HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--07037_Well Construction - GW1_20231102 WELL CONSTRUC ION RCORD CW Al For Intern]Use Only: - I I.Well Contractor information: --____,,t Q 'Xitiri G an r 14.WATER ZONE _ ,,:. Well Contractor came `snow TO � 0 /� ft. f DESCRIPTION NC Well Contractor Certification Number ft. It. 15.OUTER CASING ter multi-cased wells OR LINER kable LF L*—.�sw :w e Dr,11)r/ ,...0. ETE TO MAMR THICKNESS MATERIAL �`- Company Name f. fa. 2.Well Construction Permit H yA 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(taathsratttl closed-final►}l_lit oa applicable wail UK Ca L.6 s:fe PROM TO DIAMEri R TM/0MM MATERIAL -'construrtio»p tic..WC emfv,Sate,i'aritrtoc,erc.J ft, ft. in. 3.Well Use(checkt eelin r%/i r►r3 W O..%r t<'dE _ i well nee): ft. ft. Water Supply Well: la. 1 T.JsICRCIiAI _ OAgriculttua) PROM TO .: DIAMET0ft mot ma , THIC KNEMS KATEN1AI,` ❑Municipal/Public R. n In. °Geothermal(Nesting/Cooling Supply) °Residential Water Supply(single) OhuinsrriaUCamtncroial ft. fir. Ia ` _._ OResidential Waster Supply(shared) ❑Irrigation f&GROUT O Wells> 100,000 GPI) FROM TO MATERIAL .MPLAC'_MENT it1ETHoa d ahsou-pit Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ft. °Monitoring °Recovery injection Well: W_d. R. °Aquifer Recharge tlindwater Rernedietion IL ft. C'aou ;i. C1Ayuifer Storage and Recovery 19.SANDrGRAVEL PACK(ifatrpheabie) look OA u °Salinity Barrier FROM To MATERIAL Obu,• q fifer Teat ©Stormwater DrainagetfitILALEME3YI METfIOD ft. ft. �I,';1i: °Experimental Technology °Subsidence Control 4•!.:, ft. ft. N; OGeothtarnal(Closed Loop) OTtnt cr t _�,✓ 20.DRILLING LOG Wrath addnfaaal sherds If mammary)C1C,cothetmal(Heatinglt tooling Return) t)yCltticr(explain under#21 Remarks) FRLJM TO »scRurnoN(case;)m,dses,sawn ham,gr in the.c o ft.r 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: Well ID# /1 .1 y or R. 2 s ft... i'lb.�1y t,iiieiIroi stt..rv, si1..C1sK`_ 2 5 7, ) . 4-rtr7 ate,ear-t 2.S0.4v tit —- So.Well Location: A. It f & Di*e 11 o ur C;e Srt iers org,t , ;-/e . C h 0 Z76 Viil ft. R. .__ Facility/Ownet Name Facility 1Dt(if applicable) ft. ft. xf77Zfieumei3/✓t1ij-ultj.s5,.ii;i/e1 2 ?$V( n ft. NOV t12 ZOZ. Physical Address,City,and Zip ft. p, __ _...._._.. ON_5/0 W #3 Y1�130l 7813 21.REMARKS - - County Parcel Identification No.(PTN) c lt}�LL/ ` ,{ fib.Latitude and longitude hi degrees/mintlteslseconda or decimal degrees: sewt►°`� Celt cite." -'4"i C. Ist"Cp.�.ftrosr�f,pn.,�i e7,.j j„S. (if well fxid,one fat/tong is swflictent) 22.Certification: 141.7it/y00 N • 77r. 3t ti or) w • 6.!Ohre)the well(s): 1 1 rmrarpt or °7 emporal y Signature of Certified Well Contractor Data �' try signing thisfrm.I hereby cer/fr that Me wets)was(iar)cronstr arced in accordance with !i!, 7.Is this a repair to as existing well: °Yes or Q1Va lSd NC lC 02C0704 or IBA NC IC 02C.t)lltl)Well,Coa:traction Staednrde and that a corn If Mir Is a repair, oat broww nail cbattrurf wr' t r L. rn{otawtirrn and explaut tte nature of tin, o/fits r coca has bttH Pr01 ¢a to the well°"". �jil repow tinder A11 remark,sacuten or on the hark of this form 23.Site diagram or additional well details:8.For GeoprabeJDPT or Closed-1 cop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the hack of this page to provide additional well construction infra q.,'G construction,only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in Remarks(sox).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. ' drilled: w — 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: ,5- 1 e'S.-2- For twxhmjtlr wells lift nut dapihc it'dmlj rer„/.io f/e-3(r:7ao and<l%mtm) (ft) Submit this(:W--1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: /Pe 24a. For Ali Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), 10.Static water level below top of-casing: (R) If wow level is ahnve marl,.tut."+"�r) Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter: G! tin.) 24b. For Infection Wells:Copy to DWR, Underground injection Control(IUC) f t Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1 63 6 12.Wert construction method: 11 el el-..et.r1f i ii.e auger,rotary.cahla dirsn t Wwi, ow.) 24e.For WaterSnnply and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the county environmental health department of the county where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24tt.For Water Wells producing over 106,000 GPO: Copy to DWR,CCPCIIA I3a.Yield m Permit Program. 1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 l8P ) Method of test: Oh.Disinfection type: Amount: Penn OW-1 6..I r. .::.....Y.._._..... . — .. SIW BoringConstruction Detail Revision If: 0 TERRATHERM — Release date:_5/12/23_ Approved by: SL_� well to _ H-24 Date q--0 - 3 Oversight Job# R23-104 Driller Design Constructed Notes (fill out if different) 1/2"Thermocouple pipe? ; '^;'] y !� Thermocouple Length 58.67' Heater Stick Up Height 30" ----SIW Stick Up Height 1.8" Ground Surface 0.0' Conductive HT Grout—_--- Angle from Horizontal 90"_ Heater can Schedule 80 Heater Can Length 59.5' Borehole Diameter 7" Heater Can Diameter 3' 5 Gal Buckets of Graphite 2.25 SIW Riser Length 51..5 ft Bops of Silica 3 Screen Length 2 ft Screen Material Bags of Cement 10 Stainless Steel Fiberglass Top of N00 Sand 30' Other: SIW Slot Size 10 Bags of Sand 7.5 Screen Diameter :I." Gallons of Limestone 7.5 Installation Method Sonic Top of Screen 50' Direct Push Hollow Stem Auger Mud Rotary Other: Bottom of Screen 52' ll Bottom of//00 Sand 54' Conductive High Temp Grout ---- ' 4 . Bottom of Borehole 57' Post-Installation QC(to he performed 24hrs after installation) PIA Log:Make/Model: 1)confirm well is free of grout Design Constructed Time: I; /S Reading: s PPM Depth to bottom of well[ft hTOC): S9 5' Time: 3; z O Reading: 3 i PPM if greater than or equal to lit less than designed alert the office Time: Reading: PPM 2)Confirm grout plug reaches ground surface Time: Reading: PPM repeat daily until depth to grout is Oft. Time: Reading: PPM Date Depth to Grout[ft bgsj Notes: