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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5231002_Email_20240108
Peck, Kaitlin
From:Farkas, Jim J
Sent:Monday, January 8, 2024 10:08 AM
To:Justin Church
Cc:Jennifer Edwards;; svc_post_construction_stormwater; Valentine,
Thad; Peck, Kaitlin
Subject:RE: \[External\] Re: SW5231002; Chatham Vet Services New Bldg. (Chatham)
I would like to say yes, but if there are more pressing reviews that were submitted earlier, they will take priority over
this one.
From: Justin Church <>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 10:05 AM
To: Farkas, Jim J <>
Cc: Jennifer Edwards <>;; svc_post_construction_stormwater
<>; Valentine, Thad <>; Peck, Kaitlin
Subject: \[External\] Re: SW5231002; Chatham Vet Services New Bldg. (Chatham)
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Good morning. The revisions were uploaded to the portal on Friday, and hard copies will go out today. Just confirming
again that we will be able to receive a permit without a second 90 day review period.
Justin Church, PE
Principal Engineer
1520 Meadowview Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
(o) 336.844.4088
(c) 828.773.6543
On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 9:53 AM Justin Church <> wrote:
Good morning Jim. Please see responses below.
On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 4:02 PM Farkas, Jim J <> wrote:
I was looking over the additional information you provided on October 16, 2023. Everything looks good except for a
few small issues:
Please correct the following:
Per the Supplement-EZ Form, the invert of the bypass orifice is shown at elevation 634.5 ft. However, the plans
do not appear to show a bypass orifice at this elevation (per the outlet structure detail on sheet C901, the
lowest bypass device appears to be the rim of the outlet structure at elevation 635.0 ft). Please either
including the bypass orifice with invert elevation of 634.5 ft or by revising the design calculations to show the
temporary pool surface elevation at elevation 635.0 ft. Please revise as needed.
The supplement form is correct. Our design is based on the bypass orifice at elevation 634.5. We just overlooked it in
our detail. We will revise.
Please break the provided stage-storage table down to show the storage volume provided in the sediment
chamber and provided in the sand chamber so the storage volumes provided in the each chamber may be
verified and compliance with Sand Filter MDC 2 may be verified.
We break the provided storage volume down for each chamber in Table 12 of our report. We intentionally place our
stone weir dividing the chambers such that the volumes in each chamber match. Are you looking for something other
than this?
While not required, it is recommended to leave the surface of the sand layer bare or cover it in gravel. Per the
plans, the surface of the sand layer is shown to be covered with Bermuda sod. Sediment trapped by the sand
filter accumulates on the surface of the sand layer and it is easier to remove this accumulated sediment if
there is no grass on the surface of the sand layer (removal of excess sediment is a required maintenance
activity as specified in the O&M Agreement Form).
We will modify to remove the bermuda sod cover and leave the sand surface exposed.
While not required, it is recommended to reduce the amount of pervious area draining to the sand filter.
Pervious areas generate fine particles that can cause the sand filter to become clogged quicker, necessitating
more frequent maintenance, which increases the cost of ownership of the sand filter.
I would like to reduce the amount of impervious draining to the sand filter, but unfortunately, there are no practical
alternatives given the site constraints.
The only revisions I see that need to be made are to the plan sheets. We should be able to make those changes, upload
the digitals, and get the hard copies out no later than Monday. If those revisions are satisfactory, do you think we will
be able to get a permit within the next two weeks? We have all our other approvals, but the city will not allow
construction to start without this permit.
Please provide the following:
1x hard copy & 1x electronic copy of the revised page of the Supplement-EZ Form.
1x hard copy & 1x electronic copy of the revised page(s) of the calculations.
1x hard copy (2x hard copies for plan sheets) & 1x electronic copy of any other items needed to address these
Hard copies should be mailed to me at the following address:
For FedEx/UPS:
Jim Farkas
512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640M
Raleigh, NC 27604
Jim Farkas
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Hand Delivery:
Please reach out to me prior to hand delivering a submission to make sure that I (or someone else in my
group) will be able to receive the submission. Do not leave the package in the foyer with the security guard.
NOTE: Hard copies should not be sent to a Regional Office. Doing so will delay the review process and the submission
package may be lost while being sent from the Regional Office to me in the Central Office.
Electronic copies should be uploaded at the following location:
Since these are really minor things, once I get the hard copies, anything else that may have changed from addressing
these issues, and the documents are uploaded to Laserfiche (Provided everything is still in order), we can issue the
permit without doing another formal review. The quickness of the next review for this project is dependent on
reviewer availability.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jim Farkas
State Stormwater Engineer
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-3646
From: Peck, Kaitlin <>
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:55 AM
To: Jennifer Edwards <>;; Justin Church <>
Cc: svc_post_construction_stormwater <>; Farkas, Jim J <>;
Valentine, Thad <>
Subject: SW5231002; Chatham Vet Services New Bldg. (Chatham)
Good Morning,
We received your post-construction stormwater permit application for the subject project on 10/13/23. Reviews
under the Standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days to complete. You can see where this project
stands in the review queue by emailing (We have an autoreply set up that has the
review queue on it). Please upload all documents that you mailed into our office through the link provided below. Be
sure to choose the Central Office as the Primary Contact office.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that each file is uploaded under its appropriate file type. Additional file types can be
entered into the electronic form by clicking on the “Add Another Post-Construction File Upload” link directly below
the “State Stormwater Information Uploads” section of the form. YOU MUST CLICK ON THE “ADD ANOTHER POST-
dropdown as you upload the various files (without adding additional file uploads) will upload all of the files as the last
file type selected, the submission will get flagged during review, and you will need to resubmit the files. Please do not
upload entire plan sets through this form, but rather upload the relevant individual sheets under the appropriate file
type. Selecting the correct file type ensures that the files are properly named in the electronic repository and it helps
expedite the review process. NOTE: We do not require and we discourage the upload/submission of extraneous plan
sheets (such as lighting plans, utility plans, striping plans, sight distance plans, etc…) as these files are not needed for
Please type in permit #: SW5231002
This project will be reviewed by Jim Farkas, if you have any questions, please contact them at or at 919-707-3646.
