage in Permit No. WQ0003034 (1,944.0 acres). An estimated volume of 1,500,000 gallons is being requested for addition to the permit at this time. Land application activities will be done within agronomic rates in accordance with Permit No. WQ0003034 and monitored closely by Rocco and S&ME. Operations will continue to involve application of currently permitted wastewater residuals to the permitted sites. All applications of the effluent lagoon residual solids will be subsurface injected. No direct contribution of domestic waste is associated with these residual solids. SWE, Inc. 3718 Old Battleground Road, Greensboro, North Carolina 27410, (910) 288-7180, Fax (910) 288-8980 �m a. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management July 30, 1995 Page 2 Your prompt attention in the review of this modification would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us immediately if you require additional information or have questions in the review of the permit modification application. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. ZJA't T. W g-c�, Robert P. Willcox, Jr., C.P.S.Sc. Soil Scientist N.C. Land Application/Residuals Operator #13285 G.F. Rick Baker, P.G. Branch Manager N.C. Land Application/Residuals Operator #13169 Enclosure: Permit Package, $400.00 submittal fee cc: Barry Tyner, Rocco Billy Daniels, Rocco TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Title Page No. MANAGEMENT PLAN SPILL CONTROL PLAN APPLICATION RATES MONITORING RECORDS II LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS APPLICATION FORM APPENDICES APPENDIX I: RESIDUAL SOLIDS ANALYSIS REPORTS Rocco Effluent Lagoon Residual Solids Nutrient and Metal Analysis TCLP Analysis 1 4 5 7 8 SECTION I MANAGEMENT PLAN SPILL CONTROL PLAN APPLICATION RATES MONITORING RECORDS MANAGEMENT PLAN The residual solids management plan describes the process by which the residual solids from the Rocco Turkeys, Inc. (Rocco) Poultry Processing Facility's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) will be land applied to the currently permitted fields as an agricultural resource at agronomic rates. The residual solids will be applied to row crops and hay or pasture land at agronomic rates for total or partial replacement of conventional nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers. The actual amount of residual solids applied will be dependent upon the nutrient requirement of the specific crop and the nutrient content of the residual solids. Residual solids application scheduling will be dependent upon residual solids production, storage at the respective treatment plant, and the crop management program. On farms utilized for hay and pasture production, residual solids will be applied in split applications as is normally done when conventional fertilizers are applied to hay and pasture land. These applications will correspond prior to grass growth in the spring, after each cutting in the growing season, or whenever most appropriate. On farms utilized for row crops, residual solids will be land applied between crop rotations. The fields will receive residual solids in an agronomic manner based on requirements listed in Permit Number WO0003034. Residual solids will be applied at agronomic rates which are limited by nitrogen loading rates. An acceptable pH will be maintained in the soil, residual and lime mixture greater than 6.0 on all land application sites to insure optimum yield for the crop being grown. Prior to an application event, an application rate will be determined based on a current residual solids nutrient analysis. Representative residual solids samples will be collected prior to the haul period and composited for analysis. This composite sample will then be delivered to a qualified laboratory familiar with residual solids analysis and analyzed for 1 ammonia nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite nitrogen, percent total solids, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, zinc, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, aluminum, chlorides, sulfate, mercury, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum and pH. Plant available nitrogen (PAN) will then be calculated from this residual solids analysis. This information will be used to calculate the loading rate for the field and crop. Once the appropriate application rate has been calculated, the residual solids will be removed from the respective treatment plant and transported to the site in tankers adapted for liquid residual solids. Liquid residual solids will be loaded into tankers which will then travel major traffic routes to the fields whenever possible. Once at the field, the tanker will proceed to a designated staging area. The liquid residual solids will then be transferred to a residual solids applicator designed and operated to obtain an even application consistent with agricultural requirements. An AG Chem Terragator 2505 or equivalent will be utilized to land apply the liquid residual solids. All residual solids will be removed from the staging area by the end of the working day, unless equipment breakdown or weather prohibits the residual solids application. At the start of each day, all fields will be inspected by the field superintendent. Equipment will only enter a field when conditions are appropriate for the application. Residual solids will only be applied when the field is capable of supporting equipment. When field conditions are not appropriate for an application, such as during wet periods, the residual solids will remain at the WWTP until field conditions are suitable for land application. Prior to the residual solids operations, the field superintendent and appropriate Rocco personnel will inspect the site. During the field inspection, the field superintendent will note the standard North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) buffer zones, including: homes, drainage ditches, roads, wells, surface water, and property boundaries (listed in Table 1 below). On the basis of these standard DEM buffers for land application programs, buffers will be established in the field. These buffers will be identified in the field by the placement of pin flags. 2 TABLE 1 DEM Buffers for Current Permit WO0003034 Application Method Subsurface Surface Area Description Injection Spreading ------------------------ feet ---------------------------------- Property boundary 100 100 Public right of ways 50 50 Residences 200 400 Places of public assembly 200 400 Water supply sources private 100 100 public 100 100 Stream, lake or impoundment 50 100 Upslope drains or water diversions 10 10 Downslope drains or water diversions 25 25 Groundwater drainage systems and surface drainage ditches 25 25 9 SPILL CONTROL PLAN ROCCO TURKEYS, INC. ST. PAULS, NORTH CAROLINA In the case of a spill, the following action shall be taken immediately: 1. Halt the source of the spill: Ruptured line or valve, or damaged tank unit. 2. Contain spill: Use straw bales to form a barrier. Straw or hay bales can be obtained from several sources for this purpose. Soil near the site can also be used to form a barrier for containment. 3. Clean up: Use residual solids application equipment to recover as much of the material as possible. After the application equipment has recovered as much material as possible, it will be land applied as per the management plan. A temporary sump pit may be dug in the containment area and spilled material washed into it to enhance recovery. 4. Final Clean up: Any unrecoverable material will be washed from the road surface and incorporated into an adjacent tillable area. 5. Notification: As soon as possible after a spill occurs notify: A. Rocco Turkeys, Inc. (910) 865-3800 B. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management Fayetteville Regional Office (910) 486-1541 C. Robeson County Sherrif's Department (910) 671-3100 D. Fire Department if assistance is required for washdown E. S&ME, Inc. Greensboro Branch (910) 288-7180 6. Management of clean up efforts: The field superintendent shall take immediate charge of the clean up activities. Additional labor will be requested from the treatment plant and other departments as needed. 