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20230396 Ver 1_USACE Permit_20240118
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT WILMINGTON REGULATORY OFFICE 69 DARLINGTON AVENUE WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA 28403 January 18, 2024 Regulatory Program/Division Mr. Jimmy Farrington Mr. Brian K. Byrd Dirt to Dreams, LLC PO Box 4692 Emerald Isle, NC 28544 Via Email: keith dirt2dreamsllc.com; jimmy@yardworkslandscapes,com Dear Mr. Farrington: This letter is in response to the revised application you submitted to the Wilmington District, Wilmington RG Field Office on August 30, 2023 for a Department of the Army general permit verification. This project is assigned the file number SAW-2008-02538 and is known as Hamptons on the White Oak. This file number should be referenced in all correspondence with this office. A review of the information provided indicates that the proposed work includes the construction of a residential subdivision, with associated road infrastructure and amenities to include a 29-slip open water marina, boat ramp with day dock, kayak launch, and the dredging of an access channel to Hampton Bay. The project area for this determination includes an approximate 100-acre area which is illustrated on the enclosed site plans/maps. The project/review area is located within the White Oak River, Hampton Bay, Raymonds Gut, and adjacent uplands, and wetlands; at 246 Amphitheater Drive, at Latitude 34.727288 and Longitude-77.102451; in Swansboro, Carteret County, North Carolina. We have determined that the proposed work is authorized by RGP 291 pursuant to authorities under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. § 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1344). The proposed work must be accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed general permit conditions, any regional conditions, the special conditions listed in this letter, the application materials, and the enclosed plans The Hamptons on the White Oak dated 10/23/2023. If the extent of the project area and/or nature of the authorized impacts to waters are modified, a revised application must be submitted to this office for written approval before work is initiated. Any deviation from the terms and conditions of the permit, or your submitted plans, may subject the permittee to enforcement action. This verification is valid until December 31, 2026, unless the subject general permit(s) is suspended, revoked, or is modified prior to that date such that the activity no longer complies with the terms and conditions of the general permit. Project Specific Special Conditions: 1. In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit, mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the attached Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form, including any special conditions listed on this form, are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit. 2. In order to further protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at https://www.fws.gov/media/2017-manatee-quidelines- north-carolina. 3. The Permittee shall implement all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that equipment, structures, fill pads, work, and operations associated with this project do not adversely affect upstream and/or downstream reaches. Adverse effects include, but are not limited to, channel instability, flooding, and/or stream bank erosion. The Permittee shall routinely monitor for these effects, cease all work when detected, take initial corrective measures to correct actively eroding areas, and notify this office immediately. Permanent corrective measures may require additional authorization by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 4. Culverts placed within wetlands must be installed in a manner that does not restrict the flows and circulation patterns of waters of the United States. Culverts placed across wetland fills purely for the purposes of equalizing surface water shall not be buried, but the culverts must be of adequate size and/or number to ensure unrestricted transmission of water. This general permit verification and any associated authorizations does not preclude the necessity to obtain any other Federal, State, or local permits, licenses, and/or certifications, which may be required. If you have any questions related to this verification or have issues accessing documents referenced in this letter, please contact Sarah Hair, Regulatory Project Manager of the Wilmington RG Field Office at 910-251-4049, by mail at the above address, or by email at sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil. Sincerely, Sarah (Liz) Hair Regulatory Project Manager Enclosures: Special Conditions MRT Form GP291 Conditions Manatee Guidelines 401 Certification dated 11 /16/2023 CAMA Major 5-24 dated 1/18/2024 Revised Plans dated 10/18/2023. Electronic Cc (w/enclosures): Ron Cullipher, The Cullipher Group, PA Ginger Turner, The Cullipher Group, PA Michael Meilinger, NC DWR Gregg Bodnar/Cameron Luck, NC DCM General Conditions (33 CFR PART 320-330): 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2026. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort of if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit you must obtain the signature of the new owner on the transfer form attached to this letter and forward a copy to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. You must allow a representative from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Commencement Notification Form Action ID Number: SAW-2008-02538 County: Carteret Permittee: Dirt to Dreams, LLC, Mr. Jimmy Farrington Project Name: Hamptons on the White Oak Date Verification Issued: 1/18/2024 Project Manager: Sarah Hair Within 10 days of commencing the activity authorized by this permit, sign this certification, and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Attn: Sarah Hair Wilmington RG Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 or sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil 910-251-4049 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. Construction Start Date: Signature of Permittee Date Compliance Certification Form Action ID Number: SAW-2008-02538 County: Carteret Permittee: Dirt to Dreams, LLC, Mr. Jimmy Farrington Project Name: Hamptons on the White Oak Date Verification Issued: 1/18/2024 Project Manager: Sarah Hair Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Attn: Sarah Hair Wilmington RG Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 or sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. hereby certify that the work, and mitigation (if applicable), authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit including any general or specific conditions. Date Authorized Work Started: Completed: Describe any deviations from permit (attach drawing(s) depicting the deviations): *Note: The description of any deviations on this form does not constitute approval by the Corps. Signature of Permittee Date US Army Corps of Engineers — Wilmington District Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form Permittee: Mr. Jimmy Farrington; Dirt to Dreams, LLC Action ID: SAW-2008-02538 Project Name: Hamptons on the White Oak County: Carteret Instructions to Permittee: The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to the Mitigation Sponsor, either an approved Mitigation Bank or the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), who will then sign the form to verify the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once the Sponsor has signed this form, it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that Wilmington District Project Manager identified on page two is in receipt of a signed copy of this form before conducting authorized impacts, unless otherwise specified below. If more than one Mitigation Sponsor will be used to provide the mitigation associated with the permit, or if the impacts and/or the mitigation will occur in more than one 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC), multiple forms will be attached to the permit, and the separate forms for each Sponsor and/or HUC must be provided to the appropriate Mitigation Sponsors. Instructions to Sponsor: The Sponsor verifies that the mitigation requirements (credits) shown below have been released and are available at the identified site. By signing below, the Sponsor is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation, regardless of whether they have received payment from the Permittee. Once the form is signed, the Sponsor must update the bank ledger and provide a copy of the signed form and the updated ledger to the Permittee, the Project Manager who issued the permit, the Bank Project Manager, and the District Mitigation Office (see contact information on page 2). The Sponsor must also comply with all reporting requirements established in their authorizing instrument. Permitted Impacts and Compensatory Mitigation Requirements Permitted Impacts Requiring Mitigation*: 8-digit HUC and Basin: 03020106, White Oak River Basin Stream Impacts (linear feet) Wetland Impacts (acres) Warm Cool Cold Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non -Riparian Coastal 0.15 *If more than one mitigation sponsor will be used for the permit, only include impacts to be mitigated by this sponsor. Compensatory Mitigation Requirements: 8-digit HUC and Basin: 03020106, White Oak River Basin Stream Mitigation (credits) Wetland Mitigation (credits) Warm Cool Cold Riparian Riverine Riparian Non-Riverine Non -Riparian Coastal 0.30 Mitigation Site Debited: INC DMS (List the name of the bank to be debited. For umbrella banks, also list the specific site. For NCDMS, list NCDMS. If the NCDMS acceptance letter identifies a specific site, also list the specific site to be debited). Section to be completed by the Mitigation Sponsor Statement of Mitigation Liability Acceptance: I, the undersigned, verify that I am authorized to approve mitigation transactions for the Mitigation Sponsor shown below, and I certify that the Sponsor agrees to accept full responsibility for providing the mitigation identified in this document (see the table above), associated with the USACE Permittee and Action ID number shown. I also verify that released credits (and/or advance credits for NCDMS), as approved by the Wilmington District, are currently available at the mitigation site identified above. Further, I understand that if the Sponsor fails to provide the required compensatory mitigation, the USACE Wilmington District Engineer may pursue measures against the Sponsor to ensure compliance associated with the mitigation requirements. Mitigation Sponsor Name: Name of Sponsor's Authorized Representative: Signature of Sponsor's Authorized Representative Date of Signature USACE Wilmington District — MRTF Page 2 Conditions for Transfer of Compensatory Mitigation Credit: • Once this document has been signed by the Mitigation Sponsor and the District is in receipt of the signed form, the Permittee is no longer responsible for providing the mitigation identified in this form, though the Permittee remains responsible for any other mitigation requirements stated in the permit conditions. • Construction within jurisdictional areas authorized by the permit identified on page one of this form can begin only after the District is in receipt of a copy of this document signed by the Sponsor, confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein. When NCDMS provides mitigation for authorized impacts conducted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), construction within jurisdictional areas may proceed upon permit issuance; however, a copy of this form signed by NCDMS must be provided to the District within 30 days of permit issuance. NCDOT remains fully responsible for the mitigation until the District has received this form, confirming that the Sponsor has accepted responsibility for providing the mitigation requirements listed herein. • Signed copies of this document must be retained by the Permittee, Mitigation Sponsor, and in the USACE administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/ILF Instrument. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that the District Project Manager (address below) is provided with a signed copy of this form. • If changes are proposed to the type, amount, or location of mitigation after this form has been signed and returned to the District, the Sponsor must obtain case -by -case approval from the District Project Manager and/or North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT). If approved, higher mitigation ratios may be applied, as per current District guidance and a new version of this form must be completed and included in the District administrative records for both the permit and the Bank/ILF Instrument. Comments/Additional Conditions: A letter from NC DIMS, confirming they are willing and able to accept the applicant's compensatory mitigation responsibility, dated 10/23/2023 was provided with the applicant's revised application and plans. This form is not valid unless signed below by the District Project Manager and by the Mitigation Sponsor on Page 1. Once signed, the Sponsor should provide copies of this form along with an updated bank ledger to: 1) the Permittee, 2) the District Project Manager at the address below, 3) the Bank Manager listed in RIBITS, and 4) the Wilmington District Mitigation Office, 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105, Wake Forest, NC 27587 (or by email to SAWMIT@usace.armV.miU. Questions regarding this form or any of the permit conditions may be directed to the District Mitigation Office. USACE Project Manager: Sarah Hair USACE Field Office: Wilmington RG Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington Email: sarah.e.hair@usace.army.mil Wilmington District Project Manager Signature January 18, 2024 Date of Signature Current Wilmington District mitigation guidance, including information on mitigation ratios, functional assessments, and mitigation bank location and availability, and credit classifications (including stream temperature and wetland groupings) is available at http://ribits.usace.army.mi1. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 http://www.saw.usace.army.mil/Missions/Re ug latoryPermitPro rg am.aspx General Permit No. 198000291 Name of Permittee: General Public Effective Date: January 01, 2022 Expiration Date: December 31, 2026 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY REGIONAL GENERAL PERMIT (RGP) A RGP to do work in or affecting navigable waters of the U.S. and waters of the U.S., upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1899 (U.S.C. 403), and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), is hereby issued by authority of the Secretary of the Army by District Engineer U.S. Army Engineer District, Wilmington Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343 TO AUTHORIZE THOSE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN THE 20 COASTAL COUNTIES RECEIVING PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE FORM OF A COASTAL AREA MANAGEMENT ACT (CAMA) PERMIT, AND/OR A STATE DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT, AND IF REQUIRED, A WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION, THAT ARE OTHERWISE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FEDERAL AUTHORIZATION IN THE FORM OF A NATIONWIDE PERMIT OR ANOTHER RGP. Operatinst Procedures a. Applications for joint state and federal authorization under this programmatic RGP will be accepted through the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM). Receipt of a complete application by the NCDCM will initiate the State's field review that will include a site visit and preparation of a Field Investigation Report and a state Bio-Report. The NCDCM will forward a copy of the complete application, its Field Investigation Report, and its Bio-Report, to the appropriate Corps of Engineers field office, thereby initiating federal review of the project. The Corps, upon receipt of an application, will immediately assign an action identification number, acknowledge receipt thereof, and examine the application to assure that it can be processed pursuant to this programmatic RGP. The applicant and the NCDCM will be furnished written notification of the Corps' determination. Notification to the applicant will include a brief description of the administrative process. b. For those proposals that may result in a discharge into waters of the U.S., including wetlands, the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) and the applicant will be informed regarding the applicant's need to obtain a Water Quality Certification in accordance with section 401 of the Clean Water Act. c. If, at any time, the Corps determines that a proposed activity is eligible for authorization under another regional RGP or a nationwide permit (NWP), this procedure