HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4231202_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20231229 (3) 1 - ,4 1 i LT Ir ' r; (i.S r, ' 4 i a ,r• i,, L, ,j , 4., ; , i 1., t i 7 1iC I I t 9 I 1 1. 1 �r yy , e `1 l ECS Southeast, LIP Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Potts Property — Bermuda Run US Highway 158 Bermuda Run, North Carolina 27006 ECS Project Number 09:30067 September 11, 2023 mminiECTS Emommou - e smommemmis ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "One Firm. One Mission." Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities September 11,2023 Mr. Lee Bryant Evans Engineering, Inc 4609 Dudas Drive Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 ECS Project No. 09:30067 Reference: Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report Potts Property—Bermuda Run US Highway 158 Bermuda Run, North Carolina 27006 Dear Mr. Bryant: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has completed the limited subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and preliminary geotechnical engineering recommendations for the above-referenced project. Our services were performed in general accordance with our agreed scope of work.This preliminary report presents our understanding of the geotechnical aspects of the project, the results of the field exploration conducted, and our geotechnical design and construction recommendations for the project. It has been our pleasure to be of service to you during this phase of this project. We would appreciate the opportunity to remain involved during the continuation of the design phase, and we would like to provide our services during construction phase operations as well to verify subsurface conditions assumed for this report. Should you have any questions concerning the information contained in this report, or if we can be of further assistance to you, please contact us (336) 856-7150. ,ri`�4i I11g1�g���,,1 Respectfully submitted, �� �� 0(0 •i• 14 CAR ECS Southeast, LLP REAL E E. 020908 / 09/11/23. 1. Qtp.•• ,A____Lvyu Muhannad Abdelgadir Sun Breza, P.E. %fNNt1' tts4 Geotechnical Staff Project Manager Principal Engineer MAbdelgadir@ecslimited.com NC License No. 029908 Sbreza@ecslimited.com 4811 Koger Boulevard, Greensboro, NC 27407 • T: 336-856-7150 • F:336-856-7160 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Florida,LLC • ECS Mid-Atlantic,LLC • ECS Midwest,LLC • ECS Southeast,LLP • ECS Southwest,LLP NC Engineenng License No.F-1078 •NC Geology License No.C-553•SC Engineering License No.3239 Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2 2.1 SITE INFORMATION 2 2.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 3 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING 4 3.1 SUBSURFACE CHARACTERIZATION 4 3.2 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS 5 3.3 LABORATORY TESTING 6 4.0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 7 4.1 BUILDING/STRUCTURE DESIGN 7 4.1.1 Preliminary Shallow Foundations Recommendation 7 4.1.2 Ground Bearing Slab (Preliminary) 7 4.2 SEISMIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 9 4.3 PRELIMINARY SITE DESIGN CONSIDERATION 9 4.3.1 Pavement Section (Preliminary) 9 4.3.2 Groundwater 10 5.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 11 5.1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION (PRELIMINARY) 11 5.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing 11 5.1.2 Proofrolling 11 5.1.3 Site Temporary Dewatering 11 5.2 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS (PRELIMINARY) 13 6.0 ADDITIONAL STUDY 14 7.0 CLOSING 14 APPENDICES Appendix A—Diagrams and Cross Sections • Site Location Diagram • Boring Location Diagram • Cross Section Location Diagram • Generalized Subsurface Soil Cross Sections Appendix B—Field Operations • Reference Notes for Boring Logs • Subsurface Exploration Procedure: Standard Penetration Testing(SPT) • Boring Logs B-5000 to B-5009 Appendix C—Laboratory Testing • Laboratory Test Results Summary • Liquid and Plastic Limits Test Report Appendix D—Supplementary Document • Typical French Drain Detail • Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation • Site Photographs Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09;30067 Page 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This executive summary is intended as a very brief overview of the primary geotechnical conditions that are expected to affect design and construction. Information gleaned from the executive summary should not be utilized in lieu of reading the entire geotechnical report. • Soil borings indicate that residual soils were encountered in the borings,classified as Elastic SILT(MH),SILT with Sand and Sandy SILT(ML), Lean CLAY(CL),and Gravelly Lean CLAY(CL) with Sand. Beneath these layers, borings encountered Clayey SAND (SC) and Silty SAND (SM)soils, containing slight mica. • Most soil borings indicate the presence of Elastic SILT (MH) soils within the subsurface to depths 8 feet below the ground surface. Based on our limited laboratory testing,these soils have a low to medium potential for expansion (i.e., shrink-swell). At this time, we do not believe mitigation measures will be required to reduce the potential for structure or pavement distress (cracking, excessive deformation) as a result of volumetric changes in potentially expansive soils. Additional soil sampling and laboratory testing should be performed during the construction phase of the project to further evaluate the potentially expansive soils. • Based on the soils encountered and the estimated bearing elevations in addition to the preliminary information provided to us, we recommend the planned buildings can be supported by shallow foundations.The proposed building can be designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psf. • Based on the soil test borings B-5002 and B-5008, we anticipate undercutting of the very soft to soft or very loose near-surface soils will be necessary in localized areas of the planned stormwater control device. Alternatively temporary drainage ditches may be excavated to facilitate drying of the soils prior to construction of the stormwater device. If site earthwork is performed during the typically cooler, wetter months of the year, additional undercutting is anticipated due to excessively wet inadequate soils. • Based on the N-values measured in the borings, a Seismic Site Class "D" designation is appropriate for seismic design for this site. Our experience indicates that evaluation of seismic site class in North Carolina using N-values can be overly conservative. Geophysical testing to measure shear wave velocities of the subsurface materials could be performed for this project to potentially improve the site class. • Groundwater was observed at the time of drilling as first encountered in the borings B- 5001,B-5002,B-5004 and B-5008 at approximate depths ranging from 3.5 to 6.0 feet below the ground surface and encountered in borings B-5002 and B-5004 and B-5008 at depths of 7.6 to 8.2 feet below the ground surface at the time of drilling completion. • ECS should be retained to review the design documents for conformance with our recommendations. • ECS should be retained for construction materials testing and special inspections to facilitate proper implementation of our recommendations. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study was to provide preliminary geotechnical information for the design of a new development of a residential complex at the Potts Property Site located in Bermuda Run, North Carolina. The project involves townhome buildings, associated paved areas, and stormwater management basins. The recommendations developed for this report are based on project information provided by Mr. Lee Bryant with Evans Engineering, Inc. Our services were provided in accordance with our Proposal No. 09:29533-P, dated July 25, 2023, which includes our Terms and Conditions of Service and as authorized by Mr.Lee Bryant with Evans Engineering, Inc, on July 27, 2023. This report contains the procedures and results of our subsurface exploration and laboratory testing programs, review of existing site conditions, engineering analyses, and preliminary recommendations for the design and construction of the geotechnical aspects of the project and includes the following items. a. A site location diagram and a boring location diagram. b. Boring logs prepared in accordance with the standard practice for geotechnical engineering. c. Laboratory test results. d. Observations from our site reconnaissance including current site conditions,surface drainage features,and surface topographic conditions. e. A review of the published geologic conditions and their relevance to the planned development. f. A subsurface characterization based on the field exploration and laboratory tests performed. g. Preliminary recommendations for building foundations. h. Preliminary recommendations for slab-on-grade design including modulus of subgrade reaction. i. Preliminary recommendations for seismic site classification in accordance with the current North Carolina Building Code using the average N-value method. j. Preliminary recommendations for pavement consideration based on assumed traffic loading information ESAL's. k. Preliminary recommendations for subgrade preparation and earthwork,including excavation considerations, engineered fill material, engineered fill placement, and other applicable special considerations (e.g., rock excavation, existing fill, potentially expansive soil, deep fill sections,shallow groundwater). 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 SITE INFORMATION ECS understands the subject site is located at US Highway 158 in Bermuda Run,Davie County,North Carolina, at the approximate location shown in the following figure. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 3 .or • • (< SITE • / �-., • • • Approximate Site Location Shown in Red Based on the ROKMAPS_Davie website and google earth maps,the subject property includes two parcels identified by Parcel Identification Number (NCPIN) of 5872313806 and 5872302996 and contains approximately 50.4 total acres. Our site visit indicates that the site currently is undeveloped and wooded land and includes an existing pond with an earthen embankment dam in the middle of the property. Topographic maps indicate that Smith Creek is located on the eastern side of the property. The site generally slopes downward from the northeast to southwest with elevations between 780 to 720 feet above mean sea level (msl). 2.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on the Conceptual Grading Plan provided to us, the planned development involves residential townhome buildings with their facilities and stormwater control measure basins. Our understanding with similar projects, we anticipate that the proposed townhome buildings will be up to 2 stories,wood framed structures on a slab-on-grade ground floor. Structural loading information was not provided to us at this time. We have assumed that the maximum unfactored foundation loads based on our experience will be: • Maximum Column Load =75 kips • Maximum Wall Loads=3 kips per foot • Maximum Ground Floor Slab Load=150 pounds per square foot (psf) Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 4 The structural engineer should verify these assumptions and notify ECS if the actual unfactored foundation design loads exceed or are significantly less than these assumed values. Based on the preliminary grading plan provided to us and our experience with similar projects,we anticipated that cut and fill depths will be less than 20 feet for general site grading. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING Our exploration procedures are explained in greater detail in Appendix B including the insert titled Subsurface Exploration Procedure:Standard Penetration Testing(SPT). Our scope of work included drilling 10 soil boings (B-5000 to B-5009) including performing of seasonal high-water table(SHWT) evaluation for borings B-5001 and B-5002 based on the client's requested locations. Our borings were located using a phone GPS application and their approximate locations are shown on the Boring Location Diagram in Appendix A. 3.1 SUBSURFACE CHARACTERIZATION The subsurface conditions encountered appeared to be generally consistent with published geological mapping. The following sections provide generalized characterizations of the subsurface conditions. For more detailed information, refer to the boring logs in Appendix B. Site Geology: The site is located within the Piedmont physiographic province. The Piedmont is characterized by residual overburden soils weathered in place from the underlying igneous and metamorphic rock. The topography and relief of the Piedmont uplands have developed from differential weathering of the bedrock.Because of the continued chemical and physical weathering, the bedrock in the Piedmont is now generally covered with a mantle of soil that has weathered in place from the parent bedrock. These soils have variable thicknesses and are referred to as residuum or residual soils. The residuum is typically finer grained and has higher clay content near the surface because of the advanced weathering. Similarly, the soils typically become coarser grained with increasing depth because of decreased weathering. As the degree of weathering decreases, the residual soils generally retain the overall appearance, texture, gradation and foliations of the parent rock. The boundary between soil and rock in the Piedmont is not sharply defined. A transitional zone termed "partially weathered rock" is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock (PWR) is defined for engineering purposes as residual material with Standard Penetration Resistances (N-values) exceeding 100 blows per foot. The transition between hard/dense residual soils and partially weathered rock occurs at irregular depths due to variations in degree of weathering. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and/or zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantel well above the general bedrock level. According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is underlain by Metamorphosed mafic rock(PzZm), Phanerozoic.This formation is described as Metagabbro, metadiorite,and mafic plutonic-volcanic complexes. The formation group and type are Intrusive Rocks. The formation period is Permian. Soil Stratigraphy: Based on the soil boring logs, we are briefly summarizing the subsurface soil as the following: Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report-Potts Property-Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 5 • Surficial Material: Borings encountered approximately 1 to 3 inches of topsoil. • Residuum: Borings encountered residual soils of Elastic SILT (MH), SILT with Sand, Sandy SILT (ML), Lean CLAY and Gravelly Lean CLAY with Sand (CL), trace Sand, containing slight mica, in the upper 12.0 feet below the existing ground surface. Beneath of these soils, Clayey SAND (SC) and Silty SAND (SM)were encountered in the borings to the termination of the borings. Based on the Standard Penetration Test (SPT-N values), the consistency of the cohesive soils was very soft to very stiff when the SPT-N values ranging between 1 to 18 blows per foot and the soil density was very loose to medium dense for the sandy soil as the SPT-N values ranged from 3 to 16 blows per foot . • Boring Termination depths: Boring drilling depths extended to up to approximately 15 feet below the ground surface without auger refusal (Borings were terminated at elevations ranging of 717.0 to 764.0 feet above msl. The soil stratification shown on the boring logs represents the soil conditions at the actual locations. Variations in the stratification can occur between sample intervals and widely spaced boring locations.The subsurface conditions at other locations on the site may differ from those found at the boring locations. If different site conditions are encountered during construction, ECS should be contacted to review our recommendations relative to the new information. A graphical presentation of the subsurface conditions is shown on the Subsurface Cross Section Diagram(s) included in Appendix A. 3.2 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS Groundwater seepage into our borings was observed at the time of the drilling and measured after the drilling completion and prior to backfilling. Please refer to the table below for details: Table 3.2.1 Ground Water Table Observations Approx. Estimated Water Observed Estimated Boring Groundwater Elevation,ft Cave-in Cave-in Depth,ft above msl Depth2,ft Elevation,ft B-5000 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 8.5 763.5 B-5001 6.0/Dry 743.0/Dry 5.2 743.8 B-5002 6.0/8.1 736.0/733.9 5.6 736.4 B-5003 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 8.4 758.6 B-5004 6.0/8.2 723.0/720.8 5.2 723.8 B-5005 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 4.4 746.6 B-5006 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 4.3 760.7 B-5007 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 4.2 769.8 B-5008 3.5/7.6 723.5/719.4 6.1 720.9 B-5009 Dry/Dry Dry/Dry 5.3 763.5 *Observed Groundwater depth at the time of drilling as first encountered and at time of the drilling completion WL (First Encountered / Completion). Depths below existing ground surface. Levels may not be stabilized. • Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 6 **Seasonal High-Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation performed by Willcox & Mabe dated August 16.2023 indicates that evidence of a SHWT was identified at approximately depth of 2.2 feet below the ground surface in boring B-5001 (Ele. 747.1 feet above msl) and at approximately depth of 1.9 feet below the ground surface in boring B-5002(Ele.739.8 feet above msl). ***Cave-in depth can indicate possible groundwater seepage into the borehole after completion. Based upon our interpretation of the subsurface data, including water level measurements, it appears the site may be underlain by two types of groundwater: perched and a water table aquifer. Perched groundwater is distinguished differently from the water table aquifer.The definition below can be referenced: "Perched water is typically of limited quantity, replenished or recharged very slowly. When encountered in an excavation, perched water will typically drain off very quickly, with limited continuous flow or bleeding, unless a source of recharge,such as a leaking utility, is present." From:Construction Dewatering and Groundwater Control—New Methods and Applications,3,aAddition A water table aquifer is distinguished from a perched groundwater table based on the water table aquifer's recharge ability,which may be limitless but can be lowered temporarily through adequate dewatering techniques such as deep wells and well points. Perched groundwater is often alleviated in excavations by pumping from sump pits or temporary ditches. Fluctuations in the groundwater elevation should be expected depending on precipitation, run-off, utility leaks, and other factors not evident at the time of our evaluation. Normally, highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. Depending on the time of construction,groundwater may be encountered at shallower depths and locations not explored during this study. If encountered during construction, engineering personnel from our office should be notified immediately. 3.3 LABORATORY TESTING Each sample was visually classified on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with ASTM D2488 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures) and including USCS classification symbols, and ASTM D2487 Standard Practice for Classification for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). After classification, the samples were grouped in the major zones noted on the boring logs in Appendix B. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in parentheses along with the soil descriptions. The stratification lines between strata on the logs are approximate; in situ, the transitions may be gradual. The laboratory testing consisted of selected tests performed on samples obtained during our field exploration operations. Classification and index property tests were performed on representative soil samples. Laboratory tests performed on selected samples included percent finer than No. 200 sieve test(ASTM D 1140), moisture content tests (ASTM D 2216), and Atterberg limit test (ASTM D 4318). Please refer to the laboratory testing summary in Appendix C. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 7 4.0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 BUILDING/STRUCTURE DESIGN Once final design grades, building locations, foundation layout, and foundation loads have been determined, this information should be provided to ECS. We may be able to modify these preliminary foundation recommendations once additional project information is available. Also, additional field testing, including additional soil test borings, seismic refraction, and detailed settlement analyses may reduce or eliminate the amount of ground improvement elements needed for shallow foundation support of the buildings. We request the preliminary unfactored loads and column/bearing wall foundation plans before performing further testing. 4.1.1 Preliminary Shallow Foundations Recommendation Provided subgrades and structural fills are prepared as discussed herein, based on the settlement tolerance for risk and assumed design foundation loads.The planned structures can be supported by conventional spread shallow foundations consisting monolithic turned down grade slabs or pier and curtain walls.The design of the shallow foundation should utilize the following parameters: Figure 4.1.1 Preliminary Shallow Foundation Design Design Parameter Column Footing Wall Footing Net Allowable Bearing Pressurel-) 2,000 psf 2,000 psf Acceptable Bearing Soil Material Residual soils or Approved Engineered Fill, Minimum Width 24 inches 18 inches Minimum Footing Embedment Depth 18 inches 18 inches (below slab or finished grade)(2) Estimated Total Settlement(3) Less than 1 inch Less than 1 inch Estimated Differential Settlement(4) Less than 0.5 inches Less than 0.5 inches between columns over 30 feet Notes: (1) Net allowable bearing pressure is the applied pressure in excess of the surrounding overburden soils above the base of the foundation. (2) For bearing considerations and frost penetration requirements. (3) Based on assumed structural loads.If final loads are different,ECS must be contacted to update foundation recommendations and settlement calculations. (4) Based on anticipated range of column/wall loads and variability in borings. Differential settlement can be re-evaluated once the foundation plans are more complete. 4.1.2 Ground Bearing Slab (Preliminary) The on-site lower plasticity natural soils and new engineered fill are considered adequate for support of the ground bearing slabs (Slab-on-Grade), although moisture control during earthwork operations, including the use of disking or appropriate drying equipment, may be necessary. The on-site clay or silt will be difficult to dry and compact when wet of the optimum moisture content. We anticipate that ground floor slabs-on-grade will be at or above finish exterior grades within the building footprint. However, depending on floor coverings and building use,a capillary break layer Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 8 and vapor retarder should be installed to reduce moisture vapor coming in contact with the concrete floor slab from the soils below. The following graphic depicts our soil-supported slab recommendations: _ Vapor Retarder or Vapor Concrete Slab Barrier 00o00 .0o 00 00000o0o o00 o o 0 00 0 00 o o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o °0 0 0 0 Base Course v Firm, Compacted Soil Subgrade 1. Base Course Layer Thickness: 4 inches 2. Base Course Layer Material: A compactable granular fill that will remain firm and support construction traffic. At least 10%to 30%of the material should pass a No.100 sieve with a maximum aggregate size of% inch. Adequate materials are Aggregate Base Course (ABC),SAND (SP-SM, SW-SM), and SILTY SAND(SM)with less than 30%fines. 3. Base Course Layer Materials, ABC, should be compacted to at least 98% maximum dry density per ASTM D698. 