7. Reporting: Within 24 hours of a spill the field superintendent shall present a written report detailing the cause of the spill and all action taken in response to the spill. APPLICATION RATES The residual solids application rate will be based on the plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement for the crop and the PAN content in the residual solids. The PAN requirement for the specific crop will be derived from limits in current Permit No. WQ0003034 (Table 2). Crops typically grown in the area counties are coastal bermuda, small grains, soybeans, corn, cotton and fescue. TABLE 2 Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Limits for Crops based on Permit No. WO0003034 Crop Pan Recommendations pounds/acre/year Alfalfa 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 Bermuda Grass (Coastal) 350 Blue Grass 120 Corn (Grain) 160 Corn (Silage) 200 Cotton 70 Fescue 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Milo 100 Small Grain (wheat, barley, oats) 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Soybeans 200 Timothy, Orchard & Rye Grass 200 The PAN content of the residual solids will be based on total Kjeldahl nitrogen (fKN), ammonium -nitrogen (NH; N), nitrate -nitrogen (N0; N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2 N) content, and the mineralization of organic N into inorganic N. Most of the nitrogen in the residual solids is in an organic form. As the residual solids are incorporated into the soil, the soil microorganisms utilize the residual solids as an energy and njitrient source. In the process, a portion of the organic N is mineralized or biologically converted into inorganic N. 5 Various environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, and carbon to nitrogen ratio will affect the mineralization rate. Mineralization rates can also be established in relation to the treatment process which occurs at each plant. Typical mineralization factors range from 0.20 to 0.40. A mineralization rate of 0.40 has been selected for the Rocco dissolved air flotation (DAF) solids because of the treatment process. A mineralization rate of 0.30 has been selected for the Rocco sequencing batch reactor (SBR) residual solids because of the aerobic digestion process, and a mineralization rate of 0.30 has been selected for the Rocco Effluent Lagoon residual solids due to open lagoon storage and aeration of the solids. The PAN application rate will be calculated based on the mineralization rate, ,TKN, NHa N, NO; N, NO2 N content, and method of application. Residual solids which are injected into the soil typically retain a large portion of the NH3 gas which is found in the residual solids or is converted from the NHq N form. However, when the residual solids are surface applied to hay or fallow row crop fields, a large portion of the NH,-N is volatilized and lost as a nutrient for crop uptake. The actual plant available nitrogen content for equal residual solids is less when the residual solids are surface applied compared to when the residual solids are injected into the soil and the NH; N gas is trapped by the soil. To reflect the lower PAN content for surface applied residual solids due to the volatilization of NH,-N gas, the portion of NHa N in the residual solids contributing to the PAN is reduced by 50 percent. The PAN content of the residual solids is then calculated for injected and surface applications as follows: A. PAN injected = 0.30 (TKN - NH; N) + NH; N + N0; N + NO2 N B. PAN surface applied = 0.30 (TKN - NH; N) + 0.5 (NH4 N) + NO; N +NOz N WHERE: 0.30 = mineralization factor (effluent lagoon residual solids) TKN = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen NHa N = Ammonium nitrogen NO; N = Nitrate nitrogen NO2 N = Nitrite nitrogen 0.5 = Volatilization factor PAN Applied = (gal/ac)(8.34 Ib/gal)(% Solids)(% PAN) = Ibs PAN/ac MONITORING The residual solids and soil will be sampled at specific intervals to insure the beneficial utilization for agricultural production. Residual solids samples are to be obtained annually by permit. However, samples will be collected for each land application event. The residual solids samples will be collected and delivered to a laboratory qualified to analyze residual solids and is familiar with routine environmental sample preparation and standards. A residual solids analysis will be conducted for, but not limited to, the following parameters: percent total solids, chlorides, phosphorus, lead, copper, cadmium, sodium, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, magnesium, sulfate, potassium, zinc, nickel, chromium, calcium, ammonia nitrogen, arsenic, mercury, selenium, molybdenum and pH. Annual Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (fCLP) analysis for regulatory compliance will also be conducted. Once each year, the fields will be sampled for routine soil fertility and lime requirements. Although the soil samples will likely be collected in the fall or winter seasons, they may also be collected between croppings. Once the soil samples are collected, they will be delivered to either the North Carolina Department of Agriculture -Agronomic Division or A & L Eastern Agricultural Laboratories, Inc. for routine soil analysis. 7 RECORDS Records pertinent to the successful management of the land application program will be maintained for the benefit of DEM, Rocco, S&ME and the landowner. Each year an annual summary of the activities of the program will be prepared and delivered to the appropriate agencies and participants on or before the 1st of March. The annual summary will include: 1. A) Source of residual solids B) Date of residual solids application C) Location of residual solids application (field number) D) Method of application E) Weather conditions F) Soil conditions G) Type of crop or crop to be grown on field H) Volume of residual solids applied in gallons/acre and dry tons/acre 1) Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons/acre of residual solids, annual and cumulative pounds/acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be limited to lead, nickel, cadmium, copper, zinc, arsenic, chromium, mercury, selenium and molybdenum), annual pounds/acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), and annual pounds/acre of phosphorus applied to each field 2. A representative annual soil analysis which will include the following parameters: standard soil fertility test, percent base saturation, phosphorus, potassium, lead', zinc, magnesium, pH, manganese, cation exchange capacity, sodium, nickel', cadmium', copper, and calcium. 3. A minimum of quarterly residual solids analyses which will include the following parameters: percent total solids, chlorides, phosphorus, lead, copper, cadmium, sodium, total nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, magnesium, sulfate, potassium, zinc, nickel, chromium, calcium, ammonia nitrogen, arsenic, mercury, selenium, molybdenum and pH. 4. An annual TCLP analysis of residual solids. R Soil Analysis for these parameters shall be conducted once prior to permit renewal on each site which has recieved residual solids during the permit cycle. SECTION If LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS APPLICATION FORM I. II. State of North Carolina L3 Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources �0 Division of Environmental Management Non -Discharge Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) w E3 n LAND APPLICATION OF OTHER RESIDUAL SOLIDS This application is intended for facilities which are EXEMPT from 40 CFR Part 503 r, N UJ GENERAL INFORMATION: co c: 1. Applicant's name (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): Rocco Turkeys, Inc. 2. Print Owners or Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Nash Lindsey, General Manager 3. Mailing address: Post Office Bog 9 City: St. Pauls State; N. C. Zip: 28384 Telephone Number: ( 910 ) 865-3800 4. Application Date: July 30, 1995 5. Fee Submitted: S 400.00 17he permit processing fee should be as specified in 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5).j 6. Specify whether these residuals will be land applied to: % agricultural lands, _ forest, _ public contact sites, reclamation sites; (Please be advised, if these residuals will be distributed for lawn or home garden use, the application for the "DISTRIBUTION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS" should be completed rather than this application.) 