may be terminated and the activity authorized pursuant to the terms and conditions of the appropriate RGP or NWP. d. The permit review process conducted by the NCDCM is a public process involving publication of public notices in local newspapers, public hearings, and various public appeal procedures. The Corps may issue a separate public notice for a specific proposal if it is deemed necessary for compliance with appropriate laws, regulation, and guidance. e. This RGP does not, in any way, alter established procedures or responsibilities, as required by federal laws, memoranda of agreements (MOA's) or administrative regulations, with respect to the Corps' coordination with appropriate review agencies. The applicant will continue to have the opportunity to rebut any objections to a proposal. f. The Corps will provide copies of the application and plans, the NCDCM's Field Investigation Report, and the state Bio-Report, to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and any other federal agency that the Corps determines to be a necessary review agency (collectively, the "Federal Agencies"). Receipt of this material will initiate the Federal Agencies' review. The Federal Agencies will be allowed sufficient time, normally thirty (30) days, to provide the Corps with their comments and recommendations, including any proposed permit special conditions and recommendations of denial. The Corps may grant extensions of time for Federal Agency review if justified by unusual circumstances. If an extension is granted that would substantially delay an NCDCM decision, the application may be removed from this RGP process. g. The Corps will receive and review all Federal Agency comments as well as any applicant rebuttal. Provided all Federal Agencies and the Corps are in agreement, the Corps will prepare a coordinated federal position incorporating all Federal Agency comments, including proposed permit special conditions and any recommendations for denial. The Corps will typically furnish this coordinated federal position to the NCDCM within 45 days of its receipt of the complete application, and copies of the Field Investigation Report and Bio-Report. h. If the Corps does not concur with a Federal Agency's comments or recommendations, the Corps will contact the Federal Agency and advise it of the Corps' position. Attempts to resolve the issue may include initiating the referral procedures outlined by current memoranda of agreement (MOA's) between the Department of the Army and the agency. No coordinated federal position will be furnished to the NCDCM until and unless the Corps receives written agreement from the Federal Agency that all issues have been resolved to the satisfaction of that agency. i. If any of the recommendations and/or conditions included in the coordinated federal position are unacceptable to the NCDCM, the NCDCM will contact the Corps within ten (10) days of receipt of the coordinated federal position and attempt to resolve the conflict. If resolution of the conflict involves changes to the conditions or recommendations provided by the Federal Agencies, the provisions of paragraphs g. and h. (above) will apply. If the conflict is resolved to the satisfaction of the Corps and any affected Federal Agency, the NCDCM permit will be issued and the authority of this RGP will apply. j. If a Federal Agency conflict is not resolved within the time necessary for a decision by the NCDCM, the NCDCM may proceed, independently, to conclude the state action without inclusion of the federal position. In such case, the applicant and the NCDCM will be notified immediately, in writing, that the state permit does not satisfy the federal permit requirements and that the proposal in question may not proceed without federal authorization. k. If the coordinated federal position is not in conflict with state agencies' positions, law, regulation, or policy, and is acceptable to the NCDCM, a state permit will be developed by the NCDCM fully incorporating the state and federal positions. The NCDCM will furnish copies of the final permit to the applicant and the Corps. The NCDWR will furnish a copy of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification, if required, to the applicant and the Corps. The Corps will not confirm the authorization of a proposed project under this RGP until the issuance of the NCDCM permit and, if required, the Section 401 Water Quality Certification. 1. If the NCDCM permit or Section 401 Water Quality Certification is denied, the applicant will be informed that federal authorization is denied without prejudice. in. No work may proceed under this RGP until the Wilmington District Engineer or his representative provides written verification that the procedures and conditions of the RGP have been satisfied. n. The NCDCM and the Corps will monitor all permitted work and periodically inspect projects for compliance with permit conditions and applicable state and federal regulations. If any violation of the NCDCM permit is discovered which would also constitute a violation of the federal position, both the NCDCM and the Corps, in accordance with their respective regulations and policies, may take enforcement action. o. This RGP will not be used to authorize an activity when the Wilmington District Engineer determines that the proposed activity would significantly affect the quality of the human environment and therefore require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). General Conditions a. Authorized structures located on or adjacent to Federally authorized waterways will be constructed in accordance with the latest setback criteria established by the Wilmington District Engineer. You may review the setback policy at http://www.saw.usace.arM.mil/Missions/Navigation/Setbacks.awx. This RGP does not authorize the construction of hardened or permanently fixed structures within the Federally Authorized Channel Setback, unless the activity is approved by the Corps. The Permittee must obtain approval from the Corps prior to the construction of any structures within the Federally Authorized Channel Setback. b. Except as authorized by this RGP or any Corps approved modification to this RGP, no excavation, fill or mechanized land -clearing activities shall take place, at any time in the construction or maintenance of this project, within waters or wetlands. This permit does not authorize temporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill material within waters or wetlands outside the permitted area. This prohibition applies to all borrow and fill activities connected with this project. c. Authorization under this RGP does not obviate the need to obtain other federal, state, or local authorizations. d. All work authorized by this RGP must comply with the terms and conditions of the applicable Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for this RGP issued by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources. e. The Permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area. This shall include, but is not limited to, the immediate installation of silt fencing or similar appropriate devices around all areas subject to soil disturbance or the movement of earthen fill, and the immediate stabilization of all disturbed areas. Additionally, the project must remain in full compliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). f. The activities authorized by this RGP must not interfere with the public's right to free navigation on all navigable waters of the U.S. No attempt will be made by the Permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work for a reason other than safety. g. The Permittee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his/her authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps , to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. h. The Permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of the permit for the verified individual activity, may apply for an individual permit, or will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his/her authorized representative may direct, restore the affected water of the US to its former conditions. i. This RGP does not authorize any activity that would conflict with a federal project's congressionally authorized purposes, established limitations or restrictions, or limit an agency's ability to conduct necessary operation and maintenance functions. Per Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as amended (33 U.S.C. 408), no project that has the potential to take possession of or make use of for any purpose, or build upon, alter, deface, destroy, move, injure, or obstruct a federally constructed work or project, including, but not limited to, levees, dams, jetties, navigation channels, borrow areas, dredged material disposal sites, flood control projects, etc., shall be permitted unless the project has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate Corps approval authority. j. The Permittee shall obtain a Consent to Cross Government Easement from the Wilmington District's Land Use Coordinator prior to any crossing of the Corps easement and/or prior to commencing construction of any structures, authorized dredging, or other work within the right-of-way of, or in proximity to, a federally designated disposal area. The Land Use Coordinator may be contacted at: CESAW-OP-N, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403-1343, email: SAWWeb-NAVgusace.army.mil. k. The Permittee will allow the Wilmington District Engineer or his/her representative to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to assure that the activity is being performed or maintained in strict accordance with the Special and General Conditions of this permit. 1. This RGP does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. in. This RGP does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. n. This RGP does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed federal project. o. In issuing this RGP, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: (1) Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. (2) Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. (3) Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this RGP. (4) Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. (5) Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this RGP. p. Authorization provided by this RGP may be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part if the Wilmington District Engineer, acting for the Secretary of the Army, determines that such action would be in the best public interest. The term of this RGP shall be five (5) years unless subject to modification, suspension, or revocation. Any modification, suspension or revocation of this authorization will not be the basis for any claim for damages against the United States Government. q. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system while the river is in an official study status, unless the appropriate Federal agency with direct management responsibility for such river, has determined in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scenic designation or study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency responsible for the designated Wild and Scenic River or "study river" (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, etc.) r. This RGP does not authorize any activity within, or directly affecting, a marine sanctuary established by the Secretary of Commerce under authority of Section 302 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, unless the applicant provides the Corps with a certification from the Secretary of Commerce that the proposed activity is consistent with the purposes of Title III of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. Information on marine sanctuaries may be obtained at http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/#MN. Permittees may not begin work until they provide the Corps with a written certification from the Department of Commerce. s. In cases where the Wilmington District Engineer determines that the activity may affect properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places and its codified regulations, the National Historic Preservation Amendment Acts of 1980 and 1992, the Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, the activity is not authorized, until the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) have been satisfied. Permittees may not begin work until notified by the Corps that the requirements of the NHPA have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. t. If you discover any previously unknown historic, cultural, or archeological remains and artifacts while accomplishing the activity authorized by this RGP, you must immediately notify the Wilmington District Engineer of what you have found, and to the maximum extent practicable, avoid construction activities that may affect the remains and artifacts until the required coordination has been completed. The Wilmington District Engineer will initiate the Federal, tribal, and state coordination required to determine if the items or remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. u. Endangered Species. (1) No activity is authorized under this RGP which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species directly or indirectly or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), or which will directly or indirectly destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. No activity is authorized under this RGP which "may affect" a listed species or critical habitat, unless Section 7 consultation addressing the effects of the proposed activity has been completed. (2) Federal agencies should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements of the ESA. Federal prospective Permittees (and when FHWA is the lead federal agency) must provide the District Engineer with the appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with those requirements. The District Engineer will review the documentation and determine whether it is sufficient to address ESA compliance for the RGP activity, or whether additional ESA consultation is necessary. (3) As a result of formal or informal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or NMFS, the District Engineer may add species -specific endangered species conditions to the RGP verification letter for a project. (4) Authorization of an activity by a RGP does not authorize the "take" of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the ESA. In the absence of separate authorization (e.g., an ESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with "incidental take" provisions, etc.) from the USFWS or the NMFS, the ESA prohibits any person subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. to take a listed species, where "take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct. The word "harm" in the definition of "take" means an act which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such an act may include significant habitat modification or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding, or sheltering. (5) Information on the location of threatened and endangered species and their critical habitat can be obtained directly from the USFWS in Raleigh, North Carolina at the address provided below, or from the USFWS and NMFS via their world wide web pages at http://www.fws.gov/ or http://www.fws.g_ov/ipac and http://www.noaa.gov/fisheries.html respectively. The Raleigh USFWS Office covers all NC counties east of, and including, Richmond, Montgomery, Randolph, Guilford, and Rockingham Counties. US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Telephone: (919) 856-4520 (6) The Wilmington District, USFWS, NCDOT, and the FHWA have conducted programmatic Section 7(a)(2) consultation for a number of federally listed species and habitat, and programmatic consultation concerning other federally listed species and/or habitat may occur in the future. The result of completed programmatic consultation is a Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) issued by the USFWS. These PBOs contain mandatory terms and conditions to implement the reasonable and prudent measures that are associated with "incidental take" of whichever species or critical habitat is covered by a specific PBO. Authorization under this RGP is conditional upon the Permittee's compliance with all the mandatory terms and conditions associated with incidental take of the applicable PBO (or PBOs), which are incorporated by reference in this RGP. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions associated with incidental take of an applicable PBO, where a take of the federally listed species occurs, would constitute an unauthorized take by the Permittee, and would also constitute Permittee non-compliance with the authorization under this RGP. If the terms and conditions of a specific PBO (or PBOs) apply to a project, the Corps will include this/these requirements in any RGP verification that may be issued for a project. The USFWS is the appropriate authority to determine compliance with the terms and conditions of its PBO, and with the ESA. (7) Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis). Standard Local Operating Procedures for Endangered Species (SLOPES) for the NLEB have been approved by the Corps and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. See http://www.saw.usace.ariny.mil/Missions/Re ug latory-Permit-Pro rg am/A ency- Coordination/ESA/. This SLOPES details how the Corps will make determinations of effect to the NLEB when the Corps is the lead federal agency for an NCDOT project that is located in the western 41 counties of North Carolina. This SLOPES do not address NCDOT projects (either federal or state funded) in the eastern 59 counties in North Carolina. Note that if another federal agency is the lead federal agency for a project in the western 41 counties, procedures for satisfying the requirements of Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA will be dictated by that agency and will not be applicable for consideration under the SLOPES; however, information that demonstrates the lead federal agency's (if other than the Corps) compliance with Section 7(a)(2) / 4(d) Rule for the NLEB, will be required in the PCN. Note that at the time of issuance of this RGP, the federal listing status of the NLEB as "Threatened" is being litigated at the National level. If, as a result of litigation, the NLEB is federally listed as "Endangered", this general condition ("s") will no longer be applicable because the 4(d) Rule, and this NLEB SLOPES, will no longer apply/be valid. (8) In order to further protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/pdfs/1\4anateeGuidelines20l7.pdf (9) If the Permittee discovers or observes any live, damaged, injured, or dead individual of an endangered or threatened species during construction, the Permittee shall immediately notify the Wilmington District Engineer so that required coordination can be initiated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or National Marine Fisheries Service. v. Permittees are advised that development activities in or near a floodway may be subject to the National Flood Insurance Program that prohibits any development, including fill, within a floodway that results in any increase in base flood elevations. This RGP does not authorize any activity prohibited by the National Flood Insurance Program. w. The Permittee must install and maintain, at his/her expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information, the Permittee should contact Coast Guard Sector North Carolina at (910) 772-2191 or email Coast Guard Fifth District at cgd5waterways&uscg.mil. x. If the display of lights and signals on the authorized structure is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard will be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Permittee. y. It is possible that an authorized structure may be damaged by wave wash from passing vessels. The issuance of this RGP does not relieve the Permittee from taking all proper steps to ensure the integrity of the permitted structure and the safety of moored boats. The Permittee will not hold the United States liable for any such damage. z. Structures and their attendant utilities, authorized by this RGP, located on lands subject to an easement in favor of the United States for the operation, maintenance, improvement, and enlargement of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW), will be removed at the expense of the Permittee, in the event that, in the judgment of the Corps acting on behalf of the United States, the lands are needed at any time for any purpose within the scope of the easement. Permanent buildings will not be constructed within the easement. aa. The Permittee must maintain any structure or work authorized by this RGP in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this RGP. The Permittee is not relieved of this requirement if the Permittee abandons the structure or work. Transfer in fee simple of the work authorized by this RGP will automatically transfer this RGP to the property's new owner, with all of the rights and responsibilities enumerated herein. The Permittee must inform any subsequent owner of all activities undertaken under the authority of this RGP and provide the subsequent owner with a copy of the terms and conditions of this RGP. bb. At his/her sole discretion, any time during the processing cycle, the Wilmington District Engineer may determine that this RGP will not be applicable to a specific proposal. In such case, the procedures for processing an individual permit in accordance with 33 CFR 325 will be available. cc. Except as authorized by this RGP or any Corps approved modification to this RGP, all fill material placed in waters or wetlands shall be generated from an upland source and will be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. dd Except as authorized by this RGP or any Corps approved modification to this RGP, all excavated material will be disposed of in approved upland disposal areas. ee. Activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon this RGP will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the RGP's expiration, modification, or revocation. Activities completed under the authorization of this RGP that were in effect at the time the activity was completed continue to be authorized by the RGP. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: WamiA.ett Colonel, U.S. Army District Commander " United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 4 s. % Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 GUIDELINES FOR AVOIDING IMPACTS TO THE WEST INDIAN MANATEE Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the Florida manatee, is a Federally -listed endangered aquatic mammal protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, as amended (16 U.S.0 1461 et seq.). The manatee is also listed as endangered under the North Carolina Endangered Species Act of 1987 (Article 25 of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is the lead Federal agency responsible for the protection and recovery of the West Indian manatee under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. Adult manatees average 10 feet long and weigh about 2,200 pounds, although some individuals have been recorded at lengths greater than 13 feet and weighing as much as 3,500 pounds. Manatees are commonly found in fresh, brackish, or marine water habitats, including shallow coastal bays, lagoons, estuaries, and inland rivers of varying salinity extremes. Manatees spend much of their time underwater or partly submerged, making them difficult to detect even in shallow water. While the manatee's principal stronghold in the United States is Florida, the species is considered a seasonal inhabitant of North Carolina with most occurrences reported from June through October. To protect manatees in North Carolina, the Service's Raleigh Field Office has prepared precautionary measures for general construction activities in waters used by the species. Implementation of these measure will allow in -water projects which do not require blasting to proceed without adverse impacts to manatees. In addition, inclusion of these guidelines as conservation measures in a Biological Assessment or Biological Evaluation, or as part of the determination of impacts on the manatee in an environmental document prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, will expedite the Service's review of the document for the fulfillment of requirements under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. These measures include: 1. The project manager and/or contractor will inform all personnel associated with the project that manatees may be present in the project area, and the need to avoid any harm to these endangered mammals. The project manager will ensure that all construction personnel know the general appearance of the species and their habit of moving aboul completely or partially submerged in shallow water. All construction personnel will be informed that they are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of manatees. 2. The project manager and/or the contractor will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. 3. If a manatee is seen within 100 yards of the active construction and/or dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions will be implemented to ensure protection of the manatee. These precautions will include the immediate shutdown of moving equipment if a manatee comes within 50 feet of the operational area of the equipment. Activities will not resume until the manatee has departed the project area on its own volition (i.e., it may not be herded or harassed from the area). 4. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee will be reported immediately. The report must be made to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (ph. 919.856.4520 ext. 16), the National Marine Fisheries Service (ph. 252.728.8762), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (ph. 252.448.1546). 5. A sign will be posted in all vessels associated with the project where it is clearly visible to the vessel operator. The sign should state: CAUTION: The endangered manatee may occur in these waters during the warmer months, primarily from June through October. Idle speed is required if operating this vessel in shallow water during these months. All equipment must be shut down if a manatee comes within 50 feet of the vessel or operating equipment. A collision with and/or injury to the manatee must be reported immediately to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (919-856-4520 ext. 16), the National Marine Fisheries Service (252.728.8762), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (252.448.1546). 6. The contractor will maintain a log detailing sightings, collisions, and/or injuries to manatees during project activities. Upon completion of the action, the project manager will prepare a report which summarizes all information on manatees encountered and submit the report to the Service's Raleigh Field Office. 7. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 8. If siltation barriers must be placed in shallow water, these barriers will be: (a) made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled; (b) secured in a manner that they cannot break free and entangle manatees; and, (c) regularly monitored to ensure that manatees have not become entangled. Barriers will be placed in a manner to allow manatees entry to or exit from essential habitat. Prepared by (rev. 06/2003): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 919/856-4520 Figure 1. The whole body of the West Indian manatee may be visible in clear water; but in the dark and muddy waters of coastal North Carolina, one normally sees only a small part of the head when the manatee raises its nose to breathe. 9TO Illustration used with the permission of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. Source: Clark, M. K. 1987. Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Fauna of North Carolina: Part I. A re-evaluation of the mammals. Occasional Papers of the North Carolina Biological Survey 1987- 3. North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences. Raleigh, NC. pp. 52. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-4lB2987369C9 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 16, 2023 DWR # 20230396 Carteret County Dirt2Dreams, LLC Attn: James Farrington P.O. Box 4692 Emerald Isle, NC 28544 Delivered via email to: keith@dirt2dreamsllc.com jimmy@vardworkslandscapes.com Subject: Approval of Individual 401 Water Quality Certification The Hamptons on the White Oak USACE Action ID. No. SAW-2008-02538 Dear Mr. Farrington: Attached hereto is a copy of Certification No. WQC006411 issued to James Farrington and Dirt2Dreams, LLC, dated November 16, 2023. This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference as part of this Water Quality Certification. If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be required to submit a new application package with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(d)(2)]. This Water Quality Certification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain all other required Federal, State, or Local approvals before proceeding with the project, including those required by, but not limited to, Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge, Water Supply Watershed, and Trout Buffer regulations. This Water Quality Certification neither grants nor affirms any property right, license, or privilege in any lands or waters, or any right of use in any waters. This Water Quality Certification does not authorize any person to interfere with the riparian rights, littoral rights, or water use rights of any other person and does not create any prescriptive right or any right of priority regarding any usage of water. This Water Quality Certification shall not be interposed as a defense in any action respecting the determination of riparian or littoral rights or other rights to water use. No consumptive user is deemed by virtue of this Water Quality Certification to possess any prescriptive or other right of priority with respect to any other consumptive user. D � � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NORTH CAROLINA oR.m.m,r�.n_neraial` /"� 910.796.7215 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 2 of 18 Upon the presentation of proper credentials, the Division may inspect the property. This Water Quality Certification shall expire on the same day as the expiration date of the corresponding Section 404 Permit. The conditions shall remain in effect for the life of the project, regardless of the expiration date of this Water Quality Certification. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth may result in revocation of this Water Quality Certification for the project and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. If you are unable to comply with any of the conditions of this Water Quality Certification you must notify the Wilmington Regional Office within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The permittee shall report to the Wilmington Regional Office any noncompliance with, and/or any violation of, stream or wetland standards [15A NCAC 02B .0200] including but not limited to sediment impacts to streams or wetlands. Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee became aware of the non-compliance circumstances. This approval and its conditions are final and binding unless contested [G.S. 143-215.51. This Certification can be contested as provided in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes by filing a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing (Petition) with the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) within sixty (60) calendar days. Requirements for filing a Petition are set forth in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and Title 26 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Additional information regarding requirements for filing a Petition and Petition forms may be accessed at http://www.ncoah.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000. A party filing a Petition must serve a copy of the Petition on: William F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 If the party filing the Petition is not the permittee, then the party must also serve the recipient of the Certification in accordance with N.C.G.S 15013-23(a). This letter completes the Division's review under section 401 of the Clean Water Act and 15A NCAC 02H .0500. Please contact Holley Snider at 910-796-7303 or holley.snider@deg.nc.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, DocuSigned by: Elo485549OF62DED464... bVti G Sa _u" Morella Sanchez -King Regional Supervisor D � � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wiimington, North Carolina 28405-5406 NORTH CARCLINA 910.796.7215 gaparMeM of EmironmanW quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 3 of 18 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ— WiRO Electronic cc: Ron Cullipher, consultant ron@tcgpa.com Sarah Hair, USACE Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Maria Dunn, NCWRC Todd Bowers, EPA DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Electronic file Filename: 20230396—Hamptons on the White Oak—IWQC—CartCo_Nov.23.docx D � � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. WiUmington, North Carolina 28405-5406 NORTH CARCLINA 910.796.7215 gaparMeM of EmironmanW quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 4 of 18 NORTH CAROLINA 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION #WQC006411 is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to North Carolina's Regulations in 15 NCAC 02H .0500 and 15A NCAC 02B .0200, to James Farrington and Dirt2Dreams, LLC„ who have authorization for the impacts listed below, as described within your application received by the N.C. Division of Water Resources (Division) on September 13, 2023 and subsequent information on October 24, 2023 and October 31, 2023, and by Public Notice issued by the Division of Coastal Management on February 15, 2023. The State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will comply with water quality requirements and the applicable portions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application, the supporting documentation, and conditions hereinafter set forth. The following impacts detailed in your CAMA major permit application revised narrative dated October 18, 2023, received by the Division on October 31, 2023, attachments 1 through 6 received by the Division on November 16, 2023, and site plan drawings sheets C1, CAMA 1, CAMA 2, CAMA 3 and CAMA 4 dated October 23, 2023, are hereby approved. No other impacts are approved, including incidental impacts. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)] Type of Impact Amount Approved Amount Mitigation Amount Permanent Approved Required Temporary Riparian Wetlands Coastal Wetland 0.001 acres N/A N/A Fill for Boat Ramp (-57 sq.ft.) Non -Riparian Wetlands Road Crossing #1 0.047 acres N/A Road Crossing #2 0.014 acres N/A Road Crossing #3 0.011 acres N/A Road Crossing #4 0.075 acres N/A Road Crossing #5 0.003 acres N/A 0.15 credits Open Waters Maintenance Excavation Raymonds Gut 0.946 acres N/A N/A (-41,219 sq.ft.) Boat Ramp Access 0.181 acres N/A N/A (-7,897 sq.ft.) 29-slip Docking Facility 0.586 acres N/A N/A (-25,542 sq.ft.) *INCORPORATED ONLY* This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the certification below. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c)]: D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0—p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 5 of 18 Mitigation must be provided for the proposed impacts as specified in the table below. The attached Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form (Form) shall be completed and provided to the Division prior to any impacts occurring. If the Mitigation Provider specified on the attached Form(s) for the proposed impacts changes after issuance of this Certificate, then the Permittee shall request a revised Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form from the Division prior to conducting any impacts. Compensatory Mitigation Required River and Sub -basin Number Non -riparian Wetland 0.15 acres (credits) White Oak / 03020106 Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(c); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the project must provide for replacement of existing uses through compensatory mitigation. Concrete construction materials used for boat ramp construction, bulkhead components, such as deadman anchors, tie -back systems and concrete caps, shall be managed in a manner that prevents contact with waters of the State. A dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and adjacent surface water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. Any water that contacts uncured concrete shall be captured, treated, and disposed of properly. Citation: 15A 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); 15A NCAC 028.0200; 15A NCAC 028.0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (2) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses. As cited in Wetland Standards: (2) Floating or submerged debris, oil, deleterious substances, or other material shall not be present in amounts that cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. The Permittee shall adhere specially to 15A NCAC 02B .0221 Tidal Salt Water Quality for Class SA Waters (3)(g) pH: shall be normal for waters in the area, which generally shall range between 6.8 and 8.5 except that swamp waters may have a pH as low as 4.3 if it is the result of natural conditions; (1) Turbidity: the turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds this level due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. Citation: 15A NCAC 028.0221 D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 6 of 18 Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity (including fishing, fish, and Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs)), wildlife, and secondary contact recreation]; and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. 4. The effluent water from the dredge spoil should not (if at all practicable) be released into open shellfish waters. The release of the effluent of dredge spoil from a closed shellfish area into open shellfish water will cause a (temporary) closure of that water which in turn is a degradation of waters and a violation of tidal salt water quality standards for Class SA Waters. Shellfish Sanitation (252.726.6827) and the Division of Water Resources (910.796.7215) must be notified if this is to occur. Citation: 15A NCAC 028.0221 Justification: In order to protect against impairment of water quality standards and best usage of receiving and downstream waters, water quality based management practices must be employed to protect against direct or indirect discharge of waste or other sources of water pollution. Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary contact recreation, agriculture, and shellfishing for marketing purposes) and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. The authorized maintenance dredging of Raymonds Gut shall not be dredged beyond the proposed depth and width. In this case Raymonds Gut shall be dredged 30 feet wide to a maximum depth of -4 feet a Mean Low Water at the END FULL DREDGING STATION 13+73.96 and a maximum depth of -5 feet Normal Low Water at the BEGIN DREDGING station 0+00.00. In this case a boat basin measuring approximately 80 feet long by 100 feet wide is authorized to a connecting depth of -4.5 feet Normal Low Water adjacent to the proposed boat ramp and kayak launch. The area shall not be dredged to a depth deeper than the receiving water. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506; 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity; wildlife; secondary contact recreation; agriculture); and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. 6. The construction of the docking facility may not cause any additional closure of shellfishing waters by Shellfish Sanitation as this would be considered a violation of 15A NCAC 02B.0201(f) and 15A NCAC 02B.0221(1). [ Citation: 15A NCACO28.0201(f) and 15A NCACO28.0221(1) Justification: In order to protect against impairment of water quality standards and best usage of receiving and downstream waters, water quality based management practices must be employed to protect against direct or indirect discharge of waste or other sources of water pollution. Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 7 of 18 best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary contact recreation, agriculture, and shellfishing for marketing purposes) and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. 7. The docking facility is permitted for 29 boat slips. Dockage of vessels other than the permitted slips will require re-evaluation by DWR of the use of the dockage facility. Handrails or other devices, including signage, should be used to discourage use of any dock space other than the 29 designated boat slips. Citation: 15A NCAC 07H .0208 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 8. The Permittee shall secure an approved stormwater management plan (SMP) from DEMLR before any impacts authorized in this certification occur. The applicable portion of the approved SMP shall be constructed and operational before any permanent building or other permanent structure is occupied at the site. If any of the SCMs are used as an Erosion and Sediment Control device, it must be restored to the approved stormwater design condition within 30 days of close-out of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(2) and (3); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity; wildlife; secondary contact recreation; agriculture); and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis 9. If this Water Quality Certification is used to access residential, commercial or industrial building sites, then all parcels owned by the permittee that are part of the single and complete project authorized by this Certification must be buildable without additional impacts to streams or wetlands. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0502(a),15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 8 of 18 10. For road construction purposes, this Certification shall only be utilized from natural high ground to natural high ground. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0502(a),15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 11. Deed notifications or similar mechanisms shall be placed on all lots/parcels with retained jurisdictional wetlands, waters, and state regulated riparian buffers within the project boundaries in order to assure compliance with NC Water Quality Certification Rules (15A NCAC 02H .0500), NC Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 02H .1300), and/or State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 02B .0200). These mechanisms shall be put in place at the time of recording of the property or individual parcels, whichever is appropriate. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0502(a);15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 12. If this Water Quality Certification is used for utility related impacts, then the following Activity Specific Conditions shall apply to those impacts. All sewer lines shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with Title 15A NCAC Chapter 02T, applicable Minimum Design Criteria (MDC), and/or Alternative Design Criteria. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H. 0507(c) Justification: The referenced Minimum Design criteria and 02T rules were adopted to ensure that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity; wildlife: secondary contact recreation: agriculture); and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. b. Any utility construction corridor that is parallel to a stream or open water shall not be closer than 10 feet to the top of bank or ordinary high-water mark. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric D � � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 gaparNrM of Emironmanfal quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 9 of 18 criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. c. Where there are temporary or permanent impacts from stream crossings, utility lines shall cross the stream channel at a near -perpendicular direction (i.e., between 75 degrees and 105 degrees to the stream bank). Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. d. Construction corridors in wetlands and/or across stream channels shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable and shall not exceed 40 feet wide for utility lines. For construction corridors in wetlands and across stream channels, stumps shall be grubbed only as needed to install the utility and remaining stumps shall be cut off at grade level. The general stripping of topsoil within wetlands along the construction corridor is prohibited. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. e. Permanent maintained access corridors in wetlands and across stream channels shall be restricted to the minimum width practicable and shall not exceed 30 feet wide except at manhole locations. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. f. For all utility lines constructed within wetlands, an anti -seep collar shall be placed at the downstream (utility line gradient) wetland boundary and every 150 feet up the gradient until the utility exits the wetland. Anti -seep collars may be constructed with class B concrete, compacted clay, PVC pipe, or metal collars. Wetland crossings that are D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 10 of 18 directionally drilled, and perpendicular wetland crossings that are open cut and less than 150 feet long do not require anti -seep collars. The compacted clay shall have a specific infiltration of 1 X 10-5 cm/sec or less. A section and plan view diagram is attached for the anti -seep collars. The following specifications shall apply to class B concrete: i. Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with rounded coarse aggregate 5.0 ii. Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with angular coarse aggregate 5.5 iii. Maximum water -cement ratio gallons per sack 6.8 iv. Slump range 2" to 4" v. Minimum strength - 28-day psi 2,500 Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. g. The permittee shall have a specific plan for restoring wetland contours to pre -construction conditions. Any excess material will be removed to a high ground disposal area. The mixing of topsoil and subsoils within the wetlands along utility corridors shall be minimized to the greatest extent practical. During excavation, the soils shall be placed on fabric to minimize impacts whenever possible. Topsoil excavated from utility trenches will be piled separately from subsoils and will be backfilled into the trench only after the subsoils have been placed and compacted. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. In determining that the proposed activity will comply with state water quality standards (including designated uses, numeric criteria, narrative criteria and the state's antidegradation policy), the Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 13. The permittee shall report to the DWR Wilmington Regional Office any noncompliance with, and/or any violation of, stream or wetland standards [15A NCAC 02B .0200], including but not limited to sediment impacts to streams or wetlands. Information shall be provided orally within 24 hours (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday) from the time the permittee became aware of the non-compliance circumstances. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Timely reporting of non-compliance is important in identifying and minimizing detrimental impacts to water quality and avoiding impacts due to water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 11 of 18 14. No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands or waters beyond the footprint of the approved impacts (including temporary impacts). Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506; 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity; wildlife; secondary contact recreation; agriculture); and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. 15. When applicable, all construction activities shall be performed and maintained in full compliance with G.S. Chapter 113A Article 4 (Sediment and Pollution Control Act of 1973). Regardless of applicability of the Sediment and Pollution Control Act, all projects shall incorporate appropriate Best Management Practices for the control of sediment and erosion so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. Design, installation, operation, and maintenance of all sediment and erosion control measures shall be equal to or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, or for linear transportation projects, the North Caroline Department of Transportation Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. All devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) sites, including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures shall be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. Reclamation measures and implementation shall comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 1971. If the project occurs in waters or watersheds classified as Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs), SA, WS- I, WS-II, High Quality Waters (HQW), or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), then the sedimentation and erosion control designs shall comply with the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 04B .0124, Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c), 15A NCACO28.0200; 15A NCAC 02B .0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (12) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses; and (21) turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes, or reservoirs D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 12 of 18 designated as trout waters, for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. As cited in Wetland Standards: (c)(1) Liquids, fill or other solids, or dissolved gases shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; and (3) Materials producing color or odor shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. 16. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be installed in wetland or waters except within the footprint of temporary or permanent impacts otherwise authorized by this Certification. If placed within authorized impact areas, then placement of such measures shall not be conducted in a manner that results in dis-equilibrium of any wetlands, streambeds, or streambanks. Any silt fence installed within wetlands shall be removed from wetlands and the natural grade restored within two (2) months of the date that DEMLR or locally delegated program has released the specific area within the project to ensure wetland standards are maintained upon completion of the project. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); 15A NCAC 028.0200; 15A NCAC 02B .0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (12) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses, and (21) turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes, or reservoirs designated as trout waters; for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. As cited in Wetland Standards: (c)(1) Liquids, fill or other solids, or dissolved gases shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; and (3) Materials producing color or odor shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. 17. Erosion control matting that incorporates plastic mesh and/or plastic twine shall not be used along streambanks or within wetlands. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses (including aquatic life propagation and biological integrity), and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Protections are necessary to ensure any remaining surface waters or wetlands, and any surface waters or wetlands downstream, continue to support existing uses during and after project completion. The Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards, or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 18. If the project is covered by NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit Number NCGO10000 or NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit Number NCG250000, full compliance with permit D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 13 of 18 conditions including the erosion & sedimentation control plan, inspections and maintenance, self -monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements is required. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); 15A NCAC 028.0200; 15A NCAC 028 .0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (12) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses, and (21) turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes, or reservoirs designated as trout waters, for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. As cited in Wetland Standards: (c)(1) Liquids, fill or other solids, or dissolved gases shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; and (3) Materials producing color or odor shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. 19. Culverts shall be designed and installed in such a manner that the original stream profiles are not altered and allow for aquatic life movement during low flows. The dimension, pattern, and profile of the stream above and below a pipe or culvert shall not be modified by widening the stream channel or by reducing the depth of the stream in connection with the construction activity. The width, height, and gradient of a proposed culvert shall be such as to pass the average historical low flow and spring flow without adversely altering flow velocity. If the width of the culvert is wider than the stream channel, the culvert shall include multiple boxes/pipes, baffles, benches and/or sills to maintain the natural width of the stream channel. If multiple culverts/pipes/barrels are used, low flows shall be accommodated in one culvert/pipe and additional culverts/pipes shall be installed such that they receive only flows above bankfull. Placement of culverts and other structures in streams shall be below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20% of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than or equal to 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. If the culvert outlet is submerged within a pool or scour hole and designed to provide for aquatic passage, then culvert burial into the streambed is not required. For structures less than 72" in diameter/width, and topographic constraints indicate culvert slopes of greater than 2.5% culvert burial is not required, provided that all alternative options for flattening the slope have been investigated and aquatic life movement/connectivity has been provided when possible (e.g. rock ladders, cross -vanes, sills, baffles etc.). Notification, including supporting documentation to include a location map of the culvert, culvert profile drawings, and slope calculations, shall be provided to DWR 30 calendar days prior to the installation of the culvert. D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak DWR#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 14 of 18 When bedrock is present in culvert locations, culvert burial is not required, provided that there is sufficient documentation of the presence of bedrock. Notification, including supporting documentation such as a location map of the culvert, geotechnical reports, photographs, etc. shall be provided to DWR a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the installation of the culvert. If bedrock is discovered during construction, then DWR shall be notified by phone or email within 24 hours of discovery. Installation of culverts in wetlands shall ensure continuity of water movement and be designed to adequately accommodate high water or flood conditions. When roadways, causeways, or other fill projects are constructed across FEMA-designated floodways or wetlands, openings such as culverts or bridges shall be provided to maintain the natural hydrology of the system as well as prevent constriction of the floodway that may result in destabilization of streams or wetlands. The establishment of native woody vegetation and other soft stream bank stabilization techniques shall be used where practicable instead of rip -rap or other bank hardening methods. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule, and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. Ensuring that structures are installed properly in waters will ensure that surface water quality standards are met and conditions of waters are suitable for all best uses. 20. Application of fertilizer to establish planted/seeded vegetation within disturbed riparian areas and/or wetlands shall be conducted at agronomic rates and shall comply with all other Federal, State and Local regulations. Fertilizer application shall be accomplished in a manner that minimizes the risk of contact between the fertilizer and surface waters. Citation: 15A 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); 15A NCAC 02B .0200, 15A NCAC 02B .0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (12) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses. As cited in Wetland Standards: (c)(1) Liquids, fill or other solids, or dissolved gases shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses, and (3) Materials producing color or odor shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. 21. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters shall be inspected and maintained regularly to prevent contamination of surface waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. Construction shall be staged in order to minimize the exposure of equipment to surface waters to the maximum extent practicable. Fueling, lubrication, and general equipment maintenance shall be performed in a manner to prevent, to the maximum extent practicable, contamination of surface waters by fuels and oils. D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 15 of 18 Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c), 15A NCAC 028.0200, 15A NCAC 028 .0231 Justification: A project that affects waters shall not be permitted unless the existing uses, and the water quality to protect such uses, are protected. Activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. As cited in Stream Standards: (12) Oils, deleterious substances, or colored or other wastes: only such amounts as shall not render the waters injurious to public health, secondary recreation, or to aquatic life and wildlife, or adversely affect the palatability offish, aesthetic quality, or impair the waters for any designated uses. As cited in Wetland Standards: (c)(1) Liquids, fill or other solids, or dissolved gases shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; and (3) Materials producing color or odor shall not be present in amounts that may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses. 22. Heavy equipment working in wetlands shall be placed on mats or other measures shall be taken to minimize soil disturbance and compaction. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); 15A NCAC 028.0231 Justification: Wetland standards require maintenance or enhancement of existing uses of wetlands such that hydrologic conditions necessary to support natural biological and physical characteristics are protected; populations of wetland flora and fauna are maintained to protect biological integrity of the wetland; and materials or substances are not present in amounts that may cause adverse impact on existing wetland uses. 23. In accordance with 143-215.85(b), the permittee shall report any petroleum spill of 25 gallons or more; any spill regardless of amount that causes a sheen on surface waters; any petroleum spill regardless of amount occurring within 100 feet of surface waters; and any petroleum spill less than 25 gallons that cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c); N.C.G.S 143-215.85(b) Justification: Person(s) owning or having control over oil or other substances upon notice of discharge must immediately notify the Department, or any of its agents or employees, of the nature, location, and time of the discharge and of the measures which are being taken or are proposed to be taken to contain and remove the discharge. This action is required in order to contain or divert the substances to prevent entry into the surface waters. Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule (including, at minimum: aquatic life propagation, survival, and maintenance of biological integrity, wildlife, secondary contact recreation; agriculture), and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. 24. The permittee and their authorized agents shall conduct all activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act), and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal Law. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b); 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) D � ��� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wipmington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NCRTH CAROLINA 910.796.7215 0_p Mo Emimnmen quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-41B2987369C9 The Hamptons on the White Oak D W R#20230396 Individual Certification#WQC006411 Page 16 of 18 Justification: Surface water quality standards require that conditions of waters be suitable for all best uses provided for in state rule, and that activities must not cause water pollution that precludes any best use on a short-term or long-term basis. The Division must evaluate if the activity has avoided and minimized impacts to waters, would cause or contribute to a violation of standards, or would result in secondary or cumulative impacts. 25. The permittee shall require its contractors and/or agents to comply with the terms and conditions of this certification in the construction and maintenance of this project, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the construction or maintenance of this project with a copy of this Water Quality Certification. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be available at the project site during the construction and maintenance of this project. Citation: 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), 15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) Justification: Those actually performing the work should be aware of the requirements of this 401 Water Quality Certification to minimize water quality impacts. This approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiration of the 404 Permit. The conditions in effect on the date of issuance shall remain in effect for the life of the project, regardless of the expiration date of this Certification. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c)] This, the 16th day of November 2023 DocuSigned by: wtbVt UA Sa —u" a4Kanc�iez Morefl-King Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ— WiRO D � � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. WiUmington, North Carolina 28405-5406 NORTH CARCLINA 910.796.7215 gaparMeM of EmironmanW quay DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-4lB2987369C9 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality COMPENSATORY MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY TRANSFER FORM November 16, 2023 Permittee: James Farrington of Dirt2Dreams, LLC. DWR Project #20230396 Project Name: The Hamptons on the White Oak County: Carteret The Division has received an acceptance letter from the NC Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) to satisfy the mitigation requirements set forth in 401 Individual Certification No. WQC006411 issued to James Farrington and Dirt2Dreams, LLC, dated November 16, 2023 as provided in the table below. Compensatory Mitigation River and 8-digit HUC Number Riparian Wetland 0.15 acres (credits) White Oak / 03020106 The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to DMS who will then sign the form to verify receipt of payment and the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once DMS has signed this form, it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a signed copy of this form is submitted to the Division before conducting any of the authorized impacts. The Division of Mitigation Services verifies that the mitigation requirements (credits) shown above will be debited using approved released or advance credits, and for all stream or wetland credits is in accordance with the signed/approved In -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010. By signing below, DMS is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation. As a reminder to the Mitigation Provider, no more than 25 percent of the total mitigation required by Division can be met through preservation, unless requested and approved by the Division Director (15A NCAC 02H. 0506(c)(7)). Signature Authority Name (print): Signature: Date: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources D � � 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wihnington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NORTH CAROLINA n.o.m w.f�.n_erw.i� /"� 910.796.7215 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7D564382-D7A3-419E-B48F-4lB2987369C9 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality COMPENSATORY MITIGATION RESPONSIBILITY TRANSFER FORM DATE Permittee: James Farrington of Dirt2Dreams, LLC DWR Project #20230396 Project Name: The Hamptons on the White Oak County: Carteret The Division has received a Statement of Availability (SOA) from BANK SPONSOR/COMPANY NAME for the BANK SITE NAME/s (Mitigation Provider) to partially satisfy the mitigation requirements set forth in 401 Individual Certification No. WQC006411 issued to James Farrington and Dirt2Dreams, LLC„ dated November 9,2023 as provided in the table below. Use multiple forms if mitigation is to be satisfied by multiple providers (or a combination of banks/DMS). Each form should include the "partially" above and the table below should match the mitigation to be satisfied by the specific mitigation provider noted above. If there are multiple forms, then the tables should all add up to the mitigation amounts listed in the 401 Individual Certification/BA etc. Compensatory Mitigation River and 8-digit HUC Number Riparian Wetland XX acres (credits) River Basin / 8-digit HUC Non -Riparian Wetland XX acres (credits) River Basin / 8-digit HUC Perennial Stream XX linear feet (credits) River Basin / 8-digit HUC The Permittee must provide a copy of this form to the Mitigation Provider specified above who will then sign the form to verify receipt of payment and the transfer of the mitigation responsibility. Once the Mitigation Provider has signed this form, it is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a signed copy of this form is submitted to the Division before conducting any of the authorized impacts. The Mitigation Provider verifies that the mitigation requirements (credits) shown above, have been released and are available at the identified bank site(s). By signing below, the Mitigation Provider is accepting full responsibility for the identified mitigation. As a reminder to the Mitigation Provider, no more than 25 percent of the total mitigation required by Division can be met through preservation, unless requested and approved by the Division Director (15A NCAC 02H. 0506(c)(7)). Signature Authority Name (print): Signature: Date: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources D � � 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wihnington, North Carolina 28#05-5406 NORTH CAROLINA n.o.m w.f�.n—erw.i� /"� 910.796.7215 Permit Class NEW Permit Number 5-24 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission rrmit for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS I I3A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Dirt 2 Dreams LLC., PO Box 4692 Emerald Isle, NC 28544 Authorizing development in Carteret County at adj. Hampton Bay, White Oak River, at 246 Amphitheater Dr., Swansboro, as requested in the permittee's application dtd 8/30/23, narrative dtd "Rev 10/18/23", att dwgs (11), Sheet C1 dtd "Rev 10/23/23", CAMA 1-4 all dtd 10/23/23 and Att Nos. 1-6 all dtd "Rec MP Section MHD 11/16/23". This permit, issued on January 18, 2024 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to civil or criminal penalties; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Residential Marina 1) This permit authorizes only the piers, platforms, boatlifts, and other structures and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this residential marina without permit modification. No non -water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over Public Trust waters without permit modification. [07J .0202(c); 07H .0208 (a)(1)] 2) No sewage, whether treated or untreated, shall be discharged at any time from any boats using the residential marina. Any sewage discharged at the residential marina shall be considered a violation of this permit for which the permittee is responsible. This prohibition shall be applied and enforced throughout the entire existence of the permitted structure. [07H .0208(a)(2)(B)] (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on January 18, 2029 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chair of the Coastal Resources Commission. Braxton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee Dirt 2 Dreams LLC. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit No. 5-24 Page 2 of 6 3) The permittee shall install and maintain at his expense any signal lights or signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulation or otherwise, on the authorized facilities. At minimum, permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure in order to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. [07H .0208(a)(2)(G); G.S. 113A-229(a)] 4) This open water residential marina was authorized under the version of 15A NCAC 18A .0911 (Rules of the Division of Marine Fisheries -Shellfish Sanitation) in effect as of the 1/9/23 date the application was accepted as complete by DCM. Pursuant to G.S. 143-755, the Permittee chose to use the earlier version instead of the rules as amended since June 1, 2023. Accordingly, while the 29-slips are authorized, all of the slips at the authorized docking facility shall not allow any vessels greater than 24 feet in length, or allow vessels equipped with a holding tank or similar waste sanitation device or vessels outfitted with a cabin. These conditions also address concerns raised by the Division of Water Resources. Any violation of the 401 Water Quality Certification issued by the NC Division of Water Resources shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. [07H .0208(a)(2)(B)] 5) This permit authorizes a maximum of 29 formalized boat slips. [07J .0202(c)] Excavation 6) No excavation shall take place outside of the area indicated on the workplan drawings. [07H .0208(b)(1)(D)] 7) Excavation shall not exceed -4.5 to -5.5 feet below the normal low water level as indicated on the attached workplan CAMA 3 dated 10/23/23. In no case shall the depth of excavation exceed the depth of connecting waters. [07H .0208(b)(1)(D); 07H .0208(b)(1)(F)] 8) The temporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill materials within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. [07H .0208(b)(1)(C)] 9) No excavated or fill material shall be placed at any time in any vegetated wetlands/marsh or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the workplan drawing(s). [07H .0208(b)(1)(C)] 10) No excavation shall take place within 10 feet of any Coastal Wetlands. [07H .0208(b)(1)] Dredge Material Disposal 11) No dredge material shall be placed within 30 feet of the normal high-water line, except that which will be used to backfill the area behind the permitted bulkhead, once properly dried. [07H .0209(d)(10)(G)] 12) All excavated materials shall be confined above normal high water and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded marsh behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids into any marsh or surrounding waters. The barriers shall be maintained and functional until the site is graded and stabilized. [07H.0208(b)(1)(B); 07H .0209(d)(3)] 13) The dredge material disposal area shall be inspected and approved by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management prior to the commencement of any dredging activities. [G.S. 113-229(cl)] Dirt 2 Dreams LLC. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit No. 5-24 Page 3 of 6 14) The permittee and/or their contractor shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the dredge material is properly contained during transport to the disposal site, and that all the proper coordination has taken place with the local or state governments to ensure that any damage to public streets caused by transport of the dredge material has been addressed. [07H .0209(d)(8)] Maintenance Clause f07J .04071 15) The Division of Coastal Management shall be notified in writing at least two (2) weeks in advance of any maintenance excavation work authorized by this permit, and such notification shall include: A. The number of the original permit. B. A statement that no dimensional changes are proposed. C. A copy of the original permit plans with cross -hatching indicating the area to be maintained, the area to be used for dredge material disposal, and the estimated amount of material to be removed. The location, design and holding capacity of the dredge material disposal site shall be approved by a representative of the Division prior to the initiation of any maintenance dredging activities. D. The date of map revision and the permittee's signature shown anew on the original plan. Basin with Boat Ramp and Kayak Launch 16) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes one concrete boat ramp, as indicated on the attached workplan drawings. [07J .0202(c)] 17) The boat ramp shall either be poured at an upland location and pushed into place once hardened, or poured entirely within a watertight containment structure. Live concrete shall not be allowed to contact waters of the State or waters that will enter waters of the State. [07H .0208(a)(2)(B)] 18) Placement of fill materials below normal water level shall be limited to the ramp structure. [07J .0202(c)] 19) Excavation, fill and/or ground disturbing activities, associated with the placement of the boat ramp, above and below the normal water line shall be limited to that absolutely necessary to establish adequate ramp slope and provide a ramp no greater in size than specified in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. [07J .0202(c)] 20) This permit authorizes only the docks, piers, floating platforms, and kayak launch, and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this boat ramp and kayak launch facility without permit modification. No non -water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over Public Trust waters without permit modification. [07J .0202(c); 07H .0208 (a)(1)] 21) The kayak launch facility shall post signage indicating that the facility is only intended for non - motorized vessel usage. [G.S 113A-120(b)] 22) The groin shall be constructed in accordance with the alignment depicted on the attached workplan drawings. [07J .0202(c)] 23) The alignment of the authorized groins shall be verified by a representative of the Division of Coastal Management within a maximum of 30 days prior to the start of construction. [G.S. 113-229(cl)] Dirt 2 Dreams LLC. Permit No. 5-24 Page 4 of 6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 24) The height of the permitted groin(s) shall not exceed 12 inches above normal high-water level. [07H .0208(b)(9)(D)] 25) The permitted groins shall be constructed of treated wood, plastic lumber, metal or vinyl sheet piles or other suitable materials approved by Department personnel. [07H .0207(d)] Community Observation Pier 26) This permit authorizes only the pier and gazebo and uses located in or over the water that are expressly and specifically set forth in the permit application. No other structure, whether floating or stationary, shall become a permanent part of this community observation pier without permit modification. No non - water dependent uses of structures shall be conducted on, in or over Public Trust waters without permit modification. [07J .0202(c); 07H .0208 (a)(1)] 27) This permit does not authorize any formalized boat slips located at the community observation pier. [07J .0202(c)] 28) The authorized gazebo shall not be enclosed. Any material used on the sides shall not obstruct view and shall be permeable to air and water. Screen or wire on the sides along with benches are permitted. Lattice is specifically excluded from being used under this authorization. [07H .0208(a)(2)(G)] 29) The roof of the gazebo shall not be designed for second story use. [07H .0208(b)(6)(F)] Upland Development with Section 404 Wetland Fill 30) Unless specifically altered herein, this permit authorizes the grading and other land disturbing activities associated with the development of the above referenced property, including the 118 homesites, 35 townhomes, gazebo walkway, retaining walls, driveways, roads, conveyance pipes with associated approximately 6,649 ft2 of Section 404 Wetland fill, and other associated infrastructure, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the attached permit application and workplan drawings. [07J .0202(c); 07H .0209] Cultural and Natural Resources 31) Prior to the initiation of any land -disturbing activities authorized by this permit, the permittee shall, in coordination with the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR), develop and implement an archaeological survey of the proposed project area. Initiation of permitted land -disturbing activities shall not begin until written approval is obtained from NCDCR, and a copy of such approval has been submitted to the Division of Coastal Management. [07H .0209(d)(7)] Sedimentation and Erosion Control 32) In order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. [07H .0209(d)(4)] Dirt 2 Dreams LLC. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit No. 5-24 Page 5 of 6 33) Appropriate sedimentation and erosion control devices, measures or structures shall be implemented to ensure that eroded materials do not enter adjacent wetlands, watercourses or properties. [07H .0209(d)(4)] USACE Conditions [G.S. 113-229(a); G.S. 113A-107(a)l 34) In order to further protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the applicant must implement the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at https://www.fws.gov/raleigh/pdfs/ManateeGuidelines20l7.pdf 35) In order to compensate for impacts associated with this permit, mitigation shall be provided in accordance with the provisions outlined on the most recent version of the attached Compensatory Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form. The requirements of this form, including any special conditions listed on this form, are hereby incorporated as special conditions of this permit. General 36) Any portion of the permitted access piers built over wetlands shall not exceed six feet in width and shall be elevated a minimum of three feet above the wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the decking. [07H .0208(b)(6)(C)] 37) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work. [07H .0208(a)(2)(G)] 38) The authorized structure and associated activity shall not cause an unacceptable interference with navigation and shall not exceed the dimensions shown on the attached permit drawings. [07H .0208(a)(2)(G)] 39) All mechanized equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste, the permittee shall immediately report it to the National Response Center at (800) 424-8802 and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act will be followed. [07H .0208(a)(2)(B)] 40) This permit shall not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. [07J .0406(b)] 41) All construction debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development shall be contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an approved upland location. [G.S 113A-120(b)] 42) The permittee and/or their contractor shall meet with a representative of the Division prior to project initiation. [07J .0209(a)] NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. Dirt 2 Dreams LLC. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Permit No. 5-24 Page 6 of 6 NOTE: The permittee is advised that if water utilities or new wells are required to service the authorized development, plans and specifications for all new waterlines should be submitted and approved by the Public Water Supply Section prior to the initiation of construction. Furthermore, water supply wells must be approved by the county in which the subject property is located, and local cross -connection requirements may be required. Public Water Supply can be contacted at (910) 796-7215. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the project by way of Programmatic General Permit 198000291 (Action ID SAW-2008-02538). NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources authorized the proposed project by way of Individual Water Quality Certification No. 006411, assigned the project DWR Project No. 2023-0396. NOTE: Future development of the permittee's property may require a modification of this permit. Contact a representative of the Division at (252) 515-5400 prior to the commencement of any such activity for this determination. The permittee is further advised that many non -water dependent activities are not authorized within 30 feet of the normal high-water level. NOTE: An application processing fee of $400 was received by DCM for this project. This fee also satisfied the Section 401 application processing fee requirements of the Division of Water Resources. e a R I' r _� ••'''. +T f' re 1 +.i�A'�' , rJ`' yY •ir t r, R'!• r� . •��'' g sr i''•'- a ' z-J•' :.•� - Sir.."'-{ "�f. ''yr r a r _ - - � - •�•+' i•`3l l � �. iH�-S; i �yh .0 YI; . R`Oi S•} - Sf��� - R L W . _ � 1 ` I. � r x r a 4`�. '�, � S. V •� •.1 rT j�. �yp�I. - .I 'F ���r F Ali"' jai ! d ro Jiv .. r� -�,.� � � I.a '+ �1; � + �y; s�'r t � � � r. .',F� _. •1`r -+ _ ' .�(•., 1 ,�, 1y4�.� :S{r`• A � '�'r � �• , 'y 4� `! .. 1'1' L 1{'J�.K ,,:'TJ _ , l• I �! k v� - a ,w• ~r ,,, 'r. g�T I +.ggam• • ri". ,�". 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R`Oi S•} - Sf��� - R L W . _ � 1 ` I. � r x r a 4`�. '�, � S. V •� •.1 rT j�. �yp�I. - .I 'F ���r F Ali"' jai ! d ro Jiv .. r� -�,.� � � I.a '+ �1; � + �y; s�'r t � � � r. .',F� _. •1`r -+ _ ' .�(•., 1 ,�, 1y4�.� :S{r`• A � '�'r � �• , 'y 4� `! .. 1'1' L 1{'J�.K ,,:'TJ _ , l• I �! k v� - a ,w• ~r ,,, 'r. g�T I +.ggam• • ri". ,�". '.•�' - - r - ►►' • ' .. �, ;+f4 ;i� f is • '+ , .a�y .�� c T' - � E.;�, • *. •T r F}r. �h� 1'' ,� '�` e�S J. • ^�,. ,,C. � * , �i,'. •, I `�i��'Ce4 Is�' ' �. ..,�� :y; � 1 •i+. � .}y �. R ' � } "•Y!VJ ? '�••'a,.w ' R 4- �• / '.ti. ~ i r I � � _- � r T S# • �,�•Y►�: :a+ r • ��.''' 4 �' - i Y� r i L� , i A� ii l �•a�l,�, •- •1� u .�•. _ I ` • �� �.r �, •fir'. - ;.' � � .J``• • �,+ �r� ,.���� a •�, r •�` +. •� r f S •"'+"L•;"w` 8 a i .. ?:" �` " ' +_ $1 r � 'Ci.i'a:3✓!:•�\f --- I{•I, �;. � � • • / � � ,7 � 4- � . ASS.: � _ . ��• � \• r. •,e � y_ .r (F t ,Y[•. /�r • �� � _ J 1ylfr w r .r ' - S - l n 1 -- -- � MARSH ` F' - _- - & WATER LINE .., v; .... .. , .. ilt ilt tl 'i � , 3 v llw.. _ -� .......... ....... ...,. HIGH LAND• - INE I : • MAFFS H• . • a .. WATE ara■ . '- / - r; i .0 .. ........ _ .. ..... .. ISLAND + - & r; i, ............./..... .......... ......,.. .. H r I I R. M r0Ciir .!' " '"�. 2-...yC . �. 4AL`1fl EiN -I ,4ND - ,,, /' .e,■ ale ae,le a■ T • I \ "`a` l r' '� 'y • ' _ - '. �'-i . _ = i it 316 iC ilt ilE !i ili 31l ill I i i y 4 : ti+ d 1 - . yf, �i "+ - . �jr -�`,' , 1 i. • . ,,, - __ aY Waale_ ale Wale aY a4ale aY aMYe aleiale- I - � 1 _MA .. Z•?�' / ter- ... .... : �', - +•.-.-.