HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00483_Well Construction - GW1_20240116 ` WELL•CONSTRUCTION.RECORD For iNetaal'Use ONLY: Ellis fanseasN eralCprsinglearnr Milenclla • - I.Wdi'Cbnti tetorLtForinatidit: . ' . `14.11A1•ER'ZONES. . .9 John Eisenman !MOM 10 DI'SCROPTION • Well CorttitdvrNaniC • ft. .- . ft. • 4439A ff.-• . • .I I - . . . NC W'eli Caituuelar Ccnifiealioa Neither 1510t1TER CASING troi`nirittg a`seU:ireflsl OR LIN1:R(It'dS'ticabk;):' 'FR011 To DIAMETER.1 : 'TIii KNESr MATERIAL SAEDACCO f k: ft: I ii; - 01sittrtay-Naag.t: • 36 INNERCASINCOk.T➢MINGleOttmrmate#ue11-eiimp".. _ . FROM' s TO DIAMETER. 1 THICATTESS' MATERIAL 2.Welt Ceiistruetlnu.liet'tultti: • 0 ft, 30 ' ft. ^2 • bd SCH40 . PVC • •last ull uNpGrnble rsi N primiTs(re;Catrnry,.,90e.;:Yoriamee;fi ecdOrt.es:) •ft., ft, in 3,Well.Use(chcrl«sveil usc)t - _---_- -__ -- • own.. TO DiAstrins SLOT Sin TrliCk81S3 MATRRrAt. Water Snpph,`Vc�ll:. • 'i711grfcftitural. . iINItailcipal/Pubiio.: • 30 (t:. 40 ft.. 2 ' 'h ..01b ' •SCH40- PVC DGeotitermal(Hcating(CoolitigSupply) DResidential'Water Supply(single) rr: rc i1a DiudustriallConrntercial. '. . DResidcntial Water SuPP '(sl>rttsd)` 1 t 'GROUT . _.. ... -_ -. .. _ .FRROM - TO- MATERIAL - EMPLACEM LNT MEiHOD&AMOUNT . OIrrigation : • 't? ft: . 'Nsn-Water'Supply Welt: ' �Moluloririg • - . plRecorcty R.• ft. ••Iuleellirtt.Welt .it: ft. ; rMAq InfcrRCcharS e . IRIClroitlnditilerRcltieclrition• -19 SANDIGRAVEL•PACKpratristicabtet:•--. - - ' R • FROM TO" . '''.1 THRL1r,• FUk1:ct.liENT M TII011 . DAAgitifcrStcii$ Indc Rccowiy •C]Salitltty 13imcr' 28 R. 40 ft, sand #2 . . . ElAgtiefcr Test • ElStortitwatcr Drit tiagc• . ggwrnmenhl Tceehnologu ❑Subsidcncc Coldrol.- • 0:DRIELINGIOG(all li addltionrit sli&i if ncecssirr kl OG.othemtal(Closed Lo•op). - ❑7tocer . ' FRos1. 'TO D.DESCRIPTION town rsntrlf«,.iutun culsrxtirx an Kra rlat ❑Geotltottuai(tieating/Coolittg Return},. 00ther(esplain under 021'Retuad s) 0 ''ft.. 40 ft... sand stone. . ft.' ft. ' . 4..„. . ,...). . .. etials 1-3-24' Well11D T -3 ; - i • J>;N il:;'' 2G24 -. Factfity,ChvncrNalw Fagtlit)•ID#6f applicable} ff: -ft: ft. f-, IrlivFrl .1r1•il l�r ,. 4r,r>:^2 I ir•v 710 Piedmont Triad West Drive ,,Mount Airy, NC, 27030 s'� .30.G -ft, ft,. !3�slxr', •r a Plgsrcril•Addtcss.Cit3•.,414--Pp 11~Rk:ALA1iK.S : . - Surry _ temporary well l ; • 'Cmiab' • No Ni: 10064:oleo No,(Plat_ , 1 511;i.auftidc und.L,iing tnliein llegtmcrdiiiiieutsalscconds tir decitiiill de rcccs; 22,Cckfit)crofioti: . '(ttxdl.herd,ooela1Jlotia is;s11fRiekrti) • . . i Stgmtia^ r n' w!lt vr �r;�`- - — Dale 6.Is.(aru)thewell(s): DPeralanent or . IETeinporarv. ',hirrc.,/e�. - ,./- -i••,yca•--a #)..signs q,d.ris.te,, 4.,rfu •;a n.ri wsr•t.:e:,F.4,:vralnrcred,iir•mrorththce- ' rush!sftiVpICoat::,.,-...,,-r;;,i,r,,.tuk.1017IraCiirstrreiritntSraodardsandIlir:ir ' . . 7.ii tttisarepairtoan.existingweli:; DYeS Or IffiNo . _ctpvofrlrlsrevxrifhal been'provided•rii:ltrilAttlmtner. if rh(a:tt a repair,fill avr klavuu irrll corasrnnrcrtoa trfarrrurr.nit mot c.lptaln rlie.nrrri,rc of he •• repiirri id&02i.rivnarki ieeliao tr rn the hook of rfmr forur. ;2 .Site Milli ran[or addilia nut well details: You Tay.usp.ttie beet of this page.to provide additional well site details or Well . ' 8.Icnan erof wells constructed: 1 • .constinatiaii-details,'You inai•also at ach additional pages if neces"san• ' - For itthliVe lrifeeron nt ocrn mrrvr slrpplytvi'1ls ONLY WWI dtc sasses cosisfrrieilon;you too •• ..514mit one forru.- . - -- Sf 1i3Mf7°FA 1,f NSTUCTIONS I ' . o.,Totaliscltdepth beta* rxfacei . 40 ...di), 24a. clays.For.All.Wells: 'Subbrnit this'hi�li within 30 of comptction of well For rulrlphtrwait lice aid i"cprhs l i-ri(ffririrl(ex rropfe-3@2PP'mul2@ lafri can54iuction to lltctortoni lig; 1 I 10.Static water le►;el belcow-top of easing:• • (ft) .iliv isian of-Water ReSoucces,.in• formation Pxaceysing-Unit, • Mower is*time c®a(li,,,rase".. 1617 Mast•Scivieg t.".Ctitet•,Raleigh,NC 2 7 699-16 17 et.Bartholc dismteter.6 (in) tab,For torrefiilrl 417e1li ONLY: T:addition to sending-the-fort to)he address in 24nab0e.also submit a copy of tliis.iform s~:itlun_(6 days:of completion of well _ 112..Wci1 construction intthod:Air .cotlstnicliou to the following (ic:anger rosary'cable:d'iacct paslictc.) Division of Water;Resdnrecs,llruderground Injection Control['Ingram, OR WATER SUPPLY WELLS•ONI.ir 1636 Mall:Scrvicx:Cetltei;Rnleil h,NC 27699-1636 • . fB;tw lo'reid(g in1) !'lctliod of test: ...4G.For Water Supply Si fn,Lcction Wells: Also submit One copy of'titis fornil tsithin 30 Idaysof'goulpletion of . • 131i Disfnfe tiuu( per Amount: ,wellconstractian•to the-comity health dcrtarlln:nt of the ccitldy.then • ' constricted. . ForaiGW t Noah earoltnaNpart rent.ofErnit-mamaatrd-NantralRcraurccs-l)iii;IonoflYaierR uaes - Revised August10l3