7. If the alternative for residual disposal consists of "surface disposal" as defined under 40 CFR Part 503, please complete the application titled "SURFACE DISPOSAL OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS. Please identify if there is any storage of residuals in a surface impoundment or disposal thru landfilling. Explain: N/A 8. Please specify the number of acres on which residual solids are to be land applied under the authority of this permit: proposed in this application: N/A acres; total (current and proposed): 1,944.0 acres 9. County(ies) where residuals will be land applied: Robeson PERMIT INFORMATION: I. Application No. (will be completed by DEM): 2. Specify whether project is: _ new; _ renewal'; % modification For renewals, complete all sections included in the application, in addition, please submit updated cumulative loadings for the heavy metals and updated owner's agreement for O&h site. 3. If this application is being submitted as a result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number WQ0003034 and its issue date January 31, 1995 FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 1 of 18 * Rocco Turkeys Effluent Lagoon Residual Solids III. FACILITY INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Name of facility where residuals are generated or prepared: Rocco Turkeys, Inc. 2. Facility permit number: W00001173 ; facility permit holder. Rocco Turkeys, Inc. 3. Specify whether facility in Section III.1 is owned by:_ federal; % private; _ state; _ local government. 4. Specify facility design flow: Type of residual storage: _ mgd; facility average daily flow: — * Not Used for Storage * Volume of residual storage: Cleaning Accumulated Solids From Effluent Lagoon mgd; Length of residuals storage at facility: N/A days (the Division requires a minimum 30 days storage in units that are separate from treatment system, i.e. not in clarifiers, aeration basins, etc.); Maximum storage time of residuals between application events: N/A days. Estimated volume of residuals: 375 (dry tonslyr.); 5. Are there any other storage facilities, other than the above, currently on site: % Yes, No. If Yes, please identify: 2 — Digesters 6. Facility contact (person familiar with residuals preparation): Barry Tyner, Billy Daniels 7. Facility contact's telephone number: ( 910 ) 865-3800 8. Location of treatment facility: North Carolina 9. Mailing address: Post Office Box 9 State; Robeson St. Pauls, N. C. 28384 10. Latitude: 34' 48' 10" Longitude: 780 54' 55" County 11. Specify the source of the residuals: _ treatment of water (alum sludges); _ treatment of industrial wastewater (100% industrial residuals); _ treatment of industrial wastewater mixed with domestic wastewater (please specify appropriate percentages of % industrial wastewater, % domestic wastewater); % othar(explain): Treatment Of Process Waters Used In The Killing And Dressing out Of Turkeys Attach an explanation of either the treatment process, manufacturing process, or how the waste is generated. Provide full and complete details of the entire process. * See Page Following 2 Of 18 12. Does the facility which generates the residuals have an approved pretreatment program? _ yes; % No. N/A This includes facilities which are classified as a "Class I" facility (any publicly owned treatment works required, under 40 CFR 403.8, to have an approved pretreatment program or any facility treating domestic sewage that is classified as "Class I" by the appropriate federal or State authority) IV. RESIDUALS INFORMATION (attach additional pages for additional sources of residuals): 1. Information for Hazardous Waste (RCRA) Determination. The information requested on the limitations specified below pertain only to those residuals that are generated from a municipal wastewater treatment facility with industrial contribution or active pretreatment program and from any other treatment facility with wastewater sources that include industrial sources. a. Are any of the residuals covered by this application listed in 40 CFR 261.31-261.33? _ Yes; % No. if Yes, list the number(s): FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 2 of 18 MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF HOW WASTE IS GENERATED The combined wastewater flow Is generated primarily from the process of waters used in the killing and dressing out of turkeys; which Includes both process water and chiller water (0.652 mgd), plus a small' contribution of san" waste (0.013 mgd), which Is discharged directly to the biological treatment system The process water flows to two rotating drum screens, which separate feathers and meat and bone pieces prior to the pretreatment system. The pretreatment system Is a physkal/chemical system with a dissolved air flotation tank (DAF) which separates fats, oils, greases, suspended solids, and adjusts pH. The under flow then goes to a biological treatment system (SBR) where the activated sludge generated during the process cycles Is pumped to aerated digestors for stabilization. b. Do the residuals exhibit any of the four characteristics defined by 40 CFR 261.21-261.24? _ Yes; % No. Attach laboratory results for the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses, Reactivity, Ignitability, and Corrosivity for each residual. Note: If the following constituent levels (as determined by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Analyses) are exceeded in the residuals or if the pH of the residual is not within the range listed below, the residual is by definition a Hazardous waste. Chemical analyses must be made to Minimum Detection Levels. Arsenic Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chromium m-Cresol Cresol 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethylene Endrin Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorcethane Lindane Metboxychlor Nitrobenzene Pyridine Silver Toxaphene 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) pH (2:1 volJwt): EEM EEM 5.0 Barium 100.0 0.5 Cadmium 1.0 0.5 Chlordane 0.03 100.0 Chloroform 6.0 5.0 o-Cresol 200.0 200.0 p-Cresol 200.0 200.0 2,4-D 10.0 7.5 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 0.7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.13 0.02 Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) 0.008 0.13 Hexacbloro-1,3-butadiene 0.5 3.0 Lead 5.0 0.4 Mercury 0.2 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 200.0 2.0 Pentachlorophenol 100.0 5.0 Selenium 1.0 5.0 Tetrachloroethylene 0.7 0.5 Trichlorcetbylene 0.5 400.0 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2.0 1.0 Vinyl chloride 0.2 >2.0 s.u. - <12.5 s.u. NOTE: IF ANY OF THE RESIDUALS MEET THE DEFINITIONS OF A HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS NOTED IN EITHER "A" OR "B" ABOVE, A PERMIT CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR THAT RESIDUAL AND IT SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED AS PART OF THIS APPLICATION. 2. For each residual, please attach a complete chemical analysis of the material. This analysis must be comprehensive enough to completely characterize the residual and must be based upon a review of the process that generates the material. If the facility that will generate the residual is not yet in operation, the characterization must be based on simila existing facilities and projection based on the type of facility. The analysis must include a minimum of the following parameters and any other (mown and suspected contaminants that are tributary to the system. Cadmium Aluminum pH Copper Ammonia -Nitrogen Phosphorus Lead Calcium Potassium Nickel Magnesium Sodium Zinc Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen TKN % Total Solids Pliant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) 3. Wastewater residuals shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the residuals exceeds the ceiling concentrations specified in the table below. Specify the pollutant concentration of these residuals (attach lab analysis): Pollutant Pollutant Ceiling Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Pollutant Concentration (mg/kg) Dry Weight Basis Cadmium 85 1.0 Copper 4300 595.0 Lead 840 22.0 Nickel 420 116.0 Zinc 7500 2,350.0 FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 3 of 18 V . PATHOGEN REDUCTION ViFORMATION (attach add. pages for additional sources of residuals): In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0200, pathogen reduction can be achieved using either 40 CFR Part 257 or 40 CFR Pan 503. Since the pathogen reduction requirements found in 40 CFR Pan 257 (note, "Processes to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" or PSRP) are incorporated into 40 CFR Part 503, only Part 503 is listed below. Please check which of the following applies to the subject residual: 100% Industrial Residuals with no domestic contribution (Skip this section, proceed to Section VI) Residuals from the treatment of water (Alum Sludges) with no domestic contribution (Skip this section, proceed to Section VI) % Residuals from animal processing plants (if the residuals are being injected into the soil, please explain the process and the equipment used, skip this section and proceed to Section VI Industrial residuals with domestic contribution 1. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 503, a residual cannot be land applied if it does not meet one of the following alternatives for Class B pathogen reduction. Please specify a, bl, b2, b3, b4, b5 or c from below (submit all lab analysis, test results and calculations): a. at least seven residuals samples should be collected at the time of use and analyzed for Fecal coliforms during each monitoring period. The geometric mean of the densities of these samples will be calculated and should be less than 2,000,000 most probable number per gram of total dry solids, or less than 2,000,000 Colony Forming Units per gram of total dry solids. b. the residuals must be treated by one of the following "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP). 1. Aerobic Digestion - residuals are agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 40 days at 20o C and 60 days at 150 C. 2. Air l2tdn¢ - residuals are dried on sand beds or on paved or basins for a minimum of three months. During two of the three months, the ambient average daily temperature is above Oo C. 3. Anaerobic Digestion - residuals are treated in the absence of air for a mean cell residence time and temperature between 15 days at 350 C to 550 C and 60 days at 200 C. 4. Compgsting - using either the within -vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperance of the residuals are raised to 400 C or higher for five days. For. four hours during the five days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 550 C. 5. Lime Stabilization - sufficient lime is added to the residuals to raise the pH of the residuals to 12 after two hours of contact c. The residuals shall be treated by a process that is equivalent to a "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens" (PSRP), as determined by the permitting authority, based on an evaluation of the recommendations provided by the Pathogen Equivalency Committee. VI. RESIDUALS TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION: 1. How will the residuals be delivered to the application sites (leak proof trucks, etc.)? Reference Section I — "Management Plan" 2. What type of equipment will be utilized for land application? Reference Section I — "Management Plan" 3. How will the application of the residual be controlled to ensure that there is proper distribution over the site? Reference Section I — "Management Plan" FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 4 of 18 4. Will the land application operation utilize a contractor who specializes in Residuals Management or will the perminee management the program? %Y Contractor; _ Permittee. If a contractor is utilized, provide the name of the fum, a contact, address, and telephone number: S&ME, Inc. G. F. Rick Baker 3718 Old Battleground Road (910) 288-7180 Greensboro, North Carolina 27410 VII. SITE EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDED LOADING RATES: 1. The following sites are to be used for land application under this permit application [please attach map(s),see La.]: Application Area [acres] Maximum slope Site No County Owner/Lessee (excluding buffers) (in percent) * No New Sites Being Applied For * Note: If more than ten (10) sites are to be covered by this application, please attach a form listing all of the sites along with the information listed below: a. A vicinity map must be attached. This map must show the location of each site in relation to at least two geographical references and major intersection (numbered roads, named strearrshivers, etc.). b. For all new or modified sites, a detailed site location map must be attached delineating both total and buffered acres. This map must be drawn to scale with topographical contour intervals not exceeding ten feet or 25% of total site relief (whichever is more descriptive) and showing the property limes; all existing wells, all surface waters and drainage ways and all dwellings within 500 feet of the land application areas; and all buffers. Note: The following buffers must be maintained. If residuals are sprayed on the sites, larger buffers may be required: 1. 400 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for surface residual application, 200 feet from any habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or which is to be sold for subsurface residual injection. 2. 100 feet between the disposal area and any public or private water supply source, all streams classified as WS or B, waters classified as SA or SB and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water.t 3. 100 feet between any surface residual application area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way, 50 feet between any subsurface residual injection area and any stream, lake, river, or natural drainage way.t 4. 50 feet between the residual application area and property lines for both surface and subsurface application (if the original permit was issued with the buffer distance to property line as 100 feet, updated maps must be submitted and new acreage delineated for the buffer to be reduced). 5. 10 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (upslope). 6. 25 feet between the disposal area and any interceptor drains or surface water diversions (downslope). 7. 25 feet between the disposal area and any groundwater lowering and surface drainage ditches. t SPECIFY THE NAME OF AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CLOSEST DOWNSLOPE SURFACE WATERS (as established by the Environmental Management Commission) TO THE LAND APPLICATION SITE(S). USE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION SHEET (PAGE 9 OF 18) TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 5 of 18 Note: The maximum slope for land application of residuals is 10% for surface application and 18% for subsurface application. For each land application site, attach a soil evaluation by a soils scientist (the evaluation must be signed by the soil scientist) which addresses soil color; the depth, thickness and type of restrictive horizons; the presence or absence of a seasonal high watertable or bedrock within three vertical feet of the deepest point of residual application; pH and cation exchange capacity. If the depth to either groundwater or bedrock is less than three feet, please also attach a demonstration, using predictive calculations or modeling methods acceptable to the Director of the Division of Environmental Management, that the use of this site will not result in the contravention of classified groundwater standards as contained in NCAC 2L .0200. In no case shall the separation be less than one foot. This report must be signed by the soil scientist and submitted with application. 3. For each site, please attach a project evaluation conducted by an agronomist including recommendations concerning cover crops and their ability to accept the proposed loading of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, salts and any other contaminant know to be in the residual. A part of the agronomists recommendations must be a crop management plan. This plan must determine the crops to be grown on the site(s), when they should be grown and how they should be harvested and marketed. This report must be signed by the agronomist and submitted with application. 