HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0044627_Application (FTSE)_20230712RECEIVED 0r-E[} Faye�tev��eRegional Offce A�tn�TrentAJ|�n 225GreenStreet Suite7�4 Fayetteville, NC 28301 RE: Sewer Application, Eagle Creek Subdivision, Harnett County, North Carolina Attached iathe aanitarysevvereppUcationpackagefor Ea��eCreek Subdk/�ion.AcheCkfor tine $480 review fee is also enClosed. E a g I eCreek3ub div i s i o n residnt de |ernenn �opn�a deupof121sefarn|!yIot, farnUy|otS\.Th��xten�|onpnopoCe�isa�navi�y�mvversy���rntha1vviUconnm����an ex|stin�s�vverovvn��and rnaintain���yHarnettRegiona�VVa�er.T�ere�ueoted mx1mn�i�nvvU|��ovvn�dan�rnainta(nm�' Harnet�R��|on@|VVaterafter��nstruc±ion | look forward toworking with you onthis project. |fyou have any questions or concerns, please contact rneatyour earliest convenience. Sincerely, 4O8te Solutions, Inc. Scott Brown, PE Enclosure 409chicagoCw,eSuite 11lFayettewUe,mc283o0 omoe 1910'426-6777 rax 910-42e-5777 RECEIVED State of North Carolina zw� JUL 12 2023 Department of Environmental Quality MM Divisioii of Water Resouri,,.*es FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION Dlvtsion of -v"'TM'Ater Resources , E DEG-FAYETrVILLE REMNAL OFFICE FTA 06-21 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION r„v-v.rw.w.,-„...,rw.�s..a,rrv.,�-.aaae-�.e,.�«w�wwY.�,.w.a,-wA=.�r.+.*.'M1.�!-_.-=R i���l�d����� _ mma+aca.+unen.:r+vr..nwrwn....rmv..n Application Number-, V4 QUO L4 L4 (p_Z� (to beooinpletedbyDWR) All items mug be cum feted or the gUI)fication 'will bg returned 1. Applicant's name, H_a_rn_e_t_t.p,4pnpLWq1W (c=ompany, municipality, HOA, utility* etc.) 2, Applicant type: [I Individual ED Corporation iC eneral 'Partnership Federal .1 state/county Municipal 1 Rianatime anthnritv'S vaLme-: Steve ward per 1 SA NCAC 01T .01 Cxx b) , T I tle., i Phi, 41 t'lpphcant's maibing address.- P0.11B..ox 1119 City: Lifl1ingLon State: NC Zip: 27540- 5 Appliewit's contact information: Phone number: (9j.Q) 893-7575 Ernail Address: ..ward rqqt % 4&ha— q-p_ E] Privately -Owned Public Utility E Other IL PROJECT INFORMATION, 1. Projext name: E_:qZle_Creek Subdivi 1 Applicafion/Project status. Proposed (New Permit) E] E)dstingPemit/Project If a modification- provide the existing permit number: WQ00__ and issued date: For modifications, also attach- a detailed narrative description as described in Item G of the checklist ff new can ustruction, but part of a roaster plan, proVide the existing permit nurnber: WQOO----.-.--- 3- ;`minty where project is located: H�rpttt 4. Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude-, 3_53Z5 _0' Longitude: -.7-8.79-5-92' 5. Parce-11D (if applicable): W5.-5Q719_,0QRA 060,574.0_,!173,Wq (or Parcel ID to closest: downstream- svwer) 1IL CONSULTANT INFORMATION., I Professional Engineer: L,, Scqtt.Brqwq License Numbev, ML14,5 Firm: wia!'; ngaddress, 4(6.0_D_r[V :City;�Fa ggeylille State: NC Zip: 28306- Phony: number: (�IQ) 426-6777 Email Address- hr IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACIIIJ n?" ('AVWTF) INFORMA TION. I- Facility Name: Nq Permit Number: 00)OZI,6.36 Owner Name: Harnett ReO�al_Wa_ter V, RECEIVING DOWNSTREAM SEWER ATION: L 021 A Permit Number(s): WQL 6477 2, Downstream deceiving) Sewer Informafton'. 36 inch Z &avlty ti Force Mlf,%ri 3. System Wide Collection System Permit Number(s) (if applicable), WQX'S000 16.6 Owner Narne(s): Hanett FORM- FT . 06-21 Page I of 5 VL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. If the Applicant is aPrivately-Ow-ned, Public kjtility, leas Ceruficate of Public Convenience and Necessity been attached' I Odes Ej'No 0' MA 2, If the Applicant is a Developer of lots to be sold, has a_&_yQ. AjQ4it .-AgvneL_qDE been attached? 1 F_ NLAYes No . 0 3If tible A p p-1i can t i saHrn ei?rpertwrsI .aiasan'QAfet and supplenTgentary documentaDon as required by ). 