HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150919 Ver 1_Application_20150904..,,__C;�- �{��.. �TY v.,r,, ,
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PAT M�CRO�� �TIC�o�,A� J. T����'�c��
Septemb�r 4, 2C� 1 �
I1�Ir. Steve Kichefski
I.J. S. Ar��.y Corps of Engineers
Asheville Re�ula.tary Field Office
151 Patton Avenue, Room 208
Asheville, N� 288� 1-5046
Subj ect: Nationwide Fer��nit # 14
Replace Bridge #264 on SR 1317 w�th A�C�
Ashe County, Nort�i Carc�lina
Projec� Number: 178�'.11.IZ.63 �I��Vt� l�ermit �e�: � 4
Dear 11�Ir. I�.ichefski :
The North. Carolina Department of Tra�.sportatlon ls sch�d�:led t� replac� �ridg� #264 i�
Ashe Cc�unty with a new aluminum bo� culve�t at �h� s�.�e �ocatic��e Th� ��isi�a��
structure is a 22' x 20.5' sir�gle span bridge wi�th s�eel I-bea.ms can ��0 d�g��e s���ve .�11
of the remainzng components are timber. �'he �rc�pc�sed alu�inur� bo�. �ulv�r� �� l�' �i�.�
x 4' high x 6�' long. Culvert slope v�ill �..8%. Three Baffl�s �i11 b� inse�ted ��t� �h�
culvert to maintain channel vvidth (inlet, aut�et a�d c�ne �nte�ior). li/Iit�g�.ti�r� �v�1� b�
provided through EEP (60'). An �ff-site deto�.r is proposede S�r��.r�. i�p��is �.r�
tabulated belc�v�.
Stream Impacts:
The repl�.cem�nt of the existing bridge vvith th.e �aropos�d r��� �ul��r�: ��11 �r�c��.i��
t�mpc�rary dewatering. Impervious sar�dbag dikes w1�� b� �c�nstru�t�d ��s�re�:r�. ��.d
PHONE 919-707-28n4 FAX 919-733-915Q
Ashe Bridge #2&4 on SR 1317
September 4, 2Q 15
dovv�stream of �the ex�st�ng structure to lsolat� th� constructi�n �on�. �1��.� �a�t��° �rx�l
tempora�rily be pumped around or p�ped through t�ie �c��.s�tr�:�t�c�r� ar�a �.nd. ��11 �
discharged. dc�wnstream. Any d��ty wa�er l��ated lnsid� th� �onstru�ti�r� �.r��. v�i1� �
pumped into a silt bag if necessary. (Jnc� the ne�v struct�.r� is 1n �la��, �i�.� 11�.1���`�l�l�.S
d�ke� will be removed and preconstruci�o�. sire�mb�d �levatiar�s w111 b� r�st�r� e
�onstruct�on af this project vUill req�.ix� zmpacts �to waters of the T...Tnit�d �tat�s i� th� �T��
River Basin. The exlsting bridge crc�sses i�.l��l .�I1�� ��°�'��: �C1�.�5. �, �'r��� ��. �T is
prc�ject was reviewed for the presence of threatened and endang�r�d sp�ci�se Th� �L,�,
is �isted as a prc�tected species in this COtil'l�J' iJU� I10 i��,� c���1V1�y W�,S i�%S�i`V� 111 ��1.�
bridge. �e anticipate �ild� �, ��W t]C�'�S W11� %►e Cl,�..t. d.� ti1�' ��U� �C$ �.C��cltl0�l. � �.r�
requestin� that the Cc�rps coardi�nate with USF�VU'� regard�ng t�.� NL,E . ��r��ld
recommend a NLTAA call or� ihis proj �c�.
C�ultural resaurce compliance �worl� has be�n cr�m�ale�ed. �o archaec�lc�gi�al ��sou�°��s �r
histaric properties fall with the APE of this proj ect (see at�ac�.��.� d
The proj ect impacts are �.ot significant in natur� and �ho�ld not re�.av� c�r d��rad�
existing �wat�r quality uses. Stormwater will b� ro�.ted t�ar�ugh gr�.ss �r ���k lir��
ditches, d�pending on the ditch 11ne slope. Total l�:nd disturbanc� vvill be l��s t�.a�. 1�.��°�.
