HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00480_Well Construction - GW1_20240116 1 ! . .. WELL,CONSTRUCTION.RECORDIGW-1) For'Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: 1 . . i . Gary Thompson . , -14.1VATER'ZONER.,':'-1 -...-1-.:..1..;-:--•:,-..''.:".,••,.'_-"7•'.. ."- .'-- ... .•... .•..., . _ FROM ' TO - DESCRIPTION Well Centimeter Name ' 4418-Ab..1 ft'. .161.4- ft* oath --41 1 0610Pry . -- - ft.. 1 1 NC Well Contractor Certification Number •IS..OITTERCASING(for MultharediViells)OR LINE R(IfW1Sea le) . -'-• .' :7'1,.. Aqua PAL Inc FROM TO ' DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL • compan Name . - .6 ft- Os- ft, 4/7i..4-1,11,. .so.p:u. y '.16;INNERCASING OR TUBING(rietitliit Mid dcced4o014,".''.".,--"---•-•--,"--'. .-i,.-•-; . 2.1lVell tonstructIOn kerndt#:' -19 I 4 .FROM TO .DIAMETER .THICKNESS MATERIAL List all applicable well'eonstruetron permits(i.e.,WCOuno,state,Variance,etc).- - ft: ft. -• ft. !'II' '4.Well Me"(climek well use): ft. lk Water Supply We •17.-SCREENA.--....;',.".-'-J-..--.:-._L.-:" 1":-: ....: .,-...;:,:-L:1-,,. ji;,..•-•`.-.-;•---,:2'-.,-....:!::.,CC: . FROM; ' TO . DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL' , DAgricultural ",DMiCipal/Publie fL it. In. . i Opeotheriail(Reating/Cooling.Supply) IR .,:•clential Water Stipply(single) ft. IL In. Olirdastrial/Commercial• " 13Residential Water'Supply(shared) .18.GROur--,--_•.:.-',.•....• ...: .--. , -2-.:..„........: - ...t.-:- .. .'- - ---;-.'"-•--•,. Illtrigatien . . FROM. ;:''TO MATERIAL . EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT _ . Non-Water ciSupply Well: ' 40 ft.' 71.0 ft' ta e'uttiv'):1-4-. puke- 1110.Monitoring 011=ovary a.' it. Gliop g . Injection Well: • ft. fL• . DAquife.r Recharge 'E3Groundwirter'Remeditition . . , . . . ElAquifer Storage and Recovery ,DStiliiiity Ranier FROM ' :•TO MATERIAL .EMPLACEMENTMETHOD Aquifer Test DStormWater Drainage IL ft. • D Eiclieriniental Technology ,DSubsidence Control 'ft-. - ft. •• . OGesathennal(ClOO'Loop) E)Tracer • •20.DRILLING.LOG'(attieh additional magma ff neetisary),:" ,....,-:-: •.,.,_.-,:::--1.•, - - _',.MOTION(eaten harden&'aro&W42111131 en,de.), riGenth 1 alcating/Cooling Return) nOther-(dxplainluidiri#21.Rernarica). FROM TO . . . 4.Date Well(e)Comple IS 'r`V't . *AIM. l b ft' I oa_ ft• . S 6,-.C..v.ny So.- I Da it• 1)&0 M Ae,a.i e L'il I e. . 5a.Well Location: . . . _ .. - , ... D.- b •A- • ft. ,. :2 •j, Th1N",,4 itKit.“, _ . 1)..- tr .65 C.,ri44”r e . -.(-- r •••''.1 T''''-'7.,. • - - 4.1,...' ,, ill--- "e• . , %Unity/Owner Nagle facility MU(if appliCtible) l 26 ft' I-Al: ft' C.f•U'el...t e- ' L.' 4.--Li- IL ft. . 1411•A'rC,011X., NZ-. ft. .. .. . JAN 1 a 202A . Paystiall Address,City,and Zip ft. if '-)p •S ii km& ' •21.-REMARKIII,1..r".:i.".•-..:-,-.-.•,-.":...,i-•••:-.:-...?:..•,,• I . :I `-1-'''.'..•`.'''•"l•' •,-...'.•;;-'4,1q4;1-5/.Ur LArt:Qt2;0(4 County Parcel Identificialen•No.(PIN) . , Sb.Latitude and longitude in degreethifinidea/Sectinde or dedmal degrees:• . . :(irwell:field,onelathong is suffielent) 22:Certhicationt / )t ' N 0 571rre •w .„ ,4 ,. . 6.1s(are)the Well(s)Micrmanent, or‘13Temporary . 3:..-•.!. .. of • .r.lrivel.M9cmr ' ' 1, Date By airing thit fermi.I hereby cat&that the latil(s)was(were)constructedln accordance 7.•Is this a repair-to an existing well: 3Yes or No with 11A NCAe 02C.0100 or ISAINCAC 02C.0200 Weltranstruellon Btandardp and that a Vika Oa Papal!,fill out known well conitnialon Information and eralahi the nature ofthe copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. repair ander#21;retharkteectlati Or on Utak&°filth fon* 23.Site-diagram or additiontilvell details: 8.,ForVaprtilie/DPT or Closed-LooP.Oeothermal Wells having the same You may use the-ha*of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,oily]OW-1 ia needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of-wells Cot:sat:Clio;details,You may also attach additimad'pages if necessary. drilled; - .. • : fiUBM1TTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total Well depth'below laid surface: 2,D••• -... . (ft.) 24a.For,All Wells: Stara:this,ferri:within 30 days of completion.of well • FOrmuldple weltslist all deptlis;Ifdifferent(eiamale-3@200 42..05 consmktion to the following 10.jStirtic water level below to of casingr. . (ft.)' Divide:sof Water Resources;Won:Mb&Processing Unit, . . . aster local is.tihtive.cthIng.we'"+" 1617Mall Service Ceiteii:Rahigh,NC 27699-1617 -A4, 11,Borehole diameter: -- 6 (im) 2411:FOt Inieetien Wells: in additionlo sending the form ta the:address in 24a . _. • above,also subMit one,copy Of this'form within 30 days'of completion:Of,well , 12.-1Weltainatilittlett method: i.t.i,6-r9 'Fri-r-_ . construction-to the following , (Ie.,auger,rotory,,miby.direct push;etc.) Division Of Wider Reiources,Underground Injection Control FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 16361V1a11 Service Ctiter,.Raleigh,NC 276994.636. v% 1- I • 13a.-Yield.(gpm) .1,b' Mitlied Of test: C14 I-4-,Li ‘,,-r.-e. . 24c.For Water Snoolv&Iniection Weill: In addition,to sending the form to . the tuldresges) above;alio submit anal copy of this Sinn.within 30 days,of isb.Disinftdion type: :gx-14.7 or,- &noun!: ( to 942_ .. completion of well constructiOn to the leeway health.departmemt Of the county where constructed. • Ppm'CiP/51 North Catolina Depintinent oiHnvironnunnal Quality-ttivislen cif Water Resources , Revised 2-22-2016. p•