HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07361_Well Construction - GW1_20231113 . • . . ,,,,a4a,‘..ullaiiiut-iturt KtCUIW(GW-1.1 Yo—F---------------htereaiUse Only: :;• , . • L wdi Cuaractor labannoka.. • • ' Ricky Corriher . . - , ____ ..-- ------------._ ____ _- , . . • . 1110111 0 . „ ._. ____ WdiCOOLokeNOOD - . ft- . • ft.- 2464-A _ p ,. .3i--A tL,,. • 0 - c-- - I. - NCIVoileectraelorCatifiesioaNsimber -- • • ___ ____________Frank A.Co rriher&Sons Well Drilling,Inc.. . _______ _PROld TO Dfaailiee 3200130033 llama - ----- - , • E. ft. j la.----"---------- CompeuyNause ; 7( 2.WIlIgaggraudeitiemitik --‘‘ ti_19` ocrePg tvc// ivii" I° iliAlftftift -363ZIM '.-• _ • '"-- Liaallsigatindistreff coonnsetioapftwitt(f.v.=..eva,..Ave%Vadvase.144 +1 ft' 4/ ft' S VS : la' SDR-21 PVC 3.Wall Use(dads**as* V/ ft yg it. /2:5,--/..,-• • 7-5--- ../ '' -: . __ .__.-,---- •" - : . Water Sappy Welk • • igengm. , sr.orszc ,inaiiiciel -- .--• — - ClAgdadanal ) •OideakipambliC . • \ . : eothounalWestingicoding' , ow >100.000 Supply) Olaidensill WaterSupply(single) ML ft. it. aCzmda1riplEkiential Water SupplY(oborodi - " 7..--; —. ILL , e& GPD 3E004 i'd 1;Ia. --'; • ) lasonitai. Esp1Aislininuseszoftaisintail ( Ploft-Water Supply Welk • , 0 & 22 fe- Bentonite Hole Rug , aRecovety ft. ft. - . •.. " ) - Nation Wet ' - • ft. ' ft. ' -- CIA4ailerReehope . CHbounduiater Rcardietion 0AiluirerStomeaad Recovery OSA:Ay Saider ,. ft. I El/Aqui ft.fer Test CIStoisawaterDraitage - ' CO1opedsnaaalTeeboology . C)Subsiden' ee Cos _accd• • -• -- CIGeothemad(CloiedLoop) =facer. • FROM TO tesicliaoil•It. . aesiasio.vaa Dpgaiggisod okatinficoafing Ra M tan) aser(explaithoder 421 Rezenda. ) 7737;„,...,,,L, IJ r • a.Date. waits)compaetetu /6 443 Wen ED# - P-r. & 4'.3 ' -16,7/-e i.-14 yeft- 4 e-ce #ev-I4,4e So-Weit Lee7 -/.., .Cl 3 M.Z, G ve>rkt ' ' V.61.1 (J-4, ' . . ) 4 cl Facrirpownerlitme i • - 'ID°.. -IPPaab )g SPG9S 3 Ye' .YO-Cft: IL,ce' , . ;7 Y 1Q 64e --Choo/ . ft gGt 6.'a/W/4W ft . ft ; • • .. ' ... ' ft. , Pev4io' 4 ..,_C =drip_ (- -)-4 • r u 5 , cams, . Rawl Ideasisciskoalfo.(PIN) . : ' - • Sb.Latitude and baagitode in degreeshobeutoriseconds or clerked degree= , NUV I 3 i023 • GradifieldcasebakogbeeffeAiea0 i iy \35 3 ' 5-g - w . ---/'Ar p nj,.../U1D--:;',2,;71.:::.'.'::,n T.'1'.:4 n er-,---•:: -'1'!117'.. -••,••••••• t7 . ' . sie of a .- -• en '----. VVVe ....D.).!... 4.IsOro)Moo** lik‘sosuenc or cmooPororP r. •;. Bystipaig&Islam.'iamb yeerftprbasheiveR(sj was iivadaxianctifitarcordaveevith 7.beim asap**aa azistiag weft ClYes or elPf Lid liCAC 02C.0100 or Lief MX 02C.0200 Wdedataracetee Sadao adder a an, Id*b arapairjilatiovvavenesaviveska infonazion and apkiii the naha•e°Jae cfligis"cce'd Ian ZyttyPolwart omen ' --. ripairabrfEll rarais maks a-al rla back efikklan 23.Slte/Swan or addnal Wilt detail= ,_. , Geed: al Wells them Yon rosy use the beck cif tisis page to maids adcritionol welicaftettOotiOninfo ., &For Geopeageffin or Cloovd•Loop mor baying (add See Ovestio Remain Box).Yon nay also atlach alinimogpages ifnecesay. consbuct ion.coly 1 OW-1 is needed_locleato TorAL MINIM of wells 24.SUBMITTAIINSTRUCIIOPES- • . • _st_. .•, %Thad win depth below/sad tufa= Li C-1,_ . Feraniffplvadi lidal I elopes rdifferert 6traaids-3e200'&ma 20100) (ft7) Solana Ws GW-1 within 3fictaja(dwell completios per tbefollowfox . • awing: • ',..., 2Aa. For Ail Well= (DVS) anginal data to Division of Water Resources , U.Static water level bd avr Sop of 1/6 • , krw Infoonstion hocassingUnft,161714SC,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 7. , Yvon-lewd!raters emit&&se'tr.* 1:• ' Borehole db 6. ' - 24b.For Infection Well=Cy pc,DWR,Ilaciaground Median Coo11010JC). 11. asear: Proiso,163611SC,Raleigl,ITC27699-1636 12.Wei ovaitnatfea. asetbask. Nr Dill) - _ 244.For Water aad 11:tsoen-Laap Geotberraal Miura Walla CoPy toga• 0-6-aofto.mom"le.&en pods,ac.) . - • , coonty ftronoomentalbeadepaascient of countyabere installed FOR WATAILSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: - . 24d.For Water Wails - 100.100 GPD:Copy to MR.CCP914. Penult Program.1611 Saingh,NC 27699-1611 ' • I. Yield(gpso) biatiod of asst Air . . , 1.36.Daiss' e' con typ=Steil .ene 4.Caps - . . . • .- „ . .I, _FeeDGW-1, -I Needs Oedioe. •ofEwdeceemessa Quality-Division of Thome ftesoaa;es _, • Revised 6.6.2018 : 1 ' . . - . rçV ) 1 ,• "