HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150915 Ver 1_Application_20150903�``�,, �A��,a'
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PAT McCRORY P. CJ. Box 2;52Q 1, Raleigh, NC 2`7611-5202 NI�HCiL�.S 7. TE �S(��
C.1C�►�TERNt�R PH(�NE: � 19-733-2520 SEC�,E�.�I�'�"
September 3, 2� 15
Mr. Steve Kichefs�i
U. S. Ar�ny �orps of Engineers
Asheville Regulatory Field (Jffice
151 1'atton Avenue, Room 208
Asheville, NC 288� 1-540�
Subj ect: Nationwide Permit # 14
SR 1527 (�--Ielton R.oad)
Ashe County, North �arolina
Project Number: 11C.0015079 (D�"R Permit Feea $240
Dear Mr. K1C�1��S�.1:
The NC Department of Transportatic�n is scheduled t� grade, drai�., base �.nd pave an u�p�v�d
portian of SR 152%, �Ielton Road in Ashe +�oun�y. Tota1 project length is 1 e2 m�1�s �vith �.
gapped section runnin� between statio�s 28-�00 — 34��0. Imper�ic�us surface area �v111 i�.�reas�
by about Q.8 acres. We are not prapos�ng to rep�a�e any of the bridges as part c�f this s�c�nd�r�
road improve�nent. Th1s project will require the replaceme�i af on� �re� �ip� as sho�v�. b�l�a�:
Stream Impacts:
�tation EX1Stli1� Proposed Riprap Temp+�rar� Total Impa+�ts
Number Pi e Size Pi e Size Im acts ft. Dewaterin ft. a�t this �t��t��►�
0�09z 24"x 40' 24"x 65' l a 40 ��
�P'ermanent �"'ili/Riprap Impacts = 35 feet
Temporary Dewatering Impacts = 40 feet '�'otal ro'ect Im acts = '75 f�e�et
1 We are nat praposing to bury this pfpe since the �ipe grade �ill �xceed l�%. .�. ri�arap �ad wil�
be placed in the streambed at the outlet ta reduce scour.
The replacement of the above nQted wet pipe wi11 require tempar�.ry dewat�rin�Q .A,� �:rr�.pervi��.s
sandbag dike will be canstructed upstream c�f th� existin� pipe to cr�at� a small p�ac�l. �.l�a�.
water will temporarily be pumped around th� constructior� are�. a�d �r�Il be disch��rg�d
n. o. �o� Z�o, �. WILKE5BOR0, �� z8�s�
PHC�NE (336} 66�-9111 F� (33�} 6�7�4549
r .
Mr. Steve Kichefski
SR 1527, Helton Raad, Ashe
Pag� 2
September 3, �Q 15
downstream. Any dirty vvater located ins�de c�f th� cc�nsiruct�on area �z�l b� pumped �ni� a si1�
bag if necessary. C�nce th� new plpe is in place, the imperv�aus di�� vvzll be �°er��ve a�.d
preconstru�tion streambed ele�ations �v111 be restor�d.
The wet pipe at station 0�C�9 earries a I.TT tc� :�e1to�. Cree�. (�lass. �, �'rc�ut, C�I�. ). �'his p►r�j���i
vvas reviewed for the presence of threatened and e�da�:gered species. Th�re will b� 3.7 a�r�s c��
new land disturbing activity at the proj �ct locatio�., some c�� which is pasturela�de I�c�u1d
es�timate abt�ut � acres of tree clearing. The NLEB �s l�st�d as a�ratected spe�i�s �n this cc�unty
so we are requesting that the Corps of En�ineers coordinate with the �.JSFWS t� deter��i�� th�
impact to �this species. We would recammend a NLTA.A call an th�s �rc�j���..
Cultural resourc� compliance work has been c�mpleted. Nt) ��'C�.1�.�O�i��1��1 �`eSOtZi'��� Ci�' i11StOi'l�
properties w111 be affected by t�is project (see attache�.).
