HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231465 Ver 1_HB-0003 - Haywood County - CE (7.10.2023)_20231027DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Type I or II Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. HB-0003 WBS Element 49623.1.1 Federal Project No. 0040121 A. Project Description: The purpose of this project is to replace Haywood County Bridge No. 239 on 1-40 over SR 1550 (Incinerator Road). Bridge No. 239 is 141 feet long. The replacement structure will be a culvert/tunnel approximately 170 feet long on SR 1550 (Incinerator Road). The culvert/tunnel will include two 11-foot lanes with a 4-foot offset along SR 1550 (Incinerator Road). The culvert/tunnel length is based on preliminary design information. The minimum vertical clearance for the culvert/tunnel will be 16-foot. The typical section along 1-40 will provide two 12-foot lanes in each direction along with 12-foot outside paved shoulders and a variable 7.5-foot to 13.5-foot inside paved shoulder. The total outside shoulder width will be 14-foot (17-foot with guardrail). The approach roadway along 1-40 will extend approximately 1,400 feet from the west end of the new tunnel and 1,350 feet from the east end of the new tunnel. SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) will be closed during construction of the tunnel while traffic is detoured using SR 1513 (Thickety Road). At least two lanes of traffic in each direction will be maintained on 1-40 during construction utilizing temporary onsite detours. The roadway will be designed as an Interstate Route with a 70 mile per hour design speed. B. Description of Need and Purpose:39 has a sufficiency rating of 67.72 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. Components of Bridge No. 239 are experiencing an increasing degree of deterioration that can no longer be addressed by reasonable maintenance activities, therefore the bridge is approaching the end of its useful life. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: Type I(A) - Ground Disturbing Action D. Proposed Improvements: 28. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at -grade railroad crossings, if the actions meet the constraints in 23 CFR 771.117(e)(1-6). NOTE: The following Type I(C) Actions (NCDOT-FHWA 2019 CE Agreement, Appendix A) only require completion of Sections A through D to substantiate and document the CE classification: 1, 5, 8 (signs and pavement markings only), 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20; or several other Type 1 Action subcategories identified in past NCDOT-FHWA CE Programmatic Agreements (see Appendix D). Pre -approval as a CE does not exempt activities from compliance with other federal environmental laws. v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 E. Special Project Information: Alternatives Discussion: No Build — The no build alternative would result in eventually closing the road which is unacceptable given the volume of traffic served by 1-40. Rehabilitation — The bridges were constructed in 1961 and the materials within the bridge are reaching the end of their useful life. Rehabilitation would require replacing the components which would constitute effectively replacing the bridge. Offsite Detour — For construction of the tunnel SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) will be closed during construction of the tunnel while traffic is detoured using SR 1513 (Thickety Road). Preferred Alternative — The preferred alternative replaces the bridges with a culvert/tunnel on SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) in the existing location. The culvert/tunnel length is based on preliminary design information. The minimum vertical clearance for the culvert/tunnel will be 16-foot. SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) will be closed during construction of the tunnel while traffic is detoured using SR 1513 (Thickety Road). At least two lanes of traffic in each direction will be maintained on 1-40 during construction utilizing temporary onsite detours. Estimated Costs: The estimated costs are as follows: R/W & Utilities: $ 1,000,000 Const: $ 7,100,000 Total: $ 8,100,000 Estimated Traffic: 2024 (Let) 58,800 vpd 2045 (Design) 82,900 vpd TTST 14% Dual 4% Design Exceptions: There are no design exceptions