HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06938_Well Construction - GW1_20231027 • 1. • WI±;L CONSTRUCTION RI;fi(YRll _ _ - flris Enna can ha ntscd 'rsingle or multiple s�lT for 1uu:nn(I Use ONLY: - -��lls I.Well Contractor Information: ' hellr_.,_ Mite Dean Cook ,;=-, -T z,, .,. .._T5. �. t 4_t;N'A(LERvl:nl!7E�S ': ^ ell Contractor Name - ___._.,_________•____„-�,..._ _FROM ,..TD _ ,_DRSCItIP'r10N '" . .j'`.�-'�-•_.-.•^• • NC Well Contractor Certification Nwober— _ #,.S O IIII,%ASTIV(r((fi� mutt c89•etllwel1s3i itafT '-r Dennis Holland Well Drilling, Inc;. • 0A1 I_To -- Fk� rf(ijtjilr 1 _DIAMETER _ _ G.� .. SS MATER -_" ft +4 ft _ )fit N .. vC' E lA t Company Name �, , r^ �� „ . !ti ihl* t c ASfN(.OWZOI1IN�(geo�r,-boron'cl' ko � `-r', .2.Well(' ` FROM 1.0 tICKN SS - _onsfrueticu Permit#: (6�Y 7 3 •-'� .• DIAMETER' _�t71ICKNESS MATERIAL ' List all upplirnble well permits(i.e.Comity, --- -_..� - .____._.__.__. _ ft, fl. I'. ia. -_.__�_- ty,State, Vat a,rce,/r jei won;etr':J ____.__ _ 3.Well Use(check well use): • f'_ .__._._.._•fr•----- _ '`�__'��_.__. __ _-�_-... - VlaterSnppj Well: - ..�,_�,._.__ __._.. __..__._��—A `.17:<S(RF.FIy .r r, -:;: - - Y FROM -... r0 Y •T%` .,... - s :., 1'_lApriculhrral - - •.___, DIAM FTtRI .SLOT SIZE__ 11IICKNESS i4 fMATERtAi. I:JMtmioipaVPublic rt. It. in.i - f_7Geotlu:nnal(HcatinPJC:oolin>Supply)II �' _--•-._._._.,__ i. ._.__. - b l l y) fil'Residential Water Supply(single) ft. .__-__...____..• ❑Ind t ft in.! ustnal/Commercial [)Residential'Water Supply ` 18`�RO�4JT --, [71rripitiott (shared) FRont To F � _ __,. _- MATERIAL_FMPrACFAfF._KfMF1NOR&AMO(INT•, IVnu-WatrrSupply Well:— - __ ______ ___._..____.._. _.___- IL _Nou-, itoring -- ...__-_-:- -� 4t24:.:t ry [)Recovery � ft, . h, "_ �'�_ ._�. . Injection Well: -,-_--.--.._,_._- .-__.__.____.-- -_ _.r- -64.0 _ft. zx %zfY_�? ' a, r �t f.7Aquifer Kechtrrgc ~ft• rt• r1r1l._ LlGrouudwater Rentcdiation i1.9 SANK% I;AVEhiPA'�i'fZr'i r • DA alter `t 11!>lilicati3e'` ..r;;' q Storage and Recovery °Salinil l3az ie `FROM Tii Z` "''J?``' Eprr -._._ y rl,r AtATENIA[• I,EMPLACEAIEI`Thi1tF,'17i0D�• °Aquifer Test ft. _..rl OStorntwater Drainage .--•-_.- _ - ___ •- f_7Experintental'fedtology (:)Subsidence Control • R. n. j. _--_- ___---_____-.. °Geothermal(Closed Loop) - ......... .•. °.".n ,.""' ;tw20 I)R1L'IfNcy I c)U`(affliri1;110d111Urta1 9I1CCf8 IfinCf49a11 L p [.I'I'r(rcer .FROM TO .. :-:.J I:JGcothermal )-Icahn CoolinaReturn) °Othei(explain rfnclorfi2I Remarks) U&Sf RIPTION�colorJhanloeas aorUrockiYlx�greo+ru c.Z F ft. ft. " I 4,Date Well(s)Completed: So,Well Location: _ _ + _ �^_ I."<s:.�-_ zza4---1.& Tc:'ltt>yF_ ?-, 6-2 ) 7 ;2.i 1 ft. rt�_ - �,.,` ?;y "e�Y Facility/Owner Nun - --- Facility lDll(if applicable) -___...___...._...— _.__..__.._._.,__--------_-._ Physical'Address.City,and Zip �'_" - ----- rt. t rt. I 1.• ?.1 s12FMA`1iKS ? Ift,v+.r, = I�• f, . County - , ___. _._.._._.-_ ._._._ ;._<_ .---•----_._ .___ Parcel Identification No.(PM) • — _ - Sb.Latitude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/.seconds or decimal degrees: Orwell field,one Tat/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: 3 j- ____-_2r 5 `' N >e ao ,. ,,ram▪. !' r�,�-• Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): {A•Pcrmattent or OTcmporaty By signing this form,I hereby rerti(that the"well(,)was(were)constructer'in accordance. with I.SA NCAC(12C.0100 or 1.SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: CIYes or 1-6-- copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. If rids is a repair.fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under'/2/remarks section or on the hack v/thisfonn. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to'provide additional well site details or well • _______ -_ cnnslnuaiun details. You may also attach'atlditiunal pages if pert nary. S.lNumber of wells constructed: For multiple injection sir lion-wales supply wells ONLY wills Me same consharlian,you can sr,b»,it one form. SIIBMIT'l'AL INSTIICTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: ,j ^ymm ,.-�_T�(ft,) 24a. ,FOLAIl Wells: Subntit this lino,within 30 days of completion of well Formal/0k wells list all rfeprhsIf different(example•3®200'anti 2@/00') construction to the following: I , 10.Static water level below top of casing: „ 6 ' ^•(ft.) Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit, ((wirer level is above casing use" " - � 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole.diameter;� ,_P________. (in.) 24b, For Injectiou Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the a(idress in Rota► 24a above, also submit a copy of this'fin in within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: y___ __--_ ...-_ .•_�"'•_"-� construction to the following: (Le.angel,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) •�- __ FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,'Underground Injection Control Program, �� TR 1636 Mail Service(;enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 • 13n.Yield(gpm)_..__1,. •_,.____.____. Method of lest: Air lift 24c,For Water Sup,p &InjectionW Ills: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 clays of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: H H Amount: 12 0l. well conbinrrtion.M the county health idepartmenl of the county where ---- -_ -__— _—_ ._ constructed. t hone G�V•I Nnnh CarolinaI�rnarhm:m of Inv, I u,.,,,,.,.,I A,,,,,.e,'rni t.