HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0080659_NOV2023LV0748_20231020塁減重工呈 馴冒iI'●mmem置種i lmc. 岬蘭晴〃軸物郵章の蘭柵l同相巾Iio調 S帥T TO STATE SENT TO CしIENT 囲○○ ○○着729 PI印章h F○○購置,鵬28768 October 20, 2023 G. Landon Davidson, P,G. RegionaI Supervisor Water Quality Regionai Operations Section AsheviiIe RegionaI O怖ce 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 RE: Notice of Vioiations N OV-2023一〇V-0748 Madison Middie Schooi Pe「mit No. NCOO8O659 Transylvania County Mr. Davidson, The fo=owing information is provided address the vioiation described in NOV-NOi-2023-しV-O748 issued to the Madison Middie Schooi WW丁P. The Wastewater Treatment Fac冊y exceeded the monthIy limit for BOD5the month of August 2023 due to the apparent overfeeding of sodium sulfite 35% (tablets〉 used for dechlorination ofthe e冊uent. The overfeeding has been corrected and the BOD5 COnCentrations have been reduced as shown in the attached September iab anaIysis. 1f you have questions about the information provided, Piease iet me know. Sincerely, 乞ノノダ多_ Donaid G. Byers Byers EnvironmentaI Operations, inc. 鼠OY C○○P巳鴫 Govomα・ ELIZAB剛.H S. BISER 的で博Iqγ 則CHA鍬D E.議場管見§,甚 DI′倣“,or 上進WTレ側圧宜二柵α淵と’M4H α仏性NOん的RD α男γ W犯L βEM4見物 〇億〇be「 19, 2023 Wi= Hoffman, Superintendent Madison County Board of Education EmaiI: Whoffman@madisonk12.net SUBJE⊂「: NOT量CE OF VIO山田ON Tracking Number: NOV-2023-LV-0748 Permit No, NCOO80659 Madison County Middle SchooI WVI什P Madison County Dear Perm請ee: A reviow of the August 2023 Discharge Monitoring Repo直(DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violation(S) indicated below: Limit各xceedance Violation[slこ Sample                     しimit Repo鷹ed Location Pa愉meter Date Vaiue Value Type of Viola軸on 001珊uent BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg" C) -  8/31/2023  30   34  MonthIy Average Exceeded Concentration (CO3 10) RemediaI actions′ if not already impIementedI ShouId be taken to correct any noted probIems. The Division of Water Resources may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additionaI vioIations, If the vioiations are of a COntinuing natu「e, nOt reIated to operation and/Or maintenance probIems, and you anticipate remediaI COnStruction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Orde「 by Consent (SOC). Envlronme11taItestlng Soiutions・ inく・ Certi範cate of Ana萱ysis PrQject name: Madison Middle SchooI Colleetion date:  5-Sep-23 Date received:   5-Sep-23 Sample identification: E餌uent - Grab PO Box 7565 Ashevi11e, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 PrQject number: 230905.525 Sample number:  241834 Parameter Method Result RL Units.聖二。 An。iyst F。。tn。t。S BOD, 5 day Solids, Total Suspended Armonia Nitrogen Bacteria, Fecal Coliform SM5210B SM 2540 D SM4500NH3 D SM 9222 D 6・Sep"23  KEK 6"Sep.23  KEK 7-Sep・23  KEK 5 -Sep-23  BL Footnotes: RL = Repordng Limit. Values are reported down to the Reporting Limit only. 蓋露盤:。,: 諾官署。種。 