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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG551314_System repairs_20231113[External] septic repair or replace question for 252 Nester road James Parker <> Thu 11/9/2023 1:25 PM ToSernard, Jane <> Ih i attachments (701 KE) document (1).pdf; CAUTION: External email. 0o not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Jane, My name is James, I am the real estate agent for Tyree Richard (252 Hester road Durham nc), Alex from wastewater solutions, gave me your contact information and said i should send the septic for you to review. We are wanting to know if we need to replace this tank, or if it could just be repaired... or if there is a permit needed to do anything, or otherwise how we can move forward. Please inform, thank you :) Thanks, James James. Parker Jaynes Parker I REALT@R ® i2 sago jamea@-220ag n s c m 910-990-6833 4700 Homewood Court Suite 200 Raleigh. NC 27609 1. Keller %Alttt;.,.. , The NC Real Estate Commission and t believe you should understand how t work as a Real Estate Agent. ?lease revfaw the brechtre to learn more: www.220aeen1s.com4vwma K. II--11 ■ ■ ■ T ;: ` ■ �■ ' i' IF ' _ _' _ ■ ■: Septic System Inspection Report Client Name TYREE RICHARD Prop. Addr. 252 HESTER RD DURHAM, NC 27703 Email Address [�-TijerichardaWEN.r:arn Phone No 919 247 7273 Agent Name HOUSEMASTER-GARRETT DALY Date I Time of Inspection: 11/06/2023 Wastewater Solutions, LLC 14 Apothecary Ct., Garner, NC 27529 Phone: 919-661-8602 Fax: 919-661-8609 Email: Certified Inspectors Scott Leonard 27321 Nolan Leonard 00801 Alex Junker 70131 IMPORTANT NOTICE ! DISCLAIMER This inspection report indicates the present condition of the system based on recommended inspection procedures, but is in noway a guarantee or warranty of future performance. The inspection report excludes and does not intend to cover components that are concealed or are otherwise not observable. No tests, unless specifically stated, were performed on any system nspected to asoerta n the efficiency of the function/utility thereof, and no warranty, express or implied, relative thereto Is hereby given. rmeowner l Occupant Records & Data, as available Inforrmalion collected pursuant to this section Is to be provided voluntarily and at the discretion of the client. cien to representative or property owner. r client. clent's representative or property owner Is solely responsible for record and date accuracy and completeness. The inspector assumes no ponsibl5ty for the accuracy of information provided by die client, client's representative or property owner X Pre -Inspection Contract, signed by Client is attached to Inspection oe of Records ti Data rds and data were given to the inspector by Property Owner Buyer Realtor X other HOME INSPECTOR Stated Bedrooms 3 System Sized for Bedrooms ? dent Data of home HOME WAS BUILT IN 1966 _ No Irxon, X Are all wastewater facilities within property lines _ No ]noon. X Is there a designated repair field NO PERMIT AT TIME OF INSPECTION tc Permit is Attached to this Report Septic Permit is not available at the time of this inspection X am Requires an Operator Yes No Incon. X It yes, Operators Name: of Water Supply X WON Public Water CommunityWell rck Distances 5_ ft. from house or structure 50+ ft. from well If applicable UNK ft from property line Information reported In this section may In part be based on homeowner records and data. The inspector assumes responsibility for inaccurate records and data. i X No Incon. Al grey and black water are routed to the Septic Disposal System. Comments: No Incon. X A water softener! treatment appliance Pis present and may badkflush to the Septic System. (Salt can cause breakdown of clayey soils reducing the sole ability to function property) No Inoon. X A garbage disposal u routed to the Septic System and may place added burden on it. (introduces much more organics Into the system - tank should be pumped more often) System Component Evaluation tic Tank m of Septic System: X Conventional Septic System LPP System Other m of Tank, If present: X Concrete _ Plastic Other of Tank: 900 GALLONS Ile Tank Inlet Riser is: Above Grade At Grade Below Grade X Not Present lie Tank Outlet Riser is: Above Grade _At Grade Below Grade X Not Present diticn of SspW Tank Lids SEPTIC TANK HAS LARGE CRACKS FOUND INSIDE TANK WATER LEVEL IN TANK WAS LOW, OUTLET LID HAS A BROKEN HANDLE No Inoon. X Standing water present at riser locations. Comments: NO RISERS PRESENT `No Incon. X Risers watertight no evidence of infiltration X No Incon. There Is evidence of structural damage to the battle or superstructure to the lank Pont& WATER LEVEL IN TANK IS LOW LARGE CRACKS FOUND ON TANK WALLS *to If any of the following components or accessories are present. X Outlet Tee _ Effluent Filter _Other snents / Condition: OUTLET TEE IS DETERIORATED AND NEEDS TO BE REPLACED X No Inoon. Scum and sludge layer measurements were taken. Inlet: Scum i In. Sludge 8 In. Outlet: Scum i In. Sludge 5 In. (pump tank 'd sludge is 113 of volume and or scum is 115 of volume, or appmx. every three years) manta: SOLID LEVELS INDICATE TANK PUMPING IS NOT RECOMMENDED AT THIS TIME Yss X No trrdeet pipe where entering the tank is free of obstruction a Issue? Yes _ No X Water level in Septic Tank is relative to Inlet S Outlet? Yes X No Effluent leaves Outlet? Yes X No Roots present in Tank Yes _ No X Tenk pumping is Requested at time of Inspection? Data Tank was last Pumped 'UNKNOWN (unirnown?) Comments: ROOTS FOUND IN INLET TANK DiaMbution Device Yes _ No X Incon. DishUrtion OWce?