anticipated Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations: SR 1550 (Incinerator Rd) is not a part of a designated bicycle route nor is it listed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as a bicycle project. In addition, it is not shown in either the 2011 Haywood Co. Bicycle Plan or the 2019 Canton Bicycle & Pedestrian plan to be designated as a bicycle route. The bridges on 1-40 are to be replaced with a tunnel on Beaverdam Rd. The tunnel will have a 4' paved shoulder on both sides.. Anticipated Permit or Consultation Requirements: A Nationwide Permit will likely be required from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for impacts to "Waters of the United States" resulting from this project. In addition, an NCDWR Section 401 Water Quality General Certification (GC) may be required prior to the issuance of a Section 404 Permit. The USACE holds the final discretion as to what permit will be required to authorize project construction. Public Outreach: A newsletter was sent to all property owners affected directly by this project and Public Input Webpage was setup as well. Property owners were invited to comment. No comments have been received to date. v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Endangered Species: Gray bat, Indiana bat, Northern long-eared bat, Tricolored Bat, and little brown bat On July 14, 2022, biologists assessed all of the structures in the project study area. Crevices suitable for roosting are present on Bridge 239. No evidence of bats (bats, staining, guano) was observed on the structure. No evidence of bats was observed in the culvert that was inspected. Trees greater than 3" dbh are present in the project area. Two snags (a walnut and an ash) greater than 5" dbh was present in the vicinity of the bridge. There are no known caves or mines within one half mile of the project footprint and no caves or mines were observed during the field visit. Large, continuous forests are present in the project vicinity, providing potential foraging and commuting habitat. A Biological Conclusion of May Affect Not Likely To Adversely Affect is given to each of the above species based on the presence of suitable foraging and commuting habitat. No evidence of bats was found on the structures, no caves or mines are in the area, and a large area of alternative available suitable habitat exists in the project vicinity. Rock Gnome Lichen The study area does not contain suitable habitat for rock gnome lichen as the project area does not contain deep river gorges or high elevation rock outcrops that would provide adequately humid areas. A review of NCNHP records, updated January 3, 2022, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. The biological conclusion is No Effect. Small Whorled Pogonia Habitat for small whorled pogonia was identified throughout the project limits along forested slopes and suitable streamside areas. These areas were surveyed by CEI biologists on June 22, 2022. No Isotria medeoloides plants were observed. Due to the lack of observed plants or recorded occurrences near the study area, it has been determined that HB-0003 will have No Effect on this species. v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 F. Project Impact Criteria Checklists: F2. Ground Disturbing Actions - Type I (Appendix A) & Type II (Appendix B) Proposed improvement(s) that fit Type I Actions (NCDOT-FHWA CE Programmatic Agreement, Appendix A) including 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 18, 21, 22 (ground disturbing), 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, &/or 30; &/or Type II Actions (NCDOT-FHWA CE Programmatic Agreement, Appendix B) answer the project impact threshold questions (below) and questions 8 - 31. • If any question 1-7 is checked "Yes" then NCDOT certification for FHWA approval is required. • If any question 8-31 is checked "Yes" then additional information will be required for those questions in Section G. PROJECT IMPACT THRESHOLDS Yes No (FHWA signature required if any of the questions 1-7 are marked "Yes".) 1 Does the project require formal consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ❑ 2 (USFWS) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)? 2 Does the project result in impacts subject to the conditions of the Bald and Golden ❑ 2 Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA)? 