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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0042970_Final Permit_20231025ROY COOPER
Environmental Quality
October 25, 2023
Subject: Permit No. WQ0042970
Regency Subdivision — Phase 1
Reclaimed Water Distribution
Wake County
Dear Ms. Parrish,
In response to your permit minor modification request received on August 3, 2023, we are
forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0042970 dated October 25, 2023, to the Town of Holly Springs for the
construction and operation of the subject reclaimed water distribution facilities.
Modifications to the subject permit are as follows:
➢ 831 linear feet (LF) of 4-inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed water distribution line, 67 LF of 6-
inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed water distribution line, 5,960 LF of 8-inch purple C-900
PVC reclaimed water distribution line, and 1,372 LF of 16-inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed
water distribution line has been modified from construction only to construction and operation
to reflect the constructed and certified status of these lines.
This permit is effective from the date of issuance until rescinded, shall replace Permit No.
WQ0042970 issued on March 14, 2022, with a correction issued on March 22, 2022, and is subject to the
conditions and limitations therein.
The Division has removed the following permit conditions since the last permit issuance dated
March 14, 2022, with a correction issued on March 22, 2022:
➢ Old Condition I.1 —The Division has removed this permit condition because a North Carolina
licenses Professional Engineer has certified the construction of the subject reclaimed water
distribution lines.
➢ Old Condition L2 — The Division has removed this permit condition to reflect the completed
construction of the reclaimed water distribution line. The Permittee has submitted as-builts
and these drawings include references to all related easements.
D � North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality i Division of Water Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617
'.'roMMm 0; /I 919,707,9000
Ms. Kendra D. Parrish, PE
October 25, 2023
Page 2 of 2
The following permit condition is new since the last permit issuance dated March 14, 2022,
with a correction issued on March 22, 2022:
➢ Condition VL6.d. — The Division has added this condition that allows Division Director
revocation in the case of the Permittee's failure to pay the annual fee for administering and
compliance monitoring.
This permit can be contested as provided in Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes
by filing a Petition for a Contested Case Hearing (Petition) with the North Carolina Office of Administrative
Hearings (OAH) within 30 calendar days. Requirements for filing a Petition are set forth in Chapter 150B
of the North Carolina General Statutes and Title 26 of the North Carolina Administrative Code. Those
interested in filing may access additional information regarding the requirements for filing a Petition and
Petition forms at the OAH website or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431-3000. A party filing
a Petition shall serve a copy of the Petition on the Department of Environmental Quality's Office of General
Counsel at 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601. If the party filing the Petition is not the
Permittee, then the party shall also serve the Permittee pursuant to G.S. 15013-23(a).
If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Cord Anthony at (919)
707-3655 or
Richard E. Rogers, Jr., Director
Division of Water Resources
cc: Wake County Health Department (Electronic Copy)
Raleigh Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy)
Jeremy V. Finch, PE — John R. McAdams Company, Inc. (Electronic Copy)
Laserfiche File (Electronic Copy)
Digital Permit Archive (Electronic Copy)
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended,
and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Town of Holly Springs
Wake County
construction and operation of a reclaimed water distribution facility consisting o£
831 linear feet (LF) of 4-inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed water distribution line, 67 LF of 6-inch purple
C-900 PVC reclaimed water distribution line, 5,960 LF of 8-inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed water
distribution line, 1,372 LF of 16-inch purple C-900 PVC reclaimed water distribution line; and all
associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances; and the
to serve the Regency Subdivision — Phase 1 RWDL, with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant
to the application received on August 3, 2023, and in conformity with the Division -approved plans and
specifications considered a part of this permit.