Thank you,
Kaitlin Peck
Environmental Specialist
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
From: svc_post_construction_stormwater
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:34 AM
To: Jennifer Edwards <>
Cc: Justin Church <>
Subject: RE: \[External\] Re: Chatham Vet Services New Bldg.; Siler City, Chatham County
Good Morning Jennifer,
Thank you for getting back to me. I did receive your email and have voided your check and it will be sent out to the
address in your signature today.
Take care,
Kaitlin Peck
Environmental Specialist
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-9209
From: Jennifer Edwards <>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 4:10 PM
To: svc_post_construction_stormwater <>
Cc: Justin Church <>
Subject: Re: \[External\] Re: Chatham Vet Services New Bldg.; Siler City, Chatham County
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report
Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
The original Supplemental and new fees are going out today. I sent in a different email about the $505 check if you
missed it, just mail it back to me at the address below.
Jennifer Edwards
Senior Civil Designer
1520 Meadowview Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
336.844.4088 (p)
By receiving and accepting this electronic correspondence and using its contents the receiving parties understand that
the electronic media may contain intermediate design information and may not necessarily be intended for construction.
We agreeto hold BREC, PA, and Blue Ridge Geomatics, PA harmless for any defects in this data. We agree that it
shall be our responsibility to reconcile this electronic data with the paper plans and that only the paper plans shall be
regarded as legal documents for this job. We agree not to further distribute this electronic information to any other
entities. We shall also not use this information for any other design project other than the one intended.
On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:42 AM svc_post_construction_stormwater <> wrote:
Hi Justin,
On your application, the total impervious surface area is listed as 23,502 sf (approx.. 0.54 ac). Please see the attached
file with how to calculate density for further information.
Take care,
Kaitlin Peck
Environmental Specialist
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-9209
From: Justin Church <>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2023 11:26 AM
To: svc_post_construction_stormwater <>
Cc: Jennifer Edwards <>
Subject: \[External\] Re: Chatham Vet Services New Bldg.; Siler City, Chatham County
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report
Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Can you please clarify how our %impervious is calculated incorrectly? The 1.65 acre site contains 0.63 acres of
impervious = 38%.
Justin Church, PE
Principal Engineer
1520 Meadowview Drive
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
(o) 336.844.4088
(c) 828.773.6543
On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:16 AM svc_post_construction_stormwater <> wrote:
Good Morning,
We received your application for a new post-construction stormwater permit on 10/11/23. At this time, the
submission is not administratively complete and cannot be accepted for review in its current condition. Please
provide the following submittal items within 30 calendar days (by close of business on 11/11/23) so that we may
accept the project and begin the review process, otherwise, the project will be returned as administratively
1x application fee check in the correct amount (this item is required per Session Law 2023-134, Section
Please be aware that, effective October 3, 2023, our permit application fee structure is as follows:
New Permit or Major Modification for a project with one (1) or fewer SCMs = $1,000
New Permit or Major Modification for a project with two (2) SCMs = $1,250
New Permit or Major Modification for a project with three (3) SCMs = $1,750
New Permit or Major Modification for a project with four (4) or more SCMs = $2,250
Minor Modification = $250
Renewal = $750
Transfer = $750
Renewal & Transfer Combination = $1,500
General Permit = $700
Per the submittal items, this project will require an application fee of $1000 as this application is for
a New Project with 1 SCM. Please provide a new application fee check in this amount so that we
may process your application. We will void and return the provided application fee check to the
permittee (unless a different return address is indicated by close of business tomorrow).
2x hard copies of the Application with the following corrections made (These items are required per 15A
NCAC 02H .1042(2)(a) and per Section VI, 1 of the Application):
Section IV, 8 – The percent impervious area for the project area does not appear to be calculated
correctly. Project density calculation information can be found in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(1).
1x hard copy of the complete, original Supplement-EZ Form (This item is required per Sections V & VI, 3 of
the Application). This form can be found on our website at the following
program/stormwater-design. Please note that a complete Supplement-EZ form will have 3 or more pages
and uses macros to generate the relevant sheets based on the information entered into the cover page.
NOTE: The copy we received did not bear an original signature.
NOTE: This is an administrative completeness review, not a detailed engineering review, there may be other issues
that may be brough up during the engineering review.
If these items are received within the stipulated timeframe, we can accept the project and begin the review process.
Once accepted, reviews under the standard permitting process can take up to 90 calendar days per statute (one of
our two reviewer positions is currently vacant).
Hard copies should be mailed to the following address:
For FedEx/UPS:
Jim Farkas
512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 640E
Raleigh, NC 27604
Jim Farkas
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
If you have any questions, please contact Kaitlin Peck at or at (919) 707-9209.
Thank you,
Kaitlin Peck
Environmental Specialist
Post-Construction Stormwater Permitting Group
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an
authorized state official.