HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090858 Ver 3_Year 4 Monitoring Report_20150917IVEY - FERGUSON BANK PARCEL ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MONITORING YEAR 4 REPORT DWQ # 09 -08580 September 14, 2015 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................................................... ............................... 1.1 Project Location and Description .................. ............................... 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives ........................ ............................... 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison ............... ............................... 3.0 Methodology ....................................................... ............................... 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots ......................... ............................... 3.2 Photo Stations ............................................... ............................... 4.0 References .......................................................... ............................... Appendix A: Site Maps Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Monitoring Location Exhibit ..................... ..............................1 ..................... ..............................1 ..................... ..............................1 ..................... ..............................2 ..................... ..............................2 ..................... ..............................2 ..................... ..............................2 ..................... ..............................4 Appendix B: Vegetation As$essment Data Table 1: Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 2: Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot Table 3: Planted Species Comparison by Vegetation Plot Table 4: Supplemental Planting 2015 and New Plantings Appendix C: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos, Appendix D: Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets, Appendix E: Photo Stations i 1.0 Introduction L I Project Location and Description Located near the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road (SR 1005) in Orange County, North Carolina (Figure 1) is the nutrient mitigation bank known as the Ivey - Ferguson Bank Site (Site). The Bank Site is located on 3 parcels of land (PIN Numbers: 9758022055, 9758034637, and 9758337836), which are located near the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. The first parcel of land (PIN Number: 9758022055) is located on the north side of Old Greensboro Road, approximately 450 feet west of the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. The second parcel (PIN Number: 9758034637) is located on the west and east side of Carl Durham Road and is located approximately 1,200 feet north of the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. The third parcel of land (PIN Number: 9758337836) is located on the north side of Old Greensboro Road, approximately 2,000 feet east of the intersection of Carl Durham Road and Old Greensboro Road. Overall, the 3 parcels of land containing the Bank Site total approximately 218 acres. The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed by providing off -site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring nutrient offsets. The Bank Site is located within the Upper New Hope Arm of the B. Everett Jordan Lake watershed, inside of 14 -digit USGS HUC 03030002060070. Stormwater runoff from this site drains into an unnamed tributary of Phils Creek (Stream Index #16- 41- 2- 2- (0.3), which drains into University Lake approximately 3.4 miles downstream. According to the Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), Phils Creek is classified as WS -II; HQW, NSW in this location (Appendix A. Figure 2 — Monitoring Year 4 Exhibit). This Bank Site has been established under the terms and conditions of the Cape Fear Basin Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Mitigation Umbrella Bank (Bank), signed on February 3, 2011, made and entered into by EBX -EM, LLC (EBX -EM), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The Division of Water Quality is now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR). 1.2 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient offset mitigation project are to: To improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributary of Phils Creek by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences. To improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement. To provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary of Phils Creek and associated riparian and upland buffers These goals will be met through the following objectives: By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site. By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods. By establishing a conservation easement to provide long -term protection for the Bank Site. By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 2.0 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring (Ivey Ferguson Bank Parcel - Bank Parcel Development Package, 2010). As of Monitoring Year 4, the Bank Parcel had 9 plots encompassing 0.2224 acres, containing 231 planted and volunteer stems, which yielded a density of 1,039 trees per acre including planted and volunteer species. Vegetation survival threshold was met for each of the plots. Summary tables of the data collected are provided in Appendix B. Vegetation Plot 5 did not meet the vegetation survival threshold during Monitoring Years 2 and 3. Replanting within the area of Vegetation Plot 5 was prescribed after Monitoring Year 2 activities. However, due to a lack of available preferable planting stock and subpar conditions of available planting stock, replanting efforts were postposed for Monitoring Year 2. Vegetation Plot 4 did not meet the vegetation survival threshold of 320 trees per acre during Monitoring Year 3. Replanting within the areas of Vegetation Plots 4 and 5 were prescribed after Monitoring Year 3 activities. Re- planting within the Bank Site occurred in the first quarter of 2015. A total of 7,800 new stems (7,000 bare root, 980 containerized) were planted within the Bank Site. Table 4, (Appendix B), provides a summary of re- planting activities within the Bank Site. During Monitoring Year 4 field investigations, it was determined that Vegetation Plots 4 and 5 met the vegetation survival threshold of 320 trees per acre. During Monitoring Year 4 field investigations, inspection of the fencing was conducted to determine the condition and structural integrity of the fencing. It was determined that the fencing was in good condition and remedial actions to the fencing were not warranted. 3.0 Methodologv 3.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by NC DMS (EEP, 2006; EEP, 2009). All nine (9) vegetation plots installed by McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 4. Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance to CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS -EEP, v4.2). Table 1 (Appendix B) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot which the target density is a minimum of 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period. Table 2 (Appendix B) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot. Table 3 (Appendix B) provides a summary of only planted stem counts as compared to planted stem counts of the As Built. Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix C. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix D. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements, location, and vigor of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 3.2 Photo Stations Photo documentation is essential to monitoring the success the Bank Parcel. Photos provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. All fourteen (14) photo stations installed by 2 McAdams were located in Monitoring Year 4. Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. The locations of the photo stations are depicted in the Monitoring Location Exhibit (Appendix A, Figure 2). Photographs for the photo stations are located in Appendix E. 4.0 References EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. December 29, 2010. Ivev - Ferguson Proposed Nutrient Offset Restoration Area — Bank Parcel Development Package. EcoEngineering — A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. August 2012. Ivey - Ferguson Proposed Nutrient Offset Restoration Area — As -Built Report. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) October 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http:// www. ncee -P.net/news /reDorts/buffers.t)df. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) January 15, 2010. Procedural Guidance and Content Reauirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring_ Reauirements and Performance Standards for Stream and /or Wetland Mitigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. 0 APPENDIX A Site Maps f • r sfg .......... so _ 4� ..� 4 ■ 644 BANK PARCEL AREAS USGS 7.5 MINUTE "WHITE CROSS, NC" QUADRANGLE, 1968 (PHOTOREVISED 1981); 35.8994915'N, 79.1662239 "W ® PROJECT No. MAM -09020 iiJi - L �/�]��'''��-I - FERGUSON " WE JOHN R bMAUAM3 „ FILENAME: MAM0902O.DWG BANK PARCEL �` �� d SCALE: 2905 N.1h Co Parkway Y 1 " = 1, 000' FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION MAP ° N46- Madam 2»lg L�cmee No.: C -0299 4 I (8007 T93 -5848 • McAdamaCo.o� U) DATE: 09-09 -13 OD GE COU" , NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS VICINITY MAP a NOT TO SCALE NOW OR FORMERLY JENNIFER NEWTON BARBER PEI 107, PG 10 DS 4953, PG 364 PIN: 9748734645 NOW OR FORMERLY VIRGINIA 1. FERGUSON D8 945, 227 PIN: 9748929813 NOW OR FORMERLY THOMAS D. & SUSAN 0. PRITCHARD PS 92, PG 133 DB 3224, PG 34 PIN: 9748826600 CONSERVATION EASEMENTS ARE INCLUSIVE OF THE AREAS NOTED AS BUFFER RESTORATION AREAS CONSERVATION EASEMENT i ...... ........... .......... . .............. ......... 273,427 SO. FT. - 6.28 ACRES BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 1 ..................... ... .... ........ ........... ...135,108 ERVATION S0. FT. - 3.10 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT 1 AREA REMAINING..... ................ -138.319 SQ. FT. - 3.18 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT 2 ............................. ........................138,922 VP — 5 ON SO. FT. - 3.19 ACRES BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 2... --127,797 SQ. FT. - 2.93 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT 2 AREA REMAINING- ...................... -.11,125 SO. FT. - 0.25 ACRES CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 3 EASEMENT..... -2.730 SQ. FT. - 0.06 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT 4 ...................... ... ......................... .....71,344 AREA SO. FT. - 1.64 ACRES BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 4 ........................... .........................66.055 PS -5 - ,.% SQ, FT. - 1.52 ACRES CONSERVATION EASEMENT 4 AREA REMAINING ........................... 5,289 SO. FT. - 0.12 ACRES CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 5 EASEMENT...... 31.600 SO. FT. - 0.73 ACRES CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 6 EASEMENT...... 19,251 SQ. FT. - 0.44 ACRES CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 7 EASEMENT...... 35,922 SO. FT. - 0.82 ACRES CONSERVATION / BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 8 EASEMENT...... 34,594 S0. FT. - 0.79 ACRES CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION AREA 9 EASEMENT...... 24,784 SO. FT. - 0.57 ACRES TOTAL AREA CONSERVATION EASEMENT ........... ........................597,980 S0. FT. - 13.73 ACRES TOTAL AREA BUFFER RESTORATION EASEMENT ........................443,247 SO. FT. - 10.18 ACRES ADDITIONAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT NOT USED ..................... 