This permit is effective from the date of issuance until rescinded, shall replace Permit No. WQ0042970
issued on March 14, 2022, with a correction issued on March 22, 2022, and is subject to the following
conditions and limitations:
1. If the permitted facilities change ownership or the Permittee changes its name, the Permittee shall
submit a permit modification request on Division -approved forms within 90 days of the change of
ownership. The Permittee shall comply with all terms and conditions of this permit until the Division
transfers the permit to the successor -owner. [G.S. 143-215.1(d3)]
2. The Permittee shall schedule the construction of the reclaimed water distribution facilities so that it
does not interrupt service of existing reclaimed water distribution lines. [ 15A NCAC 02T
.0108(b)(1)(A), 02U .0108]
WQ0042970 Version 1.1 Shell Version 230811 Page 1 of 5
1. The Permittee shall operate and maintain the subject reclaimed water distribution facilities so there is
no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In
the event the facilities do not perform as designed, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to
improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including
Division -required actions, such as the construction of additional or replacement reclaimed water
distribution facilities, or cessation of reclaimed water distribution. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A),
02U .0108]
2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of its responsibility for contravention of groundwater or
surface water standards resulting from the operation of this facility. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A),
02U .0108]
3. The Permittee shall tag or label all reclaimed water valves, storage facilities, and outlets to warn the
public or employees that the reclaimed water is not for drinking. [ 15A NCAC 02U .0403(b)]
4. The Permittee shall color -code, tape, or otherwise mark all reclaimed water piping, valves, outlets, and
other appurtenances to identify the source of the water as reclaimed water as follows:
a. All reclaimed water piping and appurtenances shall be either colored purple (Pantone 522 or
equivalent) and embossed or integrally stamped or marked "CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER -
DO NOT DRINK" or installed with a purple (Pantone 522 or equivalent) identification tape or
polyethylene vinyl wrap. The warning shall be on opposite sides of the pipe and repeated every
three feet or less.
b. Identification tape shall be at least three inches wide and have white or black lettering on a purple
(Pantone 522 or equivalent) field stating "CAUTION: RECLAIMED WATER - DO NOT
DRINK." The Permittee shall install identification tape on top of reclaimed water pipelines
fastened at least every 10 feet to each pipe length and run continuously the entire length of the pipe.
c. The Permittee shall tape or otherwise identify existing underground distribution systems retrofitted
for conveying reclaimed water as described in Paragraphs a. and b. above. The Permittee shall
perform this identification within 10 feet of any potable water supply line or sanitary sewer line
crossing a reclaimed water line. The Permittee does not need to perform this identification for the
entire length of the distribution system.
[ 15A NCAC 02U .0403(c)]
5. The Permittee shall secure all reclaimed water valves and outlets such that only Permittee-authorized
personnel can operate them. [15A NCAC 02U .0403(d)]
6. The Permittee shall place hose bibs in locked, below -grade vaults and label them non -potable. The
Permittee may place hose bibs above ground and label them non -potable if the hose bibs require a tool
to operate. [15A NCAC 02U .0403(e)]
7. There shall be no direct cross -connections between the reclaimed water and potable water systems
unless such connection is Department -approved pursuant to 15A NCAC 18C .0406. [15A NCAC 02U
.0403 ]
8. Reclaimed water distribution lines shall be at least five feet horizontally from and 18 inches below any
water line if practicable. If these separation distances cannot be met, the piping and integrity testing
procedures shall meet water main standards pursuant to 15A NCAC 18C. [ 15A NCAC 02U .0403(a),
02U .0403(h)1
9. Reclaimed water distribution lines shall not be less than 50 feet from a well unless the piping and
integrity testing procedures meet water main standards pursuant to 15A NCAC 18C, but in no case
shall they be less than 25 feet from a private well. [ 15A NCAC 02U .0403(a), 02U .0403(i)]
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10. Reclaimed water distribution lines shall meet the separation distances to sewer lines pursuant to 15A
NCAC 02T .0305. [15A NCAC 02U .0403(g), 02U .0403(i)]
1. The Permittee shall operate and maintain the subject facilities as anon -discharge system. [15A NCAC
02U .01011
2. The Permittee shall operate these reclaimed water distribution facilities contingent upon the
construction and operation of permitted reclaimed water distribution lines immediately upstream and
downstream. Specifications for future upstream and downstream reclaimed water distribution lines
shall include quality assurance testing procedures that the Permittee shall adhere to prior to the
operation of these reclaimed water distribution facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A), 02U .0108]
3. The Permittee shall maintain an Operation and Maintenance Plan, which shall include:
a. A description of the operation of the system in sufficient detail to show what operations are
necessary for the system to function and who shall conduct the operations.
b. A description of the anticipated maintenance of the system.
c. Provisions for safety measures, including restriction of access to the site and equipment.
d. Spill control provisions that include response to upsets and bypasses, including control,
containment, and remediation; and contact information for personnel, emergency responders, and
regulatory agencies.
e. A sampling and monitoring plan to evaluate the quality of reclaimed water within the distribution
system to provide quality assurance at the time of reuse and specify the necessary actions in
response to unsatisfactory monitoring results.
f A map of all reclaimed water distribution lines.
