HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150921 Ver 1_Application_20150908,_, �.., , . _ �,.,,�, ,.s �N,� STAT� �,.�,�'(;i,.,z 1 ��pE� �Y2n.lIj4 'VO`�� �l�`�� '� �� .^(. �+i',I, ; � � �;:-' ; ..:� . ; i, � �h ' ' �.✓ ,� � �.,'. C o � �� � rtY�� ��: � � � ''l r}�C,�.�c "��`Ril tt.�?lb �t '� �t�.:�yES_rF�UAM`11PE� � `'s sti..�.a' �'.;,;:_+ � ' �' � a � � � r � , � � ' � �� � • � � � � �� 1 SQ � MAIL SERVICE �ENTER, F:ALEIGH,I�.C�. 27���-1501 1'AT MC+�ROR�' � � �II�I�OLA� �. �'EI��1'�C�I�I GOVERNOR SECRETARY � eptember 4, 2 � 15 11�Ir. �teve :�ichefski U. S. Ar�ny Corps of Engineers Asheville :R�gulatory Field (Jf� ce 1 S 1 Patton Avenue, Room 2Q$ Asheville, �NC 28841-5C1�� Subj ect: Nationwide Per��nit # 14 Replace Bridge #263 on S�. 131 ? w�th A�C` Ash.e �aun.ty, Ncarth Carolina Praject Nurnber: 1'7BP.11.R.�6? (I)'W�(1 Permit e�� � 4� Dear Mr. I�ichefski: The Nort� Caroli�a Department �f Transportat�o� is sch�duled tc� r�p1�.+�� �►r�d�e #�63 i�. �sh� Cou�ty with a new aluminurn bax cul�ert a� t�� sar�r�e loca�il��.. �'�� �xi�t�n� structure is a 26? x 2n.5' single span brid�e with st�el I-beams c�n a 140 d�gr�e �l���w. .�.1� of the remaining components are timber. The prop�sed alumir�um bo� ��.1v��°t is 2�' �ri�.� x 6' high x 88' long, The extra culvert lengtJh is needed due to the sk.��vv �f ihe �ro�si��d Culvert slc�pe wlll 1.2%. Three Baffles will be inserted into t�e ��.l�ert tc� mai�.ta�� channel width (inlet, outlet and one interior}. 1Vl�tigat�on wili be pro��d�d throu�h �,��' �$8'). An off-site detour is praposed. Stream i�np�.cts ar� tabulat�d bel�a�� Stream Impacts: The replacement of the �X1S�lr1� i��`1C�.��' wit�. th� propos�d n��v ��.lv��t �v�ll ��q�ir� tempc�rary dewatering. Impervious sandbag d�kes will be cc�nstru�i�d �.�stre�.r�a. �.�d PHONE 919-'74?-2800 FA� �919-'?33�9150 Ashe Bridge #2�3 on SR 1317 September 4, 201 S dr�wnstream c�f the existing structure to �sa��.�� the canstr�.cti�n zc�ne. �1��� �ra�.��° �ill temporarlly be pumped around �r plped thr�ugh the �c�n.stru�tic�n ar�a �.r�d �ill b� discharged da�vnstream. Any dirty water locat�d �n.side th.� �onstru�tion ar�a �v11� b� pumped into a silt bag i� necessary. Once t�e new struc�ur� is i�: plac�, th.� ��er����.� dikes will be removed and precQnstruction stre�:mb�d elevations �r�ll b� r�star�d. Cc�nstruct�on of this project will r�quire i�n�.pact� to waters of the �CJni��d States ir� th� �T� R.ive� Basin. The existing bridge crosses R1�h Hill �reek ��las�s: �g �I'rc��.t ��. Thi� prcaj ect was reviewed for the presence a� th�eat�ned and �ndange��d sp�ci�s by c�u� I�Tatural Enviro�ment Sectian. Th� NLE� is l�st�d as � protect�d sp��ies �� ��.is ��unty but no bat activity was observed in the brldge. Th�re v��11 be nc� tree ��.tting �.� t�� �ar�j e��t locatior�. We wauld recommend a I�To Effect call a�. t�iis proj�ct. �ultural r�saurc� compliance vvork has been cc�mpleted. l�Tc� �.r�hae�l��ical resourc�s c�r historic p�°operties fa11 with the APE of th�s pr���c� (see attac�.�d). The prc�j �ct impacts are not significant in na�ur� and. sho�.ld �.ot r��a.ov� �r de�r�d� existing water quality uses. Stor�nwa�er w111 b� routed thrcaugh gr�.ss o�° r�c� l�n� ditches, depe�ding on the ditch l�ne slcape. TQt�.� ��.11C� C�1StU.�'��.11C�' V�T1�� �� ��SS ti1�l�. �. �.��'�d Pipe si,z�s used wi11 be the minimum necessary to �creat� a safe ��advva�. y ut�li�ir�� i�� erosion control measures outlined in the attac�ments �o thxs applic�tic��, do�vnstr�a v�ater quality standards will be protect�de All appropr��.t� B P'� �ill b� us�d d�ri�� constructi�n. By copy af this electronic letter, 1t �s requested ihat 11�Irs. Ii�'Ia�°la Cha��bers �v�t�i �he ���h �arolina V�ildlife Resource� Commissio� cc�mment directly ia yc��. c�nce �n� ihe 4C�4 Nd�1tJ11W1CI� Pe�:t111t �.��JI.1Cc�tlU11 Wltii il CO�� S��'lt �O �YYll�. By copy of this electronic lette�, 1t is r�quested that t�.e D�vis��►n c�f �ater �ality, 401 lWetlands IJnit, 1SSU� ��'1�' dj��J�'O�rl�.t�' �7��I�l.l$ f0�° C�11S��la.�t10�'1 �� ��'11S �}�'OJ �+��� I� �s requested that any comments related to the 441 certification be forv�arde dir�ctly tc� r�� with a capy sent to the tJS Ar�n� Cor�ps of �nginee�°s. We would like to begin constr�uct�on as soan as possibi�. I� ��.rth�r ir�f�r:r:���ic��: �s required, �lease let me knov�. Your early revie� �.r�d cc�nsideratic�n w��l �b� a��r����.ted.. Si�cerely, �°� , p.��� � �Ieath Slau�ht�r �v�sic�n 11 En�ircan.�nent�.� �up�rv�sc�r Encic�sures cc: Marla �hambers, NCWR+� Amy Chapman, I�ivis�on �f W�ier Quality Ashe Bridge #263 on SR 1317 September 4, 2015 L�a�e Wanucha, Di�ision of �later C.�ual�ty 1��larella Buncick, �C.1SFW� Mike Pettyj ohn, PE, D►ivision Engineer Dav��. Wayne, PE, Bridge I��Tainte�.ance E�.gin�er Jami Gu�nn, Di�ision Bridge Program l��Ianage�° I-�eath Slaughter, Di�rision Environmental �f�cer Neil Trivette, Roadside Er�v�ronmental F1eld C.�peratians En�in��r �� :f����"�� Office Use C�nl ����: Y � � y: �� ;. � Corps acticar� I a no. � � � � ` ..