-:. - .. '� a■a�r I i4` '.r'C - R E i I- 9 i4` i� ili iC iti iC ili ili i� ili V ili il€ � 3¢ � � . A �. - r 31Effi- - f IS _ H � Y 3 NO T W Alt A � � W W WW. W W W aYYr aY � Yta4 W YUY a4 O a41i ar W rem•-":-:-:':- \ a'e '� ie E i1F i! ilt �ili Ri ilE • ili ilE !t � �iq• . •..�S-�• -� - • .�' s c � a .,'4'-• •'•, - is ilt ili >f; tl ;� ili 38 0 W is •i' �' � s• '�' - - �'- ' _ � '.era ie alp:: ..■ale •<• '� - .i �i ilt 31� ilt ili /fit `,-.-.• �� tli ilt 38 a . �e.-:--'.9, `,C, '%` Mf -�, W Wale •� 1918 �.,_ 8 - ` \-• -ru r • - • \ .31L, ,1 I 51 �I ' 20 .� '7 {• A . .� .f r ��• • ele W ru r W..al6r W ur a�a� 53 52 50 ne • �,, + Al 67 . r wr� '� , 8i iC 81` �I ar . /55 5h f ,u'f• I J■".^ , tl . r4: !' • ^ �' - : rf, �+ - 68 66 W / _ �, , nisi W Lr ' � • � • e N _ a'e woo s.,41.93 00 a 0' ♦ \\ iif ilf ill• 31..- .,w •}A• �, tl ' }•.o• . ei'� „ 64 �p \ / w „l �.le_ale yule W _ '` . `./� k Jk 1 •� 63 . \ -• .� r ,j ' }.6 1a.a0 ra.aD ra.aD •, o• \•}.s,1.o,� sz - �` ac- sf+}� Ali" tl 10.61� `� W LAMA F. A OR n.•. s.• r so •s i `/ ; W ;. _ ,f..i- , y •":j£h b_ 53 57 L ��'` �- - _ / `'Fi is tn r ,.•. r.! ..:r 5 ` r i. a4� I IB ssa s •r 56 n, n.ao n.a• • a}S..,e• ,I, y` 431i �i �k`u ���k % c��'� f' �' y r. •a' �, �' Wale ai. ,le WW I ,x,.�, a3 , P: • - I " u.Jl 45 L7 48 �y 49 I0 m5 zt\\/ : 14 4, 1• �3f: •i '.rY �/ �s�!��� '`/�k ��J 0. •a I,a.rr a' s �� i�i i�i 3� . \ R '• G � '�..�•, ff��,, �•rr-i' �y,+� 'i 9 '• �'•� rU.1) a'� �. W ,j 'j '$ WW�r 211,." a• \a n 120.00 w N _ . '' :•'. I� i+, ` i?.als ,�k1 aeW W W - a■W 'j W � W aleW \ 8 3 8 � �..}:, ,+i� � " -Y ��• � �, r. �• i � � ? �•aa o.o Y W iC - � ili ili 4; z \ �1 R i i I V. K / �� ` rn _? 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',}+�,• ! ; � - � ze '• i� `� i}.)) �s ` \ '�� iri.ili ill ill _ _ F.^ + , a ¢ i R w ♦ '!` a/+le W 8 R S A x nrt '� sy e.oa was- 8 O ' iC 3@ fi s It $ x L EX 10' DRAIN E EASE•lENT' /a■a■ Z \\o' Y� SSSIII t► c�� f ill so.aa sa oo ~ 3 C. s•.o• �177 • '` W rm ILIA }0 iC Q I ` W ':J y` 7 �. L. •. • i Will ill ill o 1� - - At { �� G�• a`` ��a �' WW W Wale W II CY f _ •� •' a ° 8 `� •I : • . e •Ie 1 il€ ili ili iH rev ICI • i 1 0 )}.s1 112 s1. r• ra aiwla re W W re W W W �J 113iC ill ili iC ili i� �t lxa } Wale W a■W W _ S M 00 `��}p 1 ili ili i@ ili ill ilt ill !l tlt �� W h ° o ✓ ! © 11 • }} • ili ili ill ili i8 O iliili ili,' kC Ar o a, 2s.s.- II •�j W W a4a4 W a4Ys W a4e4 W alaW W WW W aYW ;� :�� r - . ��' � � d �e ,� 1ifJ � i6 s 1k a• ��..y�.�s 3 til '•. r�`,+ � . �,> o ° `fir li � � ° a }y.N � \ 110 � �� ��yt7 d�.."f ;S _ .., s J .. � •, � ° / V,,s Y$ t � ,r ` r� 1 fY .� 1...' • •,ICI 7•. C�" , _CC "- h,� 10q as f {"t 171M,t y •,.7, fit 4p, lip F • a� 117 w 21.36- ill ilt ill ` a■ale �' �, /6� 7 .+Jo r _ Wale Wes` �9S •� �• f1~0.921 cG 00 �+ �� �a--� - W� Wale � 'p• ? W `a� - - IK 1 •F / - '� r:r • � If• i +� ]�. s N: • .% y r r= r s. • r s 'p' 41 I ■ r ati ! �• - V7k? l !l ilt �O rp os <5 ♦g •r' .1_6 . • r i + ak a 0GA YS - ~ . • .yf r _ r 103 102 4 Y B � O , •,100 101 �:� s�rA { / �,k - d 4-, - �.•'. : '� f-. ,. }.�- ili ill ils ili iC � .fl \�- i. .� •� � .y,., :� , v . ,� � a■W W WW W a■W W W W WW 'ia `�• ..\'�-• � �'r: Y - ili III it ill ill ill ill A 2 22 '. -PIP � `ry"'�• � �• �' ■�'" - - WW. W WW. W WW W WW. W WW: W WW: W WW. W •f� j, 1' tt j' ,r•r - � WW W W WW W WW W YtW W WaY W WW W a4a4 W Ni A • -"\ a. 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' If ill il€ ill !l ill !l $t ill ili !i ill ili ill iC ili ilt ill ili \ 1 �e :� W WYa ale W a■W ale Wa■ Ala WW W WW W Wale W Wa■ W II . i�. �� � ) t• 7�r ili . ili iC glib 2* 221 *2 \ e ••er" r' WW W War W a■W W WW W AeW W /. Si _ M1 22 ill i8 i8 ill ili ill \ \ r �•.; SSS (r R _ Y ✓////rii %� X,) DRAINAGES EASEIAENT P' AVA47 - A i .i fir• I ,t ; - T �lAar.+ r� fir. � � - .. .r. = r, ti:, � 'rr ; • • _ '� � , �- � „r. ,�, ` ��l'� r. ,Ij'�_ r' r • Wes, ,.�, ._ �;� � .�'; f. •:�'..'S�".. i r. •{ . fI� yea - a . - rTr, - a r _ ?` y L. • i . .'r• + :� -- y Cr _ _i + . •' ' ' r}-'.l. ,' }. - - - y . ° r Y F _�. T '� f r ry.t .3',Y;. ..■ '. r - �. '.* %' +s l+ T w �� •� ��s"l -t- fir-• ��'R`�4r "� v t . r •:� 'a.d• '�'` -� a• {I' y�7 . � �:F low �y� F . r ixw / r' .. L _ ,f z anti .. .. jr,_ .' c "w -: 1,Q 4 etiyLti° ( J �-Cn � r BLUEWATER COVE �� p�� AQ$ ` , Jy eST FIRETOWER RD. M.6.29, PG.706 1 �' \ M.B.�C�PG.23 ��'� ��r18\ 017 ' l�-� , � �P�J 'N 07'3fi863' .\ti ���. °� Raymond s Gut I m c, •� 1 \ )(20 1 � J t�LUEw R cavE r - . - r rr''77 ` 9�{y� - t•r�: F`� COMMON AREA & ! C� J + ! J ' N 78'47'58"E - M.8.3g �� 705 �- � \ I J 0' 23 4 J .. • ~'` r■-S�. WATER ACCESS J 48.00' J J �1s.9a' - ,`� F Sao ❑�'�--`- 1 .� J r-- EE 9 � WHIRfVE�Al4 `��i'I.� m NOT TO SCALE 1.36'5$"E :�� „a Vicinity �� TRAVERSE REF �� MARSH WATER LINE - I �,_-�/�• ,•'�9 �y� ` fy 29.47�58���� -r• �•r.� . S 49�27'02"E~\ , r�G _ HIGH LAND V r _ �� ~N�� r .`r •� ' ` �� + 1 113) 10 ( \ i l l •. �.1..' ~�r +MAR~r & WA -�• � �"9 S8"EJl J ' l I 1 ISLAND S� N 6$'47 58" , 5 •'r' f R� MARSH •,"_ _ r 'L. ♦ � s 9$ �- ,:-�.// as / . MA SH & I AN[7 - . . . �. _ _ _ _ �. 1 17.D0' �„ 160.7( l ~ '3� 1 l"E N 43.07� 5s" E ❑ \ TtA� C; � 58.E►r L .:i �' • 1 _.. LIlVL •1•- _ „_ -� (• ISLAND +.�.• �' .•+, _- 0� 1 Z�"� s8' ` .07:t o} N. �•'�+ k _ _ _ 1 -_ =;- �. - ' 6' g a0 404 WE sc ,,., _ Qd ::::_ N 4 2'58"E 33 NAl 7 6. 00 _+..+- y �, ♦ r ti F� 12.74 x - 404 �ET ND - - - - �' •� _ r• a POND r• �: '� F x. 5 \\ h'•-r •r-�'f r % �• •' ti y/• •;p 1 _ •�• /.. Vr,. + a., AREA ,r - ►"• I �� ��. ��, _ _ •lu ��•'' •\.x;r A .� •� - %6. •, .o .x\ I •� l 1 \ " %• •r 1 �G' 's<+ I �� • ' i8 17 ' '�. �' '. �• - 1�A725H & 'LI ' \ .. ' , -.. ► " r 1 1, ■3 ` �' 3� 8UF •� . , . A •j 1 / l 52 5� y , to ' 20 1 \\ .. \ ... .15, AEC I , , D. r•�'� ..r . .. '.�. FER ] 54 53^ F \ IX►INaC 50 so oXa�X.¢E ■� • �, \� 66 67 66 + , •,``` `. - , �. .,�' 1 1 " • I �55 i ` - 65 VIP• \ 1 �n IbI ■ �G .. , 63 Jr v�/ 64 62 '♦ �' •`.', .�„� �� : ti SAG HARBOR CIRLCE Q' \ �• I _f _ -�• _ ---- - - - -}-- - - - - ----- - - -- , 15 - 1 - 57 /�ti 5� ♦ .\` _ _. i �- /� �� fi 1 TS _ E+LSE+1EH ERSEI�4XXT � , , \ ,`f /• 1 '0 oo SILVER CREEK ■��y I I 13 ? _ - 21 l �PHASE IV, SECTION I ■ �+ 1 / 1- _ r t 47 48 49 ¢ r �+ \ M_8.24, P0.1 28 ORNAMENTAL f 14 l v �� ■' ■ �• 21� 1 70 .� ` _ �' I i _ \\ - POND 0.- -� - 1 I 73 ~ I ❑ 22 j �E+1 �; , 7fi ,� 33 E fSEYEH7 �\ \ } 1 -- - -- 45 W. �� � _ � � ry �fyr ■■ �� '' ■ 1 •7y T , E,�55EAEiN7XFGE , O �m ., ;• .,,/. Y� /. ... i 12 �\ � V J �' �=�- _- - , ef• 34 �• _ 32 I \ ? r� 44 r �� p` 'MARel .. ` ORNAMENTAL .� [n 3. 3fF.' ���- �■ (1�24. ' 1/-'�1 84 \ POND P r i 0e J� sou r_ 31 �+ , 'pj y I 12.82'Tfl NI�wL . °`�� r1.. u� �.• 24 .s 10 4 1'w 337.s8. � 43 Alf �'. l " % \ i J 404 WETLANDS 1 w 1 9 ra 1 a ` , j� �.u. 9� a SEPTIC AREA SITE DATA 25 \ BONNIE T. HAMBY & " 86 83 f q2 a..� 30 I \ Y JEFFREY W. TRLICKNER `,lye; TOTAL TRACT AREA 81.052 AC (3,530,622.56 SF) FIB, 1001, PG.273 - 7 l 82 ,� 26 3 I TRACT ABOVE NORMAL HIGH WATER - 76.097 AC (3.314.771.00 SF) S ! g7 �i- S1 M jz j \ , I 8 .ic.�9e.::e �.t w COASTAL MARSH ABOVE NHW - 1.207 AC (52.579.05 SF) ��f 80 ± - 1 I TOTAL SW PROJECT AREA = 74.89 AC (3.262. 191 .95 SF) �• es 79 27 1 1 S � 41 � ,,' � _ , I 7 N 41'21'56"E 200.00' F'a 40 39 i ';. NUMBER OF SINGLE FAMILY LOTS = 118 LOTS d6w� 89 38 �! I 1 w NUMBER OF TOWNHOUSES = 35 UNITS LOT BUA �� 37 35 i 28 } ` g f rn ( INCLUDES BUNGALOWS) 90 _ 36 I I 6 1n 1 4 s~i p TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS = 153 UNITS NUMBER OF BOAT SLIPS = 29 SLIPS (OPEN WATER) STORMWATER & CAMA DATA TOTAL TRACT AREA = 81,052 AC (3,530.622.56 SF) TRACT ABOVE NORMAL HIGH WATER = 75.097 AC (3.314.771.00 SF) COASTAL MARSH ABOVE NHW = 1.207 AC (52.579.05 SF) TOTAL SW PROJECT AREA = 74.89 AC ( SF) AREA 1N 75' AEC = 237,070 SF 30% ALLOWABLE BUA = 71.121 SF PROPOSED BUA INITIAL DEVELOPMENT = 3,459 SF 75'AEC MAX PROPOSED BUA FOR LOTS 50-68 = 41-833 SF 75'AEC TOTAL PROPOSED BUR = 45,292 SF 75'AEC % PROPOSED BUA = 19.1% EX. BUILT UPON AREA = 332,600 SF LOW DENSITY PROJECT AREA = 2.929-591.95 SF 12% BUILT UPON AREA = 351,551 SF TOTAL ALLOWABLE BUA = 684,151 SF RECEIVING STREAM = HAMPTON BAY CLASS = SA;HOW STREAM INDEX = 20-27 PROPOSED BUILT UPON AREAS [BUA] STREETS/PARKING LOTS = 248.014 SF SIDEWALKS = 2.160 SF TOWNHOMES SOUTHSIDE SOUTH HAMPTON RD DRIVEWAYS = 5.000 SF UNITS (12 @ 1,075 SF) = 12.900 SF NORTHSIDE SOUTH HAMPTON RD DRIVEWAYS - 3.400 SF UNITS (8 @ 1.075 SF) - 8,600 SF VILLAGE TOWNES LOOP DRIVEWAYS = 3,400 SF UNITS (8 @ 1.075 SF) = 8.600 SF SUBTOTAL TOWNHOMES = 41.900 SF POTENTIAL AMENITIES = 43.204 SF RESIDENTIAL LOT SUA = 341.800 SF 0 29 I I \ \ + 1 CG/C] ' �. SE[yRIrT �a<rESm 91 S t 93 1 1-_-fir MONTAUK DA +,.C1� g� 95 - a 1 m _ _ - 1 ,24 D.5 W•�_ ` r WALNUT PLACE EYTENSION l M.B.31, PG. S94 528 p� 81.72'�� - -�_ _ - - l R �'a 15 •O7r 4:`r + 1 \' i ,� EX 10' DRAIN GE EASEMENT S,:43.48'54"w r _ �0� 4' S 51 T 7'32.,w T04.22' R i 0 5 R14' ft �1Q•�� g� 5 1$ ' 1 w ' let c~n ' N.C. GRID COORDINATES i ,'b� S 42'34'03"yy E%. ,:.�P;'31'27'W O w N= 360,765.71 FEET �h'� JX SM 9 �'y I J (21 J ' 20 E= 2,570,371.46 FEET 22 LP I % SILVER CREEK PHASE V & VI ASSOCIATION, INC, � . �� �yy. W rn q o,, SILVER CREEK PLANTATIOND.B.605, PG.287 N 88'07' 16"W 1 ti G' I _Iz } ti PHASE IV, ONjj _. _ SECTION 1I � ' � � c�4 47.7fi' M'B.25, PG,36 J '` o SILVER CREEK PHASE N 30.27'31 "E ! En I 1 0 19"E 445.16' i 54.98' N 1 O.`A ti ry N 35'06' A, �- V & VI ASSOCIATION, INC.;: t I POTENTIAL AMENITY LEGEND 1� `:����� �� b) D.B.606, PG.287 3,� 4 - xalc \ E� 5a I 112 x s LA 113 I - - - - - 7-i-r- I 49.10' N 57'05'28"W fi ' �e. .�� 2. ,�, ?;1. ar.,. 7. let Q \ -� , ✓ / % , ` / / ./ ,� f 1 14 ' 404 ...WETLANDS 4z lopr�, 1 I 111�_ 31'0833 _ 110 p ' a, \� f 109 y N.C. GRID COORDINATE \� N= 36 1,955.54 FEE r17 ❑ f - _ 115 �9J 0� \ E= 2,571,577.66 FE l 116 1�� 107 J J C ` ` 117 �r;o (16 m f l l�{�y 118 r� is o) FUTURE MISCELLANEOUS = 7.073 SFa Q q T _ �� �' `Ot, 105 TOTAL BUA = 684. 151 SF FF :-► - - ,- ti ] _^ �- r • .. ���� --�_ �_ :a� a-d-, �.�-�-- �oa,• r 104 (D 103 , r#{,•a��,°�' �REVISIONS: 112\� i°�`4No. BY DATE . Gr9!6N TES l23 \ 2 GYT 10117123 1. BOUNDARY. "' r'�~~ _.� �- �. •• � � � - ? 1$ ;, WETLANDS AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES TAKEN FROM PRELIMINARY SURVEY PREPARED BY JOHN A. ODOM OF"�• r �. 6 3 GYT 012312 PRESTIGE LAND SURVEYING. TITLED BOUNDARY 8 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR DIRT TO DREAMS. LLC. DATED 10/25/2021. ��-"'' 1 �-:-�' t.i 4�100 NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE CALLS BETWEEN "A" AND "B" NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY ON THESE PLANS BUT HAS BEEN SURVEYED. •s ❑ , 4 2. WETLANDS LINE FLAGGED BY GENE YOUNG OF APPLIED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND VERIFIED BY THOMAS CHARLES OF USACOE. 'r• I r� pb` .a. ... 3. FLOOD ZONES ON SITE ARE ZONE AE (8) AND ZONE X . PER FIRM PANEL 372536600J . 7-16-2003. I (1 �] 4 l ❑ , 4. TOTAL AREA TO NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE= 76.253 ACRES, TOTAL AREA TO TRAVERSE REFERENCE LINE= 61.053 ACRES ■ I "� ems•" '"E"� ��` = '`` lii S LOT # BUA SF LOT # BUA SF LOT # HUA SF 1 2200 41 2700 81 2700 2 2200 42 2700 82 2700 3 2200 43 2700 83 2700 4 2200 44 2700 84 2700 5 2200 45 2700 85 2700 6 2700 46 2700 86 2700 7 2200 47 2700 87 2700 8 2200 48 3000 88 2700 9 2200 49 3000 89 2700 10 2200 50 4450 90 2700 11 2200 51 4450 91 2700 12 2200 52 4450 92 2700 13 2200 53 4450 93 R700 14 2700 54 4450 94 2700 15 2700 55 3500 95 2700 16 4150 56 4450 96 2700 17 2700 57 4450 97 2200 18 2700 58 4450 98 2200 19 2700 59 4450 99 2200 20 2700 60 4450 100 2700 21 2700 61 3350 101 2700 22 2700 62 4450 102 2700 23 2700 63 4450 103 2700 24 2700 64 4450 104 2700 25 2700 65 4450 105 4150 26 2700 66 4450 106 2700 27 2700 67 4450 107 2700 28 2700 68 4450 108 2700 29 2700 69 2700 109 2700 30 2700 70 2700 110 2700 31 2700 71 2700 111 2700 32 2700 72 2700 112 2700 33 2700 73 2700 113 2200 34 2700 74 2700 114 2200 35 2200 75 2700 115 2200 36 2200 76 2700 116 2200 37 2700 77 2700 117 2200 38 2700 78 2700 1i8 2200 39 2700 79 2700 40 2700 80 2700 POTENTIAL AMENITY BUA (SF) 1 MAIL K1DSK 505 2 GATE ENTRY/EXIT 200 3 PICKLEBALL COURTS 5400 4 UNISEX RESTROOM/STORAGE 150 5 TENNIS COURT 7200 6 PERVIOUS WALKING TRAILS I#57 STONE/FABRIC (47812) 7 BOAT/TRAILER STORAGE (#57 STONE/FABRIC) (61743) 8 DOG RUN 0 9 BOCCI BALL 2500 10 SANDY BEACH 0 GAZEBO/MARSH WALK DOCK 0 11 BOAT RAMP/KAYAK LAUNCH 2150 12 BOAT LIFT SLIPS/PIER 0 13 BEACH VOLLEYBALL 0 14 PUTTING GREEN 0 15 SHUFFLEBOARD 520 16 CLUBHOUSE/POOL FACILITY 13000 17 BUNGALOWS INCLUDING PARKING 10000 18 DOG WASH/DOG PARK 168 19 GAZEBO 144 20 Fann TRUCK PARKING PAD 1267 DESCRIPTION REV (116 LOTS) f REV (118 LOTS) INCLUDING MARSH AND WETLANDS. ( ALL AREAS BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION). ��` SHEET C2 J` x � I+I; , COMPOSITE SITE PLAN (PRELIMINARY ._. PLAN) Jeslr_ -e._ deS 1 _ -/[ It --I- _31 _L. _ �J. U 1c �k i�._� sJ, 76k-1• -,WETLAND t. _L-. �i1k -4, al�aSc A - �4._c �6 r k 4 4" .'� -6- ti-. AA if sk3k � s� aim r � BLOCK RETAININ _ - s, r � LEGEND - - - I WALL 0 _ LIN ` � > . , , . X :ies4 vi•x. L• _rsv� 1i,• ss:�s• w d-� sV jc-r� �r 'W* 1t ak Lo Die -its -1 - y . •]� ab ,' i +. �? AC - ACRE LF - LINEAR FEET EXISTING CONTOUR gI �'� � x t u 404 WETLANi]5 AEC - AREA OF MAX - MAXIMUM-7- PROPOSED -T•• ,,: �x � 3kw ,a ::R* � OA* ter. sl. � sley ire .- f C❑NTOUR ON THE W H 17 E o A.K. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN MBL - MINIMUM BUILDING LIME g ��k ,k k e _k _:..� ,k ,�,, ,E ae,k ,� y, BUA - BUILT UPON AREA MH - MANHOLE -LD- LAND ❑ I5TUR6ANCE LIMITS f t. , �,\ CF - CUBIC FEET MIN - MINIMUM ., •�'k+� I �j F2EFIIVED LIVING. COASTAL LIFE. -SF- SILT FENCE Jl CL - CENTERLINE N/F - NOW OR FORMERLY .ti 19 s `' z' '` =` �''„ �, WHITE OAK TWSP. , CARTERET COUNTY, NORTH CAROL I NA ❑W - DRIVEWAY NHW - NORMAL HIGH WATER ® DRAINAGE EASEMENTS i \ s x,:. .• E- ,^I:1' h,gy EL - ELEVATION NTS - NOT TO SCALE ® :f Ii�'" I Ki \ CL I ENT' D I RT2DREAMS � LLC DRAWN: EIR - EX. IRON ROD ❑. C. - ON CENTER WETLANDS SHEET C4 EOP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT R _ RADIUS Q PROPOSED 57 STONE N.C. GRID COORDINATES �' ; , ,i%/% � /11.:E?�:.DRAINAGE ' 1rA5E ENT.'.• S . , 7'32'05�'�� . • -�. �5 ��� �i �_ �' � ' -� GYT / R D C ADDRESS: PO 80X 782 CHECKED: EX EXISTING RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE � �FMT- 634.53' �� ` ,�-�.� 13E� �� l° p% ` SWANS80R❑. NC 28584 i \ I I1 �y❑❑ 1 PHONE: f 91 9 7 895-3901 FE - FINISHED ELEVATION R/W - RIGHT-OF-WAY `` r7 123%��rr��rr77 r'7-{ �y� �3 _ APPROVED' FT - FEET SH - SHE£ {{ ��2y � GGI I 12 11 � ��V � Zt � INV - INVERT SIR - SET IRON ROD p HOW - HIGH QUALITY WATER TYP - TYPICAL % ll D THE CULLI P]HER GROUP P.A. R DC SILVER CREEK PLANT4T * 'NEE V G SERVICES KEY PLAN 1 Q 5fl 1DO 240 f j PHA�E II ,,p CUL�1p�\ __ENGINEERING SUR EYIN S R S DATE 15/2/2023 Plf- _ MOREHEAD CITY, N.C. 28557 SHEET C1 I M,a.22, Pc.�9 �� ,�■ � >.S�A HIGHWAY 24 PROJECT 2934�001 SCALE . - ❑0 - J� �i� 13 (252) 773-0090 LICENSE NO. C-4482 SCALE DESIGN FILE. 2934�-001/2934-001 AMPHITHEATER CONSTRUCTION.dgn - SCALE: 1 " = 1 00' RONALD D. CUIILIPHER, P.E.1 " = 1001 +-3.A6' +-2.24 +_z.zB' +_2.A9' +-3.37' +_3,04 90' +-2.99 .-2.93, NHWL +-2.iy 21' L 404\,WE T LA B' +_2.3' WHITE OAK RIVER WIDTHWATERWA9;�g5 APPROXIMATELY 3 U 5 0' ❑F-t -GASRTALEMARSH +D•21 I t +_2.374 LANDWARD EXTENT OF COASTAL MARSH 1 ' +w0.834 0 p9' +-0.47' .O.D6' uki +_q.8fi 51' +-a.55' «-2.a1' , +_t.0.a' +-1.21' +o.t3' +_2.88' 73' +-2.62' 42' B3` ' +-2. +-2, 17' +-1• +a.D7' By' G 4 36 24 6 -p.07'+0.q9 BOAT LIFT TYP. -� ED cs7 +-2.67 ,95' +-2.94' 93, -7.95' Q 0 s n j � N +-2.93' _ n � +max-a7' t 2. gi 52, +-2.46 r_2.E8 ,-z,95' +-2, 94 DEPTH AT LOW WATER -3.0 T- SHEET # CAMA 1 PROJECT #: PM2934'--001 DESIGN FILE #:PM2934'-001 Amphitheater CAMA Sheets.dgn 14 ��- �t•1 °�' ��� '� - - �1 �� 1 I➢��WBi 111W1� i�l lill[IIIIEfIII�i1W i_■I 1�1. R`NI. ■ ! ��� EMI ICI '�'��• i�l� 1�1■!�1 _ ! !�1 I � �I ICI loll IIVVILI ill ICI - i i i ICI lil� ICI momomm�m! �I•lA •o'i�il ICI I1Ll1Ll 10{�11il IMF -' IIII ■ .� • it•3 �i_1 IIII.�I:I i_I�I�I it•1 It�i Illll9Rl loll IIII I 1� 1�1�! ill it•1 it•1 � I>�I IllJJII ICI ICIIt•1� ICI ICI 1�1 It•1� ittl It•1 � IWllL1111Q �i� imrmi +-2.98 +-D.32• r_0.45, 59• +-a.63' +-0.51' 41' +-6.36 +-0.q13' + U 11S' NOTE: SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS 40.0 SHOWN ARE DEPTHS AT NORMAL LOW WATER. m fly* o1� H YDROGPH AC I C SURVEYING WAS PROVIDED nCD --i ��� U0 0 .—, Kim �iQ BY LAN I ER SURVEYING COMPANY, BRENT z�m;� min z LAN IER, P.L. S 9/29/1 �1n N� ire i on i x ❑ Im �x ITn Ix m z A EV 5.0 ELEV 2.0 EPT A HIGH AT R ,0 /- 1 IE PT A-; L W TE 0. D PTFl AT L❑ W TER -2 0 TLANOS 6' DOCk OVER M4ASH 3' BOTj7OM CLEARANCE JOWAR EXTENT!! COASA MARSfd rr�,c a`U+CM i �j m +9.4 r I r4.5A 404 �ETLANDS '-6ANOWARO �� • EXTENT ��,. O��OASTAL MARS SIN, r v- t, WA EXTENT OF COASTAL. 5: a- U I - i I v- f l _ L. t. V I V, NAVD88 �N CAq SEAL = 13343 =moo - �NcrN�E2---•�� �I0110 �Mr_G1fl RT��i N.C. GDATUM 201 �� REVISI❑NS: • -�.` .. W�•� .�' NHW' 6' WALKWAY Aa'zA .