S ignature :       ut NC Certification Number: 600 SC Certification Number: 99053 NC Drinking Water Certification Number: 37786 Environmental lesting SoIutions, inc. PO Bor 7565, Ashevine, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364, Fax: (828) 350-9368 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY / Analytical Request CⅢe血NⅢe;率直三八・・ Address:  P. a 、 ♀二七一人で二心ト ノ位嘉÷て一百←シ 0:g霊宝’、。 FⅢ:Repo巾to: Phone : PO Number: PrQjectName: 八J止sき"./u∫且引{                     i R如uestedA血alyse§ i Pr(匝CtNumber:        Xり脚〇号.こ〉2 ̄                   //、/▼/////pHCheckedUponRe∞ipt ー“                            //\7`////C12=0.2mgnUponReceipt 志 〇台 白 雪I 乙 SampleIden慣fication 嵩 e 冒 e ∪ iI U 含 葵 志 ,合 葬 雪 e lの 露 ・萱 識 〇日 張 qき ○○ 省 琶 岳 Preservatives 8         FieId 盲 登 ♂ ●●ヽ 書 十 串 ♂ ぐヾ 室 くつ lI ○ 講 竜 ∑ 鴇 弼 e U 韓 皇 ∽ 舌 昌 呂 昌 (n 君 く      Te血p.ぐC) Comments 三助農。.⊥ G 1倒 l議し 曾IJIl・3 両} 「 し し l *, 乙丁.千㌔ 臆 臆 4 臆/\ 喜一 阻eC闘劃し隠1 田圃田圃菓音 R靴曲 冊聞e〔 By「 「0川P紬V 菓喜漢" 翻e 丁証Ie Aee 削臆d 漢 ●○○○○ Oii事○○ 喜喜喜" 眠 看喜臆 Te重xperat町eぐC) ヱ0’し 乱し、上之〆、 てら ヽl」つ: β0÷ ノし (主〕 0(う0払ミ I初子 ReceivedonIce: つ/N ー  し ヽ 葛 ヽ   ̄ ̄ SealedCooler: Y/⊂う Sa血ples血岨Ct: 句/N AdditionalConⅢnentS: S持出=引く、l・N・「i剛で‥川白く〇時l′∥lI間 Da順 P観望‡ぐ ヽほ広 Sigm  Sampler:1 菓漢=案臆音量二三三雪国 軸onmentalTdst!ngSoiutlons向く・ Certi鯖cate of AnaIysis PrQject name: Madison Middle SchooI Collection date: 1 1-Sep-23 Date received:  l l-Sep-23 Sample identification: Emuent - Grab PO Box 7565 Ashevi11e, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364 Fax: (828) 350-9368 Prqiect number: 23091 1.508 Sample number:  242009 Paramete r Metho d Analyst Footnotes BOD, 5 day Solids, Total Suspended Ammonia Nitrogen BacteriaつFecal Colifom SM5210B SM 2540 D SM4500NH3 D SM 9222 D 1 3-Sep-23  KEK 1 3-Sep"23  KEK 1 4・Sep-23  KEK l l -Sep-23  BL Footnotes: RL = Reporting Limit. Values are reported down to the Reporting Limit only. D細剛i帥誼    0`江1.みフ Data reviewed by:   Ke!ley E. Keenan Signa巾re:         へ NC Certification Number: 600 SC Certification Number: 99053 NC Drinking Water Certification Number: 37786 Environmental lesting Soiutions, 1n⊂. PO Box 7565, Ashevine, NC 28802 Phone: (828) 350-9364, Fax: (828) 350-9368 P山鳩 唇老年・アキ亨もql」  Fax; PO Nun皿ber: CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY / Ana萱ytical Request 慧∵:豊吉 9ふ〇九二丘"《鶴嘉・人丸 で阜ゼし種 芋叫庇う岬も竿  _ ProjectName: /U\●`正so^/思こl」I● _                   I RequestedAnaIyses I ProjectNumber:   ‘ AZ70H〃“∈ゴirJ                      /人/////pHCheckedUponReceipt / ^,*////Cl2<0.2mgnUponReceipt 志 上) 重 さ 乙 自 室 SampleIdenti鯖ca債on 曇 争 さ ii し) 書 il ○ しl o 轟 言 薄 墨 誌 菖昌 冨 .雪 辱 岳 e U 韓 Preservatives b傭寄 島I。。血S 電 呈 d ∽ 薗 富 くつ 国 .曾 さ く) ぞ 十 竃 乙 ●′1 ○ ぐヽ ∽ ぎ 舌的 」 也。 明の? い小鯵 高位 叫⊃ 1 1. l l ★ メー  ̄して.匡 ↓  ▼ / 4 / 臆緩 / 音 S〔-1 「直しl(凧問ioil し聞011旧聞圃場1 霊s正〔 Bヽ音’ 圏叫)畑\(I 喜喜喜書  ̄「iille lec 中軸IB C〇〇回 al「ヽ音′ " 看喜臆 耽血昨財血購ぐC) 0.oし 乱己」」そ…4 も∈ 高位 f庵 l人- と)ゝ (抑I23 S Receivedonlee: ①N 、∴∴∴し ヽ     ̄ SealedCooler: Y」ブ Samples血act: 后ノN Addilion種ICom血ents: ヽ′旧聞i/当-N′l…(、件白鷹くl(…相月廿、 D掴 I…・・● 冊 高山 Si留的唾聖Of転調p血し    I“  くこ〇一′