HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233357_Site Plan or Location Map_20231109 / CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE SODDING MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION CObtain all necessary permits and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment Con rol(E&SC)permit and a Certificate of Coverage(COC)must be DATE PAGE obtained before any land disturbing activities occur.A copy of the E&SC permit,the COC and a lord copy of the plan must be kept on site, Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction Ate.This may .\jNRoAg - preferably in a peon to box,and accessible during inspection. require periotlic toptlressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure usetl to trap setliment antl dean it out as necessary. \ 1 2.Install gravel construction entrances first,then silt fences,reinforced silt fence Immediately remove all oblectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. / B� ^ outlets and wattles. Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. mimi BUTTING DO NOT LEAVE SPACES AND DO Ok 3.F inish clearing and grabbing any sary areas on the lots as they are started. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of •0' (i27:: SITE a"'R° MASON'S TROWEL IS A HANDY IN FoosrueTalumlrvcossrsn 4.Begin lograding and excavation activities properly toinsurethattheremovetl sediment duesnot washbackagainstthe fence.Adequate st°age volume should be provided for behind the fence at M �� 5.Begin or continue with house coilswction activities. talltimes.Takecaretonotunderminethefence during cleanoutoperations.eE MATcnaocoRREc . 6.Finish all rough grading and house consimc[ion. Sodding-The sotl should be properly mainMined to Insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sotl shoultl be watered as necessaryl1 / -17.Insmll driveways,walks and patios. to mainta n adequate moisture n the root zone antl prevent dormancy of the sod The sod should not be mowed to dose s nce this coultl nh bit adequates_f • _jPo 8.Begin fine g acting of lot areas grow h antl le. zation of the mot betl The sotl should be metl antl fa fzetl as per so type re ommentlat ons antl type of grass rewmmentlations when ( 3, \5j o O • • fe 9.Final grassing,mulching and stabilizing of lot In most ases this will involve the installation of sod on the lot.The silt fence will remain in antl f poss ble J� /place until the lot ins sodded or gassing ins stabilized and takes hold Q ,1 r.„,,0, z Losscvx;ocaRoap Gass ng antl Mulching The area to rece ve grassng antl mulch ng shoultl be properly fed I zed antl limed as necessary as an n t al step n so I preparalon i rygN�310.The connector shall conduct self-Ins chops of tM1e erosion and sedimentation rontrol masuas and coin late[he followm 4.-Once the grassrig has been placed,the area should be es notpetl as neetletl to hsure that all areas are germ oatnit properly Any bare areas shoultl be repsred / •-I iti i"I.�1titiI y,wzo combmedselfmspechonforrfourd the DEvian,Rwebsne p g and re ceded as n 'ble.If[he time of does not 't the establ'shment ofa t,41 ry µ h //w de /about/drvisions/ener I and land resaurces/stormwazer/smrmwater /n des constmwon s coo as poss year perm pemlanen grass,then a temporary grassing should be used unYl the \ @. 3C3C3C3C 4x,,ew0� m jlil � h,II tips. q tic gov gym program p program growrig season peon[s the use of a permanent gross 3� _S_S_S_,vdC'VJ'O �, -�JI II,IIIiI, Twelve months of complete lnsPectionforals shall be keP[on srte and available for lnspechon al allhmes 7[Is recommendeda Geneal All measureswll be- ted and corrections matte after runoff ducn falls:or at least once kmnmum The builder will insure that the -i'� '�-- y �S��S �A'R ypn PWH tl� copy be kept in a permits box Ref.G.S.113A-54.1 through G S.113A 57 S.tion6 15A NCAC 04A.0101 through 15A inspected producing rainfalls, per wee _ -'d. o A00,� ROLL SOD L construction activities on any part cuter lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures If lot construction dictates,m will be relocated on the \ ] 2," S S 4, oNCAC 04E 0504 General Permit NCG 010000 NPDES for Construction Activities pp poss gave assures suggested lot b Insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff s eliminated nated as much as possible.Silt fences and I construction entrances will be maintained as su ted in the s M" -.