Pipe sizes used vvill be the minimum necessary to �reate �. s�:fe rc�adw�.y. y utlliz�r�� �t �
erosion control measures outlined in the at�ac�ments to this a�plicat��an� dc�vvns�r��m
�vater quality standards will be protected. A11 approprlat� BT��I's �vill be us�� du�i�.�
cor�struct�c�n. �
By copy c►f this ele�tronic letter, it �s requested� that Mrs. ��Iar��a �harnbers vvith th� I�c�r��.
�arolina Wildlife Re�sources� Commission camment dire�tly t� you ���cer��n� �1�� 4�4
Natic�nwide Per�nit applicatic�n �vith a copy se�t to�� �n�.
B�y copy� of this electranic letter, it is requested t�.at the I�ivi�io� �f V��.ter� C�u�:1�iy,
401/Wetlands LJ�nit, issue the appropriate per�nit far const�r�.�t�i�►n c��' this p�c�j�c�. I�t �s
requested that any comments related tc� �he 441 c�rti� cati�on be� forwarded di�e�ily �c� r�.�
with a co�ay sent to the j...TS Ar��y �orps of Engineerse
We woule� like to begir�. construction as soon as po�ssibl�. If �urt�ier in�c��rma�i�n xs
required, please let me know. Yc�ur ea�ly r�vie�v and cons�der�a�ic�r� vv�ll �� a�pr�ciat�de
S1�.cere �,
� ���'��� � �. �
� ��F �
�� �� ��' � � �
�I�ath Slaughter ,
1v�s�an 11 E��ri�°�r�.rn�n��.l �up�r�isa�°
cc : l��Iarla �hamb�rs� NC�NR+C
Ashe Bridge #264 on SR 1317
September 4, 2015
Amy Chapm.an, I��vision c�f V�ater i�ual�ty
Dave Wanuch�., I��visior� c�f Water �uality
I��arella Buncick, USFWS
�/Ii1�� Pettyj ohn, PE, i�ivision Engineer
Il�avid Wayne, PE, Bridge I1�Iaintenance En�ineer
J�ami �-uynn, Division Bridge I�ragram ��Ia�ag��°
I�eath S1aug�ter, Division Envi�ronmental CJff��er
Ne�l Trivette, Roadside Enviranmental Fie�d �peratic�ns Eng�neer
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���"�"�`"� Forr� iler�i�r� 1.� C�ec '10 2���
Pre-C�onstructlon Na►�ificai�on PIC�N ar
A. A licant Information
1. Processing
1a. Type(s) c�f approval sc�ught from the
Cor s: � Sectic�n 444� �err�it ��ectior� 10 F'er�it
1 b. Speeify N�tionwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or �eneral Permit (GP) number:
1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps'� [� 1��� � a
1 d. �"�pe(s) of appraval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply):
� 4�'I Water C�uality Cerkification — Regular ��I�n-4�4 Jurisdictian�l �ener�� I�ermit
[� 4p1 1Nater Quality Certification -- Express ❑ Ripari�n Buffer Authorizatic�n
1 e. Is this notificafiion �c�lely for the record For the record �r�ly f�r DWQ 4�1 Far the r��ard �nly f�r �e�rp� F'�rmit:
because writt�n approval is not required? Certificatic�n:
❑ �res � Nc� [� �es �
1 f. Is payment inta a mitigation bank or in-Iieu fee pragram praposed for mitigation ��,�S ��
of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank c�r in-1ie�
fee program.
1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty c�astaf counties. If �es, answer 1 h ❑�'�� �
1h. Is the project lacated within a NC DCM Area of Enviranmental �or�cern �AEC)? ❑ Yes �) �I�
2. Project Information
2a. Name of project: Bridge #264 on SR 1317
Zb. County: Ashe
2c. Nearest municipality / town: Cres#on
2d. �ubdivision name:
2e. N�DCJT only, T.I.P. ar stat� �?gP.11.R.63
praject no:
3. Owner Infarmation
3a, Name(s) c�n Recarded Deed: NCDC�T
3b. Deed Book and P�ge No.