3 Does the project generate substantial controversy or public opposition, for any ❑ 2 reason, following appropriate public involvement? 4 Does the project cause disproportionately high and adverse impacts relative to low- ❑ 2 income and/or minority populations? 5 Does the project involve a residential or commercial displacement, or a substantial ❑ 2 amount of right of way acquisition? 6 Does the project require an Individual Section 4(f) approval? ❑ 2 Does the project include adverse effects that cannot be resolved with a 7 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) under Section 106 of the National Historic ❑ 0 Preservation Act (NHPA) or have an adverse effect on a National Historic Landmark (NHL)? If any question 8-31 is checked "Yes" then additional information will be required for those questions in Section G. Other Considerations Yes No 8 Is an Endangered Species Act (ESA) determination unresolved or is the project ❑ 2 covered by a Programmatic Agreement under Section 7? 9 Is the project located in anadromous fish spawning waters? ❑ 2 Does the project impact waters classified as Outstanding Resource Water (ORW), 10 High Quality Water (HQW), Water Supply Watershed Critical Areas, 303(d) listed ❑ 2 impaired water bodies, buffer rules, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)? 11 Does the project impact Waters of the United States in any of the designated ❑ 2 mountain trout streams? 12 Does the project require a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Individual ❑ 2 Section 404 Permit? 13 Will the project require an easement from a Federal Energy Regulatory ❑ 2 Commission FERC licensed facility? v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Other Considerations for Type I and II Ground Disturbing Actions (continued) Yes No Does the project include a Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act 14 (NHPA) effects determination other than a No Effect, including archaeological ❑ 2 remains? 15 Does the project involve GeoEnvironmental Sites of Concerns such as gas ❑ stations, dry cleaners, landfills, etc.? Does the project require work encroaching and adversely affecting a regulatory 16 floodway or work affecting the base floodplain (100-year flood) elevations of a ❑ water course or lake, pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and 23 CFR 650 subpart A? 17 Is the project in a Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) county and substantially ❑ 2 affects the coastal zone and/or any Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? 18 Does the project require a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) permit? ❑ 2 19 Does the project involve construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a ❑ 2 designated Wild and Scenic River present within the project area? 20 Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) resources? ❑ z 21 Does the project impact federal lands (e.g. U.S. Forest Service (USFS), USFWS, ❑ 2 etc.) or Tribal Lands? 22 Does the project involve any changes in access control or the modification or ❑ z construction of an interchange on an interstate? 23 Does the project have a permanent adverse effect on local traffic patterns or ❑ z community cohesiveness? 24 Will maintenance of traffic cause substantial disruption? ❑ z 25 Is the project inconsistent with the STIP, and where applicable, the Metropolitan ❑ u Planning Or anization's MPO's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? Does the project require the acquisition of lands under the protection of Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Act, the Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Act, 26 the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), ❑ z Tribal Lands, or other unique areas or special lands that were acquired in fee or easement with public -use money and have deed restrictions or covenants on the property? 27 Does the project involve Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) buyout ❑ z properties under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)? 28 Does the project include a de minimis or programmatic Section 4(f)? ❑ z 29 Is the project considered a Type I under the NCDOT Noise Policy? ❑ [1 30 Is there prime or important farmland soil impacted by this project as defined by the ❑ z Farmland Protection Policy Act FPPA ? 