4. Undisturbed natural subgrade should proofroll as firm and unyielding. Upper 1 foot of engineered fill subgrade should be compacted to at least 98%maximum dry density per ASTM D698 5. Vapor Barrier or Vapor Retarder — Refer to ACI 302.1R-04 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction and ASTM E 1643 Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs for recommendations on this issue. Additionally,environmental vapor intrusions considerations should be taken into account by the vapor barrier/vapor retarder material selection and design. Soft or yielding soils may be encountered in localized areas. These soils should be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill in accordance with the recommendations included in this report. Subgrade Modulus: Provided a base course layer is implemented in the slab section,the slabs may be designed using a modulus of subgrade reaction, kl of 95 pci (lbs./cu. inch). This value is applicable for design of slabs subject to point loads. Vapor Barrier: Before the placement of concrete, a vapor barrier may be placed on top of the granular drainage layer to provide additional protection against moisture penetration through the floor slab. When a vapor barrier is used,special attention should be given to surface curing of the slab to reduce the potential for uneven drying, curling and/or cracking of the slab. Depending on proposed flooring material types, the structural engineer and/or the architect may choose to eliminate the vapor barrier. Slab Isolation: Soil-supported slabs should be isolated from the foundations and foundation- supported elements of the structure so that differential movement between the foundations and slab will not induce excessive shear and bending stresses in the floor slab. Where the structural Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 9 configuration does not allow the use of a free-floating slab such as in a drop down footing/monolithic slab configuration, the slab should be designed with adequate reinforcement and load transfer devices to avoid overstressing of the slab. 4.2 SEISMIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The requires site classification for seismic design based on the upper 100 feet of a soil profile. Three methods are utilized in classifying sites,namely the shear wave velocity(vs)method;the unconfined compressive strength (s„)method;and the Standard Penetration Resistance(N-value) method.The N-value method was used for this project. The seismic site class definitions for the weighted average of shear wave velocity or SPT N-value in the upper 100 feet of the soil profile are shown in the following table: Table 4.2.1 Seismic Site Class vs.Shear Wave Velocity Site Soil Profile Name Shear Wave Velocity,Vs, N value(bpf) Class (ft./s) A Hard Rock Vs>5,000 fps N/A B Rock 2,500<Vs<—5,000 fps N/A C Very dense soil and soft rock 1,200<Vs<_2,500 fps >50 D Stiff Soil Profile 600<_Vs<—1,200 fps 15 to 50 E Soft Soil Profile Vs<600 fps <15 The 2018 North Carolina Building requires that a Site Class be assigned for the seismic design of new structures. The Site Class for the site was determined by calculating a weighted average SPT N-value for the top 100 feet of the subsurface profile. Based on the conditions encountered in the borings, a Seismic Site Class "D"is appropriate for this site. Our experience indicates that evaluation of seismic site class in North Carolina using N-values can be conservative. If it is determined that a significant advantage could be gained with an improved Site Class,additional site testing could be performed to measure actual shear wave velocities at the site. ECS can provide a proposal for these services upon request. 4.3 PRELIMINARY SITE DESIGN CONSIDERATION 4.3.1 Pavement Section (Preliminary) Traffic Loading:Traffic loadings information was not available at the time of this proposal. Based on our experience with similar projects,we have assumed traffic loadings of 20,000 ESALs for light- duty pavements and 70,000 ESALs for heavy-duty pavements and a service life of 20 years.The civil engineer, developer, owner, and/or user should verify these assumptions and notify ECS if the actual pavement design traffic loading conditions exceed or are significantly less than these assumed values. Subgrade Characteristics: Pavement subgrades soils should consist of firm, compacted low plasticity soil. Based on our experience with similar soils, an estimated CBR value of 4 was used for Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 10 this project. The pavement sections assume that the subgrades consist of adequate materials evaluated by ECS and placed and compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor test(ASTM D 698). Minimum Material Thicknesses: Based on the anticipated traffic and assumed subgrade characteristics,we recommend the services roads consist of a minimum of 8 inches of compacted aggregate base course(ABC)gravel.The aggregate base course should be compacted to at least 98 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). The pavement at locations for refuse dumpsters should be properly designed for the high axial loads and twisting movements of the trucks.Consideration should be given to the use of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement for the dumpster and approach areas. We recommend that the refuse collector be consulted to determine the size and thickness of the concrete pads for dumpsters. At locations where delivery truck, semi-trailers, and/or buses will be turning and maneuvering, the flexible pavement section should be designed to resist the anticipated shear stress on the pavement throughout the required pavement service life. It should be noted that these design recommendations may not satisfy the North Carolina Department of Transportation traffic guidelines. Any roadways constructed for public use and to be dedicated to the State for repair and maintenance must be designed in accordance with the State requirements. 4.3.2 Groundwater Groundwater observations were detailed in Section 3.2 of this report and on the boring logs. We recommend the Civil Engineer review those readings and plan grades to provide at least 3 feet of separation between the lowest finished floor levels and the highest water levels observed to date. If site grades will be cut by more than 10 feet, we recommend a review of the groundwater conditions relative to the planned development and below grade construction. Depending on proposed grades, it may be prudent to install temporary piezometers in deep cut areas to confirm stabilized water levels. Depending on actual construction conditions,the installation of deep cutoff drains and foundation waterproofing may be needed in areas with groundwater seepage. At a minimum, the site contractor should be prepared to use sump pumps and rim ditches to control groundwater seepage during construction. Based on the SPT N-values and the visual assessment of soil samples collected during the drilling, very soft and loose wet soil stratums were encountered in the vicinity of the borings B-5002 and B- 5008. It appears that undercutting of these soils during the construction of the stormwater device would likely be required. Alternatively,temporary drainage ditches may be excavated to facilitate drying of the soils prior to construction of the stormwater device. We recommend test pits in this area of the site to determine depths of adequate support materials for the earthen dam embankment core. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 11 5.0 SITE CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 SUBGRADE PREPARATION (PRELIMINARY) 5.1.1 Stripping and Grubbing The subgrade preparation should consist of stripping vegetation, rootmat,topsoil and soft or poor- quality materials from the proposed construction areas.The borings generally encountered 1 to 3 inches of topsoil and grass. In the wooded areas,the rootmat may extend as deep as about 1 to 2 feet and will require additional localized stripping and grubbing depth to completely remove the organics. The topsoil encountered in the borings was not analyzed for its suitability for reuse in landscaping areas. ECS should be retained to verify that topsoil and poor-quality surficial materials have been completely removed prior to the placement of engineered fill or construction of structures and pavements. 5.1.2 Proofrolling After removing poor-quality surface materials, cutting to the proposed grade, and prior to the placement of engineered fill or other construction materials, the exposed subgrade should be examined by ECS. The exposed subgrade should be thoroughly proofrolled with construction equipment having a minimum axle load of 10 tons (e.g.fully loaded tandem-axle dump truck). The pavement areas subject to proofrolling should be traversed by the equipment in two perpendicular (orthogonal) directions with overlapping passes of the vehicle under the observation of ECS. This procedure is intended to assist in identifying localized shallow depth yielding materials. If soft, yielding or "pumping" subgrade is identified by the proofrolling, those areas should be repaired prior to the placement of subsequent engineered fill or other construction materials. Methods of repair such as undercutting or moisture conditioning or chemical stabilization, should be discussed with ECS to determine the appropriate procedure with regard to the existing conditions causing the soft conditions. Test pits and/or hand auger borings may be excavated to explore the shallow subsurface materials to help in determining the most likely cause of the observed poor-quality materials and to assist in the evaluation of the appropriate remedial action to establish a firm and unyielding subgrade. Based on the soil test borings,we anticipate undercutting of soft or loose near-surface natural soils will be necessary in localized areas of the site. If site earthwork is performed during the typically cooler,wetter months of the year, additional undercutting in other areas of the site is anticipated due to potentially excessively wet unstable soils. Undercut excavations should be backfilled with properly placed and engineered fill. Use of geotextiles and select granular fill may be recommended by ECS during construction to reduce the required undercut depths and/or aid in stabilization of subgrades. 5.1.3 Site Temporary Dewatering The contractor should make their own assessment of temporary dewatering needs based upon the limited subsurface groundwater information presented in this report. Soil sampling is not continuous, and thus soil and groundwater conditions may vary between sampling intervals (typically 5 feet). If the contractor believes additional subsurface information is needed to assess Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 12 dewatering needs, they should obtain such information at their own expense. ECS makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the adequacy of the provided information to determine dewatering requirements;such recommendations are beyond our scope of services. Dewatering systems are a critical component of many construction projects. Dewatering systems must be selected, designed, and maintained by a qualified and experienced (specialty or other) contractor familiar with the geotechnical and other aspects of the project. The failure to properly design and maintain a dewatering system for a given project can result in delayed construction, unnecessary foundation subgrade undercuts, detrimental phenomena such as 'running sand' conditions, internal erosion (i.e., 'piping'), the migration of 'fines' down-gradient towards the dewatering system, localized settlement of nearby infrastructure,foundations,slabs-on-grade and pavements,etc.Water discharged from site dewatering system should be discharged in accordance with the local,state and federal requirements. Strategies for Addressing Perched Groundwater: The typical primary strategy for addressing perched groundwater seeping into excavations is pumping from trench (or French) and sump pits with sump pumps. A typical sump pump drain (found in a sump pit or along a French drain) is depicted below. The inlet of the sump pump is placed at the bottom of the corrugated pipe and the discharge end of the sump is directed to an appropriate stormwater drain. SOLD PE/HOSE TO DISCHARGE<SDINt 12°-1B` 12°a4°DIAMETER- REV-CRATED PIPE``� -__ '-. - SIDE ELOPE OPTIONAL(AS NEEDED FOR CONSI RUCTION) 1 RECOMMENDED 12" -t r-AASHTO#57 STONE A66RE SATE BROW BASE IRECOMMENCED 12"MIN.AESREASATE. EEIVOEBJ PERFORATED PIPE AND SOUS Sump Pit/Pump Diagram Details of a typical French drainage installation are included in Appendix D. A typical French drain consists of an 18 to 24-inch wide by 18 to 24-inch deep bed of AASHTO#57 (or similar open graded aggregate) aggregate wrapped in a medium duty, non-woven geotextile and (sometimes) containing a 6-inch diameter,Schedule 40 PVC perforated or slotted pipe.After the installation has been completed,the geotextile should be wrapped over the top of the aggregate and pipe followed by placement of backfill. The top of the drain should be positioned at least 18 inches below the design subgrade elevations. Drains should not be routed within the expanded building limits. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 13 Pumping wells or a vacuum system could also be used to address perched groundwater. These techniques often are only effective during the initial depletion of the perched water quantity and may quickly be ineffective at addressing accumulation of water from rain,snow, etc. 5.2 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS (PRELIMINARY) Potentially Expansive Soil:Based on limited laboratory testing and our experience,the on-site soils appear to have a low to medium potential for expansion (i.e., shrink-swell). We estimate that the potential heave of footings, floor slabs, and pavements due to potential wetting and settlement due to drying of potentially expansive soils will be less than 1 inch. As such, no specific mitigation measures for footings, floor slabs, or pavements due to potentially expansive soils are recommended. High plasticity, expansive, moisture sensitive soils (MH and CH) should not be used for direct support of slabs,foundations,and pavements. Please,note MH/CH soils should be evaluated during construction to determine their plasticity. If encountered, MH and CH soils (High Plastic Index, PI>30) within proposed structural areas should be undercut and replaced with low plasticity structural fill to a minimum depth of 2 feet below subgrade elevations in slab,foundation areas and pavements. Upon completion of the undercut,the resulting subgrade soils should be evaluated for stability prior to the placement of structural fill. Alternatively, chemical (lime) stabilization may be considered to improve/modify high plasticity, moisture sensitive soils in lieu of undercut and replacement and/or for re-,use as structural fill. Structural Fill: Prior to placement of structural fill, representative bulk samples (about 50 pounds) of on-site and/or off-site borrow should be submitted to ECS for laboratory testing, which will typically include Atterberg limits, natural moisture content, grain-size distribution, and moisture- density relationships (i.e., Proctors) for compaction. Import materials should be tested prior to being hauled to the site to determine if they meet project specifications. Alternatively, Proctor data from other accredited laboratories can be submitted if the test results are within the last 90 days. On-Site Borrow: The on-site soils meeting the classifications for recommended adequate engineered fill, plus meeting the restrictions on separation distances, organic content, and debris, may be used as engineered fill. We anticipate that most of the soils encountered within the anticipated excavation depths will be adequate for use as engineered fill. We recommend that elastic SILT(MH)soils are placed in fill portions of the site greater than 3 feet from finished subgrade to mitigate potential for shrink/swell due to changes of the soils moisture and/or utilized for construction of the earthen pond embankments. Fill Compaction: Engineered fill should be placed in maximum 8-inch loose lifts. In confined areas such as utility trenches, portable compaction equipment and thin lifts of 4 inches to 6 inches may be required to achieve specified degrees of compaction. Engineered fill should be moisture conditioned as necessary to within -3 and +3 % of the soil's optimum moisture content. Moisture conditioning options include spraying and mixing in water to excessively dry soils, scarifying and drying of excessively wet soils, and adding lime to excessively wet soils. Engineered fill should be compacted with suitable equipment to a dry density of at least 95%of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D698) more than 12 inches below the finish subgrade elevation and to a least 98% in the upper 12 inches. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 14 ECS should be retained to observe and test the placement and compaction of engineered fill. Excavation Safety: Excavations and slopes should be made and maintained in accordance with OSHA excavation safety standards. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing adequate, temporary excavations and slopes and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations and slopes as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom.The contractor's responsible person, as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench excavation depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal safety regulations. ECS is providing this information solely as a service to our client. ECS is not assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility is not being implied and should not be inferred. Excavatibility: Based on the assumed excavation depths for mass grading, footings and utilities, we anticipate that the majority of the materials to be excavated will be natural soils,which can be removed with conventional earth excavation equipment such as track-mounted backhoes, loaders, or bulldozers. However, the weathering process in the Piedmont can be erratic and significant variations of the depths of the denser materials can occur in relatively short distances. In some cases, isolated boulders or thin rock seams may be present in the soil matrix. These isolated boulders or rock seams may require ripping, hammering, or blasting to remove. Subgrade Protection: Measures should also be taken to limit site disturbance, especially from rubber-tired heavy construction equipment, and to control and remove surface water from development areas, including structural and pavement areas. It would be advisable to designate and cover haul roads and construction staging areas to limit the areas of disturbance and to prevent construction traffic from excessively degrading subgrade soils. Haul roads and construction staging areas should be covered with ABC to protect those subgrades. 6.0 ADDITIONAL STUDY As discussed previously, groundwater was found at the site. Once finished floor elevations (FFE) have been established, we recommend ECS review the data for potential impact to the proposed construction. Depending on proposed grades/FFE it may also be appropriate to install several temporary piezometers in deep cut areas to better assess stabilized groundwater levels and the possible need for cutoff/underslab underdrains or foundation waterproofing. Section 4.1 presents our initial and preliminary foundation recommendations and settlement estimates based on the assumed structural loading information. Once the design team has the final building layout, FFE elevations, loads, and have reviewed our recommendations, it may be appropriate for us to refine our settlement estimates for the preliminary foundation layout and discuss additional geotechnical exploration and foundation options further with the team. Based on our observations of the existing site pond, ECS can perform additional borings to evaluate the subsurface material in the dam section of the existing pond embankment upon request. 7.0 CLOSING ECS has prepared this report to guide the geotechnical-related design and construction aspects of the project. We performed these services in accordance with the standard of care expected of Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report—Potts Property—Bermuda Run September 11,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 15 professionals in the industry performing similar services on projects of like size and complexity at this time in the region.No other representation expressed or implied,and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this report. The description of the proposed project is based on information provided to ECS. If any of this information is inaccurate or changes, either because of our interpretation of the documents provided or site or design changes that may occur later, ECS should be contacted so we can review our recommendations and provide additional or alternate recommendations that reflect the proposed construction. We recommend that ECS review the project plans and specifications so we can confirm that those plans/specifications are in accordance with the recommendations of this geotechnical report. Field observations, and quality assurance testing during earthwork and foundation installation are an extension of, and integral to,the geotechnical design. We recommend that ECS be retained to apply our expertise throughout the geotechnical phases of construction, and to provide consultation and recommendation should issues arise. ECS is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions, or recommendations of others based on the data in this report. Appendix A - Diagrams and Cross Section(s) Site Location Diagram Boring Location Diagram Cross Section Location Diagram Generalized Subsurfece Cross Section(s) • •-'1. -••••?T-- -''''•••••cr 44.'1- id; ' � tC V rbI " ' `k r N O Z--<:>=.-Cf) t: 9,4. .. 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N 0. 0) 0 o w F� N = Q CO E9 z o 666 0 < •- �O IIP P- toS., N .n .. :... .... ... co 80W9« g ZO it 0- a Z99 I I TI M N ,- U) el (U a 5 C1 a II °' 2 a w a T. N y a E 0 .9 ii U u) u) N N a N DI DI �\ a Z W 96' 6 ,o ti008 9« voz y • a o 5 c 2 00 U• 0 I J 5 o con i. V. m p U w m E _ z o vs II N N II aX o rE A .- MI 1 I I 1 I I I I <°o 00 . X N CO LNt NN O CO w UU ri Y l7 O 1. n n r *- n Q Zv P r r r r 22 e€oas u wore w taw c I- u) U U 2 2 �'hp U) >1 i mmm5 gW W11 mz! w« Z w :s40 Appendix B — Field Operations Reference Notes for Boring Logs Subsurface Exploration Procedures: Standard Penetration Test(SPT) Boring Logs E. REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS imoinsiii MATERIAL1'2 DRILLING SAMPLING SYMBOLS&ABBREVIATIONS SS Split Spoon Sampler PM Pressuremeter Test ASPHALT ST Shelby Tube Sampler RD Rock Bit Drilling WS Wash Sample RC Rock Core,NX,BX,AX CONCRETE BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings REC Rock Sample Recovery% •4::,':• PA Power Auger(no sample) RQD Rock Quality Designation% o .o P. GRAVEL HSA Hollow Stem Auger TOPSOIL PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION DESIGNATION PARTICLE SIZES VOID Boulders 12 inches(300 mm)or larger I BRICK Cobbles 3 inches to 12 inches(75 mm to 300 mm) Gravel: Coarse %inch to 3 inches(19 mm to 75 mm) .o,v .o p..0 0° AGGREGATE BASE COURSE Fine 4.75 mm to 19 mm(No.4 sieve to'A inch) no.. Sand: Coarse 2.00 mm to 4.75 mm(No. 10 to No.4 sieve) 10 GW WELL-GRADED GRAVEL • � Medium 0.425 mm to 2.00 mm(No.40 to No. 10 sieve) a►. gravel-sand mixtures,little or no fines Fine 0.074 mm to 0.425 mm(No.200 to No.40 sieve) O o'Q GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVEL a 0 Silt&Clay("Fines") <0.074 mm(smaller than a No.200 sieve) ,9:.a ,, gravel-sand mixtures,little or no fines tc a� `� gravel-sand-silt mixtures. GM SILTY GRAVEL <? COHESIVE SILTS&CLAYS COARSE FINE GC CLAYEY GRAVEL UNCONFINED RELATIVE GRAINED GRAINED iizq gravel-sand-clay mixtures COMPRESSIVE SPT5 CONSISTENCY AMOUNT (%)6 (%)8 ■ c SW WELL-GRADED SAND STRENGTH,QP4 (BPF) (COHESIVE) Trace <5 <5 ro ■ . gravelly sand,little or no fines <0.25 <2 Very Soft SP POORLY-GRADED SAND 0.25-<0.50 2-4 Soft With 10-20 10-25 gravelly sand,little or no fines 0.50-<1.00 5-8 Firm Adjective 25-45 30-45 SM SILTY SAND 1.00-<2.00 9-15 Stiff (ex:"Silty") sand-silt mixtures 2.00-<4.00 16-30 Very Stiff r SC CLAYEY SAND 4.00-8.00 31 -50 Hard 1f: sand-clay mixtures >8.00 >50 Very Hard 6 ML SILT WATER LEVELS non-plastic to medium plasticity GRAVELS,SANDS&NON-COHESIVE SILTS 0 WL(First Encountered) MH ELASTIC SILT high plasticity SPT5 DENSITY = WL(Completion) <5 Very Loose f/// CL lowLEAN to mCediumLAY plasticity 5-10 Loose •C WL(Seasonal High Water) AY 11-30 Medium Dense yi CH highFAT plastiCLcity 31 -50 Dense 0 WL(Stabilized) f OL ORGANIC SILT or CLAY >50 Very Dense S ff fsf non-plastic to low plasticity OH ORGANIC SILT or CLAY "— FILL AND ROCK �$ high plasticity _r.. -AA PT PEAT -r - - it% .1 highly organic soils 1 - - - - FILL POSSIBLE FILL PROBABLE FILL ROCK 1Classifications and symbols per ASTM D 2488-17(Visual-Manual Procedure)unless noted otherwise. 2To be consistent with general practice,"POORLY GRADED"has been removed from GP,GP-GM,GP-GC,SP,SP-SM,SP-SC soil types on the boring logs. 3Non-ASTM designations are included in soil descriptions and symbols along with ASTM symbol[Ex:(SM-FILL)]. 4Typically estimated via pocket penetrometer or Torvane shear test and expressed in tons per square foot(tsf). 6Standard Penetration Test(SPT)refers to the number of hammer blows(blow count)of a 140 lb.hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch OD split spoon sampler required to drive the sampler 12 inches(ASTM D 1586)."N-value"is another term for"blow count"and is expressed in blows per foot(bpf).SPT correlations per 7.4.2 Method B and need to be corrected if using an auto hammer. 6The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol.The measurements are relatively reliable when augering,without adding fluids,in granular soils.In clay and cohesive silts,the determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases,additional methods of measurement are generally employed. 