3c. Responsible Party (for LLC i f
3d. Street address: 801 Sfiatesville Road
3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesbaro, fVC 2865�
3f. Telephone nc�.: 336-9Q3-92�2
3g. F�x rtQ.: 336-667-4549
3h. Email address: hslaughter��ncdot.gov
P�ge 1 of 10
IPCN Fc�rm -- Versior� 1,3 December 14, 2��8 ��r�i�r�
4. applicant [nformation (if different from owner)
4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ C�ther, specify:
4b. Name:
4c. Busir�es s name
{if applic�ble}.
4d. Street address:
4e. �ity, state, zip:
4f. Telephone no.:
4g. F�x no.:
4h. Email address:
5. AgentJGcansultant Information (if applicable}
5a. Name.
5b. Business name
(if applicable):
5c. Street address:
5d. City, state, zip:
5e. Telephon� no.:
5f. Fax no.:
5g. Ernail address:
Page 2 c�f 14
P�N F�rm -- Versior� 1.3 C�e�emb�r 1 a, 2Q�� ersi�r�
B. Project Information and Prior Projec�t History
1. P�a►perty Identific�tion
1 a. Property identificat�an no. (tax PI N or parcel I Q).
1 b. Site coardinates (in decimal degrees}: L�titude: 36.483i t� Longitudeo -�1.6123�
(DD. D�DDDD} (-C�L�. [JD[�DaCt)
1c. Property size; 0.�4 acr��
2. Surface Waters
2a. Name of nearest b�dy af water (stream, river, etc.) ta Rich �lill Creek
proposed project:
2b. V1/ater Quality Classi�cation of nearest receiving w�ter: G; Trout +
2c. River basin: f��w
3. Project Description
3a. Describe the existing conditions an the site and the general land use in the vicinity ofi the project a� the �ir�e �1� thi�
�ubstandard bridge to be replaced in a rural area
�b. List the total estimated acreage of all exisfiing wetlands on the property:
0 acres
3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all exisfiing streams (intermittent and p�rer�niaij on �he praperty:
� 100 linear feet
3d. Explain the purpose of the praposed project:
Upgrade substand�rd stream crossing
3e. Describe the ov�r�ll project in detail, including the type of equipm�nt to be used:
See attached cover letter.
4. J�risdictional Determinations
4a. Have jurisdictianal wetland or stream determinations by the
Corps or Stat� been requested or c�btained for this property /
praject (including all prior phases) in the past? ��'es ��la [�] �Jnkno�rn
4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictianal determinatic�n, what �ype
o� determination w�s made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Fir��l
4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/�onsultan� Gompar�y:
Name (if knownj: Other:
4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or �tate determinations and attach documer�tatior�e
5. Project Histary
5a. Have permits or certificatians been requested or ob�ained for ❑ Yes � No ❑ lJnkno�r�
this project (inc�uding al1 priar ph�ses} in the past?
5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" ir��tructions.
�. Futur+� Project Plans
6a. Is this a phased prc�ject? [� Yes � No
6b. If yes, explairr.
Page 3 �f 1 �
PCN F�rm -- Versior� �.3 I�ecember 1 Q, 2�08 �fer�i�r�
C. Proposed Imp�cts Inventory
� . Impacts Summary
1 a. Which sectians were completed below for yc�ur project (check all tl�at appfy):
[� Viletiands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Bu�fers
❑ Op�n Waters [.] Pond Gonstruction
2. Wetland Imp�cts
If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete t�is question for each wetland �rea impacted.
2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f.
Wetland impact iype o�f jurisdicti�n
number -- Type of impact Type of wetland Far�sted (Corp� -�404, 'I �re� �� i�pact
Perm�nent (P) or (if known} DVVC� — n�n-4�04, �ther} (�cres)
Tem ora T
� Ves [� Corps
W1 ❑ P❑ T Nt� DW
� � C�
{�] Yes ❑ Corps
W2 ❑ P� T Nc� DWC�
Ci ❑
[� Yes � Corps
W3 ❑ P❑ T Nc� DiNQ
� 0
� Yes �] Corps
W4 ❑ P❑ T Nc� DWC�
❑ 0
❑ Yes ❑ Corps
W5 ❑ P O T N� DW
❑ ❑ C�
�] Y�s Q Corps
W6 ❑P❑T Nc� dW
� � �
2g. Total wetland impacts
2h. Camments:
3. Stream 1 rn pacts
If there are perenr�ial c�r intermittent stream impacts (including tempor�ry impacts) praposed �n the �ite, �her� comple�e this
question for al1 stream sites impacted.
