HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151065 Ver 1_Individual_20151005Strickland, Bev From: Homewood, Sue Sent: Monday, October 05, 2015 12:46 PM To: Montalvo, Sheri A; Strickland, Bev Subject: Fwd: PTIA Northwest Taxiway Connector c(::9py ft:9r IIII:::' ¢::9n ii1ts way 1(::9 us Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G I...TI:::: smartphone ........................ Oirug ir'4u mess age ........................ 1== 1r(::9inac °°If.::)ualrlllilr'g, 1t :ZJia:,lh ard°" I:::)ate:: 10/05/2015 11::` 6 AIK/I (GM II ...05:00) t (:x9 d avlkl eJb aliley2@u.us ace.ualrnniy.InnililL, °1 i(::9inn�ew(:x::K1, Sue" Cc:: Ira::9sselruu@gs(: :4 it (::9irg, 61nn�¢:9lrell@gs(::n -a it (::9irg, Irlia;lh afrd .wuulllls(s inndb akelriinfl1.c(::9inn�, Ilaulllelro @innilkaualkelrlilrot11 (::9inn� Su.ulNect 1t: ::1 t IlA IN ::9irt owest t uaxiiwuay C` (::9nnect(::9r rdarling @mbakerintl.com has sent you an attachment(s) using Baker eFTP Sue; David: Attached is Section 404/401 Individual Permit Application [hardcopies mailed to USACE and DWR (4) today] for proposed PTIA Cross - Field Taxiway including: • Cover Letter • Completed Form 4345 • Permit Drawings • Mitigation Success Correspondence Message Text: Please contact me at your convenience regarding completeness of the application. Richard Darling I Environmental Manager I Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 1 Cary, NC 27518 1919.481.5740 rdarling @mbakerintl.com I www.mbakerintl.com 1 To retrieve your attachment(s), click on the secure link below. httiDs://eFTP.mbakerintl.com/messaae/k6PRtG4cidoTIB5J3NvzSm8 Access to this information will expire on 2015 -10 -12 First time user of the Michael Baker Intl. eFTP system? Click this link for assistance with the new user creation process. If you are unable to access this website, contact the Michael Baker IT Support Desk at 1- 866 - 447 -6333 or e -mail us at ITServices @mbakerintl.com Legal Disclaimer: This website is intended solely for use by the Michael Baker Corporation, its affiliates, clients, subcontractors, and other designated parties. All information utilized on this website is for designated recipients only. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this material by any individual other than the said designated recipients is strictly prohibited. The Michael Baker Corporation, its affiliates and employees, makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any documents or information available from this website and therefore assumes neither legal liability nor responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, technical/ scientific quality or usefulness of said documents or information Message I Baker eFTP ATE A I ,01 qvi'voo 6 F',& .CL 40 M essage I D k6PRtG4q From To Cc rdarl i ng@mbakeri ntl .com davi d.e.bai I ey2 @usace.army.mi I , sue.homedvood@ncdenr.gov rossera@gsoai r.org, el more @gsoai r.org, ri chard.wal I s a�nbakeri ntl .com, I al I en a�jmbakeri ntl .com Subj ect PTIA Northwest Taxiway Connector Access Restriction Anyone can access Message Expires (Max 30 Days) October 12, 2015 Pu bl i c U RL Anyone can access Attached f i I es • Applicati on. pdf (14 MB) Checksum (SHAD: 4064a050ef7ce5c83139d3672d678da5096d614d M essage Sue; David: Page 1 of 2 Attached i s Secti on 404/401 Individual Permi t A ppl i cati on [ hardcopi es mad I ed to U SSA CE and D WR (4) today] for proposed PT A Cross-Fi el d Tani way i ncl udi ng: htt ps: Heft p. mbakeri ntl.com/message/k6PRtG4qdoTl B5J3NyzSm8 10/5/2015 Message I Baker eFTP • Cover Letter • Completed Form 4345 • Permit D raw i ngs • Mitigation Success Correspondence R ease contact me at your conveni ence regardi ng compl eteness of the appl i cati on. Richard Darling I Envi ronmental M anager I M i chael Baker Engineering, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 1 Cary, N C 27518 1919.481.5740 rdarl i ng@mbakeri ntl .com I www.mbakeri ntl .com Page 2 of 2 L egal D i scl ad mer: T h i s websi to i s i ntended sol el y for use by M i chael Baker I nternati oval, I nc., i is aff i I i ates, cl i ents, subcontractors, and other desi gnated parti es. AI I i nformati on uti I i zed on thi s websi to i s for desi gnated reci pi ents on y. Any di ssemi nati on, di stri but on or copy ng of thi s mater al by any i ndi vi dual other than the sai d desi gnated reci pi ents i s stri ctl y prohi bi ted. The M i chael Baker Corporation, its aff i I i ates and employees, makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the merchantabi I i ty or f i tness for a parti cul ar purpose of any documents or i nformati on avai I abl e f rom thi s websi to and therefore assumes nei ther I egal I i abi I i ty nor responsi bi I i ty for the accuracy, compl eteness, techni cal / sci enti f i c quad i ty or usef ul ness of sai d documents or i nformati on. htt ps: Heft p. mbakeri ntl.com/message/k6PRtG4qdoTl B5J3NyzSm8 10/5/2015 r 4P ,.446 T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY October 2, 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 Attention: Mr. David Bailey NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury St., 91h Floor Raleigh, NC 27604 Ms. Karen Higgins Subject: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit, Section 401 Water Quality Certification, and Jordan Buffer Allowance for Crass -Field Taxiway at Piedmont Triad International Airport The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) hereby applies for Individual Permit and Water Quality Certification under Sections 404 and 401 of the CIean Water Act and 15A NCAC 2H.0500 and Jordan Buffer Allowance under 15A NCAC 2B .0267 for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the United States for construction of the Cross -Field Taxiway over Interstate Highway I -73 at the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA). The first phase of aerospace development in the Northwest sector of PTIA is conceptualized in this application, but not anticipated for construction until after construction of the Cross -Field Taxiway has commenced. This project is currently included in an Environmental Assessment (EAIFONSI, copy of final document provided separately) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The EA addresses 972 acres to be developed at PTIA., 553 acres of which are located north of Interstate Highway I -73 [under construction by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) as Transportation Improvement Project I- 5110]. The proposed Phase I Northwest Site Development is located within this 553 acres, as it is the only location of adequate size and dimensions for the anticipated aerospace industry requirements. The Cross -Field Taxiway is necessary to maintain airport access to this area once 1 -73 construction is complete. Jurisdictional resources within the project area have been verified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, Action ID SAW - 2012 - 01547), with applicability to the Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 214 .0506(h)} and the Jordan Lake Riparian Buffer Rules determined by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ( NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources (DWR) Winston -Salem Regional Office, as confirmed by NCDEQ Counsel in letter to William O. Cooke, Jr. dated July 27, 2015. The 127.8 -acre Phase I Site Development and 25.7 -acre taxiway, within the 553 -acre Northwest site, may impact approximately 5.96 acres of jurisdictional man -made golf course ponds with 139,169 square feet (s.f.) Zone 1 and 105,674 s.f. Zone 2 (5.62 acres) pond buffer, but avoids impacts to wetlands or streams. The Cross -Field Taxiway may impact approximately 255 linear Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins October 2, 2015 Page 2 of 6 feet (11.) of perennial stream channel, 1361.f. of intermittent stream channel, with approximately 21,470 (s,f) of Zone 1 and 14,274 s.l Zone 2 (0.82 acre total) of Jordan Lake riparian buffer adjacent to the total 39111 unavoidable stream impacts. The Project Purpose and Need and Avoidance of Impacts are detailed in the EA and the enclosed Alternatives Analysis (specific to the Cross -Field Taxiway, also appended to the EA as Appendix E). As an on -going advancement of the project described in the EA, PTAA has conceptualized the first phase of potential aerospace development within the 553 acres North of I -73. This preliminary design work was scheduled after the NEPA/EA process in anticipation of the need by potential future tenant(s) to rapidly develop such a facility. This development phase is designed to accommodate future aerospace tenant needs based on previously requested elements and dimensions, and aviation industry and FAA standards. The EA summarizes consideration of Alternative Locations for the proposed expansion of the Airport, including areas southeast, south, southwest of PTIA, and a combination of non- contiguous sites. None of these locations meets the Project purpose, or avoids the need for a taxiway. Minimization of Impacts PTAA will minimize potential unavoidable adverse effects of the Proposed Phase I Northwest Site Development and Cross -Field Taxiway project consistent with FAA requirements and Section 404(b)(1) guidelines as follows: • Construction of the taxiway stream crossing will minimize smothering of organisms by utilizing "pump- around'; minimize construction time; control turbidity through adherence to the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan; avoid unnecessary discharge; prevent creation of standing water; and prevent drainage of wet areas. • During construction, physiochemical conditions will be maintained and potency and availability of pollutants will be reduced; material to be discharged will be limited; treatment substances may be added if necessary; chemical flocculants may be utilized to enhance the deposition of suspended particulates in appropriate disposal areas, if required. • The effects of dredged or fill material may be controlled by selecting discharge methods and disposal sites where the potential for erosion, slumping or leaching of materials into the surrounding aquatic ecosystem will be reduced. These methods include using containment levees, sediment basins, and cover crops to reduce erosion. • Discharge effects will also be controlled by containing discharged material properly to prevent point and nonpoint sources of pollution; and timing the discharge to minimize impact, for instance during periods of unusual high water flows. • The effects of a discharge will be minimized by the manner in which it is dispersed, such as, where environmentally desirable, orienting dredged/fill material to minimize undesirable obstruction to the surface water or natural flow, and utilizing natural contours to minimize the size of the fill; using silt screens or other appropriate methods to confine suspended particulates /turbidity to a small area where settling or removal can occur; selecting sites or managing discharges to confine and minimize the release of suspended particulates to give decreased turbidity levels and to maintain light penetration for Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins October 2, 2015 Page 3 of 6 organisms; and setting limitations on the amount of material to be discharged per unit of time or volume of receiving water. • Discharge technology will be adapted to the needs of the site. The applicant will consider using appropriate equipment or machinery, including protective devices, and the use of such equipment in activities related to the discharge of dredged or fill material; employing appropriate maintenance and operation on equipment or machinery, including adequate training, staffmg, and working procedures; using machinery and techniques that are especially designed to reduce damage to streams; designing access roads and channel spanning structures using culverts, open channels, and diversions that will pass both low and high water flows, accommodate fluctuating water levels, and maintain circulation and faunal movement; employing appropriate machinery and methods of transport of the material for discharge, • Minimization of adverse effects on populations of plants and animals will be achieved by minimizing changes in water flow patterns which would interfere with the movement of animals; managing discharges to avoid creating habitat conducive to the development of undesirable airport wildlife hazards; avoiding sites having unique habitat or other value, including habitat of threatened or endangered species; using planning and construction practices to institute habitat development and restoration to produce a new or modified environmental state of higher ecological value by displacement of some or all of the existing environmental characteristics; timing discharge to avoid spawning or migration seasons and other biologically critical time periods; and avoiding the destruction of remnant natural sites within areas already affected by development. Compensatory Mitigation Compensation for unavoidable, minimized impacts to jurisdictional strewn channel is provided by dedication of appropriate components of the successfully completed 1,123 1.f. restored stream channel and adjacent riparian buffer at the Causey Farm mitigation site currently not applied to any specific impacts at PTIA. This mitigation credit was originally purchased to compensate for impacts anticipated for construction of the Runway 5R Safety Area and related improvements (USACE Action ID SAW- 2006 - 41354; DWR File 06- 1632). This project, however, has been put on indefinite hold and rather than extend the Section 404 and 401 permits, PTAA has elected to abandon them. The mitigation specified in these permits has been constructed and deemed successful by USACE and DWR. Applicable linear footage of the completed stream restoration (only) of this mitigation are proposed to compensate for the current Phase I Northwest Site Development and Cross -Field Taxiway project impacts as follows: 646 Stream Mitigation Units (SMU) mitigation requirement is anticipated based on 1361.f. intermittent channel at 1:1 impact ratio plus 2551.f. perennial channel at 2:1 impact ratio • There are 702 SMU available at the Causey Farm mitigation site based on the 1.6:1 ratio for off -site restoration applied to the 1,1231.E perennial channel specified in USACE Action ID SAW - 2006 -41354 and DWR File 06 -1632 (the Causey Farm restoration site was originally described in USACE Action ID SAW -2000 -21655 and DWR File 00 -0846) Success of the Causey Farm mitigation site is documented in correspondence from USACE and DWR, enclosed. Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins October 2, 2015 Page a of 6 , Cumulative Impacts Specific water quality related cumulative impact potential of the project is addressed by the applicability of the WSWMP Rules, the Jordan Buffer Rule allowance, and State stormwater regulatory permission. While future taxiways and airport facilities to be constructed within the PTIA development may qualify for the Jordan Buffer airport allowance, the development will also be subject to the various levels of State and PTAA water quality regulation applicable to the water supply watershed location, and stormwater management. The future development anticipated will be subject to 85% removal of total suspended solids (TSS) from stormwater runoff as appropriate future protection of receiving water quality. The individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued to PTAA will also be expanded to address future development to ensure additional monitoring and protection of surface waters. Fish and Wildlife As of March 25, 2015 the United States Fish and Wildlife ( USFWS) lists one federally protected species for Guilford County. Small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides) was listed as Endangered on September 9, 1982. Small whorled pogonia occurs in young as well as maturing (second to third successional growth) mixed- deciduous or mixed - deciduous /coniferous forests. It does not appear to exhibit strong affinities for a particular aspect, soil type, or underlying geologic substrate. In North Carolina, the perennial orchid is typically found in open, dry deciduous woods and is often associated with white pine and rhododendron. The species may also be found on dry, rocky, wooded slopes; moist slopes; ravines lacking stream channels; or slope bases near braided channels of vernal streams. The orchid, often limited by shade, requires small light gaps or canopy breaks, and typically grows under canopies that are relatively open or near features like logging roads or streams that create long - persisting breaks in the forest canopy. Suitable habitat for small whorled pogonia may be present in the project area. However, no individuals were observed in plant -by -plant survey of potential site habitat in August 2012. A review of North Carolina Natural Heritage Program ( NCNHP) records on February 21, 2013, indicated no known occurrences within 1,0 mile of the study area. The construction of this project is anticipated to have no effect on the small whorled pogonia. The USFWS had previously listed this species as a historic record, indicating that it was last observed in Guilford County more than 50 years ago. However, a single small whorled pogonia plant was recently discovered near the Town of Gibsonville approximately 20 miles east of the Airport. Habitat for the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop -GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1,13 -mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 ft.) of the project limits, was performed on April 3, 2012 using 2010 color aerial photography. Lake Higgins (a water body large enough and sufficiently open to be considered a potential feeding source) was identified within this search radius. A survey of the project study area and the area within 660 ft. of the project limits was conducted on April 10, 2012. No bald eagle nests were observed within this search polygon. A review of the NCNHP database on February 21, 2012 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. Due to the lack of observed nests or known occurrences and minimal impact anticipated for this project, it was determined that this project will not affect this species. Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins October 2, 2015 Page 5 of 6 . Concurrence from the United States Department of the Interior was provided by the USFWS in a letter dated July 11, 2013, stating that "...it appears that the proposed action is not likely to adversely affect any federally- listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the [Endangered Species] Act at these sites. We believe that the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the Act have been satisfied for your project ". As of March 25, 2015 the USFWS lists no Candidate species for Guilford County. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has not identified any Airport streams as Essential Fish Habitat. Historic, Cultural, Scenic, and Recreational Values Based on the July 19, 2013 response to EA scoping, the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR) State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is "...aware of no historic resources that would be affected by the project." Stormwater The proposed Phase I Northwest Site Development is being designed consistent with applicable state (NCDEQ) and PTAA stormwater management controls, including appropriate BMPs and riparian buffer protection. Pursuant to NCGS 143 -214.7 (c4), the proposed Taxiway will provide for overland stormwater flow that promotes infiltration and treatment of stormwater into grassed buffers, shoulders, and grassed swales and is permitted pursuant to State post - construction stormwater requirements. Prior to the commencement of construction, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans for the projects will be submitted to NCDEQ, and PTAA will obtain the applicable Erosion and Sedimentation Control Permits and accompanying NPDES Construction Permits. Potential temporary impacts to surface water quality as a result of the Build Alternative construction activities will be effectively mitigated through adherence to the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans and to the permit requirements, as well as through compliance with FAA AC 15015370 -1013. Other Federal, State, or Local Requirements Through the NEPA process, FAA has explored practicable project alternatives and impact minimization prior to addressing compensatory mitigation (sequencing). FAA has also explored the cumulative impacts of the proposed project. These potential cumulative impacts are detailed in the EA. PTAA has more specifically analyzed all practicable Taxiway alternatives. A lack of practical alternatives has been demonstrated pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H .0506(f). After consideration of size and configuration of the proposed activity, and all alternative designs, the basic project purpose cannot be practically accomplished in a manner which would avoid or result in less adverse impact to surface waters or wetlands. Minimization of impacts has been demonstrated pursuant to 15A NCAC 02H .0506(g) because the surface waters are able to continue to support the existing uses after project completion, and the impacts are required due to the spatial and dimensional requirements of the project; the location of existing structural and natural features that dictate the placement and configuration of Mr. David Bailey and Ms. Karen Higgins October 2, 2015 ,Page 6 of 6 , the proposed project; and the purpose of the project and how the purpose relates to placement and configuration. The project: (1) has no practical alternative; (2) will minimize adverse impacts to surface waters based on consideration of existing topography, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrological conditions; (3) will not result in the degradation of groundwater or surface waters; (4) will not result in cumulative impacts, based upon past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards; (5) provides for protection of downstream water quality standards through on-site stormwater treatment; and (6) provides for replacement of existing uses through mitigation. Additional regulatory requirements are addressed in the EA. We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please feel fiee to contact me (rosseraeoisoair.orA, 336.665.5620) or Richard Darling (rdarlinQ(a)"bakerintl.com, 919.481.5740) with questions or comments. One (1) complete and collated original application and supporting documentation are being provided to USACE with four (4) complete and collated copies to NCDEQ along with the application fee. Sincerely, PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY J. A x Rosser, P.E. Deputy Executive Director RD /AR:rd Enclosures Alternatives Analysis Cross -Field Taxiway Alignment (6 pages) Completed Eng. Form 4345 (3 pages, PTAA signed) Preliminary Plans (12 sheets, full -size and 11 "x 17 ") Causey Farm Mitigation Success Documentation (3 pages, USACE & DWR) PTAA Check for $570 as NCDEQ Application Fee cc: Sue Homewood, DWR -WSRO Richard Darling, Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT EXPIRES: 28 FEBRUARY 2013 33 CFR 325. The proponent agency Is CECW -CO -R. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 11 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of the collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters, Executive Services and Communications Directorate, Information Management Division and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710- 0003). Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of Information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403: Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103, 33 USC 1413; Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers; Final Rule 33 CFR 320 -332. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies, and the public and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by Federal law. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if Information is not provided the permil application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that Is not completed in full will be returned. 1, APPLICATION NO. 5. APPLICANTS NAME First - J. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETE (ITEMS BELOW TORE =1LLED BYAPPLICAN7) 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (agent is not required) Middle -Alex Last - Rosser Company - Piedmont Triad Airport Authority E -mail Address - rossera @gsoair.org 6. APPLICANTS ADDRESS: First - Richard Middle -B. Last - Darling Company - Michael Baker Engineering, Inc. E -mail Address - rdarling @mbakerintLcom 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS: Address- 1000 -A Ted Johnson Parkway Address- 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 600 City - Greensboro Slate - NC Zip - 27409 Country -U.S. City - Cary Slate - NC Zip -27518 Country -U.S. 7. APPLICANTS PHONE NOs. WARE4 CODE 10. AGENTS PHONE NOs. wIAREA CODE a. Residence b. Business c. Fax a. Residence 336.665.5600 336.665.5694 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION b. Business c. Fax 919.481.5740 919.463.5490 11. 1 hereby aulhorize, Richard B. Darling to act In my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit ap ti I AT R OF APPLICANT ATE NAME, LOCATION, AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see instructions) Phase I Northwest Site Development and Cross -Field Taxiway 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (if applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Unnamed tributary to Brush Creek Address Pleasant Ridge Rd./ Bryan Blvd. 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude: -N 36.I 18619 Longitude: aW - 79.945644 City - Greensboro Slate- NC 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see Instructions) Stale Tax Parcel ID Municipality Section - Township - Range - Zip- 27409 ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE Northwest of Bryan Blvd. at Caiddale Dr. 18. Nature of Activity (Description of project, include all features) Construction of cross -field taxiway system linking the proposed 553 -acre PTIA Northwest development area to the existing airfield, including construction of access roads, closure of a portion of Bryan Blvd., and other local road closures, and implementation of mitigation measures for unavoidable stream impacts. (See FAA EA and PTAA application letter, enclosed). 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see instructions) The Cross -Field Taxiway is needed to provide airport access and connection to the PTIA Northwest development site. Development of and access to the Northwest site is needed to provide suitable sites with airfield access for new aviation- related development, achieve highest and best use of idle land, expand the capabilities of the Airport, and meet schedule needs of potential tenants (See FAA EA and PTAA application letter, enclosed). USE BLOCKS 20 -23 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL 15 TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge The Cross -Field Taxiway is specifically located according to precise NCDOT roadway elevation requirements for the proposed 1 -73 highway (Project 1 -5110) traversing PTIA, compounded by FAA taxiway requirements for Group V aircraft (See FAA EA and PTAA application letter, enclosed). An unnamed tributary to Brush Creek parallels existing Bryan Blvd. in the project vicinity and cannot be avoided. 