7Minor deviation from ASTM D 2488-17 Note 14. 6Percentages are estimated to the nearest 5%per ASTM D 2488-17. Reference Notes for Boring Logs(09-02-2021).doc ©2021 ECS Corporate Services,LLC.All Rights Reserved SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROCEDURE: STANDARD PENETRATION TESTING (SPT) ASTM D 1586 Split-Barrel Sampling Standard Penetration Testing, or SPT, is the most frequently used subsurface exploration test performed worldwide. This test provides samples for identification purposes, as well as a measure of penetration resistance, or N-value. The N-Value, or blow counts, when corrected and correlated, can approximate engineering properties of soils used for geotechnical design and engineering purposes. 'Pro Gdui D, • Involves driving a hollow tube (split-spoon) into the ground by dropping a 140-lb hammer a height of 30-inches at desired depth • Recording the number of hammer blows required {� to drive split-spoon a distance of 18-24 inches (in 37;`. ` ,;' i ' or 4 Increments of 6 inches each) 1 44 :{ [ 4. `' • Auger is advanced* and an additional SPT is per- \ -. • .11.11 formed • One SPT typically performed for every two to five feet. An approximate 1.5 inch diameter soil sam- T ,I ihoi ple is recovered. `Drilling Methods May Vary— The predominant drilling �'� tr _ _, methods used for SPT are open hole fluid rotary drilling and 1 ' hollow-stem auger drilling. CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5000 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: atE Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION }1007} US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BO1TOM OF CASING 821848.3 1573034.8 772 m Z LIQUID LIMIT EX PIASTICLIMIT v 7 - 8 N ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT H Z a. > DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL oc F 3 20 40 60 BG 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETERTSF Wa 2 O L1J Q ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 O Q ~Q CO ROCK V.) CC W •WATER CONTENT% N N ROD [FINES CONTENT]% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 \Topsoil Thickness[1.0011] / - (MH)Residuum, ELASTIC SILT,trace _ 2-5-7 _ St SS 18 18 sand,brown,moist,stiff I — (12) 2 (ML)SILT WITH SAND,brown to dull - - 3-5-7 _ S-2 SS 18 16 brown,moist,stiff - (12) 2 • 5 767— (ML)SANDY SILT,contains slight mica, - 5 7-7 .1 S-3 SS 18 18 brown to dull yellow-brown,moist, — (14) 4 stiff - 2-4-6 _ S-4 SS 18 18 _ (10) D 10 762 (SM)SILTY SAND,contains slight mica, - yellow-brown,moist,loose • _ 2-3-4 Ti S-5 SS 18 18 - (7) 7 15 END OF BORING AT 15 FT 757 - 20— 752— 25— 747— 30— 742— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 17 2023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 8.50 WL(Completion) Dry BORING SL Aug 172023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA 52 WL(Stabilized) Track FHi GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: iins Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5001 1 of 1 • LErilis PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services smommis SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION E+ US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM oFCASING 821698.9 1573414.8 749 cc w Z m W V z WW L/1 A LIQUID OMIT O X PLASTIC LIMIT — Z I\/1 ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT = z p, o W DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL F- W 0. W > LL, Q 20 40 60 80 100 Q CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF w Q Q w m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION St 1 2 3 4 5 RECOVERY QN Q K L j •WATER CONTENT% VI N ROD [FINES CONTENT)% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[1.001 /i ' _ . (MH)Residuum,ELASTIC SILT,trace 3-5-5 : _ S-1 SS 18 7 sand,white to brown to dark yellow- — (1o) o — ,brown,moist,stiff ; — (ML)SANDY SILT,contains slight mica, 2-4-6 • S-2 SS 18 18 • • tan to dark brown to dull light orange (101 D ' 5 • _ to dark yellow-brown,moist to wet, 744— stiff to firm SZ 3-3-4 _ S-3 SS 18 18 — P) (ML)SILT WITH SAND,contains slight - - 2-3-2 S-4 SS 18 10 mica,variegated,wet,firm - (5) 5 10 739 END OF BORING AT 10 FT - 15— 734— 20— 729— 25— 724- 30— 719— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 2 WL(First Encountered) 6.00 BORING STARTED: Aug 162023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 5.20 . t WL(Completion) Dry BORING Aug 16 2023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA YL WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: aiii Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5002 1 of 1Mini PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION )lour) US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: 8011CM OF CASING Mit 821624.7 1573335.0 742 cc Lii W J Q tIQUID UNIT m } Z z W lD X PLASTIC LIMIT — X Z F-- ai J Q N ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT H Z a o > DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 3 W Q Q 20 40 60 80 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER 75F W 0 I--. > m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 U Q W RECOVERY Q N < Ce 3 W RQD •WATER CONTENT% N N [FINES CONTENT[% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 \Topsoil Thickness[2.00"] /� - (MH)Residuum,ELASTIC SILT,trace _ WOH-2-2 _ S-1 SS 18 18 sand,light brown to light gray,moist, — (4) _ .,soft - ' (MH)ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND,light )j _ 1-1-2 S-2 SS 18 18 gray to dark red-brown,moist to wet, 1 - 13) 5 - soft 737 • (SM)SILTY SAND,contains slight mica, :s _ 2-1-2 = S-3 SS 18 18 tan to orange-brown to dark brown, — (3) g _ ,wet,very loose (NO RECOVERY) _ WOH-1-1 _ S 4 SS 18 0 (2) t� 10 END OF BORING AT 10 FT — 732 • . 15 727 • i 20— 722- 25— 717— . 30— 712— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) 6.00 BORING STARTED: Aug 20 2023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 5.60 1 WL(Completion) 8.10 BORING Aug 20 2023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto SC WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA S2 WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: rini Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5003 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION )lion) US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTtOM OF CASING 821666.3 1572926.8 767 _ w z v� A LIQUID LIMIT ff, w m [L Z ,y, LO x PIASTICUMIT V7 ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT = Z o w DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ¢ 3 20 40 so 80 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF w R 2 d 8 u, CO ROCK QUAUTY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 RECOVERY N � K w •WATER CONTENT% ROD (FINES CONTENT)% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 (MH)Residuum,ELASTIC SILT WITH - SAND,contains slight mica,brown to _ 3-5-7 • = S 1 SS 18 18 • dull brown,moist,stiff — (12) 2 — (ML)SANDY SILT,contains slight mica, - 2-4-6 _ S-2 SS 18 18 brown to dull brown,moist,stiff - (10) D 5 762— _ 3-5-5 .1S-3 SS 18 17 — (10) D (SM)SILTY SAND,contains mica, 1-2-3 = S-4 SS 18 18 brown to dark brown to dull dark : 1; (5) 10 yellow-brown,moist,loose to 757_ — medium dense 1 — • _ — 3-6-6 S-5 SS 18 18 { - (12) 12 15 END OF BORING AT 15 FT 752 20— 747— 25— 742- 30— 737— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 2 WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 202023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 8.40 V. WL(Completion) Dry BORING Aug 20 2023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA 3Z WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: mommomi Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5004 1 of 1MI PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION y100i> US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING 821056.1 1572779.2 729 Weg w — A LIQUID OMIT O. - W v X PLASTIC LIMIT K J I1 ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT IT, LL a w j DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w I- 3 20 40 60 Bo 100 O CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF W a it F- O ROC(QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 p Q W I- J m RECOVERY Qy Q 0= W •WATER CONTENT% Ln ul I .RQD [FINES CONTENT)% --REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[3.00 7[F 11) - . • (CL)Residuum,LEAN CLAY,trace sand, 3-4-6 • _ S-1 SS 18 18 • gray to dull brown to dull orange- _ (10) — , brown,stiff _ (SC)CLAYEY SAND,tan to gray,moist, - 5-7-9 _ S-2 SS 18 18 medium dense - 0.6) 5 5 ...{T 724_ (SM)SILTY SAND,trace clay,contains i. :sz - - 3-3-4 - S-3 SS 18 18 significant mica,dull brown to gray, _ (7) wet,loose - •• (SM)SILTY SAND,contains slight mica, ti . C - - S-4 SS 18 12 dull dark brown to dull gray-brown, — 1-3-4 - - (7) 7 • 10 \wet,loose /. 719_ • END OF BORING AT 10 FT — • 15— 714- 20— 709— 25— 704— • 30— 699— • THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL Si WL(First Encountered) 6.00 BORING STARTED: Aug 202023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 5.20 t WL(Completion) 8.20 BORING Aug202023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7 WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA S'Z WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: issmiummot Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5005 1 of 1Ell PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services 1= 1 SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION }1007) US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOUOM OF CASING 821084.6 1573278.1 751 w w Z n l' A SQUID UMrr Em }�} Z u1 V zo X PLASTIC MIT - N -I O N - K ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT = z 0 w DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAI- ccla: W o- W W Q O 20 40 60 BO 100 O CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF w 0. c a 8 Q m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 RECOVERY N < K W •WATER CONTENT% N N ROD IRKS CONTENT)% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[1.00") I r - (MH)Residuum, ELASTIC SILT WITH j _ 3-6-8 • _ S-1 SS 18 18 SAND,brown to dull yellow-brown, — (1A) 4 • moist,stiff I - - 3 6-7 - S-2 SS 18 18 I. - (13) 5 746— (MH)SANDY ELASTIC SILT,brown, I '1 — _ 3-5-5 • = S-3 SS 18 16 moist,stiff — (10) D 1 (ML)SANDY SILT,white to brown to 2-3-5 - S-4 SS 18 15 dark yellow-brown to black, moist, - (8) 8 10 \firm / 741_ - END OF BORING AT 10 FT _ • 15— 736- 20— 731- 25— 726 • — 30— 721— • THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 212023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 4.40 Y WL(Completion) Dry BORING Aug 212023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto St WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA SE WL(Stabilized) Track FHi GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: IMIlill Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5006 1 of 1 PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Elliell Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services h -SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION In US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING 821096.4 1573541.2 765 W W Z r A UQUID UMIT E2 }a} Z > v Tn X PLASTIC LIMIT F- it w O 4.) ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT x Z - W DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL I- W a. W > cC W {.. 20 40 60 AO 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF w a d O Q j m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 [al RECOVERY <C v) < CC T j •WATER CONTENT% In . 4 ROD (FINES CONTENT)% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[2.001 ii - {MH)Residuum,ELASTIC SILT,trace _ 3-6-8 • _ S-1 SS 18 18 sand,brown to dull red-brown,moist, I _ (14) a • — `stiff d — (MH)SANDY ELASTIC SILT,contains - 3-6-8 S-2 SS 18 18 slight mica,brown,moist,stiff - p.m 4 • . 