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GW1--07059_Well Construction - GW1_20231102
WEL CONSTRUCTION RE con)(GW-!l For Internal Use Only: I.Well contrector information: --_, j I i r l,;1I4j 4-i 14.WATER ZONES -- well C:onttretor Nattac vnOM To nzseRlrrittS NC Well Contractor Certification Number ft' ft, Cf _15,OUTER CASING _or-multi-c*ud was OR A.,..rC 1�4 t br�') // ,, Nr.OM TO ntAM[' J t� •t itir:r«t�ae:-:� Company Maine i rt. L__ �if. In 2.well CSaMtttretioa Permit# j 16.1NNI1R CASING OR S(geothermalcl ) /ire all applicable hell construction `'riFROM TO Ttt1L 4N 8 #iA t bltrAl s(i.r.UIC:Cora, .dale, FaNarnae,.rr,t R• ft la.,,�,t ,wit 3.Well Use(check well use): ref- .Vt. O AI a`` I' eat IL ft. IL Water Supply Well: 17.8C'RILIIA 1 _ , PROM C11'griculttual C7Mtu►icipal/.'ubtie , tO ,DIAM it tIt ft, ha 4.Ot eigte t fta MA t, OGeothennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ()Residential Water Supply 9(single) ;" ft " - ,la. , Dlndustrial/Commercial ()Residential Water Soppy(shared) —. Cllrrigation 1S,",ill 37 C7Wplla> IootWO GPIJ Motu 7v AinuAt MPt.tiC RtIiN7 Ir[lTlt<?Df AMOUNT�� Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ft. °Monitoring ft°Recov Injection Well: ,.r✓am' ft. `I °Aquifer Recharge 1111 vundwatcr Retncdiatior: ft, ft. ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity harrier 1 PACK(H,,,I k) (?Aquifer Test 'f MKI11O0' DSion:maim Drainage , ft. it. °Experimental Technology °Subsidence Control fi. ft, CJGeothetmal(Closed Loop) OTsacer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach ndddlwud ' °Gieothennal )least _� tiMKttn " �petso char) :...... .____.ti._.._ { ng/C'ortling Return) 4t,� e7'{exp}oin under#21 Remarks) � �r�It rs.y,�,w+reM, awr..R ter�ri+.t.,�a�.) 4.Date Well(a)Completed: Well Itni I1 - 31 2 S y- �r t � .ETA .� ,LT'"rf'd'�,!��t Wit` �.»�a�Jar.f3C. ia.Well Location: !r. rt. r. iii3e. OA�J1ovl"C e Stier 4 s/le .44k o 2-76Y*9q ,t. f' - tavilitylOw•nerNante Family 104 fir applicable i ft• ft. .......... ter.i- 7 e+t� �r NOV J 2 2n?3.. .�_ ___ - _...� 2 7 4e 'lave 131✓1/10 stAr sir j, ile0 2e7 ft./Z Physical Address,City,and Zip ft. tJ/VSlob • 2!3 ( /30/ !8/8 21.RREMA County Parcel Identification No:(PIN) XI ri) 1.4 /....4 n its.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutecleecnnds or decimal degrees: See44, ed�rCati1 -t -I.i.:rO+v'8tr.►>(t W Sf etai ii (if well field,one bt/tong it eulacient) 22.Certffieatfon; 341.7 r eo N -77 . 6dµ .°r W 6.Ia(err)the well();]: dl! rnnanent or Cl I ertlporar v Signature of Certified Well Coatirnar pate / It),signing*Islam I hereby eer tifj,that the well(s)nut(eery)consttvcted in avcurnitrtrry with 7.is this a repair to an existing well: DYea or t�"19n 11A 1✓CAC 02C 0100 or ISA AK AC MC.t2d9 Well.Cbnrtniction Standar&and that a Off it this is a reputr,fll mu known well reartm'tian bgroratation awl esplaw the nature of the of this record Ras been provided to Me Nell outer. repair under#21 mutate,section or on the hail.of this Toro 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info II.For Geoprabeli7PT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Welk teeing the same construction only I Gt4V-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: __ _ ---- 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: S '7 ft Far multipleice//s slat all*Ms it different(morph.-3(c#On'ajrttY(p1txY) ( ) Submit this(W I within 30 days of well completion per the following: 18.State water level below top of easing: /Q (It) 24a. For All Welk: Original form to Division of Water BecoUrcca (DWR), 11.waterer level is above coxing,use"+' lnfbrtttatioi:Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 IL Borehole diameter' Q (in,) 24b.For Injection.WO:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Control(11JC) Program, 1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Weil construction method: 11 o r P i 4 24e.For Water Supply end Open-I Geothermal Jtetarr wax;:Co r to the (i.e.aartger,rotary,cable,direetposh,etc.) county environmental ihcSIth Aparmrentt of the county wv e insti 1k4 1 y FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.pot Water Wells produsifigp ikQil5 CPU:Copy to 11WR,(( Ct/A Pcnni ogrtttn, 1611 MSC,1tntcngh, 7699-16i i 13a.Yield(gust) - Method of test: , _ 13h.Disinfection type: Amount:._ .,......__._ _ .-._ • 100 TERRATHERM ISTD Heater Boring Construction Detail Revision it 0 HER Release date: 5/12/23 Approved by: SL Well ID H-31 Date Q 9—1 d r-�• - Oversight R+- ©J + lob ft R23-104 Driller 12.41-1t4— Constructed (fill out if Design different) Notes —Stick Up Height 1/2"Thermocouple pipe? 24" Thermocouple Length 58.67' Ground Surface 0.0' Heater Can Conductive HT Grout— •ngle from Horizontal 90° Borehole Diameter 6" • Heater Can Length 59 ft 5 Gal Buckets of Graphite 3 Bags of Silica 4 Heater Can Diameter 3 i Bags of Cement 13 Installation Method Direct Push Hollow Stem Auger Mud Rotary Other: Bottom of Heater Can 57' Bottom of Borehole 57' Post-Installation QC(to be performed 24hrs after installation) PID Log:Make/Model: 1)Confirm well is free of grout Design Constructed Time: 'f ° Reading: f" PPM Depth to bottom of well(ft bTOC c4' Time: !" c-•p C Reading: Q ti ,4 PPM if greater than or equal to ift less than designed alert the office Time: Reading: PPM 2)Confirm grout plug reaches ground surface Time: Reading: PPM repeat daily until depth to grout is Oft. Time: Reading: PPM Date Depth to Grout(ft bgsj Notes: