HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00913_Well Construction - GW1_20240209 , :I. Print Foim ` WELL CONSTRUCTION'RECORD-(GW=1)' , For Internal Use Only: ' .. . • 1.Well Contractor.Information: - -Chris King ' . . ., 14:WATER ZONES ' • Well COnlraCtorNa111C • FROM TO DFSCRI . ON • . . 2oso=a 2?p1r. .71 ".• id itr t in • . •• ' ft. : ft: i . .NC Well Connactor.Ccrtification Number 1S.OUTER CASING(for multl-cased wells)OR LINER(If op noble) Aqua Drill; Inc: • FROM .TO - DIAMETER '. • .THICKNESS MATERIAL • • • • • ' tl: % iu . . CompanyNume'. 0 ft.... ffittc .A;A/// . 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING'(geotbermal closed-loopy :2'.well Construction Permit#SS 33L,J r 11J•Z FROM: .TO . DIAMETER` • .THICKNESS MATERIAL . . List all applicable well construction'permits(i.e:•UIC,Connry'State..'Variance.etc). •H- . • '1 . 3:Well Use.(check well use):. • • f1-' 1L. . 'In. • Water,Supply Well: . . • I7.SCREEN FROM TO .DIAMETER. SLOT SIZE THICKNESS• .MATERIAL. • • . .•DAgricultural' . :0Municipal/Putilic f� H in. QGeothermal.(Heating/Cooling Supply).. sidetitial Water Supply(single) ' ' -R,' . '- ft:. - in. •• ',DIndustrial/Commercial Residential.Water Supply(shared). - 18.GROUT • I itigation• . '. FROM • 'TO '• MATERIAL • .EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AAMOUNT '• Nan-Water Supply Well:: tL: ft: 1 �. . O 2 o Ba�j,ul Chi 0Moiitoring . ' •' • . ' . 0Recovery. " '. - ft.' ft. • • Injection Well:: !Minter Rech' ' . . � _ ®Grotmdwatcr Rcmediation' . . . '.- . . . . . 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(If rapplicable) Aquifer Storage'and Recovery; ' :[3Salinity Batrier : FROM: .7 . : -MATERIAL' . ' EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Test �Stormwater Drainage -fL . , R. _ . Experimental Technology' OSubsidenee Control n." '' ft. Geothermal(Closed loop).' QTraccr 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets I necessary)' ' • - ' - - . ' "': . ' Geothermal(Hearin Conlin Return): FROM. ' TO . DESCRIPTION(color,hard.Bea.soWroektlpe,grain Ore eta). (Heating/CoolingOther(explain under.#21_Remarks): 4.Date Well(s)Completed:. )• .23•^2• ell WD#" W 6 C• R: .:YS .fL' Slime .JZd cif '. Sa.Well Location: J ft• So'$$ ..�3'�[!C .(�1Zaut4e.. . . R,. .' D. Facility/Owner Name ' Facility.IDS(if applicable)- it. ft. ' • 2 aq l T dj�. /,. a R: • n:. . . . • Physical Address,City;end Zip. fL ft• > l f J I/ -.` . 21.RMRKS91>�a� q>�c� . . .Count),;. • " Parcel Identification No.(PIN) . - • ! FFR- e Q 202g . 51i.Latitude and longitude an'degrees/minutes/seconds'or decitnal'degrees:. ' ' ' ' ` • - " - - - _(if well field,ono 1st/long is sufficient) :22.Certification:• r 1 3,tr 3 J/`% . : . N W _ l 2S.2.Y 6:Is(are) Signature of Corti 1 d'W the wells) rnu a nent .or:: Temporary. ccto . :i Date By;signing this form,.I hereby certify drailhe nall(s).woes.(were)constructed-In accordance 7:Is this a repair to an existing well:: :[3Yes :or 1No:• . w'ith NCACISA 100 or ISA NCAC 02C:0200 Well Constracilon Standards and that a if/his is a repair Jtl/onl knonai well construction information and explain nature of the copy alibis record has been provided to the nee/Towner.. repair lender 021 remarks section or on the back Of this faun.• :23.Site diagram,or addiN.onal well:detnilso- • •8.For;Geoprobe/DPT'or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same ' You may use:the back of this page to provide,additional well site details or well •construction;only 1 GW-1 is needed.'.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells. `.construction details..You may also attach additional,pages if necessary: drilled: • rr, SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: J (ft.): 241i. For:All Wells: :Submit this form'within 30 days of.cbmpletion of well: For multiple w'ells.11st all depths if dperent(e.sample-_3@200'aind 2(41l00)" construction to the following: • 10.:Static water level below:top of casing: •: r+ • . (ft.), :Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit, . .If water level is above casing,nose"+'•' ' ' ,1617 Mall Service,Center;Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: '.�. • ON -- '24b..For:InlectIon Wells; In additicn to sending The form to the address in 24a' 12.Well construetloli method: 1}. • (!R1•J --above,also submit tone:copy.of this form-within'30 days.of completion'of well. • . .(i.e.auger,rory ta .cabte;directpush,etc.)• construction to.the•following: .-Division of Water Resources,UndergroundInJeeton Control•Program, • FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:. 1636 Mall.Servlce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 • 13a;'Yield(pm) 1 V. . .Method'of test'SIT. / )i T . 24c..lFor Water Supply&Iniectio I Wells "In addition to sending'the'form to • ' I • ..the.addresses) above, also:submit.jone'copy•of this.form within 30:days of • ' 13b..D• isinfection type: •.Amount: Id 8 Z.. .completion-of well construction to the county health department of the:county' . ruc where constted. ' .. Form GW-1 - North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality'-Division of Water Resources. Revised 2 22-2016