31 Are there other issues that arose during the project development process that ❑ z affected the project decision? v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 G. Additional Documentation as Required from Section F (ONLY for questions marked `Yes'): Question 15 — Hazardous Materials: A Geoenviron mental Impact Evaluation was conducted for the proposed project study area. Upon review of the proposed construction plans, significant earthwork/construction activities are anticipated in the vicinity of one site with potential geoenvironmental impact: • Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. — 1155 Incinerator Road Further investigation is warranted at these sites to determine the potential for encountering impacted soils during construction of the project. Soil and groundwater assessments will be conducted at each of the UST sites prior to right-of-way acquisition. A project special provision will be provided to direct the contractor to properly manage petroleum contaminated soil that is encountered during construction. v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 H. Proiect Commitments: NCDOT PROJECT COMMITMENTS STIP Project No. HB-0003 Bridge No's 239 on 1-40 Over SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) Haywood County Federal Aid Project No. 0040121 WBS Element 49623.1.1 NCDOT Division 14 — Offsite Detour In order to have time to adequately reroute school busses, Haywood County Schools will be contacted at least one month prior to road closure. Contact person is Stephen Sharpe at (828)-456-2421. Haywood County Emergency Services will be contacted at least one month prior to road closure to make the necessary temporary reassignments to primary response units. Contact person is Travis Donaldson — Emergency Services Director at (828)-452-4770. Hazardous Materials (Division Construction Engineer/Resident Engineer and Right of Way Agent): All Right of Way Branch procedures regarding the acquisition of contaminated property and any Right of Way Acquisition Recommendations by the NCDOT Geotechnical Unit will be followed. A project special provision will be provided to direct the contractor to properly manage petroleum contaminated soil that is encountered during construction. A Geoenvironmental Impact Evaluation was conducted for the proposed project study area. Upon review of the proposed construction plans, significant earthwork/construction activities are anticipated in the vicinity of two site with potential geoenvironmental impact: • Blue Ridge Paper Products Inc. — 1155 Incinerator Road Further investigation is warranted at these sites to determine the potential for encountering impacted soils during construction of the project. Soil and groundwater assessments will be conducted at each of the UST sites prior to right-of-way acquisition. A project special provision will be provided to direct the contractor to properly manage petroleum contaminated soil that is encountered during construction. NCDOT Division 14 — Bridge Demolition Demolition of the existing bridge structure will be restricted to November 15 thru March 31. v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 I. Categorical Exclusion Approval: STIP Project No. HB-0003 WBS Element 49623.1.1 Federal Project No. 0040121 ����rrrrrrr� ESS %04, N..9 '. Prepared By: SEAL 9� DocuSigned by: 022999 7/6/2023 �UYUdS % •. F % '�,� Date j"S!PbFr m PE, Project Manager 0+�1p•..•,I ... ���i,FG Wetherill Engineering S.rPV.�� Prepared For: North Carolina Department of Transportation Division 14 Reviewed By: DocuSigned by: 7/10/2023 FFIB, baymft Date KevinF9"F-'hvironmental Supervisor Division 14 North Carolina Department of Transportation • If NO grey boxes are checked in Section F (pages 2 [� Approved and 3), NCDOT approves the Type I or Type 11 Categorical Exclusion. • If ANY grey boxes are checked in Section F (pages 2 ❑ Certified and 3), NCDOT certifies the Type I or Type I I Categorical Exclusion for FHWA approval. • If classified as Type III Categorical Exclusion. �Doc-u/Signed by: 7/6/2023�LALtr Date Zac %fffINMion 14 Bridge Management Supervisor, on behalf of Wanda Austin, PE Division Engineer Division 14 North Carolina Department of Transportation FHWA Approved: For Projects Certified by NCDOT (above), FHWA signature required. N/A Date for John F. Sullivan, III, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Note: Prior to ROW or Construction authorization, a consultation may be required (please see Section Vll of the NCDOT-FHWA CE Programmatic Agreement for more details). v2019.1 HB-0003 Type I(A) CE Page 8 Dc cuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 \ \ 44 154a I �r ro5♦ ° 158 1546 R 150 1549 154 1641 \ 151 .45 0'70 I // 154 ✓ ` 162 154 a \ 1513 cn .1T �� 1544 1550 !