Much of this proj ect falls vvithin the FEM� designated 100-year fl�a�dpla�n af ]�elic�r� {�reek. Ir�
order ta remain in compliance ar�d avoid creat�ng backwater, we wi�1 be undercuttin� l�.r��
sections of the raadway so that the final grade 1s r�o h�gh�r than th� current grade �1�v�.�i�r� (s��
plan sheets for station ranges).
The pro j ect impacts are �ot significant in nature and �hc�uld �o� re�nc�ve ��° degrade �xlstin� �at�r
qualit� uses. Stor�nvvater will be rout�d through gra�s or rock l�ned d�tcl��s, d�pend�r�g �n t�:�
ditch line slape. P1�J� S1Z�S LiSeC�. W1I.1 �� �i1�' 1111�11iI1LlYY1 �'l�C�'SSd1"� ttJ C���.t� d 5�.�� �°O�C�VV�.�". y
Ut111Z111� t�l� er4S1011 COrltrO� 111�d.SU�'�S OL1.t�.lrl:�Ci 111'l.. ��1� d.�.t�.C�11].�r1tS t0 t�l.1S �.�;��1C��1dJ�i., C�.OW11S�:C��,
water quality standards will be protected. C�verall water qual�ty in the �.r�a �vill b� imprc���d by
paving the AB� travel lanes. All apprapriate BMI�s w111 be used during �ons�ruct��r�.
Attached is a Preconstructian Notification Fc�r�n, plar� sheets with proposed er�sio� �c�ntrc�l
measures, a marked county map and a marked tapagraphy map.
By copy of this elect�ranic letter, it is requested ih�t l��Irsa ��Iarla �hamb�rs �rz�h t��c�rth
Caralina V�'ildlife Resaurces Commissi�n co�mment d�rectly ta yo�. �an��rn�ng ih� 444
Nationvvide Permit application with a copy �ent to �ne.
B�r cop� caf thls �lectronic letter, �i �s reques�ted that the I�ivis�on �f aier �s�a��°��s,
401 /W etlands Unit, issue the appropriate perm�t for construction of this ��oj �cto I� �s r�quest�d.
that any comments relatecl to the 40 �. certlficat�on be electronicall� forv�rard�d dir�c�ly ic� :�e with
a copy sent to the LJ� Army Corps af Engineers.
We would like to begin construetion as soon as pa�sibl�. If fu.rtl�er infc�r�natior� is requ�r�d,
pleas� let me �.now. Your early review and �onsideratlon v�zll be apprecl�.ted.
Mr. Steve Kichefski
SR 1527, Heltan Road, Ashe
Page 3
Septem�er 3, 2415
I��ath �laug�te�°
I)ivision E�vir��mer�tal f�i��r
Enc1 o sure s
cc: Mar1a Chambers, NC�R.0
Amy �haprnan, Division of Water �2.esour��s
Dave Wanucha, Divisio�. of Water Resources
Marella Buncick, [.TSFWS
Mike Petty�ohn, PE, Division Engineer
Doug Tet�laff, D1St�'1Ct E�"1�111���'
Randall Miles, �ounty Maintenance Er�glneer
Zack Scauther, Roadside Environmental Field Op�ratlons rI'echn�cian
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�.��;� �r��t;,4�� Office Use CJnly:
�` � � � � Corps actican I [� noe
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F�rm Versian 1.3 Dec 1� 2�08
Pre-Constructian 1'�otifiea�ion Ft�N �'or
A. A lic�nt Information
1. Processing
1 a. Type(s� of appraval sough# from the
Cor s: � Section 404 �ermit ❑ Secfion 14 Pe�-mi�
1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or �eneral �ermit (GP} number:
1 c. Has the NWP or �P number been verified by the Carps? ❑ Yes � IV�
1 d. Type(s� of approval �ought from the DWQ (check all that apply}:
�j 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑�Ion-4t)4 Jurisdictional General Perr�it
[� 441 Water Quality Certification — Express � Ripari�r� Bufifer AuthoriZ�tion
1 e. Is this notification salely for the record For the record only f�r DWQ 401 For the r��ord anly f�r ��rps Permit:
b�cause written approvaf is not required? Certi�cation:
❑ Yes �) No ❑ l��s '�1 Na
1 f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program praposed far mitigation � Yes ❑�!o
af impacts? If so, attach the acceptance Ietter from mitigation bank c�r in-Iieu
fee program.
