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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034380_Monitoring - 09-2023_20231027Monitoring Report Submittal ................................................... Permit Number#* WQ0034380 Name of Facility:* Sanderson Farms LLC, Kinston Processing Facility Month: * September Year: * 2023 Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Upload Document* NDAR NDMLR NDMR Sept. 2023.pdf PDF Only 1.67MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * Name of Submitter: * Joseph H. Franklin Signature: Date of submittal: 10/27/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0034380 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Washington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 10/31/2023 FORM: NDAR-1 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page ! of ✓ Permit No.: WQ0034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Did irrigation occu r at this facility? PIYES NO MM Monthly Loading: FORM: NDAR-1 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page z_of S Permit No.: W00034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility • irrigation occur at this facility? n • .. .. • -- •� - Monthly Loading: 12 Month Floating Total (in):' 03=0=�MMZEMIM�f Mm County: Lenoir Month: September Year: 2023 Field Name: 4A Field Name: 4B Area (acres): 19:7 Area (acres): 8.14 Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: Pines Hourly Rate (in): 0.2 Hourly Rate (in): 0.15 Annual Rate (in): 99 Annual Rate (in): 61.4 Field Irrigated? EYES [:]NO Field Irrigated? ❑YES QNO m -a d V E a T C v E a r i E E v a, -a E D a -a a) ,aj E on T C a E cmE 3 LT E_ E v gal min in in gal min in in MEM FORM: NDAR-1 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page of No.: WQ0034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September FieldPermit �q�•irrigation• i• . cover Cro P. PIYES FINO Hourly Rate (in): •Airea .• Field Irrigated? - - - - ©0�00� ���� •t t •t t t• �� • •t t t• m=M0 •° t t t t• �� • t• ���� m=M0�� ���� •.• t• t t t t ��� t t m0�0�� . t t tt t �� t• � ���� m 0�0 ®� ���� ���� . t t t•. t t ®m®0 0�: t t t• . t t t���� ���� Monthly. • FORM: NDAR-1 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page _,�_ of Permit No.: WQ0034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September .. � FROM � . .. FORM: NDAR-1 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page _ of ✓ Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? []Compliant ❑Non -Compliant Compliant ❑Non -Compliant ECompliant ❑Non -Compliant ❑� Compliant ❑Non -Compliant ❑� Compliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Joseph H. Franklin Permittee: Sanderson Farms, Inc Certification No.: WW1012108T/S11012364 Signing Official: Jared Lowe Grade: 3 Phone Number: 252 522-9145 ext 4127 Signing Official's Title: Complex Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? ❑Yes ❑� No Phone Number: 252-522-9145 ext 4105 Permit Exp.: 12/31/26 Signature ate Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify, under