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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551314_Correspondence_20231114Re: [External] septic repair or replace question for 252 hester road NCG551314
Dan Della Rova <>
Mon 11/13/2023 12:55 PM
ToSemard, Jane <>
Cc:James Parker <>
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Hi Jane,
I'm not sure why Pace's testing protocol left out some possible contaminant levels, or why
a failing level wasn't flagged.
I have reached out to a couple of engineering firms (AgriWaste & MacConnell & Associates)
to get someone out to the property and evaluate the system.
If there is a malfunction, the good news -s that there has been little or no discharge, as the
home has been renovated over the last 7 months and mostly unoccupied. It was also hard
to get a discharge from the tail pipe for testing purposes for past tests with only 1 person living
in the home for the last 14 years. It seems that the sand filter absorbed all the discharge unless
water was left running for an extended period of time (> 1 hour).
Anyway, I'll give a call when I have an engineering opinion w hand. I m going to hold off on
this year's effluent testing. pending the engineer's evaluat-on.
p.s. Is a permit required for a repair or even a tank replacement, or any other work on the
Thank you!
Dan Della Rova
Broker, eXp Realty
Piedmont Pines Properties, LLC
Wake Forest, NC
On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 12 34 PM Bernard, Jane <jane.bernard@deq.rgov> wrote:
Total Nitrogen, Ammonia and Total Phosphorous are missing from your email. They are part of the permit requirement.
BOD, TSS and Fecal all exceeds the permit limits. The exceedance's are extreme and is a violation of the Monthly average and daily maximum.
It appears that your facility is discharging/flowing to Lick Creek (WS-IV;NSW) in the Neuse River Basin. Based on that information I have attached
page 5 of your permit that states your sampling requirements and limits.
I am still of the opinion that the facility should be evaluated by an Engineer. To determine if the existing facility can meet the permit
requirements. If it can not meet the permit requirements, options need to be evaluated.
I am in the office today until 4.00. If you have any questions I can be reached at the numbers below.
Josh no longer works for the Division, you are welcome to call me. I have been with the Division for over 15 years and hopefully I can answer any
questions you may have.
Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist II
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division of Water Rewources
3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609
Office: (919) 7914'�33 Cell- (919) 210-7327
Fax- (919)571-4718
web page:b-Up://`[
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From: Dan Della Rova <Adellarov33>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 11:31 AM
To: Bernard, Jane>
Cc: James Parker>
Subject: Re: [External] septic repair or replace question for 252 hester road NCG551314
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Hi Jane, I'm the current owner and I did have the effluent sample pulled and tested by
Pace Labs. I thought I (or the lab) sent the results to Josh Brigham, but I can't seem to
reach him to verify that.
I m in€lud'ng a copy of the most recent test results here Would you please forward to
the appropriate person, so the results can be added to the records for this system
(permit # NCG551314). I was plann:ng on having the 2023 sample pulled in December
again by Pace Labs.
Also, do you know who my contact would be, if Josh has moved on?
Thank you!
Dan Della Rova
Broker, eXp Realty
P edmont Pines Properties, LLC
Wake Forest, NC
On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 8:OOAM Bernard, Jane <jane.bernarditeq.> wrote:
Permit p NCG551314
Your client needs to contact an Engineer and work with them.
Sample results would also be needed to determine if the sand filter is working according to design. The samples should have been pulled
annually. Are there any results available? We have a 2022 invoice but results are not in the file. Nothing in the file for 2023.
The Division can not make such a recommendation. However, an Engineer will be needed with or without the repair. An Engineer will need to
verify the repair will not weaken the tank and if they believe the sand filter can be salvaged. If no to these questions they will be needed to
design a new facility -
Jane R. Bernard, Environmental Specialist II
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division of Water Resources
3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609
Office: (919) 791-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327
Fax- (919) 571-4718
NEW EMAIL- jane.bernard@de-
web page: bt—tp://www.ncwateLQ19L[GLWAtCr—Xgl
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From: lames Parker <>
Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:22 PM
To: Bernard, Jane <jane.bernardfaldea nc g2y>
Subject: [External] septic repair or replace question for 252 hester road
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HI Jane, My name is James, I am the real estate agent for Tyree Richard (252 Hester road Durham nc), Alex from wastewater solutions, gave
me your contact information and said i should send the septic for you to review. We are wanting to know if we need to replace this tank, or if
It could just be repaired... or if there is a permit needed to do anything, or otherwise how we can move forward. Please inform, thank you :)