4. Attach a representative soils analysis of each site. The soils analysis shall include the following parameters, along with any other significant parameter that has been shown to be contained in the residual: Standard Soil Fertility Test (which includes): And the following Pollutants: pH Phosphorus Acidity Calcium Magnesium Zinc % Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) Cadmium Lad Potassium Manganese Copper Cation Exchange Capacity Nickel 5. In order to assist DEM in the review of the proposed loading rates, please complete the calculations contained in the attachment titled "Calculations Work Sheet" (beginning on Page 11 of 18). If more than one residual is to be covered by this permit, additional worksheets must be attached. VI. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Five (5) complete copies of the permit application and five (5) copies of all required supporting information, including cover letters must be submitted or the application package will be returned as incomplete. 2. Please explain how access to the land application sites, by both people and animals, will be controlled following the application of residuals: Reference Section I — " Management Plan a. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application sites within 30 days after the application of residuals. b. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the land application sites during the active site use and for 12 months following the last application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at the site. 3. Please explain the procedures that will be used to establish and maintain the buffers during the application process (i.e. will the sites be flagged): Reference Section I — " Management Plan " 4. Please attach an executed "Agreement For the Land Application of Residuals to Private Lands" for each land application site that is not owned by the applicant. A copy of the DEM approved form is attached. If the applicant wishes to use a different form or a modified form, prior approval must be received from DEM. 5. Each application site must be assigned a site identification number. 6. Attachments may be utilized to provide the information that is requested in this application form; however, if attachments are utilized, their location should be so indicated on the application form. All attachments must be numbered to correspond FORM: LAORS 06194 Page 6 of 18 to the individual parts of the application that require the attachmtint. If the attachments are part of a larger docum:__ a table must be provided that lisps the locations of the required information. Applicant's Certification: I, Nash Lindsey attest that this application for Permit No. WQ 0003034 Modification Of has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed d that if all inquired supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as " corqple Signature �tG� C. �r Date �/ zi � THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WATER QUALITY SECTION PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UNIT POST OFFICE BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733.5083 FAX NUMBER: (919) 733-9919 FORM: LAORS 06194 Page 7 of 18 * No New Sites Being Applied For Instructions: Processing of this application will not be initiated until five (5) copies of all of the following items have been submitted in addition to five(5) copies of the completed application form. If any of the below items have been excluded from the package, please explain. 1. Is a general location map included? YES or NO x N/A 2. Is a site map (drawn to scale) included which delineates total and buffered acres and shows all property lines, buffers, existing wells within 500 feet, topography, drainage features, and any surface waters? YES or NO x N/A 3. Is a vicinity map enclosed which clearly indicates the projects location with respect to State roads and named Surface waters? YES or NO x N/A 4. Is a signed soil scientist report included which defines the following: a) field descriptions of texture, color, and structure, b) depth and thickness of soil horizons, c) presence of any restrictive soil horizons or layers, d) depth to seasonal high water table, e) the hydraulic conductivity, f) recommended loading rate for the site, YES or NO x N/A 5. Is a signed agronomist's report included which identifies the crop and loading recommendations for N-P-K? YES or NO x N/A 6. Is the Crop Management Plan included in the application package? YES or NO x N/A 7. Has the Land Owner's agreement been completed and signed? YES or NO x N/A 8. Appropriate fee in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(5)-(eff. February 1, 1993): New Applications, Modifications or Late Renewals $400.00 Timely Renewals without Modifications $250.00 YES x or NO N/A 9. Five (5) copies of all reports, evaluations, agreements, supporting calculations, etc. must be included as a part of the application package. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 8 of 18 * No New Sites Being Applied For This form must be completed by the appropriate Regional Office and included with the submission of the application package. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT In order to determine the classification of the watershed in which these land application activities will be located, you are required to submit this forth, with items 1 through 8 completed, to the appropriate Division of Environmental Management Regional Water Quality Supervisor (see attached listing). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by 11" copy of the portion of a 7.5 minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the subject surface waters. You must identify the location of the facility and the closest downslope surface waters (waters for which you are requesting the classification) on the submitted map copy. The application may not be submitted until this form is completed and included with the submittal. 1. Applicant (please specify the name of the municipality, corporation, individual, or other ): 2. Name and Complete Address of Applicant: Citv: Telephone Number: ( ) State: 3. Project Name: 4. Volume of residuals to be land applied: 5. Name of closest surface waters: 6. County(s) where land application site is located: 7. Map name and date: 8. Applicant Signature: a dry tons per year TO: REGIONAL WATER QUALITY SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where these land application activities will occur, as identified on the attached map segment: Name of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed Classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: Date: FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 9 of 18 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGIONAL OFFICES (11/93) Asheville Regional WQ Supervisor 59 Woodfin Place Asheville, NC 28801 (704)251-6208 Fax (704) 251-6452 Avery Macon Buncombe Madison Burke McDowell Caldwell Mitchell Cherokee Polk Clay Rutherford Graham Swain Haywood Transylvania Henderson Yancy Jackson Fayetteville Regional WQ Supervisor Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 (910)486-1541 Fax (910) 486-0707 Washington Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 1507 Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 Fax (919) 975-3716 Beaufort Jones Berrie Lenoir Camden Martin Chowan Pamlico Craven Pasquotank Currimck Perquimans Date Pitt Gates Tyrell Greene Washington Hertford Wayne Hyde Mooresville Regional WQ Supervisor 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Raleigh Regional WQ Supervisor Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 5714700 . Fax (919) 5714718 Chatham Nash Durham Northampton Edgecombe Orange Franklin Person Granville Vance Halifax Wake Johnston Warren Lee Wilson Wilmington Region. WQ Supervisor 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Anson Moore Alexander Mecklenburg Brunswick New Hanover Bladen Robeson Cabamts Rowan Carteret Onslow Cumberland Richmond Catawba Stanly Columbus Pender Harnett Sampson Gaston Union Duplin Hoke Scotland hedell Cleveland Montgomery Lincoln Winston-Salem Regional WQ Supervisor 8025 North Point