� 4r`�.#'a'�'i'+'�'"'."Y`' ��'+� �'i���'f'iad� ��.�.,�✓r' � � � � � "����f{�`�.��,.� ,, `� DWC� pro�ect i1o. . r,, ' i�`"��f'+`'� . �i�`�dr,..r�,pt;F�C,^Gr� t Form Versiar� 1.3 dec 1Q 2U�8 Pre-C�anstruction Notifica�ic�n PCC� o�° A. .� lic�nt Informat%�►n 1. Processing 1a. Ty�e(s} Qf approv�i soughfi from the Cor s: � Section 444� �'err�it ��ection 10 i��rmi� p '! b. Specify Natianwide Permifi (NWP) number: 14 or Gen�ral Permit (GP} number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Cc�rps? [� Ye� �� 1 d. Type(s) of appravai s�ught fram the DWQ (check all that apply): � 4�1 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ N�n-4�4 Jurisdictional General F'er it ❑ 4�1 iNater Qua[ity Certifica�ion -- Express [� Ripari�n Bufifer Author�iz�tion 1 e. Is this notificatior� sc�lely for the record For the record oniy for DWQ 401 For th� rec�rd or�ly for C�or�� F�errrai�: because written appraval is not required? Certificatian: C] Yes � No [� Yes � o 1 f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee pr�gram proposed for mitigation � Y�� � o o f i m p a c t s? I f s o, a t t a c h t h e a c c e p t a n c e l e t t e r fi r o m m i t i g a� i Q r� b a n k o r i r�- l i e u fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If y��, answer 1 h � Yes �� below. 1 h. Is the praj�ct located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC}? � Ye� � i�o 2. Project Informatian 2a. Name of project: Bridge #263 on SR 1317 2b. Gaunty. Ashe 2c. Nearest municipality ! tawn: Crestan 2d. �ubdivision name: 2e. �ICDOT c�nly, T.I.P. or state 17BP.11.R.67 project no: 3. CJwner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed. N�DOT 3b. Deed Boak and Page No. 3c. Responsible Party (far LLC i f applicable): 3d. Street address: 801 Statesville FZoad 3e. City, state, zip: Nc�rth Wilkesboro, �IC 28G59 3f. Telephone no.: 336-943-92�2 3g. Fax no.: 336-667-4549 3h. Email address: hslaughterC�ncdot.gov Page 1 c�f 10 PCN F�rm -- Versior� 1..3 December 1�, 20�8 �'�r�i�r� 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Qther, speci�y: 4b. Name: 4c. Busirres s name (if applicable): 4d. Street addre�s: 4�e. City, state, zip: 4f. Telephone na.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: 5. AgentlConsultant Information (if appliCable) 5a. Name: 5b. Business name (if applicable): 5c. Street address: 5d. City, state, Zip: 5e. Telephone no.: 5f. Fax na.: 5g. Email address: Page 2 c�f 14 PC�1 F�rrn �- 0lersic�n 1.3 C�ecer�ber '1�, 2U0� il�rsior� B� Prc�ject lnformation and Prior Project HistQry '1. Praperty Identific�tic�n � a. Prc�perty identification no. {tax PIN or parcel ID): 1 b. �ite coordinates {in decimal degrees): L�titude: 36.4?164� Longitud�: -�1.�1 �1�4 (DD.DDDDDCJ) (-DD.CJDDDL�1�) 1c. Praperty size: �.A� acres 2. S�urface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body af water (stream, river, etc.) to ���h Hiil Cr�ek proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: C; Traut + 2c. River basin. N�w 3. Prc�ject Descriptic�n 3a. Describe the existir�g canditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity c�f the projec� �t th� tirr�e caf ihis applicatian: �ubstandard bridg� to be replaced in a rural area 3b. L�st the tofial estimated acreage af al1 existing wetlands on th� prr�perty: 4 acres 3ce List the total estimated linear feet �f all existing streams (intermittent and perennial} on the praperty. � 154 linear feet 3d. Explain the purpase of the praposed prajec�: Upgrade substandard stream crossing 3e. Describe the �verall project in detail, including the type r�f equipment ta be used: See attached cover letter. 4. Jurisdictionai Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the �orps or State been requested or obtained fnr this pr�perty / praject (including all prior phases) ir� the past� ❑ Yes � No � tJnknc��rn Comments: 4b. If the Corps rnade the jurisdictianal determination, what type of determination was made? � Preliminary [� Finai 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/�onsultant �Qmp�ny: Name (if known): Other: 4d. lf yes, list the date� of the Carps jurisdictional determinations or State determin�ti�ns and a�tach documer�f�ti�r�. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certificatians been requested or obtair�ed for ❑ Yes � No [� lJnkno�nrr� this project (including ail prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according ta "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Pl�ns 6a. I� this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. P�ge 3 t�f 10 PCN F�rm -- \/ersic�r� 1.3 December 1�, ���� �ersi�n �. Praposed Imp�cts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your proj�ct (check �II that apply). ❑ Wetiands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Bu�fer� ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construc�ion 2. Wetland Irnpacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this questic�n for each wetland ar�� impactec�. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetiand impact iype of j�risdicti�n n�mber -- Type of impacfi Type of wetland Fc�rested (��►rps -��4, 14 ,�re� o� imp�ct Permanent (P) or (if knc�wn) �V�/Q — nor�-�04, o�her) �a�re�} Tem orar T (� Y�s ❑ Corps W1 ❑ P❑ T Nca DWQ � � � Y�s C] �or�s W2 ❑ P [.� T Nca �"WC� � � �I Y�s � corps W3 ❑ P � T Nc� �WC� � 0 ❑ Y�s C� ��rps w� L� P D T �v a aw� � ❑ 0 Y�s Cj Corps w5 ❑ � [� T � � . Dwc� � d [� Y�s ❑ corp� W6 ❑ P❑ T Nt� C�WC� [� ❑ C� 2g. Tatal wetland imp�cts 2h. Camments: 3. Stream impacts If there are perenr�ial or intermittent stream impacts (including terr�por�ry impacts) proposed �n the �ite, ther� cc�mplete fihis quesfiion for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial 1"ype af jurisdic�ic�n Aver�ge '►�p��� r�umber - (PEF�) ar (Corps - 404, 1� strean� length Permanent (P) or intermitt�nt �WQ — n��-4p�., vvidth (linear TemporarY CT) CIN`�}? other) �f��t) ��et) ABC, Riprap & � PER � Corps S1 � P� T p�waterin Rich Hill Creek ��.� �,�,� 1� 1�2 � � � ❑ P�R [� Corps �2 ❑ P C] T I NT CJUVQ 0 � � P�R ❑ �orps S3 QP❑T ❑ I NT ❑ DWQ [,�] P�R 0 �arps �4 Q P❑ T [�] I NT ❑ DWC� ❑ P�F� 0 ��rps S5 ❑ P[� T ' INT DWC� ❑ ❑ ❑ P�R 0 Corps S6 ❑ P[� T I N�' DV1l� � ❑ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 172 3i. Comments: 88' AB� with headwalls, 49' temporary dewatering, 35' riprap Page4caf10 P��I F�rm -- Version �.3 CJece►�°�ber 1�, 2��� ilersi�r� 4. tJpen Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, pands, estuaries, tributarie�, sounds, the Atianti� CJ�e�r�, c�r �ny c�ther apen v�r�ter ��F the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4�. C7p�n w�ter Name of waterbody impa�ct number -- {if applicable) TYpe af impa�t WaterbadY tYpe ��ea �f ir�p�ct (�cre�} Permanent (P) or Tem ora T t� 1� P L] T 02 [�P�T 03 C]P❑T 04 ❑P[�T 4f. Total open water innpacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, then com lete the �hart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d, 5e. Wetland Impacts (acr�s) �tream Impac�s (�ee�) lJpl�r�d Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of portd Flooded Filled �xc�vated Floaded Fill�d Exc�v�fied Flo�ded P1 P2 Sf. Total 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes � IVo if �es, permit �C� no: 5i. Expected pand surface area {acres): 5j. �ize of pand watershed (acres}: 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project w�il impact a pratected riparian buffer, then complete th� cha�t below. If yes, then individually Iist all bu�fier impacts below. If an impacts re uire miti ation, then au MUST �II out S�ction C� �f this form. 6a. ❑ N�use 0 T�r-Pamlic� ❑ �th�r. Project is in which protected basin? ❑ C�tawba 0 R�ndlemar� 6b. 6c. 6d. 6�. 6f. �. Buffer impact number -- Reason E3ufife� �one 1 ir�np�c� �one 2 impa�t Permanent (P) or for Stream name r�itig�tio� �square feet} (�qca�re f�et) Tem orar T im act r� uired? C] v�s B 1 ❑ P[� T I�o � � Y�s B2 ❑P�]T �� ❑ [.� Y�s B3 ❑ P ❑ T No ❑ 6h. Tatal buf er l�npacts �i. Comments: P�ge 5 �fi 1 a PCN F�rm -- 0/ersit�r� 1.3 [�ecembe� '1Q, 2U08 �O�rsion D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avaidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken tc� avoid or minimiz� fihe prapos�d impacts in designing prc�ject. The culvert length is th� minimum needed ta improve safety at thi� location. �'Ior�dplains and baffles �rill be cc�r�str�ct�d �o maintain channel width. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid ar minimiz� the proposed impacts thrc�ugh cor�structio� techniqu��. A11 appropriate BMPs will be used during constr�uctic�n 2. Cc�mpensatory Mi#igation for lmpacts to Waters of th� tJ. . or V'Vaters of the tat� 2a. Does the project r�quire Compensatory Mitigation for � Y�s [� �!o impacts ta Waters of the U.S. ar Waters of the State� 2b. If �es, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): � DWQ ��orps � IV�itig�tion bank 2c. If yes, which mitiga� ion aption will be used far this Pa ment to in-Iieu fee ro ��n� ro'ect? � Y � � p 1 [,� Permittee Responsibl� IViitigaticart 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mi�igation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type C�uantity 3c. Comment�: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-tieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attach�d. � Y�s 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 8� lin�ar feefi 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ w�rrr� ❑ co�l �cc�ld 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetiand mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal} wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Cc�mments: 5. Cc�mplete if Using a Permittee Responsible Nlitigation Pl�n 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of th� proposed rnitic�ation plan. Page6�fi1� PCN F�rm -- Versic�n 1.3 December i q, 24�8 �ersion 6. Buffer Mitigation �State Regulated Ripar�an Buffer Rules) — req�u�red by DVi/G� 6aa Wiil the praject result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that require� ❑�e� ��o buffer mitigation? 6b. lf yes, then identify the square feet of impact tca each zone of the r�parian buffer th�t requir�� mitigation. t;alculafie the amount of mitigatic�n required. 6c. 6d. 6e. ���e Reason for impact Totai impact YViultiplier Required mitigatior� (square feet} (square fee�) Zone 1 3(2 for Catawba} Zone 2 1.5 �f. Total buffer mitigatior� requ��re+de 6g. If buffer mitigatian is required, discuss what type �f mitigatic�n is propased (e.g., payment to priv�te mitig�fiic�r� bar�k, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an �ppraved in-lieu �ee fund). 6h. Comments: Page 7 �f 1a PC1� F�rm -- 0/ersior� 1.3 Dec�mber 1�, ZQGB i0'er�i�� E. Ste�rmwater Management and Diffuse Flow Pian (r�quired y�1NQj 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Dnes the project include or is it adjacent to pr�tected ripariar� buff�rs ider�tified ��.�� ��� within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Pratection Rules? 1 b. !f yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, expl�in v�rhy. � Y�s Q � Comments: 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the c�verall percent imperviousness of this project? °Io 2b. Does fihis project require a Starmwater Management Plan? C] Y�s �� 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwafier Management Plan, explain why: C�isturbing ies� than i acr� 2d. If this project DaES require a Stnrmwater Management Plan, then provide � brief, narrative description �f the pl�n: Q Certified Local E�overnment 2e. V1/ho will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plar�'? ❑�WQ St�rmvrrater Pr�gram ❑ C�WC� 401 lJni� 3. Certified Lacal Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? � �'has� II 3b. Which of the followin Iocall -im Cemented stormwater mana em�nt ro rams ���� g Y p � p g ❑ tJ�NiF' apply (check all that apply): � Water S�pply Watershed �] C�there 3c. Has the approved �tormwater Mar�agement Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes Q�� attached? 4. DWQ �tarmwater F'ro ram Review � Caastai co�nfiies � H QVV 4a. Which of the fallowing state�-implemented stormw�ter manag�ment programs apply ��� {check �II that applY): ❑ Sessior� Law 2�0�-24�� ❑ t3ther. 4b. H�s the approved �tormwater Man�gement Plan with proof a� approval been attached? � �'�� � � 5. DWQ 4U1 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. L7oes the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ���� ���, 5b. H�ve all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met'� ��r�� � Q Page$caf10 P�N Fc�rm -- V'ersion 1.3 Decer�b�r 10p 2008 ��rsi�n F. Supplementary Information 1. Environm�entat Documentatian (DWQ Requirementj 1 a. Does the project ir�volve an expenditure af public (federal/stat�flocal) funds or the ���� ��� use of public (federal/state) land? � b. If you answered "yes" to the abc�ve, does the project require preparation ofi �n environmental docurrrent pursuant to the requirements af the �iati�nal or State ❑��s � I�a (North Carolina) Enviranmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEP��? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy af the NEPA or �EP� final �pproval letter.) � Yes � o �omments: 2. Violatians (DWQ Requirement} 2a. Is the site in violation of DUVQ 1Netland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .050Q), Isolated Wetland Rules {15a NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water c�r W�tland Standards, Cj Yes � I�c� or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit applicatian? {� Yes � I�o 2c. If yau answered "yes" to ane or both of the above questior��, pro�ride an expl�nation of the vi�latiar�{s): 3. Cumulative Impa�ts {DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based an past and reasonably anticipated fu�ure impacts) result ir� ���� ��� additional development, which could impact nearby downstre�m water qualifiy? 3b. If yau answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or qu�ntitative cumulative impact ar�aly�is in accc�rd�nc� �rith the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non�discharge c�r disch�rge} of wastewater ger�erafi�d from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A P�g� 9 caf 10 P�N Form -- Versi�n 1.3 December 1�, 2008 �/er�ion 5. Endangered Spe�ies and Designated Critical Habitat ��orps t�equirement� 5a. Will this projecfi occur in or near an area with federally protec��d species or Ye� iVa h�bitat? � � 5b. Have yau checked with the USFWS cnncerning Endangered �p��ies ,�ct ���� �� i m pacts'� ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, ind icate the USFWS Field C�ffice you have contacted. � ,�ishevil�e 5d. Whafi data saurces did you �se to determine whether your sit� woufd impa�t Endangered Speci�s �r CJesigr��ted Cri�ic�l H�bitat? GIS and visual observation. USFWS will be copied on this p�rmit application. Requesting th�t the �orp� coordin�t� with IJ�FV1/S regarding the NLEB. 6. Essential Fish Habitat {Carps Requirement) 6a. Will this proje�t occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? [.