34,594 S0. FT. - 0.79 ACRES NOW OR FORMERLY PAUL M. & SEDELIA D. CAMPBELL NOW OR FORMERL PB 54, PG 43 DB 830. PG 4834 BERNARD K. DURHAM JR. 1 PIN: 9758055071 DURHAM � PB 94, PG 158 DB 1172, PC 27: PIN: 975814697< ELEZABETH M. IVEY & CONSERVATION/ RESTORATION VIRGINIA I. FURGUSON AREA 4 ELEZABETH M. IVEY & RESTORATION DB 965, PG 21 PIN: 9758034637 ERVATION VIRGINIA I. FURGUSON SEMENT 1 �• EASEMENT OB 965, PG 21 pU VIRGINIA I. FURGUSON PIN: 9758014637 PB 77, PG 159 DB 1513, PG 228 'ern °yn VP — 5 ON ph 3�aN� CONSERVATION/ =p oa I BUFFER PS BUFFER RESTORATION PS-1 RESTORATION AREA 8 EASEMENT r AREA 5 % CONSERVATION/ _ EASEMENT TERRELLS CREEK BAPTIST BUFFER -------------- CHURCH RESTORATION DB 277, PG 1155 ;- AREA •- -- PIN: 9758027026 EASEMENT PS -5 - ,.% PS -6 PS -2 CONSERVATION/ BUFFER RESTORATION - AREA 7 EASEMENT VP -2-- r CONSERVATION/ RESTORATION BUFFER AREA 4 i U RESTORATION ERVATION AREA 9� SEMENT 1 �• EASEMENT pU VIRGINIA I. FURGUSON c� PB 77, PG 159 DB 1513, PG 228 'ern °yn PIN: 9758022055 ON ph 3�aN� VP -1 =p oa I CONSERVATION / BUFFER Q i PS-1 RESTORATION AREA 8 EASEMENT r (NOT USED) NOW OR FORMERLY TERRELLS CREEK BAPTIST VIRGINIA I. FURGUSOI CHURCH PB 77, PG 159 DB 277, PG 1155 DB 1513, PG 228 PIN: 9748919740 PIN: 9758027026 PS -3 LEGEND PHOTO STATION CPS-X) O VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT (W-X) RESTORATION Ps AREA 4 ASEMENT ERVATION SEMENT 4 4 MVP-3 ON/ ON T PS -3 LEGEND PHOTO STATION CPS-X) O VEGETATION MONITORING PLOT (W-X) APPENDIX B Vegetation Assessment Data Table 1. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Ivey- Ferguson Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 4: September 1, 2015 McAdams Project #: MAM -09020 Conservation Easement Vegetation Threshold Vegetation Plot ID I Area Met ?* I Tract Mean 1 9 Yes 2 7 Yes I 3 6 j Yes i 4 4 Yes 5 5 Yes ' 100% 6 1 j Yes 7 1 Yes 8 2 Yes 9 2 Yes * Target density is a minimum of 320 shrubs and desirable trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring period according to the "Ivey- Ferguson Bank Parcel Proposed Nutrient Offset Restoration Area, Bank Parcel Development Package "; approved by DWQ on December 29, 2010. Table 2. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegation Plot Ivey- Ferguson Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 4: September 1, 2015 Ivey - Feguson Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 4: September 1, 2015 MY -2 MY -1 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR (Sept 2013) (Oct 2012) (June 2012) 2 3 9 7 VP -I VP -2 VP -3 VP -4 VP -5 VP -6 VP -7 VP -8 VP -9 MY -4 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT PL NT (Sept 2015) Benda nigra river birch 'Free 5 4 12 2 2 25 Carya tomentosa shagbark hickory Tree Cornits /lorida flowering dogwood Small 'Free I 1 1 3 Diospyros virginiana persimmon Tree 2 1 1 19 23 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 8 5 3 5 7 2 30 Liquidamber styraciillua" sweet gum Tree 7 13 9 7 16 4 30 Liriodendron ndipifera tulip poplar Tree 2 1 3 1 3 1 6 3 1 21 Platanus occidentalis sycamore Tree 7 1 8 Quercus laur4blia laurel oak Tree 3 6 1 3 2 15 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 3 2 1 6 Quercus phellos willow oak 'Free 2 8 4 5 I 5 2 3 2 1 6 2 41 Quercus pagoda cherry bark oak Tree 3 Ulnuis americana American elm Tree 3 24 18 45 Nyssa sylvatica black gum Tree 2 5 2 9 Prunus serotina black cherry Small Tree 1 I Taxodium distichum bald cypress "Free I 1 I I I I I I 1 Planted Stem Count "Total 8 17 14 13 23 14 14 16 10 129 Volunteer Natural Stem Count Total 0 5 0 0 17 11 48 3 18 102 Size of Vegetation Plot (Acres) 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.0247 0.2224 Number of Different Species (Planted & Volunteer Natural) 4 3 4 3 6 9 8 6 8 51 Planted & Volunteer Stems Per Acre 324 890 567 526 1619 1012 2509 769 1133 1039 PL= Planted Species NT = Natural/Volunteer Species = Liquidambar stryraciflua was observed in plot; however, is not listed as a species to be planted according to the Guidelines for Rioarian Buffer Restoration (EEP, 2004). Therefore this species is not quantified. A MY -3 (Oct 2014) 2 2 2 29 13 8 11 5 24 37 7 95 45 0.2224 36 630 SNUAL MEANS MY -2 MY -1 AS BUILT (Sept 2013) (Oct 2012) (June 2012) 2 3 9 7 3 11 2 11 16 29 28 31 16 15 27 8 8 10 10 11 15 7 5 10 23 23 27 48 2 2 103 106 156 52 3 0 0.2224 0.2224 0.0224 44 37 42 697 490 701 arison by Vegut. Plot VP-9 Planted Species Comp Orange County, NC V P -8 10 Table 3. uson Bank Parcel; 2015 'VP -1 16 — 19 — 1Vey.Ferg Year 4: September 1> INC VP 6 Monitoring Oran a Count _ 14 19 _ - -9 Saouparce1; VP 4 19 -3 ' 53% ►ve��SOn VP-4 23 17 -5 SO- P_3 13 14 -3 74% I VP-2 ' 12 13 9 82% the species from VP -1 11 19 0 owth dead" cou 1 b4% d "dead" could survive � tember 1 • "'015 8 17 specie is due to thick herbaceous e de cu" Year 4: Sett aOtal 7 iss foc'tn rota sP Monito011A.: 4 Planted Stem Coun 21 0 63% ssible explanation year addition, species which w re year CpuntTotal 13 100% .,j-► oftnonnoring.One n e d measunnent ht subsequent monitoring Y Monitorin As Built Planted Stettt As Built s y could grout under mor favorable conditions, "dead" at the ume pigerenoe from plot 38 °lo med "missing °r for their ide which ns layer and allow Therefore, tiu bs uent ears the species Stern were dee Planted o t Monitoting Le to species ouud. Rate Year 4 is d ow larger than the herbaceous iving below gr SurivabilitY Monitoring species are sttry om the As aunt and M cies could it is possilbe "missing sPe , while the roots of the sP between planted stems fr Monitoring Year 4. TherefOTO e dormant at the time of monitoring Note: The difference be cies may have g identification during eans because the spe subsequent Y Table 4. Supplemental Planting 2015 and New Plantings Ivey- Ferguson Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Monitoring Year 4: September 14, 2015 Ivey - Feguson Bank Parcel; Orange County, NC Bare Root Stems Scientific Name I Common Name Species Type Number of Stems Liriodendron tulipifera tulip poplar Tree 2000 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1000 Quercus phellos I willow oak Tree 1500 Betula nigra river birch Tree 2500 Bare Root Stem Total 7000 Containerized Stems (I Gallon Containers) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Number of Stems Quercus pagoda cherry bark oak Tree 160 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 150 Platanus occidentalis I sycamore Tree 