[15A NCAC 02U .0801(a)1
4. The Permittee shall only distribute reclaimed water generated from the Utley Creek WWTP (Permit
No. WQ0032289). [15A NCAC 02U .0101]
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1. The Permittee shall conduct and report any Division -required monitoring, including the monitoring of
groundwater, surface water or wetlands, waste, reclaimed water, residuals, soil, treatment processes,
lagoon or storage ponds, and plant tissue, if necessary to evaluate this facility's impact on groundwater
and surface water. [ 15A NCAC 02T .0108(c), 02U .01081
2. Noncompliance Notification:
The Permittee shall report to the Raleigh Regional Office, telephone number (919) 791-4200, within
24 hours of first knowledge of the following:
a. Any failure rendering the reclaimed water distribution facilities incapable of adequately conveying
the reclaimed water (e.g., mechanical or electrical failures, line blockages or breaks, etc.).
b. Any facility failure resulting in a discharge to surface waters.
c. Any failure resulting in a discharge of reclaimed water directly to surface waters or any release of
reclaimed water to land surface greater than or equal to 5,000 gallons. The Permittee shall
document releases less than 5,000 gallons to land surface but does not require Regional Office
Emergencies requiring reporting outside normal business hours shall call the Division's Emergency
Response personnel at the telephone number (800) 858-0368. All noncompliance notifications shall
file a written report to the Raleigh Regional Office within five days of first knowledge of the
occurrence, and this report shall outline the actions proposed or taken to ensure the problem does not
recur. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)(A), 02U .0108]
1. The Permittee shall perform inspections and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the reclaimed
water distribution facilities. [15A NCAC 02U .0801(i)]
2. The Permittee shall inspect the reclaimed water distribution facilities to prevent malfunctions, facility
deterioration, and operator errors that may result in discharges of wastes to the environment, threats to
human health, or public nuisances. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log that includes the
date and time of inspection, observations made, and maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken.
The Permittee shall maintain this inspection log for eight years from the date of the inspection and shall
make this log available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02U .0801(h), 02U .0801(i)1
Division -authorized representatives may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any
property, premises, or place related to the permitted reclaimed water distribution facilities at any
reasonable time for determining compliance with this permit. Division -authorized representatives may
inspect or copy records maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit and may collect
influent, treatment process water, generated reclaimed water, residual, soil, plant tissue, groundwater,
or surface water samples. [G.S. 143-215.3(a)(2)]
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1. The Permittee's failure to comply with this permit's conditions and limitations may subject the
Permittee to a Division enforcement action. [G.S. 143-215.6A, 143-215.6B, 143-215.6C]
2. This permit is effective only for the nature and volume of wastes described in the permit application
and Division -approved plans and specifications. [G.S. 143-215.1(d)1
3. There are no variances to administrative codes or general statutes governing the construction or
operation of the permitted facilities unless the Permittee specifically requested a variance in the
application and the Division approved the variance as noted in this permit's facility description. [15A
NCAC 02T .0105(b), 02U .0105]
4. This permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with all statutes, rules, regulations, or
ordinances that other jurisdictional government agencies (e.g., local, state, and federal) may require.
[15A NCAC 02T .0 1 08(b)(1)(A), 02U .01081
5. The Permittee shall retain this permit and the Division -approved plans and specifications for the life of
the permitted facilities. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(o), 02T .0116(d), 02U .0105, 02U .0116]
6. This permit is subject to revocation or modification upon 60-day notice from the Division Director in
whole or part for:
a. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit or 15A NCAC 02U.
b. Obtaining a permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose all relevant facts.
c. The Permittee's refusal to allow authorized Department employees upon presentation of
I. To enter the Permittee's premises where a system is located or where the Permittee keeps any
Division -required records under the terms and conditions of this permit.
ii. To have access to any permit -required documents and records.
iii. To inspect any monitoring equipment or method as required in this permit.
iv. To sample any pollutants.
d. The Permittee's failure to pay the annual fee for administering and compliance monitoring.
e. A Division determination that the conditions of this permit conflict with the North Carolina
Administrative Code or General Statutes.
[ 15A NCAC 02T .0110, 02U .0110]
Permit issued this the 25th day of October 2023
DocuSigned by:
Wc+��arvre� 3 ►u�Cvt�
Richard E. Rogers, Jr., Director
Division of Water Resources
By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission
Permit Number WQ0042970
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