3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g.
Stream impact Type of impact Strear� name �'er�nnial Type �f jurisdic�ior� A�erage I�p���
number - (PEF�} or (Corps - ��4, 10 �tre�r� leng�h
Permanent {P} �r intermittent �Wt� -- non-4��4�, �idt� (Iine�r
TempararY' (T) CINT�? other) (f�et) feetj
ABC & �j P�R � Cc�rps
�1 � P� T Dewaterin Rich Hill Creek �NT p�� 9 98
g ❑ �
� P�R ❑ Corps
S2 [� P[� T INT DWC�
❑ 0
❑ P�R ❑ Corps
S3 ❑PCjT ❑IN1" ❑DWC�
54 �P❑T
❑ P�R Q �orps
[.] I NT Q C�Vi/Q
❑ PER ❑ Corps
S5 � P❑ T I NT C7�C�
� �
❑ P�R � �orps
S6 ❑ P❑ T I Ni C�WC�
� 0
3h. Tc�tal stream and tributary impacts 98
3i. Comments: 60' ABC with headwalls, 38' temporary dewatering
Pag� 4 0� 1 �
PCI� F�rm -- Version 1.3 December 14, 2a0� i�er�ior�
4. Open Water impacts
If there �re propased impacts to lakes, pands, estuaries, tributarie�, sc�ur�ds, the A�tl�nti� Ocear�, c�r any oth�r c�pe� �rater c�f
the IJ.S. then individually list all open water impacts bel�w.
4a. 4b. 4ce 4d. 4e.
Open water Name af waterbody
impact number -- (if applicable) Type af impa�t Vr/ate�body typ� �re� �f ir�pa�t (acr�s�
Permanent {P) ar
Tem ora T
01 ❑P❑T
�2 ❑P❑T
(J3 ❑P❑T
C)�4 ❑ P Q T
4f. Total a►pen water irr�pacts
4g. Camments:
5, P�►nd ar Lake Cor�struction
If ond or lake construction rc� osed, then com lete the chart bel�w.
5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5�.
Wetland lmpacts (acres) �tream Impacts (f�et) lJpl�nd
Pand ID Propc�sed use or purpase (a�res)
number of pond
Flooded Filled �xc�vated Flooded Fiiled Exc�vated Fload�d
Sf. Total
5g. C�mments: NIR
5h. Is � dam high hazard permit required?
❑ Yes � i�o If yes, permit IC� r�a:
5i. Expected pand surface �rea (acres):
5j. Si�e of pand watershed (acres):
5k. Method af canstruc�ion:
G. Buffer Impacts {fc�r DWQ)
If praject will imp�ct a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yesq then individ�aally li�t all buffer irnpact�
below. If an im acts re uire miti afiion, then ou MUST �I1 o�t S�ction D of this farm.
� Neuse ❑ T�r-�'amlicc� � CJther:
Projecfi is in which protected basin? [� C�tawba [� i�andlem�t�
6b. 6C. 6d. 6�. �f. �ge
Buffer impact
number -- Reason Buffer Zor�� 1 impa�� ��ne � ir�pact
Perm�nent (P) or for �tream name mitig�tion (squ�re �ee�) ��q�a�re fee��
Tem ara T im act r� uored?
❑ Y�s
B1 ❑P�T ❑Nc�
C] Y�s
g� � P � T Nc�
0 c�
� Yes
B3 ❑ P [� T f�lc�
6h. Total buffer i�n�acts
6i. Comments:
Page 5 of � �
PCN Fc�rm -- i/�rsion �.3 C�ecember � a, 2�08 i�er�ian
D. Impact Justification and Mitigation
1. Avoidance and Minimization
1 a. Specifically d�scribe measures taken to avaid or rr�inimiz� the praposed ir�pacts ir� designing prc�j�c�.