- X Conventional Pressure Manifold _ Other Comments. NO DBOX FOUND ON THIS SAND FILTER SYSTEM No Incon. X Flow split evenly? (Flow adjusters utilized) rments FLOW 13 NOT SPLIT EVENLY DUE TO ROOTS FOUND IN SAND FILTER PIPE No A Incon. Bull Run valve present? rap Tank No X Incon. Does system contain a pump or dosing tank? No Incon. share is evidence of structural damage to the tank? No Incon. Access Risers in Place? Condition? No Incon. There is evidence of surface water Infiltrating into pump chamber. No Incon. Pump and panel appear to be In good condition and operating property. No Incon. Nigh water alarm present No Incon. Can the alarm be activated? ip tank doses to Pressure Manifold Distribution Box Ponta: NO PUMP TANK _ Disposal Field Evaluation 3 1 Number of Lines UNKNOWN LENGTH OF SAND FILTER SYSTEM Brief (]ascription of System Type: SEPTIC TANK TO SAND FILTER SYSTEM Yes No X Incon. Impemdable surface such as conc., asphalt, or Wick Is located appmx. over the absorption field Yes X No Incon. Good vegilative cover over the absorption field. Yes No X Incon. Heavy objects (cars, pools. buildings) or evidence from such objects are in the vicinity of the field. Yes No X Incon. Stomavalef, sump pumps. foundation drains. or roof runoff is diverted to flaw into the septic system or on to the absorption field. Yes No X Incon. Surface runoff water is polling on the absorption field. Yes X No Incon. Trees, large shrubs or other plants with extensive root systems were observed in the vicinity. Yes No X Incon. Is there surfacing effluent, wet spots, burnt out grass, ground staining or odor evident iewde) Yes X No Incon. Patches of lush green grass over the soil absorption system or around any tankage Yes X No Incon. Soft absorption system probed to check for excessive moisture, odor and /or effluent? Result of investigation into soil absorption system: TREES IN THE VICINITY HAS CAUSED ROOT BLOCKAGES IN THE SAND FILTER PIPE LUSH GREEN GRASS FOUND ABOVE THE SAND FILTER SYSTEM Results S Reeommendations Results: Inspection revealed (indicate one or more of the Wowing): System meets minumum standards System is substandard or has substandard components. (Note reasons for indicating this on comment Me below) Structural damage to the system (such as cracks in the septic tank or a sot absorption system cavedn). X Fuller evaluation by health dept representative or repair professional is recommended. Comments: HOME WAS VACANT AT TIME OF INSPECTION UNKNOWN IF SEPTIC TANK HOLDS EFFLUENT SOLID LEVELS INDICATE TANK PUMPING IS NOT RECOMMENDED AT THIS TIME ROOT BLOCKAGE FOUND IN SAND FILTER PIPE Recommendations: WE RECOMMEND CONTACTING ENVIROMENTAL SPECIALISTJANE BERNARD- REGARDING THE SAND FILTER SYSTEM FOUND ON THE PROPERTY, SHE WILL DIRECT YOU TO AN ENGINEER THAT WILL ASSIST WITH INFORMATION NEEDED FOR REPAIRS DUE TO THE POOR CONDITION OF THE SEPTIC TANK CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO REMOVING THE ROOTS FOUND IN THE SAND FILTER PIPE WE RECOMMEND REPLACING THE DETERIORATED OUTLET TEE IF SEPTIC TANK IS SALVAGEABLE WE RECOMMEND REPLACING THE OUTLET LID DUE TO BROKEN HANDLE INSPECTOR SIGNATURE A 452,'.M5;Z G;e Inspectors Signature *•' .T l y y4 777 ti BROKEN OUTLET HANDLE DISCHARGE PIPE I Re: [External] septic repair or replace question for 252 pester road NCG551314 Bernard, Jane <> Mon 11f1312023 8:00 AM To:James Parker<james@220agentscom>,ddellarova3CEgmai : om <ddellarova3Pgma67m> J 2 attachments (146 KB) Engineers (7).pdf: Installers.pdf. Permit $1 NCG551314 Your client needs to contact an Engineer and work with them. Sample results would also be needed to determine if the sand filter is working according to design. The samples should have been pulled annually. Are there any results available? We have a 2022 invoice but results are not in the file. Nothing in the file for 2023. The Division can not make such a recommendation. However, an Engineer will be needed with or without the repair. An Engineer will need to verify the repair will not weaken the tank and if they believe the sand filter can be salvaged. If no to these questions they will be needed to design anew facility. Jane R Bernard, Environmental Specialist II Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, NC 27609 Office: (919) 791-4233 Cell- (919) 210-7327 Fax- (919) 5714718 NEW web page: bttrz:/1www.ncwater.or9 [] Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: James Parker <> Sent: Thursday, November 9, 2023 1:22 PM To: Bernard, Jane <> Subject: [External] septic repair or replace question for 252 hester road CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Jane, My name is James, I am the real estate agent for Tyree Richard (252 Hester road Durham nc), Alex from wastewater solutions, gave me your contact information and said i should send the septic for you to review. We are wanting to know if we need to replace this tank, or if it could just be repaired... or if there is a permit needed to do anything, or otherwise how we can move forward. Please inform, thank you :) Thanks, James vOM James Parker I REALTOR 0 jaM& 910-990-6833 4700 Homewood Court Sude 200 Raleigh. NC 27609 wtyyL 2�.4.t4 kW RALEIGH KLLLER- Two TWENTY AGENTS } F C O- e I p x O H I The NC Reef Estate, Commission and ! believe you should understand how I work as a Real Estate Agent Please review the brochure to team more. www.220a4ants.CorryWwrea 1IL 1 I 1- 14 H t 21mal d �, IINIF�-m L �Mllll � 1� 9 ; M j . r 1 1 1 1' L k3 1 1N I If %Am 0 6m = 1 0 ir = N U4.