HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004987_Appendix D_Soil and Rock Characterization_20150908Sampling Procedures Sampling Overview Characterization of subsurface materials was conducted through the completion of soil borings and borings performed for installation of monitoring wells as described below. Installation details for soil borings and monitoring wells, as well as sample quantities and depths, are described below. For nested monitoring wells, the deep boring was utilized for characterization of subsurface material and collection of environmental and/or geotechnical samples for lab analyses. Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) was conducted utilizing split -spoon sampling techniques at five foot increments with an 18-inch split -spoon sampler. Any environmental and/or geotechnical samples not able to be collected in the deep well were collected in either the shallow or bedrock well that was paired with the deep well. Geotechnical samples consisted of undisturbed (Shelby tube) samples (natural moisture content, grain size with hydrometer, hydraulic conductivity, and specific gravity), sorption samples (Kd/HFO), mineralogy, and index property samples (natural moisture content and grain size with hydrometer). Environmental sampling for soils consisted of Total Inorganic compounds (TI) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and environmental sampling for ash consisted of TI, TOC, and Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Potential (SPLP). In situations where there was a single well to installed, as many samples as possible were collected in that boring, but if it was not feasible to collect the necessary samples a second boring (geotechnical boring) was advanced within five ft of the original boring to obtain the remaining samples. Sampling equipment was decontaminated between each sample interval in the same borehole as well as between each boring. Sampling equipment was first rinsed with tap water, washed with a water-liquinox mix and then rinsed a final time with deionized water. All downhole equipment utilized during boring/well installation (i.e.; augers, drill rods, split spoons, etc.) were decontaminated between each borehole to eliminate potential cross contamination between boreholes. A decontamination pad was constructed for field cleaning of downhole tooling. Downhole tooling was decontaminated using a high temperature, high pressure steam cleaner followed by rinsing with potable water. Ash and Soil Borings Characterization of ash and underlying soil will be accomplished through the completion and sampling of borings advanced at 21 monitoring well locations within the ash basin and on the ash basin dike (designated as AB-1 through AB-21), 4 monitoring well locations within and immediately adjacent to the ash landfill areas (designated as AL-1 through AL-4), and 15 soil boring locations in the ash basin and structural fill area (designated as SB-1 through SB-15). In addition, 12 soil borings (designated as GWA-1 through GWA-9 and BG-1 through BG-3) will be completed outside of ash management areas to provide additional soil quality data. Duke Energy notified the Division of Waste Management (DWM) prior to installing proposed borings/monitoring wells located adjacent to and within the permitted Dry Ash Landfill (designated as AL-1 S/D, AL-2S/D, AL-3S/D, and AL-4D) and within the Structural Fill (designated as SB-2 through SB-9 and AB-20S/D). Field data collected during boring advancement was used to evaluate: • the presence or absence of ash • areal extent and depth/thickness of ash • groundwater flow and transport characteristics if groundwater is encountered Borings were advanced using hollow stem auger or roller cone drilling techniques to facilitate collection of down -hole data. Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) (ASTM D 1586) and split - spoon sampling was performed at 5-foot increments using an 18-inch split -spoon sampler. Soil borings located within the waste boundary that were not be used for installation of monitoring wells (SB-1 through S13-15) extended approximately 20 feet below the ash/native soil interface or to refusal, whichever is encountered first. Note that continuous coring was performed from auger refusal to a depth of at least 50 feet into competent bedrock for bedrock monitoring well borings (designated as BR soil boring/groundwater monitoring well locations). Borings were logged and ash/soil samples were photographed, described, and visually classified in the field for origin, consistency/relative density, color, and soil type in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487/D2488). BORINGS WITHIN ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY In areas where ash is known or suspected to be present (i.e., AB- and S-borings), solid phase samples were collected for laboratory analysis from the following intervals in each boring: • Shallow Ash — approximately 3 feet to 5 feet bgs • Deeper Ash — approximately 2 feet above the ash/soil interface • Upper Soil — approximately 2 feet below the ash/soil interface • Deeper Soil — approximately 8 feet to 10 feet below the ash/soil interface If ash was observed to be greater than 30 feet thick, a third ash sample was collected from the approximate mid -point depth between the shallow and deeper samples. The ash samples were used to evaluate geochemical variations in ash located in the ash basin and ash storage. The upper and deeper soil samples were used to delineate the vertical extent of potential soil impacts beneath the ash basin, ash landfill, and structural fill. Ash and soil samples were analyzed for total inorganic compounds. Select ash and soil samples were be analyzed for leachable inorganic compounds using the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP) to evaluate the potential for leaching of constituents from ash into underlying soil. The ash and soil SPLP analytical results was compared to Class GA Standards as found in 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards, last amended on April 1, 2013 (2L Standards). BORINGS OUTSIDE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY Borings located outside the ash basin waste boundary are designated as GWA and BG borings. The GWA soil samples will be used to provide additional characterization of soil conditions outside the ash basin boundary. Solid phase samples were collected for laboratory analysis from the following intervals in each boring: • Approximately 2 feet to 3 feet above the water table • Approximately 2 feet to 3 feet below the water table • Within the saturated upper transition zone material (if not already included in the two sample intervals above) • From a primary, open, stained fracture within fresh bedrock if existent (bedrock core locations only) The boring locations designated as BG borings will be used to evaluate site -specific background soil quality. Solid phase samples were collected for laboratory analysis from the following intervals in each boring: • At approximately 10-foot intervals until reaching the water table (i.e., 0 feet to 2 feet, 10 feet to 12 feet, 20 feet to 22 feet, and so forth) • Approximately 2 feet to 3 feet above the water table • Approximately 2 feet to 3 feet below the water table • Within the saturated upper transition zone material (if not already included in the two sample intervals above) • From a primary, open, stained fracture within fresh bedrock if existent (bedrock core locations only) The laboratory analyses performed on the GWA and BG samples depended on the nature and quantity of material collected. One or more of the above listed sampling intervals were combined if field conditions indicated they were in close proximity to each other (i.e., one sample was obtained that was applicable to more than one interval). INDEX PROPERTY SAMPLING AND ANALYSES In addition, physical properties of ash and soil were tested in the laboratory to provide data for use in groundwater modeling. Split -spoon samples were also collected at selected locations with the number of samples collected from the material types as follows: • Fill - 5 samples • Ash - 5 samples • Alluvium - 5 samples • Soil/Saprolite - 5 samples • Soil/Saprolite - immediately above refusal - 5 samples Select split -spoon samples were tested for: • Natural Moisture Content Determination in accordance with ASTM D-2216 • Grain size with hydrometer determination in accordance with ASTM Standard D-422 The select split -spoon samples were anticipated to be collected from the following boring locations: • Fill — AB-1 S/D (two samples) and AB-2S/D (three samples) • Ash — AB-4S/D, AB-6S/D, AB-12S/D, AB-15S/D, AB-20S/D, and AL-2S/D • Alluvium (if present) — AB-1 S/D, AB-2S/D, and SB-1 • Soil/Saprolite (two locations each as stated above) — AB-2S/D, AB-6S/D, AB-12S/D, GWA-3 S/D, and GWA-6S/D The depth intervals of the select split -spoon samples were determined in the field by the Lead Geologist/Engineer. In addition to split -spoon sampling, a minimum of five thin -walled undisturbed tubes ("Shelby" Tubes) in fill, ash, and soil/saprolite layers was collected from the above -referenced boring locations. Sample depths were determined in the field based on conditions encountered during borehole advancement. The Shelby Tubes were transported to a soil testing laboratory and each tube was tested for the following: • Natural Moisture Content Determination in accordance with ASTM D-2216 • Grain size with hydrometer determination in accordance with ASTM Standard D-422 • Hydraulic Conductivity Determination in accordance with ASTM Standard D-5084 • Specific Gravity of Soils in accordance with ASTM Standard D-854 The results of the laboratory soil and ash property determination were used to determine additional soil properties such as porosity, transmissivity, and specific storativity. The results from these tests were used in the groundwater fate and transport modeling. The specific borings where these samples are collected from was determined based on field conditions with consideration given to their location relative to use in the groundwater model. Sampling Variances Variances from Groundwater Assessment Work Plan Soil and Rock Characterization Variance As Proposed As Completed Basis for Variance No. 1 Collect one or more undisturbed AB-2S/D, AB-5S/DBR, AB-8S/D, AB- UD samples were not collected due to no recovery samples according to the 6S/D/BR, AB-9S/D/BR, AB- of sample media or refusal during sampling attempt. Groundwater Assessment Work Plan 10S/SL/D, AB-15S/SL/D/BR, AB- 17S/D, AL-1 S/D, AL-2S/D/BR, AL- 3S/D, GWA-1 S/D/BR, GWA-8S/D, GWA-5S/D, S13-2, S13-5 one or more UD samples not collected 2 Collect a Kd and/or HFO sample AB-3S/D, AB-12S/SL/D, AB-14S/D, AB- UD samples were not collected due to no recovery according to the Groundwater 15S/SL/D/BR, AB-21S/D, GWA-7S/D, of sample media or refusal during sampling attempt. Assessment Work Plan SB-1 Kd and/or HFO sample not collected 3 Collect alluvium index parameter No alluvium index parameter Alluvium was not present at these locations samples at boring locations AB-1 and samples collected AB-2 4 Collect two index samples in fill No fill index parameter samples Fill/soil interface encountered shallower than material from boring location AB-2 collected predicted in Work Plan 5 Collect soil/saprolite index parameter No soil/saprolite samples collected Soil/saprolite layer did not yield enough sample samples from boring locations AB-6 quantity for proper analysis 6 Collect ash samples from boring AB-9S/D/BR, AB-11 S/D no ash Ash was not encountered at these locations locations AB-9S/D/BR, and AB- samples collected 11 S/D 7 Collect index parameter or UD Index parameter or UD samples Samples were collected as alternates to locations samples from locations mentioned in collected at boring locations AB- where sample collection failed Work Plan 3S/D, AB-4S/SL/D, AB-10S/SL/D, AB-11 S/D,AB-12S/D, AB- 15S/SL/D/BR, AB-18S/D, AB-21 S/D, and SB-1 8 Collect stained rock at boring No stained rock fracture samples No stained rock fractures present at boring location locations AL-2, GWA-913R, and MW- collected 14BR 9 Install soil boring S13-6 SB-6 was deleted from the scope of Uncertainty of location of underground pipes in the the Work Plan vicinity of boring location