HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06642_Well Construction - GW1_20231006 . . , WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far trtenwl Lisc DNLI':. • •This fond cnn be used(or Single or nwh p)c welts' 1.Well.Ciiuftactor Ltfornration: V ' '1Ji:WATERZONRS .• . Rich Lemire FROU. ' TO _ Dt+Sf;RIP rlOr • Well Cortrdelor h;amo •- ft. it.. [ 2593A ft, ft; I, i • ' NC Weil ColdiaciarCcnifrcitlonNun cr 'IS:OUTER.CASING'Itoeiautil-€isiedwdlsl'OR LINERiifaU-dcabIc). I . FR0I1 - TO DIAMETER' IMCKSESS MATEntAr. SAEDACCO ' fL- fL' 'In. , • Con4uura-t in . - ":I6:_1NNER:CASING'OR-TUBING:(Liail eim:d'cluicddo8i►);,-. _ • - FROM TO DIAMETER TRICILNESS. MATERIAL 2.'W II Constructitin Permit-: • 0 ft. 30. ft. 2 'hL SCx740 PVC L Err 011 gpillirabIc v:rll peimit.�(i:r:County.Sta r.,!variant,Irf et ial err._) n,, tL in 3:Welt Use(vh.ecl:Weil tic): ' . . .17:seitt:.EN Water Supply Will: _ — FROM• TO otAItr.TRR St.OTSIn: T11ICICNIIS I IiATRRrpL ®Aglicllltitral . uM►inieipallPublic• 30 ft.' 40 'ft.- 2 i 010 sex-ao PVC • ❑Geatllennat(iieating/Cooliug Supply) .❑Residential\ViterSoppl}•(single) tt' •t� in, I ❑IndustrialfConmtercial_ ©Rcstdential Water.Supply fsienedi 18:GROUT:.._ - ..- FROM TO. MATERIAL i EI,PLACEII TIIErI1ODA.AIOtI T ❑irrigation - .- . . - . . 0 'ft. 28 ft. BENTONITE Cx>t®BRED Non-1Vater Supply Well: ., . !Monitoring EIRce, let}• • R.. lit. Injection Well: . ft, ft. . CIPituifcrRecliarge. • • laGloufid,l:ilerRcirudiallon • ',19:'SAND/GRAVELPACK(iflipplieat[e''- - _.. .::: ' ..- - _--=- • 'FROM - TO MATERIAL , .F:\IPIACI MEET MLTIInn AA iolfcr.Storagc and Reeotcty ,i]Salinity Harriet' . 28. • ft.• 40 ft. SAND #2 ❑Aquifer Tcst ❑Slonitfwatcrfrainagc l71 acp nnierfal Tc tinoto f75Rbsidctocc.(androl u:DRILLINGLOG'(aUadi additional sheds 11 neccssan•1'• - ' ❑Geothennal(Closed Loop). . OTracer FROM••• TO DESCRIPTION(m 4'm(color. viek 0pc.goon we.do 1 . ❑Geotliemtal(Ileatin&Coollne'Retuin) ❑Other(etplain underl#2I Retnattis) 0 .fL 30 ft RED SILT 30 •fL. 40 ft ORANGE SANDY SILT .L Date Well(s)Completed: 9-7-2023 Well 1D#GTA-1 ft: ft. . 54:Well Location: :fL• tt, .;' o 1 . . , WIX FILTRATION . . • ft.. ft.• i I-. .:,• •'- Faciliiy,±Ow•ncrNmuc Facility 1Dk OCapplieablc)., • R. (1,, JTC1,0.6 2023 1301 E,. Airline 'Ave., GASTONIA, NC, 28054 - - ft, ft. • 1' ' • . PlTiienlAildies •s,City_iidZip• ,,2LREmnRKs '^� �- =fa:.,J • GASTON i�'.`.a:T�Vci • • County • • , Fred ldentifl*z iicu No,(PLN) Sti:I:atiludcanilLongittiulein degrees/Minn tcs/secondsrirdecimal degrees:' 22.Certificatio n ' Ofifell Add,one latflorig i$snllliic14) h Ar = t. t --Pr. a ,.0 .C� 9/16/2023 SigmlurrrofCc,t Wei -11 c0i,' Date • 6.Is(ttke)(In. ell(s):•DPennanuit or •XITentmratti' .signing thdi Jm..l keret rCft!p rl at thg u•eill's)War kLra)LWtstiner fd Mc gc,•co'If 7CY 11}' 8 t' � 3' ,f�1 { '•With'154 NC,IC 02C,0100 or 154VCAC.02C..0200 Ri•1l Cnnstristio,r Srarkdart1S qnd thin a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well:. ❑Vcr or No 'copp-ofthir oconl Nils$gran p.in forgo Io tlic%n*dlrnraer, Ifthis.itarepilr.fillcarkuoiinWellmatnrcNatiH(ftrrurttinnmu!crplainthetwrareofrue • - • I rgiaircarlrrP?1 remarts sirision grim the back r,f this fore 23:S(te.diagrnn or.additional well details: . • •' You may use die'back of this page Co procidr:"additioual well site detailsortitell . 8.'Nuntherof wells constructed: 1 ' . •construction derails. You inay iilso attach additional pages if necessary. For,imlalpk injection err arm-water supply u.r'11s,O,YtY frith rhe.satrecotrstr'Etiw+,-gun a io • submit form:. - SUBMITTAL INSTCTCTIONS' 9.Total well depth below land stitface: . 40 (lt.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this fonn within 30 days of compteliori'of well • For Tuhlpk ivi lls'lisr all drprhs ifdlffi're,U(expiate-3@200'rmr1 2 @ l(1rr) -consul:Won to the following; 1 ' • 1U:Static Water level below topi of e sing:''34,5 - 00' Division of Water Reseurcea,Information Processing Unit, /looter leaf is aboV'c casing,rue"4." • 1617 Mail.Scn ice1Centcr,Raleigh,NC 27699-t617' 11.Borehole diameter:8'.25". . . (in.) 24h;For Infection Well!ONLY: :In•addition to•sending tho fomrto the address in 24a above,.also submit a•copy of this font: svitttin 30 days•of completion of Well. 12:Well construction method:'AUGER , cot,sunctfonto•Ntefollowiiie;• ; (Lc,augci rotary,cable;direct posh c[c) Divlsinir of Water Res ourccs,,Undergr'ound Injection Control.Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' 1636 Mall Service'Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 • 13;t'Yicld((�{m) VfcEltoil of test: • 24e.For Water'Supulr tittniteitori Wells:. Also submit one'copy of this-;fariil Within 30:day's of'completiott.of 13b:Disinfection hpe:_ Amount: welt eohstmetion.to the county health department of the county where- constricted. Form GW-L Nonlr Carolina IApan,nent of Eoviranrucrn and Natural Resources-Dlvi;Ion of Wafer Recatr Rexiscd.,August 1013