Boulevard, Suite 100 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (910)896.7007 Fax (910) 896-7005 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Asbe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 10 of 18 CALCULATIONS WORK SHEET This work sheet is designed to assist the Division of Environmental Management in reviewing this application as expeditiously as possible. Its preparation in a complete and accurate manner is critical to this review. For permits that cover multiple sources of residuals or different residuals from the same source, use additional work sheets. A. List the specific residual that is covered by these calculations (place or process of origin) Rocco Turkeys, Inc. (Effluent Lagoon Residual Solids) What are the total dry tons of this residual to be land applied each year? Total Dry Tons = Gallons of Residuals • % Solids • 8.34 lbsJgallon produced annually 100 2,000 lbs./ton ToWDryTons= 1,500,000 • 6.0 •8.34lbsJgallon 100 2,000 lbs.hon = 375 Dry Tons per year If the quantity of residual will vary significantly or if there will be a larger initial application, please attach a detailed explanation and provide calculations for each variation. B . Complete the following calculations to establish the portion of the residual that is made up of the various parameters: % Total Solids = 1.72 (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CONSTITUENTS ARE TO BE IN TOTAL CONCENTRATIONS) PARAMETER m /L + % Solids Decimal - (drywt. x 0.002 = IbsJdr ton Cadmium = 1.0 x 0.002 = 0.002 Co er = 595.0 x 0.002 = 1.190 Lead = 22.0 x 0.002 = 0.044 Nickel = 116.0 x 0.002 = 0.232 Zinc = 2,350.0 x 0.002 = 4.700 Ammonia-N = 13,400.0 x 0.002 = 26.800 Calcium = 7,500.0 x 0.002 = 15.000 Magnesium = 2,800.0 x 0.002 = 5.600 NO3-NO2-N = 221.8 x 0.002 = 0.444 Phosphorus = 4i 100.0 x 0.002 = 94,200 Potassium = 2,300.0 x 0.002 = 4.600 Sodium = 9,700.0 x 0.002 = 19.400 TKN - 69.200.0 x 0.002 = 138.400 OTHER: = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 = = x 0.002 1 = FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 11 of 18 C. Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) calculations and land application area requirements: 1. Mineralization Rate (MR) 30% % (These values can be established for the specific residual or default values can be used for domestic wastewater treatment residuals. If actual values are established, attach the documentation. The default values are as follows): Unstabilized Primary and Secondary Residuals 40% Aerobically Digested Residuals 30% Anae obically Digested Residuals 20% Composted Residuals 10% (If the default values are used, attach an explanation as to why the specific chosen default value is appropriate.) 2. Complete the following calculations for the application method proposed (Please note, the Mineralization Rate [MR] should be utilized in the following calculations as a decimal): PAN for Surface Application PAN = [(MR) x JXN - NH3)] + .5 x (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) PAN=[ 0.3 x( 69,200 PAN = 23,662 - 13,400 )]+.5 x ( 13,400 PPM Dry Weight PAN for Subsurface Application PAN = [(MR)x(TKN - NH3)] + (NH3) + (NO3-NO2-N) PAN=[ 0.3 x( 69,200 13,400 )l+( 13,400 PAN = 30,362 PPM Dry Weight 3. Total PAN to be land applied per year Totalof residual to be land applied per year: 375 Total PAN in pounds (PAN in mqIkg Ehy Weight) x 2000 Pnundlz / Ton per dry ton 111 111 _ (PAN in PPM Dry Weight) x 0.002 )+ 221.8 221.8 60.72 Pounds/Dry Ton/Year Total PAN in pounds = (PAN in Pounds / Dry Ton) x Total tons of residual to be land applied 60.72 x 375 22770 Pounds/Year Due to the fact that organic nitrogen is mineralized slowly over time, the amount of nitrogen that comes available in years following the initial application must be taken into consideration when calculating application rates for the subsequent years. This being the case, please attach an evaluation of this factor and its impact on loading rates. Show the adjusted pan for at least five years. * See Next Page For Table The maximum adjusted annual PAN is 8,182.5 Pounds/Year. (Thru Five Years — 4. Crop information on nitrogen uptake per year Residual PAN Remaining) (Division Recommendations) (Provide for the Crops Specified) Crop(s) PAN (lbs./acre/year) PAN (lbsJacre/year) Alfalfa 200 200 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 220 FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 12 of 18 July 7, 1995 ROCCO TURKEYS EFFLUENT LAGOON RESIDUALS ANALYSIS TKN = 69,200 mg/kg NH3 = 13,400 mg/kg N0; NO,-N = 221.8 mg/kg P N = [min. rate (TKN - NH3) + 0.5 (NH3) + NO3 - NOZ] 0.002 _ [0.30 (69,200 mg/kg - 13,400 mg/kg) + 0.5 (13,400 mg/kg) + 221.8 mg/kg] 0.002 _ [0.30 (55,800 mg/kg) + 6,700 mg/kg + 221.8 mg/kg] 0.002 [16,740 mg/kg + 6,700 mg/kg + 221.8 mg/kg] 0.002 _ [23,661.8 mg/kg] 0.002 P N = 47.32 Ibs/DT Calculate residual nitrogen for years 2,3,4 and 5 following the initial application to determine the amount of P N/DT remaining. 2ND YEAR RESIDUAL PAN P N = [min. rate (1st year org. - N-2nd year min. - N] 0.002 [0.15 (55,800 mg/kg - 16,740 mg/kg)] 0.002 _ [0.15 (39,060 mg/kg)] 0.002 [5,859 mg/kg] 0.002 P N = 11.72 Ibs/DT remaining from 1st year application 3RD YEAR RESIDUAL PAN P N = [min. rate (2nd year org. - N-3rd year min. - N] 0.002 _ [0.08 (39,060 mg/kg - 5,859 mg/kg)] 0.002 _ [0.08 (33,201 mg/kg)] 0.002 _ [2,656 mg/kg] 0.002 P N = 5.31 Ibs/DT remaining from 1st year application 4TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN P N = [min. rate (3rd year org. - N-4th year min. - N] 0.002 _ [0.05 (33,201 mg/kg - 2,656 mg/kg)] 0.002 [0.05 (30,545 mg/kg)] 0.002 [1,527 mg/kg] 0.002 P N = 3.05 Ibs/DT remaining from 1st year application 5TH YEAR RESIDUAL PAN P N = [min. rate (4th year org. - N-5th year min. - N] 0.002 _ [0.03 (30,545 mg/kg - 1,527 mg/kg)] 0.002 _ [0.03 (29,018 mg/kg)] 0.002 _ [870.5 mg/kg] 0.002 P N = 1.74 Ibs/DT remaining from 1st year application Residual P N from years 2 thru 5 after the initial application = 21.82 Ibs/P N/DT c:%WP51%1599%Farwwwa\aa95039c.1 (aJn) Bermuda Grass (Coastal) 350 350 Blue Grass 120 120 Com (Grain) 160 160 Com (Silage) 200 200 Cotton 70 70 Fescue 250 250 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 75 Milo 100 100 Small Grain (Wheat, barley, oats) 100 100 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 180 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 220 Soybeans 200 200 Timothy, Orchard, & Rye Grass 200 200 Please provide the basis for the uptake rates used if different than Division Recommendations: 5. Total acres needed to land apply the pounds of available nitrogen calculated above Total acres needed: = Mazimum total mundc off ant available nitrogen (PAN) Pounds of nitrogen needed for crop* 22,770 * Most Restrictive PAN 70* For Cotton Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN = 325.3 acres * This value must be the value for the crop to be grown that has the lowest nitrogen uptake rate per acre. If there are various crops that will only be utilized for certain sites, please attach the calculations for each site and determine the total needed acres using the format outlined above. D. Calculate the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) (**This section must be completed in mg/l, to convert: mg/kg x % solids [as a decimal] = mg/1**) SAR = Na Milli Equivalent + 10.5 (Ca Milli Equivalent + Mg Milli Equivalent)] 0.5 CONCENTRATION (mg/1) + Equivalent Weight = Milli Equivalents of Ion SODIUM (Na) 166.84 (mgn) + 23 = 7.25 CALCIUM (Ca) 129.00 (mg/1) + 20 = 6.45 MAGNESIUM (Mg) 48.16 (mg/1) + 12 = 4.01 SAR = 3.17 If calculation sheets are being completed for more than one residual or site, please attach a summary sheet that bring the results of all the calculation sheets to one point. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 13 of 18 E. Determine the Site Life for this land application site: The lifetime pollutant loadings'shall not be exceeded. The site fife is determined by calculating the number of years that the site can receive the residual without exceeding the lifetime pollutant loadings. The site life calculations will be based on the most restrictive crop plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement specified and the maximum dry tons of residuals to be land applied annually. Therefore, in the table below the Tons of Residuals to be Applied/AcrefYear will be calculated as: 1. Most restrictive crop based on the plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement Associated plant available nitrogen (PAN) requirement 70 Cotton (lbsJacre/year) 2. Minimum acres needed based on most restrictive PAN (as found in C.5 above): 325.3 3. Dry Tons of Residuals to be land applied per year. 375 dry tons per year 4. Tons of Residuals to be Applied/AcreJYear= icy Tons/Year of Residuals to be land aWfied Minimum number of acres required for land application Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year = acres If any of the application sites are to be loaded at greater than the rate specified above, please specify the loading rate and explain: Tons of Residuals to be Applied/AcreNear (different from above) = 3.29 Explanation: .200 lbs PAN/AC/YR For soybean : 60.72 lbs/PAN/DT = 3.29 DT/AC/YR For the purpose of site life determination, the lifetime pollutant loadings shall not exceed the following for the corresponding Cation Exchange Capacities (CEC). Site life for the site covered by this application sball be determined by using the lowest CEC. The appropriate column should be chosen and applied in the "Allowable Lifetime Pollutant Loadings based on CEC" in the table below. Pollutant CEC < 5 (lbs /acre) CEC 5-15 (lbs /acr) CEC > 15 (lbs /arm Lead 500 1,000 2,000 Zinc 250 Soo 1,000 Copper 125 250 500 Nickel 125 250 500 Cadmium 4.5 9 18 In the table below, the highest annual loading (Tons of Residuals to be Applied/Acre/Year) specified above, will be multiplied by the lbsJdry ton of each pollutant as found in B above. The Site Life can tben be determined by: Site Life (Years) = Allowable Lifetime Loadings (Ibc /acre) Projected Pounds to be Applied/Acre/Year Pollutant Tons of lbs./dry ton of each Projected Allowable Lifetime Residuals to be pollutant Pounds to be Pollutant Loadings Site Life Applied per (as found in Part B Applied/Acre based on CEC. (Years) Acre per Year above) /Year From Chart above lbs./acre Lead 3.29 * 0.044 = 0.145 500 = 3,448.3 Zinc 3.29 * 4.700 = 15.463 250 = 16.2 Copper 3.29 * 1.190 = 3.915 125 — 31.9 Nickel 3.29 * 0.232 = 0.763 125 = 163.8 Cadmium 3.29 * 0.002 = 0.007 4.5 — 642.8 Compare the five (5) pollutants above and determine which pollutant that will result in the shortest life for this site. The Limiting Pollutant Is zinc The Site Life is years. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 14 of 18 Bo Bev bites tieing Applied for North Carolina Division of Environmental Management AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER RESIDUALS TO PRIVATE LANDS Permittee: Contact Person: Address of Permittee: List of wastewater residuals to be applied to these lands: Site ID Number: Field Number: Location of Land to be used for residual application (include map for each site): Owner of Property used for residual application: Lessee of Property (if appropriate): Land use or cropping patterns: _ Intended use or disposition of crops: The undersigned land owner or his representative hereby permits hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to apply the above listed residuals onto the land at the location shown as described herein in accordance with the restrictions and stipulations as given below. The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land described above for the disposal of wastewater residuals. This agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Environmental Management land application permit and shall be renewed each time the land application permit is renewed. The undersigned land owner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given thirty (30) days in advance, modifies or cancels this Land owner's Agreement. Notification of cancellation of this agreement shall be immediately forwarded to: Division of Environmental Management Permits and Engineering Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 FORM: LAORS 06194 Page 15 of 18 STIPULATIONS: The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to inspect each parcel of property prior to, during, and after residual application and to established monitoring facilities on or near the application site as required by the residual land application permit. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, County and State Officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface and ground water samples during the term of, and twelve (12) months after termination of, this Agreement. 3. The Permittee will provide each landowner or his representative with a copy of the land application permit as issued by the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR) Division of Environmental Management (DEM) for the land described above prior to commencement of residual application. The NCDEHNR-DEM permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 4. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the program for land application of residuals to privately owned lands which includes an analysis of constituents of the residual, residual application methods and schedules for typical cropping patterns and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee for residual application. 5. The Permittee will furnish each landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residual application. Residuals may be applied to sites with a pH of less than 6.0 provided a sufficient amount of litre is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residual and soil mixture of at least 6.0. The landowner of his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns shown above prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule applications at appropriate periods. Within the limits of the NCDEHNR-DEM permit, the owner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residual application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the permit 9. The landowner or his representatives or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of the most recent residual application. 10. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the twelve (12) month period following residual application. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 11. Spec residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site by the Permittee or Land Owner (Lessee) prior to and during application. I2. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to insure the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 13. The existing lessee, if any, of the site agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 16 of 18 14. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 15. Animals should not be grazed on residual applied lands within a thirty (30) day period following the residual application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after each application. 16. Prior to a transfer of this land to a new owner, a permit modification must be requested and obtained from the Division of Environmental Management. The request shall contain appropriate fees and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at each site. 17. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 18. The landowner shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional wastewater residual sources, other than the residuals specified by this permit, is prohibited. RESTRICTIONS: FORM: LAORS 06194 Page 17 of 18 • f f t f f i f t/ f f 1} i f f• f f f 1 f f t f t f f•} 1 f f f f i f i f f 1 f f f} t f f f f f t M t f 1, have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Perminee to apply sludge/residual to my lands as specified herein. NORTH CAROLINA, I, the undersigned Notary Public, do hereby certify that Land Owner Date COUNTY, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 19 ARY PUBLIC My commission Expires SEAL: L the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. 