--. xis rc 0,9 CONTACT WITH THE so THE a 11.Self Inspections for erosion and sedimentation control measures are to be performed at least once every seven calendar days and erosion i`i i 'control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing:over. Sp,Ne° As THE SOD s LAID. MOWER HIGH(ra•I. within 24 hours of every rain event of grater than 1 inch.Any needed repairs shall be made immediately to maintain measures as - „ desi designed. ESC measnitorn II be maintained as fled in the construction derails on this Ian.Aain hall be installed Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or guillie upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair / �'"iG"!G. .w`'" cab APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD gn specified p gauges VICINITY TO n MAP at the project site for monitoring. the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed sediment shall be deposited - .. 4,\ (NOT TO SCALE) 12.Inspection and final acceptance letters.When the project is complete,the permittees shall contact DEMLR to close out the E&SC within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. �•' I II I�I HEALTHY,SS Plan.After DEMLR informs the permittee of the project close out,via inspection report,the permittee shall visit Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take Construction: Maintenance: III G/;"II III IIi,'' SHOULD BE GREEN AND I TA2- HEIGHT. "deq.nc.goviNCGOI"to submit an electronic Notice of termination(e-NOT).Ablob annual general permit fee will be charged 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-Ut inspect at least once aweek and after each linch or IlIIUIIIII ii{ I) NO°� until the e-NOT has been filled out, to Care daundermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes dogged with sediment.Remove all fencing materials and unstable material and properly grade it. greater rainfall;make any required repairs immediately. sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and 2 Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sedment \ / i i ' _ Meath t from leaving the construction site This may require periodic . ,,,,i .WITH DENSE ROOT MAT FOR I \ \\\\ - / / I \ \ ... -- y/ 4I i -_ �/ / / 3.Provide drainage to carry water toasediment tap or other suitable outlM. topdressing with 2lnch stone. � JJ I • / �/ 4.Use geotextile fabrics In order to Improve stability of the foundation in locations 3.Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or ' - - sTRENDTH. \ \ `- \ \./ Z/�- -/ I1 \ -- / \ / \ (\ 1 \ subject to seepage or high water table. tacked onto public roadways. \ .... / 1 1 ,-/21 - -' \\ \ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I EXIT > > > \ ll -\ _ Ili � , - , y ��� \ \I I II 11/ 1/\ \\= \�\_ - -���/; �, z �� \ \ � �� �'A / �� 1� 3J / / \ i / \ \\ \ \�\ A'SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY / (/ V Rg \ I AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT ` / �- _ F- I \ I 1 \\\ \ I / CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL DATE:' ',St - cure Fence Filter Fabric PAGE: M / ( /_ / 2 ` I, \ \ / \ I I \ \ -) 1 / SPREADSHEET. f Strength with repro \ \ I �/ J I 1 AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE iee1P Wire Fence PI yens %�r ' Backf ill trench \ I I(( I �8 --I- 1 \ \ C APPROVED EROSION AND�` sMax.Extra a bric without men / and Compact \ 10 \ ) I 11 1 ` \ / LEI SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT thoroughly uwow \ jy___ II ' �2 0� 23 I1 \ SITE.RULE 15A NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT a Steel Post % I / \ ILF / J I I ( / -2,2 I \ I I I \ I� ...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY INITIALING 1 \ �lu I I / AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY I / (/ I OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL Poslc or ''a I / ' /\/ \ -21Z \ \ ` I I \ / ' I I I I PLAN OR BY COMPLETING,DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION } / / \ I I\ Q _- / SHOWNT THAT LISTS EACH ON THE APPROVED EROSIION ANDA SEICE OR D MENTATEIONEcure t eB t(-, t f ,. 2 cama.nd, / / l I \ /1l/ / / \ z,a11 \\ 24 I \ \ / CONTROL PLAN... c�natantari. II/ / \ }�/ 1 Fabric g / / I \� / / /// / 218 ----1.... \ \ \ / \ I I l 1 \ \ 1. Il synthetic alrerrebtin. CROSS SECTION VIEW ( \ J \ / / / ��C 1 �// 1 2.E°:�� the Of thea°�cture)pvethegmpna.