21. Typo (s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: Type Type Type Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards RCP - 320 ft. long, 36 in. diam. 315,550 cu yd clean fill 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see instructions) Acres 5.96 acres man -made golf course pond (other waters) or Linear Feet 2551.f, perennial stream channel and 1361.f. intermittent stream channel for total 391 1.f 23. Description of Avoidance, Minimization, and Compensation (see instructions) Part 230: Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material Subpart H: Actions To Minimize Adverse Effects for the NW Taxiway project are addressed in the enclosed PTAA application letter and the FAA EA. Appropriate compensation for unavoidable, minimized impacts to jurisdictional stream channel will be provided by dedication of appropriate Stream Mitigation Units (SMI J) at the successfully completed Causey Farm mitigation site originally constructed under Action ID SAW - 2000 -21655 and DWR File 00 -0846 and specified in Action ID SAW - 2006 -41354 and DWR File 06 -1632, ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 2 of 3- 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? QYes QNo IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Construction of Taxiway Bridge over I -73 initiated (no impacts to jurisdictional resources) by NCDOT in September 2014. 25. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose property Adjoins the Waterbody Crf more ftn can be enteree here, pease attach a supplwmtal list). a. Address- NCDOT; PDEA - Century Center B; 1020 Birch Ridge Dr. City - Raleigh Slate - NC Zip - 27610 b. Address- City - Stale - Zip - c. Address- City - Slate - Zip - d. Address- City - State - Zip - e. Address- City - State - Zip - 26. List of Other Certificates or Approvals/Denials received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL' IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FAA EAIFONSI Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 2015 -06 -25 27. Application is hereby made for permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that this information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duty authorized agent of the applicant. LL� _� �p 15 Richard Darling �:��r::. ��. ° 2015 -10 -02 I NATURE OF LCANT SATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT DATE The Application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United Slates knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345, 0 C T 2012 Page 3 of 3 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Runway SL-21111�u- PROJ ECT LCCATI ON MAP NORTHWEST TAX WAY CO V SECTOR A D PRE.IM GARY IORTdWEST S TE DEVELOPAE VT D ..ASA T RIDGE S TE GRAD G, DRAI SAG A D EROS 0 CO TROL INDEX OF DRAWINGS DESCRIPTION DRAWING NO. TITLE SHEET G -1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS PLAN PD -1 - PD -3 GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS GD -1 & GD -2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLES DS -1 & DS -2 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS EC1 - EC4 JURISDICTIONAL WATERS IMPACTS STREAMS I ntermittent Perennial (Liner Feet) (Liner Feet) 136 136 255 0 255 0 JORDAN BUFFER Zone 1 Zone 2 PONDS (Square Feet) _%-4s.A DESCRIPTION 0 0 25-3 7 ?n,0&r% ❑ 0 30,492 Impacted Area °Fill Above Pond 0 33,016 25,143 0 (Ac.) (Cubic Yards) 0 0 0 Permanent 3.433 174,250 2,950 Sheet PDA Pond E -1 (3.43 Acres) 1,540 2,950 Temporary 0 -- Sheet PD -1 E -2 54 A 0 .cres Pond ( } Permanent 0.54 '1 A,30n Temporary 0 -- Sheet PD -1 E -3 0.91 Acres Pond ( } Permanent 0.91 68,300 Temporary 0 -- Sheet PD -1 Pond E-4 1 08 acres ( � Permanent 1.08 53,700 Temporary 0 -- Sheet PD -1 E 62 A Pond 0 5 - Acres) (' } Permanent ❑ 0 Temporary 0 0 w Sheet PD -3 Stream SAC Permanent -- -- REVISIONS Temporary -- -- Permanent 5.96 315,550 aTotal Temporary 0 -- � w w designated in "Stream Quality Assesment Worksheet" dated October 10, 2012 w *As N Q . o *Measured to the outer limits of associated Jordan Buffer- Zone 2 M 0 I-` m NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION STREAMS I ntermittent Perennial (Liner Feet) (Liner Feet) 136 136 255 0 255 0 JORDAN BUFFER Zone 1 Zone 2 (Square Feet) (Square Feet) _%-4s.A 36,792 0 0 25-3 7 ?n,0&r% ❑ 0 30,492 23,654 0 0 33,016 25,143 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,930 11,324 1,540 2,950 159,099 116,998 1,540 2,950 �x ROCKINGHAM COUNTY .Y r FORSYTH COUNTY PIEDMONT TRIAD WINSTO/N _ , _ INTERNATIONAL ',�� -- SALEM.� AIRPORT t I 1 I ' DAVIDSON HIGH POINT COUNTY IV:11►►►I:lVX-11 Total Removal Total Removal Total Removal Total Removal Not Disturbed GUILFORD COUNTY GREENSBORO _._.— r_._._. I 85 r 1 V I C I N I TY MAP TI PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1 OOOA Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, INC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665-5694 www.flyfrompti.com a Q J Q Z O Q z W z 0 Q z O W a Z W O J W � � W W D w W = U) ~ W C/) J W ~ 2 O Z '' ►► ►4111111111► - SEAL - - 027429 - •. NG I NE . •� Illr1,11,1 + ►� DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 10 N A LI www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -15 00 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET G�l OF G -1 r— I J U I I y„•• � -- - - ❑ 4 c_—) G `' 1 �,w .......... _ ^.�+:•.••• _ `-ter r_ —Cr _r +r i , ti's - �~r! .F —► �-• ra — .._.._. ..w __ -- ....r... sR 21-�" �^ SOUTH CAMPUS GRADING LIMITS ; NORTH CAMPUS GRADING LIMITS ! ? „.••• -'` —c - — ^y - - - -- .. ._—. - c-- +`-- - • zo +oo 15 +00 �� I �' - - - _ _ _ - - - - -t5fa0 ~ _`- r 20 +00 ``- ••_.._ -..i l`. NCDOT PROJECT ��k0� a-�- t_ �- - t - _ .. � :.... _,y - c- F_ ,_ -..: - 1- t -M -M_ - _ 1 - UNDER CONSTRUCTION ; SOUTH CAMPUS DRIVE NORTH CAMPUS DRIVE �- ►► (BY OTHERS) , I ► I • i r C 9 C 3 + 1 C 3 at C f 0 PROPOSED PROPOSED PARKING n q n PROPOSED Ulrrlla BLDG. (Typ) J J OFFICE BLDG. 1 C) q (� ` •` O / ' PROPOSED - ► PROPOSED PROPOSED NORTH CAMPUS HANGAR HANGAR APRON Proposed Site = 60 1 Ac. PROPOSED a POE 25 +011.0 HANGAR �'`-• , ` -` ' ►� •�, s;i • , r' � SEE POND IMPACTS ” � .�°• � ��. i SOUTH CAMPUS TABLE THIS SHEET N. A '_ 4 gyp} i r� i s..-- .'�•� _.,.0 // �' rr� OPOSED n -� - - - ,' ►= sue- •� _ ~. t lI' I M POND 1 ► �% a ` �� ,, r`� _ �.L -.: POE 19 +00.00 ►` ; `` ; - ' ` . �, 6 ��.`~ ° PROPOSED Ir l APRON PROPOSED PROPOSED i ' b. • a ► ■ ' ► SWM POND ° + r ° .E� I ► HANGAR ► � I _use. � 1 - ► ► 46 .000 � a a � a 1/"�4►f I ►� ❑ ❑❑ r Existing `__ - - - - -- -- - -- - - -' _,..i ►� - -_ _-------------- +____ +•' ID Pond Area _- - - -tip` Crr irrr__�___---�• ► ► _ r +- -_'` +— SCT - CT_ ■ . TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN 3.43 0.54 L jji +L 11 1 1 ' w Ift w a 10- z 4A. 494 Q J Er www W H J O V) < . 0 I-= ° 1i � NO. DATE BY � 4A -61c� REVISIONS DESCRIPTION PROPOSED TAXIWAY GRADING LIMITS - - - -- 145 +00 r 1 �r r W 140 +00 1 1 1 PROPOSED CROSS -FIELD TAXIWAY 1 1 1 ■ 1 i 135 +00 15 +0 - �. r CROSSFIELD -CFT- STA 146 +73.89 = t CONNECTOR -SCT- STA I0 +00.00 j CONNECTOR -NCT- STA I0 +00.00 r i = r IT � • y PROPOSED TAXIWAY �. GRADING LIMITS � sp 1 I - " 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 ► i r 1 TAXIWA Y CONS TRUCTION VIStUMUG Area = 25.7AC. ♦, �• ` o ' MATCH LINE TIWSTA 130 +00 - SEE SHEET PD -2 200 100 0 200 SCALE IN FEET 1 •. ` Ilk 1 i PROPOSED TAXIWAY I elllllZl' __ R I SER BAREL 1.08 u.vc LEGEND ............... EXISTING PTIA PROPERTY LINE NCDOT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE — ; — — NCDOT CONTROLLED ACCESS ROW -- C-- - -F - -- PROPOSED SITE GRADING LIMITS EXI STI N G WETLAN DS - - - PERENNIAL STREAM — INTERMITTENT STREAM - -- -- - -- --- 501FT JORDAN BUFFER (30' ZONE 1) T 5OFT JORDAN BUFFER (20' ZONE 2) EXISTING CONTOUR 835 PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATION PROPOSED POND REMOVAL PROPOSED DRAINAGE POND IMPACTS TABLE Jordan Buffer Jordan Buffer 30' Zone 1 20' Zone 2 Remarks (s.f.) (s.f.) 50.354 36.792 TOTAL REMOVAL 25.307 20.085 • 30.492 23.654 • 33.016 25.143 • tt.tuo IIi.0 I U NOT DISTURBED r ► r r 1 1 1 1 it 1 THE TEMPORARY BASIN SHALL BE REMOVED AND REGRADED FOR POSITIVE 1 DRAINAGE UPON COMPLETION i OF THE PROJECT. i 1 1 -LIMIT OF BASIN GRADING ► '�. PROPOSED TAXIWAY) �.� i.,�r �fi5' SPILLWAY WITH % GRADING LIMITS •�' TYPE II EROSION CONTROL MATTING EXISTING DRAINAGE TO BE REMO D. 50' Jordan Buffer (20' Zone 2) r � 50' Jordan Buffer 30' Zo 1 QUTFALL PROTECTION $, ; 50 25 0 50 , Existing Perenial Stream SCALE IN FEET k, `�. `•� TEMPORARY BASIN OUTFACE PLAN . A a 04P T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 10DOA Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com � z O J CL a � z cn W .J a o° � w Z w Ww � ~ O Z (n J QU) > .W W �2 D Z� � 00 O 2Z a D O W � .�``,� �,• CA !4011 ¢4oF ESSIp �' 2 Q i - SEAL - 027429 < •.!VCINE.• •� DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN WA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET PD�l OF PD -3 i w Ift w Q ter z f14 f14 Q J Er www W H J O V]Q.O = 0 LL M NO. DATE BY REVISION MATCH LINE TIW STA 130 +00 - SEE SHEET PDA oet � r •,'`• ,. PROPOSED TAXIWAY + \ �•• j STREAM CROSSING SEE SHEET PD -3 ! 125 +00 TEMPORARY " ; �j j '•�. SEDIMENT BASINS I 1 t y ••y ` I � „' 1 NCDOT PROJECT %% UNDER CONSTRUCTION ', (BY OTHERS) 40 JWEPH M. SWAN &VD % 20+00 _ �* = .� jp I ■ C f /rte"" � _� -- i '' —',.• '`.= or 115 +00 -► '�� • •• � "'+h' .r i � III I! N ROPOSED CROSS -FIELD TAXIWAY I TAXIWA Y CONSTRUCTION { DisturbedArea = 32 6Ac. Ii - 110 +00 ; ± 11! j I I I I �)ti I PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS ti _ �• , � � � �- rte___ —err - f —` • • `��. �.,, /� 130 +00 2 — r I WG _ � - -- �o� ±oo ----------------- 110+00 ------------ �' ---=----------- - -�20+ ------------ ---- - - - -___ ---- - - - - -- -- -+ PROPOSED TAXIWAY'G' i FutureTaxiwa -G -------------- - - - - -- - -- I------- - - - - -- -TWO -- l .� ------------------------------- - - - - - � .► � I - - - -- _ CR055FIELD -CFT- S TA 105 +15.83 ----- - - - - -- • — _— _-- - - - - - — T WG— S T A I 23 +39.7 6 :� = --- ■ � I III I 1 . J ■� .' .'�. ■' i -TWG- STA 140 +82.72 = � I �•'� �•'�.�� I; RUNWAY 5L -23 STA 134 +52.50 DESCRIPTION I� II IL II II II li II Rurway 5L -23R II II II - II I Tq#war �I II II I v R' NW CONNECTOR TAXIWAY TO BRIDGE ACROSS I -73 200 100 0 200 SCALE IN FEET III% s` LEGEND ............... EXISTING PTIA PROPERTY LINE NCDOT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE — ; — — NCDOT CONTROLLED ACCESS ROW ----- - - - - -• PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS EXISTING WETLANDS PERENNIAL STREAM — — — INTERMITTENT STREAM - -- -- - -- --- 50FT JORDAN BUFFER (30' ZONE 1) 50FT JORDAN BUFFER [20' ZONE 2] EXISTING CONTOUR — 835— PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 694 www.flyfrompti.com oZ _z Uj J � ~ U ZO � 0 LU � zw z LU O Ww � Z (n� - O Uj � J a W > W �= O H� O Z � W 00 �Z O W O� ,� \A C A R pI , ¢ . 4oF ESSIp �' 2 _— SEAL —_ 027429 { •.!UG I NE . •� J. ,II DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN WA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET PD�2 OF PD -3 I w fa w Q ter z f14 f14 Q J Ir W W W W H J O V]Q.O 1i NO. DATE BY REVISIONS DESCRIPTION TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN Existing Perennial Stream I / J f r co to o ■ ■ • 1 ' r1 00 r �k y.. _ SEE CULVERT , PROFILE BELOW r ►4 r X - TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN >� + 00 00 • � r�r • 1-01 �r rr �" rr� � .r ►� �r - r - I ` PROPOSED--- CROSS -FIELD TAXIWAY i JYJ pro - - r I►■ ■ ❑ ❑lA A 21 jk,�� ■ ■ P., 4, e� °o +o r FAVAI ■ e;* A o do co v r ► ■ r .400 ~� Existing Intermittent Stream PROPOSED 36" RCP CULVERT @ 5.7% Perennial Stream Impact = 255 L.F. '• Intermittent Stream Impact =136 L.F. �. SEE "STREAMBED DETAIL" BELOW � �rr..r-• CID Qa •r _ r► vFµ ■ PROPOSED TAXIWAY GRADING LIMITS f' .r NO ^� Vr ► _r- K - V $N_ . PROPOSED 36" CULVERT AT TAXIWAY STREAM CROSSING 890 880 PROPOSED GRADE - 870 ►� 860 2' l 850 Match Existing @ Sta. 0 +25 (+/.) 