HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00734_Well Construction - GW1_20240119 WELL CONSi UC'I'ION RECORD (CW-1) For Internal Use Only: l I.Well Contractor Information: I RANDY OWNBEY 1 I Well Coau'aetot Name — 14.WATER ZONES I I --- 3214A 289 rt. 290 it. I ___ .. _.. NC Well Contractor Certification Number ft. ft AIR DRILLING INC IS,OUTER CASING Mir rnulti-easelltiells)ORLINER(ifapplicable)tl.u.--___... �I.\rla Company Nunn 0 rt. 136 r'• 6 I I iu. - GALV 2,Well Construction Permit 0: OSWP-2023-12962 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(gcothcrmal closet!-looI)', 7 PROS! ___ .Tp Lis(all applicable well construction permits(i.e.(/!C,County,State, Variance.etc,) ft. "—' UTA\•11•:1'I•:Itl PIIICK\haS \l,s'1'EItIS I. ft. in. 3.Well Use(check well use):, ft. ft.-- ----- - — Water Supply Well: I 17.SCRr EN --_ :Agricultural 7 Afoul_-__p —._ i)LA,,71.,1t.?tl sl.O'fstrr_ ft11C1(NI•;S5 2l, fatIAl. I L1Munieipal/1 uhlic - - — ' :(ieulherin:d(I Italia:;/C.'uolinp Supply) I'IResidenlial\Viler Supply(single) ----.�__, 1.1. iu.'I, 'htdusu'inl,Commercial I Ike Residential Water Supply(shared) — -----._...._._...._-._--.--- ._--,_.;,------•---_L___.._..__. ._ _ i Is.GROUT f Ilrrigation I'IWclls> I00,000 GPD rmpAl TOMATERIALr:Mu'1.a(I•:mn•:x'ralt:rnuu x AMOUNTI ,\uu-\\:aUcr Supply Well; _--..---.--------....... 0 ft. 20 II. GROUT , POURED I IMuniluring lJlt.eeovcry - Injection Well: 17. fl 11!\railer Rechargeft. fl. I".IGroundwater Reinediation I I Ir\auilcr Storage and Recovery 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if applicable) —`LlSalinityl3arrier FROM To MMATEtti,ci. EMI't.ACI_asii crM':ritot)LIAquiler Test OStormwater Drainage ft. ft. rilnxperintental'l'cchnology I:Subsidence Control — ft. ft. —_ -' _.____._ l I(icothemtal(Closed Loop) iTl'racer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets irnecessart') --_ _— I.I(ieotherutal(I(eating/Cooling Return) 1_IOthcr(explain under i.. t------ TO Uliti(:1tIP'... color hardness,sniUrnsle lypa.train tier,c,r,) ( I !�I Remarks) —_ ------ - ---L_._(-- 6-9-2023 0 rt. 126 r'• DIRT 4.Dtttc\Vcll(s)Completed: Well WI/ 126 rt• 305 fly ROCK ,.it --- i ia.Well Location: I}, ft. ' ANDREA JAMES ft. ft _ --- ' r• ; Facility/Owner Name Facility I[)/I(it tpplicnblc) ft. - II. 1 ` ± r ,L(rA i, 1 v,:,�� 149 ELYSIAN DR,MOORESVILLE,N.C. 28117 n. _.._._.._ ___..._-.___.__ .-, Physical Address.Pity,:and Zip ._.----'---'i"`----- IREDELL 4646356875 21.REMARKS ;n;:; -- --_- — -----_..._ v' yawn, Parcel Idmrli neat ion No.(PIN) — 7 .� _L..._.... ��e•(,:i'_y(.fir:,', iv..- 51).Latitude and longitude in degrees/tninules/sec011(IS or decimal degrees: I • (il'well lield,one lit/long is sufficient) ---•- _.-----._... .- --- -._ , 35° 33.891 N 80° 52.245 22.CcrtiP on: \\ • 6/9/2023 6.Is(tire)the well(s): 171Permanent or ITI'empornry Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this Jana,/hereby cerli(i•that lhelirel/(c)110,1(were)constructed in acrary/aucc with 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: LI Yes or I'INo IS:I N(....1(..02C.0/00 or/54 A'e::1C 022U.0200!Fell Cansu•uelioa Sliminlm'dc and rho,a rrpr (falls is a repair,•/ill out known)we'll construction in/ormalion and explain the nature oldie of this record hn.s been prrn'ided Io the well owner. repair minder 112I rca+orks sec•lW!l or on the hack of this from. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For Geoprohe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the Caine You may use the back (!'this page ur provide additional well construction info eunstructi(n.only I OW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in'Ren)arks Box).You ratty also attach additional pages iI necessary. drilled: 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCT I. 9.'Total well depth below land surface: 305 1•'nrnu,ltiple wells list all depths i/di/i'rent(example..3611?00'and'(ntl00') (ft.) Submit this GbV-1 within 30 days of well completion pm the I'nllowing: ill.Static water level below lop of ruing: 30 (i(') 24a. For All Wells: Original fora) iii Division of Water Resources (UWR;, I!'+rrrrr, ler,rl is above casing use" ) Inlbrmation Processing Unit, I617 MSCi::,Raleigh,NC 2 7609-I6I7 . I I I.Borehole diameter: 6 (ilt.) 24b. For In'cclion Wells: Copy to D\VIZ. Underground Injection Control (IIIC) Program, I636MSC,Raleigh.NC 27699-'.(636 12.Well construction method: (ix.anger,unary,cable,direct push.etc.) 24c.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copt to the county environmental health department of the county where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:1 24d.For\\'ater Wells producing(well 0 U110.0(111 CPI): Copy to I)\VR,('(•PC't' Da.Yield(gent) Method Method of test: AIR Permit Program, I61 I MSC.Raleigh,NC 27699-I61 I • - 13b.Disinfection type: HTH Amount: • Pam it(1W-I North Carolina Dep:ii•tment of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised a-t,_;!o I