1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If y�s, answer 1 h ❑�'�s ��Ic�
1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � I��
2. Project Information
2a. Name of project: SR 1527, He{tan Road
2b. Caunty: Ashe
2c. Ne�rest municipality / town: East of Helton
2d. Subdivision name:
2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. ar state � 1 C.005079
project no:
3. tJwner Information
3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: NCDCJT
3b. [Jeed Book ar�d Page No.
3c. Responsible Party (for LLG i f
3d. Street address: 8�1 Stafiesville Road
3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
3f. Telephone no.: 336-903-9202
3g. Fax no.: 336-667-4549
3h. Email address: hslaughter��ncdot.gov
P�ge 1 af 10
P�N F�rm -- �/ersion 1.3 decer�ber 10, 20C�8 �/ersion
4. Applicant Information (if different from c�wner�
4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent � CJther, specify.
4b. Name:
4c. Busines s name
(if applicabie}:
4d� Street address:
4e. City, stat�, zip:
4f. Telephone no.:
�g. Fax no.:
4h. Emaii address:
5. Ageni/Consuitant Information {if applicable)
5a. Name:
5b. Business name
�if applicable):
5c. Street address:
5d. City, state, zip:
5e. Telephone no.:
5f. Fax no.:
�g. Email address:
P�g� 2 c�f 10
PC�I F�rm -- �/ersion 1.3 C�ecember '1 �, 2�U8 iJersic�r�
B. Prc�ject Information and Priar Project History
1. Praperty ldentificatian
1 a. Properky identification no. (tax P1 N or parcel I D}:
1 bo Site coordinates {in decimal degrees): L�titude: 36.54945 Lc�ngitude: -�1.45229
1 c. Property size: 6.7 acres
2. Surface Waters
2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, riverr etce) to (�T to Helfion Creek
propased project:
2b. Water Quality Ciassification of nearest receiving water: C, Trout, C7RW
Zc. River basin: N�w
3. Praject Description
3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at th� fiime c�f this
Unpaved raad ir� a rural area.
3b. �ist the total estimated acreage of all existing we�lands on the property:
Wetlands are adjacent to the road at the beginning of the project but we are not conducting any embar�kment
cc�nstructian in that area to avoid the impact.
3c. List the tatal estimated linear feet af all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property:
65 linear feet
3d. Explain the purpase af the proposed project:
Upgrade roadway.
3e. Describe the overall praject in detail, including the type of equipm�nt ta be used:
See attached cover letter.
4. Jurisdictional Determinations
4a. �lave jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the
Carps c�r State been requested ar abtained for this praperty l
project (including al1 prior phases) in the past? 0 Yes � No � Unkr�ovvr�
4b. If the Carps made the jurisdictional determination, what type
�. � m ,� ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final
af deter ination as ade .
4c. If yes, wha delineated the jurisdictional areas? AgencylConsultant +�ompany:
Name (if known). CJther:
4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentatian.
5. Project History
5a. Have permits ar certifications been requested or obtained for ��,�� � Na � lJnknc�r�r�
this praject (including all prior phases) in the past?
5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions:
6. Future Praject Plans
�a. !s this a phased project? [� Yes � No
6b. If yes, explain.
Page 3 c�f 10
P�N F�rm -- Versic�n 1.3 �ecember 1�, 20�8 �'er�i�n
C. P roposed I m pacts I nventory
1. lmpacts Summary
1 a. 1Nhich sectic�ns were completed below for your project (check all that appiy):
❑ Wetlands � 5treams - tribufiaries ❑ Bufifer�
❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Gonstructian
2e Wetiand Impacts
if there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then camplete this questian for each wetiand are� impa�ted.