� s4 NT' ��� � r1535 R1659 1513 \ -7 1ros �ti ry �� e 0 ,'1513 Ts � 1551 1635` 1550 oP % 40 / Phillipsville i ,jab 6, 1513 ' (UninCJ Pop 1642 ' PROJECT SITE _ ___ , 1551 /. ,� 5p01542 ♦ �♦ 1573� /♦ 9 River 1656 GOs 156 a s74 '15 ss 156 West wo 151 � �(� 15411 157 a' 1623 - Canton & �A6 -^efRn 50 153 _ 1572 16. ofi v J 165 N v 156 1•5 1563 P 1566 g > 1568 ms 615b� `5 1523 s N » a0 $ .Os .o6g 01523 s1. .103 w 1562 1� / 1539 '.1 z5 .12 157 567 -03 .04 H 554 So 1577 .13 8<e�1561 �♦'o �Ip .15 F .281523 e 1 05 ='.oe .16 0 13 155 552 156 158 \, 1577 0 no 1538 1 is .01 153 .60 ,p3 0� Cily Limit Nor/olk VICINITY MAP H B-0003 REPLACE BRIDGE NO. 239 ON 1-40 OVER SR 1550 (INCINERATOR ROAD) HAYWOOD COUNTY WBS 49623.1.1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 14 VICINITY MAP - FIGURE 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 W O See Sheet t -A For Index of Sheets STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OIL HIGHWAYS HAYWOOD COUNTY z LOCATION: BRIDGE 239 ON I-40 OVER SR1550 (INCINERATOR ROAD) zA' TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, & STRUCTURE. W �M Q � 2.�7 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y1- STA. 10+00.00 5 END PRECAST ARCH CULVERT (36' SPAN) Z v2 ( -L- STA. 189+99.35 (l l0)------------- -- _ -- - ------------------------------------- � __--___- ----- - -- -----_ (1-40) ---------------- TO TENNESSEE zz gOAD1 = ----- (IyGIIQ9TO + _ ---- - E- ---------------------------------- N --- 9 X7 DOUBLE E ARREL%' BOX CULVERT EXTENSION BEGIN TIP PROJECT HB-0003 BEGIN PRECAST -L- STA. 175+00.00 ARCH CULVERT (36' SPAN) -L- STA. 189+58.08 END CONSTRUCTION -DR1- STA. 11+50.00 THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA T PROJECT LENGTH 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 10 5 0 10 20 PROFILE (VERTICAL) ADT 2024 = 58,800 ADT 2045 = 82,900 K = 8 % D = 55 % T = 18 % V = 70 MPH " TTST = 14% DUAL = 4% -UNC. CLASS = INTERSTATE LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT HB-0003 = 0.55 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT HB-0003 = 0.01 MILES TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT HB-0003 = 0.56 MILES END CONSTRUCTI -Y1- STA- 20+00 � Lu „` "•L LL �,. ETHERILL ENGINEERING 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 License No. F-0377 3u1: 919.851.8077 Fax: 919.851.8107 :018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TIGHT OF WAY DATE: MAY 2023 LETTING DATE: _ DEC 2023 NCDOT CONTACT: - CI'ATB ATATB PROlHCT RRPRRRNCB N0. NNN N, H B-0003 81'AT8 PROJ.N0. P. A.PROI.N0. OBPCNIP1fON 49623.1.1 PE 49623.2.1 RAW & UTIL. 49623.3.1 CONST. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION 14 253 Webster Road Syl— NC, 28779 GREG PURVIS, PE PROJECT ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN JONATHAN HEFNER, PE ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER ZACH SHULER BRIDGE PROGRAM MANAGER +1�soon�1�; *I ii�l�=�� �. it t�i►r':r►�,+�Y)w. ��`i►� rr, _25% PRELIM PLANS FEBRUARY 16, 2023 END TIP PROJECT HB-0003 -L- STA. 204+50.00 rel TO gS8E6l� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL I UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 EIP -L- CURVE DATA P1 Slo 174+2728 P1s S10 176+2/J8 P1 S10 184+81.87 A = 2' 30 42.6 (LT) es = r 00' 00A' A = r 44' 00.6' (LT) D = r 00' 00V Ls = 200.00' D = 0' 23' 425' L = 25452' LT = 133.34' L = 43670' T = 12728' ST = 66.67' T = 21937' R = 572958' R = 14500.00' SE .04 SE SIC DS = 70 MPH DS = 70 MPH \S� v3S70SB. DAN11Y JUSTICE X DB 429 PC 103T / 5 X C� SFD 48.W X : A BARN X 10, POST WW ISBW WOODS BEGIN GUARDRAIL -L- STA. 175+32 LT 0 M WB (ANDREW JACKWN hWY) 40'BST 140 EB (ANDREW JACKSM MYY) 40S'BST T= BL-2 — BEGIN TIP PROJECT HB-0003�- -L- STA. 175+00.00BM-I WOODS SPIKE SETINB-ASE9 O830' LOCUST / BEGIN GUARDRAIL -L- STA 175+00 RT TIE TO EXISTING