HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06268_Well Construction - GW1_20230926 • td' :e n a ,y r ,.» ny t r C:r {.` i r' # _ ., ; r ,g2 ti E P f I,f'rI4�"•yY 'c "fr ed�7 Y k A'. x FkY i '... • ` 1 G tt ," '°"rS.iL,ya 1. F`e,4- tSiM I a vA,_'� • r - G i.. # L`4.3tl,�,�. :a.::. >�` i -,.t � �_ .A , JPrintForm 3 CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GWV--11 For Internal Use Only: Well Contractor lnformmfans 1 I•Cameron Basin 14.WATER ZONES Viol'Contractor Name FROM TO OPSCRHTION 4518-A 5B5 ¢ ft. 1(2'1 { NC Weil( etorCertification mnber rt. rt. J" �' Aqua Drill,Inc. IS.OUTER CASING for motHce3edwJls ORLlNEtt[dTo } FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL CmapMyName V rt. 5O ft Gj hi.� c.- ,; 16 IlVIVER CASING OR TUBING(aeatheraul closed-loop) • 2.Well Construction Pam[t#e )"7 . 0 7 FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS" MATERIAL 3 { ListaA applicable well ewutruclionpenglis(Ka(RC CounOtState,VariancSeia) it. ft. In., 3.Well Uee(check well use): R. ft In. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN' k It �'Cait11lal �MIa nCIpal(P11b1iC FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSIZE I TRIMNESS MATERIAL pa!•••" ft. ft. in. Al Geothermal(Deating/CoolingSupply) ideolial Water Supply(single) ft. ft. in. _ RI IndustrinyCo ial Residential Water Supply(shared) lk !Ideation FROM Nan-Wale!Supply Will; FROM TO • MATERIAL E.DSLACEMENTMEFHOD&AMOUNT 0 tti 2 S ft GiAiinc 1A Monitoring ®p ecovery tt• ft. wept Ng , t.. Ruh ft: a' �3 �GtouadwaterRemt:diation .,1StmageandRrxovt�. � zris SaliaityBa ]9 SANDIGRAVELPAC[C(ffappilahie) i MI FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMFNTIYIETHOn • -Test DStomrwater Drainage ft. ft. j — V ExperimentalTccbaology °SubsidenceConttol ft. a. I Geothermal(Closed Loop) pper�}},� •," fall 20.DRILLING LOG(attach Metcalf shads if necessam+) ii Gmnletmal(f1eatln!CooiitmRehim)' rimer(explaiaunder#21Remarks) FROM TO DESCRIPTION(mmnnaufam.m/.«nk Kraft.tu.cte1 a.nateWen: a l3 L tQ a'ft. f: 5c , i ()Completed: `7 f / 3 Well cl'0 It CGS 1 ia0Ci c 6a.Well Location: ft. rt. 1`": :' a; 7 tM,t€04 5rci e,/ R m CF� ,< li L Fi 1+alltyrOwnea�Ne� // a• Facility iDg(if applicable) ft. a. i _ rif#•' Aria LroSS G/1 Co—/Gale tA' (/11/ ft. ft. JCI " V LULJ ' Physical Adams,Can atffiZip 1 it fa r tea fir.^ sx N'-�lsf, f 21.ltEIHARRS ({ . •A.e.r +7.V:^ County' • Parcel Idem(HeadonNo.(PI ) II 56.Ladlude and loagdadein degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 6fweIt field,ono laUiong is sufficing) 22.Certifcadon: r 31, 92 6/ N 2/t#200v W 9 zi A Si afCaatffiedWellConbmtar 6.Is(are)theweII(a) etTnanemt orTemporary Striatum eta 1' By signing this farm,I hereby anti/•that the wells)slur(nrre)constructer!in accordance 4 I 7.1s this a repair to an existing wen: QYes or o with rSA N AC 01C.0100 or ISA?(CAC 02C.0100 Well Construction Standards and that I/thrsirarepehiJlrloutlnonnwellcomrrucAlonieorawtro rate die naive ofthe GfthIiucheeeprowZdcdto wait attest. repalrrmder NV re narkrsection oran the baekgfUdr/amt. 23.Site diag ram or additional well details: j S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geotlurmal Wells having the same You may use'dte back of this page to provide additional Well site details or well ii 4 construction,only 1 G W-1 Is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBERofwelis coastruetitm details.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessa]p if 1 dn7led: s1mi igFyAL INSTRUC110IVS 9.TOW well depth below lead surface.• (ft) 24 All Wwe t this form within 30 days of completion of well PornReaweHa&Anre/depthsr/dffenttt(example-3 'emdZQrdO) 1' 10.Static water level below top of catnip ° (fC} caristnicii(mDivlshm of Water Resources,Illfotmation graces filmier level rsabot�earte$ass+" /' 1617 Mali Service Center,1 aletgb,NC 27699-16 7 fit, iLBorehole diameter: eb (ia.) 24b.For-Inle�p Weps; In (' above,also submit one copy iO st ndiTtg the form to the addles:is 24a 12.Well construction method: ) b; 'u'1i constmction m the followmggy:, this form within 30 days of completion of well (Ie.mo.romty,W+le,dcatgash,eta.) j Division of Water Eesonresn,Underground 7njtxHoa Control Pro ! FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Canter,R etelCh,NC 27699_16,38 gra1O' Ii / 1 13a.Yield(gpm) ! Method of test I31 tr-� 24e.For Water SuooIv a..r a_W� f ,�/ the addrass(e9) above, also submit one �additiontoseadmgtbeftH�to type: N//( completion of well ooasttuction to the cou�uty°f this f0� 30 dale of 11 13b.Disinfection e• Amount z^' wham conshucted. rinteat of Aire counts, FomiGW-1 ' North Carolina Dgmdm Re :Dorcas Revisal 2.22-2416 i ,.v 1 j 1