HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150900 Ver 1_IP Adjacent Property Owners 9-2015_2015090324. Is Any Portion af the Work Already Complete? ❑Yes �X No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK � 25. Addresses af Adjoining Property Qwners, Lessees, EtC., Whose Property Adjoln5 the Wat2t'6ody {ifi more ihan can be ernered here, please attach a supplemental list�. I a. Address- L1.S. National Park Service - Cape Hatteras �lationa] Seashore 1401 National Park Drive City - Manteo b. Address- City - c. Address- City - d. Address- Ciiy - e. Address- Ci1y - State - NC Zip - 27954 State - Zip - State - Zip Siate - Zip - Sfate - Zip - Lis# of Other Certificates or Approvalsl�enials received from other �ederel, Staie, or Local Agencies for Work described in This Application. P.GENCY TYPE APPROVP,I." I�ENTIFICATION DATE APPLIE❑ �ATE APPROVEL DATE ��NIED NUMBER Vlajor Permit �'tod. 224-87 911f2015 91]/2Q15 Individual Permit 9I112015 " Wauld include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flpod plain permits 27. Applic�tipn is heret�y made for permit ar permits tt� auihorize ihe work described in this application. I eertify that this information in this appiicaiion is co€nplete and ac urate. I further c.�r[ify that I possess the authority to undertake the work descri�ed herein or am acting as #he duly authorized agent of the applic t. � q r i,r- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT � E SIGNATUR� OF AGEN"C DA7E The ApplECation must be signed by the persan wha desires ta undertake the proposed aetivity (applicant) or at may be signed by a duiy authorized agent if the statement in block '! 1 has taeen filled out and si�ned. i 18 U.S.G. Sectio� 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdickion of any department or agency of the lJnited S�ates knawingly and willfulfy falsifies, conceals, ar covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fra�duPent statements or representatians or makes or uses any false writing or docurnent knowing same to contain any false, fictitirsus or fraudu€ent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,440 or imprisoned nai more than five years or bath_ ENG FORM 4345, OCT 2012 Page 3 af 3