GUARDRAIL C v m a -a �a1 : II X 1 f J FARM POND N 1ARDI �I1�R-1UINS tj aOPRN Np9� E%IS MG R/�M .. (� 4 WIN ISBI GP Cf � ci o /WOODS C .0 L Y sacs e� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. \ HB-0003 4 HIGH WATER MARK+/" RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER C TRANSITION SHOULDER POINT \,+ HIGH WATER MARK \ -L-STA. 117+10.00, 48.50' LT TO \j CC STA. 182 TE FUTURE RE LA LT \\j /- EIP TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE LANE / lFARU POND / N 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 =2Q ENGINEERING License No. F-0377 JAMIE ROBINSON Bus: 919 8518077 OB 853 PC 1182 / Fax: 919 8518107 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/DESIGN - BRIDGE/STRUMRE DESIGN CIVIIJSITE DESIGN - GIS/GPS- CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION 'S� W.E.C.OENTERPRISES 1IPG PRISES DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED POT ERA a METER J / EIP / \ V / FPO METER �`7 METER • r In t t ? O {{ O�c, y. ~ 1 t1' Ed- 1 �T v �OW POLE/ POLER POLE/ POLERO W METER It METER METERA ETER . .. ISBW \ E ISTING R/ /-� - 48' .. .. .. .. WOOD W Co WOODS C' C WOODS .. y INV=2677,13' W F"a ----- —co �— —IF -UT ---- ,yWw+ 85.27 C --- F — —o C C ---- -- — — --- ---�^ -- 140 WB(AN ww frwO o v O -- -- )3T BST G -- O 1' CAT-1 — — — — �_------_—_-- FUTURE LANE CONC V=2 76.45' — 50' INC v — — " _ — — — .. .. .. F .. ., + — — — TYPE B-77 — — — SINGLE F BARRIER ACE CONC. ER 1 . c 21' _ _ INV=26T _ 0 — _ PE R- 25' INC n \ C " + ACCESS � E � - � P.S. + END GUARDRAIL—E%ISTING + R DOOIC .. ONI ORI i = "'� X/ BILL A LBO \ ,� \ w BOLLARD .L- STA 177+05 RT `.� /L — — — ` _ _ — _ _ M ODDS ODS MONITORING WELL j / — — — — Ft i PUMP STUB OUT — 11.5' DIA. CONC. STRUCTURE INV=2696.98" /` � i � i INV=26T8.74• \ \ RIV= 679.57• BEGIN RETAINING WALL\ STA 182+50 RT'.c� -L- TRANSITION SHOULDER POINT 5 -L-STA. 178+50.00, 49.50' RT TO \ -L- STA. 179+91.67, 66,50' RT 1y END RETAINING WALL ull TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE LANE -L. STA 184+30 RT IIO BEGIN GUARDRAIL -L-STA 180+03 RT II BLUE RIDGE PAPER PRODUCTS INC. OB 472 PC 1073 TOP=2740.T INV= INV=2764,56' V" — — — — — — — — — 1OO' TAPER FROM EXIST. ----� 420' DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y1- STA. 1 0+00.00 AGILE IRONO N m �$ PS p. •\ I I 57 \\ I I RICHARD RAT HBONE I DB 1042 PC 2223 o 1 r�l I I C'R I w I I I I 1\ N m / N STEP to '3 T, r__°-I AT + -Y/- CURVE DATA PROJECT REFERENCE OOO✓ NO. SHEET NO. HB P1 Sto 10+7038 P1 Sto 16+21JO P1 Sto 18+08.47 Pl Sto 22+14J8 RW SHEET NO. / \ A = 5'16'30A'fRTt A = 70'58'079'fLTt A = 12'45'52J'tLTt A = 2r58'00A'(RT) ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS D = 3' 45' o0A' D = 22' 55' 059' D = lP 27' 33A' D = 8' 30' 00A' ENGINEER ENGINEER / L = 140.67' L = 309.66' L = 11139' L = 258.43' T = 7038' T = 17822' T = 5593' T = 13082' R = 1,52789' R = 250.D0' R = 500A0' R = 674A7' "Bz7i, SE = A5 SE = A8 SE _ .08 DS = 45 MPH DS = 30 MPH DS = 40 MPH ilk -L- CURVE DATA ��� A, Pis Sto 192+72.54 Pl Sto 197+25.69 es = ro0' 000' o = 7*43' 042'tRTt Ls = 200A0' D = /' 00' 00.0' ETHERILL 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27606 LT = 13334' L = 771.78' ENGINEERING License No. F-0377 JOHN LOWS Bus: 919 8518077 R 529 DB 202 PG TOY \ ST = 66.6T T = 386.48' Fax: 9198518107 101 SE d N = �,758' / 4 TRANSPORTATION \ N P \ \ = o SPCN ORTATION PLANNING/DESIGN DESIGN II % \ ;�� / DS = 70 MPH WL/STTE DESIGN-GIS/GPS- CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION -Yl- POT Sto.13+26.42 = a -L- POT Sto. i89+6855 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED B`'( / ^ MARTHA LOWE M-2 E.y DB 291 PG 06 ELEV. 2626.87' /IQY q7 END GUARDRAIL SPIKE SET IN FENCE POST 1� O Sj0.1 Q N -L- STA 193+89 LT oaq° I L E INc=/W ;, 1 T W MON W WOODS �. ` Z v/ .. .. D__=— C — .. .. .. .. .. --� — O W 4 ` XTOP END &! �T _. P ----1 w L�W/��__—__ Y/ ------- t�-- 9' X 7' DOUBLE BARREL% , CONE BOX CULVERTLA -- O----- TOP Eh LO ■ N TURE LANEWows W i WW 15B— r X� E%ISTING R/W E%ISTI \ R u 9'X7' DOUBLE B a BOX CULVERT EXTENSI P14 1 m BEGIN PRECAST ARCH CULVERT (36' SPAN) T . 