5A INCAC 02T.0111 510 beer, attached? Yes No NVA -1 1 §. Origin of wastewater: (check all that 2sj Residential (Iiidividual• ly 0-wried) 71 ad (stores, centers, malls) L - !Re J� 4 1� I C,--r -TT ;7 Residential (Leased) F ReWl with food preparation/service Hotel and/or of s 'Schaol I preschool / day care Mediciad I dental / veterinary 'facilities S U1 wimming Pool/Clubhouse Food and drink facilities _j Church El Svvimming PooLiTilter Backwashl :1113usi-nesses/offic-esl 'fa �ctofies � Nursing in Atta-chrrient) M CoAdier (Expiaiin - "I a 114 jMkLqqQ fow cave_a:t�s to wastewater design flow rates (i.e., rninimum flow per See =,f) j dwelling; proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near higli public use arm. and residential property Imated south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal gat envspay to be used as vacA-fiori rentals as defined in G.S.,_42A-4). b Per 15A NCAC 02T 01 14(c), design flow rates for establishments -not identified in table.15 "%'N( M', 0'12',T.01 141 shall be detennined using available flow data, water using fixtures, o=tpancy or operation patterns. and other measured data. S. Wastewater geoerated by project. ,2L'j GPD (per C A I' Do not include future flows or previously pemlitted allocations If permitted flow is zero, pimse Indicate why: J_ T?ump Statiori&orcc Mann or Ckravity Sewer where flow will be pmitted In subsequent permits that connect to this fine. Please provide supplei-nentary information indicating the approximate finiefrarne for permitting upstream sewers with. flow, 0 Flowhas wkeadybe= allocated in Permit Number: ___ Issuance Date-. ,E] Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewers with no new flow expected ['-jl Other (Explain): RECEIVED JUL 12 2023 OEQ_FAYETMNILLE REMNAL OFFICE FORM: FTA. 06-21 Page 2 of 5 VIL GRAVITY SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA (IfApplicAble) - q'�Ll 0305 1. Summarize gravity sewer to be permitted: �- Section 11 & 1111 of the MDC for Pemtitting of Gravity Sewers con uains information related to design criteria Sec -don 1 11 contw'ns information related to minirnum slopes for gmvilty seweR's-) overswng lines to M"t uniflimuni slope njuirements is not allowed and a violation of the INIDC VE[[. PUMP STATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) - 021- -1.030-4 & NiUNK' "Purr, --LM ST RL - LAI M9 -QF ' AYF FOR. EACH P(P-STADON-W ED-,jN--.,jlff5-M I . Pump station number or name: —_ 11, Approximate Coordinates (Dec Degrees): egrees): Latitude. Longitude, - A. 3. T otal, 1-1 U 1 ri b e-j of ptami P S at th e P-11m, P stati, o'n 3 Design flow of thc pump station: millions gallons per day (finn capacity) This should refleathe total CIPMforth . e pump station with the largest pump out of service. 4. Operation poirit(s) per pump(s): --_ ga- Ions per minute (GPM) at feet;Wtall dynamic head (TDH) 5, Suminari.-e the force main to be permitted (for this Pump, Station): Size (inches) Length (fetet) MsteriUd ... ....... -- .. ........ . if any portion of the force main is less thwi4-inches in diameter, please identaN the method of solids rc-ducfion per l�ADCPSFM Section 2.01C. I .b. [I Grinder Pump E] Mechanical Bar Screen Other (please 6, Power reliability in accordance with .1,5A.Ni' .AC 02T�L)�(ji-Af-jj- Lj Standby power source or [j Standby pump Must have automatic activation and telemetry - 15A NCAC 02T.0305(h)(1)(R), Required for all pump stations with an average daily flow greater than or equal to 15,000 gallons per day Must be permanent to facility and may not be p(Y.-table Or if the pump station has an average daily flow less than 1.5,000 gallons per day 15A NCACO2T.0305(h)(1)(c): " Portable power source with man"activation, quick -connection receptacle and telernetry - Li or L7 Portable pumping unit with plugged emergency pwnp connection and telemetri: RECEIVED Include documentation that the portable source is owned or oontracted by the applicant arid is compatible with the station. If the portable power source, or pump is dedicated to multiple pump stations, an evaluation of all the pump *012tINq capacities and the rotation schedule of the portable power sour" or pump, including travel timeframes, AM provided as part of this permit application in the case of a multiple station power outage. DEC�FAWTTEVILLE RE&ONAL OFFICE FORM- FTA 06-21 M SETBACKS & SEFA RAIIONSS — (02B AMO & I SA NCAC 02T 0305(f)): S y -1, Dm the project comply widi all at. paxafion-.Valternativei found Yes [i No 15A NCAC 02T,0305o) contains minimum s-enarations that shall be provided for sewer systerns: 11, 4 .- ... .. .. - ------- ------ . .. ........ Setback Parameter* Separation Required Storm sewers and other utilities not listed below (vertical) 18 inches eater mains (vertical - water over sewer preferred, including in benched trenches) 18 inches, .. . ....... ------- ater mains (horizontal) Reclaimed water lines (vertical - reclaimed over sewer) Reclaimed water lines (horizontal - reclaimed over sewer) "Any pTivate or public water supply source, including any wells, WS-1 waters of Class I or Class 11 impounded resey'voirs. used as a source of drinking watic"r, and ass,�iated wetlands. ------ - - - ------- - -- . .... . ..... "Waters classified WS (except WS-1 or Wit"vJ, B, SA, ORW, HQW', or SB from normal high water (or tide elevation) and wetlands associated vA.th these waters (= item IX2) **.Any other stream, lakes impoundment, or ground water lowering and surface drainage ditches, as well as wetlands associated ixith these waters or classified as WL. ,kny building foundation (horizontal) 10 feet Any basement (horizontal) .. . . ........ ...... 'fop slope of embaniunent or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height Drainage systerns and interceptor drains Nny swimming pools ........ . . Final. earth grade (vertical) If nionco'naplifince with gj� ,p tion X I of this application see Seir Ple contains alternatives where separations in f 1.z. cannot be achieved. -ase check -yes" above if these alternatives are ustid and provide narrative information to explain. **Stream cia:ssifications can be iden0ed using the Division�s 1 feet 18 inches 2 feet 100 feet . ........ ... 50 feet 10 feet 5 feet 10 feet 5 feet 10 feet �5 en s b water mai. 9 C;� Yes El No E] N!A ffi the mini um SePar8flOn requirements f r w t ns- Does this project comply wit If no plea refer 15A NI CAC 18C.0906(f)F-or documentation requirements and submit a separate document, I � �, sigried/sealed by un NC licensed YE n J -PC . vefifying the orsileda o di ed in that Rule, 3. Does the project comply with separation re-lairernerits for wedands? Yes Ll No 1 VA Please provide supplementary information identifying the areas of non-confor mance, lli�l See the Division'sd­ gs for situations where separation cannot be Lnet. No variance is mquired if the alternative design criteria. specified is utilized in design and ccristrucuon, 4. Is the project located in a river basin subma to any State buffer rules? D" Yes Basin name: L No J 'If yes, does the project comply with setbacks found in the river basin ralies rer.L. 4k_ 1 Yes 0 No This includes TroutBui - ed Stems perL 5. Does the project require coverageatiav)ri&atlon. under a 404 NationwideVindividuM permits Yes M No or 401 Water Quality Certifications? �o Pleise,ptovlde the per number/permitti-og, sit,auis in the cover letter if cDveragMulthofizafiort is required, - (additional permits/certificationsP Z Yes E] No 6, Does project comply with !i&�_,MLL ­­ - Per directly related envirortmental permits or certification applications must be being prepared, have been applied for, or have been obtained. Issuance of this permit is contingent on issuance of dependent permits (erosion and sedimentation wntrol plans, stormwater management pIRns, etc,). 7. Does this project include any .sewer collecuionh.nes that are- deerned"high -priority?" Yes 21 No Per 15A.M.-A !�.OQ2, "high-ptioiity sewer" means any aerial sewer, sewer contacting surface waters, RsEsQ F, IVED siphon, or sewers positioned parallel to streambanks that are subjectto erosion that undermines or detenora Siphons and sewers suspended through interference/conflict boxes require a variance approvaL >� If yes, include an attachment with details for each line., including type (aerial line, size, material, and locatioJOL 12 2023 'igh prlawit-_A lails:,, shka-11129 In.,e intIpt-,ted by the, permittee. or its reprement0ive at Jesst once every six -months and I. J _f, 7 -Wide bW*AykffEMd-SR9-OtONALOFFJCF- Hispe--tions docutmented per 415A NCAC 02T.0403(it)(5) or the permittee's iodividual System 1� Page 4 of'5 X. CERTIFICATIONS: Does the submitted system comply with 15A Nt,._A( �42T, the Mnimurn.Des I 4� i Q Ja teij for th- Pem Itti ry of Pum P Stations ------------- and F N '-dills n , and the ftf.,avir, we Mitit-num DesLgj�,fjitei- a i flat �gvp iop4 as applicable? Z Yes 0 No If no. for prclects requiring a. single variance, complete aod submit the Variance/Alternative Design Request application (VADC 10-14) and supporting documents for review to thte CeratraJ Office. ARgL4&_*1 of the rgg !NJ will hLksued concurrently with the anDrovat of the laerLnij, an pro' Lr uIring. a varianeg royal may b ,-Q _e subjectjo Ion er review timm. For vrolects reguiring, two or moM vkjaucrj or wbere the variance iq clEter mined by 1he Division to be a SiffnirlV_40t Dration of the groigSL thl full,tmhnical review _4 rtMMLire& 2. Professional Engineer's Certification: � tl�, se, if - attest that this application for i 1.