HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00814_Well Construction - GW1_20240131 i WELL CONSTRUC'I'EON RECORD For infernal UscONLY: • ' This form can be used for sinrk or multiple wells I.Wilt Contrtitor Information: . '.ti:WATER ZONES I Rich Lemire FROM TO t DFyCRiPt R)N I Well Contractor Name _-. ft. ft. I 2593A '. '1•,..•r J rai 3.:1,1) ft. ft.. NC Well Corti sclorCeni@eatian Nnrdrei t JA J` AS.OUTER CASING(Cormutli-efved eiRs1 OR-LINER Iif un livable). 3 1 2024 FROM TODIAME TER illIC NEES• MATERIAL SAEDACCO 0 fL 10 ft. 2 Diu. SCH-40 •• PVC Company Name, In, r(;s;:F•ri p''.^,,,,-�: i a ki.INNER CASING OR TUBING ollmirinal cr .cd-loojm) . D'ry kX3Lti7 FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2,Well Construction Permit a: R. R. M. Ma all cpalicable well permits(Le.County.S;i M,Variance,Thject err elm) •rt. II, nt. 3.WclL.Use(check well use): 17:SCREEN Water Supply Weil " From. TO DIAMETER SLOTSPPE T111CRNNIS I MATERIMI, DAgricultural DMunicipiiUPublic 10 ft, 20 R. 2 in O10 SCH-40 PVC DGeothennal(Heating'Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) ft. it in. OlndusifiallCotttniercial ®Residential Water Supply(sL tmd) t8:GRUUT. FROM TO a[ATnRfAL Ea[PLACEa1SVT METHOD&AMOUNT IDkiipnlian 0 ft. 4 ft, PORTLAND TREMMIE Non-Water Supply Well: ®Monitoring IRecovery , . Injection Well: ft. ft. °Aquifer Recharge 0GroundaaterRentcdiation t9.SAND!GRAVEL4"ACK(if appth:able)" FROM TO' MATERIAL' ESIPIACEMENT MITER)n.. °Aquifer Storage and Recover)* °Salinity 13ariict 8 R. 20 ft. SAND #2 °AgnifetTest tDS1onnn;ttcr t}rainagc ft. ft.. ❑t xperimcntal Terimolo ' °Srtbsidcttec Control '20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) DGeotknna[(Closed Loop) °Tracer .Fnoat TO DESCRIPTION taroar.hadsmt.wirratkDm:grata size.rent ❑Geodiemal(Heating Cooling Return) DOther(explain under A21 Reinatl s) 0 :ft. 20 ft. RED'SILTY�CLAY It. ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 1-4-2024 .Well IDt(MW-42 ' ft. IL 5:1,Well Location: ft. ft. GASTON COUNTY LANDFILL ft. ft. Faciilit'a'OtrrierNarnc Facility ID k(ifappli:nblo) ft. R 3155 Philadelphia Church Rd., DALLAS, NC, 28034 .ft. ft. Physical Address.City.and Zip', ,2 L.REMMARI(S GASTON BENTONITE FROM 4' TO 8'. l Camay Parcel Ideeliftealiou No,(PIN) SI►.I:atitiidc and Longitude in(fegrccs/minutcstscconds or decimal degrees: 12.Ccl'titicatiRn: (if n'ell lick',on4 lalflay.IS idtlecra) - N W -- ti....L. 1/6/2024 ' Sigtuturcu[Ccni WeilCannactor Dale 6.Ls(are)the\\'CII(§)r XIPCtLranettt. or OTemlarnn' ley signing rids form,I hereby cerrif)'that the well{s)was-jnrrej constructed an accordance. with 15A NOW 02C,0109 or 15,1 NCrtC 02C.0200 Well Construction Staidards and Oral a 7.Ls this a repair tit an existing,all: DYes or KNo c rJirof Mir record has Lem provided to the aril turnen if MU'is a rep.r1r,Jill rot(s'airrr well construction irrformarnn and espial)!Area nature of the repair tauter*?1 rcrnarkrswami ortm the b,wk Of this ferny. .23.Site diagram or additional welt details: You-may use the back of this page to'provide additional well site details or well S.Mother of wells constructed: 1 cotisttuctimt details. You war also attach additional pages if n ecessan-. For multiple Infection croon-warer suppJi•wells ONLY with rho mine construction,you can sabnru:nne farm. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTIONS 9.Total tt:elldepth below land surface: 20 (ft.) taut. Fur ALL Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of-compietion of Well For nuthi e'oellr list all Acpths ifd:i'rrnt(crarnpte-3@2OO and 2@ 100) constncction to the Cottoning: 10.Static water level below top of easing: 8 (D.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If wave level Is above wafting;are"+" . [617 Mail Service Center}Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter:8.25" (in.) 2-lb.For Infection Welts ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabov'e.also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:AUGER construction to the following: ;- (i.e.auger.rotary,cable direct posh etc.) 'DIviSi()tl of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13 t Yield(gpm)_ Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&injection Welts: Also submit one copy of this faint Within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of tie connlscw•here 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: - constructed. I Fann GW-L North Cunha Depmrnrc ul of Enviroutrrn and Natural Resources—Disiiion of Wafer Reorrc Revised August 24Il3