Ity of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance w0a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDMLR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page ! of� Permit No.: W00034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Year: 2023 Field Name: 1A Field Name: 1B Field Name: 2A Field Name: 2B Field Name: 3A Area (acres): 22.4 Area (acres): 8.81 Area (acres): 22.4 Area (acres): 10.4 Area (acres): 24 Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: PINES Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? E]YES []NO Field Loaded? OYES ❑NO Field Loaded? DYES ❑NO Field Loaded? DYES ❑NO Field Loaded? QYES [-]NO a° a 2 a >a a° a m a QY Q > D z a° z a ;� a Q d M d 'O O a Q a n m (L 'O ;r O O a O. d O 'O _ co O Q G io s. d "a C 07 O a a d d 'O f0 � O r t0 Q 0) 0) a+ C >. y O J z Q 0) a. N r.+ �. t0 L O J a O 0) _ O) C �, LOU7 J Z Q 0) a.i C >, t0 t O R J a 0) a+ �+ 00 J 7 z ID>c - E E a a acJ o 0c Q a ° Q n o ;jo o Q o Ua o > a O U a o > > a > > U Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibslac ibslac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac October 4,052,881 11.81 17.8 17.8 1,594,012 11.81 17.8 17.8 1312401 11.81 5.8 5.8 609330 11.81 5.8 5.8 ` 4,156,199 11.81 17.1 17.1 November 3,523,095 21.4 28.1 45.9 602,814 21.4 12.2 30.0 2404349 21.4 19.2 24.9 1116304 21.4 19.2= 24.9 3,625,160 21.4 27.0 44.0 December 4,180,599 14.61 22.7 68.6 0 14.61 0.0 30.0 3049565 14.61 16.6 41.5 1415869 14.61 16.6 415'- 3,267,391 14.61 16.6 60.6 January 3,110,401 17.23 20.0 88.6 0 17.23 0.0 30.0 3377527 17.23 21.7 63.2 1568109 17.23 21.7 "63.2 > 3,618,714 17.23 21.7 82.3 February 3,216,573 15.44 18.5 107.1 0 15.44 0.0 30.0 2569910 15.44 14.8 78.0 984585 15.44 12.2 75.4 2,753,475 15A4 14.8 97.0 March 3,985,014 14.78 21.9 129.0 742,492 14.78 10.4 40.4 3663593 14.78 20.2 98.1 0 14.78 0.0 1 75.4 ` 3,925,2821 14.78 20.2 117.2 April 1,600,510 14.05 8.4 137.4 629,486 14.05 8.4 - 48.8 1997173 14.05 10.4 108.6 0 14.05 0.0 75A 3,824,7701 14.05 18.7 135.9 May 4,174,963 17.69 27.5 164.9 1,642,028 17.69 27.5 76.3 3683784 17.69 24.3 132.8 0 17.69 0.0 75.4 ? 4,525,776 17.69 27.8 163.7 June 3,299,166 12.29 15.1 180.0 1,297,573 12.29 15.1 91A 3842546 12.29 17.6 150.4 0 12.29 0.0 75.4' 4,117,013 12.29 17.6 181.3 July 3,265,267 19.84 24.1 204.1 1,284,240 19.84 24.1 115.5 3295956 19.84 24.3 174.8 737528 19.84 11.7 87.1 4,765,695 19.84 32.9 214.1 August 3,715,481 14.02 19A 223.5 1,461,312 14.02 19.4 134.9 3362660 14.02 17.6 192.3 1561235 14.02 ;17.6 104.7 3,602,849 14.02 17.6 231.7 September 3,827,707 10.83 15.4 238.9 0-= 10.83 0.0 134.9 2588480 10.83 10.4 202.7 1201794 10.83 1 10.4 1 115.1 13,927,872 10.83 14.8 246.5 12 Month Floating PAN Load 238.9 134.9 202.7 115.1 246.5 (Ibs/ac/yr): : FA Annual PAN Load Limit ; 8318 MEN/m/m/1 � r//A/// mm (Ibs/ac/yr): FORM: NDMLR 07-11 � A- NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page of Permit No.: WQ0034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Year: 2023 Field Name: 3B Field Name: 4A Field Name: 4B Field Name: 5A Field Name: 5B Area (acres): 3.51 Area (acres): 19.7 Area (acres): 8.14 Area (acres): 28.5 Area (acres): 1.4 Cover Crop: PINES Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: PINES Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES ENO Field Loaded? [DYES ONO Field Loaded? DYES ENO Field Loaded? AYES ❑No Field Loaded? AYES ONO m Z Z a ZO 2 zd Z QQ o ¢o a CL QQN aa Q � CL '0 CL 0. o CL a J CD C dtN . `0 C>O m O O J Zo r0O7Z -j7 EZ pa0t6+ CZ R EZ 7 Q O o Cm ¢iO o ° a o 0 OU a Q 2 v a U > > > > > Month gal 0 mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L ibs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac October 11.81 0.0 0.0 2,913,301 11.81 14.6 14.6 1,203,770 11.81 14.6 14.6 5,048,006 11.81 17.4 17.4 0 11.81 0.0 0.0 November 0 21.4 0.0 0.0 2,975,654 21.4 -27.0 41:5 1,229,534 21.4 27.0 41.5 4,388,1391 21.4 27.5 44.9 ' 0 21.4 0.0 0.0 December 0 14.61 0.0 0.0 2,681,984 14.61 1 16.6 58.1 1,108,190 14.61 16.6 58.1 4,526,931 1 14.61 19.4 64.3 0 14.61 0.0 0.0 January 0 17.23 0.0 0.0 2,970,362 17.23 21.7 ` 79.8 1,227,347 17.23 21.7 79.8 3,874,114 17.23 19.5 83.8 0 17.23 0.0 0.0 February 0 15.44 0.0 0.0 2,260,143 15.44 14.8 94.6 933,887 15.44 14.8 94.6 4,006,271 15.44 18.1 101.9 0 15.44 0.0 0.0 March 0 14.78 0.0 0.0 2,758,371 14.78 17.3 111.8 1,139,754 14.78 17.3 111.8 4,963,476 14.78 21.5 123.4 0 14.78 0.0 0.0 April 150,483 14.05 5.0 5.0 844,591 14.05 5.0 116.8- 348,983 14.05 5.0 116.8 4,951,777 14.05 20.4 143.7 0 14.05 0.0 0.0 May 565,539 17.69 23.8 28.8 3,714,908 17.69 27.8 144.7 1,534,992 17.69 27.8 144.7 2,086,851 17.69 10.8 154.5 0 17.69 0.0 0.0 June 602,114 12.29 17.6 46.4 3,379,383 12.29 17.6 162.2 988,944 12.29 12.5 157.1 4,128,300 12.29 14.8 169.4 0 12.29 0.0 0.0 July 696,983 19.84 32.9 79.2 3,911,841 19.84 32.9 1951 0 19.84 0.0 157.1 4,067,004 19.84 23.6 193.0 0 19.84 0.0 0.0 August 526,917 14.02 17.6 96.8 2,957,340 14.02 17.6 `- 212.6 11 0 14.02 0.0 157.1 4,370,263 14.02 17.9 210.9 176,535 14.02 14.7 14.7 September 574,451 10.83 14.8 111.6 2,820,396 10.83 12.9 225.6-11 0 10.83 0.0 157.1 4,767,545 10.83 15.1 226.0 239,231 10.83 15.4 30.2 12 Month Floating PAN Load 111.E 225.E 157.1 226.0 ' 30.2 (Ibs/ac/yr): Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/ac/yr): FORM: NDMLR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page 3 of L/ Permit No.: W00034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Year: 2023 Field Name: 6 Field Name: 7 Field Name: 8A Field Name: 86 Field Name: 9 Area (acres): 30 Area (acres): 29.6 Area (acres): 22.8 Area (acres): 1.84 Area (acres): 16.2 Cover Crop: Bermuda Cover Crop: PINES Cover Crop: PINES Cover Crop: PINES Cover Crop: Bermuda Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? DYES EjNO Field Loaded? DYES ❑NO Field Loaded? DYES ❑NO Field Loaded? DYES [:]NO Field Loaded? DYES ❑NO o d z c z a _d z c Q z a v z c a° z a D _ z c Q z Q y _ c c o a Q Q ¢ d /0 Q d > D Q G O. <O Q 4. > �+ M Q C. d R 6. 'O > O a Q i+ C. f6 n. > _ r.+ O a CL y d fL6 d >_ a+ O y w f6 Q m L N .+ 07 C y M �. t6 y J O J Z Q d L GI w m C m a >. N w O J z Q 0 1z C to m >, t6 L � J j Z Q d L m a+ m C N m �, R w J J Z Q m N C1 C R m a ccJ w cc 7 Z p E CD> C C Q ` d C C 3 a E � C C 7 Q d C E 7 a d= C E Q 0 Q 0 o L 3 0. U Q o a V 75 Q o 2 a V Q o 2 a U > Q V o 2 a- U >° V V > V -6 Month gal mg/L Ibs/ac lbs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac I Ibs/ac gal mg/L Ibs/ac Ibs/ac October 2465897 11.81 8.1 8.1 5,335,402 11.81 17.8 17.8 4,109,700 11.81 17.8 17.8 0 11.81 0.0 0.0 2,931,102 11.81 17.8 17.8 November 3409616 21.4 20.3 28.4 4,708,581 21.4 28.4 46.1 3,626,881 21.4 28.4 46.1 70,922 21.4 6.9 6.9 2,547,952 21.4 28.1 45.9 December 3991809 14.61 16.2 44.6 3,938,584 14.61 16.2 62.4 3,033,775 14.61 16.2 62.4 244,831 14.61 16.2 ` 23.1 3,023,468 14.61 22.7 68.6 January 3986467 17.23 19.1 63.7 3,933,316 17.23 19.1 81.5 3,029,715 17.23 19.1 81.5 244,503 17.23 19.1 `'42.2 2,249,486 17.23 20.0 88.6 February 4551282 15.44 19.5 83.2 4,490,598 15.44 19.5 101.0 3,458,974 15.44 19.5 101.0 279,144 15.44 19.5 61.7- 2,326,223 15.44 18.5 107.1 March 3792381 14.78 15.6 98.8 3,741,813 14.78 15.6 116.6 2,882,209 14.78 15.6 116.6 232,599 14.78 15.6 77.3 2,882,019 14.78 21.9 129.0 April 4358974 14.05 17.0 115.8 5,006,474 14.05 19.8 136.4 3,856,339 14.05 19.8 136.4 311,214 14.05 19.8 97.1 2,875,227 14.05 20.8 149.8 May 3044955 17.69 15.0 130.8 5,528,899 17.69 27.6 163.9 4,258,745 17.69 27.6 163.9 1 343,689 17.69 27.6 124.7 2,061,868 17.69 18.8 168.6 June 4922721 12.29 16.8 147.6 4,857,084 12.29 16.8 180.8 3,741,267 12.29 16.8 180.8 301,927 12.29 16.8 141.5 2,759,961 12.29 17.5 186.0 July 3171652 19.84 17.5 165.1 4,366,518 19.84 24.4 205.2 3,363,397 19.84 24.4 205.2 271,433 19.84 24.4 165.9 2,361,487 19.84 24.1 210.2 August 4610155 14.02 18.0 183.1 4,824,375 14.02 19.1 1 224.2 113,716,074 1 14.02 19.1 224.2 299,894 14.02 19.1 185.0 2,891,915 14.02 20.9 231.0 September 4511752 10.83 13.6 196.7 5,141,321 10.83 15.7 239.9 3,960,206 10.83 15.7 239.9 276,721 10.83 13.6 ` 198.6 2,735,521 10.83 15.3 12 Month Floating PAN Load 196.7 239.9 239.9 198.6' N 246.3 (Ibs/ac/yr): . a Annual PAN Load Limit (Ibs/aclyr): FORM: NDMR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Joseph Franklin Name: Environmental Chemists, Inc Name: II Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? 121compliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Joseph H. Franklin Permittee: Sanderson Farms, Inc Certification No.: WW1012108T/S11012364 Signing Official: Jared Lowe Grade: 3 Phone Number: 252-522-9145 ext 4127 Signing Officials Title: Compled Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? ❑Yes QNo Phone Number: 252-522-9145 ext 4105 Permit Expiration: 12/31/2026 Signature Date By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. - G?.-- 23 Signature Date certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 1 FORM: NDMR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page of Permit No.: W00034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Year: 2023 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: ❑Influent ❑✓ Effluent ❑No Flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: ❑Influent ❑' Effluent ❑Groundwater Lowering ❑Surface Water Parameter Code -► 60050 00310 00916 00940 31616 00927 00610 00625 00620 00600 00400 00665 W009C 00931 00929 70300 E O c O O _ LL O Z a Cc ? Q Zq oO E 8p _`N o v 3m co mOo vO ~ v Lo 24-hr hrs "GPD mg/L mg/L` ' mg/L #1100 mL mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L su mg/L mg/L` ` Ratio mg/L mg/L 1 07:00 10 870,000 7.12 2 07:00 9 1,049,000 3 "1,191,000 4 07:00 10 924,000 7.09 5 07:00 10 884,000 2 12.6 1 6.52 0.56 2.2 1.79 4.1 7.08 18.6 2.7 11.4 201 6 07:00 10 - 994,000 7.09 7 07:00 10 963,000 2 1 0.56 ' 2.2 9.72 < 12.2 7.03 20.7 10.8 8 07:00 9 848,000 7.05 9 1,091,000 10 1 1,033,000 11 07:00 10 769,000 7.05 121 07:00 10 942,000 3 11 1.13 2.8 4.14 > 7 7.04 21.6 5.3 13 07:00 10 969,000 7.05 14 07:00 10 1,100,000 4 3 2.22 5.6 2.24 7.06 30.6 4.4 15 07:00 9 <931,000 1 7.12 16 1,169,000 17 1,422,000 181 07:00 10 871,000 7.07 19 07:00 10 ` 1,142,000 2 1 1.67 3.3 21.7 ' 25.3 6.93 20 23.3 20 07:00 10 852,000 6.99 21 07:00 10 1,194,000 2 1 1.11 8.9 7.24 16.2 7.04 17.5 10.2 22 07:00 9 1,302,000 1 1 7.00 23 1,432,000 1 241 1,532,000 25 07:00 10 1,066,000 7.00 26 07:00 10 919,000 2 1 1.11 5 17.7-:-' 22.7 7.01 21.4 19.4 27 07:00 10 746,000 7.04 28 07:00 10 784,000 3 1 1.11 ''1 9.7 7.33 17.1 7.01 20.4 10.5 29 07:00 10 769,000 7.02 301 914,000 31 Average: 1,022,400 2.50 12.60 '' 1,55 6.52 1.18 4.96 8.98 ` 14.94 21.35 10.83 - 11.40 201.00 Daily Maximum: 1,532,000 4.00 1 12.60 '' 11.00 6.52 "2.22 9.70 21.70 25.30 7.12 30.60 23.30 11.40 201.00 Daily Minimum: 746,000 2.00 12.60 1.00 6.52 056 - 2.20 1.79 '' 4.10 6.93 17.50 2.70 11.40 201.00 Sampling Type: Recorder Composite Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite I Composite Composite Composite "Grab '' Composite Calculated Calculated Composite Composite Monthly Limit: 1,400,000 Daily Limit: Sample Frequency: Continuous 2 X Week Monthly 3 X Year 2 X Week Monthly 2 X Week 1 2 X Week 2 X Week 2 X Week 5 X Week 2 X Week 2 X Week Monthly Monthly 3 X Year FORM: NDMR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Z- of! Permit No.: WQ0034380 Facility Name: Sanderson Farms -Kinston Facility County: Lenoir Month: September Daily Maximunr Daily Monthly FORM: NDMLR 07-11 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page -3 of 3 Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Compliant ❑Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Joseph H. Franklin Permittee: Sanderson Farms, LLC Certification Number: WW1012108T/Sl1012364 Signing Official: Jared Lowe Grade: 3 Phone Number: 252 522 9145 ext. 4127 Signing Officials Title: Complex Manager Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR? Dyes ONo Phone No.: 252-522-9145 ext 4105 Permit Exp.: 12/31/26 0 fo/ 7 / z j L;� '( Signature By this signature, I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I / Signature Date I Certify, und`e : .natty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617