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Mecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20231122 (7)
WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD FoittNemt113scONLY: C ' This 1'ann cart be ttsed.for sirlg[>:or mrtliip[c.�t'i:lls I � i I...WPIt Contractor Information: )YELL ARANI]ONNIENT DFT-AW4 zach Thompson '7a.Npmberofwells being abandoned.- 1 SVe9t��et eiorhsme(gr�ticllo5��ijkga�ully_ulznaNdnsdneutll.atili�llterprutietfyl FdP fladapk hfec7lat cv' re? iwer supph, wills, ONLY with 8to smiie. - � Mrr3firrcflarJarhomiriirnat�u,:jgR g41t 57�.Jill OVJCf�fJrAL 4478A NC MIACoMcigorCettificalian Ntnttbcr '71►.Annroxlm tc voluine of vrat'•r mainink inli,ift J;•76 SAEDACCO FOR WATERSUPPI,V WEGIS ONLY: Gain;lany Name, 7e,Type a(disinkciant wiled: 2.`Veit toustmction Permit Ltil rrl/vlipvc-#/�well pe'*ity(:a CnArtig sue". wa 7d.Aamount of.disinfectant tisedi., 3.�Ydt nsr(c6cd:Wett nsr): �Vxter.Supply Well. 7a Scaling inatlidwsuse+l(check all that apply): MAgrigWuml ptvtitnicipallf't1Ei9ic 6tl,Nc ti'Ccntcrit;Gtuitt 4 F 644.6itc Chips of Pctlets' QGrnthermal(HcatinglCiiolittg$ppply') pltesidential Water S'tipply(single) ❑SariJ(Cement Gmut I7:I)tp Clay 0111dustrial/Commucial' 13ftOentixl Water Supply"(sharod) p Comte Grout L1 Drill Cuttings ❑Itti [iou ❑"SpeoAty Gioul O GFavel Niu-11°;otce.Suttpic�Vcl¢6 . �l BerdoniteSluny 12 Otlwr(eiT lain under 7g) �144ouitodnL_ �Ret:otet?', _ injection WeIh 7f,For each alateital selected above,provide amount-of materials rued: ❑AquifC.rttcc[tar c OGrotitidtiate"r Rentetii ititin Neat Cem. 941b ,Wtr•6g&l. Sand Cem:•lb ,Wtr•gal. ❑Aquifer Siotttge aid Recov' ❑Sufi tv Bardeo ❑Aquifer Teri dr:iieiage -. Bentonite cement Amount:7 OExperintental Tecl"141jy pSubsidence Cobttnl 7 Peusidc a brief etcsoriptiori pf.fhc'al►audgnmcut pnreirlurc:. Weotheriml(ClosedLoop) Clltacer Injection through tremie pipe ©GrothertnafiH�ltinstlCaolinaRetuml ®Otfn•rd(explain under7g)" 4:Datesvcll(s).aWndoncct: 11-8-23. 5u.Welt Location: L tlt/ = Clariant.Mt Holly East Facility '. C13 5..4:crti(irttiao: � Facilm7otviur N,vnc r7silily'Ind(E'6ptali�ablcl . JJJ .-.._� t�h• 11701'Mt..Holly Rd, Charlotte, NC _ " L`;4•�' _;ci; y 11y9/2023 Physical Ad&r .Cay,"arid Zip SiJ�gtr.. c f Ccairiik)IVeU Cp'wra chi ar Nva owmr ll,rta Mecklenburg ByJ¢rb 1��rkis fnpm. 'her,sby-crrtrfy/hut dw tieell f"s) was(irem)aMudoned nr Couoiy Warccl]danjlt jttnitNo.(PIN) rlGzb►rfirlrcc rrith 1 tt'A01C()2C,b OQ:ur 2C.0200 TEell:Cvri57ruc1/ori S/trot&rrcls and/hdl'a mpj,of'Viis recurd h4v bee�t"provirlccf:/a/lre.0 ell ouitEr. Sb.')<ltihlidrandlongitutrein.ticgrscs(tilnutcs(sceands.ardccimitctc��iresi - , (itit ctl Ca icl,i»n 4Jtltolt3,ti:syJliti xtx) 9.Silo diagr.rnt of addidbu.tt yt'ell dcrnits: -You.nlay use tier:6a&bf this page to pro�'ide addilional-tcvli.site,details:oi well N c4Y abandoutnciri details." You tday alsq:auitcb iulditionslpoges if tteczssarv_ C ONSTRUiC'L ON-61FTAIUS OF`4EL145V BEING ARANIjONED SURhiTiTAt,'iNSTRETf TiU�15!' :llGrtlr n_cl!curyfrJJclirrn ntvrd(sj'1 oi�llydri/r....FriJ•muhiplr i11Je+_dtire,w•r�Jn•nYrrJr.4Jipplt� "_ we.1 bAY.N-A Ilk 6VAKCOJt3trt�cflGJ[jrL41K/JINJcflt,IrJrrtr]173itLJIY1lWW flJl7ft tQ;p; <:urAll %uclLs: Suhtnil tlris,.fumt trithin 30 day5 of cntnplciion of troll 6a.wen[D#-FM-19 abandonment th tbc'follow�iag. Division of�Vutcritestiurees,Infornwtirin Prve�.sint;Knit; 66.Totat rtcll depeb: 42 (fL") 1617 itail se-13' "Ct ntcr,;Raleigh",XC 27699-16t7 104.To Iniecrl n Wei19.-In addition,to sending tiie form to the address is l0a Am 6c:Bo ltolc,dlaniehr:a e,�also submit Otte copy of tliu forta-% liih'30 di y+s oP completion of V%Vll (iu:3 abutidoumeni to tlte_fallo�ttug: �' 6ti Watcr¢ciclbcloii gronntiairfacc� 31 (ft) D1vislot1*of Wat&Rcsonrkes�,U6dergroundLijLe#ouCont6ilPttisratu, 1634 Mead Scnice(enter,Raleigh,XC 24699-1636 6c..Outcr casing lenrgtlr(if Imorrn): (fL) [tic Tar Warm Stmn(r .cr.Liicet(�f rro«'ells: In addition to sending the font.to tree addresses) �tboge. also subniil-one copy of this fbmt within.30 days of completion of Well ahandotunem to llie eottnly ltcahh depadntcul of the eolinw 6L GBner 6sing1tnbing leut$lr of[Morn). M.) arlttre al>Indoncd. � 60,S.1ren length(if ltnonn): Futnt GW-30 Nonh CamUm Mpirtttxal ofPnsAwmKnt ant N uumt Resotmes-Division of Mick Rcsourtts Revised August 2013. 1