•� LANDWARD EXTENT . WATERWARD TENT o w --� OF � MARSH OF MARSH a z z o d C N: / GAZEBO 1 6' x1 6' i .,� 5° 1 7' 58 "E' 240.00' _______,- ..-- -- r�=f'---_____________________________..______-______-___________ W/ 1 ' ROOF OVERHANG cp- ---------------------- --- -..__- �- - �. --- _______ LINE ----- 324 SF UNDER ROOF �� +- •1 TRAVERSE REFERENCE �` "--_---- ______ SEE B2 ATERWARD EXTENT ► _________ OF MARSH `� IV J MARSH NHW `I NHW .��►► .�•� 1-- 6 ' WALKWAY f - ..J �� ��- MARSH" SEE KAYAK LAUNCHING LANDWARD E TF\NT '� r PAD DETAIL A2 1q• 0Q NHW/WATERWARD EXTENT OF ARV I '?, r i B• Dp 14.0OF MARSH •u �•� `. WATERWARD EXTENT BR + ', •�: •� NHW ,_ OF MARSH W� �AxwAT ' `� •�` `I o I EXCLcp T CaC y $ ['CORD 6' WALKWAY [- a QY 1 WATEWATER A THE "CACpA y MARSH R Rp Ty E 4 05 •` J. ► •,�• .1, - o = NORMAL H EEp fN LANDWARD EDGE �0H i~•�.,.. OF MARSH. -� j• `---�. NHW MARSH l •�.- '- NHW LA a KAYAK FLOATING LANDWAR NXTENT '�-� � DOCK PILES. TYP. OF MARS .'�•_•r• •~, [28 - 5 3❑ • PROPOSED ► PRQ 0 4' X1 6' BULKHEAD •' _ u L l(kEAQ PQSFD L v GANG WAY DES NG .' ' RO TA I fVjN CA T j Q o ,. pE��'l : '� '•� _ AP_PRQk G WALL n LO 3 ► --' A 6 A .�•-------•-------•_-_-----•—•---"--------------------- -*DECKING SELECTION NHW I.—•� r ► `� -� ` -�- 4 o BY OWNER, HOG SLATS ► '� PR ARE PROPOSED ►� .�'- �� �°RQ �- �- B❑PQ��Q �.�• FLOATING ► - KAYAK DOCK ► r- ,' AP L �H�AD A 7' �- —`—, --� � ppR �E� �/� ��A T � QN � � •- •PRQ 33E�A are ._.—._._._._._._. O.�.��il,�. �, L .�. -� •� F �A1G WALL WAL - ._•f r r. -PR LANDWARD EX� NT . '� •�•� '♦ ❑P0 �• OF MASH '� ` . BUL kH �� a� r• " " • 'PRO �, A PPR Q A DI Ef I ON 18 --8 PILE W/ 8 EMBEDMENT,TYP- ►► `� , 8[JLti H�A L QOA _._.-. �.`•---•_.- � , ����.�' � LNG j--- 18' -8" PILE W/ 8" EMBEDMENT TYP. WATERWARD EXTENT ' . Q/R �� 75 AEC ------ _._._._._ ----- a L FLOATING DOCK OF MARSH '► •� j� � r ------._._.-- NORMAL HIGH WATER ALL 3'+I- PILE GUIDE 2 ► v �� ► , NORMAL LOW WATERBOTTOM po ► � ,� � �., •�, PILE IN DOCK 0% 0 j 3,A Cn •�. NHW KAYAK LAU N C H PAD o D ETAI L A2 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE C� EL. 1.7 TOP OF BREAKWATER 6" ABOVE NORMAL HIGH WATER EXISTING SUBSTRATE — CANTILEVERED VINYL BREAKWATER, SIZE AND EMBEDMENT DEPTH BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER BOAT RAMP GROIN DETAIL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHEET # CAMA 2 PROJECT #: PM2934'--001 DESIGN FILE #:PM2934�-001 Amphitheater CAMA Sheets.dgn TYP. I 8X8 W/ 8' EMBE �A CA& 0� 7 - Q SEAL r; 13343 p ❑ REVISIONS: y�n Y� A ,qry i.% qpl M1ry /N, > E A'�ry p a" -. l � � rya P• P' 4 A. P•sy aP'' : A. •A i• . •A �, A;` •A? A z A•A'A P,' p� 1+7 4. W -•1 cICnf rn tiC 1 p. Ae" A• APP' ti _d p- A. .7' .�'• 1M1 .Y' -i ' � • P~' : °b �h' •'.' f� � .? P' � d PAti P� A•P � �, 'C+ ° �ti A� °� �' r .' • bo •'� A- L A-6 A y1 d'. I-O r A ',P a , ✓ p• �t 0 ILA Aqu � r P•, 1 a BOTTOM OF 30' ?'ry ya DREDGE DEPTH -4 5 & A Rry ya A9 A,ti WIDE CHANNEL I 1 ✓ p,. e ' yp AT LOW WATER 1"{ F'' DREDGE DEPTH -4.5' pr I-' ^71 y1z P P A, N=360724. 13BB to AT LOW WATFR ;; ,' a , _ 1 Fy�TI}RE MAINTENAff E� Z 5 p .A P 1 A'o Ate' �' ' DREDGING B T H ER . .� 1' f.- ,.. :• y A•; A A P m A•, +� a• M f z B t° M1°' I• a yLn ? �' p,. N=3 ❑ 60. 9 ❑ '` Per° BOTTOM OF 30` a ,;y _360566.4310 eWIDE CHANNEL, ' • 1Ln '� at ': .f :a' 'r^ P' _ CO/ 8 np� 1. M1 i _ --r- �� 4 + a �^ •� ,K vX, 1 J p' 204 WIDE CHANNEL a r <<ti• s ` fa H= 148 a E ����,•F-y�--r�'�'•�•k�";-�� ,!J I� ,°' f a=2568522.6T33 A I :1 A� 4; a' 21''78 fist .nvt�\c �: �• F+ A�•"-'fib ry'ti ---f __'•__-__. ! \ _.}_{�� -- +L r a _ a �i T re �,]y ✓ - - 258��r2 • -" -� i P• APn' P i �.^''' �_��_-__� L �5� fa 1 M1ti� ~F.5 ^ �' �1 N=360131 3.75 � UbF . _ P•..�^� } _ - -'p - Pay py, - SF . R r ;ti" _ ...b A P Ab�� .A •. r'' r asllr9 �`i fLa E-25fi8415.94�A,, J x98. -+• A' pb; �,' A' Al9 � •P'� , may, p. qA�' ti° �E' M1 aea A'p• b4 � n N= 7 n o _ Y �'• �, r W A P I V I _A R S I�.9 `210. A. •� 'A ry.- A,a .. .a"� ry•1«4 .�•.,. � 8 ( .a'�5 . � :.:~ � rem ti .1 � •AN � Ary 3P •A e, M �' \� 4•' A�'i A' ^ - _ ry ,� �,•� y $b '$ .P .(' o M 'A' ,� •�• - A ti ,y -2 6 64 . 800 _ pp� P A •:� ►' Pry; b '1' • •r. 4 1•• ry ••;�•A' A • 141 9 : r . - . ' � .`.� _ 5 � .y.a - � ~ � e ~ P' F'i iAfi� �' r ' �° � !' -. �Y �' y _ • A. 4, A `�� -I _1 . WIDE CHANNEL ��di; a- v .y w L �. �• u- -r °88.43 I tom. _ a - . F A'• I' :° OT-53 - ,` a? •f• W •p 'i' W -d .. 1 [ BOTTOM ❑F 34Q ,• F ,5 �., TaNis '1 A'ryo tip.y. ,: P. ,A-° '2• Y Y' i d• -: 'Y .+' '.�• M1 b� '. f� •�j-x-1" ^.a _. _ _ r WIDE CHANN�i , P� • 1 •,• a { 1 1 'C y�TER- wuygti .nee •p�'F 'P,3' A;N A • a •Y -l• +L- Yr .1• W W .t. S. .L• +�• •Y W �1• •L _ i .� 1p _LT'i�+'! 1�-�' k •rry' A�� L �p IAai;Jr"- r 8oaw An .F' . . y r• .k- "S' -b" •!r ,h .l' J' •S' •a �'.�{• w ',, w '3`i'�-� r' �N F' ' A'e . . ' '� P• p 7697 5F DREDGING FOOTPR IHrr,, l .f -1- V• 4r .L• '4- •1- ^ .•V Kyn l L W W 1Y y -1.' 1- 4 ~ {° _ ► >� ~ 8 b' OB BWT RA•P ►ND K r►1[ L•1vNCN P7'' _ . •'ry` 3Y' d! A�, �,a L a .l. is ♦r ,� `$ W 4• w W'\ •� •I' •L •S• %Vi • .1- .1. v' ,� V/ .y. .5.' .�y . . BOTTOM OF 30' BOTTOM OF 30 A' w /. �� • D Ex1EHrs b' \ ,. w W , V �• w .,. 1. i. 1, WIDE CHANNEL p •�Hxw is1 4_011J' fOM OF 3G' ACE yiAR µpR RS , r - a� WIDE CHANNEL d ° e` r xSE ►� WIDE CHANNEL fw �" a" A ,,, H _ DREDGE DEPTH.,'-5.0 A o A^, �• LAHvwA�s% �` w ` °+ N ��,+ S' /tom a µ AT LOW WATER a •; s DF.IAAR -� �..�� Ary A _�%�"a pa°`-�. a• •I - i w �• , DREDGE DEPTH -4.5P -Ao,Gr'1� AT LOW y� p b A. . A`a �.�. �• Ll�`L ,� �. i Sfi^, ^ t}t'i1r A,ry a: AM1 : d' . RL, �-•o_ A'°� A•' "s. T �� , - - . f ,� . + - . '- -� �' �' - . 8 A �. '' p•n .e r` 5 r ► R E A' •0' !! `� .:. • r. J A" b{ WALxTyA`! a L :�'5' ffRS •a• k-t- �. m' d' P�• I sµL . - • ` .1. -� J I fi• '. ♦ . • -.0 BRAVSo,pp w , •r- •4 -v 'i• A• A:P' i S�xS+ p g M�. .L, �.� _ .. • �'► _ .,, r a A ' • 1�. r s. i' 1• +' t, y R55 A:� ywAT`ye SHOpfF 'g,- ' F p• -_ . �6 ` �. • r �~ r �� • �� "� �� , C • y. v Ae, p' �o -." wALXA 1•- •n,Cap� d ; .3� I S�1'lw f J r "� ` • �� �17 % . �.�� BOTTOM OF 30' xT ` •� A' f A'ry P- 1 �]� .1• y '6 �s� "S. .y -Y i.' J.. .y. .�• 4 A, r$ -- .' WIDE CHANNEL ER16 P'` �' r b. d 1. �. J L a o p o _� •'=� -�• '! \ / �• _ ,M1• A• a. , 16 R% RNA l ' 41 .. A. 41 f• - I1- e- •�- .1 .. .j �r 5 ,,7� / a • -r �� ` �` . •' ,d P,,v � .i P UAiE$DRDDFx4V �pGFNG � a- f SE 4P �q A : HyyN \� , • �. .. � .. �i � _ � �� ' ` \- • � � , � � � • � . � 1 6 •` �. w14 5f UNDER A°' ''�: �• y C M •r•.r .� =. I DAYL IGH . EL fin. / •�. �� -�---� i `� �ry P �lAary 32 , ,�.e. 4 •i - .s. �, ^ r~ 5� ,� , ' = SEE P S S N%W wolpR9 i r - .A'' • 1 a p LptrlAA 4F 1. �. fi i W ALK�;��jp9%l -.I. c O.wK . r -_ • �r Q • , r L n ' �f aR �► 1� ��.�..�. ASTAL�WETLAND, ^ J " •� �� �g �� , �t.�.-�, P�'� p'{ p'` •, PROPOSED LO6 I MP]tCT 7. ~� LKKHEAD/RETAI IN WALL ` PrDx WALL P.�4R Y PG.tILATEO PROPO EO LOCAT,i]N \_ ' iO4 6 d a p w •NwEt l /� - • ^ • - • - • - ' jp0L)LKHEAO/REj$LU[44U' ROPO D CATION APPRO 110 �6uLKH A❑/RET NINO WALLA,ti' e ?AaL -PPRjlrOCF SILL fl` I ` y� r L. -Z • b� � P' � Pry '0: ` Ptip' 1 � • �� ` ` - • � • � 7 S- , � a � � � \ \ � , 1 e f' •� "\ \ 9llPKHE D! IIkIHIHG PALL _- { , ��J, S �•: Fq. IIPIL 330LA a r •'.y �� f.R R" T� i *HEADLDCASI l 'ALL 'ti.•VLp �_ I \ 68 65 ,,s ,,-� ` • }6ry L.A�w�cx�sM � � �` �L` ' �8- f _,. � P ° \� 64 ! 0 3 � r�R, RAYMOND S GUT/HIGH GROUND MARINA ly 4 ,A'A � � • r ; ' A' DREDGING PLAN VIEW NOTE: INITIAL SPOILS DISPOSAL AREA 50 25 0 50 100 LOCATED AT 7-- BOAT TRAILER STORAGE qy,I SEE SITE KEY. SPOILS SHALL BE LANDWARD �r OF 30 BUFFER AT ALL TIMES w A SCALE: 1 11=50' ry' a• 0 9 0 a z Q F a r- Ln c-1.) z 0 Lu a z r; Lu m 1F 111 a1 O V Y z M ❑ IT N R! N !ti m M r 4 ti { Or J• %4 d F z z z z z .� (p xz•m Ld O fl O Q L.i ! � 0 LtI U: + 0 Z ra r a d Za Z�.� p 3t - - F- r _ - 1/) to CI1 U1 [11 'JQ .ZQ C Y4- JQ:QQ ❑ W Cl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Liz '----------------�------------------------------------------------------- a._-- -_Ex. DEPTH AT LOW WATER - �z !-� Na s a Z Ex. DEPTH AT LOW WATERa ° - --------cL-----_--- wa rw _-_-- _ - -----------' -- -------EX. DEPTH AT LOW WATER-------T------- wL11:' w- -- - - - - -- - ----- ;F,'��.� yA- - � ?« .. _'1�'_L' _X '�'� �F��ti `C �4 `4-� .� _ _-� - -a E- --- - LDW WATER a __ciy� -___ _ -�-x--vvi��'f {>��`� iirrrrrr��ofr� ��". . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f�1 \ _; - =�7Ci��s%�-zt��h?%1���?�� _7-n7Cn?Ch7t7�R _ r W ��-17�y +may ^y •may �'� /.�[.�( x x x x x ` h�!v�%v' �'��Z�?`,%uuu�uv " r .W x, �� Y/l Jl � ��� , . . - - • A ` i+L �L 1 _ a ..M�a� -7- F• -F r ' ; ter, - '� -� _ •c t- '• f- -t_a _ s- --•r �.- f- -� --y - L �- = --. -� K --.. --u .c. •.f .c a/ _-.. - _wc• +.0 .-v - - .-.. t u aJ �.c• .a - - 1 ]-r f] �. 1[ - - i f r r r�r%5 x x x x xY S% i1 � � '✓:'�. � �r�r,� �i�iCr:�. � � �, � <�: � '- � E ~C~G - - -� - Y 1 - -- _ _ ------------______------ -------------------PROP05E�4R€DG! CEP H 4.5 4T-LDW-WATER----------PF�OP�5E0-0RE-06E DEPTH •A_5-AT LOW-W+-T€R-------------------_ - ca REDGE DEPTH -5.5 A LOW WATER TO -4 .5 AT LOW WATER PRDP05E0 DREflG��€P'7F� -5.5 AT LOVT WQTE7�T1T �'a5 A1`L�W IY#I� ` a� �y n L.I . PR❑P05E0 D y - a I --- ----------------- ------------------------------------------ v 2T, 7 184.25 88.43 210.62 258.56 122.03 79.78 485.00 2.43 C 378.74 CY 219.11 CY 665.79 CY 64353 CY 342.36 CY 17552 CY 1023.89 CY 30' WIDE CHANNEL I aLiz--------------------------------- Lu I i a I-�----------------- --____ VARIES 3e 3 F -- --------- - __ - -- -LLJ C7 - r F I_4----- 1L°e a 1-----____ ------ -- - - -- 1 r1=--------- ---_-- - - - - -- - a I - - - - --V7�F�fES - 5 TO -4.5 m LLi______ __-___ ----DEPTH AT LQW WATER 30.00 RAYM❑NDS GUT TYPICAL DREDGE CROSS-SECTION HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 11=1 0' VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "=5' SHEET # GAMA 3 PROJECT #: PM2934'--001 DESIGN FILE #:PM2934'--001 Amphitheater LAMA Sheets.dgn Q 0 RAYMOND'S GUT CENTERLINE PROFILE VERTICAL SCALE: 1 "= 51 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 11= 50' a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 a -1 a 7 -2 J 3W -9 -5 -6 -7 -8 a a + O N O N BOAT RAMP VERTICAL SCALE: 1 11= 5' HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 11= 501 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -S I I V T i I I ---I---7--�-- [��°- \'h I NLW'_1.8 X- - -F1f�A TT9i�8EL-aM"HF11- - -AVG I � I AYG -Avr-dFaTY fLbi_ _fgg 40'-r_7.0 DEPTH -5.-!'- HIGH g9UND E%CjVAi10H - -AV tlE-PT14= .z•- a ff1 CARo`/. 7'.7 =_ _ SEAL +~ 13343 fry., ply +G�i;'��`�� REVISIONS: .. . . . . , � . ... 1. �... .... . . .1 ; . w '41..' - �- . . I y . w .1 . ... . . . . . - .. - . . . . an ", ... . ..... . - �':&�il':- . ���: :" � .. I . 4 lj/ . I 7r�l .:'. ::... .. ',.:..::'.. '.:. ....,. . ,..... .. ... :' . . 11, w v w . .':' .:- k.:n 9 .. ?.. .. ... .. "�,,,,+. w w .. u. w . ... . . . .a .. ... ,. .. .:: .. - .. ... ::''.:..:.....:::..::: .. w w w w L , �.-.xit +L .SQL' K.:.. •:n :S . w w w f� .t ;1 w T1 T �I _ f Y w a Y w w' :w r w w: "y .1. _ j - - ;� . i— f �� — —+�,; : `w f J` — _ 1 1 w w :. w w w. w w w i .. w — — _ —F- T a —i — 1 — ��f e w w V ` , w w w w w .il.. •u . w •i +v _ _ .. :':. , — — — — J — — —r— — _ ~ - - ` .. - I i �• i — r _ I ��� ,j, +L „ w w w w w w ;1. v' *'l - . w ti• . ... _ — F- �%, y L•--� — _ d� I .� „I- ^I — ?-� Y- �a .!- w .1 _ v w w W w w w w w� :: w :• w w w. v' w ,V W w w w 4 w w w +4. ` 1 w- w w . — _ w w y w w w w w w w w w w v w ti, f .. . w . w _�'® `,xUi• :; w w L — — y, w W 11. ty 1L w w w +1... .,, w w w ,L 'w -L ti-. ' w 4, w -11 . '. w ,1. ,V W 'r, . jj�`jI' _ ., w W w w w W w w w w ✓ w w ,Y vw .- ,L 'v w w w w w .- . w i w w. wa' w w w .. L v M1 i �+ T —.� �'- ,1. H. V ':w . '. � w w w w w w w Y w w w w w w w V W w w w `1' w w w w w. .. ' . •L ,1. w +L v : .0- ,r ,. .,!•. - — • i- -fY1F- * w .i J. w w .Y w w w w w w +i y w w w w .1. .Y w� w w ,lr w .+1� Nie t;•-'� 3:`?�. w .+1. w w w w . .. y »` ",1111a,• 41 w w It, It, , kLv ,1. . 12r ,. . •.,:•.:? „. - .. •rr E.w w w -1• w w w w w w w w w L w w w H. 41 * w w • w w w w s•; +i ti• 14• q 4 W .w. •, �ZL w w ILI v w; w ... W y w w 41 ; w w" 4, +`' � w 1V w w ,L w J� w w w w w ,l• w w J+ w a J, w w W w w W +V w w w w w W w +i! W v w w W w w W. '+: ,4 w w Y w — �W - . w w i ✓ w w w w w✓ i; ,i, . �- \\�J W w w 1i L w L• w w w w w W W V Y w W w w w w W J w ,Y J L w i w W +L w w +V Y W +k W W w ti, y :�.^ 1 L ,L +L ,Y .Y' 'f• ,Iu w - ,Y w w w '1, w w �' + Y •. •d' •1 W W +L� w V l W v w ,V w w ,l• W w •l, w W w w •Y W-x . w +4 +Y d, .Y 11, J, w W W W w ,Y w -le W w w W Y W V; Y ,✓ +V Vr W ,y . +1. �. 1 5'.. W w W W ,t• w w w w .. w w ': r w w w w w w '.V ,!. L W . W W r w +L W w w J+ W w w . w 3, w W W w w w w .L +i, w w 1Y w w w� ' ,1, ." � ,_ !. W , w w w w .;. L,'v •L •4, A� w W w w w v v .L 14r ,.� 1� +V w W S, W w -:. w a w L' L w w Y 1 w V 11, ` w w p ', 111, w V w w w w w w w w w 1, ,L ~ w w w w w s ! w w w w w w w w w w w w w w yd i �' '. �._' : w w = �-. 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I y 3;.. w L , w 1 L r L ,U L As ' E� y .,11 w ; .... r w. I: . .L w w w w w w _ .. W,;. - --. U 1 �' --_ =8 '. 1), L w .. . , *R k : 0 1 . , .. ._ k,.. _a; I. :3�..' � . . I . �. , * — . a . I . ,A AftT � \•l . . .. 1 ixY - .. + , .- ,.. 11 111 ,;5: f. 1 �- >� %. i , �:: '. . _i-v 11 1:. 1,.. n+..1y. �� F^. - RDC /// '/ q ., � , . • ;ie •�_ � , y� f - • • r n 1 I L}III L, GROUP, L, P.A., ... �� r� T_`DO a r 0-. �: .., _ _, The Hamptons on the White Oak ATTACHMENT N0.1 COASTAL WETLAND IMPACT UPLAND BOAT RAMP & KAYAK LAUNCH WATERWARD EXTENT OF MARSH fL �L NHW \�\ kL Ali L ti 05 COASTAL WETLAND IMPACT = 57SF (SPARSELY POPULATED) NHW/WATER EXTENT /-OF MARSH ti- / 1i VL ,L-ANDVARD EDGE OF �PARSHL i �2r 3 �8 S j 91 1 1 � '\,COASTAL WETLAND/./ �. IMPACT ,• 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40` The Hamptons on the White Oak ATTACHMENT N0.2 SAG HARBOR CIRCLE WETLAND IMPACT N0.1 ROAD CROSSING , V. LANDWARD EDGE OF ti v- j COASTAL MARSH �r�w v- v' v- v k v V NHW LANDWARD EDGE OF v- k •i COASTAL MARSH 56 55 ROADWAY WETLAND \1 \ IMPACT NO. 1 4 W� 2083 SF 40LAN�i CULVERT 4 --48LF DUAL 24"RCP 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' The Hamptons on the White Oak ATTACHMENT NO.3 SAG HARBOR CIRCLE WETLAND IMPACT N0.2 ROAD CROSSING 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' The Hamptons on the White Oak ATTACHMENT N0.4 NORTHHAMPTON LOOP WETLAND IMPACT N0.3 ROAD CROSSING 22 23 � CULVERT 2 ^, 40LF DUAL 18"RCP s� ROADWAY WETLAND ?' IMPACT NO. 3 ; 501 SF 0 I �I; 24 I \�R I I F�q I — 25 i i 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' The Hamptons on The White Oak ATTACHMENT NO. 5 EAST HAMPTON LOOP WETLAND IMPACT N0.4 ROAD CROSSING it 04 _WETLANDS \ Iv- �1 CULVERT 8 �4\8LF 24 "RCP 404 WETLANDS 13.32 ROADWAY WETLAND IMPACT NO. 4 3308 SF 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' The Hamptons on the White Oak ATTACHMENT NO.6 MONTAUK DRIVE WETLAND IMPACT N0.5 & N0.6 EXISTING ROAD CROSSING PIPE REPLACEMENT MINIMAL ADDITIONAL IMPACT 404 V TLANDS "IF .3, WETLAND IMPACT PIPE REPLACEMENT & UPGRADE IMPACT NO.6-44SF j CULVERT 6 DUAL 48LF 30"RCP WETLAND IMPACT PIPE REPLACEMENT & UPGRADE 9ZS IMPACT N0. 5-61 SF 404 WETLANDS- 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' Form ®CM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 2 of 4.) c. Type of culvert (construction material): HDPE or Concrete d. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? < Form continues on back> ❑Yes MNo If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (iii) Width of existing bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: _ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) f. Length of proposed culvert: 1 C1_ 40'; 4 @ 48' h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. N/A j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? []Yes ®No If yes, explain: e. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? Culvert No. 6 Wes [-]No If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert(s): 48' (iii) Width of existing culvert(s): 30" (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: N/A (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) All and replace with new 30" culvert along side an additional 30" culvert g. Width of proposed culvert: Dual 18"; 24"; Dual 24"; Dual 30" i. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. invert at existing grade k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? If yes, explain: ❑Yes ®No 3. EXCAVATION and FILL El This section not applicable a C. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? ❑Yes ®No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high -ground excavation? ❑Yes ®No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: b. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SIB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB MWL 6649 ❑None (ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Remove vegetation for roadway crossings and culvert installaton. 252-808-2808 :: 'I-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastaiinanagement.net revised: 10/26I06