The cuivert length is the minimum needed to improve safety at thi� Iac�tion. Fioc�dplains �r�d bafi�les �nrill b� constructe� tc�
maint�in chann�l width.
1 b. Speci�cally describe measures taken to avoid or minimiZe the proposed impa�ts through co�structiar� ��chniques.
All appropriate BMPs will be used during construction
2. C�mpensatory Mitigatian for Impacts to Waters of th� U.�. or Waters �f �he �tat�
2a. Daes the praject r�quire Compensatory Mitigation for � Y°�s Cj �la
impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters c�f the Sta�e?
2b. If �es, mitigation is required by (check all that apply). �] DWQ ��ar'ps
❑ lillitigatian bank
2c. If yes, which mitigat ion option will be used fc�r this
ro'ect? � Paymen� to in-Iieu fee progr�m
� 1
[� Permit�ee Respcansible iVii�ig�ti�r�
3. Camplete if Using a Mitigation Bank
3a. Name af Mitigation Bank:
3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter} iype C�u�ntity
3c. Comments:
4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program
�4a. Approval letter from in-Iieu fee program is afitached. � Y�s
4b. Stream mitigation r�quested: 6� linear feet
4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ w�rm 0 co�l �cald
4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): squ�re �eet
4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres
4fi. Nc�n-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres
4g. Caastaf (tidal) wetland mitigatian requested: acre�
4h. Comments:
5. Complete if lJsing a Permittee Responsible Mitigatic�n Pl�r�
5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation pla�, provide a description of the proposed miti�ation plar�.
P�N F�rm -- Versian 1.3 December 14, 2aQ8 �/�r�ior�
�. Buffer Mitigation (�tate Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules} �- required by �W
6a. Will the project res�lt in an impact within a protected ripari�n buffer that require� ❑�'e� � N�
buffer n�itigation?
�b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer th�� requires mitig�ti�r�. ��I�ui�t� the
amount of mitigatic►n required.
6c. 6d. ��.
Zone ������ for impact iatal impact IVlulfiiplier Requir�d mitigafii�r�
(square feet} (squ�re feet�
Zone � 3 (2 �for Catawba)
Zone 2 1.5
6f. Tatal buffer mitigation required:
6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type af mitigation is proposed {e,g., p�ymen� �o priv�te mitig�ti�n b�r�k,
permittee responsible riparian buffer restor�tion, payment info an �pproved in-lieu fee fund).
6h. Comments:
Page 7 �f 1Q
PCN F�rm -- ilersi�� 1.3 Decemb�r 1�, 2aQ� iier�ior�
E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Fiow Plan (require� by C�WQ)
1. Diffuse Flow Plan
1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent ta protected riparian b�ff�rs identified ���� ���
within one of the N� Riparian BufFer Prntec�ion Rules?
1 b. if yes, then is a diffuse flaw plan included? If n�, exp(ain �hy.
� ��� � �
2. Stormwater Mana ement P1an
2a. What is the overali perc�nt imperviausness of this project? %
2b. L�aes this project require a Stc�rmwater Managemenf Plan? Q Ye� � o
2c. If this praject DCJES NaT require a Stormwater Management F'lar�, expl�in why: �isturbing less �han �1 �cre
2d. If this project DCJE� require a Stormwater Managem�nt Plan, then pro�ide a brief, narra�ive des�riptior� �� the plar�:
� �ertifi�d Lo��l (�QVernrr�er��
2e. Wha will be responsible far the review of the Starmwater Management Pl�n? ❑ DWQ �tarmvvat�r F'rogr��ni
� �WQ 4U1 Unit
3. Certified Local Government Stormwa#er Review
3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project?