5 760- • (SM)SILTY SAND,contains slight mica, — _ 6-7-7 S-3 SS 18 17 tan to brown to dark yellow-brown to — (14) 4 black,moist,medium dense to loose - _ 2-3-4 . S-4 SS 18 18 - (7) 7 10 END OF BORING AT 10 FT 755_ 15- 750- - 20- 745- 25- 740- 30- 735- THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOILTYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 212023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 4.30 1 WL(Completion) Dry BORING Aug212023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto SC WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:USA S2 WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: immis Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5007 1 of 1Ell PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: Loss OF CIRCULATION IIIA US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING la 821111.8 1573757.7 774 W W z p A UQUID OMIT {� m as} Z ly, Lo X PLASTIC LIMIT V F- N K -I 0 N ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT S• Z J 0 w DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALCG F. 20 40 60 80 IOD C)CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF W J� U Q m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 ? RECOVERY N > MI 0 WATER CONTENT% V) N . .RQO VINES CONTENT]% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[2.0011] /I T - (MN) Residuum,ELASTIC SILT,trace I - 5-8-10 — S-1 SS 18 18 sand,brown to dull dark red-brown, i - (18) - , moist,very stiff „;; — (MH)ELASTIC SILT WITH SAND, 1 1 _ 3-740 - S-2 SS 18 18 brown,moist,very stiff to stiff (17) i 5 769— - 456 — S-3 SS 18 17 - (u) — (SM)SILTY SAND,trace clay,contains - __ 2-2-3 - S-4 SS 18 16 slight mica,variegated,moist,loose - (5) s 10 END OF BORING AT 10 FT I 764_ • 15— 759- 20— 754- 25— 749— - 30— 744— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 212023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 4.20 t WL(Completion) " Dry BORING Aug 212023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto 7WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:USA YZ WL(Stabilized) Track FHi GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: isami. Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5008 1 of 1EU". PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION IIID US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTtOM OF CASING 820739.2 1573120.1 727 cc W. ,, E A LIQUID LIMIT {r-� m D p„ "� Z W' �O X PLASTICLIMR CC F- —, 0 ®STANDARD PENETRATION GLOWS/FT - = Z J o W DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Dc F 3 30 40 60 80 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF W2 d U Q j m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& I 2 3 4 5 Cl/ 2Cu RECOVERY Q - Q W W RQU S WATER CONTENT% V) N [FINES CONTENT]% —REC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[2.0011] / - (SM) Residuum,SILTY SAND,tan to _ 3-2-3 S-1 SS 18 18 — (5) — brown to dark gray-brown,moist, . — loose Il '1� — (CL)GRAVELLY LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, I _ 144 — S-2 SS 18 10 tan to gray to dark gray brown, moist, 1 722— - (2) 5 _ very soft ' - (MH) ELASTIC SILT,trace sand,gray to WOH-WOH-1� _ S-3 SS 18 18 light gray,moist to wet,very soft — (1) _ (ML)SANDY SILT,contains mica, _ • variegated,wet to saturated,very soft _ 1-2-3 = S-4 SS 18 18 (SM)SILTY SAND,contains mica, - (5) 10 variegated,wet,loose 717 — END OF BORING AT 10 FT • — • 15— 712 • 20— 707- 25— 702— 30— 697 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL 2 WL(First Encountered) 3.50 BORING STARTED: Aug 212023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 6.10 Y WL(Completion) 7.60 BORING Aug212023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto St WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA S2 WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG CLIENT: PROJECT NO.: BORING NO.: SHEET: isimit Evans Engineering,Inc. 09:30067 B-5009 1 of 1LECS PROJECT NAME: DRILLER/CONTRACTOR: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Soil Drilling Services SITE LOCATION: LOSS OF CIRCULATION )I007) US Hwy 158,Bermuda Run,North Carolina,27006 NORTHING: EASTING: STATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: BOTTOM OF CASING 10 820554.4 1573637.5 739 cc W Zr. l' /1 LIQUID LIMIT m p}}- Z W X PLASTICUMIT — F-- .g ®STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT = W o W DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL F, W d L„ > W ¢ a 20 40 60 BO 100 0 CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TSF w Q I- > m ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION& 1 2 3 4 5 U Q W RECOVERY En < c I j WATER CONTENT TB Cl) VI ROD [FINESCONTENTI% —NEC 10 20 30 40 50 - \Topsoil Thickness[2.00") / - (MH)Residuum,ELASTIC SILT,gray to 1 _ 3-5-7 �2 • _ S 1 SS 18 18 dull yellow-brown to dull dark brown, ; — (12) I\92 • 23.9, n.%I — , moist,stiff i' — (CL)LEAN CLAY,trace sand,gray to _ 3-6-8 = S-2 SS 18 18 dull gray-brown to dark red-brown, - (14) 5 734— moist,stiff , (CL)GRAVELLY LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, 4-4-6 _ S-3 SS 18 1 trace sand,gray-brown,moist,stiff, ' — (10) _ Driller's Note:Quartz layer from—5.9 _ 1 to 6.5 feet _ 12-14-17 = S-4 SS 18 0 (NO RECOVERY) - (31) 31 10 END OF BORING AT 10 FT 729 • • • 15— 724 • — 20— 719- 25— 714— 30— 709— THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES.IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL SZ WL(First Encountered) Dry BORING STARTED: Aug 20 2023 CAVE IN DEPTH: 5.30 V WL(Completion) Dry BORING Aug 20 2023 HAMMER TYPE: Auto SL WL(Seasonal High Water) COMPLETED: EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: DRILLING METHOD:HSA 5Z WL(Stabilized) Track FH1 GEOTECHNICAL BOREHOLE LOG Appendix C — Laboratory Testing Laboratory Testing Summary Liquid and Plastic Limits Test Report 2 \ 4o O { \ / ( \ - § \ 2 \ % \ - x - . / \ / / \ % p ± ± ® \ E \ / .7., [ e / 2 $ m e CO \ /� \ » co co E ( Ey \ o { { \ m ƒ a \ - a . / [ / . va \ { yy / : m { / e g e o c _ e \ /• j 6 e CO & / \ \ \ ® < \ / } a m e m » § \ \ c \ / / y o m / o E m ) / + ) _ 2 z N. CO \ % ® & z f \ / E _ ) J J = \ • y J ® \\ f § CO CO % / \ \ ~ \ \ \ m m c - / \ co 0 J j CO & / % } > \ \ \ g J ® / ® ® \ — \ \ m 2 / / / 2 m ® > 0 § \ f 2 \ � • \ \ \ \ I\ 0 O CU \ _ d = m u e e E \ // \ \ \ \ / 0 c _ © - \ / / , EL 0 o % a. \ j 0 _ -a_fa _ _ _ — 5 f t E E G A 3 3 2 2 % z o $ _ / j \ \ \ \ \ § M ( _ 0 \ \ § o / / / < j g \ / § ± % \ ) 0 U\ o v w a o \ \ \ \ / 3 3 / § \ o / Eal 1 LQIJ ! � � 1 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 i Dashed line indicates the approximate // I upper limit boundary for natural soils I 50 -i ` _ _..._ A I CIT O , , 40 _._..._ _-____.. ..._.._ I ! I T 30 _ . _ .. . . . _. Y I . N D 20 i I X I Ot . r 10 1 cL-MJ. ML or OL MH or OH a - I I 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4318-10(MULTIPOINT TEST)) Sample Sample Sample LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 AASHTO USCS Material Description Location Number Depth(ft) II B-5000 S-1 1.00-2.50 73 56 17 85.6 ELASTIC SILT(MH) • B-5004 S-1 1.00-2.50 41 23 18 65.5 LEAN CLAY(CL) A B-5007 S-1 1.00-2.50 92 67 25 88.5 ELASTIC SILT(MH) • • B-5009 S-1 1.00-2.50 51 32 19 72.0 ELASTIC SILT(MH) Project: Potts Property-Bermuda Run Project No.: 09:30067 Client: Evans Engineering,Inc. Date Reported:8/29/2023 MONIMIIIIIMIN Office/Lab Address Office Number/Fax E.I.11011 4811 Koger Boulevard (336)856-7150 ECS Southeast LLP-Greensboro Greensboro,NC 27407 (336)856-7160 Tested by Checked by Approved by Date Received DMabe MAbdelgadir MAbdelgadir Appendix D — Supplemental Documents Typical French Drain Detail Seasonal High Water Table(SHWT) Evaluation Site Photographs o m co ILI al !< rli 0 0 4 0 CO IX W., ET 2 I , I're Q 2 CO IL11 ��,Y, �! U O Q Q co LIU p W c) Q � U Z Z IL to n . Z 0 .4, .in Z Z 'b' / ;s e* 4, ' 4.. * *� :* * at a t * . {'rr t U S F y • } !� } p } a, if �y * F IF r 0 F • ! b F (!1 } .,?_,- E » *• pipFy�:pr�ep▪F+►sF; r. r rf N ct ► s p F b +ar. N ? ► 3 4 s 1A ? P I.. !r4.at ? ! .'� b1.LP b4.! ': U O OO �pkq bhye'�Y¢,s.k*i4�¢!}*b*¢wpblw� ! F, Z a Ln 0i•Rsp•.Mtlw �0*ir• * il0!!0+ *RltO'Q �' W i r-I �r F A ► * r 6. * 4 r k • OC . -, >. Q C t . U b.0 a > N 14 D 2 r\ -a a) C a) N C > N 0 al w N a N co U E .O a N M L. Z m v W E a) . , .c E s tan o C)Oct w +a + a = Y o • a O .Q L .- ,� „ 7-1 c u ' , O ,a Wcn op NaNV OcE 'O O Q CO rid U 0. 0 E O +-+ .a iUIh willcox&mabe SOIL SOLUTIONS August 16, 2023 ECS Southeast, LLP 4811 Koger Boulevard Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 Attention: Mr. Muhannad Abdelgadir Transmitted by e-mail: mabdelgadir@ecslimited.com Reference: Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Soil Testing Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation Proposed SCM Bermuda Run Site—Davie County, N.C. Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC Project No. 22-06; Phase: 22 Dear Mr. Abdelgadir: Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC (WMSS) has conducted Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) Soil Testing in accordance with ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) Subconsultant Agreement dated September 14, 2022, and WMSS Subconsultant Work Authorization No. 15-23 dated August 15, 2023. The SCM Soil Testing was performed to provide information for technical assistance with the design of a proposed SCM. A soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate the soil properties at two (2) locations associated with the possible SCM, to determine suitability for stormwater management systems. The soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate: seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevation below existing ground surface (bgs). A "Site Plan" was provided to WMSS by ECS that identified relative site features and potential location for the proposed SCM. PROJECT BACKGROUND The areas evaluated were located within the area associated with the planned SCM. The SCM is planned in conjunction with proposed site improvements associated with the Bermuda Run site in Davie County, North Carolina (N.C.). The proposed locations evaluated, B-5001 and B-5002, are located in existing wooded areas within the proposed development site. The site is located southeast United States (U.S.) Highway 158, southwest of the intersection of U.S. Highway 158 and N.C. Highway 801 in Davie County, North Carolina. (Figure 1). Use of on-site stormwater management systems, is being considered to comply with stormwater management requirements. The use of stormwater SCMs is subject to the suitability of site soils and regulatory approval. Regulatory guidance on requirements for Willcox&Mabe Soil Solutions,PLLC/7231B Summerfield Road/Summerfield,NC 27358/Rob 336.339.9128 or Martin 336.312.1396/www.willcoxmabesoil.com SHWT Evaluation WMSS Project No.22-06;Phase:22 Bermuda Run Site August 16,2023 permitting of stormwater SCMs is provided in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) — Stormwater Design Manual (NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM), (Revised, 2017). The NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM requires that the SHWT shall be taken into consideration for the design of most SCMs. A WMSS soil scientist conducted an evaluation of the soils through the review of hand auger borings within the areas identified on a base map provided by ECS, and located in the field by ECS. Maps were prepared using Arcview 10.8 a Geographic Information System (GIS). Base maps were generated using information from the ESRI Web site and maps provided by ECS (Figures 1 and 2). FINDINGS Seasonal High Water Table Evaluation The SHWT evaluation was performed on August 15, 2023 by evaluating 2 hand auger borings, B-5001 and B-5002, to depths of approximately 36 to 48 inches bgs (Figure 2). The soils were evaluated under the guidance of a NC Licensed Soil Scientist for evidence of seasonal high water table influence. This evaluation involved observing the actual moisture content in the soil and observing the matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate processes that are driven by SHWT fluctuations such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. B-5001 was observed to consist of dark yellowish brown loam in the surface horizon.The subsurface horizons consisted of yellowish brown to brownish yellow clay to clay loam. B-5001 transitioned into massive structure (parent material/saprolite) at approximately 37 inches bgs that consisted of multicolored clay loam saprolite. Evidence of a SHWT was identified at approximately 26 inches bgs, and no apparent water table (AWT) was observed prior to the boring being terminated at 48 inches bgs. B-5002 was observed to consist of yellowish brown loam in the surface horizon. The subsurface horizons consisted of brown and brownish yellow clay loam to clay. B-5002 transitioned into massive structure (parent material/saprolite) at approximately 26 inches bgs that consisted of light brownish gray clay. Evidence of a SHWT was identified at approximately 23 inches bgs, and no AWT was observed prior to the boring being terminated at 36 inches bgs. Reference attached Figure 2 for the approximate SHWT test locations, and Table 1 and the attached soil profile descriptions for the approximated SHWT depths. Please note that SHWT evaluations are based on secondary evidence and not on direct groundwater level measurements. Groundwater levels fluctuate for numerous reasons and these findings do not indicate that groundwater levels have not or will not rise above the noted depths. 