1 the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Lessee Date have read this land owner's agreement and do hereby agree to abide by Permittee Date FORM: LAORS 06/94 Page 18 of 18 APPENDIX I RESIDUAL SOLIDS ANALYSIS REPORTS ROCCO TURKEYS, INC. EFFLUENT LAGOON RESIDUAL SOLIDS NUTRIENT AND METAL ANALYSIS ROCCO TURKEYS, INC. EFFLUENT LAGOON RESIDUAL SOLIDS ROCCO TURKEY'S LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM RESIDUALS ANALYSIS Residual Type: Wastewater Treatment Plant Date: July 7, 1995 pH: 7.2 LAGOON SLUDGE 1.72 % Solids Parameter % PPM Dry Weight x 10,000) Pounds/Dry Ton PPM x 0.002 Nitrogen (TKN) 6.920 69,200.000 138.400 Phosphorus 4.710 47,100.000 94.200 Potassium 0.230 2,300.000 4.600 PAN (injected)* 3.036 30,360.180 60.720 PAN (surface)* 2.366 23,661.800 47.324 Ammonia Nitrogen 1.340 13 400.000 26.800 Calcium 0.750 7,500.000 15.000 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 0.000 0.000 0.000 Magnesium 0.280 2,800.000 5.600 Sodium 0.970 9,700.000 19.400 Sulfate 0.299 2,990.000 5.980 Nitrate N --- 220.000 0.440 Nitrite N - - - 1.800 0.004 Manganese - - - 1,590.000 3.180 Chloride --- 810.000 1.620 Iron - - - 114,000.000 228.000 Aluminum - - - 9,250.000 18.500 Arsenic - - - 2.140 0.004 Cadmium --- 1.000 0.002 Chromium - - - 116.000 0.232 Copper - - - 595.000 1.190 Lead - - - 22.000 0.044 Mercury - - - 0.240 0.000 Mol bdenum - - - 7.000 0.014 Nickel - - - 116.000 0.232 Selenium - - - 1.3201 0.003 Zinc --- 2,350.000 4.700 A&L Hepon No. H182-136 Determination of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN): Injected Application: (Mineralization Rate) (TKN -Ammonia N) + Ammonia N + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN (0.3) (6.92-1.34) + 1.34 + 0.022 + 0.000 = 3.036 % PAN Surface Application: (Mineralization Rate) (TKN-Ammonia N) + (0.5)(Ammonia N) + Nitrate N + Nitrite N = % PAN (0.3) (6.92-1.34) + (0.5) (1.34) + 0.022 + 0.000 = 2.366 % PAN p Cl�a� A & L: EASTERN AGRICUVWRAL. LABORATORIES, INC. 0-- 7621 WtAtapins P.oad : 'Richmond, Virginia23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (a04) 271-64-46 pla:;-136 ACCOUNT 45J99 PAGE 1 a REPORT NUMBER a 9 r 9 9 ROCCO TURKEY PO 011105 i B ATTN: BILLY DANIELS Pus 9 ST PAULS NC 2Ei384 SLUDGE ANALYSIS REPORT LAR NUMBER = 42 936 0. 3 ( (o.92 - /. 34) f 1. 34 4 0 •D 2 _' lS SAMPLE ID = LAGOON SLUDGE - 1. (074- t ), 34- -4 0. D22 IS' DE rFCl-ION RESULT RESULT LIMIT PARAMETER ( 'x ) (MG/KG) (MG/KG) ANALYST P!'LLY DANi::LS 4 C r i Y DATE SAMPLED 06/29/95 N RATE RECEIVED 06/30/9:i DArE REPORTED 07/07/95 U ANALYSIS DATE METHOi1 REFERENCE SOLIDS I.72 17=:100 5C•:� JCh: uA/30/i`5 fi14 254)G .n .�ITc OSI.N (T".N? 6. c_ t.0_L00 1t}0 ,-, •ntS �', ,- .'•F, .-. -' =i P!'.OSrHfl}US 1.?1 474,00 P.0 i+isi. z :,DTASSWil 0.23 2300 ;00 E..C14 07/i3/95 Sw ':41.-6Gi ./ C-At-crum 0.iS 7500 1dQ DCN 6'7/011,1:75 sic 23-:6-60ii+ 1ACNESI!1M 0.20 2800 100 i!CN 07/pz/95 SW 646-601!i SODIUM 0.97 9700 100 r1cc 07/03/95 sw 846-•6010 y IRON 114000 ? DcN r7/0=%/95 Sig 541)-30:i 0 ALUMINUM 9250 10 r.ICN 07/03/95 sw +G46-6010 MO:NGANESE 1590 13C& 07/03,195 Sid 046-6010 COPPER 595 1 DcN 07/C3195 -ow 046-6010 D ZINC 2550 4.Io�dt I DCN 0//03/9b JW 846-6010 n n AMMONIA !NITROGEN 1,34 13400 100 LDR 07/03/95 EPA 350.2 NITRATE NITROGEN 220 10 LCiii 07/03/95 EPA -3N2.1 :AIIMIL'M i.0 I DCN 07/03/9't SW 846-6010 T CHROM,UM 116 5 rlcN O//03/95 SW 846-6010 0 NICKEL 116 5 LCN 07/03,195 Su 046-6010 LE AG 22 S DCN 07/0;;/95 Si.l E46--6010 of ALL VALUES EXCEr`T. SOLIDS AND TSS ARE ON A DRY WC r .H7 BASIS , - „( a lye W repOft OW bOrt me br ft mdovwand mMdoOW u Wout 050Al,aM May ..nt 60 le L H. tt ��ym / N INMAN wO.k. Wereadla a'Ihn rnmurnrN awMwnki.n ...w:mmw t r Wwin pet r.or may.mytelmaou lw .natlelO U+e !\ . y rSNoduratt� O • 4 A:uc LEAeSTERN` A ORiCiLTURA , LAE307AT-RATc 7621 Wh Wpioe Road' ►; Richmond,Yfglrna 23237 (804) 743-8401 _ Fax No. tW 4j 271 6446 c'~v RIU2-136 ACCOUNT 45799 PACE 2' REPORT NUMBER � N ROCCO TURKEY FYI tI30518 BILLY DANIELS ATTN: BILLY DANIELS POP 9 ST PAULS NC 283R4 b SLUDGE ANALYSIS REPORT PATE SAMPLED :, N 06/29/9 LAIC NUMBER = 42936 LATE kLt.EiVEl) 06/30/?.`, m SAMPLE iP = LAGOON SLUDGE LATE RePORTED 07/07/95 tq Ul 7 ' DETECTION RESULT C:tPiULT: LIMIT AiM}LYSI S PARAMETER C X > (M6/K6) (MG/KG) ANALYST DATE METHOD REFERfHCE NRsE N iC 2.14 0.4 VLN 07/05/95 sw 846-7061 c:%JRY , .24 n, 04 8%lt -. 5 Sly 84E.-7 t71 SELENIUM 1.32 0.1 DCN 07/Or!`>5 5ii 046-7741 YI1 (STANDARD UNITS) iN V— V-4 9:, EF'A 1S0. 1 'J :;RGANIC NITROGEN 3.58 11,100 iJO t.� ;�%/�.;/?:� i'li.� ij; I.TF LI z n01_YB£�Eh1UM - `; DrN 07l03l?• sw 646-6010 CHLORIDE- a10 1 LDR 07/DA/94 3N 4500-Cl_ NITRITE NITROGEN 1.80 0.0; ":CS 0710=/95 F-A, 3-�4.1 SULFATE 2990 10 JCM 071J3/95 sw 846-9039 D n D O 7 T ALL VALUES EXCEPT SOLIDS AND TSS ARE ON A.DRY_WEIGHT BASIS. }/ /JLXti1X � � 0 F�AUi_ C. q. CHl} FHA WES N CLrropwteandfNart enfordb anitiue antlo�nfidanYat�eof ouftlienlS. anOynsy tql bnreoaxHCEa da nrmpart. mr mrq any rdererw tromWero uw �/ wv0.um rnw3. or the co pry in any wig. wars wge ,or othmP We anpaudce„bvm wnta l0l>Wf kV our pia. w%m Wdhwkmbo . CopyrgOtlwl TCLP ANALYSIS ROCCO TURKEYS, INC. EFFLUENT LAGOON RESIDUAL SOLIDS =R211;K5NIC9 =HX TO. Si0285858u - .IjL 2!• 1985 =.d2 00\01%k�k CEntrE Analytical Laboratori ES. Inc.InC 9W8 RNNYoh OrlYe4 BLfte Co7h7ge FA 10001 014-2.91.M2 FAX 074-231.1233 ROCCO TURKEYS Dete Received: 05-JUN-95 PO BOX 9 DALe RemTtcd: 16-JUN-9T. SAINT PAMIS , NC 28384 ACCOUnt NBnber: 1248 Invoice NumLerl 7673 Contact: BILLY DAHIEL$ DACE C013CCFCd: 02-J1.:-95 rllCnt ID: LAIYJON 5LUW5 14b TD: L9163-1 ?ADWMER UNTTS I RESULT I QUAhTIF1 CATION TES7 METHOD TEST DATE ANALYST Nd11DIC,ip;1Se Y�itLP J:��>^.}.;;,.;•,;.,,': y t; 2,4-1) ug/T, c .5 I .5 SPA 6:50 09-JUN-95 C9 SILVEE ug/L < .167 I .167 EPA 61.50 D9-.nm-94 Os 707RCURY-TLMP LEACH41E tD9/L .00J7 .0002 EPA 7470 14-JUN-95 jR !b^:AL5.t+^ICiiP;':+T,97;'.w;.•:', :�: „:::.`;. SII.VRR-TCLI' MACHATE mg/L < .05 .05 EA 200.7 06-JUN-95 JH ADRRNTC-TY'Ln TRAC71IITk RiJ!L < .OS r V6•JUN-95 EARITP4-TCLP LEACHATE I:g/L .754 .31 EPA 2CD.7 in CAMIUN-1'CLP LEACNATE ng/L < .01 .02 EPA 200.7 06-JUN-95 CHROMIUM!-TCLP LEACITATF eg/L c .01 .vi EPA 200.7 06-JUN-95 JH 1,RAD-TCLP LEACHATE UO/L c .03 .03 EPA 200.7 H 9P.LENTUM-PON' I•LACRATE mg/L c . Ga EPA 200.7 06 JUN-95 JH .05 OS•JUN-0s v - - 3A.WA-ORC HEMCI1LOR U0/L ug!L •. .132 173 EPA 0080 06-GVN•5b C6 HEPIACWDR EPDXIDE 11q/L c .133 .133 SPA 996D OB-JUN-96 CS RNI ug/L c .333 .133 EPA 008D 08--95 CiETn S NETAOIY(ODAR u9/L < .233 c .507 .133 EPA 8000 08-4tmJC01 -95 CS TO%APHKNH ug/L < 6.67 .66•1 6.67 EPA 8080 EPA Soeb 08 JUN•D5 CS uy/L < 0.87 6.67 EPA 8000 00-JUN•9S CSSYILORDM'n 08-JUN-95 CS E 4m'ru3LPNe ul, u8/L c 20 20 EPA 9270 1-M�rl'HYLPlItli01 ug/I, < 20 20 EPA 6270 DO-JUN-95 CS 4-MMIYLFMOT, uR/L c 20 7.n EPA $270 DO-JUN-95 CS PNN UILDRODDENOC, ug/L < 20 20 00.011H-95 Cs 2,4. 5-TR7C:RIDR0l'IIENOL EPA 8270 08-J�-95 (S 2,4.6.07<1CHLUHOP1iENOI. u�/T. < 20 xR SPA 8270 08-JCT4-95 CS IR:%AC31TOR0R771ANE ug/L c 20 20 EPA 8270 us-itim-95 CS HNXACIMMODUTAWM. ug/L < 20 20 EPA 8270 08-JUN-95 CS N77RnRRNPRRa ug/L < 10 •u SPA 8270 EPA 6270 08-J'JN-95 C8 yNXACifLDAODENP.RNY. uE/L a 20 20 EPA 8270 09-JUN-96 CS 09-JUN-95 CS ® P7eeee refer to the re Worse owe for our elenderd lerme and Oond440ne. =RDN;K7NIC�i =Fix TO: �-10zasa5aJ 7JL 21, 1565 c: 02pI [_ I 1�1 r I • • I Gk\eNk CCntrE Analytical Laboratories, Inc.. 3048 Raaearoh Drive, State College PA 18801 814-014032 FAX 814-01-12m ROCCO TMKFYS PO Box 9 SAINT PAUL'S , NC 283e4 Account Number: 124E Contact: BILLY DANIELS Cli.coy ID: La[KI 17 9LVDUC 'Lab ID; 1,8185-I PARAMETER UNITE 2,4-OINITROT'OLUENE v5/L PYR7Lin1: ug/L 9DffiTSLES TCLP:: �LTBT .,...... vlayL cMLUE1De ug/L 1,1-DICHLOROETIIENE ug/L 2-NU1'ANONS V9/L C=ROPDRM ug/L CARBON TsIRACALOR1DE ug/L RRNRRNR uQ/L 1,2-DI0=..OETNANE ug/L TRICNIAROETNRVF: Vg/r. T117T,MM114noM:1@nC ug/L CHLORODINZENE. ug/L 3,4 UICflWkOH±NVWXN u9/T, PERCENT SOLIDS % c 2C 20 2.12 Date Received: O6-.TON-95 Dato Rcported: 16-JUN-95 Invoice Number: 7673 Date Collected: 02-JUN-95 LIMIT — or QUANT1EICA'1'ION TEST METHOD TEST DATE ANALYS`J' 20 EPA 8270 08•JUN-95 CS 20 ➢PA 02U 00-JUN-90 c9 le EPA "40 74-JVN-9b E5 5 EPA 8240 14-JUN-9L aF 70 EPA 8240 14-JUN-95 FS 5 EPA B240, 14-JUN-95 AS 5 EPA 6246 34-JUN-95 FS S EPA A24n Id-.nm-9c R8 5 EPA 5246 244UN-95 RE 5 EPA 8246 14, XN• 9i. AS 0 DPA 0240 14-JVN-95 A9 5 EPA 82dO 14-JUN-95 R-S b EPA 824D 14•JON-95 IS .01 SM 2LdDA 06 ,-UN-95 R➢SH SubmiLL6d by Contra Analytical Labe, Inc. Reviewed end AAnmvnd My, Kevin J. Lloyd Laboratory Svpervieor ® Plasm refer to the reverse a/da for our 8184dard forma and condUidns.