(Hlghare C �\ �/ / /// // / � � ( \\ GROUND STABILIZATION 3.Consmlame finrrrabic frroomsufficient eaous does not length structure) / m only at a support 4 feet rmmm avoid to thenex"as. \ \ I / / // 10 \ \ SITE AREA STABILIZATION 4.Support Standard strength mterfasuo befre mesh asrenea securely to the upslem side of posts.Extend Maintenance, enresei leestanceewrekene after eeml J I ��- 1 I 25 REINFORCE \ / EXCEPTIONS p p 1 ,m Y / / / //// / / `_ �' CON\s1T�CTION SILT �-q \ _\ DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME s.When a wiremesnpwae fence islMx6.s>P should oslte aximum of a feet pound suppelta shins be driven make .re collapse, decompose, \ \ l l ' / / / LI"+�TS \ \ \ \\\ \ / PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE irkh or ain,ll.M reps immediately. securely into me ground a minimum oft inn es. minimum 2 ror en�me In avoid ace n premptiy.pee °`rim roe SWALES, DITCHES .snows Me i a.Extra strength filter fad,with 6 foot poaspacng does rim require a wire mean suppmence.Securely B.Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate - - \ & LOPES fasten me finerfronp directly.Ppm>.wire or plastic ties should haveamin rso poMna tan>ue storage voltmeter me fie eand u reduce pressure on me _--� \ // S rengtl�. inches wide and p g proposed roam posts eancuu rem undermining fence during \\� // ' /// 0 /\ \ / /// .pv% �q WATTLE \ \\ \\ \ ��\ HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE 7. mefrontrnc approximatelyRemove all fencing maMna>an nn>tabe>edimem deposits \�� V� \ C ` �i WATER ZONES 8.Place the bo.m and side of end bring the area to grade end stabilize n after the coributing / / / //CONSTRUCTIONS II 26 ` \ \\ / HQW\ +.sacknit the trench with soil plces ale finer fabric nce compact.Thorough compaction of me backfiu is drainage area has properly stabilized. \�\ ' / /// \ / / \ / . TFE;CE £ \ \ \ \ / ( / o.M nil Mat en.performance.mg trees. \ / / LIMITS P Y \ \� i SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE �/ ///\ / / / / / - \- w\ - THAN 3:1 1N'LENGTHOR LESS IN ANC-Envirmmental.jpeq SILT FENCE \ \ CO CRETE \ \ \� \ AND ARE / OO CONSTRUCTION WA OUT II \ \ NOT STEEPER _ // / ////\ / \ / L;:: o 11 ENTRANCE 27 ` \ \ THAN 2:1, 14 j \ \ r W Tu \ \ \ / FLATTER SLOPES GREATER J) 't.......... ._._._._ „ SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR _\ \\�� \� // \ Lane ELanere \ // THAN 5T IN LENGTH ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE (EXCEPT GATE: PAGE: / Il WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS �� \ // 1 / / i FLATTER THAN 4:1 4•mlN. :/SILT FENCE / \/ / / / \/ \ 7 II 'I 2$ ) / /// AND HOW ZONES) - - 1 / //// 22 I ct&IaE:: / ABD T ETDPDF 1 I /// / red / / / CONSTRUCTION / / / General Erosion Control Notes ed and \ \ / L LIMITS ` / / sreEL BENDE PTHE ns Eo sT - / I /\ / LotVPl-a-n 29 .p'�� �- `� / // I I I 1. Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. D -- -I --I / / I I I 2 ullchedtiasesoon as possible as shall be and smaintained WIRE FENCE ' I \/ \\\ '22 �- / / ' / I I until pemonent cover s established. - CONSTRUCTION Nti,BURY WIRE FENCE,WASHED sTOHARDWANE RE CLOTH FRONT VIEWFILTER FABRENCH // I //// / \ LIMITS \ / I I FILTER OF/15.7 STEEL FENCE MAX"I- AND I // //^ 5 I I 30 / I l l I I ct ORourvO INTOSSOLLIIDGIROUN // Lot Plan ( / / /i 1 l l Si NOTES: ' / // \ C" 1.Hardware clots and gavel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 �co�8�81?Y inches. ' hti / / 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of sift fence CONSTRUCTION and based on field conditions. A LIMITS `\\ MAINTENANCE: // I // /// \ Lot Pan 31 220 I / I I / BURY WIRE FENCE ° eURy F 1.Per NCG MAINTENANCE: Inspect outlet at lest once a weak and after each 1 Inch or / ( V /// / / D I I ' I I I ( I HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater rainfall event.Complete any required repairs immediately. I 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches. I \ 0 3.Keep mesh free of debris to provide stone adequate flow. / //// / \ r eIIII�� I I I 1 \\ SECTION VIEW 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. I CONSTRUCTION / ANC-Envir en lot./pay 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate tie-watering. ( / / LIMITS I// SILT FENCE OUTLET \// , 3 D32n� I ' 1 1 1 \ c.,,,,s__y // 7 -3b6ilAIFFGI:EASEMET'-- 1I I I I1 \ 1 `\ / CONSTRUCTION 1 / 1 \ ` \\ \ \ LIMITS ? f1 I \ \`\ 33 L _ �D�N gdEN I \ . DATE: PAGE: DATE: PAGE: ---- ---- a�/el \ \ Silt Sock/Wattle - r - silt sack/Wattle NOTE: W\\ FLOW�y MI j� be FLO MI e I over mat/Mats providing on \ NE -L.:r�- HI 1. o- against ermive velocities may he ea kr A:: "B" "C:, "D:: E:. .:F" "G" "H:. O ___ ,.