2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. Zf.
Wetland impact Type of jurisdicti�n
number — Type of impact Type of wetland For�sted (Carps - 4�04, 1 Q �re� c�f impact
Permanent (P} ar {if known) C�Vi/Q — non-40�, other) (��res)
Tem c�rar T
❑ Y�s [�] Corps
W1 [� P � T Na DW
� 0 �
❑ Y�s C] Corps
W2 ❑ P[� T Nc� DW
� 0 �
❑ Y�s [� Corps
W3 �P�T �� D�
❑ D t�
❑ Y�s ❑ Corps
W4 ❑ P❑ T Nt� DWQ
� �
❑ Y�s � Carps
w� f� P �1 T �o �w
L� ❑ t�
❑ Y�s Q �orps
W6 � P� T Nt� DWC�
� a �
2g. Tatal wetland irnpacts
2h. Comments:
3. Stream impacts
If there are perenniai or intermittent stream impacfis (including tempor�ry impacts) propt�sed on the site, then cor�plete this
qu�stion for all stream sites impacted.
3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. �g.
Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Per�nni�l Type af jurisdiction Average ��'+pa��
nurnber - (PER) or (Corps - 444�, 10 stre�m ler��th
Permanent (P) or intermi#ter�t DWQ — n�n-4q4�, vvidih (lir�ear
TempararY CT) (INT)? other) (feetj feet)
Piping, Riprap & UT to Helton j�J P�R � C�rps
S1 � P j;� T Dewaterin Creek INT C�WQ � ��
g � �
❑ P�R � Cc�rps
S2 ❑ P❑ T 1 NT DWQ
❑ ❑
❑ P�R ❑ Corps
S3 ❑P❑T
❑ I NT � D1nJQ
[] PER ❑ Carps
S4 ❑ P❑ T I NT DWQ
� ❑
❑ PI�R ❑ Corps
S5 ❑ P❑ T INT L�WC�
❑ �
C] P�R Cj Corps
S6 C�] P❑ T fiNT DW�2
❑ 0
3h. Total stream and tributary impacts �5
3i. Comments: 25 pipe, 10 riprap, 4� dewater
P�N F�rm — Version 1.3 �ecer�ber 1�, 2n�8 Versic��
4. Open Water Impacts
If there are proposed impacts to lakes, pands, estuaries, tributarie�, sc�unds, the Atl�nti� t�cean, or any other aper� �ater c�f
the U.S. then individually list afl open water impacts below.
4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4�.
Open water Name af waterbody
impact number -- (if applicable) Type of impa�t Vilaterbody type �rea c�f imp�c� (acre�)
Permanent (P) or
Tem orar T
02 [�P❑T
C�3 [�P❑T
t�4 �JP❑T
4f. Total open water impacts
4g. Comments:
5. Pond or L.ake Construction
If and or lake canstruction ra osed, then c�m Iete the chart bel�w.
5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e.
Wetland Impacts (acr�s) atre�m Impacts {fee�} Upland
Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acre�}
number of pond
Flooded F'iiled Exc�vated Flooded Filled Excav�ted Flooded
5f. Total
5g. Comments: N/A
5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required?
❑ Yes � No if yes, permit iD na:
5i. Expected pond surface area (acres).
5j. Size of pond watershed (acres):
5k. Method of construction:
6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ)
lf praject will impact a pro�ected riparian buffer, then camplete the chart belaw. If yes, then individually list all bu�fer impacts
below. If an impacts require miti ation, then ou MUST fill out S�ction D of this fc�rm.
❑ Neuse �J T�r-Pamlic� � (�ther:
Project is in which protected basin? [� C�tawba [� I�andleman
6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g.
Buffer impact
number -- Reasan Buffer �on� 1 irnpact ��ne 2 impact
Permanent (P) or for Stream nam� mitig�tion {square feet} (square fe�t}
Tem ora T im act r� uired?