`jmt Nam from Application Item 11. 1) (�ofleislonal s narm from Application Item 111. 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, J-i-.� ' ` fggL1LgL11gMA1� j, and -the f, ci� ij - -11LUIRL LlflmiLL2 0 Although other professionais may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature. and seal sj�mifiies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent vAth the proposed design. NOTE -- In accordance vAth General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly niak-es any falw statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdern mor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penal es up to $25,000 per violation. -Misreprmntadon of the application infortnation, including fkilu-re to disclose any deli m non-compliance vAth the applicdile Rules and design criteria-, may su:Ject the North Cvofiria-ficensed Professional Engineer to referral to the tic sing board. ('41 NCAC 56-0701) North Carolina Professional Engineer's seall, signature, Ha, d date: v 1`3E PA L 2 5K2 C) W T 3. Applimfs Certification per 15ANCAC 02'r.0106(b).' L attest that this application for _ I - ........ .. fSiWt= AWiority Name ftom Application Item 1.3.) (Pm," t Name fmm Application Item 11. 1) attest that this application has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. 1 f-widerstand that if all required pans olk this application, are not complied arid, that -if all rqluired Yapporting documentabon and attachments are not included. this application package is subject to being rctumed as incomplete. I understand that any discharge of wastewater Profit this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land vill result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief andlor criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should. a condition of this permit be violated, I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-211,1,5,.6A and 1 In any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application p b f a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not -to exceed $10, swell well as civil penalties us K796. JUL 12 2023 Signatare.Date- I Y FORM: FTA 06-21 R)EQ.FAYMEVILLF: REMNAL OFFICk Page 5 of 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Ion f: W*t Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE 04-16) Entity Req est-i-rI d lI vat?on; �?��e44 RegPio?�al Water ass - Project Name for which flow is being requested: Eagle Creek Subdivision More than one FTSE may be requiredfor a single project if the owner of the WWTP is not responsible for all pump %t"f;n.".� nlo, o th " Ule Q f1?e '�F�.SeSd wm ewaterflow. 1. i,o�iplote this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater uea innent plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: North Harnett Regional b. WWTP Facility Permit #: NCO021636 a. , A ff f laws are in MGD c. WWTP facility's permitted flow 7.5 MGD Fuquay-Varina Allocated Flow 2.6v MGD Lillington Allocated Flow 1.20 MGD Angier Allocated Flow 1.008 MGD d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 3.118 MGD FV Obligated Flow NYT 0.459 MGD Lillington Obligated Flow NYT 0.372 MGD HC Obligated Flow NYT 1.409 MGD Angier Obligated Flow NYT 0.878 MGD e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 5.266 MGD 'Flow r V Actual 1. 93 MGD Lillington Actual Flow 0.597 MGD HC Actual Flow 2.568 MGD Angier Actual Flow 0.608 MGD f Total flow for this specific request g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility FV Actual Avg. + Obligated Flow Lillington Actual Avg. + Obligated Flow HC Actual Avg. + Obligated Flow Angier Actual + Obligated Flow h. Percent of permitted flow used 0.044 MGD ...��.M 8.428 MGD 1.952 MGD 0.969 MGD 4.021 MGD 1.486 MGD 112.37%* *A PER to expand the I`1HRWTTP treatment capacity has been completed and des' f the expansion is currently underway. Page 1 of 3 ")W-FAYMEVILLE REEW)N AL ()EEICk 11. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP: (A) Design Pump Average Daily Station Firm. Flow** (Name or Capacity, (Firm / pf), Number) MGD MGD SLS-120 14.4 5.76 cD) (C) (D)=(B+C) (F-)=(A-D) Obligated, Approx. Not Yet Total Current Current Avg. Tributary Flow Plus Daily Flow, Daily Flow, Obligated Available MGD MGD Flow Capacity*** 3.209 3.149 6.358 -0.598 The Firm Capacity of any pump station is dewed as the maximum pumped flow that can be achieved with the largest pump taken out of service. ** Design Average Daily Flow is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor (pf) not less than 2.5. *** A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located between the project connection point and the WWTP where the Available Capacity is < 0. Downstream facility Name (Sewer): North Harnett Regional WWTP Downstream Permit Number: NCO021636 Ili. Certification Statement: l j��r' I m , a k k-M A r certify to the best of my knowledge that the addition of the voluthe of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances, given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and II plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which I am the responsible party. Signature of this form indicates acceptance of j#is wastewater flow. Signing Official Date RECEIVED .JUG_ 12 202: QEQ-FAYETTEVILLE REMNAL OFFICE Page 2 of 3 1'ISE 06- PLANNING ASSESSMIEN'r AmE_NvIum (PAA), Submit a planning assessment addendum for each pump station listed in Section H where Available Capacity is < 0. Pump Station (Name or Number): SLS-120 Given that: * The proi)ortion and amount of Obli_,ated, Not Yet Tributary Dail,,\. Flowir, C '.J accounts for 54.67 and..----.-. 3-.149--MGD of the Available Ca-,,acit\ (E) in Pump -Station SLS-120 ;and that * Tble rate of activation of this obligated, not -et tribu!'ir), capacity. is-currend..'ai-Rroximately_ 0.3 MGD per year; and that * A funded Capital Profect that. will Provide the re cared planned caracit E. , namely TBD is in deli Uli or under construction with Manned cqm Iletion m' TBD and/or * The following. #pip I lies: HR'W is cuirrend,, reconciling actual and iikqj:.yet-_4il13utar flows to _ accurateIN assess available capacity. The reconciliation is ex; lected to be cconal 4eted in Jul\. 2023, Given the size of the pump, station, .ymp st tion, the i)ercentage of not -yet -tributary, and the ate of activation, this will! be fhe first step to. determine if potential CIP project is needed and timeline for ar.-.4 cal_�46­ increase. Therefore: Given reasonably expected conditions and planning information, there is s6fficient justification to a' How this flow to be permitted, without a significant likelihood of over -allocating capacity in the system infrastructure., ro o I un14 nderstaind that this des olrv . ehee Iffile co'llecd1un n systerovvTje-tr fm complying U-ii !,J.0� A,73- 215.67(a) which Prohibits the introduction of any waste in excess of the capacity of the waste disposal systeirt. 14k, Signin, QfDate .ficial Signature ------ -- ­--l- . . . ..... i)EQ_FAyETTEVILLF_ REenNAL OFFICE Page 3 of 3 FTSE 06-13 �.1 �f J jf 4 ♦ 6 : sY• S yam,.--�..4 y , D ; f , _ r , S l ! e i I • � a 1 , v _ - f F r� ' i r" d x� ° _ e a s �d ; ' s BLS • r =M , n • l ' " r SITE F i ' a £ d ,a ij77pl7 "' � �. .' :: ram: _ _.—":. :ci �' .-"d � , -": 'h t-.m•.*' .w.... _'_..+t.rw.:...:e.sew:. f, r , f: A � s r x f N— r 1 i' f x • .r ' „ REC� Ev . JUL b( k f jf' • :°. , ;' QI` Q-FAYETfEVILLE REE�K3MAL �?. �r 1 "-2, 000' Re: [External] Eagle Creek sewer permit Moran, Sharon Thu 8/10/2023 2:39 PM To:Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Received, thank you! Best, Sharon Moran FRO, Cell: (910) 916-3489 DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look different, but email performance will not be impacted. Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Scott Brown <sbrown@4dsitesolutions.com> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2023 2:37 PM To: Moran, Sharon <Sharon.Moran @deq.nc.gov> Subject: [External] Eagle Creek sewer permit CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Use the lot count and flow from the narrative for the sewer application and not the numbers listed in the sewer chart. The total lot count should be 121 with 43,560 gpd. Let me know if you need anything else. thanks, y4Dsi LG solutions Scott Brown, PE Professional Engineer office: 910-426-6777 ext 102 1 cell: 910-489-6731 1 fax: 910-426-5777 409 Chicago Drive, Suite 112, Fayetteville, NC 28306 On time, every time. I www.4Dsitesolutions.com