2 SHWT Evaluation WMSS Project No.22-06;Phase:22 Bermuda Run Site August 16,2023 Table 1: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths Seasonal High Apparent Water Depth Boring Boring Water Table Table Terminated Location (SHWT) (AWT) (inches bgs) (inches bgs) (inches bgs) B-5001 26 >48 48 B-5002 23 >36 36 CONCLUSIONS Based upon our findings associated with the locations evaluated, a SHWT was identified at location B-5001 at approximately 26 inches bgs and at location B-5002 at approximately 23 inches bgs. These findings should be taken into careful consideration when designing an appropriate SCM for the proposed location. If the proposed SCM location changes from the locations evaluated, further evaluation may be necessary. CLOSING Willcox & Mabe Soil Solutions appreciates the opportunity to provide these services to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, Willcox& Mabe Soil Solutions, PLLC 42 e41. �{`w i<<c '�ti 5:2 i 1,Q„#4(—7;4 Ity i;)i 1098 O OF NORTH C'�� i(it, - 7/104 tiZ. 4Aii-l-4r)Z. Martin Mabe Rob Willcox, L.S.S. Partner/Agronomist Partner/Soil Scientist Tables: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths Attachments: Figure 1—Vicinity Map Figure 2—Boring Location Map Boring Profile Sheets Shared\WMSS Projects\2022\22-06 ECS Southeast,LLP\Phase 22-Bermuda Run SHWT\22-06 Bermuda Run Site Stormwater SCM Soil Report.doc 3 e A 1 y 1 d0 - ' -A ,,,, . 7 i'A d , -,.' -_1111. \\,.'cs(' ` Y� a- • i� El Hillsdale �'• 5 7. �, \\ n i. D�nacJ� , Wne Afps,Lyrae PcacouL r. U 1n , 7Lvc.r Qo W.IVi W,1Y ..9,Jn ',e yr i�i ,pasd ` n ' 3db°f'' .,\ c, ' ,, o� ,�• ?enJ r NC 801 �. • Holifbrock 0 1 ck µ,11021 Wrv,t Crnve Pivemevi Tonnhw,e Drive t Z V.\ w Pin9rnun,z M 2 ` "1 CcC:u l,srn 0, 0. 1 , t fl vy \1 11 02 .. ,1'1 �i./a0, A i .� na, i i pry O,y` \ E • \\ a ,1 •..6 yYlrV n °� As? ce I PJrks Itosd OC c I K ? I m a v " / SF E a1 A m -. N L J' 1 N n 9. 1 1; 1 �qra m a \ `Vorrvc `= s t o u) REFERENCE: rn GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM ESRI,INC. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL w PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN,LEGAL,OR ANY OTHER USES.THERE ARE NO o GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. WMSS,PLLC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. E`SQj1Vp SCALE: 1 n= 1,000 r FIGURE NO. ., DATE: =` O os-�s-2s - (o� �j[,.�,Jry VICINITY MAP 4 DRAWN BY: MEM willco X"&rna .PROJECTNO: soli_ 5oiLIT10N5 BERMUDA RUN SITE `` 22-06 Ph:22 DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA I • N� ' • r ' ; ''' 40.. 411,:i 441!"' !,1, . .!',' ..'641t.; E.! \ .'e ver+ •.e' �.f�Y ,arm f, *, 1gnit a 54 f^ ,". Ale_ ♦` �� .'xyam I -f- ' "•11` .1 .,jam{ 'r' • 1 r .44 ill • r • ..,-J, }� if+"44A It •,. ' V w r F r' •dm • 1 nT YQ r Y t • s s r f '4. . ... ...4.. s ;" A. s, f, .i# ;. . .•-4- •4Al2b • .*•/-, .,-.a' , ,, -.„' 4' 4 t •..-." ,. , ,i may. t• • �•. 'Iy r w T..e ,li.? M1 ��+�' ,d ems• of ‘ , - IW....-N , I '''.1.11,\ ' iii �. ; 1 °+ ' Sritii r fs t eft Se'*' ram'' :: '�•r i� �' �� . • _ j11 '' ► I. ,, q } Approximate Boring Location '- . $ + .: � ' REFERENCE: L i 1 1 il' e A u) GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM ECS SOUTHEAST. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR 4'' `rr • 0 a - w INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN,LEGAL,OR ANY OTHER USES. • •i K •'. . �' ;,.• q THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. WMSS,PLLC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY • 7 �,, 1 - `� FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. r� ; z - d., ;• sr - SCALE: NTS FIGURE NO. .. + i a y` DATE: 08-15-23 ��-`- --{•�� BORING LOCATION MAP ii DRAWN BY: MEM vvMllcox&mabe s0IL $0LUTI0N5 BERMUDA RUN SITE ,PROJECT NO: 22-06 Ph:22 DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA WILLCOX & MABE SOIL SOLUTIONS, PLLC SITE/SOIL EVALUATION Project No. '',' i Phone No. Date: Location f -: ,, Pin County: 1; 1, Property Size Proposed Facility: t, , `- -�, Water Supply: On-Site Well ❑ Evaluation: Auger Boring Community ❑ Pit ❑ Described By: i Public ❑ Cut ❑ Weather: Antecedent Moisture ,, ' Surface Water: FACTORS PROFILE PROFILE PROFILE PROFILE f r i Landscape Position% I LEGEND horizon Depth I i- '% - LANDSCAPE POSITION Color Munsell ,t,- ' f ';>' ^, R Ridge Interfluve Texture l S Shoulder Structure „' ; v,,!-'.t= I, Linear Slope Consistence /)= r°'i r ,z.: FS Foot Slope N Nose Slope II I-lead Slope Boundary Cc Concave Slope Horizon Depth II Cv Convex Slope Color-Munsell 'L'.i ,, ' :- "77f i Y <,'�,- _ T Terrace Texture ., ,i P Flood Plain Mottles TEXTURE Structure t, ':.. ).<� .; ' ;'" s sand Consistence 1 _; ,,s 7 ;!` Is loamy sand t sl sandy loam I loam Boundary si silt Horizon Depth HI 1,' •` -1 % sii silt loam Color-Munsell )0 },, 1- l r;r' - sicl silty clay loam Texture i - el clay loam Mottles j sci sandy clay loam Structure i,„,; t,ryt, 1.,--k. sc sandy clay Consistence u' r sic silty day c clay CONSISTENCE WET Boundary Ns non-sticky Horizon Depth IV f',.- `', -f Sc slightly sticky Color-Munsell I I :,,•, t / ;r _ _ S sticky Texture ;.I r^I - -•.,.1 Vs very sticky Mottles ' Structure ei I c' ; Np non•plastic Consistence , _- j7-. - ' _; i Sp slightly plastic P plastic Vp very plastic Boundary MOIST Soil Wetness ' ,j ;;- i vre Very friable Restrictive Horizon fr friable Saprolite fi firm LTAR vfi Very firm Classification STRUCTURE sg single grain m massive cr crumb gr granular sbk suhangular blocky abk angular blocky pl platy pr prismatic • • ill• I' - r!. c f� a �� . • _ r--� - - • r - 1 _ 2T+ _t 'SLR.+ v. _ < '•• _ Site Photograph A or ''K.- - `- - a. • ,.,.e • • "- fi ` ��f j $� • .i - - - - `_ter".=I-- r;,='sue z. .' - • Site Photograph B Potts Property • illrzEllir i Site Photographs ECS Project No. 09-30067 August 31, 2023 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "One Finn. One Mission." immemmemmw- Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities October 23, 2023 Mr. Lee Bryant Evans Engineering, Inc 4609 Dudas Drive Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 Reference: Addendum-1 to Geotechnical Engineering Report Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) Evaluation (Revision) Potts Property—Bermuda Run US Highway 158 Bermuda Run, North Carolina 27407 ECS Project No.09:30067 Dear Mr. Bryant: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) is pleased to submit this addendum 1 for revision of Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) evaluation. This SHWT evaluation was performed by our subconsultant Mr. Rob Willcox, L.S.S, NC Licensed Soil Scientist#1098.The subject site is located at US Highway 158 in Bermuda Run, Davie County, North Carolina. ECS completed a Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report dated September 11,2023. A revision of Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) evaluation was performed at two revised boring locations staked by your surveyors. The site is located within the Piedmont physiographic province. The Piedmont is characterized by residual overburden soils weathered in place from the underlying igneous and metamorphic rock. The topography and relief of the Piedmont uplands have developed from differential weathering of the bedrock. Based on our reviews, the SHWT evaluation indicates that evidence of SHWT was identified in B-5001A at approximately 2.4 feet below the ground surface and evidence of SHWT was identified in B-5002A at approximately 2.6 feet below the ground surface.However,an apparent water table(AWT)was not observed prior to the borings being terminated at depths 3.75 feet and 4.17 feet below the ground surface for B-5001A and B-5002A,respectively. ECS does not design these SCMs, nor are we typically involved with construction of the SCMs unless specifically requested by the client. ECS is not responsible for the functionality of SCMs. ECS and our subconsultant provides test data/results to our client based on the location of the site and the SCM requested by our client. If there are field conditions that differ from the data contained in this SHWT study (based on limited test locations)during construction,please contact ECS for further evaluation of the SCM. ECS is pleased to offer our professional services and look forward to assisting in any of your site analysis needs in the future. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact me at 336-856-7150. 4811 Koger Boulevard, Greensboro, NC 27407 • T: 336-856-7150 • F:336-856-7160 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Florida,LLC • ECS Mid-Atlantic,LLC • ECS Midwest,LLC • ECS Southeast,LLP • ECS Southwest,LLP NC Engineering License No.F•1078 •NC Geology License No.C-553•SC Engineering License No.3239 Seasonal High Water Table(Revised)—Potts Property—Bermuda Run October 23,2023 ECS Project No.09:30067 Page 2 Respectfully, ECS SOUTHEAST,LLP • Muhannad Abdelgadir Sun Breza, P.E. Geotechnical Staff Project Manager Principal Engineer MAbdelgadir@ecslimited.com Sbreza@ecslimited.com Attachments: Site Location Diagram SHWT Locations Subconsultant's SHWT Evaluation Am, • - !uri ,:.z:ir: I sr. tp' O'LL-.n O o O w••• a� + 1:, cV W z CO O 1 .. k' 'md cib't .. I- (O N ` I 'Y✓�I ! Iiir.f. !'•.ti' d .! s� ' < W 0 W 00 W N 'P -- w mro f '' .5 .n 'i .' °1 Q 1 ) 1__ _ ___ __ w z -3 CO j uJ O \ l-) .+. - I r {'1. 'ti111_'�',F o rl {Pkt: '' -t i. w U)Q IL CC O L�•r- a 00 ` 7-cp-s. r '').",4.,,,,,,, ., H. 1":6-_'' ... 4.-.'el'al. .' •4•'--.±' .•?(I- l'' .' *41 II. • 6 ` i E w .iceVII , rr• , .(0•/ o ?v¢. .e • °,/ ^i',P 11 .\c1 , i o ."°r 1 4 r 1 ,•+ 7•' D t- v V, d.$ ip.vvty,Nv`;f " lames 1 _ F . IN i-iii 4' t's'® + Z • ih T,. C;>?''rtl rldnwh''rov190 ,, A,, ♦♦ L i` i'ti • • ijV tiva ��,v � `.9 / � //i— Zy ` , • • ' �� ` p r." i. C: I ft 1 gju'Im°le P, • �` W )', ' .E:1. 0 zoz- z_ c' ,+ ° \ 1 • ' 'd f Z .� � w Al , { ®it � ' ' o,:;��� Wa. mz att .• 1 \ - •'•.`' ' r 14•e'‘ rtriOi' LO * - , 4• ) ,... ,---,:i . CI) ill D f a�-y \‘L.r diliii. . . .d ._.,t-....7.I. 3 [S / ..P nglf P tiCygq '1 �'�+IW/ • B:r-- - , ' ,t'ai Steed + s,. `' .,,:e m r. +aG„Y? • J � • 3 - A • M1 Q-.- ;N. \k, . . i i ." .'• llk ___. M,1s, . , . - r t.. P i ? s.: 1 *VI - * '$''' .......4..."..-...r...'4 ','''' sil ' 4 ' L. I _, . .,, , , , , . W z w ❑ O W f— F•CI) O W 0 W 0 W N (6m Qw O�Mj e HN w� U) a� u.NO00 \ - --: % -, . s*Nr _..� ,;. - N :� Z ` \ • N ~' N \ �, 1ceZ s....„„ NT '''..‘". • , H IL: • • N-.r-/:.‘ t \ ; \ \ i \ 0 a. w z i ci C.- \ CL ›- N 1 = *_. I Cl)1 E--•.:t 1 Aik • y.�4, I t...i t c .y I f ivy 1 , .� I �l cn Ic. II A\ 1. ' lik E ... #4 ..V4Z- bbf I K •/ C i CO \, _:: 811111 willcox&mabe SOIL SOLUTIONS October 20,2023 ECS Southeast,LLP 4811 Koger Boulevard Greensboro,North Carolina 27407 Attention: Mr. Muhannad Abdelgadir Transmitted by e-mail: mabdelgadir@ecslimited.com Reference: Stormwater Control Measure(SCM) Soil Testing Seasonal High Water Table(SHWT)Evaluation Proposed SCM Bermuda Run Site—Davie County,N.C. Willcox&Mabe Soil Solutions,PLLC Project No.22-06;Phase:22(Revision 2) Dear Mr.Abdelgadir: Willcox&Mabe Soil Solutions,PLLC (WMSS)has conducted Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) Soil Testing in accordance with ECS Southeast,LLP (ECS) Subconsultant Agreement dated September 14,2022,and WMSS Subconsultant Work Authorization No. 15-23 dated August 15,2023. The SCM Soil Testing was performed to provide information for technical assistance with the design of a proposed SCM. A soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate the soil properties at two (2) locations associated with the possible SCM,to determine suitability for stormwater management systems. The soil scientist investigation was conducted to evaluate: seasonal high water table(SHWT)elevation below existing ground surface (bgs). A "Site Plan"was provided to WMSS by ECS that identified relative site features and potential location for the proposed SCM. PROJECT BACKGROUND The areas evaluated were located within the area associated with the planned SCM. The SCM is planned in conjunction with proposed site improvements associated with the Bermuda Run site in Davie County,North Carolina(N.C.). The proposed locations evaluated,B-5001A and B-5002A, are located in existing wooded areas within the proposed development site and have moved from the previous locations evaluated on August 15, 2023. The site is located southeast United States(U.S.)Highway 158, southwest of the intersection of U.S.Highway 158 and N.C.Highway 801 in Davie County, North Carolina. (Figure 1). Use of on-site stormwater management systems,is being considered to comply with stormwater management requirements. The use of stormwater SCMs is subject to the Willcox&Mabe Soil Solutions,PLLC/72316 Summerfield Road/Summerfield,NC 27358/Rob 336.339.9128 or Martin 336.312.1396/www.willcoxmabesoil.com SHWT Evaluation WMSS Project No. 22-06; Phase:22(Revision 2) Bermuda Run Site October 20, 2023 suitability of site soils and regulatory approval. Regulatory guidance on requirements for permitting of stormwater SCMs is provided in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ),Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR)—Stormwater Design Manual (NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM), (Revised,2017). The NCDEQ-DEMLR-SDM requires that the SHWT shall be taken into consideration for the design of most SCMs. A WMSS soil scientist conducted an evaluation of the soils through the review of hand auger borings within the areas identified on a base map provided by ECS, and located in the field by others (locations were staked by ECS Client). Maps were prepared using Arcview 10.8 a Geographic Information System (GIS). Base maps were generated using information from the ESRI Web site and maps provided by ECS (Figures 1 and 2). FINDINGS Seasonal High Water Table Evaluation The SHWT evaluation was performed on October 16, 2023 by evaluating 2 hand auger borings, B-5001A and B-5002A, to depths of approximately 45 to 50 inches bgs (Figure 2). The soils were evaluated by a NC Licensed Soil Scientist for evidence of seasonal high water table influence. This evaluation involved observing the actual moisture content in the soil and observing the matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate processes that are driven by SHWT fluctuations such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. B-5001A was observed to consist of dark brown loam in the surface horizon. The subsurface horizons consisted of yellowish red to dark yellowish brown clay loam to clay. B-5001A transitioned into massive structure (parent material/saprolite) at approximately 24 inches bgs that consisted of dark yellowish brown and multicolored clay loam saprolite. Evidence of a SHWT was identified at approximately 29 inches bgs, and no apparent water table(AWT)was observed prior to the boring being terminated at 45 inches bgs. B-5002A was observed to consist of dark brown loam in the surface horizon. The subsurface horizons consisted of strong brown and yellowish red clay loam to clay. B- 5002A transitioned into massive structure (parent material/saprolite) at approximately 25 inches bgs that consisted of strong brown and multicolored clay loam. Evidence of a SHWT was identified at approximately 31 inches bgs, and no AWT was observed prior to the boring being terminated at 50 inches bgs. Reference attached Figure 2 for the approximate SHWT test locations, and Table 1 and the attached soil profile descriptions for the approximated SHWT depths. Please note that SHWT evaluations are based on secondary evidence and not on direct groundwater level measurements. Groundwater levels fluctuate for numerous reasons and these findings do not indicate that groundwater levels have not or will not rise above the noted depths. 2 SHWT Evaluation WMSS Project No.22-06; Phase:22(Revision 2) Bermuda Run Site October 20, 2023 Table 1: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths Seasonal High Apparent Water Depth Boring Boring Water Table Table Terminated Location (SHWT) (AWT) (inches bgs) (inches bgs) (inches bgs) B-5001A 29 >45 45 B-5002A 31 >50 50 CONCLUSIONS Based upon our findings associated with the locations evaluated, a SHWT was identified at location B-5001A at approximately 29 inches bgs and at location B-5002A at approximately 31 inches bgs. These findings should be taken into careful consideration when designing an appropriate SCM for the proposed location. If the proposed SCM location changes from the locations evaluated, further evaluation may be necessary. CLOSING Willcox &Mabe Soil Solutions appreciates the opportunity to provide these services to you. If you have any questions,please contact us. Sincerely, Willcox &Mabe Soil Solutions,PLLC SOIL SC co Q•i e� srn 4<044 O `', OF 1098 PRO~ NORTH G Alti " 71je fk/Zikir)Z- Martin Mabe Rob Willcox, L.S.S. Partner/Agronomist Partner/Soil Scientist Tables: Approximated SHWT and AWT Depths Attachments: Figure 1 —Vicinity Map Figure 2—Boring Location Map Boring Profile Sheets Shared\WMSS Projects\2022\22-06 ECS Southeast,LLP\Phase 22-Bermuda Run SHWT\Revision 2\22-06 Bermuda Run Site(Revision 2)Stormwater SCM Soil Report.doc 3 N ` 1ao % A . < % Hd15d.ile a _ - ;� \\ pe /7. \ ?.rooap. dlosx Lane Pe,0,0°t'c't ,\ o U.. u a Riv VlrLb lyay e, i en �y °e r� V\�y ca e�goad -. ~ _y ��‘Pik.f ,' I oo'e' 9G- ll °sbr NC 801 s l Holybrook 152 Os date went Drn�e ti Rivcrviee 7ovnl+uose Di , l m Binghamg .. . s r Cedar Line \ I � 1 °RY Bra i E m l` :I 3 , 1 s� a n OrivZ O r� E dAa 4� LL 11. to _``ao / J1JY �" �Vo o� a I ' O"e33 U) c P,nkz Mad m a) v S O\tee , oe d m N c R. , 'I 1 S �' .I a o` "e ° b'� q m . `\ '3 I n, b 5$ l °p0rrve z ` z REFERENCE: co GIS DATA LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM ESRI,INC. PLEASE NOTE THIS MAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL w PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN,LEGAL,OR ANY OTHER USES.THERE ARE NO 4 GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. WMSS,PLLC ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DECISION " �SOri,,e MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. SCALE: 1 n_ 1,000' FIGURE NO. w • i A `m DATE: 08-15-23 - `�= � p VICINITY MAP 1 DRAWN BY: MEM wilkxx&mabe _PROJECT NO: SOIL SOLUTIONS BERMUDA RUN SITE ` 22-06 Ph:22 DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA IF . .' .1' - 4 ,,, - ,,,,,. av„,.., , • . , , ., .. . . , __ , .,. . .. '.I illop-'77 . t„, .., :,._,..,:,,, .-...- ..4. „:.:,......: . . . ,.., . ,. , .... ,.,. .,,,,.. .,, ..,,_. • _ .4,,,_, ----,-0,-„, .. , /., . ,.. . ,.,. .., • •,,, ,,1., ., ,Ap.... „,., ., •01,111 . ,. . . . L., , • • d `, N., •' el t i• 1r''- ... , . ",• a ',d r t x r ; Cam? '4 0 , r \„ • ' , . Nk,,.. _...ilir:e .47.4:\'-'''. :..\''' ' ';'''',,c1):)," .:'‘, - . '." . ' ,' 'r e` i - g, ' ,F T r:- 'Al. ♦ ,� - '/' ' ! 0. 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IT IS NOT MEANT FOR DESIGN,LEGAL,OR ANY OTHER USES. �1s 4 THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS ACCURACY. WMSS,PLLCASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY _ `.. ♦ ' I ,� Ny FOR ANY DECISION MADE OR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE USER BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION. M1' •= i 4 SCALE: FIGURE NO. ' NTS DATE: 10-20-23 �l^ X �- BORING LOCATION MAP - REV. 2 d DRAWN BY: RPW will ox&mabe 2 PROJECT NO: SOIL SOLUTIONS BERMUDARUNSITE 22-06 Ph:22 DAVIE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ' WILLCOX & MABE SOIL SOLUTIONS, PLLC SITE/SOIL EVALUATION Project No. 22-0(: 'OM; 77 Phone No. Date: /O//I'/. Location /)/=,;�•v,t��rt; /'ti;t1 Pin County: 91 tit E' Propertysize nc"t T..( Proposed Facility: 7 //ht/,4i1;i'I 1/7' Water Supply: On-Site Well ❑ Evaluation: Auger Boring JC . Community ❑ Pit ❑ Described By: POi 41/u C Public ❑ Cut ❑ Weather: 5-GrLt/d✓v, 01 Antecedent Moisture "5 j Surface Water: A)//4 FACTORS PROFILE PROFILE ` PROFILE PROFILE 5001 A 5SU(J(1� (CDA .�\ k-..,Ga2A, 0-SDo2 Co ) Landscape Position% 1,_ 2_3V)o 2- 2--.5� ' LEGEND Horizon Depth I - 4 6 _(1, LANDSCAPE POSITION Color Munsell '7,5,,, 314 /Qy/2 3/3 R Ridgelnterfluve Texture / 3 ( S Shoulder Structure l.4) ( /jjC tr L Linear Slope Consistence 7)5 / /`j - ,S 4p . FS Foot Slope N Nose Slope H Head Slope Cc Concave Slope Boundary Cv Convex Slope Horizon Depth II 4- - /5 20/ - 35. 6 / 7 3/` 4.-2_, T Terrace Color-Munsell 5(0 41(p 0(4/C 4ll, 7 S 4-14 1,S y,e_44 P Flood Plain Texture 1 C) / a/ el /,l TEXTURE Mottles - Ai- /Ut,,/1 L"/2 0/A_/p , (o/2_ s sand Structure (,r/.�//c AOG C'<./\/' WS a iY 15 i✓E Is loamy sand IG� Consistence .S.S S - 5c S P /� S 5 S 7 SS Sp .F✓ sl sandy loam ✓Yl-r7,S�fe .itt-rode ir"a, . Cf lh-/ 1 e 4,/¢ I loam ! ., si silt sil silt loam Boundary sicl silty clay loam Horizon Depth III /S 2 4 / :35- 4c, -4- /1 Z5 L�-2_50 4cl clay loam Color-Munsell /0q/2 'e ( A i i-, Sc12 f 4.J tq 11--t` scl sandy clay loam Texture 1 of c I / 1 ` ( 1 c, 1 sc sandy clay Mottles 7/'-/9///6'i4- m_ /Or/2 (l2 _ 2 eivvc I „,kif,„-�l1 sic silty clay Structure /,t15. (Y?h$�t +rQ WSb f.. Ma S!/ve_ c clay Consistence SS Sp 42-Y SS S) -ram S'S .f) 1Cr Ss Sp 4 , CONSISTENCE WET 2- G'31 Yo,i.r ir 10/jpi•f/' / /C , , �'., /�4 C, i Na non-sticky 'F'C-rock 4 Ss slightly sticky S sticky Boundary Vs very sticky Horizon Depth IV Zd_2q 25-s Np non-plastic Color-Munsell to y>2 4/(Q '7. j wiz �/(p Sp slightly plastic Texture c( f _( P plastic Mottles 761/U /, 6/3 /6/)y� /p1 4/ Vp very plastic Structure AG/J S d/t 7)9Z/C 5,'a Q MOIST Consistence 55 Sr ,ry SS 5 p-Pr- vfr Very friable fr friable fi firm vfi Very firm Boundary STRUCTURE Soil Wetness 5L11 27 II .S{iki-l-_ 3111 sg single grain Restrictive Horizon m massive Saprolite cr crumb LTAR gr granular Classification sbk subangular blocky abk angular blocky pl platy pr prismatic IA Z / M OOLf iE 003E96E OG rn 0 OOZW6E OOlb96£ 0006H6£ 0 OG EC CO M M sE,9Z o08 M„f,9Z o08 O O - r �-. gym— - Y ; ,I _ . __:„...:....._ik4 0 e I y-.4 77,:z CD 10:10 COet NJ .,� 1— =II ''� ;,�•_ \��I s: 1,r:IH.,"' ' : 11 UJ _c ca o • Y .x z g (CI Y M f�33 c N L_ — > > o m 1: �` m m - - - U. n 5 1 ' .:/ca 0 o """ , fir Creek --z c i• o a.) S �N.1 8 Z v IL: ., ,PCI1. 16 Ig! LL i En! 1 Ai / • , L r . N -' y X 0 CJ a 1, C d v� I— V ra v .- , • 8 �7 Q 0 j G U 9 E IN C , 0in 3 N • N. F' 11 Q N 6 a) CO US a y To 03 C z Q Z U M„T a.08 - --+ ' ��ll M.T dZ o08 Q \\O'''' CO£b6. OO?t OD t OOOt a, 0:a.Lbk. CODA£ OOLfYJ3 O.T9 CC COM36£ 006£96£ �II z z fi O M m M CO NO 0 N MI o o m 03 m o co° i8 CD � CO• ) E `-▪a oai a Vo ai CD > a a oC0 N Doo Ea c °,N � as a � ° E ( N crna 2 m o E o a)'a ( -0 •E CL —.Y f6 co ro m ii t� m v t4 m E •id e' o v°i Q E °� a m c as - ., o•0 ° U Cm o • oc . c of Inc C L o o a) a).0 o R' a N •" 4.-7 a) Q 3 N o cm c a c U �� oa CO Q UN 3 :E o Ea p o'fl3N 03 U CI-w c�'occo � p0o�' � 2 oc 3 , (ask 0 Q fa Cie O d L y C _a y as ° a a) N C CO .O Ce 7 v_ '° E Na o o o 22 ° a) - `p a) Z a) 0 rn Q m >• ° > �co,o 0 0 CO °) o 2 >. co c�••oa to) _ o c" ua) o >.0 CO C E Zn c'm o � ° 03 Z� oc(a o � o v a o 0 E c C a. E c Tana a) o U o •o ab a 0 o •N a o .0 o 2 a Q ° E y c°i o z J � ° CD nc ° � .5 > 71.1 3 o aY 'o u) n o .c a c m E ao o m al IX •o 2Q o C ov U al o o N o ° ;c a �° rnr o ZEE oaaia)° aci :: mL -0c C • fA Qa>i uoi 8 N as (3)v m N a3 0) E O ��,o o — °c o c ns z� c�@ c°i �' c L mn c0 aaEm �E 4-� o Eca � ;4-4E aoo ') oc E_c ov (a ) aoi ° c c °) m o > > as c) N� m Z'rn CDv E `m o n �p��p m m E. `o �°�� a) p. to= =_ Z _o 0o ° E o) s N O C N C O U a) a) o a) p as O co.0 U .0 4--. o 7 O Lr? m N L 0 m L F-r s w E_ o (° a E u)5 U 2 a'6Q m H- o UU (nr- Doi H o E ° m c o >, 0 °) U • •C u) Z m o• (f) C 0 o 0 CO• — @ U (0 o. j o o 0 00 as usU c m .c U a as li U .3c c0 co as a CT y N 0 0 co a) 0. C .J a) a) as O O co al t Z o m o a m CA E V, o w ry a U) CI) CO N •O N a) N N tY O N f6 cu (n m > O (n (n 0 ce _To. SR D 2 .i 0 +' a) C COa - z a o W * m C t' 0 m" W J co Q. ^ C a C a co°; o a) (n C O C 0 y n Y Cl. m _ E >, 0 E? a) d :C (/) N CO t j CO 0. C C C a) O m > Oo _ _ 7 O c on p. o. mca at co n. on 0 d T o `o m 5 T m a Q 0 u o o co > > �= LT .c ° m E O a) T 0 m a) 3 >, u, > > .0 0 a) o a) n E c m t m p Y L N •p •� •Q C p O a) 0 N �a C > a) C y a) O m a7 N C � O Q u) (n m •p m m 0 U C7 0 .� .� a_ it co co co 2n Cl) m a) 0. a) cro 0 ✓ N ❑ • a o N a) (� o c < a) N w Et o • N N 0 ZlU Soil Map—Davie County,North Carolina Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CfB2 Clifford sandy clay loam,2 to 8 1.0 0.5% percent slopes,moderately eroded CoA Codorus loam,0 to 2 percent 23.4 11.1% slopes,frequently flooded FaD Fairview sandy loam, 15 to 45 4.7 2.2% percent slopes FcB2 Fairview sandy clay loam,2 to 27.1 12.9% 8 percent slopes,moderately eroded FcC2 Fairview sandy clay loam,8 to 23.5 11.2% 15 percent slopes, moderately eroded JkB Jackland loam, 1 to 6 percent 1.6 0.7% slopes MsC Mocksville sandy loam,8 to 15 1.8 0.9% percent slopes OkC2 Oak Level clay loam,8 to 15 7.0 3.3% percent slopes,moderately eroded TmD Tomlin loam, 15 to 25 percent 16.8 8.0% slopes ToB2 Tomlin clay loam,2 to 8 80.6 38.3% percent slopes,moderately eroded ToC2 Tomlin clay loam,8 to 15 19.0 9.0% percent slopes,moderately eroded Ud Udorthents,loamy 1.8 0.9% W Water 2.2 1.0% Totals for Area of Interest 210.5 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 11/16/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3