❑ �'�s
�� ❑ � ❑ T �o
� Y�s
BZ �]P❑T No
� Y�s
E�� ❑ P ❑ T Nc�
6h. Total buffer impacts
6i. C�mments:
P�ge 5 c�f 10
P�N Fnrm - Version 1.3 Decemb�r 1�, 2008 Versior�
D. Impact Justification and Mitigation
?. Avoidance and Minimization
1 a. �pecifically describe rneasures taken ta avoid or minimize the proposed imp�cts in designir�g projec�.
The pipe Iengths are the minimum needed ta improve roadway. I�o ernbankment constructian in the wetland �re� n��r �h�
beginning of fihe project.
1 b. �pecifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts thraugh canstruction te�hniqu�s.
Ali apprnpriate BMPs will be used during construction
2. Compensatory Mitigation for tmpacts to Waters of the U.�. or Waters af fihe �tate
2a. Does the project require Compensatary Mitigation for � Y�s ❑ Nca
impacts to Waters of the IJ.S. c�r Waters af the �tate'?
2b. If yes, mitigatian is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ (� Cot'ps
[� Niitigation b�nk
Zc. If yes, which mi�igat ion optic�n will be used for this pa ment to in--lieu fee ro ram
ro'ect? � Y p �
p 1
❑ Permittee Responsibie Miiigation
3, Camplete if Using a Mitigatian Bank
3a. Name of Mitigati�n Bank:
3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter} Type Quantity
3c. Comments:
4. Complete if Making a Payrnent to In-Iieu Fee Program
4a. Approval letter fram in-lieu fee program is attached. �j Y�s
4b. Stream mitigation requested: 35 Iin�ar feet
4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ w�rm ❑ co�l �ca�d
4d. Buffer mitigatian requested {DWQ only): square feet
4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested. acres
4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigatian requested: acres
4g. Coasfial (tidai) wetland mitigation requested: acres
�h. Comments:
5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan
5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitig�tion plan.
Page 6 �f 1 �
P�N Form --�Iersion 1.3 December 1�, ���81�ersio�
6. Buffer Mitigation {State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules} -- re�quired by DWC,�
6a. 1Nilf the praject result in an impact within a protected riparian buffe� that require� ❑ Yes � IVc�
buffer mitigation?
6b. If yes, then identify th� square feet of impact to each �one of �he ripari�n buffer �hat requires mitigation. �alcul�t� the
amount af mitigation required.
6c. 6d. �e.
20�� Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier F�equir�d mitig�tian
(square feet) (square �eet)
Zone 1 3{2 for Catawba}
Zane 2 1.5
6f. Tc�tal buffer mitigation required:
6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitig�tion is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigatic�n bar�l�,
permittee responsible riparian buffer restaration, payment intc� an �ppr�ved in-lieu fee fund).
6h. Comments:
P�N Forrri — Versior� 1.3 December 1�, ��08 �/'ersion
E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flaw Plan �requir�d y C�WQ)
1. Diffuse Fiow Plan
1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent ta protected riparian buff�rs identified ��,�� ��
within one of the NC Ri arian Buffer Protectian Rules? �
1 b. if yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why.
❑ �es C� �v�
2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan
2a. What is the averail percent imperviousness of this project'? %
2b. Does this praject require a Starmwater Management Pian? � Yes � i�o
2c. If this project DOES NC3T require a�tormwater Management Plar�, explain why:
2d. if this praject DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, ther� provide a brief, narrative des�ription of the pl�r�:
Falls under DCJT NPDES Permit
❑ �ertified Lncal C�overnme�t
2e. Who will be responsible far the review of the Stormwater Managernent Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormw�ter Progr�m
[� D'UVt� 4a 1 lJ rtit
3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review
3a. In which local government's jurisdictian is this project?
