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NCG160166_Name-Owner Change Application_20230612
, NC•DEPARTMENT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL 41141.177/ fkg-- 01111.510N OF Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources •:! STORM WATER PROGRAM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Qualify NPr.)ES.tTORIVitIVATER,PERNilT NAIVIE1OINNERSHIP CHANGE FORM • I.. CURRENT PERMIT INFORMATION: • Permit NUM bett / 'MGAJA/L) 1. Facility Name-(priOrto:thenge):44,a441 Cortar4OtOit 4,011eckny Int; II. NEW OVI/NERMAME INFORIVIATIONt 2.. This request fora name changelS a result cif: , A. Change in.ownership of propertykompanY. NPPV,Change 001110001.1141a00./Pr OomPaPY) ther(0100$0.60N0): (forexample,licilityaddresLupdatre,Include additional attachments necestaty.) 3. New owner's namC(PPniev te'be.Ptit permit Petniittee): Mc W\ibrt- 4. New owner's or signing official's nanntalid VC 0terson legally responsible for permit) (Title) 5p address: -P.C.) . Bee, ql..k •ckit ly\pvtxco.k&N vti.st Sotel,174 Ziptocle: 31LoS.2 Phone:•( 6123 ) toot) -rneil address: w kr E vAmooforqxcLevirk 6. 'Nev.!facility name(if applicable): t ktr?tAk 7 Effective.date of transfer or name change:,,, 10 5/3 of,- 3 -c,tt NOT*014)018 0.eparttriVilt 1000111:41111trital OitrItY1 OftiOn of Energy,Wend artd LAW Rtsources • .*:;) 511.14fftlh Salsbury Street I 1I2M Service Ciott Ramo,North mum 27699.110 919.70M200 . , NPDESStormwater'Permit Name/Ownership Change Page 2 of 2 I'II. P ERIVIIT AN©FACILITY CONTACT INFORMATION' 8. New permit contact's-nettle and title: SEa.NN iiAAr. (Permit Contact) BRA SeG (Title) 9. Mailing address: .0. y, 411 Cites v�rlau �-ry State: `T.1, Zip Code: -a-1 to la 3 Phone:•(c1z3 ) 5`11--t 13 q E-mail address: 5 ac etpt_ik ,ft& ..L,N.aadl. to Hn 10, New facility'contact's name and title: 5 r4r 'S Pc-any C.. (Facility Contact) (Title) 11. Meiling.address:, City,.__...... State:,___ Zip.Code: Phone:( ) E-mall address; 12. New billing contact's name: E r5 iket.D[E (Billing Contact) 13. Mailing address: ty: Stater Zip Code: Phone:.':,(: }: E-mail address IV. FACILITY ACTIVITIES AND DISCHARGE INFORMATION N Will:industrial activities;at the facility remain the seine,as under the previous owner? Yes EA No:0. 2. Will the starmwater discharge:location(s)remain the same? -Yes-Yeslif Not3 NOTE: If either of these questions is answered wAlo;"thenmore information Is needed to review _the request Please attach documentation to describe andexplain the changes to the facility actMVitles,storm waterdischarges,and/or outfall location Depending on the information provided,the Division may require that the new ow,ner,'lea new,permit application. Last Revised 3/13/2022 NPDES Storinwater Permit.Name/Ciwwnership Change Page 2.02 MISAPPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE-ACCEPTEOoy THE DIVISION.UNLESS ALL.Of THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE-INCLUDED. REQUIRED ITEMS: 1. This completed applicationiormm(With original signature) 2. Legal documentation of transfer of ownership(such as relevant pages of a deed or a bill ofsale)':Is required Wan ownership change request.Articles of incorporation are not Sufficient for an ownership change but can be provided for a'.name change; 3. Information to document facility;Induustrial acthritles,stormwater,discharges,or outfail changes as noted in item IV above(If appropriate) Why is tthis information needed? Regulations in 40 CFR§122,S3.allow for minormadifications to NPDES perrnitsfor a change.of ownership or operational control of a facility,provided that information supports that no other change in the.permit are necessary. Why does this form need to b Permittees and applicants must fulfill signatory requirements in the NPOES federal regulations in 40 . . (please see those regulations for guidance). Until N 3Et 's electronic submission process meets ross edia Electronic Reporting CR ME R) requirements, this original signed i t ore form .must be mailed to the address below.The upl k dad copy is stored as part of the permit record in the Division's digital repository. 1, W . p„��ic . „Attest tl'atthe;applicatiOn for a name and/or ownership change submitted had been reviewed and Is accurate,atrd'complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts.of this application are not completed,or if all required supporting information isnot included,this application package Will be considered incomplete and may be returned:, Signature, Date: 1202,3 20 THE COMPLETED.APPI ICATION ANIYALL SUPPORTING°INFORMATION SHOULD BE SENT To: DEMLR storm tern PrOgrarri 59:2.North Salisbury Sttre t,:6th Floor(Office 640K) 16 "Mail Service Centeer Leigh,NC,:0604612 (At Revised 3/13/2022