�j Yes ��Ic� 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? V1/R� will comment ?. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requir�ment} 7a. Will this project occur in Qr near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having histaric or cultural preservatior� ��e� ��� status {e.g., National Histaric Trust designation or properties �ignificant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your sit� would impact historic c�r archeologic�l resources°? Projecfi was reviewed by the OHE. See attached forms. 8. Flo►od Zone Designation (Corps Requirement� 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 10�-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ��I� 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What saurce(s) did you use ta make the floodplain determinat�on? FRIS J. �Ieath Sl�ught�r � , 91�/15 g � � � ApplicantlAgent's Printed Name Appl�cant/Agent'� '� ature ��te (Agent's s nature is valid c�nly if an autho i afiion letter from �he applican� is provided. P�ge 10 �f 1 a Pt�N F�rm -- Versic�n 1.� December ��, ��08 �/er�ion STREAM IMPACTS Length Type Description Permanent 88 ft Culvert in Stream Proposed Aluminum Box Culvert Permanent 35 ft Stream Bank Stabilization Class I Rip Rap at Inlet and Outlet Temporary 137 ft Temporary Dewatering Impervious Dikes and a Pump-Around BEGIN PROJECT 17BP.11.R.67 -L- STA. 11 + 50.00 :q �A � 1,�µNi. �`"s � � � �� -- SR 13p RICH HILL ROAD � � — _ - ---- — _ ' __ , — - — ' ' _ _ -- _' / _ � �--_ - ---- �- EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS - 26'X20.5' (SINGLE-SPAN), 140 DEG. SKEW PROPOSED CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 20-11" SPAN X 6'-1" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT, 140 DEG. SKEW TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 350' O �ROG�R LACHARITED� CLASS I RIP RAP (TYP) �� FLOODPLAIN BENCH LINED '� WITH COIR FIBER MATTING (TYP.�' s� � ly w F -------------- F W � , ----- -� ����// --�_ �£3' F------ � � � ,— � -- ---- -- -- - � ' -- - - --- ___ �� \ _ - -�� — \ F \ \ i' � � II I ��_ i� F `� / c�: �j � / �'S � PDE � � ��- -" / //� . �— F �� � � � r f '� RICH HIL� P E RM I T D RAW I N G PROIECT REFERENCE NO. l7BP.11.R.67 (SF-040263J FOR BRIDGE #040263 El�`J� TO6 H/LLSBOROUGH ST � SU/TE 200 r� PHL�9/9J 77328887 ASHE COUNTY STREAM IMPACTS � ; I I � � TROUT BUFFE �/ �� �' �-, � � � / -.� .,��,�-ti � � PROPOSED TOP OF BANK � � � (TYP.) � . `����� I _� 1, ►��. ����_� � \ � ' � / O � � ---- �/ �� E� ��� �� ze�` \ � _ c, ,' '- -..� - �� � 'TOMMY CALHOUN AND �yIFE. \, E I Q ` � \ � � KATRINA P. CALHOUN �� ��� � �� . � � T � I � '�'s _ _ ---p�� � '� E�P�� � � -------- � \ _ \ TEMPORARY IMPERVIOUS DIKE �7B TB iB�/y ` ��� / � Y� �� \w��— ���f �/ ---- � � ----- ��F - --- — - ----- -- 25 FT TROUT '� � BUFFER (TYP.) � �� �o .. ...�� � o � �� � o =Q, a W a° x, � wa� / Q c�� 0 � Q I % ;�.� QvE � � �3 � 0. . CN ' " . �3 -�� �MP_pR � � v� � ._ � ����� � � � � , — � � � / �... � _ RAVE� % �� ��. � � \"-' � ' / x � ' F 1 . RETqjN , � . - ;� 1 � oN� �EK �� p��`, � PUE OU�� ,' � is" HaPE �� �sF e��� /�e� icH N��� PU �, DUE- DUE DUE--�--� pUE � � A - _' � � P� is � TEMPORARY � Q��c uE ��$ IMPERVIOUS DIKE / i - ' LATERAL V DITCH , - — PUE �o, � ����UE W� P E � PUE � PUE � DEBORAH FRAZIER IFE. A�N PUE — �� HUSBAND LARRY FRAZIER;MARSHA — PUE � � PENNINGTON �VIFE, AND HUSBAND AG 'O PUE . �\` HUSBANDPANDIN�yFONJANSEROTENTEN F GF � �� � ��y FE SANDYE RO EN AND, AND NOTES: 1. RICH HILL CREEK IS IN THE NEW RIVER BASIN. 2. CLEARWG SHALL BE PERFORMED PER NCDOT METHOD II PLUS 5' BEYOND TOE OF FILL SLOPES. GRAPHIC SCALE 15 7.5 0 15 30 \ � SF-040263 Permit DrawinC psh.dkn 12/8/2014 4:56:14 PM TGS �(, — � �F �\ < --�� �- _ _' / / _ � RETAI_N � � � - _ � � 15" HDPE / � � �� R \'� ,-'' � � , R `'�, � — F c � � wE�� E SPECIAL CUT DITCH O RAYMONVAELELLIOLLIOTTD y�iFE. A � I � � \ , �\ \� /PO BUILDING ISF ��1 O ,� � � L RICN MLL CREEK (� y � UI�J-f-�B. � _ -- r�z� . '� 15" CMP � � ', > < m r � END PROJECT ' 17BP.11.R.67 -L- STA. 15 + 00.00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 4 STREAM IMPACTS Length Type Description Permanent 88 ft Culvert in Stream Proposed Aluminum Box Culvert EXISTING BRIDGE DIMENSIONS - 26'X20.5' (SINGLE-SPAN), 140 DEG. SKEW PROPOSED CULVERT DIMENSIONS - 20-11" SPAN X 6'-1" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT, 140 DEG. SKEW TOTAL PROJECT LENGTH - 350' �� �, P E RM I T D RAW I N G PROIECT REFERENCE NO. l7BP.11.R.67 (SF-040263J FOR BRIDGE #040263 El�`J� TO6 H/LLSBOROUGH ST � SU/TE 200 r� PHL�9/9J 77328887 ASHE COUNTY STREAM IMPACTS Permanent 35 ft Stream Bank Stabilization Class I Rip Rap at / � Inlet and Outlet � �_ ��1 Temporary 137 ft Temporary Dewatering Impervious Dikes and CLASS I RIP RAP (TYP) ( � a Pump-Around � ; � � �Po . ; ,�� , � BEGIN PROJECT ��� � 25 FT TROUT � � FLOODPLAIN BENCH LINED `� �� BUFFER TYP.) � 17BP.11.R.67 � i/ , �3 � ( -L- STA. 11 + 50.00 '/ O WITH COIR FIBER MATTING (TYP.� � J;/ , ' / TROUT BUFFE �� �q�5 ���0� -�� �RO��R LACH�RIT��� � � �; ,�-�c` -' �� �o �%� Q�� � `� � I � t t"J i- ,� ,,,,,,� ", zQ � a� u, �� " %�� �"� R R � � �� � � `/� � �" PROPOSED TOP OF BANK w� �� eui�oiNC � / /- % �j � k a' / Q ISF �' �� ' ( ) s w � _ �� �3 ��b ��. � i� � �� � � F � -j Q�E � ��'� � , E `� _ rn � ;� / � F --------------_ -- i - - ��-- � _ � � -- F '� _ � � � „�,�� - . � w� � �� - ��- F------- �/� � � -- � �,. . .�,,. , �r` "�r . � � � ---� _ ., � � „ _ ----�, ,- TEMPORARY � ._ _ �. __ �- ,, ��-� F= �%'� �" .� IMPERVIOUS DIKE QvE �0 IT�� rB %,a��e � ?��� - � � 1I �> ' �� � , � � � � � �� �v� __ - — — — — — — - R A TRp j / R/Vi�E � — � � _ � ..\ � �T � � ie �B/ m '> L RICH HILL CREEK Xis��� �� � � ROAD - � TB _ T0 — Te � r. � � ' -`� � � RICH HILL . � � � '-- � _�� 5R 1317 �_ � .. �' � - r' .. � �-� < r� re -- �G , o � - ------ - -�- ---- _ �,o _--. J � �re — � O _ � //i __ --� \ HTBL Ci ��—rB 'Y `_ _O�T�� __ � i� � RGH _ � � T9 a - - � � .�- � . _ ' " _- _ . -- _ i — - -- . — �_ i LbZ � � , __ � _ , ,- — � , — i --- — - --- � �, \ � 1s 'l� _ � — � � =� ��` R �� � � °" ' ' _� �j \, .` ` \ \ f ' � � -L- STA �5 + 18.52 �- -�- � ,, ^_ F , -- �� F � � �� � , �, �� , �`� END CONSTRUCTION � , - - � -� � i � � � � 4 . , —,- � ' �F � \ � � .1= - ' � -' , . � �' � � - � �� ,' R � � � 1 � � � ' � � � � � "� �^'�l- � - O y � �� '� � '-" � ' � 1 � i R te . � � � � � � , ^- ._. - , � �. --- . .. . � � , . � � -' te ��,.. , -- --- ��F -- - �� �� � � i � � . . �-Ig� � - �- --- - - �� 9 'TOMM1� CALHOUN AND �yIFE. , E ', Q L � \ � -- - '+�UT..-��R �^ KATRINA P. CALHOUN , , �� -. , \ �,, � ------ — - -- — I � � - , � � - -� � � � - � -- � �p � � �. � T _ - - C , ," _ , _l � , � P\� ---- , � >-x . . � � � I _ ` �� . � - � ------- \ � . � � - {�� �E�... . �N� _� --` - - - - �� � �� � ° , � R � � i , _ b , P '- ` � � � � ��` �MP' � � � -- ,- �� � 6�� - � � ' �,-' _s � 5 '�' . � _ A � -- -- � � � ��? ��6 F _RETq�N� ' — - - - � � �� -. � � IS^ ' - t'' � F � � RETAI_N_., � � / � � PUE OU • � H�PE � 9 � < - �----- -- - - - f �86Z � � � p�N� �EK ..--c� PUE � � � F � \ ` ---- _ . ` � 15 HDPE / �". \ 15' CMP � �sF e��� ��8� icH H��� PU �, DUE- DUE DUE--�---r �\�— /�� - , , , , , , , _ , � / -- - A � , — PUE � - -, , � - I /�� � R � , , - � _'�, P� i' TEMPORARY � ��c �� -�- R �� � uE � ������ �� IMPERVIOUS DIKE e E � -�1-�8�z I'� �;�`" �� - �' LATERAL V DITCH � wE�� ` ; ' ,- � PUE � O c867 E � � � y �� "� w� p E� P�E 3 �/ �" SPECIAL CUT DITCH -- �� j � ' °� � PUE ������ DEBORAH FRAZIER �yIFE. AN � � -- � ;_ '� -- PUE ` HUSBAND LARRY FRAZIER; MARSHA ,o � � ; ' — PUE - �,� PENNINGTON �VIFE, AND HUSBAND G'OG O I � ' �' � PUE \ GARVEY PENNINGTON: ROBERT ROTEN � F` L � ' ' .- - ; . '� \ \ LARRY ROTEN HUSBAND,AND � A � � � � � �yIFE SANDY ROTEN VA LE ELLIOT � HUSBAND, AND �yIFE JANIS ROTEN: I , RAYMO D E. E LIOT7 A D y�iFE. NOTES: 9 � � , s � 1. RICH HILL CREEK IS IN THE NEW � " END PROJECT RIVER BASIN. I n � 17BP.11.R.67 2. CLEARWG SHALL BE PERFORMED PER �v i p NCDOT METHOD II PLUS 5' BEYOND � // 25gRiFRO —L— STA. � S-{- OO.00 TOE OF FILL SLOPES. � � / SPUT �EVE� � / GRAPHIC SCALE ,�ti �-" 15 7.5 0 15 30 I �� �g'��' ��e� \ � PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 4 SF-040263 Permit DrawinC psh.dkn 12/8/2014 4:55:52 PM TGS 2,980 BEGII -L - ELEV 2,974 , . . 2,962 Pl = 13+23.00 K=154 EL = 2,975.77' VC = 200' DS = 60 MPH LEV. = 2975.32' - _ -- ----------=r 2 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 2972.4' — 11 + 00 12 + 00 ST RUCT URE HYDRAUUC DAT A DESIGN DISCHARGE _ DESIGN FREQUENCY = DESIGN HVy ELEV AT lON = BASE DISCHARGE _ BASE FREQUENCY = BASE HVy ELEV AT lON = OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE _ OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY= OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 320 2 2997204 19500 /00 29975e32 340 2 -f- 2,973,2�� CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT CFS YRS FT �* OV ERTOPPING ELEV AT lON REPRESENT S LOVyEST HI�HPOINT AT —L — ST A, l2 +37, l65' L SF-040263 Permit DrawinC pti.d�.m 12/8/2014 4:57:5 I PM TGS EIGHT �L NNEL 13+00 GL -L- STA. 13 + 2 5.00 PROP. 1@ 20'-11" SPAN x b'-1" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT PROP. GRADE=2976.13' SKEW=140 DEG � ' EXISTING BRIDGE � TO BE REMOVED ; PROP. GRAC � —._- — --__ _. (+12_5989% _ -`'- �I �EXISTING GRADE _ ---}� \ I �I I I PROFI LE ALONG APPROX. WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ON DATE OF SURVEY(SEP/OCT 2013) =2969.5' 14+00 ROADWAY PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #040263 ASHE COUNTY —L — J l H. l� TVV.VV ELEV. 2.980.37 15+00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 3 OF 4 •:1 2,974 �•: 2,962 EXISTING BRIDGE TO BE REMOVED ALUMINUM HEADWALL (TYP.) DOWNSTREAM \ STRUCTURE � — 95"x67° — CMP-ARCH _ _ _� �-=---- �� - - - - - � ���—JI � ,� �. f i ___— i� � I — . . . . . . . � � � . . . . . . . . � �-------� - - - - - _ _ _ .i� i � �� ---� ' � _ _ _ ; � ��-�. _ _- � - __ I - - I �� � -----------------r--------i _ -�� BURY INVERT 1' (TYP.) 2 00' SF-040263 Permit DrawinC pti.d�.m 12/8/2014 4:58:09 PM TGS 150' 100' 50' GL -L- STA. 13 + 25.00 PROP. 1@ 20'-11" SPAN x b'-1" RISE ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT PROP. GRADE=2976.13' SKEW =140 DEG � i � �-100 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 2975.32' ; � PROPOSED � EXISTING RIGHT OVERBANK �i GRADE ; �� EXISTING LEFT OVERBANK i � � - - - - - � -- - - - i - - - - ---- -=�-----+ _ � -" __- � �-�----- ----------- - ! , i �_ i � i - �,��� � , � - - � C�L PROFI LE ALONG ----- _-___ - �=---i.�-� --�. - - " __----- � - - - - --� I � ; . - ��_-------- _ _ - - � ___,� ; - =-'� � I �-" 2 YR. W.S. ELEV. = 2972.4' �� i i �-- _ � � � _,- � 1� ,_� ,__ �,.------�' _ -�� `��� UPSTREAM STRUCTURE ------- --�� BRIDGE #40364 ��---- ON ARNOLD JONES RD � EXISTING STREAM BED PROFILE APPROX. WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ON DATE OF SURVEY (SEP/OCT 2013) =2969.5' CULVERT SLOPE = 0.0120 FTiFT C/L INVERT = 2967.45' 50' STREAM 100' PERMIT DRAWING FOR BRIDGE #040263 ASHE COUNTY 150' r�� PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONS HYDROLOGY: ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- - --- - --- USGS SIR 2009-5755 RURAL REGRESSION EQUATIONS HYDROLOGIC REGION 2(RURAL BLUE RIDGE) ---- --- ---- --- -------- ------ --- --- - D.A.=3A SQ. ML I _"__'_______OJl9 "__-_-_"__"_. Q2= 110 (DA) = 320 cfs __"______"___8.>36-____""___"_. Q�o= 288 (DA) = 800 cFs --------------o.�zn------------� QZ5 398 (DA) 1100 cfs '_ _"_-_-_-'_' _-0]]13-_-_ __'_ _ _ __. Q,00- 575 (DA) = 1500 cfs ----- ----- -- ,__HISTORICAL_FLOOD_ NOTES__________________________ , SPOKE TO MR. & MRS. BRICE GRUBB. MRS. GRUBB HAS LIVED ON _ SR_1318_ (ABOUT_120 YARDS FROM INTERSECTION WIT61 SR 7317) SINCE ABOUT 1940. SHE INDICATED THE MAJORITY OF FLOW FROM THE -----�-------------------------------------------------------- SUMMER 2073 EVENT CAME FROM THE NORTHWEST (UNNAMED - — ----- — — ------ — ----------- — ----- _ STREAM). SAID _THE ONLY EVENT SHE CAN RECALL APPOACHING THE MAGNITUDE OP SUMMER 2013 OCCURRED IN THE 1950'S (SUSPECT HURRICANE HAZEL). MRS. GRUBB ESTIMATED THE 1950'IS PEAK WATER SURFACE WAS ABOUT 1' LOWER THAN SUMMER 2013 dT 040263. - ---- ---- ALUMINUM BOX CULVERT MODELING: - - -- — — --- — — (NOTE: ALUMWUM BOX CULVERT MODELED AS BOX CULVERT IN HEC-RAS PER NCDOT GUIDANCE _ _ DOCUMENT DATED APRIL 2012) __ CONTECH STRUCTURE #56 WITH SPAN= 20'-17", RISE 6'-1", BURIED 1 FT. BELOW STREAM BED __ ACTUAL CULVERT AREA _ 105.5_ SP_ (PRIOR TO_ SUBTRACTING AREA_ BLOCKED BY SILLSI _ BLOCKAGE FOR 1 FT. SILL= 20.92' X 1'=_ _20,92 SP BLOCKAGE FOR LOW FLOW CHANNEL SILLS: CHANNELBOTTOM WIDTH_ - 10 FT. __ _ _ ___ ____ ________ SILL HEIGHT = 1.0 FT. W/1:1 SIDE SLOPES _ ' _ _ _ " ' _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ ' _ ' _ " " ' _ _ _ _ ' " " ' _ _ SILL AREA_ = jS.92' x 1') +_ 2 x (i/1{1'xl')� _ _ 9.92 _SF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------ - -------- AVG. DEPTH BLOCKED = SILL AREA /SPAN = 9.92 SF /20A2' = 0.47 PT TOTAL DEPTH BLOCKED - 1.47_ FT. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BLOCKED AREA _ 1.47' X 20.92' - 30 _75 SF, SAY_ 30.8 SP_ _ _ ____ EFFECTIVE OPEN _AREA_= ACTUAL CULVERT AREA - BLOCKAGE- 105.5 SF - 30.8 Sf = 74J SF (NOTE: EXISTING BRIDGE OPEN AREA=59.0 SF) - - - _ _ _ _ ADJUSTED_ SPAN = _ 74,75 /(6.08'-1.47')= _ 76_20 _FT._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ._'. ____ ___ _.__'___ __.__.____ ______ THEREPORE, MODELED AS CORRUGATED METAL BOX CULVERT WITH SPAN=16.20 FT., RISE= 6.08 FT., BURIED 1 FT. BELOW STREAM BED, DEPTH BLOCKED = 1.47 FT. SITE DATA Drainage Area _ _ _ _ 3,9 SQ._MI._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ource _ USGS QUAD: WARRENSVILLE (2013), PARK (2013), BALDWIN GAP (2073), GRAYSON (2013) River Basin . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ NEW_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Character BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS.- FOREST, SOME RURAL — ----------- RESIDENTIAL & FARMLAND $tream Classification (Such as Trout, High Quality Water, etc.) CLASS C, TROUT, OUTSTANDWG RESOURCE -- WATERS Data on Existing Structure 1_@?6' TIMBER FLOOR ON_ I-BEAMS,_END BENTS;TIMBER_ CAPS?IMBER POST & SILLS, SKEW IS ABOUT 735 DEGREES. ------ Debris Potential: Low _X _ _ Moderate _ _ _ _ _ _ High_ _ _ . _ _ Data on $tructures Up and Down Stream �1'� STR.: BRIDGE #040364, 190 FT. UiS (RICH HILL CREEK) AT SR 1318, 1@30'-7" TIMBER FLOOR ON I-BEAMS, E BTS: CONC. CAPS�CONC. PILES; Q5 STR. #1: 95 FT. CVS �RICH _HILL CREEK) AT DRIVEWAY, 1@95"X67" CMP-ARCH L15 NCDOT STR.: STR. #040058 0.35 MI. DiS (RICH HILL CREEK� AT 1317, 2 LINES 117"X79" CMP-ARCH, LENGTH=52' Gage Station No._____NONE____________ Period ofRecords ._________wq y - --- ---- rs. Max. Discharge-------wf±----------c.f.s Date---------w?