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SW4231002_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20231114
Soil Geology Science Hydrogeology Protocol Sampling Service,Inc. 4114 Laurel Ridge Drive "Experts in Environmental Compliance" Protocolsampling@yahoo.com Raleigh,North Carolina 27612 Environmentalservicesnc.com (919)210-6547 August 31,2023 Mr.Joshua A. Crumpler,P.E. Crumpler Consulting Services,PLLC 2308 Ridge Road Raleigh,North Carolina 27612 Re: Storm Water Management Soil Investigation Dollar Tree 5744 Old US Highway 52 Welcome,Davidson County,North Carolina Protocol Project#23-125 Dear Mr.Crumpler: The following Soil Investigation is submitted to assist in a site assessment for storm water management improvements for a proposed Dollar Tree located at 5744 Old US Highway 52 in Welcome,Davidson County,North Carolina. SITE HISTORY AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The subject property will be developed as a Dollar Tree store. Residential and commercial development surrounds the subject property. Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. of Raleigh,North Carolina was hired to perform an investigation to identify the depth to seasonal high-water table in the proposed dry pond. SOIL INVESTIGATION The field survey was conducted on Thursday August 31,2023.One(1)soil boring was advanced in the center of the proposed dry pond to a depth of 60-inches below land surface (bls)with a hand auger(Site Plan—attached). Soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. The presence of fill or other disturbances,the depth to the seasonal high-water table,soil structure and consistence were noted.The boring was also checked for reduced colors, an anaerobic smell or obvious soil wetness. FINDINGS-Soil • The proposed dry pond is located on the southern section of the property and was found to have an apparent depth(perched)to seasonal high-water table of 45-inches below land surface(bls). • Saprolite (weathered rock) was encountered at a depth of 24-inches bls in the proposed dry pond.Ground water was not encountered in the soil boring. NC Licensed Soil Scientist NC Licensed Well Contractor NC Licensed Geologist Septic Design Monitor Well Installation Water Well Rehabilitation/Abandonment/Testing Direct Push Technology The findings presented herein are based on the site conditions observed during performance of the field survey on August 31,2023. Please call me at(919)210-6547 if you have any questions or need further assistance. sou s� _z t SEA /L J v I ' 2628 , y ,,, David E.Meyer,N.C.L.S.S. Soil Scientist/President 2 Soil Profile Description A 0-8 inches: yellowish brown(10YR 5/4) sandy loam; granular structure, very friable Btl 8-13 inches; light yellowish brown(10YR 5/6) clay; subangular structure, firm Bt2 13-24 inches; brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) clay; subangular blocky structure; firm BC 24-30 inches; multi-colored sandy clay loam; massive; firm Cl 30-48 inches; multi-colored micaceous sandy loam/loam; massive; friable Soil Series: Vance Landscape: Piedmont Landform: uplands Parent Material: Granite Drainage Class: Well drained Particle Size Class: clay Temperature Regime: thermic Subgroup Classification: thermic Typic Hapludults Examination Method: auger boring Date: August 31, 2023 Weather: 75° and sunny Investigator: David Meyer Shwt: 45" (perched) Measured water table depth: >45" 3 - W[ESYEGRE45 ,. LEGEND — INEASEUENT (PEP DP.2197.PC IEOJ) T . 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