12+68.00 1 _ \G B WOODS yg¢ \P N SENSOR CABINET STATION E/. bh TER R, OPN 9R 0- F p LC-3 LC-n 50' INC �71i�ilIj. A-t% 10112w igum RR \ \ \ \ O END PRECAST ARCH CULVERT 1 (36SPAN) -Y1- STA. 14+42.00 BLUE RIDE �7A•tPEERR PRODUCTS INC.73 I WOODS — C C ONI v 0 7L^ 48•� ISBW c o o INV=2616.57' TOP=2624.54' INV=2615.97' F Sio.IO+OO.00 F F -Yi- Pnr K \ 9 \ 9 \� o . R o \ �. f+ \ ? '\ '.6O2/g /<<R °O SPIKE SET LINBB SE OF 28' PINE a6p99o., /GODS / I ;7 C%n.^ RETEN POND WOODS E/ R R/W MON EMS, £P —ND R,w _ WR W , . .. - ' TRANSITION7S16. PT. W �I■ _25553.46 W Wi 1INV _3.71' Y/ BL- FUTU uuqr-X� ���� ■ a WOODS — — _ _ _ _ .. _ DIR. oNL Y FEND GUARDRAIL L. STA 194+97.25 RT C = --_' C-_—c r. AB imom i%1NEINEaA sa 1580 Zzi� /ice .. .. , ,Tss- EE%IS WOODS r o WOOD E O BLUE RIDGE PAPER PRODUCTS INC. OB 472 PG 1073 END CONSTRUCTION 1 FOR-L- PROFILES, SEE SHEET NO.S END CONSTRUCTION -Y1- STA. 20+00.00 FOR-YI- PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO.10 -DR1- STA. 11 +50.00 FOR -DR1- PROFILE, SEE SHEET NO.10 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 MARTHA LOWE DB 291 PG 06 \\ I \ -L- CURVE DATA PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. \ HB-0003 6 Pl Slo /97+25.69 P/S Slo 20/+77.66 RNJ SHEET NO. \ A = %43'04Z(RT) es = i00'000' ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS 00' D = P00D' Ls = 2WD0' ENGINEER ENGINEER \ \ L = 7 LT = /33 34' T = 386.486.48' ST = 6667' R = 5.72958' SE \ N \ DS_.04 DS = 70 MPH \ \ N COS N m, � 1223 Jones Franklin Rd. ETHERILL Raleigh, N.C. 27606 -0377 m ZZ ENGINEERING License No. F-0377 Bus: 919 8518077 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/DESIGN -BRIDGE/STRUCNRE DESIGN WL/SITE DESIGN - GIS/GPS - CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION \ X WOODS DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL WOODS UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED \ ANDREW FRANCIS OB 97NPG A814 \ i DAVIS FERRIER DB 996 PG 1869 OB 930 PG 102 663j3 WOODS X WOODS •00,6'. U�,J`✓f$ yq- l N I I X \�I\ END TA 204.50 LT GUARDRAIL TIE TO EXISTING GUARDRAIL O � (A _.700' TAPER TO EXIST. T. X _., .... .___ C — C 1 420- MED. WIDTH AND o LT SHLID. PT. TRANSITION N Z m� aS r =� �e V� - 140 WB !ANDREW a I40 EB /AND1. M -- O SPJKE- SE m m to m V■ 6II`��I 0./W WOODS BEGIN GUARDRAIL -L- STA 202+68 LT -E�IN �UAR6RAIC�` —WE! -L- STA 201+50 RT � � WOODS X N C ExrsfwC \ 1 \ 00*00A, WOODS \ \ \ C BLUE RIDGE PAPER PRODUCTS INC. -a OB A72 PG 1073 �\ � A r� TL-3 'LE c - TRANSITION SHLD. PT. . 4B' WW ISBW .. C -Yl- CURVE DATA P1 Slo 22+14J8 P1 Slo 24+5228 P1 Slo 27+07.40 A = 21' S8' 00V (RT) A = 29' 05' OOD' (RT) A = 1/' 59' OOD' 2T1 m D = 8' 30' 00V D = 14' 00' OOD' D = 9' 00' OOD' DOL = 258.43' L = 20774' L = 133J5' T = 13082' T = 106J6' T = 66BO R = 674D7' R = 40926' R = 636.62' EX61ING RiW ISB \ 5' INC m \T-I \ a o WWI o \ WOODS _ EXISTING /W 175' TAPER TO EXISTING FIT SARA NORRIS IDS 1057 PG 34 E\�W k EXiSIrNG Ri \\ c� w try 0% i 5S WOODS I.y WOODS —� =--_TL 140 WB !ANDREW JACKSON hWY140' BST 140 ER !ANDREW JACKSON hWI140.5' BST \ -L- STA. \ `END GUARDRAIL -L- STA 204+50 FITCONC TIE TO EXISTING GUARDRAIL \_4BXWW ISBW g \ 1\ +1\ { s c\ ECT HB-0003 ♦ EL-7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Project Tracking No. 21-05-0007 NO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES oa ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES . PRESENT FORM g.a This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. - It is not valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult ......;fl separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Team. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: HB-0003 County: Haywood WBS No: 49623.1.1 Document: Federal CE F.A. No: Funding: ❑ State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP 3 / NWT 14 Project Description: Replace Bridge 239 on I-40 over SR 1550 (Incinerator Road) in Haywood County, North Carolina.The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project encompasses approximately 35.62 acres along the north and south sides of I-40, east and west of Incinerator Road (SR 1550), and measures approximately 3,093 feet (943 meters) east -west and 487 feet (148 m) north -south. SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDINGS The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Team has reviewed the subject project and determined: ® There are no National Register listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) ❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project. ❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources. Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: Two previously unidentified archaeological resources (31HW666 and 31HW667) were identified by the survey (Table 1). These are single occurrences of precontact (31HW667) or postcontact (31 HW666) artifacts located on either side of Bowen Creek or Branch, a small tributary of the Pigeon River west of Incinerator Road. Site 31HW666 is recommended not eligible for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) under all four criteria, and no further consideration of that resource is recommended within the current APE. Site 31HW667 appears to have little potential to provide substantial information on the prehistory of the area and is likely not eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D or any other criterion, but is considered unassessed for NRHP eligibility due to the lack of full delineation to the north. No additional consideration of this site is recommended within the presently -defined APE, but in the event that the project APE is expanded to the north, further work is recommended to determine the full extent of the site in that direction. A ca. 7.41-acre portion of the APE located north of I-40 and east of Incinerator Road (SR 1550) encompassing two properties could not be surveyed due to lack of landowner access (see Figure 13, below). Survey of those properties is recommended once access permission can be obtained. For additional information, 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Project Tracking No. �21-05-0007 please see the attached technical report provided by our consulting firm, TRC Environmental Corporation. (This project falls within a North Carolina County in which the following federally recognized tribes have expressed an interest: Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians, Catawba Indian Nation, and the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. We recommend that you ensure that this documentation is forwarded to these tribes using the process described in the current NCDOT Tribal Protocol and PA Procedures Manual) SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info Other: Signed: .r � NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST ® Photos ❑Correspondence 3/4/2022 Date 2020 PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY TEAM "NO NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBLE OR LISTED ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES PRESENT" FORM 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 87D503F5-3C24-4771-A2B1-D9DE8C3E6421 Project Tracking No. (Internal Use) 21-05-0007 Updated �t;� HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM .f This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: HB-0003 County: Haywood WBS No.: 49623.1.1 Document Type: Federal CE Fed. Aid No: Funding: ❑ State ® Federal Federal Permit(s): ® Yes ❑ No Permit T e(s): n/a Proiect Description: Replace Bridge No. 239 on I-40 over SR 1500 (Incinerator Rd). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: Review of HPOGIS web service was undertaken on February 10, 2021. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, DE, LL, SL or SS properties in the project area. There are no structures over 50 years of age in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The bridge replacement will remain within existing ROW. There is not an interchange at this bridge. No Survey required. On October 11, 2021, the APE was expanded. There are no structures in the additional areas which are greater than 50 years old. No survey is required. Why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably Predicting that there are no unidentified significant historic architectural or landscape resources in the Proiect area: HPOGIS and County Tax Data provide reliable information regarding structures in the APE. These combined utilities are considered valid for purposes of determining the likelihood of historic resources being present. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ®Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED 'SheLb� Reap NCDOT Architectural Historian Date October 12, 2021 Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SUR VEYREQUIREDformfor Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 1 of 3