�--------- Frequency---w�±--------- Hisforical Flood Information: SUMMER P@fIOCI O{ Date_2oi3 _ . _ _ _ Elev._?9Z5�5_ft. Est. Freq. _ 25_ _ _yr. Source _ _ _ _ KEVIN _ ELLIOT (RESIDENT) Knowledge_ 35_ _ _yrs. SUMMER Period of Date_?a�? _ _ _ _ Elev._?9Z5.5_ft. Est. Freq. _25_ _ _yr. Source _ _ _ _ BRICE GRUBB (RESIDENT) _ _ _ Knowledge_ 65 _ yrs Allowable HW Elev. - _ - _ - - - - ?475,95 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ft. Normal Water Surface Elev. _ _ _ �969•5 ft. (EX. 700 YR WSEL @ RS 10247 (lYS TOE)) -- Manning's n: Left O.B. 0,016-0.1_ Channel _ OAS __ Right 0.B.0,016-0 1 Obtained From FIELD_ OBSERV_ATIOW AERIAL PHOTO Flood Study /Status NOT STUDIED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Floodway Esta6lishedz_ _ _ WA_ _ _ _ wfrh wlthour Flood Study 100 yr. Discharge _ _ WA_ _ _ c.f.s. ; WS Elev.: Floodway _ _ . _w?_ _ _ _ft. Floodway _ _ _ _ w? _ _ _ }t. @ River Station IWA DESIGN DATA Hydrologiml Method USGS SIR 2009 5158_ RURAL_REGRESSION _EQUATIONS ____ _ - - -- Hydraulic Design Method HEC RAS VERS. 4.1.0, HEC-RAS PROJ. TITLE: SF-040263 RichHillCreek SR13V -- -- ---- - � ----- Design Tailwater Size & Type 4.1, fr•% Qia 4.8 - ft'% Q-is - 5.4 ft.;Qioo - 5.8 {}.; Inlei Control OuTIe} ConTrol Q I H.W. d� I dc+D H I LS (c.f.s.) Ke HWiD ({}.) � ho 0 Isa FloodwayRevision Required2_WA______________________ Remarks Outlet Velocity (V�o) , _ _ _ _ _ _ .8A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f.p.s. Natural Channel Velocity (V�o) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$�1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f.ps. Required Outlet Protection _ COIR FIBER MAT(1_N_G�CLASS II RIP_ RAP_ BANK_ STABI_LIZATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOTE: DESIGN MAINTAINS INFORMATION TO BE SHOWN ON PLANS EXISTWG LEVEL OF SERVICE. W$ EL. Taken @ River Station 70247 (U/S TOE) Design: Discharge - - - 320- - - - - c.fs. Frequency - - - - - - �- - - - - - - -Yr. Elev. - - - - - - -2972.4- - - - - - - {}. Base Flood: Discharge . _ _ 1500_ _ _ _ c.fs. Frequency _ _ _ _ _ ��� _ _ . _ . _yr. Elev. _ _ _ _ _ _ _?975.32_ _ _ _ _ _ ft Overtopping: Discharge . _ _ 340_ _ _ _ _ c.f.s. Frequency _ _ _ _ _ _ ?_ � _ _ _ _ _yr. Elev. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39Z3?�_ _ _ _ . _ }t. * OVERTOPPING ELEVATION REPRESENTS LOWEST HIGHPOINT WHICH OCCURS AT -L- STA. 12+37, 165' LT � /� �' CULVERT SURVEY & HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT �� �; � N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION w� DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS �, HYDRAULICS UNIT J; RALEIGH, N. C. �, _� u I.D. No._ _ SP-040263 _ _ project No. _ _ _ _ _ _176P.11.R.67_ _ _ proj. Station . _ _ _ _ -L- STA. 13+25.00 ----- — �' County______ASHE_ __ _ _ $tream___________R_ICH_HILLCREEK_________________$tru.No. 263 SR 1317 o; On Highway _ (RICH HILL ROADI- - - - - Between - - - - - -NC-88- - - - - - and - - - - - - - - - - - SR-7318 _ `�'; Recommended Structure _____ ____?0'-7P' SPAN_ X 6'-1"_ RISE_ ALUMINUM_ BOX CULVERT WITH v, --- ---- N ALUMINUM HEADWALLS & WINGWALLS o' - --------- -- - NRecommended Width of Roadway_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �b' EOP TO _ EOP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Skew _ _ _ _ _1_40 DEGREES o; o; Recommended Location is , At Se Existin Crossin {� �`�-Sfreart�- frsrn 9 9• - - - � �= Statewide Tier ❑ Regional Tier ❑ Sub-Regional Tier � � Bench Mark is BM#1; -L- STA, 12±82, 61' RT_ _�N, 1000689,57� E_ 12301_74.42)_ RAILROAD_ SPIKE IN_ BASE_ OF 30"_ �; OAK TREE SOUTH OF BRIDGE _ _ _ _ _ _ Elev. _ _?975.20 _ {}, Datum: _ _ _ _NAVD 88 �, -------- --- a; Temporary Crossing OfF-SITE DETOUR m�----- ---- -- — -- -------------------- �; 0 Z v 0 a M, �, N, �� v, o, LL' �' 0 Z 0 M' �' �� 0 Z i c V L h w' �; V, S, �', 0 w N I- � ;Uk. : � W P�� � a� � � F " �de` .�, ��! '� �� � . � �� �''�* ;L =� �: �s ����: ' � � F yNy- .. �!art�nwy�e � mm. R�'�.,n+r �.�m, k°•m.^. ��...�� '; "�. G :'�� ;� y� . � _ �"�� . ... �_� �' w � "� ,� � . ,��r p ....": :� . � i r"���'x�.=' v ��a o �`p � � . � ; �u,ae•' '� � ' � �:�.� _�r s �,,�� _��' } "� . .. f,.' �. . .. e.� � ��.. '...,. . o x ^� xl : T . �3 ' � �� � � `.��.i , . ,; , ,,.. ,..� ,. :, . r �� 1� � � '" � . t e y��•' " �C� : ! 1 ,.', �_. F 9 I � � aF •M�.� 2 S.i � � 1 � �� ��^� .. !'_�. � *�]a:.�� ��' _ `�'". . T� , . _ � �� Designed by: DAVID_ B. PETTY,_PE _(TGS_ENGINEERS)_ ____ Assisted by: �?CHARY J. RICHARD,_EI_ _ _ _ Projed Engineer : LEONARD G. FLETCHER, PE, PLS -- � > � Reviewed by: _ � _ ��"- - - � - -u".' j �- - - - - �'/�9 Date _ _ 7/3d2014 _ _ � � ;��(\\ l a C �q �� �' %i `\1 �� �� �.� �' ' . \ �:•F�,�Si�,.r.y'•';'' i �`a': C1 ,Z. _y.,,''::, _ �,� SE.4L �': -- � .ri 43f1697�3�i�}- � �rv��� � %d.O��N�`INE�•�-t �°- ,.✓��L,�l�' p�y�v���,