❑ Phas� II
[� �I SW
3b. Which af the following locally-implemented stormwater managem�nt pragrams ❑����
apply (check all that apply}:
❑ V1/ater Supply "�V�ter�hed
❑ ather:
3c. Has the appraved �tormwa�er Management Plan with proof of app�oval been �] �'�s ��lo
4. DWQ Starmwater Pro ram Review
❑ �oastal ca�nties
4a. Which af the follc�wing state-implemented st�rmwater manag�ment programs �pply ����
(check all that appCY): �] �essior� L�w 20�6-246
� (Jth�re
4b. H�s the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of appraval beer�
at�ached? ❑ Ye� ❑ I�c�
5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review
5a. Daes the Stormwater Management Plan meet the apprapriate requirements? ❑��S ���
5b. Have all of the 441 Unit submittal requirements been met? ���5 ❑��
Page 8 c�f 10
PCN F�rm — Version 1.3 December 1Q, 2U�8 �lersi�n
F. Supplementary Inforrnatian
1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirementj
1 a. Does the praject invalve an expenditure of public (f�derai/state/lo�al) funds ar the � Y�� ���
use of pubiic (federallstate) land?
1 b. If yau answered "yes" to the above, does the praject require prep�ratic�n af an
enviranmental document p�rsuant to the requirements a� the Nati�nal or State ❑ Yes � f�a
(Norkh Carolina) Enviranmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)?
1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the dacument review been finalized by the
State �learing House? (lf sa, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEP� fin�� appraval
ietter.) ❑ ��5 ❑ ��
2. Vic�lations (DV1/Q Requirement)
2a. Is the site in violatian of DWQ Wetland Rul�s {15A NCAC 2H .050�}, Isolated
Wetland Rules (15A NCRC 2H .� 300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, [] Yes � I�o
or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 60200)'�
2b. is this an after-the-fact permit appiication? � Y'e� ��
2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation{s}:
3. �umulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement)
3a. Wiil this project {based on past and rea�onably anticipated future impacts) result in ��,�s ���
additional development, which could impact nearby dc�wnstre�m water quality?
3b. If you answered "yes" to the aboue, submit a qualitative or quantit�tive cumulatiue imp�ct analy�is in accc�rdance with the
most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description.
4. Sewage Disposai (DWQ Requirement)
4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (nonpdischarge or discharge) af wastevvater generated fror�
the proposed project, ar available capacity of the subject facility.
PCN F�rm -- �/ersion 1.3 December 1 Q, 2a48 �/'er�ian
5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Carps I�equir�ment)
5a. Will this project �ccur ir� or near an area with federally pr�tected species or
habitat? � Y�� � �°
5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered �pe�ies �,ct
impacts'? � Yes � o
C] Raleigh
5c. If yes, ind icate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted.
� Asheville
5d. Wh�t data saurces did ya� use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Speci�s c�r [Jesignated Critic�l
G1S and visual obs�rvation. Requesting that the Corps co�rdinate with USFWS regarding the �1LEE�.
f, Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement)
6a. Will this project accur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ��lo
6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your sit� would impact Essential Fi�h Habit�t�
WRC will comment
7. Hist+�ric or Prehistaric Culturai Resources (Corps Requir�mer�t)
7a. Will this project occur in ar near an area that the state, federai or tribal
governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservati�n ��,�� ���
status (e.g., N�tianal Historrc Trust designation or properties �ignificant in
North Carolina histary and archaeology)?
7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site wauld impact hisfioric or archeological resources'?
Project submitted to OHE.
8. Flood Zane Designation (Corps Requirement)
8a. Wilf this project accur in a FEMA-designated 10�-year floodplain? � Yes Q�io
8b. 1f yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Undercuttir�g the road ta avoid increasing its elevatic�r�. ��e cover
8c. What source(s} did you use to make the flaodplain determination? ncfloodr�aps
J. �--Ieath �laughter 9l3/15
Applicant/Agent's Printed Name Applican�/Agent"s Sig re D�t�
(Agent's s nature is valid only if an authorrz � letter �rom the appEicant
is rovided.)
P�ge 1 � �f � �
PCN F�rrr� — Versic�n 1.3 C�ecember 10, 20C�8 �/ersion