HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrange_Well Abandonment_20231024 LL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Intenul Use ONLY: L Wi 8 Contactor Information: WELL.ABANDONMENT DETAILS 70.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same iNdi. mraacwr (arweit owner pasmre!(y ebandoning_�vell on hislher progeny). wall conStniCtion/d th,only I GW-30�S needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of j� :A welts al�rtdvHciJ; � , �j t NC W 1 Canaaotor CenNicam tatiba io"Approxirmie vaiume vi waixi rciiru►ui iu wwisj:��_,�i ) Z FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: �� m Name u] (Gl Co p"� 7fr Type ordisiohrdaat used• _3 ra 2.Well Construction Permit#: List all appliLabfa well convtraalan permits{r a i11('.(•oaa(y.Srcre Parlance,etc)trbau n 7d.Amount of distnreetant used: 3:Well use(check well use): Water Sappty Welk 7L Sealing materials rued(check ail list a y): OAgricuitural 0 uniaipaUPublic .R Neat Cement Grout Bemonite Chips or Pellets OGeothern al(HeatingiCoolingSupply) l> idential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout ❑Dry Clay ❑industriall0mmercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout ! ❑Drill Cuttings Q[rriamon 0 Specialty Grout 0 Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Slurry O Other(explain under 7g) i monitoring oRecovery, ecttob wdl; "Ili ear.each material seledkdabove;provide amount of materials used: 1�E'.yi;..r..vrrnwg+. UGf011IinRtatef:ifem0n ?.. . . �� . unyuiivt ow+agwwfuncwvmy uoannuy nctiiiir OAquiferTest OStomlwater Drainage OBrtperimetnal Texhtuology OSubsidenceCordrol OGaothamat(Closed Loop) p7}a 7&Provwa dr oil of abauilogment precedui OGeothermal(Heating/cooling, t1t?thet` lautlnider2 x', I 13 4.Date well(S)abaad'D =.•r Facilityi0arnaNar.+s -F; :y'it?l:Crfap�asxstc} RCOa' �G;,`.;�"°:� i_r„! Pt fv*--c4wk- s Sur £crti@l3:Wei1 phymw Contractor or wen Owner Date --u-�a --�- �,�.,,�•t•- ���.x �+,�' � g .rs:farm.I lvreby cenW,,dw the iveU(s)was(Were)abw dmred in coply ■ c f�l 'm-a �r �i+awn DISC_. Svi .irj...h n�sea.uEa..`DISC w AX hill.YYeii cofisr"W10ft&.0m r* rr: ..+r....r..a...o u...ote ui�r..�.o.,w�/mte.�..lso�i +_ 7t3da cttpyof Bits record has bsen providedta-0W weAowner, -o-------- —_-__�or�cii�+cl•• r (ifwelt field.oirc tat/long issafficieaU � • '��e ii�itrt or ruddiNo�l�r'di deplii� 'Ivtt#pay use rule back of this page tb provide additional well site details or well N onment details You may also h additional pages if necessary. CONSTRU 01\ E 411I 0F•WELUSI BEING slt•NDONED Aaarkirel/puiarr+tcr�sr_�;: C�s}y'rfi r.Fbrmalttp la h,J ec rlon�tmn-tvmers spPlytrrlls & NRONSI ;W= S I QNLI'w/i&i�kesama cneis .�t.yom eansybmrr orte form. I0s."For All ens; Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 64.Wdl Ink abaridonmentto theTollowirtg: Divishro o)'Wner.Resource%laftmation Processing Unit: 6b.'totd well depth: ,,;s,$ _ 169=H*Serwice Center,Raleigh,NC 2/699.1617 ` 1W—Var Ini etion Wells: in addition to sawing the form to the address in l0a 6r BorohokdF>iupeter. {ifr.) above.also submit one copy of tuns form within 30 days of compktion of well abandonment to.the following: 6d.Water kvd belowground surface: + '} Division of ftterResourem Underground Injection Control Program, W6 Malt Service Center,RdeiRh,NC 2709-1636 6e.onto �wgin�tonaN. +'•- - .:: a (es)above aisle sabmit one copy of this'form within 30 days of complexion seaabandwrient to the cowity health department of the county where 6L Itlaercasin8/tnbtnSku�(irl��r); (it.) .. . 6g.Screen knob(if kpawn)c Q' (it.) Form Gw-30 iaruthCarsrna Depamnem of EnviromnCntal QisaTily=Division of water itesaar � Redised z 2T 2t))b - V II