HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00398_Well Construction - GW1_20240116 - - 1 . . . - , priaitfonn '---.- , . —co TRucTIID FOr(1377:il.Use OnlY: .---— ,...,............_...,_ . • , ....,...-- . 1.Well Cootreetor Information: • • , . - . , - David VIWATER ZONES' • -• '• -.. - - • •• -- • • •• . Well ContmetorNarne PROM. . . DESCRIE710' i 2906-A ' 1-' ; ,_‘ Willeinffirjergri4- . —___.—...—....................._._ I ! - NC Well Cremator Cenificaden Number - Aqua Drill; Inc. • . mom , TO _ . niAnrsisn • 770040$8 " B7ATERIAL • yNam: . ..................... ..........________................... ...............- Alf ft. . _2.fr. . A lc: le' It/ efifr_ lef 1• INNER •1 G OR TtriGmaztitrins==) ma ' ...., •• ' 2.Well Constrnition Permit Ns 1411): 'E/LI/I...I.__ FROM in . list till applicable well cansintetton permits(Le=Cow%M'at4 Variant:61We) IL. ft. 1 _ , ,_ 3.Well Ilse(check well us* 11 ft. • ie. Water Supply Well: • • icioa MOM TO •INANE= nor aim un nu 1 ormEnsm. . *Agricultural Eittammblic 0 at I ft fn.Geothermal arealieeCoolinE Supply) Ifl.' • ,rtleotial Whiet Supply(singles) ft.. fx In. 1. At IndustrialICommercial 41:11esidential WaterSupply(shared) 11 kb,,on - MOM TO . a . . it . . . .SAryla• Non-Water Supply Welk 2 / 710.iii' rilY/5-Zio lit onitosing . *Remaly . - ft. it rt ec,on Well: „ .. - ft. it Aquifer Rechauge DerromdwaterReordiation 39.SANDIGRAVEL PACK Ofnoorreehts1 : • • • • 11111•,offer Storage and Recoveiy • CriSalinib,&trier OP_E...1._-....arsi dlii Aquifer Test °Stool:water Drahlage ' . ifL ft . Ilii Experimental Technology - °Subsidence:Control ft. - ft. . *Geothennal(Closed Loop) Diluter ZO.DIULLING LOG Womb arlditirassIsItests Ifesseannry) -'• • - - - .Geathennal Me:ling/Cooling Rentz!! *Other(.-.,lain undes1/21 Remake 1-414-WIL T° ‘ -' , "113:2"bardneureriaekimelald"Atei- . re 4.Date Weil(s)Completed:Ofilk...Weil MO .. 4.1. , _ 5 Well Location: _, . L±...,/ .--...„—_-__ Faellity/OenterName • EnithylD0(ifooplicolde) ft. ft. .. . ) J4N 1 7A _LI - —.7G A $ I '. ' r- ‘.2.72' ft. • ' Address.Cily.and Ep' 6) ft. ' ft. • • .. . .. 4Z e • 21.REIVIA!= . .' .„4_,,.,,...... •:.. • -,„__ . - ' ....—...—....._:. _---..:„._ County Pateel identification No.(PIN)- 0.—__________ :44..........N.____________-. Six Latitude and fortitude in degrees/mlnetedseconds or dedmaldegrees: Mug Eeld.'ene legion is enfiledens) I • ' ---_.,..,., /hi 124 . -t O.Is(ore)the wdl(a) Pernament or 11:71Tereporary si arCertificd Well e- !. Data By signing fhb An74 I Itraeby Clentry Btu lite=UN unr Owe)coostnnted ra accortrance 7.1s this a repair to al:casting well: C freis or END withiSA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA MAC 0.2C.0200 Weil Cbristnailan Study&and that et fats Is a repots:AU cm Ana=irdleonstnagion&rib:maim•W eget*:thenatuteethe comfthirrecordittebranProvidediothswenownen • rapatriarder N.21 ytyparlasedlon or an art bad ofiltisjiMm ':. 23.Site dhtgium or additional wen deems: . 8.For Geoprobe/DIT oi Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells havbtlhe same YOU may We the hack°this page to'mime add'ikind well site details or well construction;only I OWI is needed. Indicate TOTAL 14UMB.ER ofwells construction details.You may also attach adalltionad pages ifnecessmy. •dnlled:.— ,_ ,,...... puBwarrm..mrnucnorqs I i , .._....1 Wrotahvell rielllil bellm'irmd surfseer-..—_oA,I_____-jft4 24a.Fur All Welbc Submit this Awn mama 30 days of completion of well • For:maple well.!Bo at I diptharderreg(=ample-3 Or and 2@ftlary cunskuction to the following . , 10.SO:deviates leveltelow top easing: 11;47 (ft) Diation of Water Resoureis,Inform:aeon Prowaslog ME,. Ifwatarlevel Ls dm cask&uscs'+" i 1611 Ditall Semite Center;Raleigh,NC 276994617 IL Borehole diameter: 0 (in.).. • • 241).Far Infection Wean In addon to Mading the form to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this bon Within'30 days of completion of well ' IL Well construction methods iti;PI X101)149,, consituction to the knowing A___ _L . --.„._ (io.met roc*,(labia diteetpask eta) • Division of:Water Rennin%llo...5..yulla Injection%antral Program, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: . • las Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 276994636 I 1 - I3a.y•ield(gpm) - -- Method of tuft (!):4 2( 24c.Yor Water/into&&Iniacthre Welk: In addkion to Sending the form to the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this Sum within 30 day;of - •. 13b.Disinfection type: ,Amami: /‘e Z"' completion of well constsuetien to the county health department of the county where constructed. ' , Fenn OW-I North Carolina Department aft/honing/0i Quality-DiVisien ofWaterResoorees i Revised 2424016