130 Nyssa sylvatica black gum Tree 260 Betula nigra river birch Tree 150 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 80 1 Gallon Containerized Stem Total 9301 Containerized Stems (3 Gallon Containers) ` Scientific Name Common Name Species Type I Number of Stems Taxodium distichum I bald cypress Tree 50 3 Gallon Containerized Stem Total l 50 ' Containerized Stem Total 98111 Note: Re- planting within the Bank Site occurred in the first quarter of 2015. APPENDIX C Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos VEGETATION PLOT I: VIEW FACING 320 °NW. VEGETATION PLOT 2: VIEW FACING 238 °SW. PROJECT No. MAM -09020 y_FR FILENAME: EGUSON MAM09020.DWG BANK PARCEL SCALE: AS SHOWN PHOTO STATIONS s DATE: 09 -03 -15 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MCADAMS nM JOHN R McADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian parkway Durham. North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 (800) 733 -5646 • McAdamsCo.com VtC-7tTATION PLOT 3: VIEW FACING 140 °5E. VEGETATION PLOT 4: VIEW FACING 332 °NH. IVEY- FE.Lx% -x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J McADAMs IM JOHN R MrADAMB COMPANY. INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 (800) 733 -5646 a MrAdamoCa.cam ® PROJECT No. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM0902O.DWG > SCALE: AS SHOWN to DATE: 09 -03 -15 IVEY- FE.Lx% -x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J McADAMs IM JOHN R MrADAMB COMPANY. INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 (800) 733 -5646 a MrAdamoCa.cam VEGETATION PLOT 5: VIEW FACING 222 °NW. VEGETATION PLOT 6: VIEW FACING 130 05E. IVEY- FExx%.x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J MCADAMS / nm JOHN R Lemma \ COMPMN.1NQ 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham. North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 WOO) 733 -5646 • McA.iamsC _corn ® PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM09020.DWG a r SCALE: AS SHOWN (n DATE: 09 -03 -15 IVEY- FExx%.x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J MCADAMS / nm JOHN R Lemma \ COMPMN.1NQ 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham. North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 WOO) 733 -5646 • McA.iamsC _corn VEGETATION PLOT '1: VIEW FACING 2'I6°W. VEGETATION PLOT 8: VIEW FACING IG2 °5. IZTEY- FE -Ex% -x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA " 1M JOHN R McADAMS ® PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM09020.DWG COMPANY, INC. C7 SCALE: AS SHOWN 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 MCADAMS s qw DATE: 09 -03 -15 IZTEY- FE -Ex% -x BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA " 1M JOHN R McADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 MCADAMS License No.: C -0293 `8°D' 7 5Cv46' McAdamaCo.mm VtOtTATION PLOT 9: VIEW FACING 232 °5K FERG IVEY- USON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J MCADAMS / THE JOHN R McADM S \ COMPANY, Mr- 2905 Merldlan Pazkway Durham. North Carolina 27719 Licam No.: 0-0293 (800) 733- 5646•McAdams .. ® PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM09020.DWG a > SCALE: AS SHOWN zn DATE: 09 -03 -15 FERG IVEY- USON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J MCADAMS / THE JOHN R McADM S \ COMPANY, Mr- 2905 Merldlan Pazkway Durham. North Carolina 27719 Licam No.: 0-0293 (800) 733- 5646•McAdams .. APPENDIX D Vegetation Monitoring Data Sheets Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 9 Veg Plot No.: 1 X -axis: 4 1N Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name 1 1 Quercus laurifolia 1 2 Quercus nigra 3 Quercus nigra 4-Quercus phellos 5 Quercus laurifolia 6 Betula niqra 7 Betula nigra 8 Quercus phellos 1 9 Platanus occidentalis 10 Quercus laurifolia 11 Platanus occidentalis 12 Platanus occidentalis 1 13 Diospyros virginiana 1 14 Quercus niqra 15 Quercus nigra 16 Quercus laurifolia 1 17 Quercus laurifolia 1 18 Quercus laurifolia 19 Diospyros virginiana 20 Quercus laurifolia 21 Quercus phellos B = bare root M = Missing D = Dead I MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA MY -3 September, 2014 I X Y ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Height D H (Source meter meter millimeter centimeter cm millimeter centimeter cm IB 1 1.3 M B 3.5 1 175 2 3 21.2 151 1.5 B 5.5 1.3 153 2.2 3 20.77 131 B 7.4 1.5 151 2.f 3 15.9 121 B 7.8 0.2 156 2.2 3 15.61 122 B 10 1.1 M B 9.7 2.6 M B 7 3.5 145 2.2 3 19.15 126 B 5 3.4 M B 2.8 3.1 135 1.9 3 12.69 10� B 0.8 3.5 M B 0.5 5.9 M B 2.4 5.7 M 6 4.1 5.7 M B I 6.4 5.8 120 2 3 10.66 74 B 8.9 5 M B Ij 8.7 7.5 M B 5.3 8.2 175 2.4 3 5.91 68 B 3 8.2 M B 1.6 8.1 M 1B 0.2 8.3 M Vigor: 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year 1= Fenc y xy x lExisting Fore-4 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cmj Scientific Name 110 -50 50 -100 >106 1Liquidamber styraciflua 5 I I I I I Notes Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 9 Veg Plot No.: 1 X -axis: 4 °N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0,0 0.5 320° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS 0 Denotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subseouent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 7 Veg Plot No.: 2 X -axis: 194 1N Plot Location: see sketch below 1 Map ID Scientific Name 1 Quercus phellos 2 Platanus occidentalis 3 Platanus o cidentalis 1 4 Quercus p�ellos 1 51Quercus phellos I 61 Platanus occidentalis 1 71Platanus occidentalis I 8]Quercus phe (los 1 91 Platanusocc. �ntalis 1 101P( occdentalis 1 111Liriodendron tulipifera 1 121Quercus hellos 131Quercus pellos 141Linodendron tulipifera 1 151 Platanus og2entalis 1 16IQuercus phellos 1 17 Quercus phellos B = bare root M = Missing Vigor: 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year - -11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 4�-EXlstlnq Treesl xy x Fenc I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER 1 HEIGHT CLASSES (cm 1 Scientific Name 110 -50 50 -100 > 10 I Plantanus occidentalis 1 1 (Quercus phellos I 41 I I I I MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA Vigorl X Y ddh Height DBH ISource meter meter millimeter centimeter cm B 1. 