[� Phas� II
3b. Which qf the followin locall -im Iemented stormwater r�ana em�nfi ro rams ����
g Y � � � � [�j USM�
apply (check a11 �hat apply):
� W�fier Supply VV�ter�hed
�j C�ther:
3c. H�s the approved �tormwater Management Plan with proof af �pproval been � l'es ��lo
4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review
0 Coas�al co�ar�ties
4a. Which of the fc�llowing state-implem�ented starmwater manag�ment programs apply ���
(check all that applY): ��e�sic�r� Law 2��6�2�6
� Qth�r:
4b. Has fihe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof o�F approval bee�
attached? � ��s � �
5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review
5a. Does the Stc�rmwater Management P1an meet the appropriat� requirements? ���s ��o
5b. Have all of the 4�1 Ur�it submittal requirements been met? ���� ❑�
Page $ of 10
PCN F�rm -- Versian 1.3 C�ecember 1�, 2�08 Versi�n
F. Supplementary �Informatian
1. Environmental Dc�cumentatian (DWQ Requirement)
1 a. ��es the project involve an ex�enditure of public (federal/stat�/local) funds or �he ���� ���
use of public �federallstate} land?
1 b. if you answered "yes" to the above, dc�es the project requir� preparation of ar�
environmental document pursuant to the requirements t�f the Nati�nal or State [� �es ��
(Norkh Carolina) Envirc�nmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA}?
� c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the
Sfiate Clearing House? {If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or S�P,� final �pproval
Ietter.} C] �'�� � �
2. Violations (DWQ �tequirement)
2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 21� .0500), IsQlated
Wetland F�ules (15A NCAC 2N .13OQ}, DWQ Surface V�fater or Wetland Standard�, ❑��� ��
or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200}'?
2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ��'�� ���
2c. If yau answered "yes" to one or bc�th of the above �uestians, provide an explanation �f the vialat�an{s}:
3. Cumulative Impa�cts (DWQ Requirement)
3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future �mpa��s) result ir� �,�� ��
additional develo ment which cauld im act nearb downstre�m water ualit ? � �
p � � Y q Y
3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or qu�ntit�tive curnuiative impact analy�i� ir� �cc�ard��ce �rith �h�
most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "r�o," pravide a shor� narrative descripti�n.
4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement)
4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non�discharge or discharge} a�f wa�tewater ge►�er�t�d fro�
the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility.
Page � c�f 1 {J
F��N F�rm -- Version 1.3 IDecember i�, �2�a8 i/�r�i�r�
5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requ�rement)
5a. Wifl this project occur in or near an area with feder�lly protect�d s�ecies or ��,�� ���
5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endar�gered �pecies �c� ���� ���
� Ral�igh
5c. If yes, ind icate the USFWS Field Office you ha�e cont�cted.
� �►sheville
5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your sit� wauld impact Endar�gered Speci�s Qr aesigr�ated C�ritic�!
GI� and visual observation. IJSFWS will be copied on this permit application. Requesting that the �orp� cc��rdir�at� with
U�FW� regarding the NLEB.
6. Essential Fish Nabitat (Corps Requirement}
6a. Will this project oc�ur in or near an area designa�ed as essential fi�h habitat'? � Yes � iVc�
6b. UVhat data sources did you use to determine whether your sit� would impa�t Essen�ial �ish 4�abit�t'?
WRC will comment
7. Historic or Prehistoric Gultural Resources (Corps Requir�me�t)
7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal
governments have designated as having historic or cultura! preservation .�.�5 ��
status e. . National Historic Trust desi nation or ro erties si nificant in � �
( � , � K� p 9
North Carolina history and archaeolagyj?
7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic ar �rcheolt�gical resc�urce��
Project was reviewed by the OHE. See atfiached forms.
8. Flood Zone Designation {Corps Requirement)
8a. Vliill this project occur in a FEMA-designated 1�4-year floo�plain'? 0 Yes ��lo
8b. If yes, explain how project mee�s FEMA requirements:
8c. V1/hat source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FRIS
,,,��� �����..
J. �Ieath Slaughter ��' �� 9/4�i1 �
� � � � � ��°
A IicantlA ent's Printed Name Appiican�/Agent's �ig � re ���e
�� � (Agent's si ature is valid only if �n authorizati letter fram the applicar��
is ravided.)
F'ag� 10 c�f 1 �
PCN F�rm — Ver�i�n '� ,3 Qec�mber 10, �0�8 �i�rsi�r