840 50 25 0 50 SCALE IN FEET rPROPOSED TAXIWAY I � r r ! L1NKI— ExWing Ground :•r r- Match Existing 880 ' @ Sta. 4 +03 ( +1 -) 870 850 - 850 SCALE Horizontal: 1" = 50' : Vertical: 1" = 10' 840 0 +00 1 +00 2 +00 3 +00 4 +00 5 +00 PROPOSED CULVERT PROFILE Circular Culvert 12 w j LEGEND --------- - - - - -- EXISTING PTIA PROPERTY LINE NCDOT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE — ; — — NCDOT CONTROLLED ACCESS ROW ----- - - - - -- PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS EXISTING WETLANDS PERENNIAL STREAM — — — INTERMITTENT STREAM - -- -- - -- --- 50FT JORDAN BUFFER (30' ZONE 1) — 50FT JORDAN BUFFER (20' ZONE 2) Invert 50' Jordan Buffer (30' Zone 1 } Permanent Impact = 19,930 s.L i 50' Jordan Buffer (30' Zone 1 } Temporary Impact = 1,540 s.f. J ❑ p 50' Jordan Buffer (20' Zone 2) ❑ ❑ ❑ Permanent Impact = 11,324 s.f. n X X X X X X X X X 50' Jordan Buffer (20' Zone 2) X " X " X " X " X Temporary Impact = 2,950 s.f. X x X x Rise (Diameter) STREAMBED DETAIL Not To Scale T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com EXISTING CONTOUR 835 PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT O PROPOSED DRAINAGE Invert 50' Jordan Buffer (30' Zone 1 } Permanent Impact = 19,930 s.L i 50' Jordan Buffer (30' Zone 1 } Temporary Impact = 1,540 s.f. J ❑ p 50' Jordan Buffer (20' Zone 2) ❑ ❑ ❑ Permanent Impact = 11,324 s.f. n X X X X X X X X X 50' Jordan Buffer (20' Zone 2) X " X " X " X " X Temporary Impact = 2,950 s.f. X x X x Rise (Diameter) STREAMBED DETAIL Not To Scale T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com C A RpI'f ¢4oF fSSIp 'y _— SEAL —_ 027429 { •.!UGIN ... � E . •� RRY, '� , L��,``, DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN WA CHECKED S.O. 1 N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336 )931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET PD OF PD -3 Z O �z a Uj J Z � O; � Qw � Z� w Z cn o Q f) (Uj w w �= o z� ° O O cn �z O o � w o a C A RpI'f ¢4oF fSSIp 'y _— SEAL —_ 027429 { •.!UGIN ... � E . •� RRY, '� , L��,``, DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN WA CHECKED S.O. 1 N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336 )931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET PD OF PD -3 ►�', a 0 r w fa w a 10- z 4A. 494 Q J Er www W H J 0 V) < . 0 M 0 LL M NO. DATE BY Q1_ �QD� 4A� 0 r I I _Lj�•i, s --Row -' MINE ........................... ...T a,,,r_r± Rn 24' BST r� M o SEE P CD o _ � -� - 5 y� > > » --BERM DITCH »: _ - -� O `� - .' y f NCDOT PROJECT UNDER CONSTRUCTION (BY OTHERS) r PROPOSED SOUTH CAMPUS DRIVE i .r REVISIONS DESCRIPTION -M- STA 10 +00.00 N 867129.5430 E 1718130.7632 r r STA 14 +00.00 = � SCD- STA 10 +00.00 2, THIS SHEET + --NCD- STA 10 +00.00 O N 866839.2307 + ' (TYP} -- E 1718405.9336 ill •_ Baal 1 I� .� � t t �I _ - rr y1U , If 0— ;IFM(195x30x3.5 MIND- VA i�� —� —' I 1 — I — f -1 — 1 — — I — 1 — < �- 920 7BASE DITCH 10' BASE DITCH TRAP (290 x 45 x 2) I r S513 557 J BASE DITCH 556 _ 555 p � 5 546 fT � I ! _ S51 _ S45 POS E D PARKI N G AREA r r S50 _ r PROPOSED OFFICE BLDG. PR OSED PARKING AREA 549 ,; � 843 ss5 I o K I o� + 560 30+0Q S42 2 S32 iJ ee �� I, I C #559 E DrrCH } S41 _ 54T ' Iri 910 � 535 — �• _ S380- I e � / , F END BASELINE TRAP �--r� a a - a . - a . - +O�NLII a . - S34 S33 X531 -CD- 1 7.1 (130x20x2.5] S 3+16 ' N CD- 865286.3181 31 7.1 - ° ❑ ❑ ❑ SEE NOTE 1, THIS SHEET - ° ° ° E 1717637.3046 (NP} a . ..Y -I 4 4 - ❑ - • ❑ - • ❑ - 4 - ❑ - ❑ 4 ❑ PROPOSED HANGAR a ❑ ❑ 4 ❑ 4 ❑ 4 ❑ a ❑ a PROPOSED HANGAR I r I 4 4 4 _ . ° _ . 4 II l C r m 4 a a a a a a a � _ `f 8-30) = I I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ° ❑ ° ❑ n ❑ ❑ 11 rl rl . mm f • ❑ ❑ _ ❑ _ ❑ _ ❑ 4 _ 4 _ 4 _ 4 m N 4 ❑ 4 ❑ - - ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ] 4 .I 4 4 a a _ a _ PROPOSED CONCRETE APRON a _- a _ I a . . . . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 PROPOSED SWM POND 4 , 4❑ 4❑ 4" . 4" 4" ❑ 1 4, . 4 o 4. . 4 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 - 4 - 4 - ❑ - ❑ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ 4 ❑ _ ❑ ❑ _ ❑� ❑ 4 r a ❑ ❑ ❑ a 4 a 01111 FALL CHANNEL r TO SWM POND ' r 4 ❑ 4 4 ❑ 4 ❑ 4 g4 ❑ 4 ❑ 4 ❑ 4 - 120' SPILLWAY WITH • S24 TYPE 11 EROSION CONTROL MATTING !' TRAP ' � RAP f 180 x 50 x 21 • ° � (180x�65xx3.5) A ° 526 S2 T57 , f180x65x3.51 ° - i � �• - � .+°'r � 1 " A A A . r ` �"+ t ❑ ❑ ❑ -528 - - - - -- � i 4.411 --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- A - - -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /___ 100 50 0 100 �`� FUTURE TAXIWA Y(SEE SHEET PD 9J SCALE IN FEET �`. -- -_ -__ --- - -------------/-------- LEGEND - ••- ••- •• -•• - -- EXISTING PTIA PROPERTY LINE T NCDOT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE — ; — — NCDOT CONTROLLED ACCESS ROW (Detail 3, Sheet EC-1) -- C - - - -F -- PROPOSED SITE GRADING LIMITS EXISTING WETLANDS - - - PERENNIAL STREAM — — — INTERMITTENT STREAM — 50FT JORDAN BUFFER -- EXISTING CONTOUR 835 PROPOSED CONTOUR UTRAP (L x w x D) PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATION SEDIMENT BASIN S1 D.A. =69.86 Ac. 10 YR Q= 364.55 cfs REQ'D SEDIMENT STORAGE = 122,065.7 CF DESIGN SEDIMENT STORAGE = 325,512.19 CF REQ'D SURFACE AREA = 158,578.4 SF DESIGN SURFACE AREA = 168,693.44 SF TRAP DIMENSIONS =600' L x 250'W x 2'D WEIR LENGTH =120' BOTTOM ELEVATION =890.0 NOTE: 1. SEE SHEET DS -1 FOR SOUTH CAMPUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLES. 2. SEE SHEET EC -2 FOR TEMPORARY BMP DESIGN DATA. ,.A&4p'T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com Z a J CL 0 0 CL _ Z � .j 2 ::) 0 QEL aU �� QO Qw =O �0 �w I.. F. 0 C) zcn oz °a_ wa � W 0 z 0z z� �z o 0 W z a o c� \A C A R pI , ¢4oF ESSIp �' 2 _- SEAL -_ 027429 { •. !UG I N' .• •� J. DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN UA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336 )931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET GD�l OF GD -2 T PROPOSED DRAINAGE GRAVEL CONSTR. ENTRANCE (Detail 3, Sheet EC-1) STREAM BUFFER DELINEATION FENCE (ORANGE SAFETY FENCE) SEDIMENT FENCE (Detail 2, Sheet EC -1) TEMPORARY DIVERSION CHANNEL —FLOW (Detail 4, Sheet EC -2) UTRAP (L x w x D) TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN (Detail 2, Sheet EC -2) BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION 13 (Detail 1, Sheet EC -3) Agah ROCK DOUGHNUT INLET PROTECTION (Detail 3, Sheet EC-4) ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION (Detail 1, Sheet EC -4) ROCK CHECK DAM (Detail 4, Sheet EC -3) T SD TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN (Detail 2, Sheet EC-4) CONTROL MATTING K038EROSION (Detail 1, Sheet EC-1) ONVAM RIP RAP CHANNEL LINING SEDIMENT BASIN S1 D.A. =69.86 Ac. 10 YR Q= 364.55 cfs REQ'D SEDIMENT STORAGE = 122,065.7 CF DESIGN SEDIMENT STORAGE = 325,512.19 CF REQ'D SURFACE AREA = 158,578.4 SF DESIGN SURFACE AREA = 168,693.44 SF TRAP DIMENSIONS =600' L x 250'W x 2'D WEIR LENGTH =120' BOTTOM ELEVATION =890.0 NOTE: 1. SEE SHEET DS -1 FOR SOUTH CAMPUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLES. 2. SEE SHEET EC -2 FOR TEMPORARY BMP DESIGN DATA. ,.A&4p'T1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com Z a J CL 0 0 CL _ Z � .j 2 ::) 0 QEL aU �� QO Qw =O �0 �w I.. F. 0 C) zcn oz °a_ wa � W 0 z 0z z� �z o 0 W z a o c� \A C A R pI , ¢4oF ESSIp �' 2 _- SEAL -_ 027429 { •. !UG I N' .• •� J. DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN UA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 77409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336 )931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET GD�l OF GD -2 w Ift w a ter z 4A. 494 Q J Er www W H J O V) < . 0 M °1-` M NO. DATE BY ��QD� 4A� u I l LEGEND --------- - - - - -- EXISTING PTIA PROPERTY LINE CD v ' v v r SEE NOTE 2, THIS SHEET +v N (TYP) \ c<cccc _- T59 .CRAP (120x45x2.5) (90x35x2.5) �I "V11 N63 NCD- �" _ Ll1i� W-."" >� N61 1 3 BASE QITGH I+ BASE DITCH` I 51 (i fi5 x 80 x 2.5} c9 2' 70 N99 I EXISTING WETLANDS ,.A&4p'pT1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com PERENNIAL STREAM i l INTERMITTENT STREAM J 50FT JORDAN BUFFER -_.._- _ -- - -`- i EXISTING CONTOUR —835— PROPOSED CONTOUR CL Z PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT W U^ Z ►PROPOSED NORTH CAMPUS DR` I��4 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATION J 0 N49 — w N55 91 D N47 N56 �. �+ r n iN58� �+ PROPOSED DRAINAGE W 0 N4a t ❑ pi N54 N46 — N57 GRAVEL CONSTR. ENTRANCE W PR ED PARKING AREA } ' + -� (Detail 3, Sheet EC-1) LU LU � 0 _ ❑ N53 _ N45 >I ! / z PROPOSED _ P•- - - OFFICE BLDG. STREAM BUFFER DELINEATION Z 011 P 5ED PARKING AREA [ N FENCE (ORANGE SAFETY FENCE) ❑ N52 . M4 ►,,� �. ❑ W W o SEDIMENT FENCE V! (Detail 2, Sheet EC-1) _ W 'n 0 0 N51 r H42 � i � � 1. 3: 0. < TEMPORARY DIVERSION CHANNEL -4-FLOW ] (Detail 4, Sheet EC-2) 0 Z N39 N38 N50 N41 7 BASE DITCH � N33 _ N � TRAP L x W x D TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN (Detail 2 Sheet EC-2) ❑ - - - u - ., N36 N35 N34 ,� � f END BASELINE BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION 0 0 ❑ d a a a a d d d q -NCB- 28 +88. (Detail 1, Sheet EC -3} 74 l ? SEE NOTE 1, THIS SHEET - - N 867364.9183 1 z " W 4 a a • ❑ • ❑ (TYP} a • a • - ❑ • - ❑ ❑ - ❑ E 1719830.514 N31 ROCK DOUGHNUT INLET PROTECTION ❑ W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ k ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ (Detail 3, Sheet EC -4) 1 ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION ❑ 4 4 W - - - - 4' (Detail 1, Sheet ECG) LU ❑ . ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ C `,, ROCK CHECK DAM a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ❑ . a ❑ ` (Detail 4, Sheet EC -3) TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN W - - - • • T 5D (Detail 2, Sheet EC-4) Z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROPOSED CONCRETE APRON ❑ ❑ ❑ . , J a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a a ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROPOSED HANGAR ` . ` EROSION CONTROL MATTING . ► ►► " " "' ►► ► ►, '� (Detail 1 Sheet EC -1 } , '� C A , RIP RAP CHANNEL LINING SEAL i ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ lip i 12OW066WAY WITH ❑ - ❑ - - 51 TRAP (220 x 35 x 2.5) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - f IP TYPE II EROSION '�. CONTROL MATTING s i I OLFFALL CHANNEL r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . ❑ TO SWM POND_ t `� I WETLAND NOT TO BE DISTURBED _ y {��_ I , a ❑ ❑ ❑ a r ` —aI I y PROPOSED 5WM POND �-' SEDIMENT BASIN N1 L t ; W i r - .: ❑ PROPOSED HANGAR ❑ ❑ ❑ i D.A. =62.24 Ac. + Q-Q y I i,;� L 4 4 - 4 10 YR q= 328.04 cfs + I I REq D SEDIMENT STORAGE= 112,025.8 CF .� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ i i W I 11 DESIGN SEDIMENT STORAGE = 276,819.15 CF r y I I '- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ REQ'D SURFACE AREA= 142,695.71 SF �`. I �-_ ❑ ❑ i r I I � _ _ • + DESIGN SURFACE AREA= 143,149.98 SF ❑ 51 ❑ TRAP (180 x 80 x 3.5) N24 TRAP DIMENSIONS =545' L x 245'W x 2'D '0 N28 L TRAP 1220 x 35 x 2.51 Q Q N25 BOTTOM [ OL ELEVATIO, N= 2. �T N2fi ❑ 88 0 1 ► I 1' l REVISIONS >>Z>> J �► r' ! ' NOTE: Pond 1vo 50 0 100 1. SEE SHEET DS -2 FOR NORTH CAMPUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLES. N11 , 2. SEE SHEET EC -2 FOR TEMPORARY BMP DESIGN DATA. DESCRIPTION SCALE IN FEET 027429 { •. "VC I NE . •� f f ,� ►�� ►� i J. s P ► ► ►�► DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN UA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 1 n N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET (,.i n 144mor MINEW OF GD -2 NCDOT RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE • • • — ; — — NCDOT CONTROLLED ACCESS ROW _ _- • ..--�� -- C - - - -F- PROPOSED SITE GRADING LIMITS - ..��• -- - -r _r -- SR 2133 PLEASANT RIDGE RD 24' BST r- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- - -, CD v ' v v r SEE NOTE 2, THIS SHEET +v N (TYP) \ c<cccc _- T59 .CRAP (120x45x2.5) (90x35x2.5) �I "V11 N63 NCD- �" _ Ll1i� W-."" >� N61 1 3 BASE QITGH I+ BASE DITCH` I 51 (i fi5 x 80 x 2.5} c9 2' 70 N99 I EXISTING WETLANDS ,.A&4p'pT1 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com PERENNIAL STREAM i l INTERMITTENT STREAM J 50FT JORDAN BUFFER -_.._- _ -- - -`- i EXISTING CONTOUR —835— PROPOSED CONTOUR CL Z PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVEMENT W U^ Z ►PROPOSED NORTH CAMPUS DR` I��4 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATION J 0 N49 — w N55 91 D N47 N56 �. �+ r n iN58� �+ PROPOSED DRAINAGE W 0 N4a t ❑ pi N54 N46 — N57 GRAVEL CONSTR. ENTRANCE W PR ED PARKING AREA } ' + -� (Detail 3, Sheet EC-1) LU LU � 0 _ ❑ N53 _ N45 >I ! / z PROPOSED _ P•- - - OFFICE BLDG. STREAM BUFFER DELINEATION Z 011 P 5ED PARKING AREA [ N FENCE (ORANGE SAFETY FENCE) ❑ N52 . M4 ►,,� �. ❑ W W o SEDIMENT FENCE V! (Detail 2, Sheet EC-1) _ W 'n 0 0 N51 r H42 � i � � 1. 3: 0. < TEMPORARY DIVERSION CHANNEL -4-FLOW ] (Detail 4, Sheet EC-2) 0 Z N39 N38 N50 N41 7 BASE DITCH � N33 _ N � TRAP L x W x D TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN (Detail 2 Sheet EC-2) ❑ - - - u - ., N36 N35 N34 ,� � f END BASELINE BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION 0 0 ❑ d a a a a d d d q -NCB- 28 +88. (Detail 1, Sheet EC -3} 74 l ? SEE NOTE 1, THIS SHEET - - N 867364.9183 1 z " W 4 a a • ❑ • ❑ (TYP} a • a • - ❑ • - ❑ ❑ - ❑ E 1719830.514 N31 ROCK DOUGHNUT INLET PROTECTION ❑ W ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ k ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ a ❑ ❑ (Detail 3, Sheet EC -4) 1 ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION ❑ 4 4 W - - - - 4' (Detail 1, Sheet ECG) LU ❑ . ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ C `,, ROCK CHECK DAM a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ ❑ . a ❑ ` (Detail 4, Sheet EC -3) TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN W - - - • • T 5D (Detail 2, Sheet EC-4) Z ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROPOSED CONCRETE APRON ❑ ❑ ❑ . , J a ❑ a ❑ a ❑ a a ❑ a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ PROPOSED HANGAR ` . ` EROSION CONTROL MATTING . ► ►► " " "' ►► ► ►, '� (Detail 1 Sheet EC -1 } , '� C A , RIP RAP CHANNEL LINING SEAL i ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ lip i 12OW066WAY WITH ❑ - ❑ - - 51 TRAP (220 x 35 x 2.5) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - ❑ - f IP TYPE II EROSION '�. CONTROL MATTING s i I OLFFALL CHANNEL r ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ . ❑ TO SWM POND_ t `� I WETLAND NOT TO BE DISTURBED _ y {��_ I , a ❑ ❑ ❑ a r ` —aI I y PROPOSED 5WM POND �-' SEDIMENT BASIN N1 L t ; W i r - .: ❑ PROPOSED HANGAR ❑ ❑ ❑ i D.A. =62.24 Ac. + Q-Q y I i,;� L 4 4 - 4 10 YR q= 328.04 cfs + I I REq D SEDIMENT STORAGE= 112,025.8 CF .� ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ i i W I 11 DESIGN SEDIMENT STORAGE = 276,819.15 CF r y I I '- ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ REQ'D SURFACE AREA= 142,695.71 SF �`. I �-_ ❑ ❑ i r I I � _ _ • + DESIGN SURFACE AREA= 143,149.98 SF ❑ 51 ❑ TRAP (180 x 80 x 3.5) N24 TRAP DIMENSIONS =545' L x 245'W x 2'D '0 N28 L TRAP 1220 x 35 x 2.51 Q Q N25 BOTTOM [ OL ELEVATIO, N= 2. �T N2fi ❑ 88 0 1 ► I 1' l REVISIONS >>Z>> J �► r' ! ' NOTE: Pond 1vo 50 0 100 1. SEE SHEET DS -2 FOR NORTH CAMPUS DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLES. N11 , 2. SEE SHEET EC -2 FOR TEMPORARY BMP DESIGN DATA. DESCRIPTION SCALE IN FEET 027429 { •. "VC I NE . •� f f ,� ►�� ►� i J. s P ► ► ►�► DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN UA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 1 n N A L www.mbakednti.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET (,.i n 144mor MINEW OF GD -2 w w Q �z Q:�www W I- Jr-') cn Q O ° NO. DATE BY REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE PTI PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY I.D. NORTHING EASTING DESCRIPTION TOP EL. INV. IN INV. OUT REMARKS I.D. NORTHING EASTING DESCRIPTION TOP EL. INV. IN INV. OUT REMARKS PIEDMONT TRIAD S67 866320.6625 1717716.115 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 936.33 921.15 S40 865703.7208 1717931.975 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 915.99 912.45 AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway 15" RCP Class III 921.15 918.04 12" RCP Class III 912.45 911.85 Greensboro, NC 27409 S66 866245.6268 1717733.149 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 921.33 918.04 917.13 S39 865496.9234 1717393.594 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 914.78 909.80 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 24" RCP Class III 917.13 914.78 24" RCP Class III 909.80 908.32 www.flyfrompti.com S64 865670.9927 1717460.242 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 916.59 912.78 S38 865279.1914 1717599.969 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 912.41 908.32 908.22 18" RCP Class III 912.78 911.44 24" RCP Class III 908.22 905.46 S63 865619.4412 1717509.063 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 915.77 911.44 911.34 S37 865394.7434 1717722.041 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 911.35 903.99 18" RCP Class III 911.34 910.00 903.99 (24 ") See S59 ") r n S62 865567.9108 1717557.905 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 914.96 910.00 909.90 905.46 (24 �+ W 18" RCP Class III 909.90 908.56 42" RCP Class III 903.99 902.19 J S61 865516.3803 1717606.748 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 914.14 908.56 908.46 S36 865645.4711 1717987.229 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 909.67 902.19 902.09 M 24 "RCP Class III 908.46 907.12 42" RCP Class III 902.09 900.60 O S65 865439.6695 1717608.994 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 913.07 909.17 S35 865853.1737 1718206.361 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 908.27 900.60 900.50 15" RCP Class III 907.02 908.11 See S60 42" RCP Class III 900.50 898.59 Z W S60 865464.8499 1717655.591 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 913.33 907.02 S34 866119.6721 1718487.524 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 906.45 898.49 Q< W fy 908.11 (15 ") See S65 902.33 (24 ") See S47 � � J 907.12 (24 ") 898.59 (42 ") 24" RCP Class III 907.02 905.68 48" RCP Class III 898.49 896.94 O r , S59 865413.3195 1717704.434 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 912.51 905.68 905.58 S33 866337.076 1718716.066 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 904.96 896.84 O J 24" RCP Class III 905.58 903.99 See S37 900.96 (24 ") See S41 n/ S58 865938.8423 1717644.649 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 920.36 914.55 896.94 (48 ") 1.•.•�` 15" RCP Class III 914.55 914.42 54" RCP Class III 896.84 896.42 < w Z S57 865961.3518 1717668.398 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 920.38 914.42 914.32 S32 866426.1825 1718702.124 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 908.07 904.07 Q ' I W 15" RCP Class III 914.32 913.98 12" RCP Class III 904.07 902.46 See S31 Uj (D W S56 865922.8881 1717728.278 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 916.90 913.98 913.88 S31 866398.8441 1718782.058 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 904.57 896.32 L U) 15" RCP Class III 913.88 912.37 902.46 (12 ") See S32 Z Z U) S55 866141.6861 1717941.167 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 917.32 914.39 896.42 (54 ") _ 15" RCP Class III 914.39 914.35 60" RCP Class III 896.32 894.32 ry Q �U) V J S54 866133.1219 1717949.283 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 916.90 912.27 S30 866104.5045 1719061.004 Precast Manhole (NCDOT Std 840.54) 906.48 894.32 894.22 W Q 912.37 (15 ") See S56 60" RCP Class III 894.22 893.91 ^ ") V J 914.35 (15 S29 866039.3985 1719065.666 Precast Concrete Endwall, 60" (NCDOT Std 838.80) 899.91 893.91 � T 15" RCP Class III 912.27 911.85 S28 864553.6832 1718264.937 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 908.99 904.05 + z r S53 866066.0224 1718004.614 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 915.42 911.85 911.75 18" RCP Class III 904.05 901.79 Z 0 15" RCP Class III 911.75 910.39 S27 864713.6729 1718433.752 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 908.81 901.79 901.69 O O S52 866391.6961 1718229.646 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 914.26 910.79 30" RCP Class iii 901.69 899.43 "RCP 15 Class III 910.79 910.02 S26 864873.6626 1718602.566 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 908.48 899.43 899.33 ` ` v S51 866340.1656 1718278.489 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 913.45 910.02 910.02 42" RCP Class III 899.33 898.21 W 18" RCP Class III 909.92 909.15 S25 865028.9504 1718766.42 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 908.33 898.24 898.14 S50 866288.6352 1718327.332 Catch Basin, Open Throat NCDOT Std 840.04 912.63 909.15 909.05 48' RCP Class III 898.14 896.16 ^^ 18" RCP Class III 909.05 908.28 S24 865266.7147 1718941.56 Precast Concrete Endwall, 48" (NCDOT Std 838.80) 902.23 896.93 O S49 866237.1048 1718376.175 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 911.82 908.28 908.18 U) 18" RCP Class III 908.18 905.91 S48 866185.5743 1718425.017 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 911.00 905.91 905.27 24" RCP Class III 905.27 902.99 S47 866134.0439 1718473.86 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 910.19 902.99 902.89 "CvA'R� �\N 24" RCP Class III 902.89 902.33 See S34 F ° 0 °° / ESS/ \ = Q ° 1 ; S46 866613.3048 1718454.245 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 911.91 907.88 9 < °�� SEAL 15" RCP Class III 907.88 907.11 = 027429 = S45 866561.7743 1718503.088 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 911.09 907.11 907.01 ° FN G I NE 18 RCP Class III 907.01 906.24 /1 111110 S44 866510.2439 1718551.931 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 910.28 906.24 906.14 18" RCP Class III 906.10 905.37 DCT DCT S43 866458.7135 1718600.774 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 909.46 905.37 905.27 DESIGNED DRAWN 18" RCP Class III 905.27 903.66 LJA CHECKED S.O. S42 866407.183 1718649.616 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 908.65 903.66 903.06 24" RCP Class III 903.06 901.45 Michael Baker S41 866355.6526 1718698.459 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 907.83 901.45 901.35 I N T E R N A T 10 N A L 24" RCP Class III 901.35 900.96 See S33 www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET DS-1 OF DS -2 w w Q �z Q:�www W 1- Jr-') cn Q O ° NO. DATE BY REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNAT10NAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, INC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET DS�2 OF DS -2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLET PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY I.D. NORTHING EASTING DESCRIPTION TOP EL. INV. IN INV. OUT REMARKS I.D. NORTHING EASTING DESCRIPTION TOP EL. INV. IN INV. OUT REMARKS PIEDMONT TRIAD N63 867180.7225 1718702.275 Precast Concrete Endwall, 30" (NCDOT Std 838.80) 916.85 913.04 N40 866866.6522 1719168.103 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 907.07 904.79 AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway 30" RCP Class III 913.04 910.57 15" RCP Class III 904.79 904.49 Greensboro, NC 27409 N62 867110.1911 1718769.128 Precast Concrete Endwall, 30 " (NCDOT Std 838.80) 914.38 910.57 N39 866445.4064 1718830.093 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 907.08 904.57 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 N61 867391.5151 1719100.085 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 906.02 902.02 15" RCP Class III 904.57 902.89 www.flyfrompti.com 30" RCP Class III 902.02 900.06 N38 866612.6932 1719006.586 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 905.47 902.89 902.79 N60 867379.6485 1719190.904 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 909.89 906.66 15 RCP Class III 902.79 899.45 15" RCP Class III 906.66 905.50 N37 866778.3288 1719181.336 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 903.85 899.35 N59 867311.997 1719175.877 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 909.73 900.86 899.92 (24 ") See N50 ") ") 905.50 (15 See N60 899.45 (15 W 900.06 (30 ") 30" RCP Class III 899.35 894.35 J 30" RCP Class III 900.86 900.78 N36 867023.3415 1719440.655 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 901.51 894.25 M N58 867302.8839 1719184.146 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 908.50 900.78 900.68 896.87 (30 ") See N57 O 30" RCP Class III 900.68 899.85 894.35 30" N57 867236.0582 1719239.033 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 907.22 899.85 899.75 42" RCP Class III 894.25 891.59 z W 30" RCP Class III 899.75 896.87 See N36 N35 867286.8282 1719717.817 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 898.93 891.49 N56 867093.9952 1718963.828 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 908.50 906.51 893.12 (24 ") See N41 J G 15" RCP Class III 906.51 906.09 891.59 (42 ") Z L.L t N55 I 867056.0768 1718921.382 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 912.06 906.09 905.99 48" RCP Class III 891.49 890.92 z0 U I 15 RCP Class III 905.99 905.49 N34 867347.5563 1719781.886 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 898.06 890.82 O J D N54 867004.5463 1718970.225 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 910.99 905.49 905.39 892.69 (24 ") See N48 W r 18" RCP Class III 905.39 904.22 890.92 (48 ") N53 866953.0159 1719019.068 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 909.96 904.22 904.12 54 RCP Class III 890.82 890.45 < w Z 18" RCP Class III 904.12 902.94 N33 867402.0655 1719839.395 Drop Inlet, Type A (NCDOT Std 840.17) 897.69 890.45 890.35 0 w N52 866901.4854 1719067.91 Catch Basin, O pe n Thr oa t (NCDOT Std 8 40.04 ) 908.93 902.94 902.84 54" RCP Class III 890.35 890.14 Uj (D 24" RCP Class III 902.84 901.67 N32 867434.8335 1719873.966 Precast Manhole (NCDOT Std 840.54) 900.69 890.14 890.04 < Z N51 I 866849.955 1719116.753 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 907.91 901.67 901.57 54" RCP Class III 890.04 889.44 Z Cn z I 24 ., RCP Class III 901.57 900.40 N31 867431.4943 1719998.669 Precast Manhole (NCDOT Std 840.54) 896.97 889.44 889.34 N50 866798.4246 1719165.596 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 906.88 900.40 900.30 54" RCP Class III 889.34 888.20 24 RCP Class III 900.30 899.92 See N37 N30 867276.4345 1720174.084 Precast Manhole (NCDOT Std 840.54) 899.69 888.20 888.10 W Q N49 867690.7111 1719549.23 Drop Inlet, Type B (NCDOT Std 840.18) 900.73 895.99 54" RCP Class III 888.10 886.60 24" RCP Class III 895.99 895.21 N29 867057.9566 1720381.167 Precast Concrete Endwall, 54" (NCDOT Std 838.80) 894.10 886.60 � T N48 867585.3371 1719556.508 Drop Inlet Type B NCDOT Std 840.18 p yp ( ) 899.07 895.21 895.11 N28 866161.553 1719961.378 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet NCDOT Std 840.35 g p ( ) 898.60 893.09 y 24" RCP Class III 895.11 892.69 See N34 30" RCP Class III 893.09 890.16 z 0 N47 867564.5761 1719457.863 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 907.41 904.24 N27 866366.4312 1720177.53 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 896.45 890.16 890.06 O O ., 15 RCP Class III 904.24 902.22 30 RCP Class III 890.06 887.13 N46 867513.0457 1719506.706 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 906.38 902.22 902.12 N26 866571.3094 1720393.682 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 894.30 887.13 887.03 ` v 15" RCP Class III 902.12 900.11 48" RCP Class III 887.03 884.93 0 W N45 867461.5152 1719555.548 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 905.35 900.11 900.01 N25 866776.1877 1720609.835 Traffic Bearing Drop Inlet (NCDOT Std 840.35) 892.16 884.93 884.83 15" RCP Class III 900.01 898.00 48" RCP Class III 884.83 884.34 LJ� N44 867409.9848 1719604.391 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 904.32 898.00 897.90 N24 866845.3688 1720617.391 Precast Concrete Endwall, 48" (NCDOT Std 838.80) 885.78 884.34 O 24" RCP Class III 897.90 895.89 See N42 z N43 867401.7201 1719679.012 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 902.99 899.16 15" RCP Class III 899.16 898.06 N42 867356.3116 1719651.957 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 903.29 895.79 898.06 (15 ") C R O 895.89 (24 ") \\A °A S ° ° o� °oFE S /o° �� = o°� �9< ' /= 24" RCP Class III 895.79 893.78 = Q °1. = SEAL - N41 867306.9239 1719702.077 Catch Basin, Open Throat (NCDOT Std 840.04) 902.26 893.78 893.68 = 027429 = 24" RCP Class 111 893.68 893.12 See N35 w w Q �z Q:�www W 1- Jr-') cn Q O ° NO. DATE BY REVISIONS DESCRIPTION DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNAT10NAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, INC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET DS�2 OF DS -2 w w a .E,9-z '69 a_j Q�www �n a o z ° 1L , NO. DATE BY EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. ALL TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS, SILT FENCE, & EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED FOR LAND DISTURBANCE WITHIN A WORK AREA SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK WITHIN THAT WORK AREA. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE ENGINEER AND OWNER A DETAILED CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE. THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND SAFETY PARAMETERS WHICH MUST BE INCORPORATED INTO THE APPROVED SCHEDULE. THE CONTRACTOR'S EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE INCORPORATED IN THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE PLAN. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN ALL MATTERS OF CONTROLLING EROSION, AND COLLECTION OF SEDIMENT WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE. 4. ANY FINES, PENALTIES, OR OTHER COSTS ASSESSED BY STATE, LOCAL OR THE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES FOR NON- PERFORMANCE OF THE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PROJECT AGAINST THE AIRPORT AUTHORITY SHALL BECOME THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR, AND ANY SUCH ASSESSMENTS, IF NOT PAID BY THE CONTRACTOR, WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM MONIES DUE AT THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROJECT. 5. THE ENGINEER MAY DIRECT THAT ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES BE INSTALLED AT ANY TIME AND IN ANY LOCATION AS DEEMED NECESSARY. 6. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF - PRODUCING RAINFALL, BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. 7. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SILT FENCE WHEN IT REACHES 0.5 FEET DEEP. THE EROSION CONTROL BARRIER WILL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. 8. THE DE- WATERING OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WITH SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER DIRECTLY TO STREAMS IS PROHIBITED. 9. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS REQUIRED FOR THE EXCAVATION OF AN UPSTREAM DITCH SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE ELEVATION REQUIRED FOR IT TO BE OPERATIONAL AFTER THE EXCAVATION OF THE DITCH. 10. ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS SHALL PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM ENTERING ANY WETLANDS DURING CLEARING & GRUBBING OPERATIONS / EXCAVATION OPERATIONS. 11. ALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS SHALL HAVE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO RESPECTIVE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURE (TYP.). 12. ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS SHALL PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND ENTERING JURISDICTIONAL WATERS DURING CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS AND DURING EXCAVATIONS OPERATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WITHIN AIRPORT PROPERTY LIMITS FOR THE DURATION OF PROJECT AND UNTIL THE REMOVAL OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES IS APPROVED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES, LAND QUALITY SECTION. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT MUST BE COMPLETED IN SEQUENTIAL ORDER AS LISTED BELOW: 1. CONTACT LAND QUALITY PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PADS. 3. INSTALL SILT FENCE AROUND PERIMETER OF THE SITE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 4. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASINS, SEDIMENT TRAPS, AND DIVERSION DITCHES BEFORE BEGINNING, AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 5. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATIONS ON THE PROJECT SITE. 6. AS CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ALLOW, STRIP TOPSOIL AND STOCKPILE. 7. INSTALL DIVERSION DITCHES, AS NECESSARY, TO CONVEY RUNOFF TO EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. 8. BEGIN GRADING OPERATIONS. INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, AS CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS. 9. SLOPE DRAINS WITH BERMS SHALL BE INSTALLED CONCURRENTLY WITH GRADING OPERATIONS. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND SLOPE AREAS PRIOR TO START OF GRADING OPERATIONS. 10. PLACE TOPSOIL FROM ONSITE STOCKPILE ON COMPLETED AREAS OF GRADING AS CONSTRUCTION PROCEEDS. 11. COVER ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR LESS WITH TYPE 1 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MATTING (EXCELSIOR CURLEX CL 1, OR APPROVED EQUAL). COVER ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 WITH TYPE 2 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MATTING (REYCLEX TRM -V, 1 OR APPROVED EQUAL). 12. GROUNDCOVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. 13. PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 14. ONCE PERMANENT VEGETATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND ACCEPTED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES, RE- GRADE, AND RESEED AS NECESSARY. ALL STAGING AREAS AND HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE RESEEDED. 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL TEMPORARY IMPACT AREAS WITHIN THE BUFFER AREAS AND STREAM TO PRE - CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. REVISIONS DESCRIPTION SEEDING, MULCHING, AND TOPSOIL NOTES: 1. ALL SOIL STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEMS T -901, T -905, AND T -908 OF THE SPECIFICATIONS. GROUNDCOVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. PERMANENT GROUNDCOVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 14 WORKING DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. 2. PRIOR TO SOIL STABILIZATION, AREAS SHALL BE CLEARED OF STONES OR DEBRIS LARGER THAN 2 INCHES IN DIAMETER. 3. AREA TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE THOROUGHLY LOOSENED TO A DEPTH OF 5 INCHES. THE TOP 3 INCHES SHALL BE WORKED INTO A SATISFACTORY SEEDBED BY DISCING, OR BY USE OF CULTIPACKERS, ROLLERS, DRAGS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE MEANS. 4. THE KINDS OF SEED AND THE RATES OF APPLICATION OF SEED SHALL BE AS STATED BELOW. ALL RATES ARE IN POUNDS PER ACRE. ALL AREAS EXCEPT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PONDS: PERMANENT SEEDING 100# TALL FESCUE 10# KOBE LESPEDEZA 25# BAHIA GRASS 40# RYE GRAIN (JANUARY TO FEBRUARY APPLICATION) TEMPORARY SEEDING TEMPORARY SEEDING FOR THE PROJECT SHALL MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS PUBLISHED WITHIN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES, LAND QUALITY SECTION'S EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, TABLE 6.10A, TABLE 6.10B AND TABLE 6.10C FOUND ON PAGE 6.10.4, PAGE 6.10.5 AND PAGE 6.10.6. NOTE: WHERE NOTED ON PLANS, SERICEA LESPEDEZA SEED SHALL BE ADDED TO THE SPECIFIED SEED MIXTURE AT A RATE OF THIRTY (30) POUNDS PER ACRE. NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE FOR THE ADDITION OF SERICEA LESPEDEZA SEED. •L V•� ►� � � : � ►•u_vns e � �•� � ►�•Ln .�� � : a ►•u_v� � ►n �� � � .mRe (MAY TO SEPTEMBER APPLICATION:) (OCTOBER TO APRIL APPLICATION:) 75# TALL FESCUE 120# TALL FESCUE 25# BERMUDA GRASS 15# BERMUDA GRASS 25# BAHIA GRASS 10# BLUE GRASS 10# HARD FESCUE THE KINDS OF GRASS, LEGUME, AND COVER -CROP SEED FURNISHED SHALL BE THOSE STIPULATED ABOVE. SEED SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL SPECIFICATION JJJ -S -181. SEED SHALL BE FURNISHED SEPARATELY OR IN MIXTURES IN STANDARD CONTAINERS WITH THE SEED NAME, LOT NUMBER, NET WEIGHT, PERCENTAGES OF PURITY AND OF GERMINATION AND HARD SEED, AND PERCENTAGE OF MAXIMUM WEED SEED CONTENT CLEARLY MARKED FOR EACH KIND OF SEED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE ENGINEER DUPLICATE SIGNED COPIES OF A STATEMENT BY THE VENDOR CERTIFYING TESTING WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF DATE OF DELIVERY. THIS STATEMENT SHALL INCLUDE: NAME AND ADDRESS OF LABORATORY, DATE OF TEST, LOT NUMBER FOR EACH KIND OF SEED, AND THE RESULTS OF TEST AS TO NAME, PERCENTAGES OF PURITY AND OF GERMINATION, AND PERCENTAGE OF WEED CONTENT FOR EACH KIND OF SEED. 5. GROUND LIMESTONE SHALL BE APPLIED PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER OR SEED AND SHALL BE WORKED INTO TOP 3 INCHES OF SOIL. 6. FERTILIZER SHALL BE SPREAD UNIFORMLY OVER ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED AFTER LIMING IS COMPLETE. 7. GRASS SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE INDICATED ABOVE AND IN THE SPECIFICATIONS, PROPERLY COVERED, AND COMPACTED WITH AN APPROVED LAWN ROLLER. 8. MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING. MULCH MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEM T -908, 9. STRAW MULCH SHALL BE SPREAD TO A UNIFORM THICKNESS AT THE RATE OF 2 - 3 TONS PER ACRE TO PROVIDE A LOOSE DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 1-1/2 INCHES NOR MORE THAN 3 INCHES. 10. MULCH SHALL BE HELD IN PLACE BY LIGHT DISCING, PINS, STAKES, WIRE MESH, OR ASPHALT BINDER. 11. IF ASPHALT SPRAY METHOD IS USED, MULCHED SURFACES SHALL BE SPRAYED UNIFORMLY AT A RATE OF APPROXIMATELY 8.0 GALLONS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. 12. IF ASPHALT MIX METHOD IS USED, THE MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED BY BLOWING AND THE ASPHALT BINDER MATERIAL SHALL BE SPRAYED INTO THE MULCH AS IT LEAVES THE BLOWER. BINDER SHALL BE UNIFORMLY APPLIED TO THE MULCH AT THE RATE OF APPROXIMATELY 8.0 GALLONS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT SEEDED AND MULCHED AREAS AGAINST TRAFFIC. SURFACES GULLIED OR DAMAGED SHALL BE REPAIRED, RESEEDED, AND REMULCHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL MOW, WATER , AND OTHERWISE MAINTAIN SEEDED AREAS IN A SATISFACTORY CONDITION UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK. STABILIZATION TIMEFRAMES /REQUIREMENTS Site Area Description Stabilization Timeframe Exceptions Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes High Quality Water (HQW) Zones Slopes steeper than 3:1 Slopes 3:1 or flatter All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 7 days None 7 days None 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length. 14 days None, except for perimeters and HQW Zones. I I I I I I I I 2' TYP_ r(ALL DIRJ STAPLES (TYP.) ° I I 2 TYP_i I Lu (ALL DIR.) I I I I I I I I TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE w/ MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS NOTES: 1. TYPE 1 MATTING SHALL BE AMERICAN EXCELSIOR (CURLEX CL 1 OR APPROVED EQUAL). ALLOWABLE SHEAR STRESS = 1.55 LB /FT 2 2. FOR TYPE 2 MATTING, SHEAR STRESS > 4.0 LB /FT.2 3. TYPE 2 MATTING SHALL BE AMERICAN EXCELSIOR, RECYCLEX TRM -V, OR APPROVED EQUAL. MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL N.T.S. 0 I .A z I- 8' -0" MAX. POST SPACING "'EVEN WIRE FENCE -I CN EXIST. GROUND LINE SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC - ELEVATION VIEW STEEL POST--\ WOVEN WIRE FENCE �C SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC C 0 ;� 18" -24" EXIST. GROUND LINE r - r 4 COMPACTED SOIL OR GRAVEL PT/ PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 if www.flyfrompti.com 0 EC1 1 SECTION VIEW NOTES: 1. WOODEN POSTS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR SILT FENCE INSTALLATION. POSTS SHALL BE 1.33 LB /LIN. FT. STEEL WITH A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 5 FEET. 2. INSTALL SILT FENCE WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND MAINTAIN UNTIL DISTURBED AREA IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 0EC1 N.T.S. NOTES. 1. PUT SILT FENCE OR TREE PROTECTION FENCE UP TO ENSURE THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IS USED. 2. IF CONSTRUCTION ON THE SITE ARE SUCH THAT THE MUD IS NOT REMOVED BY THE VEHICLE TRAVELING OVER THE STONE, THEN THE TIRES OF THE VEHICLES MUST BE WASHED BEFORE ENTERING THE PUBLIC ROAD. 3. IF A PROJECT CONTINUES TO PULL MUD AND DEBRIS ON TO THE PUBLIC ROAD, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL 50' MIN. _ CLEAN THE AREA. BUT SUFFICIENT TO KEEP SEDIMENT ON SITE 35' MIN. 15' MIN. l Q MPLAN 25' OR WIDTH OF 12" MIN. PROPOSED STREET �� z ( 6 "MIN. �/� X Cn o WHG R E A TE R. S w� EXISTING FRTNE ROADWAY CROSS SECTION TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PAD OEC N.T.S. 2Z D W 0. CAR ,C oF ESS/0** . SEAL 027429 - oo R y P� DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 10 N A L www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC1 OF EC4 0 �Z Q W W ( (n J 7 73 J J Z O O I I- O; o o 0 0 J Z 0 w W W I I- Z c cn O O U Q C C/) Z Z W 0 0 � O 2 O � Z 0 0� � W 00 CAR ,C oF ESS/0** . SEAL 027429 - oo R y P� DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. I N T E R N AT 10 N A L www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC1 OF EC4 w w Q �z Q�www W-Jr_') cn Q O ° NO. DATE BY TOP OF DAM - EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - RISER RIM _ 10' SPILLWAY 4I I I -1I I -11 I -11 3 2 \ ]1 ATTACH SKIMMER RISER 1 // () \ CLAY CORE (CH, MATERIAL) TO ORIFICE AT \ BOTTOM OF RISER BARREL \ ANTI -SEEP COLLARS ` r BASIN INV. OUT ELEV. 'r- a r 1= III -111 j 1 O OQ 2' M I N. i -iTi- 1 1' O �OO ADO 18" CLASS B FOOTING RIP RAP KEY IN CUT -OFF TRENCH * CUT TRENCH TO STABLE SOIL MATERIAL, BUT IN NO CASE MAKE IT LESS THAN 2' DEEP BASIN BARREL BARREL BARREL BARREL ORIFICE TOP OF EMERGENCY RISER RISER 1. D. BOTTOM INV. IN INV. OUT DIA LENGTH DIA DAM SPILLWAY DIA RIM . . . ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. S1 890.00 885.00 882.89 48" 50' 3.6 895.50 894.00 36" 893.00 N1 882.00 877.00 870.76 48" 155' 3.6 886.00 884.00 36" 883.00 NOTE: EXACT ELEVATIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED AND ADJUSTED PRIOR TO ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION OF SEDIMENT BASIN. SEDIMENT /DRY DETENTION BASIN N.T.S. OC- FLOW DEPTH WEIR LENGTH See Plan 10' 12' 10' 8, 10' 14' 14' 10' 8, 8' 10' 8, 16' NOTES: 1. MAINTAIN EXISTING TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS. REQ'D REQ'D 1. D. STORAGE SURFACE AREA LENGTH WIDTH 'B' WITH A ONE FOOT (c.f.) (s.f.) TS1 14,445 16,765 See Plan See Plan TS2 10,080 9,152 „ „ TS3 9,000 5,460 TS4 8,032 4,123 TS5 12,861 9,443 TS6 19,551 14,879 TS7 19,837 14,998 TS8 2,700 7,041 TS9 540 4,483 TS10 4,788 15,606 TS11 7,530 9,922 TS12 4,348 6,445 TS13 12,749 19,139 FLOW DEPTH WEIR LENGTH See Plan 10' 12' 10' 8, 10' 14' 14' 10' 8, 8' 10' 8, 16' NOTES: 1. MAINTAIN EXISTING TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS. 2. STORAGE CAPACITY SHALL BE 3,600 FT/ ACRE OF DISTURBED AREA. 3. STONE SIZE SHALL BE CLASS 'B' WITH A ONE FOOT (1 FT.) LAYER OF NCDOT # 57 4. PLACE FILTER FABRIC BELOW RIP RAP. 5. REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN VOLUME IS ONE -HALF OF REQUIRED STORAGE VOLUME 7. REQUIRED STORAGE CAPACITY AND SURFACE AREA ARE MEASURED FROM THE WEIR ELEVATION. J zo REVISIONS DESCRIPTION CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR COLLAR 18" TYP.. 8 -` 18" MIN. ae BARREL BARREL 12" ANTI -SEEP COLLAR INSTALLATION NOTES: AFTER FILL HAS BEEN PLACED A MIN. 18" OVER BARREL, CONTRACTOR TO EXCAVATE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR TO MIN. DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BACKFILL WITH P -610 CONCRETE. SEDIMENT CLEANOUT ELEV. 891.00 883.00 "C" ENCLOSURE WATER ENTRY UNIT PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF SKIMMER PVC VENT PIPE SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE + r ORIFICE PLATE PVC TEE SIDE VIEW ARM ASSEMBLY a L POROUS BAFFLES 3 EACH \ s �s 0.65 L NOTE: INSTALL BAFFLES IN SAME MANNER AS SILT FENCE. REPLACE SILT FENCE FABRIC WITH 700 g/ sq m COIR EROSION BLANKET. BAFFLES SHALL EXTEND UP THE ENTIRE SIDES OF THE BASIN. 5' MIN. 1.5' WATER SURFACE MIN. - EMERGENCY SPILLWAY SCHEDULE 40 PCV PIPE FLEXIBLE �`P 5' MAX. HOSE SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN r N.T.S. EC -2 COMPACTED SOIL i 0.15 L� 0.4 L BAFFLES 3 N.T.S. EC -2 2' MIN. 6 TYPICAL 0 z s F\ � NOTES: 1. TEMPORARY SILT DIVERSION DITCH WILL NOT BE MEASURED. COST WILL BE INCIDENTAL TO OTHER ITEMS. 2. TEMPORARY GROUND COVER MUST BE ESTABLISHED IN ALL DIVERSION DITCHES. D76" ,90,r- goo gV�� OUTLET TEMPORARY SILT DIVERSION DITCH 4� N.T.S. EC -2 8" PVC OUTLET PIPE EMBANKMENT PVC END CAP PVC PVC ELBOW VC END CAP WIPE 1 /2 "HOLES IN UNDERSIDE END VIEW OF SKIMMER TI PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com \ ESS /O . �/� SEAL 027429 �'VC INE����\:; /Y), J DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC2 OF EC4 0 �Z Q W U) J � J zo Q 0w o zw J r) 0 W W �- z Z(n _ O a Uj O � z� pp w 2z 0 w \ ESS /O . �/� SEAL 027429 �'VC INE����\:; /Y), J DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC2 OF EC4 w w Q ter z f14 f14 Q J Er W W W W H J O V]Q.O ZD 0 LL M NO. DATE BY DEWATERING CONCRETE BLOCK �� �I ■�� s• dv'v° = 1f1%%i•• •050 � • o 4. a ��eyy� 8 -• ePO � e; � °8 gv'•••° rs••°•••eme•••sa°o evOOV O°ovv �••se• oom•• vim° 2:1 SLOPE WASHED STONE FILTER TEMPORARY SEDIMENT POOL 1' �► 2' M =1 WIRE SCREEN --PROVIDE ONE DEWATERING BLOCK PER SIDE 1619 r. /! it Vil VA VA DROP INLET - SEDIMENT W/ GRATE NOTE: COST OF INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF STRUCTURE. BLOCK AND GRAVEL PROTECTION , N.T.S. EC -3 REVISIONS DESCRIPTION A SL nOc- 1— 1 /0. 1 nD M A TTC-D PLAN SECTION A -A A T =R FABRIC H= RIP RAP TO TOP OF PIPE (MAX. H = D + T) T= 20" CLASS I RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS T= 12" CLASS 'B' RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS OUTLET WITH DITCH ❑ CLASS I RIP RAP S.Y. TONS FlL'My) 15" 7 3 7 18" 9 4 10 24" 15 7 15 30" 21 11 22 36" 29 15 30 42" 39 20 39 48" 49 26 50 54" 60 33 62 PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION w1 DITCH 2 N.T.S. EC -3 Ar-�- 1.5' 9" MIN_— MIN. 12" No. 57 WASHED STONE (TYP) 12" No. 57 WASHED STONE (TYP) `�,Nm 1.5' MIN. SECTION A -A L = THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION A B L �. r'r] x Q a w n a C n CULVERT RIP RAP w, FILTER FABRIC L L PLAN a _ LENGTH SECTION A -A A J + Q w a a T= 20" CLASS I RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS T= 12" CLASS 'B' RIP RAP, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLANS NOTES: 1. SEE GRADING PLANS FOR RIP RAP APRON DIMENSIONS. 2. COMPACT ANY FILL USED IN CONSTRUCTION OF APRON. 3. RIP RAP APRON SHALL BE LEVEL WITH RECEIVING STREAM OR SLIGHTLY BELOW. OUTLET WITHOUT DITCH D CLASS I RIP RAP S.Y. TONS riLma YABlaC 15" 3 2 6 18" 4 2 8 24" 7 4 12 30" 11 7 17 36" 16 10 23 42" 22 13 30 48" 28 17 38 54" 36 21 47 PIPE OUTLET PROTECTION WITHOUT DITCH 3 N.T.s. EC -3 (--CLASS 'B' EROSION CONTROL STONE 24" MAX. AT CENTER &6a - FILTER FABRIC CLASS 'B' EROSION CONTROL STONE (TYP) TEMPORARY RIP RAP CHECK DAM 4 N.T.S. EC -3 PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1 OOOA Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 66M694 www.flyfrompti.com � Z Uj J z 0 �w zw w w z cn o� w z� 00 �z 0 W a Q w 0 J 0 Z O U Z O O w `' ►�►fllllilt/, N C A R �'/.,� ESS/o,�r�: -_ SEAL -_ 027429 A• NG l NE . •� ► ►►rriiirr► ►► DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN UA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATI0NAL www.mbakedntl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC3 OF EC4 w w Q -E4z fA {-f} Q J Q:� W W W W - J O cn Q O ° Lj- :2 N O REVISIONS 0 F� OW / / I I I F�ow 12" No. 57 WASHED STONE J i 10 �Tm CLASS B RIP RAP A FLOW \,-36" PIPE MAX DATE BY DESCRIPTION SECTION A -A ROCK PIPE INLET PROTECTION N.T.S. EC -4 ­K 4 DIVERSION DIKE ISLAND OVER INLET MIN. NOTES: 1. USE DIVERSION DITCHES TO CONVEY SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF TO INLET. SEE DETAIL 3, THIS SHEET. 2. ENTRANCE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF A STANDARD FLARED -END SECTION WITH A MIN. 6" METAL TOE PLATE. ALL FITTINGS MUST BE WATERTIGHT. A STANDARD T- SECTION FITTING MAY ALSO BE USED AT THE INLET. 3. SOIL TO BE HAND - COMPACTED AROUND AND UNDER THE PIPE IN 6" LIFTS TO ACHIEVE FIRM CONTACT BETWEEN THE PIPE AND THE SOIL. 4. REMOVE SLOPE DRAINS AND DIVERSION DITCHES UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. No. 57 CT/I NIC / 1 7 "� CLASS B EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. A MINIMUM 1 -FOOT WIDE LEVEL AREA SET 4 INCHES BELOW THE DROP INLET CREST WILL ADD PROTECTION AGAINST THE ENTRANCE OF MATERIAL. 2. WIRE MESH WITH 2 -INCH OPENINGS MAY BE PLACED OVER THE DRAIN GRATING BUT MUST BE INSPECTED FREQUENTLY TO AVOID BLOCKAGE BY TRASH. 3. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL SORMWATER FLOW OVER THE STRUCTURE INTO THE STORM DRAIN, AND NOT PAST THE STRUCTURE. NATURAL GROI' "'� DIVERSION CHANT\ 4 TOP OF HAND- COMPACTED MIN. FILL (ISLAND) TOP OF DIVERSION f Lnz o� l 1 SECTION VIEW OF INLET TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN 2 N.T.S. EC -4 INLET #57 OR #5 STONE CLASS B EROSION #57 OR #5 STONE ROCK DOUGHNUT INLET PROTECTION r N.T.S. EC -4 CONTROL STONE Tl PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY PIEDMONT TRIAD AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000A Ted Johnson Parkway Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336) 665 -5600 FAX: (336) 665 -5694 www.flyfrompti.com c�� ESS /O . _ ° Q� °° 7 SEAL 027429 F'VC INE����'\:\ J. ///10/11111100 DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC4 OF EC4 ry 0 In 9�Z Q W (n J 75 J < 0. z � O; � Z � J � w w 1-- 1.— 1-- z z U) 0 U Q� Z W 0 ry �: O Z� W 00 2Z D W c�� ESS /O . _ ° Q� °° 7 SEAL 027429 F'VC INE����'\:\ J. ///10/11111100 DCT DCT DESIGNED DRAWN LJA CHECKED S.O. INTERNATIONAL www.mbakerintl.com MICHAEL BAKER ENGINEERING, INC 200 Centreport Drive Suite 350 Greensboro, NC 27409 OFC: (336)931 -1500 FAX: (336)931 -1501 DATE: OCTOBER 2015 SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET EC4 OF EC4 Action ID. 200021655 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 -1343 10r. David Schiller Restoration. Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes St., Suite 107 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Dear Mr. Schiller: January 13, 2010 Reference the Depattwnt of tho Army (DA) parinit issued to Piedmont Triad'Aitport Authority (PTAA) on December 8; 2003, which autltorized the discharge of 1,450,399 Cubic yards of clean fill -material into 23.93 acres of jurisdictional waters of the'United States, including wetlands subject to our regulatory authoritypursuant to Section 404 of.the Clean Watcr AcL 'Me project will .impact 12,719 - linear feet (1.25 acres) ofErush Creek and its wwamed tributaries, and 22.68 acres of wetlands adjacent to those streams. This dischaGge of fill• Is associated with-plans for the proposed construction of the new runway 5Ll23A, a new ovenligirt express air cargo sorting and distribution facility, add associated development at Piedmont Triad Ittternatwnal Airport (IMA), located off Bryan lJoulevard, in Greensboro, Guitford County, North Carolina. With reference to this DA permit, special conditibrts-.re i it�ed PTAA to provide mitigation associated with their - project that included mitigation credits acgitlred from Restoration Systems, LLC's Causey Farm mitigation property. please be advised that we received copy dated Oetobcr 8, 2009, of the fifth year Annual Monitoring Report ( including Addendum dated October 8, 2009) for the refmiieed Causey Farm mitigation property. After review of thus report :by4he Raleigh Roguletoty Field O ico, it is our deten4Wtioii that $access Criteria wasftiet for.the y4w add therefore in respect•to ft t-eforenced special condition the PTAA is in couipliduce with Permit Number 200022655. With referent a to the M year Annual Monitoring Report f'or-the Causey3?afx - mitigation property, ttt➢s site- -has:mt'tbe success criteria for both the slteam channel and wetland coft"irioN for a five yw period - fulfrllitrg the monitoring requirements of the approved mitigation .-plan�for tiie!rroject. The Corps agteas that "or morriWAft is not warrelntod and concurs with your request-to closeout required annual monitoring regpiremeuts for the Causey Fame mitigatlpn.property, Should you -have questions, •comact Mr. john T7ioWas, Raleigh Regplatory Field Officl�- at 14!ephone -(919) 554 -4984, Extension 25. 7 lmni a ` =s v 6fy -Raleigh Field .Office PA APR X 9 zolb << 6L- C4 irc6FNR SY orth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Seventy Eaves perdue coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary December 15, 2009 Mr. David Schiller Restoration Systems, LLC 1101 Haynes St., Suite 107 Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Fedex/Piedmont Triad Airport Authority — Causey Farm Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Year 5 Annual Monitoring Report Guilford County, NC NCDWQ# 00 -846 Dear. Mr. Schiller: The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Oversight and Express Review Permitting Unit has reviewed the Year 5 Monitoring Report for the above - referenced site. Our comments on the report are as follows: • Channel morphology appears to have maintained stability after five years of monitoring. Both cross sections and longitudinal profiles have not shown significant changes from yeas to year, The monitoring photos did show some herbaceous vegetation growing on submerged mid - channel bars, but these may be a lingering effect from the droughts experienced the previous years, • Evidence of bankfull events have been documented almost: yearly, indicaling that the stream maintains good access to. its floodplain. Vegetative monitoring has shown thaf the site has exceeded the stem density criterion of 260 stems per acre, and planted areas have appeared to maintain good diversity in both the stream riparian areas and the wetlands. All of the wells at the site met hydrology success criteria, exceeding 12.5 percent of the growing season (consecutive days) with inundation or saturation. • Beaver management activities were implemented throughout the 5'h year of monitoring, and no detrimental effects appeared to have resulted from the beavers downstream. It is 401 0vw4hMxXw Re*w Pe Wng Unit 1650 Mai servfco center, i1a;ab1, "Canoina 27699450 Location: 2321 Cmbt w M., Rafe . NoM CzoHna 27504 Phone: 919.733 -17861 FAX: 918- 7316094 [nlameL' hl�: Ifi�2o ,enrsL94�1kCJ�sltla�e8as►ds( An Equal opporhmiy U rMftACIM Eofter ft NtxiC' -'M" a r4q Mr, Schiller Causey Farm Stream and Wetland Site Page 2 oft 12J1512009 acknowledged that once monitoring has been completed, beavers will likely return to the site. This site has met the success criteria for both the stream and wetland component of the project. DWQ feels that the monitoring has demonstrated that this site is trending toward success, that the site has folfrlled the monitoring requirements outlined in the hegintning of the project, and that further monitoring is not warranted. Pending comment by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, DWQ support the closeout of this mitigation project. Please feet free to contact Eric Kulz at (919) 733 -1786 if you have any questions regarding this project or our comments, Sin , Cyndi B. Karoly, Program Manager 401 Oversight and Express Review Program cc: File Copy - Sue Homewood -- DWQ Winston -Salem Regional Office John Thomas -- USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Eric Kulz (Mitigation Files) Mx. Mickie Elmore - Piedmont Triad International Airport, 6415 Bryan Boulevard Greensboro, NC 27410 APPENDIX E ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS CROSS FIELD TAXIWAY ALIGNMENT This appendix sets forth the FAA's a nalysis of alternative alignments for the Cross Field Taxiway and whether there a re any alternatives to the proposed alignment of the taxi way that would have fewer impacts to jurisdictional resources. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS CROSSFIELD TAXIWAY ALIGNMENT Estimated Stream and Buffer Impacts of the Proposed Taxiway Alignment The proposed alignment of the Cross Field Taxiway is shown on Exhibit 1 of this Appendix, with the proposed Taxiway Bridge depicted in green. Due to a required crossing of an unnamed tributary to Brush Creek, as shown on Exhibit 1, the proposed Taxiway may impact approximately 222 linear feet (I.f.) of perennial stream channel, and 115 I.f. of intermittent stream channel, and may also impact approximately 20,855 square feet (ft.2) of vegetative buffer within 30 feet of the stream banks on each side of the stream (N.C. Jordan Lake Buffer, Zone 1), and 11,275 ft.2 of vegetated buffer within the next 20 feet from the stream banks (Zone 2), or a total of 0.75 acre stream buffer impact. This jurisdictional channel runs parallel to, and Northwest of, existing Bryan Boulevard and flows in a Southwest direction to a larger wetland /stream complex. Purpose and Need of the Taxiway Project As described in this EA, the Taxiway is needed to provide airfield access to the approximately 569 -acre development site on the north side of the future 1 -73. Development of airfield access to the 569 -acre site is needed to: • provide suitable sites with airfield access for new aviation - related development • provide development opportunities for use of idle land • meet schedule needs of potential aviation tenants As emphasized in this EA, it is critical to the Purpose and Need for PTAA to prepare sites, with airfield access, in advance of having a tenant for the sites, since potential tenants require sites to be available within a short time frame to meet their scheduling needs. Avoidance of Impacts The connection of the 569 -acre site to existing airfield facilities can only be achieved by building a taxiway across the 1 -73 segment that is being constructed at the Airport by NCDOT (Transportation Improvement Project 1- 5110). The taxiway must cross over the highway on a Taxiway Bridge. The profile for the NCDOT project is constrained in two locations: 1. On the east side of the 1 -5110 project, the project ties into Bryan Boulevard at the Airport/Old Oak Ridge Road Interchange. This sets the starting elevation of the 1 -5110 profile on its east side. 2. The 1 -5110 alignment is required to span over highway NC 68 on the west side of the highway project. The vertical clearance of the 1 -5110 roadway over NC 68 sets the elevation of 1 -5110 on the west side. The profile from the existing Airport/Old Oak Ridge Road Interchange to the future Taxiway Bridge has been set to its lowest possible elevation based on the maximum allowable grade of the roadway profile between the Airport Interchange and NC 68. The Taxiway and Bridge have been carefully positioned to meet the constraints imposed by the highway profile and, at the same time, to provide for the safe and efficient operation of the Taxiway: The Taxiway must cross over the highway, along the Taxiway Bridge, at a height of at least 17 ft. above the highway pavement to meet FHWA standards. To clear this height, the Taxiway must rise from its starting elevation of 856.81 ft. Mean Sea Level (MSL) at future Taxiway G (see "Proposed Cross Field Taxiway' on Exhibit 1) to a minimum elevation of 896.58 ft. MSL at the Taxiway Bridge, or a total climb of 39.77 ft. The maximum grade for a taxiway at an air carrier airport is 1.5% per FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 15015300 -13A. After a required transition to the uphill grade, the proposed Taxiway must be long enough to climb the necessary 39.77 ft. at the 1.5% grade. In its proposed alignment, the proposed Taxiway runs a sufficient distance for the climb, but the margin is minimal for shifting the location of the Taxiway and still achieving the necessary clearance above the road. The Taxiway must be straight for safe and efficient operation. The FAA recommends minimizing changes in direction along a taxiway to reduce the risk of aircraft running off the paved surface during reduced visibility. In addition, curving the Taxiway would not reduce stream impacts unless the curve was to the north. This alignment would route the Taxiway behind the elevated site for the Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) (as shown in blue on Exhibit 1), which would block the Line -of -Site from the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) to the Taxiway. Due to this obstruction, the ATCT would be unable to assist pilots in moving along the Taxiway, and their own view down the taxiway would also be obstructed by the ASR and taxiway curve. These impediments would create an aircraft hazard because pilots would not be able to see aircraft approaching from the opposite direction until they had already entered the taxiway and were facing the opposing traffic. If, in the future, the ASR were relocated, the Line -of -Site issue would likely remain, since the ASR would not be relocated unless the site were needed for tenant facilities, which could also block both the ATCT's and the pilot's Line - of- Sight. The Proposed Taxiway alignment meets the foregoing height and safety criteria, and, as shown below, also avoids unnecessary impacts to jurisdictional waters. A range of alternative alignments has been considered to determine if there are any practicable alternatives to the proposed taxiway alignment that would have fewer impacts to jurisdictional waters. None of these options achieves the Purpose and Need for the taxiway or reduces the stream or stream buffer impacts: Shift to the Southwest This concept is illustrated in yellow on Exhibit 1. The limits for shifting the Taxiway to the Southwest, and still providing for adequate clearance above the highway, are very constrained because the highway climbs at a steeper angle than the 1.5% taxiway limit. Even within this narrow range, the combined impact to perennial and intermittent streams from a Southwest shift is somewhat greater than in the case of the proposed alignment. (See impact figures on Exhibit 1.) Therefore shifting the Taxiway to the Southwest, within the feasible limits, increases rather than reduces impacts and is not an acceptable alternative. Shift to the Northeast As illustrated on Exhibit 1, the side slope of the proposed Taxiway on its Northeast side already abuts the ASR site, and the Taxiway cannot be shifted at all in this direction without cutting into the embankment for the ASR. Even if the ASR were relocated, a shift of the taxiway to the Northeast of as little as 30feet would shorten the taxiway to the point that it would not climb enough at the 1.5% grade for the necessary clearance above the highway. A shift of to the northeast of only 30 feet would result, at most, in a 23 foot reduction in the stream impacts, which would not be significant even if it the ASR were moved to accommodate the change. Curved Taxiwav This alternative was examined despite its adverse effect (discussed above) on the safety and efficiency of the taxiway. As pointed out above, the only way a curved Taxiway would avoid a stream crossing is by following an alignment to the North, which would place it behind the ASR site from the point of view of the ATCT. This alignment would result in the Line -of -Sight issues discussed above and create a hazard for traffic along the Taxiway. Furthermore, even measured along the curve, this alignment would not have sufficient length for the necessary climb above the highway. This limitation excludes this alignment from further consideration. Spanning Over Stream Consideration has also been given to building a bridge structure, or bottomless culvert, to carry the taxiway over the stream and avoid any discharge of fill material in the stream channel. The dimensions of the structure would have to be sufficient to span from one bank of the stream to the other and to match the full width of the taxiway from the outside of the Object Free Area on one side of the taxiway to the outside of the Object Free Area on the other side (which, in the case of a bottomless culvert, would require the culvert to be 280 feet long since the taxiway crosses the stream at a slight angle). The structure would have to be high enough over the stream to accommodate the structure itself and would have to be designed with sufficient strength to meet FAA standards for Category V aircraft. Based on the cost of a comparable structure that was recently constructed at the Airport, PTAA estimates that the cost of spanning the stream would be in the range of $2.85 million, or about 18% of PTAA's $16 million estimate for building the taxiway without the structure. Due to this increased cost, spanning the stream would not be a practical alternative. As shown on Exhibit 1, the Cross Field Taxiway will be extended in a Northwest direction to the development areas on the north side of 1 -73. As pointed out in Chapter 'I of this EA, it is not possible to determine how these areas will be developed, and how the taxiway will have to be designed to support such development, until prospective tenants have been identified and their needs are known. The extension of the taxiway, or the development of tenant sites, will likely impact artificial ponds and their adjacent buffers on the north side of the Interstate, but the extent of the impacts cannot be determined at this time. Care will be taken in the design of tenant sites and the taxiway system to avoid unnecessary impacts to jurisdictional resources within the larger development area. For the reasons discussed above, there is no alternative alignment for the Taxiway that is both feasible and that would reduce stream or buffer impacts resulting from the proposed alignment. The proposed alignment, in turn, sets the location of the Taxiway Bridge at the location shown in green on Exhibit 1. Minimization and Compensatory Mitigation This analysis considers only the issue of whether any impacts to jurisdictional waters can be avoided through alternative alignments of the Taxiway. In its design of the Cross Field Taxiway, PTAA will be required to minimize the unavoidable impacts from the taxiway, through measures such as making the side slopes of the taxiway as narrow as possible, within FAA design limitations, to reduce the width of the project footprint at the stream crossing. PTAA will also be required to meet compensatory mitigation requirements for the unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional resources that will result from the taxiway project. Taxiway Location VICINITY MAP y Q tid o I \\ M �f LEGEND �PTI NOTE: Streams and wetlands depicted on roe not Ede6nq Nwh aFweyJPmee y Bw p property KY nIEBMONT TRUOAIHWCBr AUTHORITY owned by PTAA have not been delineated or Fuoe. Re.d� ayGa uBUC an 1000 A7.d� �P311r w .4� verified by USACE or NCDENR Pmpawd NCAOT IUphl -0Of QQ V� F10Faeed Uw -,O-00 Llnll. Sc nM.51 N40mdInG WNI. NormeBel AL CmdlnB IJmlm e, T CCJ_.f1Ld w.u.nd. - Conaw.11on Fae.m.nl Highway 68 a � o , ° a g, � per.rmtvso-.Bm / Interchange I o `;a��/r r-- {� �t0 `/p d $ 4 \7 - Inlrmllentsham O 0 ❑ "`�•V/.,`. . 0;�� LJ , WJoNen Uftr go" 1 -Jfl'I ' � .\ ❑ � n�l IQ w o � p v. �' sa Jordan aun.raara2.3m) Co Z02 C3 0 11 ji t rdg p 1� /1 ` �\`�,,,`>>l�` .�� ♦ •,� � ``,� $.;m, it � � L.r� O .`;1111,. " +1 ,`. \`` `,•� `��♦ �\ \ •Q. Z) :,� , ; I,,. �.. , "� ,� -� ;`; ,moo . -_ :,\ �� @ � /. ❑ I ❑ NORTHEAST ALT. s»sme (�Pm.a.rmmL 1r6 U. 1 f ) sv.eme ryn.mun.mk to IJ. 4 - V ✓ J Zan.2J*1d- Bun., o� 16,cs1 e.r. 8 LU w o 4K 0.coeu."', kll,tea e.c ' e W lto sd UrHW EST ALT. •� 9aeam. (Pererrdelk 6a61.r. r 9aeameSlnmrml6enq: Bp061, 7-mia 1 =Buns rJ6? 37]T6.J 2m. 2 Jordan Buns r�67: 60A64 u L. w.uende: BA6 ao NC 214,161 cu yd FIR: aBa,662 a yd Bo .199.6.1 cu 1d PROPOSED TAXrWAY [ti / SW: 33 BC ii Slnann Germ, 1 22a LI. Slnenq Inwmlu.nlr 11511. 2...1 Janie, Bung 196'k3o,M e.1. � I(1�• f • xone2 JaMen Btlnvf2B'r s1,2r7 e.1. �: G.fq.e ;' �Q9 • c,R aae,2noayd B ^ FIII: aa3s+B au 1d - �\ / 1SerraM: 83,676 cu yd NOT FOR CONSr!'RUCTION � 4 .. t O 1—MR NB. Not To Be Oleturo.d ryIF4 j 36'Shlh For Narheen Alt carw3r. �fNortheeBl AIL YME. }BiM PP4.nl.7j ropmaTAN Pr. Im� F11: 331,551 yd Flo: 331 All LC JA Bonexr -70.aDB CUytl z.� Exhibit 1 (� Vj CQ Q off^ -a O z a U W J Airport lnterchan e z.� Exhibit 1 570 04 CHECK: 44481 DATE: 10/5/2015 z a 0 a tid 00/100 US Dollar it 570.00 * ** SBURSEMENT HAS BEEN APPROVED w TIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT c AND FISCAL CONTROL CT v 0 _'ST COY' W Five Hundn AMOL NINNIM amount