� \ -n II_II- 2. - - uniformly with compost •-• -. 1 rn gaged clove.5in 5osum met logs do not deform. 7 '� Stab. Mn.il stokes Mould be pareet u �, �� \ 34 \ \ SECTION SECTION andto amnmumofiofeetbeyondoet�pea u ' cI = N % D , I ." .0 I ( �F2'�\ 0 \ PAGE 1 of 2 flat areas houdbe the"edge of the }1 ll }u I�I!!� HOUSE �� I Hour I as / \ \ TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 3.20 ACRES lend disturbance.T.ends of the silt 1III1IffYY IYI1IfiYY DD :IF H HOUSE 7' LOTS EROSION CONTROL FOR 7 LOTS socidwattle(s)should be tinned,•gope to et*- `do site* silt el t slightly me i I I f �' $' \/ EASEM r SIGN \ \� LOTS 4, 6, 8, 26, 28, 30 & 32 I I 4. Oak or other durable hardwood stakes with a 2 -_,EASEMENT IN verfinallY pram,through..center of the silt LEDGEinch x 2 inch cross section should.Riven •• AT '' ROADWAY -RD AT _HIT• AY -NU AY -RUA Ay Old Sc ool J 0 H[I�S 0�T RIDGE CURBITIMII/Iii Interval of 4 feet or a Nolen Road S \ Trench in a sin soudwatae is placed in a 4 inch INLET 1.If needed,Tree Protection fencing should be Installed along the buffer zone,wetland wood Mulch or Com st ground 4'Min boundary and/or around protected trees,providing a radius of at least 1.25 feet for each �_1350�- for trench. 5. possible lie.when To 1/2 height of log a In ere is on pcsei LEGEND Inch of trunk diameter. urvmENCHEo INSTALLATION shall be used mere heavy 2.Install Silt Fence on the low elevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on \ ---- A G E S=D E �'I A L, L L C ISOMETRIC VIEW rX1• x,10Xwv cor.,®..aro„ren.,a«aaw..mw,:. *tile to ore place a g on even¢. FLOW DIRECTION schematic/diagram and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low poi..If lots are SILT ENCE --- contiguous and have different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual Sig Fences. SILT FENCE OUTLET ® 3.Install required silt Fence within 10 feet of proper line to ensure there is no conflict with ELEVATION TOWNSHIP JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. Mulch or Compost SOCK liana_sow RATES Remove _ o>1. Inspect silt socitiwattle at least weekly and a� ENTRANCECONSTRUCTION septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of sediment SCALE: 1 100' AUGUST 2023 re Dlmaneheds«k> D DI I e(z"` (coo m,(:5o m,(aoo nil az^nre 2. a,aema>,b peed.,, or °ma INLET = anlr0lmeasuresdoes flat impaot the septiosyslema.repair area(s). i GRAPHIC SCALE If 8M1 IFbw il mremed eaa areew nm,a m) a ecru 4.At least one Construction Entrance/Exit is to be installed per lot. roe v mTO ee mskye sp tt ,,pao Lwa beep bsi' roe It etith a 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at \ iW 0 50 100 200 400 11 P Wilt Sock/a ate(aq 0earmj Mermj F..i •t Fwla,rdia 're different measure. lees[50 feet away from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless i[can be shown that workAree Wattle m (seam, ( sm1 (so°m, s Reinstall bdamagedodislodged. o other alternative exists.lraissepam0on cannot beachieved,these areas must be / 11/101 ENGINEERS ima.vn`awo z. Is zz. anland contained behind Silt Fence. - p .7"..,,,, m%rI a^•%I g„ , measure has been permanently stabilized.�9 „ace sal (sTa B.sedSentfro the siUtyis reentected;sheetsshouldbesweptwhen \ PLANNERS ( IN FEET ) /reyrel /myml /re/m, /myml Ikrekre, dsturbarice lsw^v uaria^fie area�bovefie sediment from the construction adiHty is present. SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION \NC-Environmental.jpeg 7.Details for Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances and other measures are SURVEYORS MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INCIoo ft 115 BROADFOOT AVE. provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to scale. -E,,, TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC" FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX (910) 484-0388 LICENSE #: F-0106 LAST SAVED:8/21/2023 11:12 AM LAST PLOTTED:8/21/2023 11:14 AM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME.G\CURRENT JOBS\A&G RESIDENTIAL lLC\23-265S-11 JOHNSON RIDGE-EC\PLANS\JOHNSON RIDGE EC-LOTS