1.5 161 0.586 IB 3.7 1.3 2.21 insect 282 3.577 IB I 5.6 0.61 20.181 282 1262 IB 1 8 0.41 14.271 109 I IB 1 8.31 2.61 1 1631 0.989 113 1 61 2.71 1 2901 3.804 �B, 1 3.31 3.21 1 2951 4.675 IB 1.51 3.61 14.31 1111 1 IB 1 1.21 6.11 1 2961 4.571 IB 3.71 7.31 1 3011 5.729 I B 61 7.21 1 1371 0.7451 IB 1 8.11 8.31 1 1391 0.2451 IB 1 7.71 8.81 1 2551 11211 IB 1 6.51 9.21 1 1371 0.7451 IB 1 4.11 9.61 1 3051 6.4871 IB 1 8.31 61 1 1621 0.7621 IB 1 7.91 4.41 1 1371 0.8761 Vigor: 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year - -11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 4�-EXlstlnq Treesl xy x Fenc I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER 1 HEIGHT CLASSES (cm 1 Scientific Name 110 -50 50 -100 > 10 I Plantanus occidentalis 1 1 (Quercus phellos I 41 I I I Roa MY -3 September, 2014 Vigorl ddh Height LH millimeter centimeter cm Notes 3 10.54 77 3 I 259 1.991 3 I I 265 2.21 insect 3 I 13.51 88 1 3 1 20.181 121 1 3 I + 300 2.461 insect 3 I I 3151 2.631 3 1 11.391 751 1 3 I I 2701 2.261 3 I I 3101 3.741 insect 3 1 13.251 1021 1 3 1 14.491 741 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 I 3301 3.61 3 1 14.741 1351 1 3 1 14.591 941 1 Roa Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 7 Veg Plot No.: 2 X -axis: 194 1N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0,0 0.5 238° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS ODenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous laver. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 6 Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis: 188 1S Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica I 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica I 51Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 61Quercus phellos I 71Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 81Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 91Liriodendron tulipifera 101Quercus nigra 1 111Quercus phellos I 121Quercus phellos 1 131Fraxinus pennsylvanica I 141Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 151Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 161Quercus niqra 1 171Quercus phellos 1 181Betula niqra I 191Quercus phellos I I I I B = bare root M = Missing 1 MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA I MY-3 'September, 2014) X r ddh Height DBH 1Sourcel meter meter millimeter centimeter cm millimeter centimeter cm 13 I 2.3 1.8 11.14 85 3 13.39 75 I 4.6 2 8.88 45 3 4.5 40 _B 1 7.5 21 11.29 120 3 11.26 122 I 1 9.1 0.91 14.39 1101 3 1 11.151 881 IB 1 8.71 2.61 1 1401 6.1361 3 1 14.121 1351 IB 1 9.41 5.11 4.65 381 3 1 1 1 113 1 7.31 4.21 14.46 851 3 1 8.971 531 IB 1 4.71 4.71 14.251 1071 1 3 1 9.51 911 1B 1 2.21 4.41 19.21 1121 1 3 1 15.841 691 16 I 1.41 6.31 1 1 I M I i IB I 3.91 6.51 5.781 441 1 3 4.811 441 IB 1 7.11 6.31 4.631 441 1 3 1 1 IB 1 9.91 5.51 7.841 481 1 3 1 1 1 IB 1 8.11 5.41 1 1 1 M I I I I B 1 9.81 6.71 1 1 1 M 1 24.411 1551 IB 1 9.21 9.11 1 1 1 M I I I 113 II 6.41 8.71 5.931 471 1 3 1 9.261 501 IB I 3.61 8.71 1 1 1 M I I I 16 1 11 8.41 10.921 641 1 3 1 4.521 351 Vigor: 3 = good condition 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- - --------------- * --- ------------- --- y Fenc xy x Roa Existing Fores I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cmj I 1 Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 10 llLiquidambarstyraciflua I 4 9 I Notes Site: Ivey-Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 6 Veg Plot No.: 3 X -axis: 188 °S 10' I � I 9 I 18 - -- -±-- 1 g -- -- F - -- -- - --- -- ± - - - -- - --- -- - ----- ------ ---- - ±-- --- - --- 17� --- - -- I ---- --- 1- --- --- - -- -- - - ----- 8 I I I I I I I I I , , I I f I I 7 I - - --- 15 — -- T - - - --- Qy - - -- - -- +--- 11 -------- -- --- -�- ----- ------�---- - - -- - --- - - *-- ------- ----�-� I I I 6 -------------------------- -- --y I �1q --; ' - - - - -- - -- -- -- 13 I 5 4 i I I —- • - - - - -- ;I ----- --- - - - -- -- ; ------ •, -------- - - - - ±t ; —- --- -- - - - -- ------- ;- - - - - -- I I , 3 I I I I , ----------- - - ---- ; - -- - -- ---- ; - -- -- -- --- -�------- - ----- a - - - -- - - - - -� -- -- -- --- �------ --- w- - - - --- - - ----- - --------------- I I 2 I I 1 0 U I - - --1 - ---- -- -w-- -- -- --- -- ' - - - -- - - - - -- - -- --� - - - -- - - -' - - - - -- - - ---- - - - - - -- I I 1 I I I 4 0.5 I-------- -- t- --- --; , I ' 0,0 0.5 140° e 10 X -AXIS ODenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 4 Veg Plot No.: 4 X -axis: 14 1N Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name I 1 Diospyros virginiana I 2 Corpus florida 3 Corpus florida 4 Corpus florida I 51Cornus florida I 61Cornus florida I 71Fraxinus pennsylvanica 81Cornus florida I 91Fraxinus penns�Ivanica 101Fraxinus pennsylvanica 11 ICornus florida 121Fraxinus penns�Ivanica 131y,Fraxinus�ennsv pica 1416etula nigra 151Betula Ira 161Betula nigra 171Quercusphellos 18113etula nigra 191Taxodium distichum 20113etula niqra B = bare root, C = containerized Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year Road Fenc Existing Drainage Feature xy x ...... ....... Existing Forest I I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) I 6cientifc Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 108 I Liquidambar styraciflua 1 1 8 I I I I I MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA MY -3 Se tember, 20141` X Y ddh Height DBH ddh eight 66 ISource) meter meter millimeter centimeter cm Vigor) millimeter centimeter cm Notes B 1 6.2 1.8 M B 1 8.5 2.3 I I I M I I I I B 1 8.21 5.5 I I M I I I I I 1 5.91 4.41 I I M I l I I IB 1 3.81 3.91 9.541 901 1 3 1 I I I I IB 1 0.91 2.81 11.171 801 1 3 1 9.51 461 1 1 IB 1 0.71 5.41 1 1 1 M I I I I I IB 1 3.31 6.41 7.731 59 1 3 1 7.71 541 1 1 IB 1 5.71 7.11 6.191 50� 1 3 1 8.111 511 1 1 �B 1 81 8.21 I I M I I I I I I I3 1 2.81 8.81 8.091 671 1 3 1 10.671 631 1 IB 1 0.41 8.21 14.461 851 1 3 + 11.491 671 1 I IB 1 2.51 31 14.51 941 1 3 1 1 1 Wanted 2015 1 IB 1 8.61 3.51 11.531 901 1 3 1 1 1 1planted 20151 1 9.61 3.61 16.41 971 1 3 1 1 1 Wanted 2015 I B 1 8.51 6.81 8.411 711 1 3 1 1 I (planted 2015 IB 1 7.81 5.41 4.61 631 1 3 1 1 I (planted 2015 IC 1 1.61 7.21 25.971 1541 5.321 3 1 1 1 1planted 2015 IB I 1 0.51 I I 5.91 I 6.721 I 67 1 1 I 3 1 I 1 I 1 I )planted 2015 1 I I Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year Road Fenc Existing Drainage Feature xy x ...... ....... Existing Forest I I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cm) I 6cientifc Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 108 I Liquidambar styraciflua 1 1 8 I I I I I Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 4 Veg Plot No.: 4 X -axis: 14 1N 10 9 , 1 - - --� - - - - - -- ----- -- - - - -- ----- -- ; 12 j - I ----- -- 1--------- ------ t i- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - ----- 13 1 1 1 1 _ - -- - - ---- _ -- '--- --- ----- - - - -- -- - - --;- ------ - - - - -- 19 I 10 I I I 7 ,.. I 1 1 J I I 9 g 20 I 1 1 5 I I I ---- - -; -- ' t 1 O ' 5 , , I 4 I 1 -- -- - - - --- — ---- -- ;- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- -- ------- I -------- -- - -- -- -- -- - - ---- - ---- --- - - -- --- -- -- 16 - -- I 15 1 ------ -- - --- --- - - - - -- �-- °� - - -- j ------- ;- - -- --- I - -- --- --- - -� -- - -� 2 ---- - - - - -- 1 2 - - - - - -- ----- --- ------- - - - -I ; 1 1 1 1 , I I 1 1 1 1 DR 0.5 --- 1 - - - - -- -- ---- ,--- - -- j - ------ --- -t------- --- --- • -- - - -- ----'-- -- - -- j- - - - - -- ------ �------ -- -- - - -- - ---- -- _---f-------------- 0,0 0.5� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS J� Denotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. / Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. 3321 Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/112015 Area: 5 Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 274 °W MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA MY -3 'Se tember, 2014 Plot Location: see sketch below X Y ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh eight D H Map ID Scientific Name (Source meter meter millimeter centimeter cm millimeter centimeter cm Notes 1 Quercus laurifolia IB 0.1 1.1 10.78 71 3 3.35 35 2 Quercus laurifolia IB 0.3 3.4 10.1 60 3 11.63 74 3 Quercus laurifolia IB 2 7.7 9.67 38 3 11.5f 41 4 Quercus laurifolia B 1.7 5.2 11.6 58 3 6.66 41 5 Quercus laurifolia B 2.1 2.1 10 73 3 9.43 56 6 Corpus florida B 4.2 2.6 M 7 Cornus florida B 3.9 4.9 M 8 Quercus laurifolia B 3.9 7.5 M 9 Quercus phellos B 6.3 7.2 10.14 53 3 7.89 60 ` 10 Cornus florida B 6.3 4.6 M 11 Liriodendron tulipifera B 6.3 2.3 M 11 Liriodendron tulipifera B 8.4 1.6 M ( 13 Liriodendron tulPfera B 8.6 4.4 M 14 Liriodendron tulipifera B 8.5 7.1 M 15 Quercus laurifolia B 6.6 3.1 8.55 70 3 9.35 54 l 16 Quercus phellos C 0.2 0.8 10.78 72 3 planted 2015 17 Quercus phellos C 0.7 4.1 11.6 58 3 planted 2015 18 Betula nipp IB 0.4 6.3 5.13 67 3 planted 2015 19 Liriodendron tulipifera B 2.1 5.7 1.01 29 3 planted 2015 20 Quercus hellos C 2 6.7 5.19 66 3 planted 2015 21 iriodendron tulipifera B 2.7 7.4 4.99 29 3 planted 2015 22�Nyssa svlvatica C 3.9 8.7 9.99 70 3 planted 2015 23 Liriodendron tulipifera B 4.7 7.6 9.84 53 3 planted 2015 24 Betula niqra C 4.3 6.7 15.95 135 3 planted 2015 25 Quercus pagoda C 5.3 9.4 11.58 90 3 planted 20151 26 Quercus ph ejlos IC 8.8 8.9 11.58 62 3 planted 2015 i 27 Nyssa syvatica IC 8.8 6.4 7.95 87 3 planted 2015 28 Quercus pagoda IC 7.2 5.6 4.01 64 3 llanted 2015 29 Betula niqra IB 6.9 4.8 4.6 58 3 planted 2015 30 Quercus pagoda C 9.3 4.4 7.87 92 3 planted 2015 31 Betula niqra 8.9 0.8 12.8 122 3 planted 2015 B = bare root, C = containerized vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviv ng and likely to survive nexE year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive M = Missing Utility Easement Fenc y Fenc Gat xy x Fenc Road i I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cm I1 Scientific Name 10-501 50.100 ILiqui�ari)bar strycifula I 3 4 > 10 I Betula niqra 1 11 lQuercus phellos 1 1 IDiolvros virginiana 1 I 1 (Liriodendron tulipifera 1 Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 5 Veg Plot No.: 5 X -axis: 274 °W I 9 ; t 8 t i 7 18' I 5 17 4 3 I 2 1 ; 1 16 ! 0.5 0,0 0.5 f 222° + I (26i ' ' c 20 ) (24)1. f - --- - - ---- 19 - --- --- -- -- - - -- -- l C� + 111 - ^� t I I ! t I I I ! 5 I I I I I I I ' 28 ' 27 5 X -AXIS 10 ODenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous laver. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/2015 Area: 1 Veg Plot No.: 6 X -axis: 176 °N Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name 1 Quercus phellos 2 Liriodendron tulipifera 3, Quercus nigra 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 5 Liriodendron tulipifera 6 Quercus phellos 7 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 8 Cornus Florida 1 9 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 10 Cornus Florida 11 Cornus florida 12 Liriodendron tulipifera 13 Quercus nigra lI 14 Quercus phellos 15 Cornus florida 16 Quercus laurifolia 17 Diospyros virgimana B = bare root Notes B 8.8 9.8 11.52 71 I 3 12.71 661 I I I r Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing Fenc - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - ..................... - --------- -•- - - - - - --- --------- ----- - ' ----------------- y xy x Existing Fores 1 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name IUlmus americana IBetula nigra (Liriodendron tulipifera /Quercus phellos (Quercus laurifolia VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cm, 10 -50 1 50 -100 > 10 3 I 1 1 I 1 i 2 31 MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA MY -3 September, 20141 X Y ddh Height DBH ddh Height DBH meter meter millimeter centimeter cm Vigor millimeter I centimeter cm ISource B 2.7 0.6 3.68 32 3 4.49 37 1B 4 2 8.46 42 13 8.1 49 1B 7.4 1.4 5.34 47 3 7.61 21 B 8.4 3 13.21 67 3 12.48 72 B 6.6 3.5 10.5 57 3 7.61 58 4.2 4 6.58 56 2 7.67 78 IB B 2.4 4.7 13.54 122 3 13.82 103 0.8 5.3 M 1B B 2.3 8 138 0.668 3 16 1131 1B 4 8.4 6.67 63 3 7.73 63 IB 1.5 9.5 M 5 6.6 11.75 63 I 3 9.34 65 IB B 5. � 6.41 4.88 46 3 5.3J 8.2 5.21 50 3 IB B 4. 9.5 IM B 461 9.41 8.48 73 3 Notes B 8.8 9.8 11.52 71 I 3 12.71 661 I I I r Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing Fenc - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - ..................... - --------- -•- - - - - - --- --------- ----- - ' ----------------- y xy x Existing Fores 1 CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA Scientific Name IUlmus americana IBetula nigra (Liriodendron tulipifera /Quercus phellos (Quercus laurifolia VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cm, 10 -50 1 50 -100 > 10 3 I 1 1 I 1 i 2 31 Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/2015 Area: 1 Veg Plot No.: 6 X -axis: 176 1SE 1C 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0.5 0,0 0.5 130° I 1 I I 1 , 111 9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS oDenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitoring Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/2015 Area: 1 Veg Plot No.: 7 X -axis: 316% Plot Location: see sketch below Map ID Scientific Name I 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 2 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 3 Liriodendron tulipifera I 4 Liriodendron tulipifera I 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 6 Quercus phellos 1 711-iriodendron tulipifera 1 811-iriodendron tulipifera 1 9 Liriodendron tulipifera 1 101 ornus florida I 111 Corpus florida 1 1211-iriodendron tulipifera 1 131Fraxinus pennsylvanica I 141Betula niqra I 1511-iriodendron tulipifera 1 16 DiospVros virqiniana 1 17 Liriodendron tulipifera 1 181 Fraxinus pennsylvanica I 191Fraxinus pennsylvanica I I I I B = bare root M = Missing Fenc xy x LExisting Fore-4 I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cml 1 Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 ILiquidambarstyraciflua 10 6� INyssa sylvatica 5 IUfmusamericana 18 61 IDiospyros virqiniana 8 8 31 MONITORING YEAR4 DATA I MY -3 'September, 2014) X Y ddh Height DBH Vigor ddh Hei y it DBH Source meter meter millimeter centimeter cm millimeter centimeter cm Notes B 2.3 0.7 13.5 111 3 11.26 97 B 7.4 1.4 6.9 67 3 8 81 B 8.9 1.1 16.43 108 3 9.15 39 B ( 6.7 2.6 8.461 41 3 15.57 68 B 1 4.6 1.8 9.851 78 3 1 1 B 1 21 2.31 6.631 72 3 1 4.341 621 1 B 1 1.91 41 11.591 56 3 1 9.251 731 I IB 1 4.11 4.71 13.491 72 3 1 1 1 I IB 1 3.31 5.11 I I I I I I IM IB 1 4.91 4.61 I I I 1 I I M IB 1 7.51 4.31 10.111 741 1 3 10.91 701 1 IB 1 5.81 9.71 1 1 1 I 1 1 IM IB 1 7.51 9.71 1 1 1 I 1 I IM IB 1 9.81 9.51 1 1 1 I 1 I IM IB 1 7.41 7.91 7.971 351 1 3 1 10.671 551 1 16 1 6.51 7.51 1 1771 1.461 3 1 25.771 1801 1.31 IB 1 4.51 7.71 4.841 34 1 3 11.211 361 IB 1 3.41 7.71 8.591 72� 1 3 9.281 581 IB 1 0.11 8.51 6.711 531 3 1 7.631 541 I I I I I Vigor: 3 = good condition, I I I 2 = surviving and likely to survive I I I I next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year M = Missing Fenc xy x LExisting Fore-4 I CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA VOLUNTEER HEIGHT CLASSES (cml 1 Scientific Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 ILiquidambarstyraciflua 10 6� INyssa sylvatica 5 IUfmusamericana 18 61 IDiospyros virqiniana 8 8 31 Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/2015 Area: 1 Veg Plot No.: 7 X -axis: 316 °N 10 f t 9 I 19 -- - -- • -- -- -I -- -- --- --- - - - -- 8 { ' , , I 7 , -- -T - -- -- •- -- --- - - -- -- ------ +- -- - --- I 6 f I I I 5 4 i 3 6 -------- Ce I I 2 C5 I I - -- - - - -- ' I - -- 2 ' -- -- - - -- -- i s I (3 i t I -_------ 1 - - - -- __ ' y__----__-- i--- __- __.- _- i___- _- _---- M_____- .-- _____I_______ _ ______ _ __ 1 0.5 I ' 0,0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 X -AXIS 0 Denotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of J� monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow / above herbaceous laver. Denotes "Dead Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of 276° f the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subseauent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 2 Veg Plot No.: 8 X -axis: 236 °N Plot Location: see sketch below I Map ID Scientific Name I 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 Fraxinus oenns�Ivanica 3 Fraxinus pennsylvanica Fraxinus Denns�Ivanica I 5 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 6 Quercus phellos 7 Fraxinus penns�Ivanica 8 Fraxinus pennsvlvanica 4 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 10 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 11 Quercus Dhellos 1 Quercus phellos 1 Quercus p�hellos 14sLiriodendron tulipifera I 15 Quercus p�hellos I 16 Quercus phellos I 17 Lirodendron tuli ifera 18 Liriodendron tulipifera I 19 Quercus phellos I 20 21 B = bare root M = Missing I........................... y Existing Fores I MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA MY -3 Sei�tember, 20141 1 X Y ddh Height DBH Vigorl ddh Height D�H Source meter) meter millimeter centimeter cm millimeter centimeter cm Notes B 0.1 1.2 212 1.284 3 I 20.92 132 B 2.2 1.4 240 1.463 3 23.1 172 1.1 B 4.6 0.6 M B 6.9 0.9 M B 92 0.8 215 1.282 3 33.71 173 1.19 B 9.5 2.6 20.5 127 3 14.441 76 B I 6.7 2.4I 141 0.514 3 15.96 106 B 4.6`I 2., J 185 0.705 3 I 21.2 112 B 0.5 4. 274 1.284 3 32.4 I 185 1.25 B 3.8) 4.9 206 1.149 3 22.77 124 B 6. 1 4.9 178 0.483 3 8.121 75 B 9.8� 5.7 24.57 113 3 15.65 83 IB 9.2J 8 188 0.794 3 15.69 151 1.09 IB 7. 7.6 11.57 63 3 8 45 B 4.1 7.3 M B 1.9 6.7 149 0.635 3 17.38 126 B 6.8 9.2 184 0.93 3 21.161 95 B 4.3 9.31 16.54 86 3 B 1.7 9.1 16.71 205 3 15.9 118 IB Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year Drainage Feature Roa xy x Fenc - --- -. _._._._._._._._.- ._._._._._._. _._._ _._ _._. - - - CURRENT MONITORING YEAR DATA I Scientific Name INyssa s�lvatica ILiquidam arstyraciflua IPrunus serotina I VOLUNTEER I HEIGHT CLASSES (cml 1 10 -50 l 50 -100 > 100 1 2 1 4 1 I Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/2015 Area: 2 Veg Plot No.: 8 X -axis: 236 1N 10 — -- -- ±-- ----- - - --F- ------- + - - - -- ------- f- - ----- I I - - - --- F +-- - -- F-- - - - -- •- ---- --+- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- --- f (18 I I I 17 I I 9 I 1 19 I )1 I 1� I I I 1 1 1 , , 8 I I 1 I I ------ ,� — _ f I I4 � F I I - --- � 4 3 - ------- --- — ----- --- ---- 4-- -- -- --- ---- - - - - -— __ --- f , - - ---- 16 I l I1 , , -IL 1 6 -- - -T- - -- ----------------- �1 T -- ---- ---- -- �-- ----- %- ---- ------ - --- -- 12 , I I 1 1 _ i —4 ------ 00- ' 1 1 1 �----- - - - --� - -- - -- - --- �- ; - - - I , , 4 -' �- - -- - - --- 1 , I I 0.5 0,0 0.5 192° 10 X -AXIS ODenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. 0 I Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitorinq Years. Site: Ivey Ferguson Page: 1 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/3/20154 Area: 2 Veg Plot No.: 9 X -axis: 270 °N Plot Location: see sketch below I Map ID Scientific Name I 1 Liriodendron tulipifera 1 2 Quercus ehellos I 3 Quercus niqra I 4 Liriodendron tulipifera us I 5 Fraxin pennsy van.a 1 6 Fraxinus enns�lvanica 1 71buercus Paurifolia 1 81Quercusphellas 91Betula niqra 10`Liriodendron tulipifera I 1 etula niqra 1 121Betula ni�ra 131Quercus phellos I 14lQuercus niqra 1 151 iriodendron tulipifera 161 Liriodendron tuXifera I 171Liriodendron tulipifera 1 181Betula niqra 19IQuercus laurifolia I`` I B = bare root M = Missing I X MONITORING YEAR 4 DATA Y MY -3 fSeRtember, 2014` Height Source meter meter ddh millimeter Height centimeter DBH cm Vigor ddh millimeter centimeter DBH cm Notes B 2 2.9 M B 5.7 2.7 19.71 127 3 10.83 80 B 6 5.4 M B I 2.4 5.7 M B I 2 9 213 1.171 3 27.391 184 1.091 B 1 61 8.81 142 0.494 3 16.421 160 1.031 B 1 101 8.71 6.62 521 1 3 1 6.31 38 B 1 4.11 0.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM B 1 6.51 0.41 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM B 1 9.91 2.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM 1B 1 3.91 2.61 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM 113 1 7.71 2.81 1 1341 0.6691 3 1 9.151 851 1 IB 1 7.71 2.51 1 751 1.151 3 1 7.651 671 1 IB 1 9.91 5.41 6.371 411 1 3 1 7.551 491 1 IB 1 91 5.31 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM 113 1 6.81 5.51 1 1 1 1 1 1 IM 113 1 0.51 61 1 1231 2.2751 3 1 14.361 1091 1 113 1 41 5.71 I 1521 3.31 3 I 22.61 1391 0.991 1 1 41 8.81 1 1701 0.5391 3 1 15.911 1091 1 Vigor: 3 = good condition, 2 = surviving and likely to survive next year, 1 = almost surviving and not likely to survive next year Fenc xy x Fenc 9 Existin Fores .._._.-._._.-._.-._._._._._._._.-._._._._.-._. _.- ._._._._._._._._._._.._._._. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Ny sa yylvatica HEIGHT CLASSES (cm` Sc�enti is Name 10 -50 50 -100 > 100 Lmus americana 8 8 2 1Liquidambarstyraciflua 7 18 5 I I Site: Ivey- Ferguson Page: 2 Monitoring Year: MY4 Date: 9/1/2015 Area: 2 Veg Plot No.: 9 X -axis: 270 °N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0,0 0.5 232° 1 2 3 4 5 b o X -AXIS ODenotes "Missing ". Stem may be missing because of thick herbaceous layer and therefore not visible at the time of monitoring. Stem should be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the stem may grow above herbaceous layer. Denotes "Dead ". Stem should still be searched for at location during subsequent Monitoring Years because the roots of the stem may survive and therefore re- sprout in subsequent Monitoring Years. APPENDIX E Photo Stations 0 a n n 9 C7 Y PHOTO STATION I: VIEW FACING 30 °N. PHOTO STATION 2: VIEW 162 °5E. PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 IVEy_FERGUSON FILENAME: MAM0902O. BANK PARCEL 1 „ = 1,000' SCALE: PHOTO STATIONS DATE: 09-03-15 ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA i� MCADAMS nM JOHN K McAnAMS COMPANY. INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham. North Camllna 27713 14cense No.: C-0293 (800) 733 -5848 • McAdamaCo. PHOTO STATION 3: VIEW FACING 34 °N. PHOTO STATION 4: VIEW 28 °SE. ilfiw PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 IN FILENAME: MAM09020.DWG 9 O SCALE: 1 „ 0 1, 000 rn DATE: 09 -03 -15 4w Fv EY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 " THE JOIN R McADAM3 COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 MCADAMS `800'733 - 5648- McAdamsCo J e PHOTO STATION 5: VIEW FACING 54 0NE. PHOTO STATION b: VIEW 218 °5. PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 ® FILENAME: MAM09020_DWG t� scALE:. a .. = 1,000' t„ DATE: 09-03-15 40 WEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 " MM JOHN R MCADAM3 N COMPANY. INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 Lcense No.: C -0293 McADAms (800) 733-5646• MrAdamsCo. 9 PHOTO STATION l: VIEW FAGING 310 °W. PHOTO STATION 8: VIEW 22 °N. � r K IVEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA " IM JOHN R MrADAMS J COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 license No.: C -0293 MCADAMS `800' 733 - 5646- MradamsC .� ® PROJECT No. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM0902O.DWG a d a SCALE: 1 " = 1,000 U, DATE: 09 -03 -15 � r K IVEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA " IM JOHN R MrADAMS J COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 license No.: C -0293 MCADAMS `800' 733 - 5646- MradamsC .� 00 O a G7 a In V PHOTO STATION 9: VIEW FAGIN& 336 °NW. PHOTO STATION 10: VIEW 338 °NW. PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM0902O.DWG SCALE: 1 ' = 1,000 DATE: 09-03-15 IVEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 'J MCADAMS WE JOHN R MrAQAM3 COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham. North Carolina 27713 License No.: C-0293 (800) 733_5646 • McAdamsCo.mmm e Is O Y C7 r— N PHOTO STATION II: VIEW FACING 312 °NW. PHOTO STATION 12: VIEW 64 °NE. PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM0902O.DWG SCALE: 1 • = 1,000 DATE: 09-03-15 IVEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA McADAMs 1iILr JOHN R McADAM3 COMPANY. INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham. North Carolina 27713 License No.: C-0293 (800) 733 -5646 • McAdamsCo. om e O a C7 PHOTO STATION 13: VIEW FACING 226 05K PHOTO STATION 14: VIEW 312 0NW. PROJECT NO. MAM -09020 FILENAME: MAM09020.DWG SCALE: 1 _ 1'000 DATE: 09-03-15 IVEY- FERGUSON BANK PARCEL PHOTO STATIONS ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WADAMS THE JOHN R McADAMS COMPANY, INC. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 License No.: C -0293 (600) 733 -5646 • McAdamsCo.com